HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-1-15, Page 8CLOS PAD==
Will be closed all day MONDAY, JAN'Y lOth. awl
tilluoti:en on Tuesday, Jai1'y 20th. In order to prepare
for the greatest sale we have ever held, our shop will
be closed as Above for the purpose of going over the 1I(
wI 1e stock and marking down prices on. all *'Pinter
Ge, AS. % e c'an't; afford to carry stock over fresh one
e .sada to ttlturther. This Great Sale will last for just
',IN as A .o \ `I H T&'lull we take stogie and prepare for
Fri g Treale.
Tlentet:,'.-er that at noon on Tuesday* J31u'y 20th
t,'a e --e: . s e greatest slaughter sale of linter goods
e+ter hehl b' us. The whole of our stock will be mark.
eel Ool'ie from 15 to 40 per cent., and in some cases
1«ku4,,. ie must sell, ne matter what our Miss.
We Lave eftee upon case of Men's and Boy's Over --
,oars. All Over:: oats will he reduced neurly half.
Boy's Overcoats for $2, $2.50 and $3 that have been
till all Feasflln for :;3,: 4, and S' We e' 11 fit ant-
-11 ,v.
Ali Men's Overcoats will 1.; la :e,r,ed lkl e .t1 ie..
4 cent. For $3.75 w e will sell 1-(4t a.. man s Ove'i'oat
which is worth $6. For $5, $1' ar,d $7 Ili' v.-:11 give
you Overcoats that afire ,sil l,f0-ulf,Ir t:,,v ` C41), :tad ecer
For the next • moth re- Overc ,s' e, r:.�,, near-
ly half] Kite() at The B. - nt- to't'e. \ ;'e .have
lot of Men's Fur Coate _ eeil1 go (lies nil- tilt r'e-
iinced prices. Sewell Cep, ;.e.,‘: of .Flay's awl Me1'2's
ReadyMale Suits alk to be set::i . rtes 4'F+ of cost or
valise A. Man's ,l it 'elle 3.7.71 .i .R:.t Sold all sea -
S41/ 1 r".'s -:at.), 131. ^raa' $4 75 ee, v e you a pure
a-4: ol. see- wortht .t 0. For ;, V. o will give you
your el eeee of any
� suit in the shop ; ; 12 and $1I4
they have been. See there aL l you are sure to buy.
A full range of Boy's Suits all .2=5 to 40 per cent be-
low regular prices.
Toots and Sloe's inuet ;yell at the r educed prices.
to dies'Ilatlia Kill, Tutton Boot .1.455 reduced to$1.00
Ladies' Cnrtlovar Laced Boot 1.50 t to 1.15
Ladies' Pol gilled Calf " " 2.00 r' 1.35
Lal; es' Fine Kid Buttoned
Ladles' Fine fid Laced
Men', Overshoes
Ladies' Overshoes
L 50
and Children's Boots and Shoes of all kinds
reduced for this sale.
During this great sale which closes in just 30 days.
we will sell 20 -pounds of good Coffee Sugar for $1.00,
and 15 pounds of best Granulated Sugar for 1.00
All other groceries equally low for one month.
We still sell our wonderfu1403 tea for 25c.
Now for Dress goods we have the reputation of sel-
ling the finest dress goods that are soldin Exeter. And
further, we have the reputation of doing the Dress
Goods trade of Exeter. Now for one month we are
going to slaughter the whole of our beautiful stock of
.Dress Goods. You will buy dress goods from us for
nearly half regular price while this great sale is on.
Remember the best values go first. If you want
a nice new dress come early.
For one month we will sell our celebrated $1.25
Black Satin. Merve for 92-1c, and our $1.00 Black
Merve will go for 80c. "Beat them ;" You "Can't.''
We have a few ends of good Sealette that must be
cleared. You can buy a good sealette from us for
$4,95 Cheap, ain't it ? Yes, and the Quality is
As usual we have a full stock of staple goods of all
kinds. Good Shirtings for 5c. Table Linen for 17c.
White Flannel 9c. Good Feather Ticking 90. Good
all wool Jerseys for $1.00. They were $2.00. Ladies'
Wool Hose 2 pairs for 35c. Ladits' Vests, 35c. All
Wool Tweed for 25c ; Grey Flannel for 9c ; Grey Cot-
tons by the web very clamp.
Remember this will be a chance that may never oc-
eur to you again. The largest and best stock in
Exeter being slaughtered.
Don't forget that our store will be closed all day
Monday and till noon on Tuesday, while we will be
marking down prices for this great sale. Come out
early in the day if possible as we are sure to be
crowded and jammed in the afternoons. It you
can't come early come anyway and we will do our best
for you.
Dealer in Bankrupt Stock.
The Mi nlcit)1 elections on Monday re-
sulted as follows : Samuel Harris. 210
votes ; "Wee Cassidy, 176 ; See. harbour,
171 ; J, A. North', 161 ; Robt llogearth,
16i. The council for 1892 is Alex McTeareu
reeve ; Thomas Ryau, deputy ; couu,eiltora,
tlessrs. Harris, Ceeeiiyand bour.
w 1•. r
i a, R Neil, of ateenllfvis}, s..uof
iIt neat,' Nee, is very i11. 'lex 'L ?nits
n, successor to R Culbert. as trustee of S 8,
No 2 -VG Abbott is getting the material
ready to eeeet a bank barn -M G Slnoults
'.1t*4 sod his farm to E Jona', of McGilliv-
cGilliv-eay, for the sunt of 28,400.
Bt:tez's---Mr John Gettler hoe sold his
house and let to Mr Robt Colquhouu for
tour Hundred au.i fifty dollars. -A few
eiye aro a yeeiang span, 1:t3Lard fielliugtou,
. tunl•'ved in the saw milt here, got one of
his thuwbe ba -Uy etnaelied iu some of the
waobrneey, which will keep him off work
ieir s'rn. cveess,--Mr John Gettler has
bought a s twnriol at Bellmore, in tbe conuty
tf Rerun, and Will leave lin a tew days to
t,.bc peseeesi n.
11t;inF .-Mr 1' Tamer left on Saturday
Het ifseruu G'.runtty, Mieh, where he will
, sienna to mete net i ncle Sam's offspring.
ee "'.1r ti .erg ^ Thalweg was driving to
P;.trlihil rRn .•loopy leg, l;is horse became
unmanageable and ran away, ihr .wiuj him
nut on they frozen grutmil and maleiag n
total wreck of the buggy. Mfr Thomson ea
caped with a few alight injuries about the
head and left sboatlder.- Mrs r. Paxton.
wits lead her arm broke.a and wrist dis-
lecated by falling oft a wagon. in September
sat. has trot yet regained the use of ber
ratted. The opinion. of her medical alien.
rant ie that it will be sortie months yet be.
foie, ate hand will have recovered its nor.
uiel eenditiou.
Buinve--Mise Wiltierree, the evaaigeliet
commenced a aeries of sir., irl services in
the ;Methodist chatrch laet rivarday morning.
-soJaniee flutneetoa atr:iwines Fiszeeralt.
of Carberry, Manitoba, are Immo on a visit:.
`pile gide alteaep like to F'e the young men
seine hosts to *peed the 'mg winter even.
lege---A quiet lint 1'leeeaut affair took
plaza ou Cheistunae at the resiieuee of air,
John Panel*. This ,event was the warrivo
of air James Mortise!' to Mips Minute,
youneeet daughter of Mr John Pariah. The
interesting eeremcny wait performed by the
Rev J. Irvine, pastor of (.biaelhurat Meth.
chat church. Tne young couple left for
the afternoon train for St Thomas. Wo
fseertily j.'in with their many friends in
wialiiug them a long, happy and prosperous
hfo te(tether.
Exeter NJrth•
Bnrurr-Mr TThu ltergan has returned
halos from Manitoba where he has bean
aoj )urning for seine num.--A little child of
Mr Christopher Smith was badly scalded
the other day by pulling a teapot of boiling
tea on its Bead. -Mr Alf McIntyre is lying
dangerously ill and Mo recovery is doubtful.
He was first tbe victim of infiammetioa of
the bowels, but now Ma ailment is a com-
plication of diseases. No person is allowed
to see Lim ,-Mr Barton McClockliu gave
some of his friends here a flying visit the
other day. Ilia father formerly ran the
tannery. The Exeter Milling Co have again
oommoncedoperations WI are preparing for
large shipmouts of hone. -Several young
men left this week for Bad Axe, Michigan,
where they have taken contracts in the
lumber woods,
$25,000.00 worth to be sold. $25,000 00 worthto be sold,.
We shall on Saturday (13th inst) commence the greatest sale of general goods
ever held in Exeter. The whole of our large stock will be offered at startling re-
ductions, We have no space to enumerate; but we have put the knife into prices,
and for the next I"'S we will sell ydn
good reliable goods, cheaper than other houses can sell you trashy, shoddy goods. Re-
member this is not mere blow, and to test the truthfulness of our statements come and
see our prices.
To the Editor of the Exeter Times.
Sin -For the last eighteen yeafa, there
has been a people established in Usborne
who are known by the name of the Latter
Day Saints, 'Wherever they baye settled,
they are known as a God fearingland indus-
trious people, minding their own business
and not interfering with others. On Sun-
day, the 28th of December last, I came
into the neighborhood to hold special ser-
vices, Preached twice that day announced
for tl•e next evening, (Monday). Judge of
my surprise on going to the little church
that the people nae for worship, to find two
panes of glass smashed out. Examination
ebowea it to have been done wantonly. Still
further to my surprise, I was informed this
was of frequent ocourence. Also that on
two occasions pistol shots were fired, one
through the door, and another through a
window, the bullets lodging in the opposite
wall. On Wednesday night following, we
found another pane of glass broken by a
stone thrown from the road. Comment is
needless, but I ask you kindly for space in
your paper, to draw the attention of the
public to acts of "vandalism" that are
a diagraoe to any civilized community,
because your paper is well cireulated
around here Ttie Latter Day Saints have
ruffered muoh in this locality, and in sil
lence,but,-Sir, there is a time when patience
ceases to be a virtue, and such is the case
just now. Many well known perpetrators
of wilful and malicious acts against ns have
been allowed to go nnpnnished. We are
determined to assert our rights as citizens,
and for the future, we will try and appre-
bend any who interfere with our worship,
or who wantonly injure our property. Re-
speotfully Yours, A, E. Melanie'', Elder,
MEDICAL HINTS -The quickest, Surest
and best remedy for rheumatism, lumbago,
sore throat, soreness and lameness, is
Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It quickly cures
sprains, bruises, burns, irostbites,ohilblains
etc. For croup, eolds, quinsy, etc, take
10 to 30 drops on sugar, and apply the oil
externally also, when immediate relief will
1 to 2 bottles of B B B will euro headache.
1 to 2 bottles of B B B will cure billions -
1 to 4 bottles of B B B will cure constip-
r to 4 bottles of B B B will cure dyspepsia.
1 to 6 bottles 0113 B B will cure bad blood.
1 to 6 bottles of B B B will cure scrofula,
In any case relief will be had from the first
few doses.
rtmAllo *34 ,*
.B--Speoiat inducements to parties buying lame parcels..
We make a specialty of
DIAMONDS t111d the
finest, class of dewelery.
The rapidly rising value of di.t-
monds make them a most desirable
investment. With every diamond
sold we give a guarantee to re-pur-
chase same at any time -less five
per cent. off price paid. We carry
the largest stock west of Montreal,
a our diamond business extends
to all parts of the United States
at d Canada.
Goods sunt on approbation by
express or mail to responsible
A. MGRPE1Y ee CO.,
Cor. Richmond and Dundee Sta.,
London, Ont.
(Established 1855).
A friendly curling match was played at
St Marys on Monday" between two rinks
from Stratford and two »oma rinks, ;melt-
ing in an easy victory for St Marys by 20.
Two hundred and seventy five miners.
were killed while at work in the anthtacite
coal regions of Pennsylvania last year. The
widows number 147, and the orrhans 513.
Over 1,000 were injured.
The Molsons Bank
(onmyrE1tE1r Il Y PA 6LTAMENT,''835)
Paid up Capital Btt,U00,C0
Road onloe, Montreal.
20 bran ehot>icos inthe uominion. Agoneie
in the Dominion,U,S.A.aud Europe.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day. from 10 a.m.to 3 p.m
SATURDAYS,10 a.m to 1 p.m,
4Pereent.perannum ailowedformoney on
Deposit Receipts
PAtrXiNaoN-GnAlt 1-0n Jany 1st, at the
residence of4he bride's parents, Mr Wm
Graham, MoGillivray, Mr Wm F Park-
inson, of Petrous, to :Miss Sarah
Oemenene-TunNDULL-On Jany 1st, at
the residence of the bride's parents,
Clover Lea farm, Port Blake, by Rev 5 A
Carriers, Mr Robert Campbell. of the
township of Hay. to Miss Elizabeth
Turnbull; daughter of Mr Wm Turnbull,
of the same place.
GAntaLE-L&TrA-0u Xmas day. at the re-
sidence of thi. bride's father, by Rey 5 A
Carriers, Mr Wm Gamble, of Stephen,
to Miss Williamina Latt a, of the same
LANGFORD-In Bidaulph, on the Gth inet,
Ida Langford, aged 15 years;
In the head
Is a constitutional
Disease, and requires
A oonstitutional remedy
Like flood's Sarsaparilla
Which purifies the blood
Makes the weak strong,
Restores heal h
Try it now.
A „Novel Offer.
We note that the publishers of The Domin-
ion Illustrated have originated a plan by
which over $&000 worth of prizes are to be
distributed among the subscribers to that
paper, subject to their correctly answering
simple questions on the current contents of
each number. We learn that the first prize
will be $750 rn gold, the second a Ileintzman
piano worth Nue and that the rest of the
Prizes, which are many in the competition will
be of an unusually costly and valuable na-
They are also offering a second series of
prizes for the best specimen of typewriting,
open to typewri tors all over the world.
We have very much pleasure in noting such
liberal offers from our leading illustrated
journal, and hope that all our readers will take
advantage of them.
We understand that on reooipt of 12 cents in
stamps the publishers of The Dominion Illus-
trated (Sabis on Litho & Pub 00, Mondrea >
will send a sample copy of that journal with
full partioulars of the plan.
Will you heed the warning. The signal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your-
selvee if you can afford for the sake of
saving 110c., to run the risk and do nothing
for it. We know from experience that
Shiloh's Cure will cure your "dough. It
never fails.
Delays are dangerous; do not neglect
cold in the head or it will certainly result in
catarrh. Nasal Balm relieves cold in the
head from the first applieatiod. Sold
everywhere. w
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
5 it L ti n Sold b C LOTZ
Though our 'winter's trade has been exceptionally good, and
we are not to be touad among the mourners, yet we have a few
goods we want to sell, nand the sooner they are sold the better we
shall feel.
We must begin to plan for our
and want rconi and money to carry out the plans we formulate.
To secure these two essentials we shall
the prices on our entire winter stock of
They must make way for our spring purchases, and now is the
time to buy these cold winter goods.
Having bought the Grocery and Crockery Stock of
E. Roberts', have moved our
Big Stock of Boots & Shoes
The Biggest in the County -one door north of
my old stand, FAN SON'S BLOCK, EXETER,
Christmas Goods at Spackman's
BIG BARGAINS in Crockery and Glassware for Xmas.
BIG BARGAINS in Overcoats and Clothing for Xmas.
BIG BA.RGA1NS in Boots and Shoes for Xmas.
Remember this' is the Largest Stock a
in the county.
Fanson's Block, Exeter,
Goldsmith '.' Hall!
•••••••••••••M' Mb ""2-01:71.L -'
>tfif'Person'alattenHon given to repairing of
watehes,olooks andiewelrv:
Opposes Poet Office
Barber Shop,
A. Hastings,. Prop
Shaving and Hair calking in the latent
style of the art.
Every attention paid to gutting
Laaies' s'riaC`iifa'rensflabn