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The Exeter Times, 1891-1-8, Page 1
AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY,' VOL XVIII. NO 20. EX.TITER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY '' MORNING, JANUARY 8, 1891 OtOUht wvin[ «1r at sox ubiishere and Proprietor LEGAL. LR. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli - . niton ot Supreme Court, Notary Palilf{r,., Jonveyaueor. Cemmiseioner, B:c Mance to Loan. 0dice in Fanson'sBlocks Exeter . kI, OO1)LINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., IaaC TER, - ONT. Office over the Pest °Mee- I,I,,IOT & I~7LLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pflblic, Oouveyaucers tics, t o. 1"°'..1,1eney to Loan at Lowest Rates of lntereet. OFFICE. • MAIN - STREET, EXETER, P. v. iaf,r,IOT. J. eh 4Ox. DENTA.D. T\R. 0. H. INGRAM, DENTIST. Succesaer to H. I,, Bil sen. (Member of the Royal College of Dental Surtieone.) Teeth extraotea with or without Y1ate in Gold or Itubtror. A. sate Antesthetie given tortho rainless extraction of teeth}, OFFICE : Over O'Neil's Bank. Limn ()very Friday. TT KINSMAN ,DF NTIST.L.D. S. tiaiuwell's [hack, xiivst. Exeter, F.xtraote Teeth w#thont pain, Away at HR1a&Lri en drat Fri ley: Craig, eecend an.l fourth Tuesday: and Z©aiwn on the last Thurs. des of each month. lEED10Af, �TW. BitOWNINU M. D., M. O • P. H, fieadnato Victoria. University: Mica end residence, Dom.rion Labora- tory. Exeter. 1)R. FiYiD;IAN, coroner for the (County of Huron. Dolce, opposite Carling Rms. store, Exeter. 1 R. J. A.ROLLINS,M.C.P,S. f� 0, Otfloe, Math St. Exeter, Ont. Itesldeuce, hutlae recently °ceunied by P. AtoPhtiIijii Esq, LF. CUT'CEN, M.D., C. M., a (beaduato Trial t3 1.Tntversity. Tor- onto; 1 t. Triu. Med. seheei,Torento ; (brad. 4:1,11 ,t.s V ran iotorry; Member;l. Anthropology; Member Col. P. h.. Out -- office, Uashwood, Ont. DR. W0t)13RT.IFIF Disc t es of the LYE, EAR, NOSE axis THROAT Eye eases and Speetacles furnished for both bear and Distant Vision, Always at home, except on Fridays. No. 1S1 Qtuten's Avenue, London, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS. Ti'BUSSE1�BERRY, General Li, �J • roused Auctioneer Sales conducted in allparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderato. Honsail P 0, Ont. }TENEY EILBER Licensed Auc- tioneer for Bay, Stephen, andMo- Gllivray Townsbipa. S,,.los conducted at moderatoretos. Oifiea, at Poet-ofuoo. Ored- iton Ont. H. PORTER, GENERAL D . Auctioneer andLautl Valuator. Orders sent by mail to my ndirties, Reynold P. O., will receive prompt attention. Terms moder- ate. Is. 17. PORTER, Auctioneer. VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent EXETER. ONT. Graduates of the Outerio Veterinary 0o1 - loge. 02FIOE : One poor South of Town Hall. r' MONEY TO LOAN. •�It// ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND r� percent, 825,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. rpHE LONDON MUTUAL -Le FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAI ,,ADA • Head Office, London, Ont. Afl'er 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or centents,the most favorable protection in ease of loss or damage by fire orlightnine, at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other rospect- ableeompany eanaffordto write. 42,875 poli cies inforce lstJan ,1890. Assets 8378,428.00 in cash in bank. Government depot. Deben. tures and Premium Notes. JAMES GRANT, President; D. C. Mc DONALD,Manager• DATIn JAQUES,Agent for Exeter andvioinity. HE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIIiB INSURANCEOO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT. This oomeany has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western Onerio, and continuos to insure against loss or fiamagebv Fire Buildings Merchan- dise, Manufactories, and all other desorip. tions of insurable property. Intending insurers hive the option of insuring on the Premium Note or oashSystem. , During t'ae,eastten year this Com- pany bas issued 57,096 Policies, covering property to the amount of 440,,872,089; and paid 'n tosses alone $709, r 00. Assets, SFt:6,10O.o°,consisting of0ash oiBank GovernmentDet'osit andthe un- aaseessd Premium Notes cn Lane and to eorct., W WALerneid, D:Prea deLt0. M. .OASLoo Secretary 3..e.1:Warm, 1n - ,e ector. 013A8; SWELL, Agent fez. Exeterand. vicinity.. M eft k. 0 vx ritiAd n w 1-4 14. Fel CO 44 En 1Q 1.3 0 1.9 oowtdy N � i Lzi Lel PI tis Plc Q a H The Molsons Bank (CUUAitTE1UlD111'.'PARLIAME1 T,t855) Pai4upOapitad ,,. .,. .".,000,('0 Rest Fund - 1,000.00 Head Office, Montreal , 1?. WOLFI:RSTAN TIIOi7A Al th. aGaz 20brancbeliicesinttiatentinion, Ageneie in the Dominlon.U.S.A, and Europe. Exeter Brandi, Open every lawful day. from 10 a. tato 3 p.m SATURDi YS,10 a.m,to 1 p.nt, 4PorCent.porannum a1lowedforwonoy on Deposit Receipts R. H. ARCHER, Manager. CONDENSED NEWS The iujuriea susta'ned by Mr Russell McGee. in his effort to hold the horse which broke one of his legs iu Mitchell last week, were morn r:erioue than first supposed. In falling with the animal his collar bone was r fractured in two places, awl it will be weeks before he is again fit for work. Word leas been received by 11r James Dicks,m, of the let eon., West Nissouri, of the death ot his son James. in Mouteuc, which occurred rather suddenly a short time since. Deceased was in his 28th year and had been west about three years. The family have the sympathy of the common ty in their bereavement. 'from Various Sources Through out the District. The bo't medical authorities say the proper way to treat catarrh is to :alto a constitutional remedy, like Hood's Sarsa- parilla. On the 6th of April next, the census of the D.7uiiuion will bo taken. The cousus oommisaioner for the West Ruling of Huron is Mr Jos Beek. On Friday last, Mr Thos Tipling, of Clinton, while out shooting, bagged a rab- bit that had four well -formed oars -two on each side of its head, Neglected cold in the head will certainly lead to entarih, perhaps to consumption and death. Nasal Balm never fails to cure. Sr,ld by all dealers. Clinton ..News Record says that Rev J T Legear, formerly of Kirkton, has severed his connection with the Guelph Methodist Conference and will looate in Indiana. The other evening, the wife of Mr W. Steep, (teamster) Clinton, went out to the pump for water, and slipping down had the misfortune to break her thigh in two places. The British Exchange hotel, Goderich, bar was closed on Ch7istmas Day. This is a practice which Mr Cox has followed from principle, and it is worthy of general imita- tion. Mrs Chas Smith of Jirnes, Ohio, writes ; I have used every remedy for sick headache I could bear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills did me more good than all the rest. A woman who is weak, nervous and sleep- less, and who has cold hands and feet, can not feel and act like a well person. Car- ter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength and rest. Three former members of Huron County Council, who have retired this year and will be missed, are Messrs. D D Wil- son, of Seaforth ; P Kelly, of Blyth, and A McMurohie, Clinton. The old saying, "As the days lengthen, the cold strengthens," may come true after all. We are having excellent winter iu these parts, but frigid old Montreal reports that December was the coldest month ex- perienced in many yeaas, Mr Hugh McIntyre has sold his two stores on Main-st Mitchell. to Mr Wm Squire, Logan, and Mr R. Thorn, Mitchell. The prioe paid was $3,500, which is a vers fair consideration. INco7=E AND OUTLET -The three import- ant outlets of disease are the skin, bowels and kidneys. See that they perform their functions properly and use Burdock Blood Bitters to insure this proper. action. Miss Orel', of Parkhill, holds an enviable record as a typesetter, having a000mplished 1750 ems solid brevier-withoat a e aragraph or an error -'.none hour, a speed not often reached be the most experienced and skilled male compositors. The following pupils from Fullerton passed the entrance examination to Mitchel high school :-Agar Minnie, 426 ; Col Minnie 8, 389 ; Durrant B, 432 ; MoGe M, 459 ; Robinson W, 443 ; Rogers H 517, Vanhorn G,384 and Wren John, 428 passed from Hibbert, Carrie Kirkby, Wm Driver, John Jickliog Mabel Brown, George Dormer, H Road house, Maggio Bruce, Alice Beavers, all of Blansbard have passed the entrance exam- ination to the St Marys high eohool. Mr. R. H. Moir, of St Marys, and Andrew Sans - burn, wen the scholarships. Slaipita, BBIEPa.--11r Wm Sheppard, of Atlantic City, Iowa, has once more called on his many friends in Canada. He said it was itis last trip around the world, fie left for bowie en Wednesday last. -We understand Mr #rlolmee intende starting revival err- vices rr- tc a v e o to this place before lona. We he pa to baro sleighing than. -Mr S Ilam1 iags, thio blacksmith of We place, has been so Keay of late he bad to engage a young man from Crediton to help him -Geo Keyes and wife apent Sunday last at Sharon. At 0 a'eiook Sunday evening fire broke out in the Queait'a hotel atables, Brussels. Eight horses, four cows and a number of pigs, with buggies, eleigbr, harness, ete,, were binned. The extreme heat from the stable, which was close to the brick wall of the maid: betiding of the Queen's hotel, caused the freeze work attached inaido to catch Are. The flumes sprea•1 under the roof and caused the loss of the roof and the top etoroy of tele hotel. A. correspondent writes : A German,of Egmondville, named Adolph Marautz. left his home on Friday morning last, to walk to Mr John Thompson'a near 7linburu. Ile gat dinner there, and left for home im- mediately after, and has not aiuce been heard of. Ho is described as a young, fresh leaking man.cl Lair complexion, small stature, stout build and does not speak very good English. Ile is a married mai, and hie wife fa greatly eliatreesed in the matter. We understand he went to the above place to pay some money he awed At the reeeut State election!, Mr Dan McGrath, eldevt son of Air P McGrath. formerly of Tackersmith, was elected to the position of Supervisor of Crawford County, Iowa. There hi a salary al 8200 per annum attached to this office, and the duties of the incumbent are somewhat simi- lar to those of the Warden of an Ontario county. The elections for county officers there take place at the game time as the State elections and aro on party lines. Dan is cue of the leading Democrats of bis anunty and has already filled several public positions. All records beaten, Mr Alex Taylor, of Lot 20,Maiilandcon.,Huron Road, God. eriel: tp., hue lived for over '•veare on his present farm, alining to this 'township in Juno, 1829. During all these years bo has not been one mouth off through sickness, and to day bids fair to see through another decade or two. When he firet came to the Baron traoktiie father carried their seed corn on his back all the way front Laudon, driving a cow and calf, the only guide to the road being the survoyora' black marks on the trees, Mr Taylor is one of the veter sins who went to Walpole Island dnring the McKenzie trouble of '37, anti he helped to out down the original forest that stood where Weet street now runs in Godoriob, A Dublin correspondent writes : young man who is not in the habit of visit- ing town only an certain occasions made a slight misteko the other night as ho walk- ed up street. He met a young lady who he took to be au old time acquaintance of his, and thought it a good opportunity to orack a joke at her expense, he stepped up behind her and gave hor a kiss, saying how etre you Boar ? But to his surprise he had bestow- ed the token of friendship on the wrong young lady. He immediately apologized for his forwardness, saying, I took you for Miss --, But instead of getting offend- ed at him, she only turned up her little rongish eye, accompanied with a smile and said, don't mention it, for I know you are a stranger in town. Hs -How do yon know that ? She -Oh, I can easy tell, for there is not a young man in Dublin who has courage enough to kiss ayonng lady." In another column will be found the mar- riage of Mies Rumball, which took placeat her father's residence, in Clinton. This young lady is a native of Clinton and her removal to the "Sunny South" causes a blank in church and social circles that will not be easily filled. The groom is Mr J. Walvin Callender, a former resident of Kid - on, and he was supported on the interesting oaeasi.vn by Mr Brown, of Aylmer, while the bride was Resisted by Miss Katie Rowell. .the infant class of Rattenbury street charch, of which Miss Rumball has been one of the teaobore, showed their apprecia- tion of her labors by presenting her with a handsome Japanese Banner. The young couple left by the early morning train Wed- nesday,taking this train in order to reach home in due season. Before her marriage the members of the choir visited Miss Ramball and presented her with a gold watch and a photogr aph of the ohoir. 1 e e EXETER NORTH. WEDDING BELLS -On Wednesday last friende and acquaintances to tho number of about 30, assembled at the residence of Mr Wm. Williams, late of Port Hope, the occasion being the marriage of his only daughter, Miss Ella Maud, to Mr John White, of Toronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev Jasper Wilson. The groom was assisted by the bride's brother, Mr Chas. Williams. and the bride support- ed by her cousin, Miss Sarah F. Williams. The bride and maid were tastily dressed fn mery satin and silk respectively, end both presented a handsome appearance. The presents were numerous and appropri- ate. A sumptuous repast was prepared, after which a pleasant evg: was spent by the gathering in the usual way. The happy couple have the best wishes of the community for their future happiness. OBITUARY -We had neglected to record the death of Bertha, daughter of Mr Wm. Harris, lake road, west of the village, who died on Wednesday, Dec. 24, of consump- tion, at the early age of 18 years. The funeral took place on Friday, Deo 26, and was largely attended. The parents and remaining tamily have our sympathy in thistheir sad hour of trial. BAD, spouse, - woasr-Co]d,cough, con- sumption, to cure the first and second and prevent the third use Bagyarde Peotoral Balsam, the never failing family medicine for all diesasea Gf the throat, lungs and chest. A marvel of healing in pulmonary complaint•, Ohiselhlalret. lx 1d1ii*ti'a Doxus,---Otic at those acoiai ciente, that cause Buell a flutter al excite- ment among the young (alk, took place on Wednesday last. We refer to the marriage of Mr Biebard Meters, sr., to Miss Tamluia Hannah, daughter of Air Mabee Hannah. Tho nuptial knot was tied by the Rev T Qttowell, of Walton, at the reaidenao of the bride's father, in MoKillop, Thehridea, maid was \Visa Llzzio Metters, eider of the gro9m, while on the other hand the groom was supported by Mr Samuel Hannah. brattier of the bride. After dinner was over, the young couple rook the one o'clock train at Seaforth for a wedding trip to Shel- burne, where they will spend the rest of their holidays. We extend to them our congratulations, Hetnaall Bataea T Chapman. of Calgary, is in tows► for a few days. He is loud in praise of the "city in eight of the Rookies." He le satisfied that it will he a fine city some day.- -The following officers were installed in Zurich Lodge, No 224, Ale * A M, for tMe current year: W Doig, W M; G T 11IoKay, S W; J ;;1tcNovin. J W; James Logan Chap; W R Hodgins Tress; James llonthtan Beat; E Butts Tyler, --The elm tions are over for another twelvemonth and business is assuming its aeonatomed rush, We got lett. Contrary to expectations our favorite failed to secure a sufficient namber of votes. .Rusiuesa ability, honest dealing, and a fearless arraignment of reokleas ex travagauco could net stand against the gelid Rent. Light always did comp from the east. Possibly in a century or so it will go far enough to onlighton.-Mles D Campbell who has been spending a few weeks with the Misses Hodgins, left fur her home, Kincardine, Tuesday morniug.-Mr Allen, of Kincardine, has been spending a few days in town - The Misses Nichol, of Loudon, are epending their New Year's holidays with their sister, Mrs D Urerthert.-Thi' familiar face of Will Henry graced our vil la,le for iho past few days. Age makes no change in him. His Wife and family accompanied him, Bayfield. Anderson, Barites. -A. new church will be built dur- ing the coaxing summer. -Mr John Rob - moon i3 visiting his father. ---The young send who went from here to B., C. s nd glowing accounts of that Prom:Kt.-Mr Wm Daws n, P ii1, of Science I1i11. was surpris- ed on New Years eve by his neighbors and friends calling on him with a present of silver warn an'l a suitable address, Afr Dawson ie about leering Science Hill where be has been for a number of years and no doubt he will be much missed. We Isiah pine success at Medina whore he intends going Eden. Baiara--Mr Will Dempsey who has been an the sick list for some time past, is able to bo around again, --Mr John Esser"' in- tends shipping n ear load of horses to the States neat week. ---Mica Dempsey, who has been tenuhing the Atkinson Fahoot fat the past threw yearn, interele voting to Iiichinand Hill to attend the High Scheel of that place, aueaoaa to you Maud. Mr Smith, of St Marya, is visiting Mr A Dewp• Bey. -Miss Maud Dempsoy is visiting friends in St Marys. -The social held in the Eden echool house on the evening of Dec 81st was a grand success A very nice programme was given by the young folk of the school, to the satiataotion of all present, Receipts amounted to $10. enwa tura y BSIE>re-- ttr J 3tcWilaou killed a fat cull last week and found three 2a, iueh nails in her atomaoh.--lir John Sltr,rritt went to Buffalo with a car load of lambs last week, ---At the aunual school meeting hell in No 10. ;Itr J Baker was appointed chairman, and It H Armstrong secretary, The audit - era report was read and ,.bowed that $930.. 06 had been received; and $905.8e paid ant, leaving a tsalauce of e24.24 on band, Mr W J Wileen was re elected trueteo far the 4th term. Tito ratepayers are well pleased with the new echool house, and the way the work has been managed by the trustees and the contractor, Mr Wm Mollis, -We are pleased to sae Mr R Hutohiaon around again.• -Mr C II Wilaon has recetvad the contract of supplying over 2,000 feet of limner to .lir Rice of Olandeboyo. BRIErs-Miss Susie Burgess and Miss M Erwin, of Point Edward, aro home for the holidays. -Miss Annie Erwin of Lon- don, is spending the holidays. -Miss Grace Cameron and Mrs Nagle (uee Niss Minnie Murray) of Detroit, are home for a short visit, -Mies Lena Roth, of Listowel, is visiting her many friends bore.-ti"•r James Castle is at present very ill at the residence of Mr Geo Castle. Sauble line. His many friends will be pleased to bear that he is recovering. -A. meeting of the Stanley Branch Agricultural Society will be held at E. Elliott's hotel on Jany 8117, when busi- noas of importance will bo transacted. -Mr James Donaldson intends to locate his saw mill in Mr James Pollock's field, opposite Chas Parker's, early in the spring. -Mise Lottie Martin is spending the holidays in 'Termite.- Miss Mollie hie anley of South- ampton, is visiting friends here. -Mrs James McIntyre, of London, is here for a short vacation. -Miss Lizzie Hueston leaves this week for Virden, Manitoba. -The rink opened on Saturday evening, and the skat- ing was good and much enjoyed. The proprietors intend holding a grand carnival on Tuesday evening, Jan 13th, when good p)izea will be given for races, and costumes. Music by Doherty's brass band of Clinton. ... --- Brucefieid. Bnxrrs-The Anniversery services an d Soiree of Union church passed off in a very successful manner. The sermons of the Sabbath by the Rev J L Murray M A, of Kincardine, were of a high intellectual order , and listened to by large congrega- tions. Hie lecture on "Mir trip to Itally' was one of the finest in subject matter and manner of delivery ever given in Braoefield For nearly two hours, he kept his large audience spell bo:7nd, as he passed from scene to scene and plane to place in that historic iand, the short addresses given by Rev Messrs Acheson, Walker and Needham were highly appreciated. The Music ;he Sabbath, but especially on the Monday evening was most excellent. As noual the viands provided by the ladies of the congre- gation sere abundant and of the highest quality. The children's tea and Xmas Arch in the Royal Tem'dars new hall on the following Tuesday evening, was also a grand success, the ball was literally pack. ed, The programme which wse•directed by Wm Fotheringham, the superintendent of the Sabbath school was varied and choice. The presents from parents and friends were numerous and choice. Throughout all these services the people all appeared de- lighted. -We e - lighted: We are glad to welcome MrProud- foot, merchant tailor and family, who have come to reside in our village. -Mr Wm Mo Queen, of Toronto University, is spend- ing his holidays at home and among hie many friends here. -Mies Ray Jamieson, of Platteville, is spending a few well earned holidays, under the paternal roof. We were glad to hear her rich voles again in the choir, on Monday and Tuesday 'even- inRe,-Mr Wm Graham, teacher in Bel. mont, is home spending a few holidays.- The latest arrivals from Manitoba are Messrs Wm Cameron, Win Mustard, Jas Mo Tavisb, and Mr Thompson, they all look hale and hearty. Dame rumor reports Rodgerville. NCPTIALS, Tho rosideuco of Mr Rubt Morrison, west of this place, in the town. ship of Osborne, was the scene of a pleasant event on the ovg of Now Years, His daugh- ter Mary was wedded to Mr Mr Wm Somer- ville, of Clinton, by Rev Colin Fletcher, assisted by pit' Mr Forest, of Walton Tho bride was supporteil 't3 bei sister, Mise Jennie Morrison and Mies 0 Catuagy of Clinton, while the groom was assisted by Dr Forest, of Toronto, and Mr Giffin, of Clinton, The bride and bride's maids were dressed in black satin and wore orange blossoms, There were about 30 couples witnessed the marriage, and au enjoyable evening was spent. The young couple will take up their abode in Clinton. Tho many friends of the bride wish her and hor aff- able husband proaperty, long life and hap- piness. iirnm Bargain DEPOT. JOHN COS, Marizet STORE T {;