HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-04-16, Page 8' .igERs ',4Amsp „ THE GODEItICH SIRNAL-STAR P . D. 1110.141114110, instituteAnttua et Lists Achievements r$:-.EVelYii Watson was pianist for the annual meeting of 'Oode- rich Women's Institute and Mrs. N. Clair,mont presided, She ex- pressed appreciation to the mem- bership for a most suecessful baz- aar held recently. Plans were made to visit the Huron Ceurity Home this month with tre4,s and a program.. Mrs. D. 'Me, n, Mrs. George Morley, and .Mrs. G. Inglis, are to be in charge at treats. The program is to be in cha.rge of Mrs. F. Hawkins, Mrs. 'E.. Vitatsonond Mrs R. Good. It was ,decided to have a local leaders training to.urae: lit ahoirsa focus on finishes; and, 'hints for sick room; 3rd, lampshades. Canvassers appointed for the Cancer Blitz were Mrs. D. Riehl, Mrs. N. Clairmont, Mrs. IL Larder and Mrs. E. Johnston. Dr. J. C. Ross was present and spoke about the Blood Donora cam- paign He asked for canvassers and the following volunteered: Mesdames A. Wilkin, C. Holland, IL Talmay, C. 'Brownlee, A. Strau- ghan, ,D. Riehl, D. *Milian., IL Good and H. Tianborne. Very gratifying annual reports were given showing this to, have been a banner Year for the branch. HMO! -CaUliTY BE.XF PitODIJOERS ANNUAL MEETING. AGRICULTURAL BOABD ROOMS Tuesday, April 21, 8,30 p.m. Guest speaker -Mr. Al. Currie, Production and' Marketing. Btanch, Livestock Division, will speak on sale of ‘beef ' by government rail grade. Robt. McGregor, Pres. J. C. Remingway, Secretary. -16 The secretary-treaSurer's Aeperli, given by Mrs 11. Tiehbornet show- ed an increase in membershill There Airel‘twittrvisittirrtItir. trig the year including Blyth and Auburn branches. Five mernbers passed away diming the year: Mrs. E. .McPhail, Mrs. James Adams, Mrs. A. Farr, Mrs. Chris. Johnstua and Mrs.. Ross Ticithorne. 1I1 and bereaved were remembered and Christmas treats were provided for 36 shut-ins. Donations ,of articles were given, to the Children's Aid, Sick Children's Hospital at Lon- . don and the local Canter Gift Cup- board. A country store was oper- ated for the hospital birthday party by Mrs. C. Holland and her com- ittee. W.I. menibers assisted at tii,e Goderich hospital, sewing each month. Cash donations during the year amounted to $540.91, These M - eluded $10.00 to Mental health; $10.00 to Ceylon disaster; $25.00 to music festival scholarship; $5.00 to 4-H Clisb work; $206.66 raised by Navy League tag day; .$10.00 to C.N.I.B.; $9.75 memorial wreath; 525.00 to. Retarded Children's School; $194.50' collected in Mas- cular Dystrophy canisters; $25.00 to 'Listowel Disaster; $10.00 to Goderich Kiltie ,Band. - Funds were raised by penny fairs, tea collections and birthday boxes at meetings; bake sales, dis- trict annual luncheon, dessert bridge and "500," rununage sale, annual tel and bazaar. The following standing commit- tee reports were given: Agriculture and ,Canadian iedustries by Mrs, J. Kernighan; citizenship and edu- ! cation Mrs H. H Talmaya historical - CANADIAN RED CROS Blood Donor Service Day for Goderich. and District North Street United -Church TUESDAY, MAY 5 IF BETWEEN 18 AND 65 YEARS OKAGE, AND IN. GOOD HEALTH. BE PREPARED TO SIGN YOUR BLOOD DONOR CARD WHEN ,YOUR ' CANVASSER GREETS YOU. Business Area -This Week. ResidpntialArea-April 21,22, YOUR BLOOD DONATION MAY SAVE A LIFE '58 CHEVROLET YEOMAN, 4 -door Station , Wagon Only $2,395 157 PLYMOUTH 2 -door, whitewalls, wheel discs, two-tone $1,895 157 PONTIAC PATHFINDER DELUXE, 2. door, 2 -tone, whitewalls, only 21,000 Miles '57 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN-HARDTOP, V-8 automatic drive, radio, whitewalls '57 PLYMOUTH 2 -door, 8-cyl., window wash- ers, a sharp car Only 51,895 '57 BUICK 2 -door hardtop, equipped with automatic drive, whitewalls, wheel discs 52,395 '57 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2 -door,' white- walls, windshield washers $1,895 '57 DODGE 2 -door Hardtop, automatic drive 8-cYl., whitewalls, a sharp car $2,195 '56 P,ONT1AC STAR CHIEF Hardtop, hydra- matic, radio, chrome fender skirts, full leather interior, . 52,295 '56 FORD CROWN VICTORIA, automatic, radio, whitewalls, 'sharp , $2,/95 '56 BUICK SUPER 4 -door hardtop, automatic, power steering 8, brakes, eitecutive drive $2,295 Absolute '56 '56 '56 '56 '56 '56 ,res0arc4.:r in- the. public relsationa by Mrs. R. Good *tto-gh4"4-w4cLP'gi?taka-ift\-aks'V- Wilkin; resolutions, Mrs. •A,. Butler; Tweedsmuir book, Mrs. A. Wilkin. Mrs, N, Clairmont, before' leav- ing the chair, thanked all W.I. members for cooperation ,through- out the past yearA Mrs. James Bisset took the chair for the elec- tion of officers from the floor. They are: past president, Mrs. D. Riehl; president, Mrs. N. Clairmont, who is entering her fourth' term as president; ist vice-president, Mrs. A. Straughan; 2A:r, vice-president, Mrs. W. Kingswe seeretary-treas- urer, Mrs. W. K. Wilkinson; assist- ant secretary-taeasureaa Mrs. 11. Ticiaborne; auditors, Mrs. W. Price and ,Mrsa. C. Holland; district direc- tor, Mrs. D. Mehl; alternate, Mrs. Jean Chambers; press • secretary, Mrs. George Procter; asistant press secretary, Mrs. C. Bissett; pianists, Mrs. N. tMchuiia, Mrs. E. Watson and Mrs. Frank ,Oalvkans; flower fund, Mrs. Robert Wilson; branch directors, Mrs. L. Bannister, Mrs. R. Good, Mrs. J. Ryan, Mrs. G. Inglis, Mrs. J. Cook, Mrs. C. .11o1 - land, Mrs. James Wilkinson, Mrs. A. Alexander; agriculture and Can- adian industries, Mrs. J. Kernighan; citizenship and education, Mrs. 11. Talmay; historical research and current events, .Mrs.. H. Dodd; home economic and health, Mrs. A. Wilkin: resolutions, Mrs. George Mumby: public relations, Mrs. James Bisset; Tweedsmuir Book, Mrs. A. Wilkin. Kingsbridge KLa'GSBRIDGE, April 13. --Con- gratulations to ,Mr, and Mrs. Martin Heindricks upon the birth of -a daughter at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich. April 5. Miss Mahreen Vassella spent the week -end at the Fred Vassella home. ° • Norman O'Connor motored to London. on Sunday, and was ea- companied home.byhis brother, John, who had been in St. -JosePh'S Hospital, London, for the past three .weeks. , •Mrs. Dennis Dalton and family ivisited- with the O'Connor family and Dennis Dalton at. Whitby dur- ' ing the past week. ' Mrs. jerry. O'Connor is visiting awith-arelatives-iii-Wingiram-for-N i,few days, I Mrs. Margaret Dwyer, of St. Catharines, is visiting .with her daughter. Mrs, Don Frayne, and ' family,' Frank•Hogan, of Hamilton, spent 'the week -end vith relatives .here. Miss Patricia Ann Martin. spent Easter holidays. witb. her. sisters in Hamilton. Joseph Martin and I Jimmy. of Harnilton, were week- end visitors. Cong,ratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Denny Sinnett whose marriage -took place in Detroit recantlY, and visited with relatives here during, the Nat. week. Miss Delores Dalton,- of 'Detroit, visited here over the week -end. Frank Daltonis progressing fav- orably following, an appendectomy larea THURSjitlirV leth, 195e r 4,years, ?until she gan oaind gear Vancouver and Ma, -then abandoned as a wreck • 7.2444„,,,zi„A " Thi world's rst-einetriitOoking- xange was developed in, Canada In 1893, pproved o Far In '59 'One of tea names in the far wpst ef Cupda js thlitwOra the e,Bever 'Thi was. esse tie I p e ne- Ifit•st Pact fic waters for nearly 50 Years from 1836. It Was then used as a tow- -A motel -was the largest building- 'new- bone av beerr aPProved- 4project given approval here dur- ing the first three months of ispo, accordingto figures from the Ofe, of E. 11. Jessop, Iiuilding inspector. A permit was issued to George E. Hamilton, Bayfield road, for a 10 -unit motel, of brick veneer con- struction, steam -heated. The cost was estimated at $15,000. Altogether, 10 perniits for pro- jects costing $58d160 Wee issued during, the three-month period. Only two new houses were in- cluded *in the list. But in April so far, permits_ for ,at least four in Alexandra ' Hospital, Goderich, last week. Congratulations to the 1959 ex- ecutive committee for the Catholic Women's League elected at the annual meeting on Sunday, April 12, as 'follows: president', Mrs. Walter Clare; first vice-president, Mrs. Leo Courtney; second vice- president, Mrs. R. Dalton; third vice••president, Miss Betty Becker; reasurer, Mrs. Gene Frayne;'secre- ary, Mrs. Mark Dalton: A $9,000 additiela 'to Huron County Pioneer Museum w a s among the permits issued in the -first' three months of the year. This addition to the museum will be 00' by 02'. During March, five permits were "issued. The largest was to John Murison for a one -storey, four. room hpuSe, estimated to cost $6,000, on eton street. Neil. Witmer receiied a jepit to remove a partition and snafl a dining room in the Lakeview Restaurant, West street, at an ap- proximate cost of $4,000, , Three . smaller permits issued during Meech were as follows: allas. E. A. Carney, storage build - big at harbor; Clifford 'Hugill, Huron road, milk storage building; William _Racine, Regent street, closed -in perch. Building projects approved dur- ing 1958 totalled $1,458,185 in value. This total included $925,000 for buildings on the rock salt mine site at the harbor. • Twenty-eight new homes, valued at $270,000, were approved last Year. UAL ME and DINNER Huron (minty TB 'Association Armstrong's Restaurant, Exeter Monday, April 27 ,7.00 o'clock D.S.T. The special speaker will be - DR. 'Wk. SHARPE, of Beek Sanatorium Dinner Tickets $1.00 -Available at the Restaurant. H. GLENN HAYS, D.C. President. MRS. J. B. RUSSELL, Executive Secretary. -16-17 WANTED 0IIIIIINIP YOUNG EXECUTIVE WITH SENSE OVADVENTURE If you like excitement and liaVe ambition to go places, then here is just the opportunity for you Qualifications Are simply thig:- You -must have a sound business hee,. .to appreciate good value and economy. You must like travelling '..;,•in,..firrstrAos style. .But niost important, you must be adventurous enough to recognize and enjoytheexhilara- tioir of things new and different, If you are this kind of man. WE WANT • YOU ...tt? enjoy'a happy driving future.. Apply in person to your local Pontiac dealer's . . . drive the beautiful Pontiac model of your choice . . , from that day forth there'll be no -holding you back. n „.• 0-1359C Jack The.: Gitot Slashes Spring 8 5 C Choose ARS From and OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 4 -door hardtop, radio, hydramatic drive, whitewalls 52,295 FORD eUSTOMLINE 2 -door,- smart2- tone , 51,895 PONTIAC Station Wagon, Pathfinder De - Luxe model 51,795 BUICK CENTURY Convertible, power steering, power brakes, radio, Dynaflow $2,295 METEOR RIDEAU Sedan, atstomatic, ars- , tom radio, just like new. CHEVROLET 2 -door, 150 series, shargi , car 51,695 4:55 CHEVROLET 210 ,Sedan, 29,000 original miles 51,495 '55 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2 -door, 23,000 miles, just like new. aa '55 OLDS. 88, 4 -door sedan, radio, whitewalls, very sharp 51,795 '55 PLYMOUTH 2 -door hardtop, automatic, radio, whitewalls, 2 -tone 51,495 '55 OLDS 88 Sedaraa radio, power steering, power brakes, what are we offered? ' FORD STATION Naisfalt, Custom' ine model with whitewalls - • 51,695 '55 BUICK SPECl/11,,„ Hardtop, Dynaflow, ra- dlo, custom trim, Whitewalls $1,495 1,55 Ammap! iller rices ! ar '54 METEOR RIDgAU Hardtop, automatic, r'adio, rear speaker, very sharp. '54 PONTIAC Chieftan Sedan, custom built radio $ 795 ADILLAC'62 Sedan, finished in gleam- ing black, power steering, power brakes, and driven by a 'prominent businessman Only 52,195 '53 METEOR CUSTOMLINE Sedan, metallic maroon with whitewalls, and owned by an old man. '53 MONARCH Hardtop, radio, whitewalls, a sharp car • '53 CHEVROLET 2 -door hardtop eqUipped with new motor 'Only $ 895 153 DODGE Station Wagon, in excellent con- dition, only 50,000 miles $1,095 '53 BUICK Sedan, radio, automatic, very sharp '53 FORD Coach; new pafint, excellent shape '53 CHEV. BEL AIR Sedan, with powerglide, radio, 2 -tone, etc. '53 CHEV. 150 Sedan, an economy car, .Only '$ 595 , • ''52 CADILL.AC Convertible, the pride of the fleet, make us ah offer. • $ 995 $ 995 $ 795 '5•2 PONTIAC Sedan Delivery ' ' $ 495 '52 FORD Custornline 2 -door, automatic, radio •$ 495 LICKS Buy Where You Get A Selection! '52 FORD Customline 2 -door, radio and' new motor. '52 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan $ 495 '52 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan, radio, auto- matic drive, name your own price. '52 DODGE- Deluxe Sedan, refiniihed in bleak, like new ., $.695 Six other '52 Chevrolets and Pontiacs. No reasonable offer refused. -• • '51 BUICK ROADMASTER Sedan, equipped with new -Motor and radio -5 695 '51 BUICK 2 -door, in excellent condition, whitewalls and radio . $ 695 Nine '51 PlyMoUths, Chevrolets,Pontiacs and Dodges from 5295. 6 '50 PONTIAC Sedan, refinished in gold metal- lic with only .38,000 miles. "50 FORD 2 -door, with all-new tires . $ 395 '50 MERCURY Sedan, radio, excellent trans- vortation - • $ 195 '50' FORD COACHES (3) at $295 each. .4 • A '49 AUSTIN Sedan, in nice shape mechani- cally ' ,175 '49 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan, lust refinish- ed beautiful. '49 PONTp,C 2-doot, with custom 56,000 miles - radio, 195 TRUCKS '58 VOLKSWAGEN VAN, just like new ... $1,595 '57 DODGE' 3 -ton, 1 -foot. racks, V-8 motor, 27,000, original miles, lists new over $5,000, our price $2,495 '56 DODGE" 2,ton with 12 -foot van, , new '56 DODGE )4 -fon pickup, 28,000 miles '5$ CHEVROLET 16 -ton pickup', a sharp truck. '53 GMC .fon pickup', with stock rack $ 750 '53 CHEV. 34 -ton pickup, with' racks • . $ 895 '49 rwope, 4 -ton dump, 5 -peed transmis- sion,abig motor, excellent shape • $ 695 '47 STUDEBAKER 1 -ton, in good shape , .7 5 250 '45 DODGE 3 -ton, 16 -foot hoists, rack, 'etc. $ 395 • „'36 CHEVROLET 14415n truck, positiasely like new. tike Only $1895 No Offer Refused We Won't Be Undersold DRIVE TO ZURICH AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! , • 71.1.4.-wolohroa toi•-rolk-SOMMAX• wogva JAti PEA,RSON, PROP. r witti0000AvalitosPow04,4040o1040:40)0wkanoniutitoo•Ama00400.00.x40;04k,000m,• ,104.10" ONTARIO "Huron -Country's Largest Used ,Car Dealer" ZURICH LOT MAIN St. EXETER LOT COR,NER . HIGHWAY 4 & 83 • te• 1