HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-05-14, Page 6ildredi Play Is Well Received; THE GODERJCH' SIGNAL -STAR",,' •• THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1959 d5. 00derich Little Theatre met in NacKay Hall on May 6, when it 'Was decided to 'buy new curtains for the stage, Mr. H. Ford, chair- man of the committee, reported an his survey re buying the cur- tains. The annual club dinner is to be 'held at the regular -meeting in June at the Maitland Golf Club. . The group decided to present "Still Life," a ,one -act play by Noel Coward, at the end of June, under the direction of Tony Mer - ser. "Still Life," a 'drama con- cerning the lives of two casual acquaintances who fall in love, was made into a motion picture under the title, "Brief Encounter." • Last Thursday and Friday, the group Sponsored the production of !sHansel and Gretel," the third children's play to be directed by Mrs. H. M. Ford. . Staging of Hansel and Gretel was. particularly •effective. Mrs. Bruce Sully was in charge of • painting and decorating, and the little candy house attracted much attention. The title roles were performed by Jeffrey Such and CAroline Gra- ham; those of father And mother by. Johnny Lodge and Phyllis, Cum - nuns and Robin Sully. was the ' witch. The dancers, trained • by Madame DeKurthy, were Allan Reid, Edward Curry and Bill 'Mc- Manus. Angels in the play were Ruth Wallace, Sybil Bowra, Linda Buechler, Robin Sully,, Ann Rae, Jane &terser, Mary Jayne... Marius, Joan Guilty, Karen Stott, Shelley Bradford,. Christine Torn-' kowiecz and Betty Wright, Women Taking Moreimportant Roles In The World, Ahmeek IODE Told Mrs. George W. Paterson open- ed her home for the May meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, 1,0,D.E. The treasurer reported on the Dessert Bridge held last month. A thank -you, letter was read from one of the sick members. The convener of the ways and means committee reported that a garden tea ig planned for the latter part of June. Thi! secretary of Empire and World Affairs read two interesting articles, *one on Mrs. Khrushchev. Until Khrushchev becai,ne head of both -government and Communist See party, the Wives of top-level Rus- sian leaders hadn't been seep by iforeigners in years. Now, this is changed. Mrs. Khrushchev has been hostess for important visitors, among them, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Seeretary-Gen- eral of the United Nations She also attended the official Moscow reception during the recent visit 9f ritain's Prime Minister Mac- Millan, Tht, second article was on Lady Arden -Clark , who with her hus- band is currently on a tour across Canada under the a -us -pit -es -1g -the Royal • Commonwealth. Society. While in London, she spoke at an I.O.D.E1 luncheon. She described life in the various countries in Which her husband has served, Nigeria, South Africa and Borneo: He became ,governor of the Gold Coast 'and she told of the trans- ition of the Gold Coast to the Independent State of Ghava. Shet and a friend formed the first day nursery in Ghava and many nurs- erieswere later established which saved the lives of many negldcted pre-school children. Ch-arlie.... MacNaughton I WED., MAY 20 7:25 to 7:30 p.m, CKNX-TV Church's Needs Mrs, K. E. Taylor presided over the meeting of St. George's Chinch - women's Guild on May 6th. Scripture was. read by Mrs. C: Tweedie. Mrs. H. Dodd gave the secretary's report and Mrs. D. Pat- terson the treasurer's report. Items of business included plan- ning of the garden party. ' It was decided to make.- a donation to ' the board of managers for their , project of installing padded kneel- ers throughput the church. It ,as also decided to ptirchase two apart-, mcuit size electric stoves to replace inie large one whie'h is at present in use. Cassocks are to be pur- chased .for four little girls who have become members of the choir. Acknowledgements gore reeeiv-,' ed from members of the 'church 1, ,who had received kindnesses in the way of cards or calls; also quild members v,.hon had received flowers. Two solos were slitig 15S, Miss Dianne SicConfiell, with Miss Lorna -Channel .- , Pratt :Is tu a:csomp,anis.t. he-coneTsion of th-e'me-et'ini, ; i afternoon tea was served by Mrs. Tweet° and, her committee. • ' PAINTING Industrial — Commercial • ALL TYPES BRUSH AND SPRAY. FOR FREE ESTIMATES CONTACT HURON TOWER P.O. Box 602 • Phone 4,6 or 78 20-3 fa, Here is the most versatile carrier..Large and unobstructed 45 square foot platform. The sides and tail gate can be Iowcred to speed-up loading. Big theft -proof compartment Under the platform. Real economy—lipto3Omilespergalloh.Efficient service from coast to coast with a Central 5-millron dotlar Parts Depot. For low maintenance and oper- ating costs, see this functionally designed Volkswagen. m. VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD. 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