HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-05-14, Page 13• r.'+Lrrral 1114b kfUtl41160.jl+ THURSDAY, MAY 14th, ,1959 c*. 4*;;RVaireagilb AUBURN, May 12.—NMr. and..Mrs. Beverley French and family, of Detroit, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. -.George Beadle,, and Other members Of her family,: Mr, and Mrs. Bill Thompson and son, Leslie, of Windham, were gusts of 'Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Craig on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs.' Larry Glasgow, of Brussels, and Mr. 'and Mrs. Norman Glasgow, of Dublin, Ireland, who are visiting in Ontario for a month, were recent guests with Auburn friends. Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt visited. last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Granby near Seaforth. Miss Mary Clark, burse -in -train- ing at Stratford General Hospital, was chosen . by her classmates to attend the nurses' conference held recently at Five Oakes near Paris. Mrs." Marguerite Chopin attended the meeting at Goderich last Sat- urday;1of the commercial section, district 10, of secondary school teachers. She teaches at Wing- ilLam. A family birthday party was held recently at the- home of Mrs. Al- fred Nesbitt and her son, Lawr- ence. 'The guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, Susan, Janet • and Freddie, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Govier, Linda, Tommy • and Herbie, of Staffa, 'Mr, and Mrs. Frank Nesbitt and family, Mr. 'and Mrs. John Nesbitt and family, of Blyth. • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton and son, John, movaed_ into.- their-.< new home last week. Congratulations to litr, and Mrs. George Haggitt oaa the birth of their son, John Thomas, in Clinton hospital on May 6. Mrs. John Arthur is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Davis, Mr. Davis and family, at St. Thomas. - Mrs, Kenneth Staples, spent last week in Toronto visiting with Mr. Staples whose boat was in port there. W.M.S.—Thirty 'ladies and their pastor, ReV. R. M. Sweeney, of Kndx United Church, Auiburn,. visit - •:(1 the County Home on May 5th. They were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. .Ibhnston. Rev. Mr. Sweeney con- ducted a service there. A q/uvar,- ..., .,,. ,ose .,f Mies acl.le ' (stat ter, Mrs. George Millian,, Mrs. Gor- don I.VIoClinchey and Mrs. Fred' )?laetzer, 'sang. The first number on the program was a piano instriu- singssong of old_ favorites. was heartily. caid by all especially w,n.afa aid Fowler. Mrs. Oliver Knderpon graciously thanked Mr. and Mrs, Johnston for their hospitality. Treats were passed out 'oto the older folk of the home. Mr. John- ston; on behalf of 'his wife and ,the,. residents; expressed thanks and appreciation to the W..(M.S.. for coming to' entertain them. The. ladies were taken on a' -tour of the buildings which are a credit to the County of Huron. — Mrs. Roy Easom, secretary: C.O.C. Meets. — The Ida White Group met last Saturday afternoon with the president, .Margaret Haines, in charge. The story "Rainbows in Hawaii," was told 'by the leader, Mrs. Wilfred Sand- erson. The offering was received by Marion Youngblut. Mrs. Don - aid Haines, tools the worship period. A prayer. was offered • by Mary Sanderson. The minutes of the April meeting were read by the secretary, Barbara MacKay. The roll call was answered by natning a spring bird. D.V.B.S. Planned. — Delegates from Knox United, St. Mark's An- glican, 'Baptist, and Knox Presby- terian churches met in the Baptist r'hureh to plan for the Daily Vaca- tion Bible School whiich • has been mental by Mrs. James Jackson. As held every summer in the village.. va \'4,k v\ r �4 THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR !with spikes of pastel -colored IOU entwined with green ivy. Tea WTI ,.. Mr. Frank Raitl)by_ was in charge of thP....meeting, Gordon -Tay i:e'1at and. was' appointed treaswrer for the 'coming year. Mrs. Wes Brad - nock was appointed• secretary. It was decided .to start the school on July Oth and to 'hold classes for two weeks (10 days) with the anal `evening being held in the Baptist Church on July 22. It was de- cided- to. send to Evangelical Pub - Ushers for the supplies and a dis- cussion followed'• on the different topics. The leaders were appoint- ed for the 'children: Beginners, Mrs. Frank Raithby; Primary, Miss Margaret R. Jackson; Jyniors, Mrs. Ed. Davies; Seniors, Rev. R. M. Sweeney, assisted by Rev. D. J. Lane and Rev.: Robert Meally: Rev. D. J. Vane -,closed the meeting with prayer. ' Silver Wedding.— Mr. and Mrs. William Dalrymple were pleasant- ly surprised last Sunday afternoon when over 400 relatives and friends called to honor them on the occasion of their 25th.wedding anniversary. A large bouquet of American roses And pink and white streamers. and white wedding bells adorned the dining -room for this occasion., The white linen - covered table was centred with a three -tiered weddiing bakedecor- ated with white roses and two bells on the top, ,flanked an ,all sides silver tea ,service which, has been in the family for over 1225 years. Those pouring tea were Miss A11ie Zoll, Mrs. Annie Hosford, Mrs. Ralph Dornton, • Detroit, Mrs. Wil- liam Clipperton, of London, -Mrs. .Nelson, Patterson and Mrs. Al Phil- lips, ofCincinnati, Ohio. The many guests. were served by rela- tives and fri}e�nds. Miss Margaret Dalrymple, , of Wingham, who had planned the celebration for her parents, welcomed the friends at the door and had them register before going to meet the bride and groom of 25 years. • Many gifts were received. Among them was an electric clock and a serving oven from St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Blyth, where Mrs. Dalrymple has been' church organ- ist for six years. A silver tea service and (Airtime smoker from the neighbors, were other gifts, Mrs. Dalrynnple is the former Hazel Margaret Draper, of Detroit, and was married in•. Detroit: Mr. Dalrymple was ,born at Lakeside, Ont. After their marriage they resided for two years in Detroit, coining to their farm in 19$6, where they have fanned success- fully. They have one daughter, Margaret, on the nursing staff of Wingham hospital. Guests were scs ,preseilt frail Cincinnati, Detroit, Algonac, London, St. Marys, Gode- diStrict, ~ ; N, Rev: Dr, H. H. Savauge, Pontiae, Michigan,- will be guest speaker at the Sunday School. anniversary Services to be held in Knox United Church, Auburn on next Sunday. Services are at 11 a.m. and, 8 p.m. Congratulations to Mr. and --;Mrs. Gordon Powell on the -birth of their son, May 9th, in Goderich hospital a brother for Wayne. `Miss Lillian Stewart, of: London, spent the week -end with her mo- ther, Mr§. William Stewart. Mrs. Charles Nnvins and Mr. and Mr$. William Cowan and family visited last Sunday • at Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nicholson and family. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.' Norinan Wightman on the birth of their daughter, May 8th, in Gode- rich hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Major Youngblut attended the graduation ceremony at the Western Ontario Agricultur- al School on Tuesday. Their son, Lyle, received his diploma. Mr. .and . Mrs. Donald King and family Visited •on the , week -end with his father, Russel King, and ,Nlrs. King. Mr. Harold Raithby secured a position at Seaforth last week. Mr.6 and Mrs. William llensch ,u 'lU PAGE THIRTER1 GREATEST RED MOM OF 7 Get genuine, fine 'quality SERTA at this "once-in=a-lifetime" special sale price. Choose box spring and Mattress or two mattresses complete at this .:ONE low price. Act'NOWI This offer is IimTYed. Featuring heavy quality, imported damask ticking, this well -tailored mattress will give you .many years of comfort•a,nd service.''209,coil type unit, turning handles and ventilators. Outstanding value. Twin size only. mums AND BOX SPRING OR THIO MATTRESSES,i"ONti�' ^= -- Not too soft, not too hard, this medium firm inner- spring mattress features 220 'coil construction with tape edge, pre -bili„ border and. beautiful, modern stripe ticking with metallic highlights. Another great value. MATTRESS AND BOX SIRING OR TWO MATTRESSES ONLY - SMOOTH top and bottom. Not a button or tuft any- ' where to disturb your rest. Hundreds ,of electrically •, tempered steel coils, layer on layer of fine white felted cotton. Attractive, heavy quality print ticking. Pre- bilt, crush -proof border. Value PLUS. MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING OR TWO .MATTRESSES ONLY - The' ultimate in luxury and quality, fhis sturdily built SMOOTH TOP feptures multi -vented border , hundreds of eyelets that actually air- .-.,. coed i,r�lul,li�m i�r Matt ttl"c ndxxa I l o w.-..mt to +:� . breathe. Hundreds of tempered corns, a.- crush -proof border, heavy sisal pads, layer on layer of white, felted Cotton. Top value: • •IVI,A1TRESS AND BOX SPRING OR TWO, MAT1ktS)ES ONLY - r • Huron Caunty's apple orchards are bursting into bloom and with it, young love, too. and Miss Norma left last week for McClinchey, and Mrs. Worthy British Columbia where they !will (Dorothy) Fowler, 14 grandchildren make their new home. I and eight great-grandchildren. She Mr.. Lind Mrs.. John Weir; Joan has a sister, Mrs. Albert (Fern) and •Bo'ouy, of London, spent the Shackleton, of Toronto, anti two week-ehd with his father, Dr. B. brothers, Lawrence Patterson, of C. Weir, and Mr.''and Mrs. Duncan Calgary, and Donald Patterson, of MacKay, Barbara and John. Grande Prairie. Mr. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman, of ! passed away in 1944 and since that time she has made her home among her fatuity. She is a member of Knox United Church and in spite of her years, takes a keen interest in• all the activities of this •com- munity,. where she was born, Many 'friends iends from ..this_ district_ called on Mrs: Anderson last Saturday to wish her the compliments of the held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian day and wish 'her many more such Church, Clinton, on May 27th. happy birthdays. ' Mrs. Maurice Bean, Mrs. Arthur Grange, -Mrs: Robert Arthur, Mrs. Luck n ow, are visiting with their son, Norman, and boys this week. Mr. a.ud "Mrs. Fred Baechler .moved last week to their new' horse :at Dungannon. Delegates will be chosen . next Sunday different derrornina- tions to attendJthe Sunday School conventi(w of North Huron to be Lawrence 1laetier, Miss' Margaret R. Jackson, Mrs. Charles Straughan and Mrs. William Straughan at- tended the W.A. meeting at Mon- crief last Wednesday. Mr., Gordon Rutledge' is visiting with - his , sister, Mrs, Jeremiah Taylor, Mother's Day Observed. -- Mo- ther.'s Day was 'observed at all the churches last Sunday. At f{nox United there was' a choir composed es©aooemeseeeeewbeesss -BROWNIE'S, Drive -In Theatre CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County of mothers. At St. Mark's Angli-' THURS., GRI. -'MAY 14-15 ', can Church, the opening prayer — Double Feature — • N:r,Q ruing) was taken • 1, Lawrence ea"The Monte Carlo. lueitt and Miss {'Scot Clark read the lesson.' Miss Ellen I�aer sang 9, a solo. A children's choir sang a.n anthem at Knox Presbyterian Story hurch. The Baptist Church ,oh- • . (Color — Cinemascope) served Mother's Day with a special Marlene Dietrich, Vittorio DeSica scr•vi•ce. '. Walkerburn Club.—The Walker- "Rebel T'ow Mrs. Joe •Verewey with the pre- 'John Payne, Ruth Roman burn Club met at f he home of • .:.sid.en ,, .1IrSdrga., Yhne&r,--ie1-- _ TUNS-CART-DOW.,..�'- ,charge, Prayer . 'Junking. The roll call was an- swered by 18 members naming a SAT. ONLY . . "- "WAY 16. favorite household duty. The pro- -' — Double Feature gram ,of contests' 'was enjoyed, as D I prepared'by Mrs. L. Flunking, Mrs. "Tank Betatron" Guy Cunningham and Mrs. Stanley Ball.. The draw was ,won by Mrs. Don Kelly, Ed. G. Robinson, Jr. William Hunking. The penny salel' was in charge of Mrs. S. Ball to • rPlOt• .:rte •, �, , ,..r,., ,}70411.11.0 and "Dell Squad" Mrs. Leonard Arehamtbault. The May meeting will be h.eid at the Brandon Carroll, Fred Gavlin home of Mrs.. Andrew Kirkconnell with Mrs.' William 'Junking and Mrs. S. Ball in ct%atge of the pro- j gram. The lunch committee will be Mrs. J. Verewey, Mrs. Percy.; Vincent, Mrs. Worthy Young and Mrs.' L: Archambault, A lunch was served by Mrs. Elliott Lapp, 'Mrs. James McDougall; Mrs, George Schneider and Mrs. John Snydcrs,, Birthday. Party. — Bouquets of spring flowers adorned 4he home of• Mr. and Mrs. Worthy Fowler when. they held . open house for her mother, Mrs. William Ander- son, who was observing• her .85th birthday, The tea table was cen- tred with a' decorated birthday cake and tea was poured from the silver tea • services by Mrs. Gordon Mc- Clinchcy and Mrs, Oliver Ander- son. The guests were served by Misses Mary Shackleton, Donna , Lynne, Dale and Lorraine Ander- son, of l'aronto. Mrs. Anderson's sister, ,Mrs. Albert Shackleton, Of • Toronto, also helped rrcc`ive the many ) u1 'ts. On S!inclay a family dinner v,i.; given by. Mrs, Anderson ,at tho 'Tiger 1)rinlop Inn to 30'of• her relatives. She rere.ved many me:;-: Les of c,in.iralulalions, in 'chilli -it; cards, gifla and tele::ranis from Ottawa ;old a telephone cn11 from her son, font, -who is in Northern Ontario„ and was unable 1 7Y -10+C.. het •Besides Turt>. another sin, Olivt'r, and two ,daughters, Mrs- Gordon (Lillian) amous - SERTA name, makers 'ofthe quality SERTAPEDIC mattress Bekbr� ~A i'a aci to „ t,`v amakeni ai b .4 p4: opoo,,,e i,aPe n pyM ITURE (ONE CARTOON) SUNDAY MIDNITE and MONDAY • MAY 17 and 18 — Double Feature — "The Cat Ciri" (Adult Entertainment) Barbara Shelly, Robert Ayers "Invasion Of The Saucer -Men" Steve Terrell, Gloria Costello (ONE CARTOON) TUES., WED. MAY 19-20 "The Revolt Of Mamie Stover" (Adult Entertainment) ' (Color — Cinemascope) - Jane Russel, Richard Egan (TWO CARTOONS) TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Rain or Clear, First Show at Dusk Chltdrerrillitler. 12 in_rhrs F' ''"-- Open Bowing DURING THE MONTH . OF MAY. Open ,Each . Evening. —Saturday—Afternoont— ARAI FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 1509. Little Bow.! HURON ,ROAD.