The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-05-28, Page 10aX ' centuries before
wad made by a Greek
4, 04 kher. named. Anaiiimander.
' MAY 29 — 4:55 P.M..
JUNE 2 — 7:30 P.M.
01.111-0,4 KIIMB
Just this minute I looked at the
calendar, and realized that I have
another birthday coming, up next
week. I'm. never sure bow, old I
am.' I always have to remember
the year in which I was born, and
subtract' it from the present year.
For the past three or four years,
, I haven't had a clue whether I was
37, 38 . or 39, without doing arith-
* s *
The figuring completed, if came
as no shock to me that I'll be 39
on June 2nd, and 1 accepted the
fact that I'm well past the mid-
way mark with a reasonable lack
of panic. After all, I've still got
some hair, half a dozen of my own
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4 * s
Not that the relentless years
havy�e,,gnq,'t taiFe.. thei 40,11 lis
F.C.. '�,�. '.'...j 7.tTi.....rr
sense Alga! whatever. But this
is- not entirely a disadvantage..
'True, I can't smell perfume on
dames, but this is safer, I can't
smell food cooking, but itkeeps
me ' from gorging and growing
obese. On the silver liir n 'side;
I .. can',el l _ onions,....skunk s,
ure piles or whiskey breaths.
* b
And t have a' lot of little aches
and pains. 1 don't leap out of bed
any more, carolling 'here hath
been dawning another new day,
think wilt thou let it slip useless
away?". 1 kind of , edne out, groan-
ing and grunting, swinging my bad
leg to the floor with • both hands.
But it's amazing how much danc-
ing, weeding and .praying that bad
leg gets me out of. .
* * *
No, it isn't the physical disinte-
gration that gets me down, What
disttirabs-me as -the-autonomic•=accel-
eration of • time with the advancing
years. The older you .get, the
faster Wiles. Which is both un-
reasonable and ,unfair.
• * • 4
' When you are five years old,
life progresses at a barely dis-
cernible pace, It is made up of
endless investigations of.mud,
breakables, ,dogs and similainter-
esting things, broken only by
leisurely, , mes'sy meals' and long,
dreamless steeps. A regular picnic,
* * 4
When you are ten, life is still
in nlr rush. A. month away, or
even next Saturday, „seems. fixe a
long time. Summer holidays stretch
lazily, 'interminably ahead. You
CAR E, conceive of becoming 'a mid-
dleaged 'elan of thirty, it seems so
far otf. .
* . * *
At fifteen, especially if you're
suffering from'a small case of un-
requited love, some pimples on
the day of the dance, or some
such catastrophe, a few hours can
'be as 'endless ,as eternity. Even ;at
twenty, time is limitless, some-
thing to be spent, not treasured.
In other words, during the form
ative years, when your apprecia
tion of life is about as deep 'as
that of a ' ppm, time _ dawdles,.
°miters;- ireriets, ,pokes and inches
along. You waste great gobs of, it
"playing, pretteiiding, dreaming,
. mooning or just rushing -aoout.
* *
Then; when you begin to mature
enough to enjoy life to the, full,
time begins to dangle along at an
alarming clip. .By, the time you
. have acquired the wisdom and per-
ception to savour every 'moment
oflife, every scent and sight and
sound, your senses of smell, sight
and hearing are dulled, and time
is careening past you . like a fire
.. °* *, 4.
And when you have. grown old,-
and every second is infinitely prec-,
ious, suddenly there is no time fpr
anything except to prepare for
death. Perhaps it is as well that
we grow weary and full of aches
and miseries when we "get old.
Otherwise, how could we bear to
part with life, just when we have
'realized at last Wh,at a privilege
it has been to be born and to have
lived in this fascinating world!
k * *
When we become so absorbed in
ourselves, so concerned with what
happened_ yesterday, so worried
about what will happen tomorrow,
that we let time slip past unnotic-
ed, we profane the gift of life. We
are like blind men standing on
the bank of a deep, swift, beautiful
stream, arguing about the ---color
of the water.
• •x * a:
That's 'why, as another birthday
approaches, I pledge myself again
to try to slow life down. 'Maybe
it's foo late to plunge into the
stream anew and savour its myriad
wontlerments• 'But as least 'I'm
going to sit on the hank. and dangle
my toes in it, rather than try to
build a bridge so I can get to the
other side . as quickly as possible.
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-oo iuo S!I• .. FA S A .
;, ,.,,,,,r..�
ungannon, Is New
Mrs. O. Popp, of Dungannon,
was elected 'president ttf West
Huron District Women's Instituts
when the annual meeting -was held
in the United_Chucch.aL St.
&ii"Wgdnesday, .May .20th.
—ether -officers elected were: past
,president, Mrs. W. Bradnock,
Auburn; ,1st vice-president, Miss 'J.
Woodcock, Blyth; 2nd vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. D. Riehl, Goderich; sec-
retary -treasurer, Mrs. A. Clark,
R.R. 1, Auburn; federated repre-
sentative, Mrs. W. 'Bradnock, Au-
burn; alternate representative,
Mrs. D. Philips, Dungannon; dis-
trict delegate, Mrs. 0. Popp, Dun-
gannon; alternate delegate, • Mrs.
L. Scrimgeour, Blyth; .auditors,
Mrs. W, Good and Mrs. L. Scrim-
geour, of Blyth;, agriculture and
Canadian industries, Mrs. Stanley
Lyon,. R.R. 2, Auburn; citizenshi
•rind--"educatten;-'Mrs: "T.orAe" : as y,
Dungannon; 'historical research
and current, events, Mrs. Bert `Al-
ton, R:$,. 7, Lucknow; home econ-
omics and health, Mrs. Ken Taylor,
Walton; publics relations, Mrs.
Archie Wilkin, R.R. 1, Goderich,;
resolutions, Mrs. Geo. Milian,
Auburn; Junior W.Z. activities,
Mrs. M. Batkin, Clinton.
' Mrs. W. Hislop, F.W.I.O. Board
member, ratified the branch direc
,tors and also conducted the elec-
tion of officers. Mrs. Hislop re-
porting on the,. F.W.LO. board
meeting, said, there were almost
1500 Institute branches in Ontario,
and 600 4-11 Club .girls. She an-
riounced that a committee has been
set cup to • preserve the birthplace
•of Mrs. Adelaide. lIoodless, th•e,
founder of Women's Institutes.
Mrs. Shirley 11!eAliister, home
economist . for Huron. County, .re-
ported • do '4-H Club girls 1e Huron
Count', and introduced. Miss Betty
Anne Lapp, of Wingham, wh,o dis-
't wane ,
Mrs. A. Wilkin, R.R. 1, Gode-
rich, public relations represent-
ative, for Wet Huron District of
Women's Institutes, reported that
donations for charitable purposes
amounted to $815.96 for educational
purposes, '$253.55, , der healtti,,,
$327.08, for misceljaneoiis purr,
poses, $550.09, and for Federated
Women's Institutes in Ontario and
Canada, $85.00, making a total of
Mrs. F. Radford, of Clinton, fav-
„ored the -delegates with organ
music at the morning session, and
Mrs. John Kernighan gave a hum-
orowus reading at the afternoon
satiff.-" Idr"s:'-'Mary de; i "Rei -
grave, accompanied by Mrs. Law-
rence Vannon, rendered a lovely
A delicious luncheon was.served
the. delegates at the noon hour. In
the unavoidable absence of Rev.-
ev:B. F. Green, Miss W. Rutherford,
St. Helens, extenfled a gracious
welatine with Mrs. W. Scott, Bel -
gravel replying.
ityv,sIt was unanimously decided that
�•,• tttt ' , tvoUl?tt`-:rontintielt
•for the final abolition of Daylight
•Saving Time. The district annual
for, 1960 is planned for Londes-
'boro. .
The president'
gave a short'fie-,
port on the work and congratulated
the branches on their different' ac-'
-complis1nnents, --stating that the
county project and the Tweeds-
muir work shop had en very
successful. She thanked . the In-
stitutes for their loyal support and
their many acts of kindness during
her term of office.
Later, MI's. Norman Clairmont
voiced the appreciation of. West
Huron district •to (Kars. Bradnock
regarding•;,.lier term of office as
—FAST WAY _. -w. _ _ _.-
When biliousness or constipation.
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Custom Car Ports, Homes, Garages, Duplexing or any •
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If you have a problem, please phone 612 or contact
.BRUCE E. RYAN, Building Contractor
for Free Estimates. 16-18-20-22
At the morning session there
was 'a memorial service for deceased
conducted . h ct
ed Ay bliss Jose-
'Mose ii
o';:p a ser-,
'vice from 'all the branches. Those
remembered . were from 'Auburn,
Mrs. Fred Ross, Mrs.. Archie Rob-
inson; from Dungannon, Mrs. Geo.
s; from Goderich, Mrs, Jas.
4Its A. Farr, . taraw-fir•..
,Johnston, Mrs. Ross Tichborne and
Mrs. Eva McPhail" A two -minutes
of 'silence was observed, followed
by prayer.
The-marriag• took plate aA, Duo
das Street Centre VOW Cingga,
ti9ttf4-zimaitiii'..HfrigAntifkitaltrd. _ . , w
`Nilson, daughter. of Mrs, Ada F.
Wilson, and thelate Mr, Wilson, to
George "Dick" Campbell, son of
the late Mr, and Mrs. Robert &
Campbell, of Melbourne, Ontario.
Rev. H..D. Joyce officiated.
ork. Gl.ty. `e coup, e"; took- up
residence in London where the' r
groom is on the staff of the Lon-
don Free Press.
At Household Finance you
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Charlie MacNaugif�,
Speaks For.
'It seems to me that it is time to pause and askourselves
whether govt at any level should continue to respond .to
what 1 regard as irresponsible requests for almost every-
thing lhafi crosses the mind of the public or whether it is
not time to exercise some good old everyday horse sense.'
Keep Charlie
Fightin'g for you
Keep Huron on
Support The Common 'Sense Program
Of The Frost Government Which
ti, p
Has. Given Ontario Its
'Dynarltic Decade' r
Progressive Consei ativ� s.;�
°2 Published by Huron Progressive Conservative Association