HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-05-21, Page 7-7 Midair; 44it 1111A1 Mat, 1959 wives -An Mt -Oviedo .ST.-qEORGFS—CHURCFF-- MAY 24 — TRINITY SUNDAY. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. .11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION'AND SERMON. Junior Congregation and Nursery. NO EVENING SERVICE. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.0,0rganist and Choirmaster. THE UN/TED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church - 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "WHY BE A CHRISTIAN?" 2. "BECAUSE IT IS HARDER." Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. • MR. RONALIfKLINCK, Music Oirtictor. Knox Presbyterian .Church. REV. R. G. MacMILLAN, MISS B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister Deaconess MR. W. H. A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP — "The Secret of Satis#action." (Norsery• and 'Junior Congregation) A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT KNOX. Victoria Street United Church ELLQW$11.12._A.W.4.115... - SUMMER ORDER 10 A.M.- Graded School. Adult Cls. 11 A.M. PENTECOST IS NOW. Junior Congregation. Nursery at Parsonage. 10, A.M. BENMILLER CHURCH after Sunday School. 3 P.M. UNION CHURCH after Sunday School' REV. S. A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. — F. BISSETT, Organist. GODERIC.H BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL.. 11 a.m.. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE, (Junior Congregation for the Boys and Girls). 7.30 p.m. "FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE" NURSES' SERVICE. TUESDAY, 8 P.M. — BIBLE STUDY and PRAYER HOUR. REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.D. Minister MR. CHAS. MERRILL, Organist.. '11101111111111111111111Pliiiiik THE SALVATION ARMY 84 Lighthouse Street 1st LIEUT. AND MRS.H. -CROSSLAND 11.00 a.m. HOLINESS MEETING. 2.45 p.m. DIRECTORY AND SUNDAY. SCHOOL. 7.00 p.m. -SALVATION MEETING. Wed., 8 p.m. — Horne League .Thurs, — Youth- League. • You are never a stranger at the Army. FREE -METHODIST CHURCH WELCOMES YOU. • SUNDAY, MAY 24 — 9.50 A.M. FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 A.M. and 7 P.M.- Worship Services lifted in favor of •,,, DISTRICT QUARTERLY MEETING at Thedford,.Ont.`" WEDNESDAY, 8 P.M. — PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY. VERLYN R. SNELL, B.A., Pastor. THE GODERICR SIGNAL -STAR • MISR Llit William Joseph Chisholm, of Cal- gary, who has been visiting his brother, Leo Chisholm, Gloucester Terrace, died on Tuesday follow- ing failing health for several years. He was bormin.Goderi2irfikkvzship 70 years ago, and was a son of the late Mr. ,'and Mrs. Alexander Chisholm. Be received his earlY, education at SS. No. 1, Goderich Township; and went to Calgary in 1912 where he was employed as a conductor on the C.P.R. He re- tired in 1954. Mr. Chisholm was unmarried. He was a rneinber of the Knights of Columbus; the Pro- pogation .of the Faith, the Holy Name Society ; as well as being a member of The Retired C.P.R. Con- ductors' Association. Surviving are time brothers, Austin, of Ottawa, Leo, Of Gode- rich, and Francis, of Goderich Township, and two sisters, Mrs. Lorne (Myrtle) Finnegan, of Strat- ford, and Mrs. Irvin (May) Hilde- brand, of Goderich. Requiem high mass will be sung on Friday morning -at 9 o'cl."(kr St. Peer's. Church, by Rev. J. P. Gleeson with interment in. the, R.C. cemetery., Colborne Township. ARNHUR DAVID McIJEAN The death occurred on Monday, May 11, of Arthur David Melpean, 110 Forest street,. Chatham. Born in Goderich, the son of the late Samuel McLean. and Sara Cantelon, he was a well-known figure around Goderich in his youth, where he played baseball and lacrosse but predominantly hockey on the Gode- rich hockey team. He was an ard- ent swimining and boating enthus- iast. He was then a member of North Street Methodist (now' Unit- ed) Church where he sang ,in the, choir. His many visits back were always a great pleasure for him. With. keen, interest he followed the•• town's progress in the Signal - Star eaeli week. 111 health these past few years, prevented his visit- ing again his home town and home- stead on Lighthouse street. He was engaged in the drugstore busi- ness all his life and on taking up residence in Chatham, became well-known on the Chatham hockey teainT----- • He is survived by his wife- the former Georgina Baines, one niece Catherine (Mrs. Wm. Robb), and one grand -nephew, Richard Robb. He was predeceased, by one, small daughter,' Margaret, and one sister, Ruby (Mrs. Peter Cantelen):: The funeral was held on Wed- nesday, May 1.3,' with burial fol- lowing in a family plot in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs,' Wm. Robb and Rich- ard, Stratford, motored, to Chath- am and attended the" services. • Weddings BERTELMANN-7DOCKSTADER Rev. A. g. Eustace officiated at the wedding of Ruth Marie Dock- stader and Manfred Klaus Bertel- mann M North Street United, Church. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Dock - Stader and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Bertelmann, of Edmonton. , The bride 'chose a floor -length gown of white silk organza, featur- ing short puff sleeves and a bateau. netkline trimmed with seed, pearls and sequins. Her- finger-fip was held by a head -piece of seed pearls and she carried a crescent of white gladioli florets a'nd pink carnations„ -Attending her siker, Miss Donna .Dockstader wore, a waltz,length gown of powder blue net over taf- feta with a matching bandeau. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink tinted shasta mums. The groom's best man was Mr. Both Dockstader, brother of the bride. During the ceremony, Mrs. Clar- ence Chisholm sang two beautiful solos, "The Lord's .Prayer"' and "I'll walk beside you," accompanied by Mr. Ron Kiinck. A lovely wedding dinner was served to the guests .at the Club . For travelling, the bride wore a powder blue suit. with 'white accessories. The happy couple ex- pect to make their home in Edmon- ton in the Autumn. RECEPTI N Everyone is invited to a reception to be held ‘, at the GODERICIH PAVILION aNimmitimmosimians 9. at 12.30 noon,. ONTARIO LIBERAL LEADER John Wintermeyer and Mrs, Wintermeyer • and the Liberal Candidate for Huron 11. Auction Sales f1assifiedr- ()MAW AUCTION SALE BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL OR , DEMOLITION Nineroom •1y2 -storey frame contbined residence and store 50' x 50', frame barn 25' x 25', frame garage 22' x 24', frame henhouse 20' x 54', located at part lot 6, concession 6, Township of Ash- field, approximately % mile south of Kingsbridge, fronting on the' east side of Highway No. 21, Auction Sale will be held on the property at 2.00' P.M., D.S.T., on JUNE 3, 1959 TERMS: Cash, together with 100.00 Pe rf ormanceilond. er in7formation may be' ob- tained from: •Department of High- way's, 581 Huron street, Stratford, Ontario. Telephone 4350 OR The Auctioneer; Mr. E. Elliott, Clinton, Ontario. Telephone Clin- ton au 2-9097. Sale subject to a reserve bid. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO." -21-22 AUCTION Sale of household effects in the town of Goderich, 58 South street, on SATURDAY, MAY 23rd, at 1.39 Chesterfield Suite; hall rack; oe- casional chairs; rocking chairs; wicker. rocker; living room , tables; walnut table; telephone table and chair; coffee-table; electric lamps; two rugs; buffet; day bed; 'music cabinet; chest of drawers; two bed- room suites; electric stove; railio; Generar Electric refrigerator (like new); four kitchen chairs; china; dishes; kitchen utensils; sealers; drapes; pictures; electric Washing machine; .garffen tools; lawn mew- err'niagazine stand; two. step lad- rs;...va-cuum-olea-nerk-lawn-lehairsi-- roll-top writing desk; screen door 210" x 2'S"; hammock; oil .paini- ing; Acme fl,00r' polisher; floor lamp; brass jardinieres; enamel sink; hassock, and 1950 Chev. sedan, in good condition. Other articles too numerous to mention. . TrERAVIS--OASH. Walter TaraS, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk. -21 13. Personal WHY FEEL OLD? Feel years younger. Ostrex Tonic, Tablets revitalize thousands - past 40. Only 69c. At all druggists. -19-21 15. Cards of Thanks BRIDLE.—Ou sincere thanks to all who expressed sympathy in our bereavement. Our thanks also to those who sent flowers; to those who donated to the Can- adian Cancer Society; to those who offered cars; and to those who assisted in many ways; to Rev, C. S. Inder, Clinton, who ,graciously officiated in the absence of Dr. K. E. Taylor; to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stiles. Special thanks to Branch 109, .Canadian Legion, for the pallbearers, for the escort, party, and the grave- side service. Reg. Bridle and family. SOWERBY.—I wish to thank all who sent .flowers and gifts and Visited me in hospital, Special thanks to Dr. N. C. Jackson, nurses and staff, who were all so very kind. Mrs. Carl Sowerby. 19. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND . °PEERS In the Estate of WILLIAM HENRY McCLURfE, late of Dungannon, Ontario. All persons claiming against the Estate of William Henry McClure, deceased, are required to forward particulars to the undersigned by June 3rd, 1959, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. DONNFur PY & DONNELLY, 18 The Square, _ Goderich, Ontario, , Solicitors for the personal representative of William Henry McClure Estate. -19-21 20. Public, Notice FSEWAVE-D-fspo,sar-:46Ptic tanks cess pools, etc., pumped arld clean- ed with modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, RR. 2, Brussels, -phone 42 r 6, Brussels, 16-31x • THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT, 1951 PART III NOTICE OF REVISION OF VOTERS' LESTS " •- (IN, URBAN POLLING SUBDIVIS- IONS) NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF THE REVISLNG OFFICER IN THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT 0' HURON Public Notice is heieby.giA pursuant ,to Section 74 of Th Voters' Lists Act, 1951, of th revision of the voters' lists fo Revisal District Number 1, bein all polling' subdivisions for th TOWN OF GODERICH in the Elec toral District of Huron. ' AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that sittings will be held by the; revising officer at the Town Hall, 1 floderich, as • follows: Thursday, May 28th - 7 p.m. -9 p.m. (p.s.T.),i Friday.,.. May- 29th:- • r• • - - a'ff:--:74-1i.liTTTEI.Sr. T. and • , • 7 p.m. -9'p.m. (DST.) Saturday, May 30th— Z p.m. -4 p.m. (D.:ST) and 7 p.m. -9-p.m. (D.S.T.) Any person qualified to vote at the pending election to the figs- I•ative Assembly and whose name has been omitted from, or incor rectly entered in, the entuner- ator's list of voters is• called upon to attend at -the times and places above mentioned for.,the purpose of having his name enrolled upon the voters',1ists to be used at the said election. Complaints which have, been properly filed with re- ference to names wrongfully enter- edupon the enumerator's lists will bd. heard at these sittings, The :ListS may be inspected at the office of the Clerk of the Muni- cipality .between the hoes- of Ten a.m. and Four p.m. (D.S.T,) ()Wand after the 21st day of May, 1959. Registration and Revising Officer —D. E. Holmes, Q.C. Clerk to Revising Officer—Mr. S. IL Blake, Town 'Hall, Goderich. Dated at .Goderich, Ontario, this 19th day of May, A.D. 1959. Election Board or the County of • •• Bulis e• are Used" supply artificial reeding-&ervice-f-or-all-Arree cattle If phoning long distance, Simply ask • for Clinton. Zenith 9-5850. If 'it is a local call, use our regular number Clinton HU 2-3441. For service or more in- - formation, call between 7.30 and-' 10 a.m. week days, 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. For cows noticed in heat on Sunda" morning do not call until Monday morning. The quality is high and the cost low. • .7140exa.Ptte,-- at on Wagon, 44wtheel drive, power winch, 'A-1 condition. Write J. Detweler, 694A Waterloo street, London, Or Phone 3a84855. -21-22 SHARP? ARE THEY? Saws: hand and electric hand •filed for fast cutting; - scissors, cutlery, hand .power lawnmowers, etc. Part- time farm work etc. Call evenings .preferably. Q. H. Homar, Huron road, opposite store. -17tf SID Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests, desks, etc. custom made; also kit- chen cupboards and furniture re- pairs. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. -19tf Experienced, Licensed AUCTIONEER ALLAN MacINTYRE Lucknow Phone 10-r-24 Ripley, Collect (Can be contacted each Wednesday at Luckflow Sale) , -9tf ROY,„ TRE MOVER,- LOCAL and LON16 DISTANCE mover. Furni- ture fully .insured. Free estim- ates. No obligation. Phone '1139 at any time (out of town, eall collect). ' -21 Goderi 4o. RACM AVON: "ittOAC‘'"Ite _ • 1946 CWT. 2 -door, new ilcenSei - good motor and body; new'br41(ea recently, best cash offer. Aly to 57 Bruce street after .0,p.m. After Several Years of Selling and Servicing 'European Cars, M & W Motors Takes Pride in Offering' the, Ultimate . , VOL A product'. of superb Sredisib. engineering. "ONE TRY AND YOU'LL BUY" Gopd, Clean- MU - Here's Dependable Transportation your pocketbook — '54 CHEVROLET Coach '52 PONTIAC Coach at prices that are kind to '52 CHEVROLET Sedan and many others. wMOTOiS (MacPhee and Watson) Firestone -Texaco Products. Amor See Us. For e I ' Stott Outb Canadian pard r ' ,Huron F. FINGLAND, ChOirman. NOTICE RE INTERFERENCE WITH ELECTION DOCUMENTS Subsection (1) of section 191 of the ,Ontario ,Election Act reads ,as ,fo1- lows: "Every person who wilfully'and maliciously destroys, injures or obliterates, or causes to be de- stroyed, injured or ebliterated, a writ of election, or a return to a writ of election, or a poll book, voters' list, list of voters, polling ist, certificate or affidavit, or other ottunent or paper made, prepared r drawn according to or for the urpose of meeting the require- ments of this Act or any.of them, hall be guilty of a corrupt prac- 1 STURDY.—tMr. and Mrs. Howard d 0 opportunity tb 'express their p sincere, thanks to all who helped to -make possible the lovely even- s Sturdy would like to take this ing held for them and also the t gifts presented. It was deeply $ appreciated. -21 v y ice and'shall incur a penaltyof 2,000.00 and shall also on eon- iction be4imprisoned„ for one ear." ••• -2/-22 WEBSTER.—We sincerely express our heartfelt thanks to our rela- tives, friends and neribors for shown; especially for the lovely floWers and the offiFffig,of cars; --tb-Rev. S .A .Moote, Dr..1. Leitch, the nurses and staff at the hos- pital. James Weibker and Harold. WESTLA,KE.----The i 1 y of the late Mrs.'- Hattie Westlake wish to convey their sincere thanks and appreciation to alhwho have been so kind' during their recent bereavement of a loving wife and mother; " especially Would they thank those who sent flow- ers and Matle their cars avail,! able; also Dr. .t. W. Wallace, the staff at the hospital and Rev. S. A. Moote. ' -21' all the kindnesses an sympathy 21. Business Notice • • 22. f,ost and round VISIT OR PIIONE.REID'S NEW ' Upholstering Shop, 48 East I street. Phone 1,534 'til 9 p.m. for an estimate., We have the cover ir ings and the know-how Pick up and delivery. REPAIRS NEW Power. Mowers to all types of Power Mowers, and complete $44.9 5 up parts service. - We Grinii Power and Hand Mowers Thack Sales from 3.6 to 60 H.P. • Superb perfor- mance• . first , styling and ,.color choice., Service Phone 20 Motors 115 ST. DAVID ST, PHONE 669 - ENTENCED TO SELL All HIS CARS AT ANY COST ack The Giant Killer STILL, IN JAIL!! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA 'HARDTOP— automatic drive, V -S, radio, Whitewalls, ete. List $4100 ONLY $3495 2-1958 'CHEVROLET STATION WAGONS with custom radios. Were, -$23-95. MAKE US AN OFFER 19.56 FORD2tror CU'rnSTOBILI, NE — Very Sharp! ONLY $1395 - 1956 PON'TIAC. STATION WAGON Pathfidder Deluxe $1495 1955 MERCURY 'MONTEREY—. autom.at i e 0 895 1953 CHEVROLET 150 SEDAN— OND 1952 CHEVROtET HARDTOP— ' ONLY $295 • eeds the mon-ey to get (nit of jail wE DARE0 Y U TQMKE US AN OFFER $495 -9tf 1951 MORRIS MAJOR SEDAN— , Like New. CARPENTRY, building, , remodel• ling, dealer in Enps' pumps; water. softeners, • bathrooin fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel and asphalt roofing. Frank McMichael, phone Carlow 1108. 23-30x AUTHORIZED dealer, Goderich district, for Viking separators and milking machines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith .and Welding Shop, 12-22x OUTBOARD motor repairs, John - A 13CLUE taffeta change purse lost, 'son Sales and Service, .Don Epps containing keys and money. Ile: Marine, Clinton, HU 2,9622. ward. Finder please leave at , -201f Signal -Star.. .21 .. and Mrs. Strang. LUNCHEON., will be served. .., " . No 'adlnission ohnige. EVERYBODY WELCOME <-7- Sponsored, 1»r Huron Liberal Association ----- THE PUBLIC IS 'INVITE& TO The Florence Nightingale Worship Service AT — -ODERKH—B*PTfSf-eHUKtt- THIS SUNDAY—MAY 24 At 7.30 p.m„ The Rev, S. A. Moote, B.D. will preach on the subject "THE GRACIOUS TOUCH." (Sponsor'4d by the Goderich Ministerial Association). LOOK! LOOK!" , „. LOOK! , 1957 PLYMOUTH 2 -DOOR 8 ' - ONLY $1495 1957 OHEVROLET 2 -DOOR HARDTOP— ONLY $1495, 1956UlCENTURY CONVERTIBLE— iyosik•er st(ering, power.,,,brakes, BradiC: $1695 1955 FORD CUSTQMLINE SEDAN--- • ONLY $1095 1953 CHEVROLET 2 -DOOR HA:RDTOP— New niotor - ONLY $695 1952 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN ---::— ONLY $3'75 3-1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN!** ONLY $195 Each SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 1949 AUSTIN — o ot 1 Motor—ONLY $90 , • . • 65 More Cars To Choose From — See Them TRUCKS TRUCKS -- TRUCKS _Seven. -Unbelievable Offers 41958 CHEVROLETS model 3105, 3 to 41Ton Trucks, Air -Conditioned Heaters, Front Shock Absorbers, Signal Lights, Heavy Duty Rear Springs, D P Rear Axles, Western ,Mittors, Windshield Washers, 14 foot Brantford 'Stake Body, Ita,cks, Tar- paulins, Spare' Tires; none of them over 15,000 original miles; new truck warranty. ONLY 1/2 ORIGINAL cpsT —.First Come : First Served; 3 1,99 ps New - List $2495 - SPECIAL AT $2195 1956 Bedford Van - Only 9;000 miles - New Price $1975 — FOR ONLY $895, ZURICH JACK PEARSON, PROP. - EXETER' "Huron &Linty's Largest Used Car Peale -e' • - - ,• I•