HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-04-30, Page 3• a, • THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1954 . Armed Guards Patiol, RCAF, Clinton; . Motorists on No. 4 Highway south of Clinton were confronted with an unusual sight in 'peacetime Wednesday night of last week and Thursday—an RCAF Station patrol- , led by armed guards. The guards were part of an air raid 'exercise being condueted in succession at all stations in Train- ing Command, including RCAF Ste- tien Clinton. The, exercise is designed, to test the operational readiness or Air Force units arldr-le assess their •is . Brantford General Hospital School of. Nursing Fully Accredited.. By' THE JOINT ,COIERESSION ON ACCREDITATION OF. HOSPITALS 'Three Year Program — Applications now being accepted. ENROLL NOW ?OR SEPTEIABER, 1959, CLASS For information 'phone or write • DIRECTOR OF NURSING BRANTFORD GENERAL HOSPITAL, BRANTFORD Telephone Plaza 2-7871 afewommin preparation a for defending their personnel front atomic attack. The exercises are similar to Civil Des StS " Jane to menttitleir- 141' Restilts of the ercises were as- sessed by a team from Training Command Headquarters at Trenton headed by Wing Commander Tom Fletcher, Staff Officer Supply. The first warning was given to -the station at approximately 6.55 p.m. Wednesday. An armed cor- donof guards was immediately placed around the station and re- mained in position until mid-after- noon Thursday when the practice ended. The alert proceeded through aevs eras stages according to plan and concluded with all station persOio nel, and essential services, includ, ing the civilian employees, being moved into safe areas to protect them form nuclear fallout. SALVATION ARMY BLITZ HERE SET FOR MAY 21 Mr. Earl Rawson has been named chairman of. the annual Salvation Army Red Shield 'Appeal for the Goderich area. The treasurer is Mr. Art Waters. The blitz in Gode- rich is to be held on Thursday, May 21. Objective for the Gode- rich area is $3,500, it was announc- ed at an organizational meeting held last Thursday evening. , s• THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR Wroxeter Woman Heads Farm Forum; ee1dxuTeuucon Mrs. Vera Greig, of Wroxeter, was elected chairman of Ontario Farm Radio Forum at the recent annual meeting held in Toronto. Mrs. Greig is the first woman to serve in this ()Mee. Mr t William Armstrong, of 'Grey 0ountY, was elected 1st vice-ch'airman, and Mrs. Dorothy Houston, of Temiskaming, was elected, 2nd vice-chairman. T importance of the Farm Bache Forum project, nos,/ in its 20th year, as a nieans of two-way communication between farm pest- ple and government and other authoritative sources who have to do with farm e„ffairS, was strongly emphasized at the 19th annual meeting of Ontario Farm Forums, attended by some' 200 delegates and guests. Reports of retiring chairman, Donald Munro; of Carle- ton County, and secretary -manager Mra. Edith Storrs recorded the suc- cess of the past season's Forum broadcasts, discussions and Forum reports, particularly the success of the newly -instituted TV Forum broadcasts. During the meeting, Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, Minister of. Agriculture, stressed the import- ance of the Forum discussions and. reports; -and indicated- thatoan in- creased government grant .to the work would be forthcoming this kV APPLIANCES "Ziowt,FRIGI DA IR E FOR, SALES' S SERVICE R1C;,SQUARE <1941.a, 586 You're sure of a sharnimile for life with WAYNE STAINLESS-STEEL , HOUSEHOLD' KNIVES with new Scalloped Edge! Fine grade stainless cutlery steel . • . Hollow Ground like a razor and • with scientifically scalloped edge for • easier cutting. These knives stay sharp and sure for years, and years! • Paring 49 Knifik... 6" Utility Knife .79 71/2" Slicer 1.00 Compare these prices with knives Selling at more than twice the price. New Style Smartness to Last! With double stitching and composition sole, these niocassins are made to last long! In soft textured leather,. they are smart and comfortable for house, street, sports or cottage wear! Available in Tan with cream trim, Black with White trim and All -White. 'Pair 1.99 Woolworth's -own high quality PRIMROSE PACK NYLONS! •first quality,•dress sheer, full fashioned nylons with dark- seams and lacy tops , .. in popular Suntone and Rosetone shades. Sizes: 81/2 to 51 pup, 15 den. or 50 gangs, Feature yraligfice . 15 del: 8 45 gauge, 30 den. walking sheer nylons ds, Feature Value Price • ' First quality very sheer Seamless Mesh and Plain with, stretchy tops . . . In Suntone and Rosetoni. 400 needlo,15 don. Stzes 81/2 to 1111 apako Feature Value Price •W Adorn is the spray that helps you style your hair yo6rielf. And now you get 'this styling comb — plut a new booklet that shows -how to style, step* step — all three for the price of the spray alone! '. , Special' 175 -I, SPECIAL ON SALE THIS WEEK ONLY • with Shut-off Valve Rog. 2.49 " $1.77 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST '"7,••• • MRS. VERA GREIG, of Wroxeter, who was elected chairman* of On- tario Farm Radio Forum: . NORTH STREET- UNITED Municipal Clerks j PLEDGES OVER $125,000 igallete $80,00Q. is 'Urn • .7-) • CI Spring is examination time—not only for school and university stud- ents, but also for municipal clerks dnd treasurers, one of whom Is the 'Liberal cendidate for Huron in the forthcoming provincial elec- tion. The examinations -were written in a room in the basement of Vic- toria Street United Church on Sat- urday afternoon. The presiding examination offic0 was Rev. S. Moote. The examination questions were prepareu 'by the extension department of Queen's University. It was the first year examination of a three year coarse gin through Queen's University by the Astociation of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers for the Province of Ontario. The four who wrote examina- tions on Saturday were: Harry Strang, clerk of Uaborne Township and Liberal eandidate for Huron; Wm. McKenzie, reeve of Exeter; A. H. McTavish, „clerk of Tees - water; John G. Berry, elerkAreas- urer of Huron County. year. He' said that the Farm Forum reports were among .the most valu- able -types at information reaching his department. Though there has been a falling oft of numbers of Forums in re- cent years, this was treated by ex- perienced leaders in such ethical. tional projects, as being a passing phase, the emphasis being laid on the fact that this project had estab- lished a record for education pro- jects of its kind by being still going after nearly 20 years with little change of technique. Resolutions passed •included two referred to the Ontario Federation of A.g,riculture, one urging compen- sation 'from Hydro for livestock losses from high tension wires, on which negotiations are now pro- ceeding with Hydro;- and the. other asking for some further allowance In income tax deductions for farm Wives contributing heavily to the work of the farm operations. To HOlcil inquest An inquest will held at GOderich on We.dnes ay, May_ . • 13, into the deatlf,of Alex Miller, victim of' a dynamite explosion in the rock salt mine on Tuesday nrgra.of last week. He Was an employee of the Cementation Company of Can- ada. The inqucat is the usual one required in such deaths under •the regulations of the Ontario Mines Act. NEW POST OFFItE, IS PLANNED FOR CLINTON • A representative of the Federal. • Department, of Public, Works in- formed Clinton Town Council last Thursday that plans are under way for the construction of a new Post Office at Clinton. Construction is likely to be started this stammer. Clinton council. voted six to two to build the new Post Office on the •present site. The present Post Office was built in the early 1900's and is now lacking in capacity, to properly serve the needs of the community. OBITUARY WILLIAM HAAOLD CARTER William H. Carter, a much re- sp.ectertsentember of the staff' of the Andrew Dairy; died suddenly at his home on Regent Street, on Meliday 'night. ale had lived in Goderich for OA 'past 14 '' years where he had been employed as •bookkeeeer at the dairy on Wet street. Before coming to tawn he lived in the Stratford area" and was a son of Mrs. William Carter and the late William Carter, his mother being the former Annie Alderson. . Mr, Carter was a •anensber of Knox Presbyterian Church and also of the Men's Club. He is survived by his wife, the former Viola Boyce, a son, Brian, three years of age; and a four months -old daughter, Lynn Louise; also a sister, Mi1. David Robb, of Stratford, and four brothers, Rob- ert, of ,Stratford, Melvin and Clif- ford, of Ingersoll, and Harry, of Toronto. . The funeral service will be held this (Thursday), Afternoon at Lodge funeral home with Rev. K G. Mac- Millan officiating. Interment will be in Maitland cemetery. The pallbearers are Messrs. Vincent Young, John Leppington, John Quaid, Charles MtLean, Charles Watson and Keith Walkom. OWEN MOORE Following a month's illness in Alexandra Hospital, Owen Moore, died on Monday in his 88th year.. He was -Sorra in Devonshire, Eng- land, but came' with his, parents, the late, Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, to Canartessyvhile a baby. .They settled, at Benmille)• wbere Mr. Moore cenitinued to live until 1905 when he went to Saskatch- ewan and •took up' a homestead where he farmed' for eight /Mrs. On his return to Eastern Ontario, he farmed in Colborne •TownshiP inpl his retirement to the Nile settleTh€nt sSirere he -built a .home about ttn years ago. His first wife, Isobel Cook, died in 1930. He later married Mrs. Bert Johnston (the former Mabel McWhinney) who ,died three years Sp. DecOsed was a member of Nile United Church. He is 'survived by three sons, Wesley, of Molesworth, and Charles and Joseph, of Goderich, a step- daughters Mrs, 13ert (Stella John- son) Crawford, of Port Albert, and' d step -son, Alexander Johnston, of Sudbury. There arse also 15 grand- children and 13 great-grandchild- ren. •-mviftesaftentreivlseselesisissseses ducted by Rev. Roy Kennedy, of Dungannon, at Stiles funeral home on Wednesday afternoon and burial was in Colborne cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Clyde and Verne -SISSiesthiil, Ben - miller; Leslie Jervis, Holmesville; Elfred MOore, Colborne Township; Ernest Glens Nile, 'and Gordon Andrews, of Ashileld ToWnShip. fund,. has been raised to date thioughOleOges in the canvass "—' PAGE sass -a , Willa ha§ been,":621i. North Street . tr' 1;4 ,„AbOut411531arte, Igtmtettlirt*O3WV•V so Afar. t is eVt the carvvass twill 11)0104111441111..-. :•• by .the end. of MIS weeir, Your savings*are matched dollar for dollar, :up le $2,000 in Savings, with free •Life Insurance,' if you are not over 55 years of age when you deposit the savings. This insurance continues until death or until fhe money is with- drawn. The insurance coverage de- creases according. to age, on money deposited after me 55th birthday. It is often good business to borrow money to get this free protection. Goderich Com unity Credit Union 27 5oulik St. lin dford Hotel Bldg.) , • Siephen Helesic, Mgr. Phone M. "SPRING TRAINING' SPECIAL Here's a triple play value — right at the start of the season . . . at a price that saves you better, than Four, Dollars off an y comparable professional • model. Fielder's Glove around town. • FULL 'size, ' solid Ebony black - cowhide; contrasting leather trim • Fiilly leather lined • Laced fingea • Eull-oiled deep-set pocket • Quick -flex hinged pad • Laced ball trap • Laced heel „ • Right oil:aft model • Big league all the way — with many other pro features 5.75 Special • Value • LIMITED QUANTITY — the catch of the season for sharp fielders ' - - Save 32.00 Fielder's Glove Tan Cowhide. Pigskin' lin- ing. Hinged pad, leather laced fingers and V -crotch. 15% smaller than standard size 3.95 gloves Full g r a in tan Co*hide. Horsehide lining. Leather laced pocket, V -crotch and 4.95 fingers, For "Lefties," too Save$3,§2 CUSTOM - MADE 4 -Finger Glove Top grain tan- Cowhide. Deep .pocket. H-inged pad. Leather laced at heel, fin- gers, cr.t c h. Adjustable wrist 'strap. Lined. a ac For 'Lefties," too ..„ Shoes Save $4:00MODEL PRO ' • Fielder's Glove Here's a beauty ! Tan Cow- hide. Horsehide lined. Lea- ther laced crotch, fingers and palm, Hinged pad. Ad- justable wrist strap7 9C "Lefties," too -11 Sale $419 pm.. 1st Basemen's Mitt Full grain tan Cowhide. Pre - shaped padding. Deep pocket. Horsehide lining. Reinforced crotch. For "Lefties," too. Extra value Save 5(W_ct MODEL . Catcher's Mitt - Can't miss value ! Latest design. Full grain Cowhide: Horsehide line d. Hinge -1 pad. Deep ball 8 retaining pocket - 1* ID Pro -Styled BASEBALL SHOES Well constructed . . , by Samson. Regulation spikes. Sizes 4 to 12. Best buy! BALLS and BATS -less then Club Prices HAROBALLS—C.T.C. Official League,' Semi -Pro. Each 1.98 —Reach official American League No. 401-0, Ea, 3,35. SOFTBALLS :LC.T:C:Ileiiilation. Ea. 1.15 1 • —Offidial OASA apProved Each 1.99 Baseball Bats 1.75 to 2.45 Softball Bats .69 to 2.45 • Save Safely 1 .iimpomenerroon..... 4' ..r, / 1 ASSOCIATE STORE 36 North Si. "NIP" WHE16TONE PHONE :69 , Gemini" cit a *.t