HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-1-15, Page 4A STRANGE COIIRTSHIP
CHAPTER SLI. —Anent. I•: one. ("1•oi'ps i nems-slry to ask the ques ion : " �1 her
is Mr. Winthrop'a widow now residing ? '
It is i.ear three years since Weiland her point-blank. A handsome, frank youu? .
bane, with Carry, fled from 'Wo, shot Ball fellow, very fitted in appearance to tri
in that winter's night, and left neer footsteps confidence, and who seemed thoronghlt
behind thein. Her secret and sudden flight aelaamed of the partlaehad heenconemiseio,
was a wonder to the isometry round—not of cd to play, had called upon her in perso:.•
nine days, but of ninety. Iu the femme but declined to give his name.
disteots, editors t "It is tnycousin'swish to live privately.'
re €oris, .het Imre. and •
she had re 'yeti
less enterprising' than in t,•. totem, or it P•, , with great iailigisat€nr.
wotdd ,certainly have got into the news- '• and if it were otherwise, what right havt
Wets ; as it was, it formed the maple of 'You, nzay f ask, to make any such in
' ciUL
LYn":-enation in countryhones, mei (vas duke'
S' '
Irmo to evert (linnet-tat:to l t „ei trr ny ; At this he stannu red, coloured, looke.
pe. o reclaimed to poems eau a:; ire infer- i exceedingly disconcerted. and left the
thhaat, . n ninon the minter. but t114':r accounts I house, as the triumphant :Martha vigorous
were vii ole different. Of course mem r -p, I ly 0xpreesed it, •• with his tail between hie
preached the truth ; .but abase w1,i^i) +came 1eegs, anal a Ilea nn leis ear."
nearest to it ave:red• that Mrs. Winthrop
had left her home toavn d the pie: ncc of her
step -son, who, happily for tide ti:e„ry, had
chanced to arrive the very morning after
her departure. His temper was violent,
his m Inners were odious, axed his absence
freut 11'apshot, during the brief period of
her wedded life, proved tbathisstep-znother
and himself were far from being on ,'cod
Though thus mysteriously debarred front
Pliabei's society, she • heard from her very
regularly, anti was almost :as well acquaint -
eel with occupation and mode of life ae
though she had shared them. 'Upon one
occasion she had even received aphot ogreph,
with "Bunn this at once" tepee it, of the
residence ber cousin had chosen. In a break
of at line of Web chap cliffs, 'eras a swan,
terms. She was a young woolen of spirit, weeded chine, through which a stream
and had 0e11 to ;scold his radetiese, anti per. t. ran down, and was lost in the yellsn
baps to antieepate being turned out of the
lionise. It was elloweed that Horn Winthrop
was ea.p: bleof anything.
The ee--planation of the affair tint found
most general eredetnce, however, was, that,
overwhelmed by the calamity of her bus -
baud's suildelt death, at tt time when she
teas so ill fitted to bear it, ttabelsmincl had
given way, Mad that she bad been plaeed by
her friends in a private asylum for the in-
sane. The village doctor who had attended
her in her :onfinement eront rued this tier
so far a; to admit: that, since the birth of
her child, Mn.oWinthrop hail "never been
herself ;" while Horn on his part, for rea-
sons of his own, took nasins to contratliet
this view of the question. That foul play had
taken plate, never entered into anybody's
head ; and, indeed, there was Philip Dad,
the miller's son, to vouch for the fact that
;tire. Winthrop had left the Hell of her own
though beyond nd tI t
ha nothing
could be extracted fromn, hies by the most
ekilful brain -seeker. Philip was pump -proof
for the (test of refs' ns --he had tontine; to
tell. t'4'heo he had oeeaiou to write to his
Bebwed tlb(e t. Lo addressed her under
(ewer to Mem Martha Darr. at tlr,'elamere.
All eommuttieat ene, art% they evet'e few
enough. irate#hd.•d foe Mated, fleet lhaa,ed
through her con. ins hauls, alai cat _<, for-
warded n� Pne /mew whither. It tial IPA likely
that she should have fled to Bra •'amere, Tct
trespass a seemed time, with hie Oiled and
rand too, upon Martha's $1014101 in. -.tats o,a
hospitality wee, of tonne. ne+t to be thought
of ; and as for taking loel,,itme for It1'rnat in
the little town. if itegos,ip had been odious
to her of olid, how could she have endured
it note f Above all, it was her chief n"lis i.
tuado to keep the place of her retreat aseeret
from Horn 44 iutihrop, and Bracllmere was
the very spot to wined: his tierce eyes would
turn for her ; and did turn.
Smarting from his recent .iiaraat.ttiturs at
the fair hands of Carry, as well as tram tit,'
savagfie displeasure of !us hailed master, Mr.
hlurk had been despatched in hot Inst° toIkaekmere, and awakened once snoreth e,•
telmirationof that risingwatering.place aaa
visitor out of the season. Ile avoided Tl
c'onle, however, putting up at a notch less
ambitious houseof eutertaiu
meut, and main-
tained as lnR `reat
h incognito, as hi,i waive
fronkness (when in his eupst permitted. lie
had hung about Bellevue Terrace, and cast
eheep's-eyes upon Miss Barr's abigail--nt.t
without results. The excellent IlaeheI, in-
deed, was no longer there; .the was "not
dead," but "gone before " his arrival ; let
let ue: hope, to a better place. She had not
I o n able satisfactorily to explain her
right to certain properties abstracted from
Niles Jennings' lewel•drawer during her
ettortresidence with that lady, and traced,
through the medium of a pawnbroker, til
Iter own possession. When Mr. Simcoe,
who (at Martha's request) had uudertakee
o cotduct a private iuquiry into the
matter in person, took occasion to cross-
examine her, it unfortunately happened that
this good woman was in Liquor, and would
vouchsafenothing in the wav of informa-
tion, except a. monotonous chant, the bur-
den of which was, that she asked his par-
don, but knew her place, and hoped the
cat would spit in his face. Untouched by
the simplicity of this ballad, Mr. Sirneoe
would have summoned a policeman, but for
Martha's urgent supplication. " Only upon
one condition, my dear madam," said he,
"shall I forbear to do so—you must get rid
of this drunken thief within the hour."
Which was accordingly done, though her
departure almost broke her mistress's heart.
Her successor had two eyes which reeip-
oeated Mr. Murk's soft glances. As a
gentleman supporting himself on his own
means at a hotel, it was only natural that
his honourable addresses should be welcome
to her. But when he came to put the all-
important question : 'rJetnima-Jane, my
own dear love, to what address does your
missis write to her cousin?" she was unable
to gratify his curiosity. Though her edu•
cation hadnot been utterly neglected, she
could only read 'print ;' a running hand was
asundecipherable to her as ancient Cornish
(now only known to choughs). As for let-
ting dear Mr. Murk glance his eye over an
envelope, it had, unfortunately, become her
mistress's invariable custom to pocket her
letters as soon aro she had addressed them,
and to poet them herself.
The retreat that Mabel had chosen was
not, indeed likely to be discovered, so far
as faithful Martha Barr was concerned. She
could not understand the reasons which
made her cousin so solicitous to live re-
tired. To her sturdy common-sense, the
terror in which the young widow stood of
her step -son seemed, perhaps, ridiculous
and chimerical ; but she had no doubt of
its genaixeness. Mabel had appealed to her
on helralf of her helpless babe, to maintain
the secret of her hidin¢-place inviolate, and
henceforth the trust was sacred to her. She
desired greatly to consult the astute Mr.
Simcoe, and to demand from him that as-
sistance and protection which she knew well
he would be eager to afford; but she held
sends. Across the straahu was a wader
bridge, toed beside the bridge a cottage
at whose thew stood a fair lady with
child in her arms. These two figures
Martha haat era oat, before commit-
ting the rest of the ventre to the flames,
and they formed the toy of her life. Thanks
to the blessed wan, under which, it is ssid,
nothing is new, and yet that hasduno such
new antigoo,l trains for the absent and the
surviving in these letter days she had thus
both Mabel and her Georgey ; and ethenever
tidings eatnefrom theformer, these portraits
were produced, to illustrate, as it were the
letter -press.
Mabel had not manystriking incidents to
de -tribe. as may be well imagined : and, to
sa • truth, her letters might have been term.
e.i the Annals of tipster t:leorgey. In them
wereehrenieled with minuteness sucheveine
as theeutting of his teeth, and even of his
hair a lock
of tali was {nolo e Ids
s dtuun-
knuwn ":darty "') ; his favourable rashes ;
his wicked (and delightful) escapade, ; his
latest acquisitions at vocabulary, When
lie had the measles, they were almost daily
itulletha�, " A tnr'-4 excellent cloetcr for-
tunatelvresieles in the village, else Heaven
ouly; knows whet we should have done.
Yery like cur num dear old Dr. Bowen at
' nelloutelip. He is the only person I can
speak to Itrre:the:its, except Inv land-
lady , bat my street t;eorgey has Lids
oarn etre'e of aequaintauee--his chief
friend is the old iieherxuan who i} Sia
asto 1.
u w'
l;s -i t L l a•
b e
p�Y o.tis.Yoattwill
laugh at tide; utthey are ourselo 1umer,
and Parry and. I prize them esceetliu '1y.
((eery is most kind, and is devoted to the
child. My heart smites me for so selfishly
dolarring her from the conap any of her lover;
beat she is content, for my Stakes to wait a
little longer yet. and the xiei, of it would be
rz.tterrihle. When Georges ge•te a few months
eider. we shall be better able to. dispense
cath her services I think of
von, dear Martha, a inlndred titres a day.
114:w I wish you amid he our comp:a:ion In
tem walks alar,;; the clitrmeth (at this you
trek alarmed, bet :lever fear; you may be
-ere that Master G. is always carried). and
n these beautiful sands 1 But why do I vex
thyself (and as I !letter myself, you also) with
eneh thenyhts ? Alas: the sight of y ou would
till ire with only too well-founded fears. 1
do not know even whether the day will ever
arrive when I may tell you writ fears. In
the meantime, be assured, my dear cousin,
that, but for them, and for ouren€orceclsep.
oration, I should now be happy. My boy is
all in all to me You used to
admire my poor husband, I know; well,
I ;eorgey is a vert handsome likenes of his
faather,and so tovh and tender-hearted? Oh,
if you could but see him 1"
Mabel's lettere were all of •this homely
type, and would havo portrayed a life of
wholesome sunshine, but for the shadow of
one morbid fear.
At last cause a coumnunication of a very
different sort : no linked home news long
drawn out, but a few rapid Iines, that
breathed expectancy and hoped-for acticn ;
above all. in the greatness of its tidings, the
apprehension that hovered over all her sky
seemed almost to be scared away. "A mir-
•tele has happened, .Martha, dearest, or a
something that seems a miracle l I may
not now tell yon what it is, for the same
reason that I have so long kept silence ; but
I have good hope that, at no distant date, I
may tell you all, and that by word of
mouth. In the meantime, send me the
address of some honest lawyer—a man to
whom one can trust a secret of the
last importance. Mr. Simcoe will help;
you so far, I am well convinced, for',
the sake of old times. I scarcely
know what I write., Conceive that it has
become possible that the man we fear may
have good cause to disquiet us no longer—
that the way of life that looked so rough
may be smoothed for my tender boy, and
you will make allowance for anything I may
write. Do not, at all events, doubt my
sanity. Let me have your reply by return
of post. I shall not sleep till have got it
—till I have seen this lawyer. He must be
told nothing at present, Mn Simcoe w111
make an appointment for me with him at
the earliest date ; but he must not, of course,
mention my name. I am still cautious, you
see, although in such a transport. For
years, dear Martha, I have known nothing
bub Fear ; and now that Hope has come, I
scarce know how to entertain hire."
Martha Barr endeavoured to commit this
letter to memory, but falling in that feat,
and having burned the envelope, and cut off
the address, she took it straight to Maison
Tiddliwinks, and placed it in Mr. Simcoe's
own hands.
" The poor young lady must be mad,"
said that gentleman, when he had read it.
" No, no," said Martha : " somethinghas
greatly excited her, that is all."
"Excited her 1 When a woman writes to
say : ' I want to see an honest lawyer,' I
say.she must be mad ma'am. There is, in
my opinion, no such anomaly in existence. I
her peace. She yearned to clasp Mabel to should just as soon go down to the sea shore
whom the young mother described with such
ecstatic fondness ; but she made no attempt
to do so, leat, as Mabel warned her would be
her own bosom, and to behol the childyonder with the expectation of catching a
dry fish. There are clever lawyers, no doubt
—too clever by half—and there is a still
larger assortment of stupid ones ; but as for
the came, should she be watched and their'honesty—I have had a good deal to do
followed. That Horn Winthrop was, i with the law in the way of house -property,
for some cause or other, exceedingly;and I really cannot Iend myself, madam,
desirous to ascertain where his step -another to any such gross deception as you pm --
resided, • was clear to Martha ; not only hadpose."
she discovered, though not till some time I "But if you don't know of one person -
after the fact, Mr. Murk's attempt to am i ally, Mr. Simcoe," argued Martha, "you
quire the address, but she had seen Horn, t must surely have heard several highly spok-
with. her own eyes, at Brackmere, a, place en of ?"
which, Sitncoite though she was at heart, i . " Only when I have heard then( speak of
she did not believe was likely to have had themselves," was the resolute reply. The,
any active attractiou for him. He had fact was time, during his earlier building
made no attempt to intrude upon her, and speculations, Mr. Simcoe had been very sore
after a• while had left the ;glace ; bub she ly bitten by au attorney, and the wound had
never felt safe from Itis machmatfous. Not never healed. All that Martha could get
long ago, indeed, s though despairingof out of him was the. mitigated approval �of
gainneglua end by riraft, he had' despatched one Mr. Oakleigh, a City solicitowhom Mr.
• eimette had of • late employed in' connection '
with St. 1•tbe dreda's.
" I have never seen the man in any life,"
said he, " which is perhaps so far fortunate
or him; but he did not cheat um in theonly
transaction I have yet had with him and,
what is an undeuiaUo recommendation, he
has been but few years at his trade,"
So with Mr. Oakleigh the appeiutmeut
was made,
The New ruder -Around Ratlwav Which
Runs sseneath the 13rittsb letrrt•a1sa,
The underground railway twit"eh passes
under the Thames from the ;icy u: Loudon
proper toSouth London represents an entire-
ly new departure iue l:,ng:d..h railway t out -
mu nictation. It differs front t!mother under-
ground lines, the Metropolitan ard Metro-
politan District railways, in the depth at
which it runs below the surface, iu the pro-
cess of :construction, and iub the ,rotor em-
ployedfor trains.
An ordinary tutdergraund road. beginsand
ends on the surface of sortie street. The
new City and South London Railway begins
and ends some fifty or sixty feet below the
-utf a ee of the street. The easiug of the
*.annals needed for the other subterranean
:nes in the British metropolis consists of
coneentrie rings of brickwork, often not less
ti -an two or three feet in thickness. The
new subway, on the otherlaa:id, is described
as a gi;*antie iron drain pipe, or rather two
drain pipes, ride by side, which have been
for three utiles through a bed of solid clay, as
a scoop is thrust through a chem. The
scooping was done by a huge steel cylinder,
some 11 feet 6 iatebes.in diameter, and front
6 feet to 7 feet long. The cylinder is made
of plates au inch truck, whose snrfaee is WO,
fully smoothed 'inside and outside, and which
atone enol are sharpened to a cutting edge,
The cxeavation is made by aettingthe ey'lisa-
der against the face of the clay and settinghalf a dozen powerful hydraulicjolts to worir
behind it. As fast as the clay is dislodged
and tills inside the cyhnderit isshovelled up
and carried back ;and as soon as the cylinder
has been pushed forward a couple of feat of
cast-iron plates are bolted together length-
wise to form a complete ring. By a eouca-
ten ation of such rings the tunnel is formed.
So rapid was this prowsof construction that
at one time the contraactora, working simul-
taneously front six different points, aecemp-
Iiahed not leas then 1110 feet of tunnelling per
day. The spaces required for terminal anal
intermediate stations are lined with mato*
wort:, They are reached from the street
both by stairways and by elevatore. Emit
of thelatteris large coon a to convey at: one
trio 10(1 passengers, the maximum number
winch anyone trate will be alltawed to carry.
The emplo_emeat of electrie motors for tb°
propulsion et railway trains had Lithe - ,,
been tried only on a small scale intheV• .eel
Kingdom. The substitution of thief :o for
t STEAM LOt'O 1 O'rty r,
on the Laity and South London V s is, there-
tore,virtually a novelty to Er isluncn. The
track laid in the tunnel. is O; the 4 foot lie
inch gauge, the up line running through one
tube and the down lire through the either.
The sleepers are lair (without ltallast,direct-
ly upon the bottom of the tulle:, and the rail
itself is of little more than WI the normal
weight. Theeleetricetnginesweigh nlilyabout
10 tons as against the 40 or 50 tons of the
ordinary steam locomotive. They are a tppsblo
of working up to 100 horse power, and draw -
inn a train at,. speed of overMImile 3 an hour,
although tai miles is the iute•nehed average.
Of these motors the company own 14, emst-
ing $7,000 apiece, Each train will con ist
of three carriages, whose seats, as in our
horso cars, will run from end to end. As
with the trains on our elevated roads, an
attendant will ba stationed on each plat-
form whose duty it ia, when a train roaches
a station, to open the car doors, call out the
name of the station, .and threw open the
platform gates, which fold back against the
ends of the cava. There will be no distinc-
tion of classes, and no tickets will be sold.
The intending passenger will simply put
down four cents and pass througn:ttm'natile.
He can take either an up train ora mown
train, one platform being readied by a pas •
sage carried under the ether.
This new underground litre is, as we have
said, about three miles long, running from
the city end of London Bridge to, Stockwell,
on the Clapj,anr road, about a mile short of
Clapham Common. It lu:s cost $1,100,000
per mile. Assuming that expenses will con-
sume one-half of the eart,inps, the road will
need to earn $110,000 per mile per annum to
pay the sto-kholders five -per cent on their
investment- The sum named is five times
the earnings per mile of English railways
taken as a whole. But, of ce'urse, the Lon-
don local lines are the proper subjects of
comparison. The Metropolitan earns a90,-
600 per mile; the Metropolitan District$105-
000, and the North London, $200,000. Not
even the North Loudon has the advantage
of running for its whole length alenge route
as crowded with traffic as is the high road
from Clapham to the city- Twenty trains
an hour can be run, and it is confidently ex •
peered that in the morning and evening
hours, at all events, every tract will contain
its full complement of 100 passengers.
What is a Horse Power ?
When men first begin to become familiar
with the methods of measuring mechanical
power they often speculate on where the
breed of horses is to bo found that can keep
at work raising 33,000 pounds one foot per
minute, cr the equivalent, which is more
familiar to some mechanics, of raising 330
pounds 100 feet per minute. Since 34,000
pounds raised one foot per minute is called
one horse power, itis natural that people
should think the engineers who established
that unit of measurement based it on whir
horses could really do.
But the horse that can do this work
does not exist. The horse power unit was
established by James Watt about a century
ago, and the figures were fixed iu a, ourieus
way. Watt found that the average horse
of Ills district could raise 22,000 pounds one'
foot permitute. This, thea, was an actual
horse power.
At that time Watt was employed in the
manufacture cf engines, and customers were
so hard to find that allkinds of artificial in-
ducements were necessary to induce power
users to buy steam engines. As a method
of encouraging them, Watt offered to sell en-
gines reckoning 33,000 foot pounds to a
horse power. And thus he was the means
of giving a false unit to one' of the inost im-
portant measurements in the world.
Professor (alittle distracted)—" I'm very
glad to see you. How's your wife?" " I
regret it professor, but I'm not married."
"Ah, yes ; then, of course, your wife's still
single ?"
Small boy—" Ma, do .clergymen ever
strike Y Mother—" They do, my son.
When they are offered another place with a
larger salary they immediately strikeout
for that place."
wThey Are !Used bythe African It't three
When we first encountered the tribes who
fought with poisoned arrows, we evere not
t prepared to be greatly, impressed with the
a danger, but we received a severe lesson in
'tact.;:. IRS7, during alight with the Avis-
ibLa savages- Young fellows, inspired by
tau example of Lieutenant Stairs, B. I-,
rushed with brave homicidal intentions to
the front, and thetiny arrowssaileel in show-
ers.past then! ; but some of them found
ther intended bdl"ets and were arrested
quivering in arms and shoulders. With
contemptuous smiles the young teen drew
thein out and flung them away, and some
eentiuneel answering the savages with rifle -
shots, while others Bought the 4111',..4,00D, bear-
ing with them the arrows with which they
hall been wounded. lVhein the Clays fight
wee over, of course the had more leisure to
examine the missiles, and our anxiety eras
great when we observed that they had been
freshly smeared with a brown, gummy -like
substance which emitted a snbtle,acrid odor,
with a suspicion of asafoetida in it. The ar-
rows seemed to havo been plunged into a pot
containing a goodly quantity of a resinous
sebst euce, and twirled around in it and well
soaked, and then lifted up in a bunch and
covered over with a banana oe a piece of
plltryule= leaf. Quivers full of the arrows
showed us that the weapons were consider-
ed by their owners to he dangerous, for
those so smeared were tied together, head
downward, and apart front the others.
Yet the wounds trade by these slender ar-
rows were mere puuuetltres, suet) as height
havo been mottle by finely riotedbuteltcr's
skewers, and being exceetihngiy ignorant of
the effect, we contented ourselves with
syringing them with warm water anti dress -
new thein with bandages. In 441110 instances
affectionate men sucked their comrades'
waunda, to make sure that nothing of the
subslanee,slhoald be left to irrittu'v them.
In no instance was this method of any avail.
All who taro wounded either died after
terrible sufferings from tetanes1nrtdevelopetl •
411011 dreadful gangrenous tumors al to in-
eaapeeitato them front duty for lot:.; periods, I
or wreck their constitutions so completely
by blood -poisoning that thole lives beeame a
burden to them, --.From " The Pigmies of
t4 Greet African Forest," by Htxrv;t1.
`1'i'.t,strw:-a fin Januaty Scribner.
She Was Partioalar.
int aoh•ted um—. YIN. MUM ; Ord it:i
mein a Waite a place as mitt' If the wuuiut
tau . aisy and the wages lark.. ; but is yet'
baggy loight or Clark ?" kation-." Baby it
quite fair. Imported. Bell—" Thin Oi nt:ire
iltedin:' the place. 0i trill only stalk alts °R
Will a bhuenet 1,4hy ; it looks better wilt #ut
-�tne lion
a bronze„
1l eoden—” Do you see that old twel
over there? 111* face looks a hundred and
his hair is as lthael; as charcoal ; he certainly
must dye. " Edgely--"Ah, well; so must
wo all."
At Fergus Falls, Minn., on Sunday night
Henry Veber began shooting at his wife, ton
and three daughters. Tho son sial one
daughter were bit, al d may die. 'Titan
Reiter attacked his W. fe with a knife and
st:ebbed her several time;,. The ravage then
wound up by banging himself.
FortheWonderfui Succuss
of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
the &'lost Popular and
Most Er,t°e iveiy Sold
Medicine in America.
Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great
medicinal nitwit, which it positively
demonstrates when fairly tried.
It is most economical, being the
only medicine of which " foo
Doses One Dollar" can truly be said.
a"I It is prepared by a Combination,
a.1) Proportion and Process Peculiar to
Itself, unknown to other preparations,
and by which all the medicinal value of
the various ingredients is secured.
It effects remarkable cures where
other medicines have utterly failed
to do any good whatever.
It is a modern medicine, originated
10 by experienced pharmacists, and
still carefully prepared under their per-
sonal supervision.
a It is clean, clear and beautiful in
appearance, pleasant to take, and
always of equal strength.
7 It has proven itself to be positively
the best remedy for scrofula and all
blood disorders, and the best tonic for
that tired feeling, loss of appetite and
general debility.
p It is unequalled for curing dyspepsia,
O sick headache, biliousness, catarrh,
rheumatism and all diseases of the kid-
neys and liver.
9 It has a good name at home; there
being more of Hood's Sarsaparilla
sold in Lowell, Mass., where it is made,
than of all other sarsaparillas and blood
purifiers combined.
r Its advertising is unique, original,
honest, and thoroughly backed up
by the medicine itself.
A Point for You.
If you want a blood purifier or
strengthening medicine, you should get
the best. Ask for Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and insist upon having it. Do not let
any argument or persuasion influence
you to buy what you do not want. • Be
sure to get the ideal medicine,
Sold byalldrugoists, 51;sten:m ,. Prepared only.
by C. T. IMOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Masa.
100 ig oses One Dollar
A,/TR. JOAE SCALES, of Toronto, writes;
"A short_
thitX wasp sufferingfrom Kidney and DYsP at
Sour Stomach and Lame Hack; in fact,
1i was completely
prostrated and suffering intense pain. While in this state a friend
recommended me totry a bottle of Northrop & Lymars's Vege.
table Discovery. i. used one bottle, and the permanent manner
in which it has cured and made a new man out of roe is such
that I cannot withhold from the proprietors this expression of
my gratitude.
jUTHIRTY YEARS.-Zars. L. Squire, Ontario Steam
12Sforls, Toronto, says : "For about thirty years I have doctored
for Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia Without getting any cure.
I then tried Northrop & I.y an's Vegetable Discovery, and
the benefits if have received from this roedioine are such that x
cannot withboid this expression of ray gratitude. It acts imrne..
diately upon the Liver, and its good effects are noticed at once.
As a Dyspepsia remedy 1 don't thinly it can be equalled."
Navarino, N.Y.s writes ; "For years X have been troubled
with Liver Complaint, The doctors said my Liver was
hardened and enlarged, i was troubled with Dizziness, Pain int
my Right Shoulder, Constipation, and gradually losing flesh all
the time, AU food soured on my stomach, even with the closest
attention to diet, Y 'was wader the care of three physioians, but
did not get any relief. A friend sent me a -bottle of Northrop &
I.yC><lAii s Vegetable Discovery, and it affords roe much pleasure
to inform you that the benefit I have received from it is far beyond
ray expectation. X feel better now than 1X have dons for years."
t 1 . P'""g :t 7 txlslt .N. C., A tI �erzZ
u et t. t<,i &u:ifata,atet, $nifty;,: and h:xnosusea 1"att• 1
torments -met' totezemort Gtootoomy1ste,wit tuts-teUtu„sn:.
JLf',rvrtsITXF. a; :7'0 uncourittre 5CLat to ertvenr. Wine 1.120
i•':tCEiTHEIVtt1. Scraet-ymen, Tomato, Ont,tallia:mesa larailt
'1Ite underri, nett wishes t.) inform the publie in general that ho keeps
--constantly in stook—
A large steel; of Hemlock always on hand at mill prices. Flooring, Si ng,
dreesed. -inch, inch and-a•quarter, ineh'and-a,half and two inch. Sash Doors, (hinds,
:llaultlings and all Finishing Material, Lath, eke.
SU1Nt;LESe'eSPEUI'.tLTY.-Comltctitionehallenged. The best and thelttttgest
Mock, and atlowest prieea. Shingles A 1,
.All ono timber thoroughly seasone and ready for use. No shrinkage assured.
A e 11will 'car out the above.
Tuft OLD ESTABLISHED Jas. 11V Bili, J tainSt
483 Solid Gold 'crotch.
held for etlar:tio.uute lately.�'-j(
East sal wale/tin tbo worT1.
redact tInekeeper. War- 2aa I tt
ranted. Deasy oi.r s..
!looting Case,. nod, la..
and gene' alses,whh wr.' .
and aces of equal v,; ••
Ont I'e wenn oean:bh '
r c� toSttl,,r,, ul. our Tarte rtnti %'
'•+.art "' tublo line of Slfaueehotrt
L.{ i. ; ya , •-
Samples.ib, These anopia, as
"=Ypw • • wed as the swatch, we seed
Fres, end ager you havalrato
them in yeti Dome farm months and ws pn than to lupe,
oe:ay;tarecanal,theybecomeyouravepre?_c_0 That.
:....:ie at nota iyn n aura of raeelrtna: rho b�3ntc1•
b ty, Seminal Losses and Premature Decay,
promptly and permanently cured by
i)oe$ not interfere wit • • 'etor nuns occupation
and fully restores lost vigor and insures perect
manhood. Pricy SI per box. Sold by all drug -
„lets. Sole Prop.iotor, H. SCHOFIELD, Seho-
ileld's Drug Store, Brat STanas, Tononvo.
Arrival of the Steamship Harlaw at Hali-
fax front Newfoundland.
HALIFAX, Jan. 14.—The S. S. Harlaw
has arrived, completing her last trip to
Newfoundland for the season. Capt. Far-
quhar reports very boisterous weather on
the Newfoundland coast. He left the chan-
nel on Sunday evening, called at St. Paul's
the following morning andlanded the mail.
He found all well on the island, Supt.
Campbell reports the gale of Saturday, Dec.
'27, as the severest for many years. One
of his boats was completely broken up. On
Tuesday, December 30, a severe,gale from the
north-east damaged the cable so that com-
munication by telephone was. cut off. The
break is supposed to be near the island,
where the cable passes over a ledge. Should
the water become smooth Mr. Campbell hopes
to be able to repair the break.
After leaving St. Paul's the Harlaw pro-
ceeded towards the Magdalen islands to try,
if possible, to bring away the crew of the
American schooner .Admiral, wrecked at
Bryon island, nine miles north of the Mag-
dalene. After steaming through large quan-
tities of ice the Harlaw succeeded in reach.
ing Amherst, were the wrecked were, and
after considerable delay and agood deal of
hard work caused by the. drift ice succeeded
in getting Captain Harding and his crew on
board. The Admiral was on a voyage from,.
the Bay of Islands to Gloucester with a car-
go of herring. The vessel and cargo were a
total loss. The island being completely sur-
rounded by ice, the men had given up all
hopes of a vessel being able to reach them
this winter. There was great rejoicing when
the Harlaw was seen steaming through the
ice. A good deal of credit's due Capt. Far-
quhar for the effort he made at this season
of the year, which, it believed, was never
before attempted.
A terrible plague of diphtheria in Croatia
hasalrcady destroyed hundreds of children,
and in many instances parents are letting
their'echildren die without medical aid, hav-
ing lost all with in the doctors.
The depopulation of Iceland is going on
steadily, The depreciation in the valise of the
Iand had been very marked of late, whilst the
taxes have considerably increased, and the
Icel,anclers are said to beernigrating in shoals.
Tho population, which was 80,000 ten years
ago, is now tinder 60.000
h 1 .
t:ict;liendacheand rel eve all the troublesinel
•' •:tt to a bilious state of the system, such as
..ifainess, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
t, 'ng Iain In the Side, &o, While their most
a c:asrlcable recces:3 has been shown in curing
Ircadache, yet CAuT1ta's Ln-rw1 Lrran PIL
r.r,' equally valuable in Conatipation, curing
• n•1 preventing this annoying complaint, while
• raise correct all disorders of the stomach,
• .;date rho liver and regulate the bowels,
> . s if they only cured
•a,' they would be almost priceiesa to those,
▪ suffer from. this distressing complaint:
fortunately their goodness does not end
•! MI, and those who once try them will mid
• , :xe little pills valuable in so manrways that
` ,ey will not be willing to do without them.
is;ns after all sick head
•s rho bane of so many lives that here is whores
:•r snake our. great boast. Our pills cure it
:-",.1q others do not.
�. •e
,'s Lams Lrvus PILLS are very small
y easy to. take. (Inc or two -pills wake
. N . Tbeg aro strictly vegetable ar.,l de
:rib i or purge, but by their gentlo canon
' '•x all Alin use them, In vials at Ca cents:
for $1. Sala everywhere, or sent by mall. ,.
CAETNII Dll CO., i?err YorL'
- ' 'i
30.24:2•3n. DIPALJEM
Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Backache,
Sore Throat,
Frost Bites, Sprains,
Bruises, Burns, Etc.
Sold by Drnggists and;Dealers everywhere.
Fifty Ceuta1 Laugua bottle.sgee Directions in
Canavan Depot : Toronto, Ont,