The Exeter Times, 1891-1-15, Page 1AND HURON MIDD L SEX GAZETTE
4018'N Sv7l l±Tla '& SOIL
Publisher * a' rzoprietor
LI.)[CISON Barriet
or S oli'
-1 vi ,
js� or' of Supreme (tenet, Notary
Public, ',onvevancer, Cgmmissionor, &c
Money to Loan.
Office in 1'anson's Block. Exeter.
Barrister, Solicitor, Bolzveyancer, Etc.,
p�XF.TEk, - ONT.
Office over the Post O see.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Puillic,
Oonveyaueers c4L(3, &o.
tfoney to Loan at Lowest Rates of
nore t.
B. Y. $I,LIOT.
Suoco'sor to H. L.Billiut s,
Member of the Royal College of !)ental
Surgeons.) Teeth inaertea with or without
Plate. in Gold or Rubber, & safe A,niesthetic
given fortho painless extraction of teeth,
•OFFWE : Over (?'Neil's Baur.
I,uoan over Friday.
tiatrinwell's Meek, :Refill-st, Exeter,
l:xtrsots Teeth without
pain, Away at iir:NeAr.r, on
first Friday; Craig. second
ani fourth Tuesday: and
Zunrca on the last Thurs-
duvof each month,
tY • P. E3, Graduate Victoria University:
Office and residence, Darn atiOn Labora-
tory, Exeter.
)R. FiYNOAIAN, coroner for the
ou t of Enron. O:. co 0 osit
Carling Bros store, Exeter. pp e
O. Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont.
Residence, bonne recently 000upied by P.
McPhillips, Each
rF u M. D., C.
C T M.,
(h�adu to Trinity Tor-
onto Fet. 'Prin. Mod. 8(112001.o1. Toronto ; 0ratl.
Am Inst..Craniology ; Member N. Y. Aced,
Anthropology; Member Col. P. S„ Ont,
.office, Dashwood. Ont.
Diseases of the
•E o lasses and Siloetaoles furnished for
both Near and Distant Vision,
Always at home. except on Fridays.
No. 185 Queen's Avenue,
Lorilion, Ontario.
BOSS +' NBERBY, General Li
J • oonsod Auctioneer Sales conducted
inallparts. Satiafaotionguaranteod. Charges
moderate. Hansell P 0, Ont.
TjLEN.Y EILBER Lioensed Auo-
toneer for Hay, Stephen, and Mc.
-Gllivray Townships. Sales conducted at
moderaterates. Office, at3ost-omoe, Cred-
iton Ont.
. MictioneerandLandvaluator. orders
sent by mail io my address, Bayfield P. O.,
will receive prompt attention. 'Terms moder-
ate. D. R. PORTER, Auctioneer,
Tennent& Tennent
Graduates of the Oubario Veterinary Col -
OrFICE : One e,00r South of Town Hall,
peroent, $25,000 Private Funds. Beat
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, .Exeter,
CANADA.. Head OMee. London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
contents ,the moat favorable protection in case
of loss or damage by fire orlightning, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other rospect-
ablecompany can afford to write. 42,375 poli:
cies in force lstJan ,1890. Assets $378,428.00
in cash in bank. Government deport. Deben-
tures and Premium Notes, JAMES GlAmT,
President; D. O-MoD0NALD,Manager. DAVID
J'A¢UES,Agentfor Exeter'andvioinity.
Established in 1868,
Thisoomxany has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western
Onario, and continues to insure against
toss orfiamagebv ['ire Buildings Merchan-
dise, Manufactories, and all other deserip.
tions of insurable property, Intending
insurers have the option of insuring on
the Premium Note or Cash System.
Luring the uastten years this Com-
panybas issued 57,096 Policies. covering
propertyto the amount of S40,872,039; and
paid n tosses alone $709,752,00.
Assets, $176,100.00,consisting ofCash
-(Bank GovernmentDeroait and the un-
ssessc:d Peamium Notes en : Lani and in
'oref . : W 'Warman IA. D .Pres.det t L .
.i. CArLozz Secretary. J. i3 . Huoans, In-
speetor. CHAS. SNELL,',Vont for Exeter
and visit(.((•.
3a uirday Pt. M.
tirT [ w .w Ai $407a.12),.r. o,
and. other CQQds#
We cannot well pack the
above goods so we will close
them out by auction. Come
and get i. i foe Tea. Sett for
quarte): price.
All goods packed next week.
PANT of Toronto; also for the PiitENIX
Eugland, the ROYALilA;VAPIAN. of Mon-
treal, and the ONTARIO ailUnI'Ai4 Jall'E
ASSL'fI:ANCE,CO'Y of Waterloo established
Iti70,.A4suranaesluforce,$1,3,127.40, Bonuses
every year after aril year.
Oxl .44
-• -.C fir',q et ....
ci a a;^ A%A „;S
if4 44
O e ,x fie!: R,
'a, m .8 0
to feel it a
.a .t
Ta sI'1:aD
time and � .
money here , tit ILL
o' R
to hake'
its Minna
as pleasant as possible
An Attract vc Stock
of NewWintei Tweeds
Worsteds said Trous-
ings. now being shown
Grand Carnival,
Exeter Ice Rink Wednesday Any: 21st
1891. Prizes offered for the following ;—
Ladies' fancy costume lst and 2nd; Gents'
Comic, lst and 2nd ; Girls' Fancy, lst ;
Boys' Comic, 1st ; Gents' 2 mile race,
Admission 10. Exeter Band in attend-
Davis Bios.
Agricultural Society..
The annual meeting of the Stephen and
Usborne Agricultural Society was held in
Exeter on Thursday lase. The Treasurer's
books showed the Society to be in a good
financial standing. During the past year
a great deal of money had to be paid out;
the Society's liabilities liquidated, and,
there yet remains $19.57. There was a
fair attendance of members, who elected
sthe following officers :—President, Ed
Christie, Exeter; Vice do, John Delbridge
Usborne; Directors, Jae Ballentyne, J.
Hunter, jr,D McInnes, Usborne; H Eilber,
W. blueston,.S. Sanders, Stephen Rich
Davis and Geo Bowden, Exeter; and John
Willie, Hay.
EL1tCTION or OPFROEns—At the last
meeting of the Royal Tempters of Temper-
ance on. Monday night the following offi-
cers were elected for the current six
months : Past Councillor, Bro. P. Frayne
Select Councillor, Bro Jno Muir, jr ; Vice
Councillor, Sister Mary Down ; : Chaplain,
Bro.' Walter Carley ; Herald, Bro. Jon.
)Manning ; Dep. Herald,: Bro J Northcott ;
Fin Secy., Bro. Richard Gidley ; Treas..
Sister Charlotte Sweet ; Guard, Sister
Addie . Eaerett ; Sentinel, Sister Eliza
Johns ; Organist, Sister Honor Perkins.
Fur Caps, Fur Collars, Fur Muffs, Fur
Boas and Fur Coats all reduced 25 to 40
per cent for the great sale at the Big Bank
rupt Store.
Cluult refi Au fay' Pitcher'Q- tastorir
Sleighing again.
Read Carling u;
Broa change of adv
They are clearing of their winter
The Thies carrier returns thanks to his
many patrons for their very liberal dona-
Big bargains in Roots and. Shoes during
the great sale at the Big Bankrupt Store.
Ice cutting on the mill pond baa been
commenced, and the quality of the ice is
goal, being about 12 inches thick.
The Huron, S. 8, Convention will be
lleld in Brussels on Wednesday and Thera -
day, Jan'y 21st and 22nd.
All press (Goods reduced 15' to 40 per
cent for the great sale at the Big Bankrupt
During soft days when the mud com.,
menses to flaw, some of the stocao crossings
err Maln•at are found to be too low,
A horse WAS never made fat by a single
Imehel of oats. So one eannat expect great
weatth through a sleg1e advtrtieemeut.
1l first dividend of 21 emits an the dol -
sr, has been declared in the estate of the
late Jas Hodgson,
Mr Arthur Hallam, who has been
teaching sebool near Exeter. left hat Fri,
clay morning for Ottawa Normal School,
Sealettea and Mantle goods of all kinds
away down for the great sale at the Big
Bankrupt Store.
11r, Abraham Dearing, of the dtlr con-
cession of Stephen, who has been ill for
souse time of lagrippe, we are pleased to
report, se improtoug.
The new municipal councillors all over
Ontario will hold their first meetings, for
the purpose of ortetnising, at 11 a.m., on
Jan 19, G'cunty councils meet on Jan 97
Wool Blankets, Flannels, Slrawla.Clouds,
"foolery, Gloves, Comet, and Curiains all
reduced lar the great,sale at the Big Bank
rupt Store.
Enter Sunday falls very early thisyear,
being on :ltateh 290, There are onlytwo
Sundays after Epiphany. Ash Wednes-
day falls on Feb y 1 lth, Good Friday an
March 27th.
Prior to Mr. Piowes leasing for London
his Mende entertained him and his estim-
able lady to an oyster slipper at the reaf-
dcnee of Mrs. Thomas'. A pleasant even-
ing was spent,
Bear in mind the Big Bankrupt Store
will be closed all clay Monday and T Tuesday
foremen, preparing for the greatest sale
ever held in Exeter. The sale heights
Tuesday noon.
A shooting match for a stake of $25
took place its Exeter, on Saturday. be-
tween Ira Bice, of Clandeboye, and Isaac
Handford, of Exeter. Mr Bice killed
nine birds, and Mr Handford five,
For more than aweek the weather has
been clear and fine, like unto that of .April;
and while the people of England aro ex-
periencing eohi stormy weather we lima
been in the enjoyment of a California
The new .store being remodelled by Mr
Sanrwell is receiving the diligent attention
of the contractors, and it is expected will
he ready for occupancy in the course of a
month or so. It will be occupied by Mr
Ed, Spackman.
A number of the rural merchants have
deoided to run their business on strictly
cash basis. They will not even trade such
stuff as butter, eggs, etc, hut will pay
cash for them, and expect their customers
to pay cash for their goods.
The Independent Order of Foresters of
Farquhar intend holding a concert in their
hall on Friday Jany 30th. A splendid pro.
gram is being prepared, including the
Exeter Glee Club, and others front a dis-
tance. A good time is expected,
We are pleased to announce that Mr.
Isaac Carling has passed his third year ex-
amination at the Toronto University,
ranging third in order of merit. Mr.
Carling has one more examination to com-
plete his University course.
.Au Ouvey correspondent writes: "Mrs
Jaynes. now of London, and a little girl of
about 5 years came on a visit to Mrs E.
Toils, of this place last week, and a few
days after their arrival the little girl took
ill, and commenced to vomit incessantly,
which ended in her death.
air Fred Farncombe, of Exeter, officiated
at the wedding of Miss Hannah Coldweli,
of Constance, and Dr Farncombe, of New
Castle. Ont., in the capacity of second
groomsman. The ceremony was pe. formed
by Revs Wm. Farncombe, Canon Farn-
combe and Mr Hodgins.
The Paynesville (Minn) News says
"Ou Friday evg. of last week the brethren
of Paynesville Lodge No 71, A.F. & A. M,
held their annual installation, The cere-
monies were performed in open lodge by
Wor. Bro. Dan Dyer, P.M. Zurich Lodge,
No 224, Canada.
The Dundas Banner suggests that the
warden of Wentworth county should be
chosen in a novel manner. It proposes
that the townshipatbe taken in alphabetical
order, and the warden chosen from each
municipality in turn, thus insuring a share
off the honor for all. There is a precedent
for this method of selecting a chief magis-
trate in the British metropolis.
M ucn speculation has been indulged in
here as to when the debentures issued by
the Township of Usborne in favor of the
London, Huron & Bruce Railway mature.
We are informed by the clerk of Usborne
that the vote on the by-law was taken on.
July 22nd, 11871, and the debentures are
payable in August of the present year,
when Usborne will. he .fully prepared to
meet thein and their debt wiped out.
Under a re -or ganization of the' local
branch of the Mo'aons Bank Mr Hurdon
is promoted to the position of Bank,
'the businesa of the branch being equally
under' the control of Mr 'Brewer, the
Manager of the Clinton branch, Mr Archer
retires from the the service of the bank
with a handsome allowance from the
Directors, and goes to New York,
Cavan Chore fa ,Annual 3loeting,
The alsnirel„ inOtjng of Caven Presby-
arch ma's held an 7.'nes4a5, .even,
lug. The congregation was fairly well
represented, the tea ptovicied by the radios
of the congregation was much appreciated.
The different report( were read and !,
fidopted--the Ladie' Aid being given
specialraise for their work during the
year, The same officers were re -appointed
for the ensuing year in both church and
Sabbath Sebaol. The question of having
tea meeting in connection with the an-
ruvetsary was l;rought up and meet!,(mite A spirited disenseion, lust on at gen-
eral vote being taken the motion was de -
gated. A. inotieu to have the hour
of service on Sabbath eveniugs changed
from 0.30 to ; .o'clock in harmony with
the chimes was also lost. The anniversary
W48 appointed for the third Sunday in
February. The following is the amount
of money raised for the year ; For eon-
gregatiount purposes. 61,2011; mese fund,
$290; misolons, etc, 1140, total 61,030.00.
The, following: la a copy of the address
which accompanied the presentation made
to Mr John P, Ross, of which mention
was made last week. It apeaka for its..
Ma 1. P,Itoas, Exeter,,-.
We, the members aid adherents of Caren
Irresbrterisn rhumb. Exeter. desiring to ex-
p. 8$ to you (alae dettntte Nnd tangible recogR-
nition of emir valued services in t1rechureh
and its affairs. more particulars as the uper-
indetadent of the rnndsy re'aoset and ns leader
or the eboir aftheehurch-take thisopportunity
of doine;so. We have always appreciated your
religion e,eand Christian Minin our behalf.
You have worked faithfully and earnestly as
is evinces) by the result of your latter amongst
us, Ito nor for a nioasent inrsr.ine that we
ineasuro the value of your services by ;hie
statgl impression of our gratitude. nor yet,bi,y
the tntrausic worth of thesliaht tokens wbtoh
imian:toy tlroa wtddrows, Ws beg you to ae-
oeptin the spirit they aro tendered tide ehsie
andwalk[rgstiok; they are but slight evidences
deep 'nt
o[ l o► cretin your ur a t
ci n tan t a andap-
ate work v� A
unciated for n, d[a you o ,
s a lope pares,
to continue the good fiord yon aro now s4
heartily engage( inwith as. and in your hours
of Meuse in this chair may the thought that
while our Christian labor in this world
doesnet pans unannreeieted, .still far better
and much more blessed indeed may the know-
ledge be t.oyou that yaitshall receive glorious
reward in Heaven. This cane we ask yen to
necept,not to pat away in sono hidden plane.
but to make use of es yen waik hither end
thither through the rugged walks of this o
that it n►sy be an ever present reminder to ypn
as you carry it, and to ua as we see yea and
greet you with it, olfi the very Pleasant and
d praying that God exists His mercy and
kindness may bless sou and yours is ours
Mesars. Bert Knight and Wellington
Johns left on Monday for Cleveland, Ohio,
to take a course in the Cutting School
there. We wish these young mon every
success.—Mise Baird, of Parkhill, spent
several days of last week visiting friends
;n town.—Messrs. W. 13 Graham and son,
of St. Marys, were in town on Mouday
purchasing horses to drip to Indiana,—
Mr liegnauder, of Toronto, formerly en-
gaged with the .Ialsons liank in Exeter, is
apendiug a few days in town.—Miss Susie
Tart, after an absence of Severn] months,
visiting friends in St. Paul, (Minn,) has
returned to Exeter.—Mr Allan McDonold
arrived in Exeter on Saturday evg from
the North west He intends returninrr
with a car load of horses.—Dr J. P. Aiken,
of Port Huron, gave us a call last week.
The doctor formerly resider) in Exetcr,and
we are pleased to learn that he has suc-
ceeded in working up a good practice in
Port Huron.—Miss Aggio Oddy, of St
Marys, is spending a fewdays with friends
in town.—Mr James Windsor and family
of McGillivray, speet last week at Mr.
John Elliott's, Excter.—James Hodgson,
of Palmerston, has been visiting at his
home ou the 3rd con. of Usborne,—air A.
Bowerman returned to Chicago on Monday
oto pursue his dental studies.—Mr Daniel
Wood is ill of inflammation of the lungs.
—Clifford Lewis and family of Rat Por-
tage, Man, are the guests of Mr John El-
liott of Exeter.—Miss Emery, Gananoque,
is visiting Mr and Mrs J. 'G.Etnery.—Mr.
Dan'l Wood, is, we are sorry to say, suf-
fering an attack of inflammation of the
The old °ouueil met for the last time on
Wednesday evg last, and concludedthe
buisness of 1890.
Mr James Dignan sold a valuable 'Volo'
colt to a gentleman in Ingersoll for a good
All winter goods have been 'educed 25
to 40 per cent at the Big Bankrupt Store
for their great clearing sale.
LOST.—A silver chain, abont Dec 1st
Finder will be rewarded by leaving same
at this office.
A special general meeting of the Board
of Trade wilt be held next Wednesday
evg. Important business. A full attend-
ance requested.
Be sure and attend the red-hot sale at
the big Bankrupt Store commencing Tues-
day noon.
Some person visited the slaughter house
of Mr Rich Davis on Tuesday night and
administered . poison to his awine, which
resulted in the death of five of the most
valuable. Mr Davis' loss is about$75,
The candidates, successful and other-
wise, have all, found a solution for their
victory or. defeat. Each man knows ex-
actly how the day was won or lost. The
successful rejoice m their election, and the
unsuccessful find' solace in the knowledge
that they can give more time to their
private businesses.,
A checker match was held in the town
hall on Tuesday evening last. The cap-
tains were W. Leyett and C. Prouty.
The score is as follows
W Lovett 4 T Oke 5 draws 1
,T Hyndman 0 1` Collins 3 " 1
R Torry 6 C Prouty 4
J Elliott 0 W Bissett 4 2
B Either 1 J Walters 4 `
,Dashwood. THE
..-4.3--Two • o_ r T in riwader'a
f ItI . '� ke
daughbere aro on the sick list at present.
We wish them a speedy ra0ov-ery,—Peer W. BARGAIN
„RG, ,I
3 Tager has opened revival servioes i.n the
Evaaselicel church here, --Oa Tnesday fait DEPOT,
Mr Sacks hal a bee to haul brick for his
new hvuao.-51r 13 (r(r'lt has returned from
Ferry Sonnd.--Mr H Sehreeder.eboemaker,
isas teen engaged by a gentleman front
near Toronto. We with Harry enceeas.
preens(- 'mfr John Brown loots 'minable.
spas of hors(( fast week is a rather
way. Itapleers ho and a young re.
Andrew Glendinisg, started to drive to the
wondethrough Mr David B,opbey's firm
and is arosefug a ' s. creek the }.arses
small 1
got frightened and a►cwded off the iitldga
anti rinnged foremost into the water which
was only 3 or 4 feet deep; before they could
le got nut they both were drowned,—lir
l:d"ar Jcnoings preached a very interest-
ing and instructive terriers to the young
men in Grace church a week ago. Ilia
hearers were highly pleased to have hila
back after an absence of several months in
London .. i r Smith and wife of it Springs,
posited through here on Monday last on
their way to Grand Bend where. ho intends
to carry on the blacksmith baainess,---air
W .T Wilson spent a few days of hat week
in Toronto looking riip nave dry gods for
Ilse spr►nq trsde.-.,-Ma 'tV .1 iQilse.a bought
Woe Wicket's span of horse(, he having
'leaded to IOWA the blacksmith trade The
Boston apnaintu;eut;ct Grand )tend circuit
received three hundred +ted thirty dollen
during the peat few week(, tasrar le pstving
off the deist on the Methcaliat personage at
tt"strdrett.—Mr James 'ilffPheraau built two ,
new etande and turned as beautiful Pedestal
for the Mortar, two dozen new chair; have
been platted in the Ball whisk makes it one
of the best !mutslied Country Lodge roams
in the diatrlet.----Iliddtrlph Mistiest Orange
Lodge WAS held here on. Tuesday lath and
the fal•aw[ng officers were elected for the
year 1891 John :Nil, re-elected District
bt, ; Jas, adhere, 1) 1) 1I : W J \Vitaorr,
Rea See; Cl° Grieves, Fin Sec ; N Grieves,
Trona ; Bold flnlolrina'a, Chap ; 1? Davi',
1) of C ; Wm Delaney nod Wm I'crtieue,
Lecturers We had a rousing nreetieq
every Lodge but one in the dicttrtat was
represented some 35 members were present,
and, w.' lied amine+ good speaking especially
Brea Diatom). 1L' is hand and heart in
the cause. Yon will aro by the election that
all the old oti'scera were re-oleeted.
t i
Bre Wang—Masers Wolf and Ginter,
threshers, did some big work for lir John
Ressler. They threshed the mope of seven
and ane half acres of °lover which yielded
21a baobab; in the amen space of three
hours and a half, This ie supposed to be
quick work and espeainlly so became it was
douo after dark and lauterns had to be
BrIErd—Mr John N. Geiser has gone to
Denver Colorado where he has secured
work.—Mr Nelson Hodgins left this week
for his home in the North West taking with
him several fine horses bought in ibis
vicinity—Mrs Thomas McKenzie. of Snow-
flake, Manitoba, 1; paying her numerous
relatives here' a visit.—Mr Rich Baker baa
taken out pedlars lioeure and hereafter will
be seen traversing the road with his "store
on wheels" --Mr Chr. Kransehas sold his
house to Mr Hy Sheardown for a neat
figure. Mr Krause will move to Miebigan
shortly, where he has bought a farm,—The
school trustees have made some alterations
in the senior room of the school, the inside
anteroom has been torn down to make
room for seats and a small vestibule has
been built on 'the outside.—The Royal
Tempters of Temperance are weekly inoreas-
ing in strength and propose giving a con-
cert shortly.—Petitions for Prohibition are
being extensively circulated but they are
not signed as numerously as it was expected
they would be.—The trustees of 8. S. No
2 have engaged a Mr John Thompson as
teacher for this yfar.—Skating has been
very good on the ponds and on the river,
and everyone who has a pair of skates has
been out indulging in this healthful exercise.
--We understand we are going to have a
resident butcher in the village, we hope
the report is true as we need one badly.—
In a letter from Mr Wm Sohnarr formerly
well known here, bnt now of the Turtle
Mountain District Man. He reports very
favorably, Crops have been good with
them and he raised 1300 busbels of wheat
which he Gold at a good price.—Mr Sohnarr
has been again elected by acclamation for
municipal honors and has served for sever•
al years in that capacity. But her Mon-
teith reeve of the same Municipality who
is also a formerresident of this place has
not been quite so fortunate as he received
opposition and was defeated, Mr Sehnarr
also reports oold weather with no snow bat
he says it makes very little diffaience to
them if they have any or not, there being
no work to do during the winter months.
Mrs Bache) Stillwaggon, the oldest per-
son on Long Island and perhaps the oldest
in New York State, died on Sunday 'night,
She was in her 106Th year. She retained
her faculties to the last. Upto, the 100th.
birthday she read the newspapers daily,
but after that her eyesight'failed her. She
bad been a widow for 65 years.
The Attorney General of Ontario has
forwarded a requisition to the Minister of
Justice for the extradition of Chester Wil-
motYourex, wanted in Belleville, Ont„ for
forging papers on the back of Commerce
and the Merchants' Bank. He is now in
custody in Bremen, Germany.
Oliver Blake lith line' Fast Zorra, has
a Dorset horned ewe that has had .six
lambs inside of thirteen months. This
ahows plainly that these sheep will breed
twice per annum.
Fergus, Ont,, Jan I3. --A young man
named John Linton, who was chopping.
wood in the McGladery` camp at Birch '&:
Linnett's bush, six' miles from here, was
accidentally killed this morning by a fal-
ling tree.
We are just now Voiding
an, Overcoat sale to reduce
our large stook. We do not
brag nor bluster but make
assertions,. Which like a gold
coin, cal, be realized upon.
are now s r o v (affaa•iug •a c?is-
CQUUt on -regular lowprices,
and to be convinced just en-
guile. Our ,:tool . is new and
good, and to save us Barry . lg
over until another year all
Overcoats will be sold at cast
• $ d�' `S
ENTitnT.l1 ,`IVSY.--Don't forget the school
entertainment at No 7, raborre, i'ilcxr.'e
school house) ou Friday, Jany 23 Pro-
gramme copsieta of Exeter 4_rartotto, llar-
monicg Baird Orche atra,te„ether with solos,
(dialogues, Aimiaair+n ria. Children
10 eeut9,
x t•er onC
Ten per eat disco nt Dryrood. n •
Iu sd
i Januaryanr'
ntm make r for a .ren at7tc�:
g m1 &
Come and s'sureaosaeof our bargasus before
the end of the month, Oar stock takingbegins
Feby 1st- and all winter gouda must he sold be-
fore that date, if prices will do it.
T evr.r:ten Mcr:xltsai, -Tho anuuai meet-
ing at the flay Township Tire Inanranca
Co. was ht4I in this Village on Monday..
Atter routine the following oilicere were
elected:—Preailent, John Baker; Vice
do, Peter Donplae; director* t—Uenry Iley-
reek, Thomas Yearly, isiaa Surarus,
Dant Suraras, Jacob I nercber, Sohn Tor-
rance, .and Justus Mt'lllak, 1leuiy Either
was appointed manager, secretary, and
treasurer, and Gabriel Holtzman, agent.
The director's, secretary's and auditors' re-
ports were received. The company during
the pant year has issued 369 newYpoliciea
covering an insurance of $757,595. The
year aimed with 62,113,104 insurance in
force, for which the company hold assets
to the amount of 671,910.73, with no iia-
bilities. During the year there was paid in
losses, the sum of $882;57, The total re-
ceipts for the year amounted to $4,88S.30 ;
expenditure $1,701,38, leaving a balance of
63,180.02. The meeting was an interesting
one, and it was shown by the worthy man-
ager, Mr H. Silber, that the company is in
a superior ,financial standing, and progra (-
Bnxxrs—Our school commenced a week
ago Tuesday with the usual number of
pupils and one new teacher, Mr Jarrat, who
takes the place of Mr Chas Latta,—We are
pleased to state that Miss Bella Latta is
slowly improving, in fact almost recovered
from her Iate illness.—Mr Geo Beehanan
has returned to Goderieh to school,—Mr
Mr Fred Hess has sold his driyer to Ur
Wm White, of Rodgerville, for a good sem,
and Mr Jon Merger has sold his to Mr Thea
Berry, of Hensel!. Driving horses seem
to be in great demand and bring a good
figure.—Mrs Brown is visiting her mother,
Mrs Hill.—Misses Praing and .Backer are
visiting their parents in the villiage.—Miss
Edith Steinbach has returned from a visit
to Exeter.—We are pleased to see that
Master John Gies of the public sobool here.
has passed the entrance examination,' se-
curing 477 marks.—According to the article
in last week's issue your Hensall correspon-
dent seems to have a very poor. opinion of
the majority of the ratepayers ;of the mun-
icipality of Hay. ' Business ability, honest
dealing and a fearless arraignment of reck-
less extravagance” says the writer "could
not stand against the solid west," We feel
sorry for the benighted (?) majority if they
have been so foolish as to poll their votes
in favor of qualities directly adverse to
those ,mentioned in the above quotation, for
such is the insinuation Our sympathy
however is more for the writer, who we be-
Neve voices the sentiments of bat a small
minorit' and whose eyes—regardless of the
"light from the east"—are blinded by the
dense °loads of his own selfishness. We
think and the' ratepayers of Hay, according
to their decision of the 5th think so too
that the "sufficient number of votes" were
polled for the right candidate. The only
consolation we can offer to those who "got.
left" as your correspondent puts it, is to do
as he should have done ere this, bow calm-
ly to the majority instead of kicking after
a finaldecision is given.
Mr Fleming, of the hotel firm of Moir &
Fleming, of St Marys, died on Friday last
and was buried on Saturday. La Grippe
the pause of death. ,
The contract for the erection of • the new
Methodist church on the third line, of
Blanshard'has been awarded to Messrs
Roadhouse, of Kirkton.
The City Mutual Fire insurance Com-
pany, of London, whieh has .been doing'. a
general business throughout Western; Ont.
for the, past few years, with its head office
in London, has suspended.
Forest Ont, Jany 1,3.—Last '.ni ht be-
tween twelve and one dclock, fire night
out in the dwelling house owned and occu-
Mpied byDenis Cavanah,of this ` town.
ost othe houshold furiture was saved.
The building was insured in the Gore In-
surance Company for $300. The cause of
the fire was a defective chimney,