HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-04-09, Page 6w CANADA WEEK BRIEFS itei#414ible finesse- was . display- ,,,I a r,�. yyyy \�,. kti:a.�'n, 3'*i:�`"l'rtiopewelboe,„.4 3AB !l •�e % ' 'Mak 11•f» - �y,,.- i� ' 1 r ' e tourn ent. In fact quite a ` . �,x �� ...- �, .' . 'ate � q �'����* ��`� P+au!bez of the youngsters could to, s'haie the style dished up. maiy a player of twice the 1,2- • '-� �4tmit•_.age-•of--the pee wees. The superb quality of•'playing in e games, the larger-than- „7„, arger,than- *r wear attendar ;and the Azle sports- ”°",aP,, I * lP* ip shown by'coaches and, #e. Oayexs, alike stood out in this dear's games. The only regrettable incident •►as the unfriendly attitude of aeome fans towards the Honest Ed's team from Toronto. The Toronto players felt a bit badly about this. o did some of the inotherrs who aecompahied them. This shove was only on the part of a 'few fans who don't know any better, You'll always find. thein every- where. ' The .Toronto team was "Nip" Whetstone, who w his good. That can not be, denied. creation, Young Cauda 'V�eek, They were no rougher than any t observe its tenth anniversary. Pa'st other team. They deserved to win week. orad they did win. ada Week tournament by members ' . of the Port Huron, Mich/gat, team. Next year it is e*'pected there Will .Five -Pin 'Tourney be another entry from south of TIi GODERH' SIGNAL;, -STAR TIWRSDAY, AfPRZ Oth; 1959 Shouts of joy are not. the only (thing which come out at such a tournament. There are fears,, too. The tears come mostly from the csyes of mothers. And' one of the treasons is when their particular toy is never given an opportunity to get out and play for his team elven though he i; all dressed and ready to °o into action. It's just ane of those things where aloe ^uptriiona of moth, rs and $ome kttiu :lif�s of .' onie teams differ. Sour Sprints ,was an incorrect itame for the Six 1aii,lrs Regie'\e earn for they were t:'uiy a happy based ;if warriors who .;.ft 4, of t h;.ir best in the Iin.il' for the grand • fchampion'ship; they w f're anything Birt: sour when the saw tho' last .couldn't make it. 1?41:, Poodry, the is'sistarit coach, told' the Si. na'1- tttar'thow the 'boys practi.,ed hockey on frozen ponds in the swamps. ; However, they did get in some I practice on the Brantford and Stratford indoor rinks. The young Indians are great erowd pleasers and we trust they will be back •„every year as purely as the robins return from south, Mrs. Reg. Williamson, of Gode- rich, billeted .two players of the Port ferry team for one' night. When the• yoti gster:s returned h lme the next day they wrote a letter to \Irs, Williamson thanking her for her 'li o`pit,i;ity. They also. .;;eluded in the letter that they 11,1,1 'been confined to their homes dace• returnin_—both of them had rutasles, they Mated. F lir the past three' years the • ars and stripes have been brrne into battle during the Young Can - theigah Detroit Recreation De Depart- ment, says he is planning on enter- ing a pee wee team from Detroit in 1960. MoGonipal once lived at NQ ih ,day, Ontario.. .. -. ._ There was more. alleged French spoken' around Goderich last week than there normally would be dur- ing the other 51 weeks of the year. The reason—members of the Que- bec 4ity pee wee team billeted in Godiich homes and few of whom spoke anything but French. There were also French speaking. players on other teams "from Northern and Eastern Ontario. Results? Goderich people in homes where ,the French-speaking players' were billeted were . strugglir g hard with their knowledge of French from tiigh school or university days in an effort to make it work again. Some, of the -efforts 'were rather amusing and if the young Frei h- '6'ana.dian .players smiled, at some of the efforts, they can be excused. t omprenez? From what we saw personally of the Quebec City' players—and we had two of them billeted at our home—we gained the idea that a lot of imagined friction between French-speaking Quebec and Eng- lish-speaking Ontario could be con- siderably reduced by such visits.” These young players went back home with a warm feeling from -the hospitality shown to,them in Gode- rich. They will always have a Vastly different feeling about the people of Ontario than many other youngsters in Quebec who have not ' been here and who hear from their parents,. sometimes. some rather pre,iudi'ced comments about On- ' ir;o people. . Of course. it works On - , bath ways, too. The whole trouble can be'.surnmed up in one word -4 - "misunderstanding," If the child- Three films were shown at the regi of 'bath provinces knew each April preview 'on Friday at the other better than they do, this. Public Library. by the Goderich feeling would yxxtii Iltday Bowlers from as farawayas Walkerton and Forest will om- pete Saturday in the first annual 4a—pin It ourninnent-•being-mtarged- • here by the Little Bowl. As far as Harry Little can as- certain, this is the first time such a tourney has been held in Go,de- rich. Over 40 teams can be accom- modated, and there is still room for a few more to enter . There will be 'two classes -"A" and "B"—for both `nen and lady bowie t A prize • of .$40 will go fto Ith'Winning team in each of the four classes. Prizes of „five dollars will be aWardul for the, high, single and high trle in each class, tw. 0 LIONS HOCKEY NIGHT FRIDAY The annual "Hockey Night" meeting of the Lions Club will be held on Friday evening under the chairmanship of Bruce Erskine. Present will be young players from the Lions. House League, the all-star pee ,wee team and various persons who helped to make Young Canada Week a success. The guest speaker will be Mr. Jack Rox- borough, of Simcoe,' Ontario, whb is vice-president of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, a past president of the Ontario Hockey Association and also of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association. FILM COUNCIL HAS 3 KEW FILMS PREVIEWED not exist. Ael Inc and District Film Council Ale01111=1012127" .21811130911M6 missionary o w;ork such as is done "Eye Witness," `:Columbia Ad - during Young"Canada Week could venture," and "The do wonders- in correcting theRoyal Tourney' �, pro- were the (liras seen. ',.crn. Incidentally. the Quebec Eightyafive per cent of • thei:_ City team's trip here was.,sponsor- schools in the United' States use • ed by a . Dunlop Tire dealer in visual aids " in their educational work. Canada has won an award in competition in the international film festival at New. York, reveal- ing that the National Film Board is doing an excellent job. CARS - CARS - CARS AS LQ! 1.- On Anything New or Used!! VOLVOS - CHEVROLETS VOLKSWAGENS FORD$ PLYMOUTHS METEORS Plus A Group Of Mechanics' Specials M & .� -f OTO P'n • Authorized VOLVO Sales and Service Texaco Products Phone 24 THANK GODERIc, THE GODERICH LIONS CLUB IS MOST GRATEFUL FOR THE SPLENDID A CO -OPER. ATION GIVEN BY GODERICH AND DIS- TRICT HOMES IN BILLETING VISITING PEE WE, HOCKEY PLAYERS DURING YOUNG CANADA WEEK. Thank You One and All. • M PTOWER.s44:9 5 *MittUP the Sp trg Rush 'G '1 -- , _=.�. q _- w �nd. tock.vt Bring Your Mirth,In Na�c► fal'ir . �' • .I�SED MC�''111iE�t�► REPAIRSandGRINDING,.. To �Cl�ar �linm�,ri"R�r7�„��� �'(.v���.� �'-"�� , . �..�m i ( Y . ,c-. ` ..year ••.+C r fie E:'i�1��^..�li.,,fli• , CSA LES • . :, 'S'. DAVIT'S '8T. EBB ROSS, ro• Chairman, tions Billeting Committee, 1 Quebec City. ThEL goal keeper of the Goderich pee wee team, Lorne Daer, of Col- borne Township, turned in some At Redux dPrices ` may• � , pretty .n-ic. . rtper•.f-erran es . nets. During one of the games in , which Lorne' was playing, a lady Rod, scored the game -winning goal 'in the,stands was raving about his ,for Goderich. The cigar disap- good wisk, She went on and on ; peared and Dad doesn't know what with her praise. Suddenly, she happened to it. 'Friends suspect felt a little nudge in her, side. I he swallowed it during the excite - She turned to look into the Knifing of the moinent. Dad isn't face o', a small girl who 'hastened sure whether he ,did -or not, but restasas shecr could produce .much u mder he has suffered same indigestion such pressing circumstances, "He's' my brother," ,East met West at the home .of the Arnold McConnells during Young Canada Week, They billet= ed .two boys from Quebec City, since, it is reported. Two pee wee hockey players from Sault Ste. Marie, billeted at a Goderich home, were overheard in conversation. Asked. by one where certain other,players were staying, ,the other replied' "At the the point farthest. east, and two Bedford Motel." The second bo ' boys from Winnipeg, the. ,point ! corrected the description by say farthest west, at the same time. I .in f; "yhu- ' thcian "the Bedford Ilofel.„; •not -the -Bedford Motel."' Frank Reid was chewing on a (;ane the rep)y:• "No, I mean the cigar during the tension -filled pee Bedford Motel, You can get beer! :wee hockey game between Tillson- : tit a hotel but 'not at a motel and bui-g and Goderich, Then his son, the Bedford has no' beer." Toni -di' Little Friends Favorites Of Fans, While Honest Ed's team won the grand championship, the never - say -die lads from Sour Springs won .the hearts of the' .Young Ganada Week fans. In the opinion of many, "Tonto's .little friends"from the Six Nations Reserve were the biggest drawing„ card of the 10th annual pee wee hockey tournament. These boys,. whb have ,no' home rink of their„ own and sometimes have to practice on frozen ponds, captured the "D" series title in one of the most exciting games in Young Canada Week history. 'Then they went on to knock. oft!' the "C” series winners in another tension -filled contest before they were overpowered by Honest Ed's, the "AA” series winners, in the grand championship game Satur- day night. Principal Is Coach The war -dancing Sour Springs youngsters, smartly outfitted in red uniforms trimmed with white, were again coached by Oliver Smith. Ile is principal of a three-room school at Sour Springs, about eight •miles from Brantford. The gallant little team won— and deserved—the admiration and al] out s,irpport of hundreds of fans who wouldn't have missed their games for the world, Lionel Mahood's recognition of the terrific performance of the Sotir Springs boys 'was more tang- ible ,than most. The proprietor of the Esquire Grill treated the whole team to free turkey dinners on Saturday afternoon, between games.. Before leaving the restaurant, each hoy sought nut Mr. Mahood to shake his hand and thank him. Mr. Mahood remarked later that 'he had fed hockey teams on n,um- (rnus occasions before but had never seen a•, more. mannerly ,team than these you'ngsvers from down Brantford way. - Coach Smith,a sincere, unassum- ing man, was deeply appreciative of the treatmerut accorded his team during the tournament. - "1 would like to thank all the eapl`e. of Goderich DV everything," '.;t ld. TJle, Si'gnal•§tar as he was pprepa'tt-ing to rourid„ tip his yoytth- ful' charges for the trip home Sat- urday night. This was the Sour Springs boys' second appearance in the Young Canada 'Week tourney, and also their second year in organized hockey. Next Year The coach figures that about eight members of this year's team will still be eligible to play pee wee hockey nest year. Hut he will lose j2 -year-old Brian Martin, the red-headed captain of the braves. It .was he who fired the winning goal in the "D" series title game against' Ayr and in the play-off game against Point• Ed- ward, the "C" champions. Brian has several nicknames in- cluding "Bud" .and "Red," which is the most obvious one. Ile and Lorne General, the little goalie of the Sour 'Springs Pee Woes, recovered from a bout with the 'flu in tinie to star in the tournament here. Steve Srtrith, the coach's own son, was sidelined by sickness' and was not with the team when it won the "D" title. Two of the team's most enthusi- astic suporters are the coach's wife and daughter, Dianne. Sister Of Tonto Mrs, Smith's brother, harry, 'is the actor who ---under the profes- sional name of Jay Silverheels2— portrays Tonto in a famous radio and television series. -,-Mrs, Smith's ' maiden name was also Smith. Her father, the late ('apt, A. G. E. Smith, was 'the most decorated Indian soldier ' who fought for Canada in World, War I. Ile earned sevet.-medals in combat. Some time ago, Mr's. Smith's another donated '10 a•cres•of land as - a site for a community centre for Soul• Springs. "We builtt "a'n office and a' meet ing house last summer," Oliver Srhith told The Signal -Star. centre for, which they haire been planging and working. There is, still long way to go before bid Sour, Springs Pee Wees wills be able to. sksite. in a. covered rink of their own. But, if determitotion mints for anything, that day will come. AN (As Goderich's Only Authorized Dealer) .JOINS FORCES TO BRINGYOU THE FINEST in T' and SEWICE O 4 SPEAKERS • HI-FI SOUND • BEAUTIFUL CABINETS .0 "GOLDEN SIGNET" • TRANSFORMER TYPE 'CHASSIS EXTRA inGE TRADE ALLOWANCE or outfight DISCOUNT Admiral PORTABLE 17" T Reg. $249.95 SPECIAL $219. 5 OR LESS WITH TRADE DON T MISS these opportunities if you ' or tradhig your old set. stOck-is jimited, see' us today or call for ride if -'ycrti. have no transports. - SWIVEL BASE -429-9,95 29.95 SPEtlAt :114-1 TRADE :4 $209.95 or- generous Hutchinson Radio & TV SPACE AGE Transistors Radios as low as $44 95 SPECIAL! Free Beach Umbrella with each of these. Get ready for summer fun now! PORTABLE Record Players Reg. $29.95 24.95 PORTABLE AUTOMATIC Record Player Reg. $64.95. 'Only 49,95 Portable Stereo iAutornstic Player) 89 95 . . . ria, 308 Huron Road 00 A