HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-1-8, Page 8t
I>+iSURANCI; 1 Garent Patrick Hyndman left on Friday The Elections
morning to work in the law office of J. U.
ttonmes of Toronto.—Mr Thomas Sweet
left for Toronto to attend the V S Col,
lege there.—Mr P. Bawden, of Ridge,.
town, is visiting his parents --Miss Prin
glee who has been spending her vacation
r). Usurer; •esin#oxen>$1'r,121.teti,';s,ruecs t with .her parents returned test evening.--.
ovary year after first year. ztrs Emery, who has been spending the
holidays at her parents' in Shame ' tleCCOMMO
" " �" ed house yesterday. --ens R Buswell is the
; MART T EXETER, guest of ztrs Ed Dyer.
also tot the PIVENIS.
RE t1 s1IIraNCEronto ' C()31YANT,.ot London
Hard the ONTAIMO MIT I A Xi112.S
A8t)1L*IdASC1 ,cp"y of Waterloo established
A wp -1- lirerities,
S s "'i„ a 1: There are several more weddings on the
.. ; O v , m pee talJ:a,
�, a el 2 a see .. ; F G Ilay is selling for from $5 50 to $6 per
are ^r- Q,L5:1 6m ton
o a c c' iS ra The Exeter mi'nnr Co have received
'e x a • c' .L a s~ twa car loads of maritoba wheat.
t .- C .M '' P- -'
to fwe it asi to mule
pit.ist to it:,name
t..TO A
tt a..3t.., a''*r -'�t a v i3.ined
u u :ey Isere war r. forcer* YOU; one.
; , :a
.a.1 `-
40Ag 74
raise II Flawkehaw fell on the ' ice the
other ev;; and sprained her wrist.
Buy your skating hoots at the Big Bank
rupt Stye
Sir John ''sacdonald • will celebrate Tris
76th birthday next Satndsy,
Special values in black dices goods,
just in tat the Big Bankrupt :hurt,
All fur coats, caps and collars, Must
go quick. ' At the Big Bankrupt Store.
Men's and Ileys' Overcoats for nearly
'` _ bait price at the Dig Baihrupr Store.
et.4 et
t A few ends of S ealettes at the Big Banat
c c rupt Store They must be sold A beauty
ei 1, o-^c,ge ' ,at8495perS.1
g . G t The holiday r /sitars from a distance have
ee t. `: s eat•y ell tattool to their rt epective
r"' 2 Mutt es•
a ,:It is expee^vd that Dr P.oliius, reeve ot
E{ Exeter. will be elected warden of Huron
Cofer 1501,
An Attract Ivo.' Stock err ueorge Hissitt, of Exeter, is the
owner of a cow +thiels produces 101 lbs
of butter in n week,
Ask to see the job lines of new dress
knurls at 8, 9 and 10c at the Fig Bink.
, rept Store.
lugs. n c w bein s' ::11() wu ' D Plewes. who hue been miler for ilio
!! Exeter milling Co leaves this week. and
by 1 sir Brown will take his pace.
_ The pork packiug house is doieg a rush-
WM. i. , Cf RIU (.' , lug business. Large quantities of pork
are being sold at this institution.
k+ X t' I i' C In S 8 No 5. C'eborne.:er James Fray ne
esnerzenne.. Z,,.r,r,.s.,..'•. j bas been elected trustee in the stead of ntr
+ John 1eyweolresigaed,TG BANItatTPT C'I+`a_
Mr, John. Perseus, of Centralia, last
E.. E T k1 D week. bought WI the turkeys in town at t*e
per pound to le shipped to Manitoba.
. The oreetion of the new shed in comma-
: ti( n with the nnsin•st aethtsdi'st church. is
Yes, we have far too many', Trc •rtsiug specify owing to the cold
Overcoats---eiiou h to supply i "t.alaet:
1 A eon of l'ito Summon. of the Simpson
half a (low Shops. We 0 It1uSt mum,. Parkhill, was bprhd ill Exeter nu
Tues+lay. Be was 22 veers of age end
11101 in British Collunbia,
In Lucan it was a tlitileult matter to
procure a council. very few its the village
desiring the position. Exeter aright sup.
ply a (!,iota.
Luso-•-In Exeter, on Monday, Jany 5th,
a boa. The tinder will be suitably re.
warded by leaving the sane at Will INo1.
1awl's store.
The Rev W Holmes will preaehmission-
ary lts:arnnattrs in ten; Maitr-At eltnrcls some
OHIO is .lurch. Mr Holmes W44 a former
pastor of the church.
The ppm' organ for the Methodist church
will not arrive for some time, art uuavoitl.
dale delay having occurred in its manu-
Me Frank Knight, who recently return-
ed from California, has leased the Mate
property and will open stocks of groceries
awl liquors in the same, in the course of
a few weeks.
On election day Mrs Littlejohns met
with a very bad accident. She was re-
turning from voting and when alighting
from the rig at the residence of Janree
Willis, she slipped, anal falling on her
right arm broke it just above the wrist.
At the Xmas tree in couneution with
the flaxen Presbyterian church held last
evening. :lir John Ross, leader of the
church choir, was presented with a $20
gold headed cane, as also with a beautiful
THURSDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1891,, easy chair.
The figures composing the year 1391
when added to the lowest term become 1.
The total, 1891, is divisible by 2,3,5,6.7,9,
10,14,I5,21,27 and 30, with a remainder of
1 in each case. It is divisible by 31 and
61 without a remainder.
The Star of Bethlehem can be seen
every morning between five and airmen
o'clock. IL rises in the east and disap-
pears from view about eight o'clock. It
is very bright To see this star is the
event in one's lifetime as it is rarely visi-
ble here.
The rink will be open this week on
Thursday and Saturday afternoons and
evenings. Week week on noonday, Wed-
nesday, Friday and Saturday evenings and
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday after-
noons until further notice. Admission
10c; children, afternoons, 5c. Arrange-
ments for a carnival are in progress.
Do not forget the dates for the Farmers'
Institute for South Huron on the 16th and
17th insts, in Exeter. The directors have
made special efferts to provide a first class
programme of subjects and speakers, and
we hope there will be a large attendance.
Any information can be had from the sec.
retary, Mr Hannah, of Seaforth.
At the Christmas examinations in con-
nection with the Agricultural College,
Guelph, Mr W. H. Harvey, Exeter, and
W. Cooper, Clinton, passed creditably in
all subjects. Mr. Harvey took first class
honors in hygiene, English literature,
English Grammar, Arithmetic and Book-
keeping. We extend to Mr Harvey our
.At their last meeting the Board of Trade
of W ingham, unanimously adopted the
following resolution : "That in reference
to the communication from the Walker-
ton Board of Trade, regarding legislation
permitting towns, villages and township
municipalities to levy an insurance rate
and become their own insurers, resolved
that the Winghanr Board of Trade would
favor such legislation, and that we ask
the town council to memoralize the On-
tario Government asking for sueh
or New Wiutel 11'‘.1. -feeds
Worsteds matt 'I'i'ous--
sell them. Just take a note
of our prices.
Men's $6 Overcoats reduced to $3.50
Men's $7 Overcoats reduced to $3.73
Men's *S Overcoats reduced to $5.00
Men's $9 Overcoats reduced to $6.1.0
Mon's $10 Overcoats reduced to $7.00
Men e $11 Overcoats reduced to $7.00
Men's $12.6t) Overcoats retia to $8.r.0
Men's $14 overcoats reduced to $8.60
Boys' 03.25 Overcoats for $;'.(O.
Boys' $4.51) Overcoats for $3.110,.
Boys' $5.00 Overcoats for 03M0.
J3ols' $6.00 Overcoats for 64.0).
Ladies' and Gents' Fur
Coats all reduced 40 to 50
per cent.
Don't buy an Overcoat or
Fur Coat till you see the big
values at the Big Bankrupt
Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter.
eMrelneitil ria aro®
Zhv Sulu Mum.
-wedding Bena,
An event of a very pleasing and inter-
esting character took place at the residence
of Thos Gregory, esq, William St at 3
o'clock New Years day. The occasion was
the marriage of his second daughter Nellie,
to G. F. Oakes, of Cliuton,the ceremony
being performed by the Rev Joseph Edge,
of the Ontario St Methodist Chinch, Clin-
ton. and was witnessed by about thirty
relatives and friends of the contracting
parties. The bride wore a time dress of
cream moire and nun's veiling with bead-
ed lace front, together with the customary
bridal veil and wreath She was attended
by SIiss Annie Gregory. sister of the
bride, who wore a becoming dress of
cream silk and lace. The groom was sup-
ported by Mr. Geo. Leathwait, his cousin,
After the ceremony the happy couple were
heartily congratulated by all present. A
sumptuous dinner was next partaken
of, after which Mr and Mrs Okes were
driven to the station, and loft by the
evening train going north, for Clinton,
where they will reside in future. The
Trues in company witb their many friends
wishes them all the joy incidental to the
occasion and trusts that they may be
spared to enjoy a long, happy and prosper-
ous wedded life. The presents to the
bible were valuable and numerous, and
testified in a marked degree to the esteem
in which she is held.
Miss A. L. Crocker,who has charge of the
millinery department of Messrs. Anderson
& Elder, Blyth, is home spending the holi-
days.—Master Joseph Gundy, of Essex,
who has been visiting friends in town, has
returned home.—James Westcott is home
from Manitoba on a visit.—Mrs Burritt, of
;Mitchell, is the guest of her daugter, Mrs
R. If. Verity:—Mr and Mrs Fountain, of
Toronto, are the guests of Mr and Mrs. W.
H. Verity.—Thomas Bissett is home on a
visit' from Man., looking hale and hearty.
—Mia Crier, Utica, Mich, is the guest of
her brother at present, Mr T. W. Hawk-
nhaw.—Miss Lizzie Stewart, of Detroit, is
spending her Christmas holidays in and
around town.—Messrs Dever and McTav-
ish, Detroit, arespending a few days visit-
ing Mr John' Hawkahaw, town.—Mies
Levies Kelland, of ,Waterford, Ont, is
visiting friends in and around town.—
Henry Penhale, of Toronto, is visiting Ms
parents.—Mr H. Kilmer, of St Thomas,
n -
is. visiting friends in tow—Mr John
Bawden, of Toronto, is visiting his par-
ents.—Mr A. Lammie,of Detroit, is spend-
ing the holidays with friends in town. -
Moses Oates, the weather prophet, says
that it will be so warm towards the latter
part of February that the moths will fly.
The latter part of March w 11 be rather
cold. The above weather will eventuate
provided it is cold from Jany 20 to Feb
20th. The Northwest will have a re-
markably warm winter, and it will be de-
cidedly warm in the Western. States, but
cold weather will be experienced on the
Pacific Slope. Western Ontario will be
warm on the average, with heavy precip-
itations of snow.
Never in the history of Exeter was there
• so much excitement incident upon•a nsni-
cipal election as characterized the contest on
Monday. Prom the day of nomination to
the close of the polls the respective cardi•
dates worked most euthusiasticaaly,all with
a determination to win, and on account of
the eomplexed state of the issues it was
impossible to form an idea as to the sue-
cessful candidates. In foot the issues
were so many and so diverse that the re-
sult of the polis was even a surprise to the
majority. The vote was very mixed, the
north going with the centre and south and
rico versa. The town was thoroughly can-
vassed by all candidates, and no doubt all
were sanguine of election, Some of the
c, za ihaatcs wi:l ce mpla:n of a great many
of the ratepayers having failed to material-
ize their promisee; and their failing to do
so, illustrates the nonseasity of a personal
catemee Intelligent people will vote as
their conscience dictates and the most
effective canvasser will not in the majority
ot cases, sway them. The council for le9t)
was compescd as follows: Reeve, Dr Rol -
ins; deputy, W. G. Bissett; councillors,
D. A. Ross, Hugh Spacl;,mau, and the late
James Oke for a part of the terns. The
eonueil fer 1891 is as follows; Reeve, Dr
Rollins ,; deputy. W. G. Bissett ; Coons.,
Ed. Christie, T 13 Carling and 1), A Ross.
, Felioning is a. resu:t of the poll with the
number of votes pulled by each candidate :
Pon I:uEVI1
Diva 1 2 3
:a1cCallurn T, 33 `e5 66
Rollins Dr. 71 59 38
FOIL Pnrl'Tr III nvx
Diva 1 2 3 4 Total
Bissett W.
G. 63 36 54 73 226
Spaekrtian 11. 39 45 38 57 179
iron cenneemonS
Divi I 2 3 4 Total
4 Total
GO 176
71 230
ltrownieg Dr 13 14 27
Carling .1'. B. `d 52 60
Christie Ed 80 62 03
Dickson L. 11. 61 45 31
Batnly L 3 3 3
Ross D. A, 52 49 54
30 gat
83 276
91 290
58 195
2 11
30 233
Eve'y available vote was po'led. In
justice to Mr L. Hardy we tight state
that he haat publicly resigned at the nom•
ination, as well as by pester t therefore it
will be seen that while not in the field he
has ser eras strong admirer:., some having
given pltnmpere.
The fight is over, the council—and a
goal one, too--eleete4,and it now becomes
all liberal minded citizens to shaker over
the affair anal resume old friendships—not
entertain wrongfully courted spite, nor
crawl into small holes to bury themselves.
The council's term is of only 12 mouths'
duration and next January the defeated
wits have another opportunity to resume
the tight. 'limy the cudgels and again
walk stand ID hand, keeping a keen ey o on
everything eala'ulate=l to benefit our now'
progressive town.
Other Municipalities.
Asnrzul,n—All the old coups. were re-
elected by acclamation, as follows ; Joseph
Griffin. Reeve; liugh (Navin. 1st deputy;
Wm Stathers, end deputy; couns , Hugh
Chami.ers and John McKenzie.
BronrLrH--Rneve, C. C Hodgine; depy,
T. C Hodgins; Coons., ?a, E. Bodging,
Jas Toohey and Albert Beatson.
BunHe•Reeve, Chas Hamilton ; Conus„
J. McGeo, A. McNally, S. H (lidley, F.
Motcalf. Mr McNally and Mr S. 11. Gil-
ley are former residents of Exeter,
Bn ssnrs—The Reeve and all the coons.
were re-elected by acclamation as follows:
Robt Graham, leave; J M. McIntosh, W.
F Stewart, John Ament, Roderick Ross.
coons, Messrs W. B Dickson, R. L Taylor
and Thos Farrow were also elected Public
S:hoo1 Truttoete
BLANiisAitD.—Reeve—W. Hutchings,
elected over R. Bettis. Deputy Reeve
—David Johnson, ace. Councillors—
Robert St..iohn, R. Berry, A. Sin-
clair. The defeated candidate is J.
Conarox—Mayor, W. Doherty ; Reeve,
A. H. manning; deputy, 31 13. Kennedy ;
coons , John Steep and A Armstrong for
St Andrew's; Thomas eicKenzie and Jas
Werry for St James' ; 0. S Doan and
Oliver Johnston for St John's. all returned
without opposition. and S. G Plummer
and S J .Andrews elected for St George's,
in which there was e. contest, W. C. Searle
being the other candidate. The vote being
Plummer. 81; Andrews, 59; Searle, 56.
EAST S1rwwatosa—The old council ar
all re elected by acclamation, 'viz : Thee
H Taylor, Reeve; Finlay Anderson, depy ;
Donald Patterson, Robt Shiell and David
Robertson, couns.
Ferm anrow—The old council were elect-
ed by acclamation as follows : Reeve, Geo
Leversage; deputy, Jos. Jackson; couns.,
Jos. McIntyre, Thus Edwards and Peter
GonBRicz—Mayor, John Butler; Reeve,
W Proudfoot ; deputy, P Holt ; couna.,
James Yates, R. W McKenzie, F. G Prid
ham, C. A Humber. W. Li Murney, R
Thompson, M. Nicholson, H. Dunlop, E
Campion, David Cantlelon, J. A Reid,
Thos Naftel. School Trustees—R W Mc-
Kenzie, M Malcolmson, A Chrystal and
George Swanson,
HAx—Reeve, Fred Hess ; Deputy, J. 0
Kalbfieisch ; mans., Wm Moir, John
Schnell and John Voelker.
Hulemee—The old council were all re-
elected by acclamation, viz : John Britton,
Reeve; Robt Scott, deputy; John Lasham,
B. Churchill and John Brigham. coons.
LvcAa- Reeve, Jas Stanley ; Coons.,
Geo Hodgine, Wm Reid, J. W. Anderson.
Could not raise a fourth man to fill the
MoKILLor—All the couns. were elected
by acclamation, as follows : Reeve, John
Bennewies ; coons., Dan'l Manley, James
Evans, Jno Morrison and Wm Archibald.
Mr Archibald is a new member and takes
the place of Mr Chas Dodds.
MORRIS—The old coune. were all re-
turned by acclamation as follows : H.
Mooney, Reeve ; 0. A Howe, deputy ;;8,
Caldbick, Jas. Proctor, Geo. Kelly, couns.
STEPHEN—Reeve, V. Ratz; 1st deputy,
H Eilber, 2nd deputy, J Sherritt, by ac-
clamation ; couns., R Hicks, F Wuerth.
SoAxnnx—Old council by acclamation as
follows : -Reeve, John Torrance ; deputy,
Isaac Sproat; couns , Robt Molivene, Wm
Clarke and John kitchen.
ST Mexxs—Messrs Sinclair, Harding
and Rupert resigned, thus electing the
whole council by acclamation. leer school.
trustee E W Harding was elected in .the
West Ward. This was the only contest
of anykind in town.
$25,000.00 worth to be sold.
AT -
' -
We shall on Saturday (13th fust) commence the greatest sale of general goods
ever held in Exeter. The whole of our large stook will be offered at startling re–
ductions. We have no space to enumerate; but we have put the knife into prices,
and for the nextJL,.P I j S we will sell you
good reliable goods, cheaper than other houses can sell you trashy; shoddy goods. Re-
member this is not mere blow, and to test the truthfulness of our statements come and
see our prices.
N•B—Special inducements to parties buying large parcels.
We make a specialty of
3:141,&14ONDZ and the
finest class of Jeweler'y.
The rapidiy rising value of dia
mantis make them a most desirable
investment. With every diainond
sold we give a guarantee to repur-
chase same at any time•—less five
per cent, off price paid. We can -y
the largest stock west of Montreal,
as, our diamond business extends
to all parts of the Untted States
aid (anade...
Goods sent 011 approbation b}'
express or mail to - responsible
A. MORI'1J-IY & CO.,
Cor. Richmond and Dundas Ste.,
London, Ont.
(Established 1355).
MR. Witt. MINRRS, of Elitnvillo;
has been appointed by the Presbyterian
News Co., of Toronto, who control Stan-
ley's works for Canada, as travelling
agent for the
and eastern half of the 'VILLAGE or
EXETER, and through no other person
can Stanley's works bo had.
Mr. Minors has also number of other
works on hand such as Dr. Talmage's
"From Manger to Throne" Etc,
If Mr. Miners does not, call on you,
any of the books will be sant on receipt
of postal card.
Ellmville P.O., Ont.
nreGittrvrtax—Reeve, Wm Corbett; lat
deputy, Geo Johnstou; 2nd deputy, J
Drummond ; Coons, Ed zrorran and Thos.
SEAFomxu—Mayor, 1? Holmested; reeve,
M. Y McLean ; deputy, E. C Coleman ;
corms., South Ward, T. W Duncan, J.
Punchard, Jas Gillespie ; North Ward, J.
Tyerman, Jas Beattie, 3 A Wilson • East
Ward, John Darwin, G Good, F. G Neelin.
TuexxasatITrr—The Reeve and deputy
of last year are re elected by acclamation.
Messrs McKay and Walker were also re
elected, and Mr Shepherd, was elected in
place of Mr Sproat, who declined again
being a candidate.
Usnoosa—The old coni. were all re-
elected by acclamation, as follows : T. M
Kay, Reeve; couna., James Halls, Wm
Kydd, Jonathan Shier, Thomas Cameron
The Deputy Reeve will be elected by the
council at its first meeting.
TORONTO—mayor Clarke has been re-
turned again by 1,193 majority. There
were some 4,000 votes less polled this year
than last year, nearly all of whom would
have voted for Clarke,
School opened yesterday with a large
attendance, and with Mr Brown, the new
principal, in attendance, The former
staff of assistants have been re engaged.
We are warned against accepting the
counterfeit United States national cur-
rency now in circulation. "Look out for
them !" says the expert. Certainly look
out for them, and for the genuine bills as
well. These are times for looking out and
reaching for all the bilis one can honestly
DEAR Trines—I think it only fair to me
in reporting the result of the election
that you should say that the small vote
polled for me was due to the fact that I
did no canvassing and that the majority
of the electors were not aware that I was
in the field. - J. W Bnowernee
Regarding the Yourex forgery case, it
has beeu previously announced that the
culprit was arrested at Bremen in Ger-
many. Mr J. E. Rogers, Government de-
tective, was in Lucan the other day for
the purpose of taking the evidence of
Messrs R & I Fox and their clerk in the
bank, Mies me.ggie Sproat. The evidence
was taken before W Porte, J P, and was
very voluminous, as ench statement re-
quired to be made out in triplicate, for
transmission to the German authorities.
Will you heed the warning, The signal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask our-
selves if you can afford for the sake of
saving 110c., to run the risk and do nothing
fer it. We knew from experience that
Shil•h's Cure will ou.re your (tough. It
never fate,
Itch cured in 30 minutes • by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. LuTz.
A MOD. can do a wind pump business on a very airy
May catch the ear of the buyer for a time, but it won't
keep his trade. Talk is dear to the man who has his
caution talked away, his scruples talked aside.
To the woman who is talked into over buying or buying a
style of goods that will not stand the test of un-
prejudiced judgment; such methods are only
whose business is to sell and not to satisfy.
These are not our methods. We call ten
dollars ten dollars and not nine dollars and ninety-nine
cents. This reckless reduction of price -thus dressing up
a ten dollar bill to look like a nine—is a fake business.
Talk is cheap when all its blowing ends in
One Cent oft Ten Dollars
We can show you something cheaper than
talk --ave mean our goods—for talk is dear at any price.
Goods with an honest X on them and not ten worked over .-
to look as it it were a nine. Its a fake fit to go along
with Barnum's circus and show bill exaggeratioi which
describes the goods. Plain, 'Dealing has 310
Squealing! you hear.
.'P 1a.—We still have our celebrated 25c Tea the talk of
the town,—C.13.
Having bought the Grocery anil Crockery Stock of
E. Roberts', have moved our
Big Stock of Boots & Shoes
The $iggest izm the County—one door north of
lay old stand, FAN SON'S BLOCK, EXETER,
Christmas GoodsatSpackman's
BIG BARGAINS in °rookery and Glassware for Xmas.
BIG BARGAINS in Overcoats and Clothing for Xmas.
BIG BARGAINS in Boots and Shoes for Xmas.
Remember this is the Largest StocK of
in the county,
Fanson's Block, Exeter.
G -O TO—
Goldsmith ,y. Hall.!
OR Y.013"
J"Persona1atteitjos given to repairing of
watches,elooks andiewelese
Oppeaite Post Office PARKHILL
Barber Shop,
A. Hastings,. Prop
Shaving and Hair anteing in the 'nitwit
style of the art.
Every attenti an paid to entting
Ladies' ane101iFrons Hair.