HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-04-23, Page 10JOY: RIDE ENDS ABRUPTLY .w AND ADVENTURE FOR' Kiitail Re -opens' !z -YEAR -QLD CAR DRIVER Old School ^.w�:MTG•.;x;'KSL'4f!kSRY'Rr`-�YRrnw'Nru4l�f�nt�..+.."..'- wwrw.:wAa+'i 'Whee'a3rs:"`'flarord'Ii •aatw an apparently driver -less car proceeding along Church -- -street- on -Wednesday noon -b1 • fast week she rubbed her eyes to make sure she was seeing rjght. The ear was moving all right but the infant driver was so small her head couldn't -be seen, After .proceeding across the street and some distance from the starting point, the car crashed into a tree and came to an abrupt stop. Then a tale unfolded. Spring had brought to 31,' - year -old Jodie Reid, daughter of Mr. and ;Mrs,' Frank Reid, ' Church street, the spirit of ad- venture. She decided to try out her father's car. Unable. to open the, car doors,' she noted that fhe window of one door was " turned down. Through this she gained entry to the car interior after climb - up --to -tt- by propping an old sleigh against the side of the car, The car had been teff in eys were in the ;ignition. (Kittle Jedie turned the key and away went --thee-.-car'--ohuggirfg along the street. Atter it hit the tree and stopped some time later, Jodie looked out to see" her alarmed father coming. She quickly turned up the car door windows and hoped her fort- ress would be complete. When the father opened the car door and was about to lay down the law, Jodie got in her words first. They wre simply, "How do you back this thing up, new, dad?" The nitirmal punishment' fol- lowed as a reminder to Jodie that the episode was never to Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Peachey have returned home after spending a few days in United `States, where they celebrated their 50 xedding anniversary. THE G00ERICH SIG NAL.STAR Pupils To Atiend Concert Guests er Famed Sambro Island lighthouse, facing 'the entrance to Halifax Reeve Cecil Blame officially open- facing erected in 1769. ed the hall and members of the ' township council,, also spoke. Greetings were brought from the West Huron District Women's In- stitute by its president,' MrsT\Ves. Bralnoek, of Auburn. The Women's Institute is to be congratulated on its fine work to provide this community centre and also to help keep our older build- ings such as this little old school- house which hold so many mem- ories, for future years. The,' ti.n.tail community Cenitre w* daily -opened- onApril-eh_ 1 thy the reeve of Ashfield Township, Mr.,. Cecil Blake, with., a large attendance. The hall is_ former Mahn schoolhouse which had been unused for several years.' For a small nominal sum the build- ing was turned over by the Ash- field School Board Area tp the Kintail Women's Institute, 'which organization has undertaken a Major renovation of the building so that now it will provide an ,,attractive community ,.centre, as well as an assembly centre for the 'Xnstitute. The old Kintail Hall had to go to make way for highway improve- ments,, and the converted and re- decorated schoolhouse will • now 'provide improved facilities for the various activities of the Kintail community. The evening commenced, with all playing progressive euchre and then a fine program* of solos and duets was heard. 3Kak-Poiti YOU CAN PACK INTO A DAY IN Enjoy all the fun of the fair in South Central Ontario. And in the,same day tgke in an Art Gallery or M"useuun. Fashionable restaurants and smart stores can be found . everywhere in this fascinating area. Include a tour of it in your weekend or vacation plans. - Discover how economical it is to explore Ontario by mailing the coupon below. Literature you -will receive includes an up-to-date list of accommodation that shows you where to stay at the pride you want to pay. FREE! ONTARIO TRAVE'L 83 Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontario. / Send free /'Ieratur'e about South, Centra/ Onter,o and road map Name \\ Address Post Office • ()ntcr:a• f)rportmrnt of Tra,et & ♦ 1,1 dray /inn linen L. C, hrorl, ',f I, ,,'-, • K1 O 'ONTAJ IO BETTER !eeesteeetmeosisOt i®oNis •rfhc Apri -meeting of the Ah- .; I ' , �: meek Chapter, I,O.D.E., "was held at the home of the regent, Mrs. James Robin, Cambria road. Mrs. Gordon Henderson reported that six tickets for pupils of the three schools. had been purchased for the next series of the Goderieh Com- ts munity Concert Association. It, is r-( hoped two different pupils will be inII alble to attend each concert. ' Mrs. a film the 'ot'her night. That may 44 .ON • A LIMB (WITH BILL SMILEY) "1 started thinking about bus while 'I was Watching Brigitte tBa dot, the little French sex -pot, seem like a silly thing to . say. It's like saying you started thinking about music while you were watch ing an orchestra play. But it was merely a coincidence. * *, * And just to get things perfectly clear, 1 don't mean busts of famous men, dome in plaster. 1 mean busts on ladies. * .* * The ,horrifying part of it was that t started thinking about busts in a clear, cold, analytical way. As say, I -was -watching-mss Bardot snaking her way through a movie, in which l'aanour was treated in the boisterousGallic ma tin Pr so at artling-.•ta.us ; titiering_ Anglo-Saxons. t• * * It was my first view of the young lady. 1 understand she is the sec- ond citizen of France after General De Gaulle. Certainly her pictures appear in the paper- more often than his. And• I'm here to tell you she is definitely better looking than the General, though somewhat shorter. Henderson also' gave a finalized report on the Dessert Bridge to be held in April. The .following members, are convening the event; Decoration, •Nlrs. G. Stokes; dessert, Mrs. G. person; kitchen, Mrs.. H. Sson; "bri, Mrs. A. L. Cole 4rici Mrs. H. E. Knechtel; "501r, Mrs. N. Clairmont and Mrs. W. H. Doak. The •corresponding secretary read two :thank you notes from sick members and reported flow- ers had been. -sent to two other members. A letter from the Can- adian Cancer Society was -read re questing- canvassers for their April campaign for funds. rain* 1:( Dr. J. C. Ross spoke briefly • oil ..the•.•xiewly. organized- • service -under the Canadi -Redd 'Cross :Society to stria,- blood to all Ontario hos- pitals; which will be availaable for ,those requiring it, at no ,cost to. them. On May '5th the Canadian Red Cross blood transfusion ser- vice will :be set up for Goderich and vicinity. It is hoped there will be 500 to 700 donors. . The blood 'type of each donor will be recorded. Four Members offered. their /services as canvassers: Mrs. J. Robin, Mrs. Gladys Dustow, Mrs. G, Henderson and Mrs. G. Emer- son. The Empire and world affairs convener, -Mrs. C. 'Holland, read an interesting article on the Royal Yacht Bzittannia and tolyl of three interesting women in the current' news, Rosalie Auger, Elizabeth Van Droffelgar and ., Mrs. Mary Johnston. Rosalie Auger, of Win= * * I'm not blaming Mlle. 'Bardot for my lapse, She was all she was cracked up to be. She wiggled her behind, and jiggled her �befrgnt, to the best of her atbility, and she has a lot of ability along these lines. * * * No, the fault was mine, not hers. After watching her for"'a few min- utes with some interest, I became first embarrassed, then piildly dis- approving, then bored, then just plain sleepy. About ..half w a y through this process, I had sense enough to say to. myself: "Boy, .either you're ready to be put out to pasture, or you need a dam' good spring tonic." �• t. _It's pretty -disturbing .toa chap.. who has leered his way through the 'burlesque houses of Detroit's Woodward Avenue in the heigh-day of .Scurvy 'Hiller, eaten peanuts n the pit at fine Casino in Toronto nd ducked out for a drink between ounds of pure art at London's �L'indmill Theatre, to realize that he is ,blushing slightly at the .sight f a young lady who is not 'only - not there in person, but Chas all her clothes on. e * * * It is chilling to think that per- I haps the young sap has been boiled!, down to an •old fudge. When you know"that you're supposed to be sitting bolt upright, wide-eyed and electrified, it hurts to know that you are slumped in your seat; mouth 'pursed, head shaking and ongue almost tut -tutting, in dis- pproval. No matter how darks -and dingy r your • favorite 'frock looks — 10 send it to us! We'll restore its original freshness like } showers bring out a rainbow! Call ' us today! GODERICT e DRY CLEANERS o ) WEST ST. /.22 C.R.LowERY, PRop. • .a -fi 5 0 141osssseess®as•sssai®®sds1 w ft is downright disconcerting to nd that you are craving for a make in, the middle of a big pash Gene; t is disgusting to " have ti give Iv to it and go to the back f the 'theatre to light up, just hen, --the young temptress ,on the creen is laUriehin'a into a discreet triptease. * * . * , n And it is, dismal to learn that you have nodded off, and yqur wife is 'driving you in the ribs, just at the point where the celebrated ' Miss B. is making a monkey of the censors. • * * It was . about this point, rudely awakened and rat'her ci-.Gy, that I started thinking about busts. Don't ask 'mc Why. What's With this 'bust craze, anyway? Mam- malians of mammoth proportions create headlines every time they take a deep breath. (High school kids practically break their backs trying to stick their chests out an extra inch. • * So who's impressed? Other girls, 'maybe? Not men. Men have been marrying women for thousands of years; and busts have nothing to .do with it. 'In fact, back in the - twenties, when I was a kid, busts were frowned on, and still they married -Them. * * Let tenderness,' humor and sym- pathy show in your face, let good- ness and pity and love' shine in your eyes, and you'llet your mart • faster' than if you 'had the biggest bust this ,side of Bali. * *,* Busts cause nothing but trouble, I remember a girl 1' knew in col- lege. Her name was .Betsy. She had a vast bosom. I always called her Busty to myself. 'One night 1 was dancing with ' he ., We were talking and I inadvertently: called, her "Busty" instead of "Betsy." Know what happened? You got it, Mac. She bust me. Right -on the nose. "I've driven ten thousand miles' in my new Buick and, I must' 'confess, every one of ' • them was a real pleasure. This year's Buick has improved on everything I havt always admired in Buick." TAKE THE WORD OFA BUICK AN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BEING BUILT B * G And mvhe that's why I've been a little psychological about busts ever since. One sale leads to another., If You'reTIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired -out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or iditeemfa a�Tth emiii* • take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the;•kidneys to relieve this 'condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Thein you feel better, rest better, work better. Get D0dd'a Kidney Pills:' w. Look for the blue box with the retiand at all drug counters. You can dependdn Dodd's. a SAMIS MOTORS VICTORIA AND KTNGS!PON,, ST, • M -1559A" PHONE 344 1r RERA ND RE -MODELLING _ IS OUR SPECIALTY — We also pick up and deliver fur coats for storage. Just drop a note to . . , . HANOVER FURS H. GORBET, Proprietor HANOVER, ONT, , T Ul i 'DAtY, ' .ARL 23rd, nipe'g, after seven, years in the navy, has ' been chosen as assistant' ,press secretary at Buckingham Palace,' arranging the forthcoming Canadian tour cif 'Queen 'Elizabeth and .Prince Philip. Elizabeth 'Van 0. j ' y L1l�d.ueeu chosen Heather. Queen by the heriands-'a bassado-r at OtraWa and' will attend bhe"su mmer fes - I tival at Fie, Holland, where there will be a Canadian exhibit. Mgrs. Mary Johnston, of. Winnipeg, who is making a.-world4wilde survey to, strengthen objecttpns to the meth. ad of -teaching reading,_ . will later 1 bons_. &annked the: . hostess for opening her home for the iheeting. ` 71.- enjoyed. i enjoyed. NTRACT 'BARLEY We would beleased to write u yl your contract this, Pp year ler either Montcalm'-or Parkland Barley .Fertilizer supplied. .b We rare now contracting a limited amount of high yielding YORK BARLEY, SEED GR. IN is very low in ccs ,his year-.- Check our prices before having 2; outsee- . cleaned. SEED BL -S 1 are now in goost_stip Orcle r early, when y prices suppl es al e bc.a Coo -k' -Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. Phone 24 Hens+ail -15-18 rs•L5 �rCF. y::: 'xa YOU GET MORE OUT Of LIFE WHEN YOU GET THE MOST OUT OF ELECTRICITY Bathtime's a happy time, for the kids! And, it's na happy time for a mother, too, with an automatic electric water heater to provide all the hot water necessary to looliksafter a grow- ing family! An electric water heater is convenient, safe and economical .' . , costs only a. •few cents a day on a special Hydro Flat Rate ... has abundant iitorage capacity and quick .recovery when more hot water is needed. You get more out ''c f life when yoy, get the most out of electricity! .. •. �. ti, ts. y' H'b HYDRO x. w■ -AtON 4kat 0)114411, Q..Q,ANv: To remove gree and wax crayon 'marks from wall- paper, place a blotter.•over the spot and press with a warm iron. r wow :imvx;szt:aoowmOotWil, h' •�