HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-06-18, Page 6AUBURN
--j""'-'2WIBUR-14e4une • 16.—Pupile '.En -1 Lloyd Ferguion, of GOdethh,
Loy Train Ride.—The pupils of S.S.
NO: 9, 'Hulled, with their teacher,
Mr- Mr:tinter Errington, and a few
Of their parents went. to Blyth lest
Tletirsday and to6k a traineride -to
Goderich. After After dinner -In the park
Alley toured the plant cif Shaeffer
ISift04 Salt, Saltford Heights,
and then tOok a boat ride on Lake
Huron. After a dinner in the res-
tadrant they werit to Harbor Park
slot'. a game of ball. The Seniors
Wer.. taken to see a show 'and the
Junkers were brought home, tired
but happy, The Juniors had pre-
viously been:. taken to see "The
iphaggy Doe.
Centennial Service For Hope
Chapel Cemetery. —The Cemetery,
Board and plotholders of Hope
Chapel cemetery, Hullett Town-
ship, held a meeting last week to
make plans 'for the service to be
held this summer, It Is hoped to
-have it OR August 9th at 3 p.m.
with the guest speaker, Dr: William
, Fingland, of Niagara Falls, and
local clergy assisting. Further
particulars will -be announced
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Toll were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Toll, of Hullett Township;
Miss Ruby Toll, of Toronto; Mr.
Ira Toll, of Waterloo, and Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Toll' and son 'Terry,
of Hamilton. • ,of , Phillips, and Miss Laura Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farrow attended the special service on
Mitchell, visited last Sunday with Sunday evening in the Dungannon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston. Anglican Church when the guest
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Osmond, Mari- speaker was the Rev, Murray Wyatt
lyn and,. Anne, Of Toronto, 'were of Niagara' Falls, a former rector
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs of Ste Mark's Anglican Church,
William T. Rebison.
ed on Sunday with thew aster,
Mrs. eeaud Fremlin.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ilembly and
were Senday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Dania Phillipeett Point.Clarle
Mrs. Kenneth'Staples and daugh-
ters are visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ives, ie, Goderich
Township. Little Suean Staples
had her tonsil removed last week
in Seaforth hospital.
No more do the subscribers on
the, Auburn Exchange Telephone,
hav,e to ask -if the line is busy.
Nearly every, phone in the 3rillege
has been made into a private or
semi -private line, and makes th
service that' very little time is
wasted now, when you want to call,
through the central excha.nge.
Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson,
spent last week -end in St. Cath-
arines visitipg with her sister,' Mrs.
William Johnston, Mr. Johnston
and family.
Mr. Donald Fowler is 'a patient
in Alexandra Marine and General
Hospital, Goderieh.
Mrs., Kenneth Scott and son,
Wayne, and Mrs. Keith Gardner,
of Benmiller, were Detroit visitors
last week -end with Me. and Mrs..
Leo.Ziler and John.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas JOhnston,
Mr, Robert J. Phillips,' Mrs. Ezekiel
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ferguson,
Of Mentreal, and Mr. andMr- Mr, ,and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz, ac-
__ companied by Mrsee'Marguerite
Chopin, attended the fpneral ser-
vice of their sister-in-law, Mrs. rel.
Stoltz, at Preston, last" Thursday.
' 'Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, Mrs. Ed.
Davies, Mrs. Sam Deer, Mrs. Alfred.
Nesbitt, and Mrs. Fordyce Clark
attended the special meeting of
the Anglican Ladies' Gelid lest
week at Port Albert.
, The pupils of USS. No. 5, Hul-
lett, and their teacher, Mr, Duncan
MacKay, and .some of •the parents'
took a ,bus trip to Midland and
other points of interest in the
northern part of 0.ntario.- • -
Miss Mary I. Houstoe, of Hamil-
ton, and, Miss Frances Houston,
R.N., of London,- spent last week -
Auction Sale
Friday-, June .19
7,30 p.m.
Including Household
" 'Goderich Sales Barn
flamilton St. -25,
end with. their Parents, Mr. peel
'Mrs. Jehn (Houston.. •
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell, of
Ottawa, are vacationing withhis
brother, 111 Albert Campbell, and
Mrs. Lkonald Fo41er.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig and
sons moved into their new home,
recently on ,the Aerburn-Blyth road.
. White C.O.C. Meets. — The
•children, of Knox Presbyterian
church rwere delighted with the
surprise visit af Miss Ida White,
R.N., missionary on furloggh from,
India at their meeting last Satur-
deer afternoon. -This C:O.C, was
named to honor Miss White seven
years ago when it was organized,
and she. had just left ale* months
before for her missionary rwork izi
India. ,frhe Celli to worship was
given -by the president, Margaret
Hainese,followed ley a, 'hymn wh
Margaret Sanderson at thepieno.
The worship period was takeeby
the assistantleader, Mrs. Donald
Haines. She also conducted a ques-
tion period. A •prayer was given
by Beltran Sanderson, followed by
,a sing -song. ' The minutes of the
May meeting were read by the
secretary, Barbara MacKay. The
offering was received by Eddie
Haines and dedicated. The roll
call was naming something , they
would like to do this summer.
Many of them replied by attending
Bible school and camp. The lead-
er, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, told'
a story.. Mrs. Haines introduced
Miss White to the children and
their guests. Miss White spoke
of her work in India and told
how the children live and learn.
She told about the healing of
the' sick and how they told the
people of th'e love of God. She
„also showed pictures which were
•enjoyed, Mrs. Sanderson thanked.
-Miss White for the visit and in-
vited her back to, the C.O.C. that
was named for her., -The meeting
was closed with prayer by Rev.
D. J. Lane. Ice cream and cake
was served to everyone and all
had an opportun,ity to see the
beautiful saris and jewellery that
is worn bY the women and girls
. of. India, .
Mr. Alfred Rollinson Honored.—
Mr. Alfred Rollinson was honored
last 'Wednesday .evening at his
home when Auburn mail carriers
gave him 'a surprise visit. The
*evening was spent in playing cards
and .crokinole. Mrs. Herbert Govier
read 'en' address and Mr. Lewis
Ruddy presented the former .Au-
burn Postmaster with, a purse of
me n ey . •Mr. Regimen, _thanked his_
former fellow •workers for •their
thoughtfulness and all joined in
singing "For He's a Jolly Good
Fellow." Lunch was • served ,by
the ladies, ,ana aeeePial hour enjoy-
:John McNab. — Mr. and Mrs.
Major Youngblut and family at-
tended the funeral last Saturday
of her father, the late Mr. John
McNab, who passed away at his
hpme n Grey Township on June
Il, 1959, at the age of 83 years.
He was learn in McKillop Township
and was the son of the late Wil-
liam McNab and Janet SteWart.
WhenH he was 10 years, old he
moved with his parents to Grey
Township where he' resided nntil
-in community affairs being reeve
his death. He took a keen intereet
and deputy -reeve of Grey, asseseer
and tax pollector. He was a Pres-
byterian and a staunch Liberal all
, his life. His wife predeceased him
in 1948. • Me has been in failing
health the last year buP has been
only confine,d ,to bed for -the last
two,weeks. He is survived by four
daughters: Mrs. Martin MacDonald,
•Grey Township; Mrs. Major Youn
blut, Auburn:- Miss Kate.. McNa- ,
„of Thniskaming, and Mrs. Lloyd
Barkwell,. of Galt; also 17 -grand-
children .and two great-grand-
The ladies of the Anglican Guild
of St. Maele:e,, C_hurch held their:
June meeting"- at • the' rectory in
Blyth with Mrs. 'Weeny as hostess.
The members of the Bfgth• Guild
-were the guests with friends from
Auburn. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, the
president of St. Mark's, welcomed
the guests. Rev. Mr. Wally had
the devotional period, followed by
a short program. Mrs. Alfred Nes-
bitt gave a feeding and Mrs. Gor,
Father's Day Special
• June
1849-10 '
buys the new
The new Bulova Precision Eleetric
Razor brings you a closer, smoother
shave than ever 7- With the lightest
shaving touch of all time New
,TriMming Clipper ,for impeccable
grooming. Built with the precision
, of a 23 -jewel BuloVa watch. Hand-
some, luxury styling. Ivory or Char,-
--coal Grey with Golden Decor.
Regular,PriCe $34.75.-
94' tall/ARE
!HONE 835 e
A former resident of,Trodcrich
gownship,, Mrs. Agnes (Munnings,
died at Alexandra Hospital on
Monday after a 'lingering illness.
She was born 89 years ago -and *as
a daughter of the• -late ••eind
Mrs. Thos. Cottle, of Goderich
Township and attended nolmes-
I ville public school.
,. She was married to Robert Wil-
liam Munnings in 1894 and they
continued to live in the township
until 39 years ago when they
• moved to Goderich. Mr. Munnings
predeceased her irf 1946. ,
She Was a member of the Breth-
ren, and the funeral service at
-Stiles funeral home -this (Thursday)
jifternoen is to; be conducted by
don Re Tayler sang two solos. The
ladies were all -invited for after=
noon tea and a social hour was
enjoyed. The hostese was assisted
by Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. George
Schneider; ,Mrs. Thomas Haggitt
and Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt.
Mrs. George Beadle is. visiting.
With her daughter, Mr. Ernest
Patterson, and Mr. Patterson a
Miss Shirley ,Pattetsone Plirse-in-
training at Hamilton, spent the
week -end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Patterson.
Guests with Mr. and Mu. Wil-
liam J, Craig and Mrs. George Wil-
kin and family on Sunday were:
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lemon and son,
of Chetsvvorth; Mrs. Blanche Stelk-
er and Mr. R. Murray, of Flint,
'Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. William Se
Craig and family, of Clinton; Mr.
and Mrs. Harry, Worsell and son,
o Goderieh;. Miss Janice Dalgeish,
of Stratford,' and Mr. and Mrs.
Maitland ,
' The Women's'Missionary Society'
of Knox Presbyterian Church met
at the home of Mrs. Donald Haines
with a lar,ee attendance. The meet-
ing was iirtharge of the first vipe-
president, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson,.
and was opened with the call to
worship, followed by a hymn.' The
Glad Tidings prayer was given by
Mrs. Herbert, ,Govier. The devo-
tional peeiod Was in charge of Miss
Minnie Wagner. The Scripture les -
Son was from the book of Philip-
pians. A reading, "We are the
'builders.," was given by Mrs. Carl
Govier. A delightful piano in-
strumental was played' by Mrs.
Min' Houston. Mrs. Ed. Devies
gavea report of the executive
• meeting of the Huron Presbyterial
held recently in. Clinton. An in-
vitation from the Westfield Wo-
men's Missionary Society to attend
their meeting on June 17, was ac-
cepted. As the church session has
granted permission to form a OGIT
in the near future, the W.M.S.
appointed Mrs. Wes. Bradpock as
leader with Mrs. Duncan MacKay
as assistant. The • roll - all was
anseeered by a verse 01 Seripture
with the word "Heart." The treas-
urer, Mrs. Leatherland, gave the
financial estatement. The . study
bp*, on the Work of the Presby-
terian Chi'ehAn 'Canada was given
by Mrs. W. Bradnock. It took the
form of a TV broadcast with .Mrs.
Alvin Leatherland and Mrs.
Davies taking part in the Panel
dischssiore teliing of the work of
the dea,cenesses, the social work-
ers and the regional secretaries in
Canada. The .meeting closed with
a heymn and praYer'by Miss Wag-
- The President, Mrs. Ed. Davies,
took charge of the Ladies' Aid
meeting. A vote of thanks was ex-
tended to the Managers for the
alterations done to the ' :church
kitchen and Sabbath school -room's.
Other business was discussed and
the meeting was closed by singing
the Grace. A delicious lunch wee'
served by Mrs. Haines, assisted by
Mrs. W. Bradnoek.
• Mr, and Mrs. Robert Barwiek
and little Bruce :visited with Mr
and Mrs. .Meredith Young .and
and Mrs. Lerne Popp' and -family
last Wednesday.
• Mrs. .Toeeph Webster, of Clinton,
is spending a few•weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. Mefeclith young,
and Mr. Young.
Mr. James Findlater; •of Louden.
Burial will he made in Colbosne
• Surviving are two sons, ey and
Edgar, and daughter, -
of Toronto, eight *grandchildren
and 19: great-grandchildren.,
,Having been in tailing health
for a number of years, aohn alarvey
Bell died on Moxiday at Camp
Borden at the home of Staff Serg-t
eant Erie McAllister, Deceased
Was (born luGoderich 69 years ago,
his pareets were James.Bell and
the former Jean Drennan, of Ash-
field Township. Mr. Bell enlisted
with the 161st Battalloixand 'served
overseas in 'Model War I,
He is survived by oeie son, John
Bell, ofefLondon, ,,and two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Eric (Margaret) McAle
leeeter, of Camp Borden, and Mrs.
Philmore (Betty) Sturdy, of, Thor-
old. , There are seven grand-
The Canadian Legion Branch 109,
conducted the funeral service on
Wednesday afternoon at Lodge
funeral home, Rev. D. J. Lane of-
ficiated. The pallbearers •were
members of the Legion and inter-
einent was made in their plot at
Maitland cemetery.
MRS. JOSEPH J. &loopy
Mrs. J. J. Moody died' suddenly
at leer home on Warten street,
on Sunday in her 68th year. • She
'was the former Edna Lewtas, and
was born in Great Falls, Montana,
a daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs.
William Lewtas, and with her fam-
ily moved to Winnipeg at'the age
of two years. . .
In 1916 she married Joseph .J.
Moody at Winnipeg and lived there
-until Mr. -Moody was transferred
to 'Goderieh in 1934. She wasan
adherent of North Street United
Chuith and a merhber of the Wo-
man's Association..
Surviving are two daughters,
Flor'enee,.. and_ Mrs.Harry (Joan).
Thompson, of Clinton, and one son,
Herbert, of St. Thomas. There are
two grandihildren. Two brethere
also survive, ,-, William Herbert
(Bert) Lewtas, Of.; Winnipeg, and
f T
The 'funeral services 'were held„
at Stiles funeral 'home on Wed,
nesday with interment in Maitland
cemetery. Rev.. A. E. Eustace
Funeral services for -James Me -
Whinney, Victoria street, Goderich,
will be held on Friday afternoon
at 2 o'clock at Stiles funeral 'home.
Rev. A. E. Eustace will offibiate
and burial will be in Dungannon
Mr., -MtWhiliney , died at Alex-
andra Hospital on Wednesday fol-
lowing an illness of about eight
years. He was 82 years of age
and wes a on of the late Mr, and
Mrs. Samuel McWhinney of Ash-.
field Township. !He later Jived in
Colborne Township and Dungan-
non, ' retiring to Goderich about
12 years ago-. He was a farinet and
-a 'carpenter:- —
In 1911 he. was married' to Bertha
Sherwood who -survives, as does
also a daughter, Mes:Williarn
(Marjory) 'Stothers, .of Dungannon.
or thir Dungannone y-wasporumbieire
school board and a member" of
North Street United Church and
also of the Morning Star Lodge
No.309,„Aereale A.M., Carlow.
Mrs. Thomas Molyndaux, of Dub-
lin, died on Tuesday, at Victoria
lionlital, London, following,a short
Meese in her 1'5th year. She WO
fOrmeely zlyfary Loretto Griffin, o
Kingebridge, and was educaZej
there and attended the Goderich
Collegiate Institute. She was Mar-
ried to 'Mr. :Molyneatot le 1907 at
Kingsbridge; - he predeceased her
in 1952. She went to the Dublin
district in 1907 and attended St.
Peter's Roman rgetholie Church
there and vv,ae: a ,,member of- the
Catholic Women's League and the
Altar Society.
Surviving is one son, John, of
Thorold, and four daughters, Mrs.
Harold Schmuck, of Kitchener;
Mrs. Fergus Stapleton,. Of 'Dublin;
Mrs. Lloyd Etue, of -Zurich, ad
Mrs. Kenneth Etue, of Seaforth.
The body is resting at the home
of her son-in,law, Mr. Fergus
Stapleton, of Dublin, until Friday
morning when requiem high mass
Will be sung at 10 a.m. at St.
Peter's Church, Dublin, with inter-
ment in the St'Peter's cemetery.
Thursday Morning, Keith W. Far-
rish, of Listowel, died instantly at
his eeork near Walkerton, in his
36th year. He was born in ea -
borne Township and was a son of
Mrs...John, Famish. and the- late.
Farrish He attended S.S. No. 9
seheel in Colborne and laterewas.
a student at the Goderich Colleg-
iate Institute. Deceased was a
member of the RCAF and'trained,
-at Sky Harbor. He opened a rest-
aurant in,Listowel In 1940 and
later conducted one in Harriston,
but in recept years he was a con-
struction,- foreman with the Rebert
Farrish Construction.. He was very
active in sports, especially' hockey'
arid, ,leaseball. •
'Mr. Parrish is survived ,by his
wife, the former Beatrice Hallman,
of Kincardine, and three sons,
Steven, Thomas and Peter, and one
daughter, Lynn, all- at home. His
mother, Mrs. Ellen Farrish, resides
on Newgate street in Goderich.
Other survivors are three sisters,
Mrs. Harold Lorimer, of Vancouver,
Mrs. Bert Bogie, of Port Albert,
and Mrs: Allan Schram, of Gode
rieh, •• and five brothers, John H.,
-Robert G., David, & and William,
prepared by Mrs. E. A. Yeo, was
HOLMESVILLE read -by Mrs. Leslie Jervis. Mrs.
, Stewart Farquhar "read a 'Pbe41,
0141401114W J'Atw
w.ms, 'of. Holmesville United.
Church met in the basement of
the thurch for their regulfir meet,
_hag _oneJeme 9. _Mrs. ,Leslie Jervis'
grOup was ten- charge of the pro,
• gran, and 1rs. Stewart -Fer-quhar
was in the chair. Mrs., Stewart
Farquhar gave the call to wor
The ScriOture lessons were read by
Mrs. E. 'J. Trewartha and Mit.
Leslie Jervis. Mrs. Orville Blake
gave the comments on the
ture. With !Mrs. Edward Grigg at
the Piano, Mrs. Jack YAeo and Mrs.
Reg. Miller sang a duet. An article
• •
all of LilitoWel, and James, of
Byron. One brother, Kenneth, pre-
deceased him,
The relatiees from this- district
attended the funeral service on
Saturday, afterepon at the Harrison -
Gibson funeral' home at Listowel.
Rev. Bruce Miles of the Presby-
terian Church officiated and inter-
ment was' made in Fairview ceme-
tery, Listowel.
The pallbearers were six mem-
bers of the Militia of which deceas-
ed was a member. The flowerbear-
ers were five nephews, Donald and
Kenneth . Parrish, of Listowel,
David Farrish, of London, •Gerald
Fisher and Francis Schram, of
, •
and i the prebident, Mrp. Carman
Telebtift, conducted' the 1/usiness.
The chapter in, the .study Ilea on
eilexice, was feviewed by Mrs'. Ed- .
ward Grigg. The ineeting_cloft,,
wit rayer Stewart F.
• The W.A. meeting followed, .with
'the president, Mrs.' ;Reg, Miller in
the chair. The Scripture lesson
was read -by Mrs; Beg. Miller, and
the comments on it were given by
Mrs. Stewart Farquhar. The treas-
urer's report was given by Mrs.
Frank lVicCullOugh. Mrs. garrnan
Pebbutt reperted for the buying
committee, an it was „dodder' to
!buy enough ditliiesand flatware to
serve another 36 people. Mrs. Les.
jervls,gave the report Of the SOcial
committee in regards to the straw-
berry supper to be held at the ",
church on June 24. .Mestrs. Dewar
Norman, Ken Harris, Bill Nbrrnan
,arid Harry Williams are to ibe door-
keepers, and the committees to
look after *the final 'arrangements
are: fMrsoCariman Tebbutt, Mrs. Bill
Norman, Mrs. Wm. Bender and
Mrs. Frank McCullough for the
tables, and Mrs .Stewart Farquhar,
Mrs. Lloyd Bo,nd and Mrs. Morgan
Jones for the kitchen. The Meet-
ing closed with.prayer iby Mrs. Reg.
Miller. Hostesses for the day were
Mrs. ,Wilfred Biggin, Mrs. Reg,
Miller 'and Mrs. Eldon Yeo.
KARMANN GHIA, !ale' mOdel, •showroom condition, .fully
• equipped with radio.
VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe,, , late model, low mileage, spotless.
1956 -VOLKSWAGEN, -Sound; sell, -
1955 PLYMOUTH Savoy Sedan, aeclean one -owner car:
1952 PONTIAC, Coach—clean„ sound condition.
• (MacPleee and Watson)
firestone-TeXacc, Products, • Phone
wish to announce the opening of a new'business in
,Goderich.. This business ,offers services 'that 'many 'have
been 'waiting for, including: . •
Mr. Peter Popowich, the manager in Godefie.h, has exten-
sive experience in the maintena'nee field and is looking for-
wardtogiving friendly 'eerviee to a„ friendly community.
Here Are,Just A Few Of The A-1 Bargains • •
1958 CHEVROLIET•.Sedan,
13,560 miles, ore; dwner, IOC'elly owned. Nevi/
• guarantee.
.1957, FOR.D fordor. 300. Sedan,
16,000 miles, lust like new, one owner. New''
gdarantee. ,
1958 FORD Custom 300 Tudor,
11,000 mile's, one "owner. New guarantee.
1957 FORD Fairlanefordor
,SEDAN. New tires, custom radio, two:tone paint,
one owner.
1957 FORD Custom 300
SEDAN. One owner, has a few miles but in per-
fect shape, windshield washers.
1957 FORD Consul Sedan,
28,000 miles, one owner. Priced to sell with loweit.
1954,--CHE1( Bel Air Sedan,
, Locally owned, 30,000 Milt% two-fone Paint,
white wall tires.
-1954'CHigv t50 Sedan,.
• lhoimone_paini, runs- liisf like new,
Etelinte, Se'dan,
1953 ,OLDS Sedan,
New tires, two-teno paint, priced. to sell.
1953' FORD. Sedan,
One owner, low mileage.
19-53 MONARCH*Tudor Sedan,
'.Two -the Paint, very low Mileage. ,
1953 MERCURY Sedan,
'Auiomatic -tansmissian, echo, completely
ped, one owner.. •
1952 PONTIAC Sedan,
. New paint and -tire. e Priced to sell;
quip -
1958 PREFECT Sedan,
Whitewall tires, 4,000 miles, new car guaranfir.
1954 MONARCH Sedalt,,
New Altewell tires. Engine 'Overheuled, very
clean: Priced to sell:
1953 FORD Tudor
RANCH WAGON. Very low, mileage, new paint.
1?52 -CHRYSLER Sedan,
New. motor, new Paint. ,
1951 PLYMOUTH -Tudor,
1958 FORD V2 -Ton>
6 cylinder, low mileage.
1955 DODGE K7,
Complete with contractor's box, hoist and license.
Self -Belt
:Branded line.0
Sport Shirts
Reg. $6.0
Sizes 8 to 16
1955 FORD 1/2 -Ton.
s and BALER.
Come-eaelyl Don't miss out on these many 4ine bargains.
• Due to the popularity of our '59 Fords, Monarchs and Edsels,
our lot's way overloaded with Used Cars. We've got,to move
them fast, so prices have been DRASTICALLY REDUCED.
, Comnln and ,tee how Jow "we've tagged them. Our prices
call for action NOW. Hurry!
1954 HENRY J Tudor
192 FoRp, Tudor $350
1951 CHEV Tudor $150
1950 ClifEltfudor $100
l9:56 FORD Tudor $175
Station Wagon._ ,$100
• 1950 MONARCH
Station Wagon $ 356-
1955 FORD 5 cwt. Panel $295
Many More Buys -Not Listed