HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-06-18, Page 11• . • - • „. • . • - „ 444 • • • P6t41 tAi;' GOOD GUESS , Last ChristMas, Toni SHOO, of ' Ged6141cfV9ilit thatfer Itirilchugh-* ' ten a Christmas card on which 'he weotePAIL tied -lip here THE GODERIoH giGNAL.STAR for koU which you will get at the ,to ost e beone of the 1,300 major Val 4tic*.ievat that time.' Thursday, Charles MadN 041a „majority of 441 PAGE EI;EV.#4 1, • VACATION N,OlriCE DR. G. F. MILLS WILL BHO VAOA,TION FROM It' litLY ‘19,v TSE "MB RT,s+AY DAILYisif KOlk 1.39 Tv to0 P. 45-8 'tP • t n • or. • „ • .• • * • 'JUST GOT MY 14 ••m•1 -WW- ,OLVO • SEE 111"11 DIVE ITI and EUI -.Foga . Canadian motorists have accepted the sensational Swedish -built %I'm as the answer to iheir,needs for practical, economical transportation. Compare Volvo with any car in its ptice range, and you'll see why • we say "One Try—and You'll Buy." 4• ,•• NEW! Interior colors and NEW! Bigger rear windows fabricsNEW!' Smarter, padded NEW! Wider rear seat l NEW! One piece windshield, instrument pane slimmer pillars NEW! Brighier, safer turn NEW! Four speeA,. tran..Cmissign firs and tail lights. Ask about the Volvo Overseas Delivery Flan M. & Vy. MOTORS, Goderich, Ott. 80 Victoria St. • •.1S• II. 'fir. OttA L. . (WITH BILL SMILEY) Father's Day is but a' pallid ini- itatioti of that great oonunercial orgy knorwn as *other's pay, .1) ult apparently it is :,with us. to, stay. EaChlekr father recelyes gifts that he neithbr 'needs *nor -wants, and -before the wrappings have been Put 'awaY, he realizesthe family has put him in hock for the price of said gifts. *, • * I donl, know what the rest of you bird want 'for Father's Day, but 1 know what would please me most. The miist. thoughtful ,g'ift the family, could produce -for me would be if they packed a lunch, got.in the car, and disappeared for the' day. 'I find the whole business of Fathei's Day revolting. The mere existence of such a day. is an in- dication. of the new low to which -the father -has sunk, in the family unit.. Just a fevr-decades ago, every day was father's , day, and. there was. no fooling about it, -• • * .* When I was )a kld, there was none of this. dam' foolishhess of father helping around the house. Nowadays fathers' scrub the kit- chen floor on their day off, and help -with -the dishes' after •dinher: In the good old days,. father didn't -have a dar-Off in the -first place, and mother wouldn't have let him help with the dishes, in the second; because she knew her place, and his. * *•* Perhaps it's the increase in: his leisure time •• that has turned the head of the house into a substitute baby-sitter, a domestic menial, a handy, wailing -wall, and in general, pale reflection ofe.his iespe-e(ed-ihare-foreflieTifs. ' ,* * * Until a' couple of decades ago, father worked a six-day, sixty -hour , week, but he didn't get ulcers. And do you know why? Because' he did.* see as much of his family as' the poor, cripple -gutted creature .who brings home the bacon today. * . * NaWadays, father gets a day or half-day .off. Does he potter in . Tallc it over with your Mutual man. A Mutual Life policyholder enioys the thost modern servi'6, the most attractive savings in life MA,kirrince today. Get prertetction at low net cost from The Mutual 11,:fe of Canada—th company with the outs‘fanding dividend recnrd:• 1863, — ninety years of leadership in mutual' life insurance— 1959 ••• '4, • •kq Therej nothing Mere Pitiable than the sight of a father, on his day .off, wandering forlornly about a supermarket, trailed by fro qr three little monsters. of -childrell. as he does the Week -end shopping. When he gets hohle, ,h• is allowed to put the groCerjes awayP,`atid spend an hour moViieg, the 1000,,, before dinner. After he has put the kids to bed, he is supposed to emerge from his chrysalis, as a full-fledged social butterfly, and. go off and get all juiced, up at somebody's Saturday night party * • No wonder nerves are rufbbed iaw today. In •the old days, fathers weren't particularly concerned with "getting to know the children." They .didn't worry about their childrenliking them. They took it for granted and eYerybody'we a lot happier. * * * a at ick, a" S dee; Kitchener. Cyril Austili and ,Frank Austin were among the relatiires who at- tendedthe wedding of theirniece,* Shirley (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1.awrence Austin), in Detroit, re-: cently, Frank Sullivan is visiting with ,relatives in Detroit: Walter Kelly and friend, Miss AldSeinary Witte, of London, Aril, 014 Marsman, ,Ocf London, •Miss, •Margaret Foley; of Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs, J. 'Fitzgerald, of Stratford, Peter Murray and sons, of Detroit, Mrs- Eugene Dean, of Goderieli. =14 chairman • 14;ginada Wee ecutive meeting that this year's Young Canada. Week, Pee Wee hockey toignament showed a net profit 01 Sggp. Be shid_gate receipts were up by about 20O over lest year but that .donations to the event were less. The net nioneY will be used to get next year's Young Canada. Week tournament under way. ,Goderich's Police 'Chief, Fred dinshall, was accepted as a new member of the Goderich Lions Clufb. About a dozen new mem- bers have been taken in „during the past year. , • to a Lions ex - iss 'ranee t (+ilium,. of London, . and Mr. -and Mrs:vParker, of Lon- Most tax increases in Canada in citornit'ws erheer. -ea7,o_ng the week -end the last 10 years have been en- vgendered ' by (1) defence costs or Mrs. James Johnstone and Mrs. (2) increasing social secktity sWiliiam Johnston, of Goderich, schemes. visited with their -mother, Mrs. -Ed- ward Foley, during the past week. The newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. e Peter Van Osch, have returned and we Wish them happiness and suc- cess in their navy home. Michael O'Neill and his mother motored to Algonac, -Mich., last ✓ week for the -graduation 'of Miss Marge Moore' (grandtktughter). Mi-. and Mrs. John Hackett, of Port Colborne, visited with rela- - tives here on Sunday, t Joseph Dwyer, of St .Catharines, was week -end visitor with his ' sister, 'Mrs. Don Fray*, and fam- ily, and his mother, Mrs. T. Dwypr. Several members of the Holy Name Society attended the rally at St. Peer's Church in Goderich on Sunday at * • Mrs, -Jack- Kinney, .has returned to her home in Detroit after a -two-Week: visit here,- , , ASHFIELD AsRmaz,• June ip. — 'Miss Louise MacLennan, of Toronto, was home for the week -end: Holly Caird, of Wisconsin, .is visiting relatives here. Mr, • and Mrs.) George Leadbetter and Barbara,, bf Toronto, spent ttic---weelventrwit-tr-MTS-. RUM -Ma e: Gregor. Mrs. Russell Bissett, of Windsor, -spent the week,end with her daugh- ter, Nrs. George. IIVIoncrief. Mr. and MT. Donald Ainslie and children, of Toronto, spent the week -end. with Mr. and Mxs, Frank MacLennan.- Miss Alice Brown, Of Detroit', called on friends here last week- end' . • BRIDGE SCORES • At the Goderich Bridge Club weekly .game on Zikinday nighty the winners were: Mrs..D. D. Mooney and Mrs: A. A. Nicol with 62 points; Mr. and MrS: W. G. Real, 011/2 ,points;. Mrs. F. Curry and Wt. J. Sully,61 points; Mis..J. R. Wheeler a'nd Mrs: J. V.. Theimas, 601/2 points. When my Dad got home from work, he didn't have to set th table, run around looking for the kids, then jump ih the car and -go and get a quart of milk. Nor did he thave to "pick up a few things on the way home," because mothe looked after her own shopping. * * 4e No, sir, when my Dad got home from, work, he -was greeted affec tionately, but politely, acid lef alone. -Ile retired to HIS ehair with HIS paper, until he was called for supper. .During the' meal, he forced to listen ,,to a 20 minute' harangue about the terrible day mother had had. Nor did he have to break up quarrels among the children. Nor did' hehaveAd jump up and make the tea because mother was called to the- phone and was still there,talking about the bake sale, 20 'minutes later. * * And on the week -end, my Dad wasn't expected, to turn into a party boy. He was tired Saturday night and went to bed. If -he felt like going to church he did. If he didn't, he didn't. But he wasn't pestered_all day Sunday by kids nny--a wife wanting to go for a drive. He made the decisions. If he just wanted to sit on the verandah and recoup for the coming week's struggle, he did. • * Usually, we went for a picnic. But there wasn't any nonsense about Dad doing the cooking on an , outdoor grill. Mother made the lunch, and Dad would :sit -on a stump ,in his Sunday best, gazing with dignity and a certain amount of distaste; at nature. After lunch, he would recline on a blanket, in the Shade. Ne- was relaxed.,,' that man. - • * Another reason for his unques- tioned•head-of,the-house status was that we didn't argue with him. The most I would dare was an "Aw, Dad . . .", But today the old-fash- ioned clip'on the ear for lippy ki s has become a symbol of psychol- ogical disturbances or something. Now you have to' discuss every- thing with the brats. Todayis father can get into a 20 -minute argument with any kid over the age of five, at the drop of a sug- gestion. And come out whimper. ing. • 'Twas ever thus. The world . is going to hell in e hot -rod, which ,eonsiderably faster -than .the proverbial wheelbarrow. And 1 can hear my kids telling theirs, 30 years from now:, "You children should- show a little respect for your father., Why, when we were kids, we w‘oT.pldn't dare disagree with our Dad. He was the boss and. notwo ways. iabou t it. You Acids ,get' away with murder these days. . . .. SAVE DOLLAR$ BY THE TON! The Jayceegw11 1p serving Gas and Wisliine, Car, •Sta,iting at 9 'a.m. , .0 LET 'THE JAf/ABS GIVE YOUR O.AR A. 5 MINUTE WASH JOB N SUNDAY* FOR ... • . .• • • • 4100 • • Also a chance on many of the ivort1whileePRIZES, that • will be given away tlwoughbitt the day. . BRING THE KIDS VOLKSWAGEN CANADA. LTI;:1- Golden Mile, Toronto 16, Ontario Distributors and Dealers Coast to Coast ABERHART'S. 'GARAGE. 39 St. -Andrew's St. - . Phone 625 iminnimmkommommimir / Ul..(2SC Edward Coal Co. Goderich " Phone 98' Representative: • • • FRANK Goderich, Ontario, khone':' 343. • • .• PRICES DOWN -SAVINGS UP ON 'blue coal' • .4?-4..."ki,5110%.1•1WIMAIPVC441134...24trA•••1•5006/0.**4 ° 4* • STRICTLY INFORMAL Once...he...finishes his banking he'll be off for a little fishing.' Like rnillidifi-of-Other Canadians, he finds the local bank a hand yf friendly and" familiar place where he can drop 'in as casuallyas into the corner store. He knows there is nothing fOrinal• about banking Bank premises are designed, and bank • personnel are trained, to provide speedy, efficient an convenient Service in an easy and inforTO way Wherevevoti, go, y'ou will find bank staffs providing:' the kirild of personal service that is keyed to the easy, modern way you like. to do your banking. • 414 • THE CHARTERED 13ANKS• . -SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY 17. ) ^1°2' 44. • i„erguadieZe74 • • • • . • , '• . . . What's ,new all. , ...„. . . • , . , . . . .. , . • . ... .. , , , . . , ,:t.. .,-tit. ua •• . I ., . • • . , • • " . , . , . ,.. •-,•-• ', . .. , • , . , • , I ..• ' ... — to guarantees life insur- additional exarnina- man . ., , •' ' -means . . , ..m. . :.,!.$;:iXg•• , , • . , del, ,P .. . , (.- .. 0., • • 110 ,/ , :,1,.... .. .4,,,A....' ' . Lorfer rates fair With a deep bow to Mutual ,Life now "1:Tievides insurance tt lower ,premiums mer.4 — and recognizes yoUnger, madam, than , our proven abili y real savings for Mutual Oa cif Canada. ,,. - . . 4 .• 4 , . /„. i 'Pe• • ''''''. , women! lite ladide, ''17.1e you with than for that you are your years. o liv 1 nger you — from The . • ' , . -4- , Oft 1 ' MninItir; •W,P.' \ 1 ' \ j•4CV \1e. •• \\22. \ 31 •-i r_.- . ios 0 -- ' (4$ -q-4.1 -7./ .41 ' , •••,"''''''''',, '..' ' AP,: .. ,:i::3M:),'"•`'' ••••• , .. Guaranteed -insural;ility rneer'youi! future requirements . A new Mutual Life option • you the right to obtain extra ance later on—up to. $90,000 insurance, wigoto medical titricrotlirliiiM7rabliiiy.einTe-Pnceless r.-itisk Our Mufdal Life of Canada iihoutinsurink it • — . , • . . , . ..,e • - , hii`..:*•', 1 '"I•r..lif .0 , la, •••• . .0 \, . — '' .-1-11:4:r"-. ' •••$, , .. ,,, t:w0:1 , ' • V ' - . - ' • utomatic payment ol . iiieiniums,,.. save tinie, postage , and money! , - You valte no m,ore,,cheques ... Mutual Vitas ne*AiforrielicTlan fiikeS• oval.. A' Mutual Life extra! Your monthly pre- mium is less than if you litiy monthly the. usual svay. • ' . „; • ... • - . ,. . . .„ . . for Really markOly insiiiance, " biponses , plus health benefits with governtrlent , •,, • ...,,,t, ._,...., P- ••• 0,-... ....- 1 Group 5 or comprehensive kw .hospital, anirlinconCerw-hitETala-up----.1:. ihsurance for dependants—all . ' , ' , . • *, - , • ,..- ,' •:::* rates maternity integrated in • ., i ,%,:— , ' at re- — life medical • effect . , . , --, insurance— more employees coverage Mutual Life iturgical, and. plans where . . Tallc it over with your Mutual man. A Mutual Life policyholder enioys the thost modern servi'6, the most attractive savings in life MA,kirrince today. Get prertetction at low net cost from The Mutual 11,:fe of Canada—th company with the outs‘fanding dividend recnrd:• 1863, — ninety years of leadership in mutual' life insurance— 1959 ••• '4, • •kq Therej nothing Mere Pitiable than the sight of a father, on his day .off, wandering forlornly about a supermarket, trailed by fro qr three little monsters. of -childrell. as he does the Week -end shopping. When he gets hohle, ,h• is allowed to put the groCerjes awayP,`atid spend an hour moViieg, the 1000,,, before dinner. After he has put the kids to bed, he is supposed to emerge from his chrysalis, as a full-fledged social butterfly, and. go off and get all juiced, up at somebody's Saturday night party * • No wonder nerves are rufbbed iaw today. In •the old days, fathers weren't particularly concerned with "getting to know the children." They .didn't worry about their childrenliking them. They took it for granted and eYerybody'we a lot happier. * * * a at ick, a" S dee; Kitchener. Cyril Austili and ,Frank Austin were among the relatiires who at- tendedthe wedding of theirniece,* Shirley (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1.awrence Austin), in Detroit, re-: cently, Frank Sullivan is visiting with ,relatives in Detroit: Walter Kelly and friend, Miss AldSeinary Witte, of London, Aril, 014 Marsman, ,Ocf London, •Miss, •Margaret Foley; of Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs, J. 'Fitzgerald, of Stratford, Peter Murray and sons, of Detroit, Mrs- Eugene Dean, of Goderieli. =14 chairman • 14;ginada Wee ecutive meeting that this year's Young Canada. Week, Pee Wee hockey toignament showed a net profit 01 Sggp. Be shid_gate receipts were up by about 20O over lest year but that .donations to the event were less. The net nioneY will be used to get next year's Young Canada. Week tournament under way. ,Goderich's Police 'Chief, Fred dinshall, was accepted as a new member of the Goderich Lions Clufb. About a dozen new mem- bers have been taken in „during the past year. , • to a Lions ex - iss 'ranee t (+ilium,. of London, . and Mr. -and Mrs:vParker, of Lon- Most tax increases in Canada in citornit'ws erheer. -ea7,o_ng the week -end the last 10 years have been en- vgendered ' by (1) defence costs or Mrs. James Johnstone and Mrs. (2) increasing social secktity sWiliiam Johnston, of Goderich, schemes. visited with their -mother, Mrs. -Ed- ward Foley, during the past week. The newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. e Peter Van Osch, have returned and we Wish them happiness and suc- cess in their navy home. Michael O'Neill and his mother motored to Algonac, -Mich., last ✓ week for the -graduation 'of Miss Marge Moore' (grandtktughter). Mi-. and Mrs. John Hackett, of Port Colborne, visited with rela- - tives here on Sunday, t Joseph Dwyer, of St .Catharines, was week -end visitor with his ' sister, 'Mrs. Don Fray*, and fam- ily, and his mother, Mrs. T. Dwypr. Several members of the Holy Name Society attended the rally at St. Peer's Church in Goderich on Sunday at * • Mrs, -Jack- Kinney, .has returned to her home in Detroit after a -two-Week: visit here,- , , ASHFIELD AsRmaz,• June ip. — 'Miss Louise MacLennan, of Toronto, was home for the week -end: Holly Caird, of Wisconsin, .is visiting relatives here. Mr, • and Mrs.) George Leadbetter and Barbara,, bf Toronto, spent ttic---weelventrwit-tr-MTS-. RUM -Ma e: Gregor. Mrs. Russell Bissett, of Windsor, -spent the week,end with her daugh- ter, Nrs. George. IIVIoncrief. Mr. and MT. Donald Ainslie and children, of Toronto, spent the week -end. with Mr. and Mxs, Frank MacLennan.- Miss Alice Brown, Of Detroit', called on friends here last week- end' . • BRIDGE SCORES • At the Goderich Bridge Club weekly .game on Zikinday nighty the winners were: Mrs..D. D. Mooney and Mrs: A. A. Nicol with 62 points; Mr. and MrS: W. G. Real, 011/2 ,points;. Mrs. F. Curry and Wt. J. Sully,61 points; Mis..J. R. Wheeler a'nd Mrs: J. V.. Theimas, 601/2 points. When my Dad got home from work, he didn't have to set th table, run around looking for the kids, then jump ih the car and -go and get a quart of milk. Nor did he thave to "pick up a few things on the way home," because mothe looked after her own shopping. * * 4e No, sir, when my Dad got home from, work, he -was greeted affec tionately, but politely, acid lef alone. -Ile retired to HIS ehair with HIS paper, until he was called for supper. .During the' meal, he forced to listen ,,to a 20 minute' harangue about the terrible day mother had had. Nor did he have to break up quarrels among the children. Nor did' hehaveAd jump up and make the tea because mother was called to the- phone and was still there,talking about the bake sale, 20 'minutes later. * * And on the week -end, my Dad wasn't expected, to turn into a party boy. He was tired Saturday night and went to bed. If -he felt like going to church he did. If he didn't, he didn't. But he wasn't pestered_all day Sunday by kids nny--a wife wanting to go for a drive. He made the decisions. If he just wanted to sit on the verandah and recoup for the coming week's struggle, he did. • * Usually, we went for a picnic. But there wasn't any nonsense about Dad doing the cooking on an , outdoor grill. Mother made the lunch, and Dad would :sit -on a stump ,in his Sunday best, gazing with dignity and a certain amount of distaste; at nature. After lunch, he would recline on a blanket, in the Shade. Ne- was relaxed.,,' that man. - • * Another reason for his unques- tioned•head-of,the-house status was that we didn't argue with him. The most I would dare was an "Aw, Dad . . .", But today the old-fash- ioned clip'on the ear for lippy ki s has become a symbol of psychol- ogical disturbances or something. Now you have to' discuss every- thing with the brats. Todayis father can get into a 20 -minute argument with any kid over the age of five, at the drop of a sug- gestion. And come out whimper. ing. • 'Twas ever thus. The world . is going to hell in e hot -rod, which ,eonsiderably faster -than .the proverbial wheelbarrow. And 1 can hear my kids telling theirs, 30 years from now:, "You children should- show a little respect for your father., Why, when we were kids, we w‘oT.pldn't dare disagree with our Dad. He was the boss and. notwo ways. iabou t it. You Acids ,get' away with murder these days. . . .. SAVE DOLLAR$ BY THE TON! The Jayceegw11 1p serving Gas and Wisliine, Car, •Sta,iting at 9 'a.m. , .0 LET 'THE JAf/ABS GIVE YOUR O.AR A. 5 MINUTE WASH JOB N SUNDAY* FOR ... • . .• • • • 4100 • • Also a chance on many of the ivort1whileePRIZES, that • will be given away tlwoughbitt the day. . BRING THE KIDS VOLKSWAGEN CANADA. LTI;:1- Golden Mile, Toronto 16, Ontario Distributors and Dealers Coast to Coast ABERHART'S. 'GARAGE. 39 St. -Andrew's St. - . Phone 625 iminnimmkommommimir / Ul..(2SC Edward Coal Co. Goderich " Phone 98' Representative: • • • FRANK Goderich, Ontario, khone':' 343. • • .• PRICES DOWN -SAVINGS UP ON 'blue coal' • .4?-4..."ki,5110%.1•1WIMAIPVC441134...24trA•••1•5006/0.**4 ° 4* • STRICTLY INFORMAL Once...he...finishes his banking he'll be off for a little fishing.' Like rnillidifi-of-Other Canadians, he finds the local bank a hand yf friendly and" familiar place where he can drop 'in as casuallyas into the corner store. He knows there is nothing fOrinal• about banking Bank premises are designed, and bank • personnel are trained, to provide speedy, efficient an convenient Service in an easy and inforTO way Wherevevoti, go, y'ou will find bank staffs providing:' the kirild of personal service that is keyed to the easy, modern way you like. to do your banking. • 414 • THE CHARTERED 13ANKS• . -SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY 17. ) ^1°2' 44. • i„erguadieZe74 • • •