HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-1-1, Page 8waste ri ra -,. •..... ,,.- t -..-eyes...- ,.gyre' INSURANCE Brevities, • i C We wish oue and all a Happy New Year.. f' RNha3rp teLLIt3 { , A (x);,'+e`P ><`Qli We arc g sin enjoying good sleighing, TS{1. oro' Ti� 1i1 : eel .L '(k ,.1 ,11., tl;ere being more than a foot of snow. P1'�y u£ Tofiontn, s:1Sl eel t1cf1H(I:x.13 '11:P f.NSUleeAC'• Gf»Il anY of Loudon, r 19 pounde good bright sugar fur $1 at gangland, the ItttYAIe • tN I.Dla',, of stash- the Bi Bankrupt Stere. *real, and the os mi TAltIO ael, 1,1F1-•;— p A` `.IIPANCE.t'•O'k of Waterloo estaleissed Mr Aatstin, of St Thomas, preached a Was Aseuran-este force, $13,127,404.'nuunsesmissionar arr4n0A to a la a Qndience In every yearaiter Brei gear. James•at Meth church on Sunday evg last. " Ag� „ Watch night cervices were held in y l I /!( ( the Hain et :11eth church last night. A l srpe number tvek part aid a pleasant - „ea} time was. spent. I- 6 . a c ' a There Will be two eclipses of the sun ani 1 , a a, e d , two of the moon in 1891. The only one t 4 ., r . visible in t':an ado will he a total eclipse of es, _ NOV2.5 s ,a a lg v n'= 1 t m l rile MEM on N19th. .,. ,.,,, , 'r•, ',,: .+ oke e's atu Boys *'ver Coats for just e.u S! a `':d u z about "half price at the Big Bankrupt cam... c Store, ;.i . J. P. Ross, is the only place to get the celebrated Herl,:egeum for cattle. horses and poultry. . You will save money by trying a package. The Trues isopter while wishing our, neatly town subselihere the compliments of the season, desires to thank those who so kindly retnember(dhim last week with heir offerings. to'mnke " its name titin o and u valued 7. e:.( ,+ 1=. rt.•�rl YVI. ° one VP Fe 4 c; 5.-5555555555555,-.55555-555 A sleigh lead of about twenty youurtr :et pie of Exeter, went out to the residence of Mr Thos Harvey, of Hay, tshekV a very pleaeaut evening waespent ley all. The sale aef the village property of,the lute James Oke 011 Thursday last was ' well attended. The house was .perches. eel 119 iters. Oke, white Benno of the etutk Was purchased by :11r. T. Oke. The school trustee noniininatiou took Ate Attra(.: iv, Stock l place yesterday, resulting in the return of the old board, as follows :-pr Lute, ehairinan ; 1V, Treble, W Hoskin, H. Runnel, T. Fitton and Alex Dyer, Mr (;. 11. Tom, late principal of the Eater Piddle School left list weep for S l , . wri P lkitiah Columbia. We uorierstsnd that ttr Tom will ttttand settee' there for time. 1 after which he will engage in teaching i Miss 9ieCellnm. who has been teaching in No. 2 seetion• Hullett. teas presented with to writing shalt and work box, aecom• k=SSSS s of .'• ; • 1' l the newa, at the close no 4111411.es% l�othe f tbe sschool 9for toetlas-s• The la;+its fur the eleetrie light are at the ' .lepet, but we understand nothing will be h clone until after the e1e^tions, the com- i lalexian atlas year's couneit having con- • char tea a to &la ea future event. In this E CO:Ent mien. :'r R. IL Collins has moved his laity r to the roams over the post office, :lir �nnasscil loosing deckled to transform the buiteiinp recently occupied by lir Coding, inti. a general store it will bo occupied The Lig Bankrupt Stora` i,y Mr K. J. Bpaekman. X41' barryaills, All winter We have a, large stock of hili heads, r, statements, letter and note bead paints on Goods must leave our wells- hand. anti parties needing such should call t an 1 have them printed and padded to suit ers quick to maks room for theirli iness, Prices reasouable, and tan immense Stoei+: to arrive cl;o'iiitj of steels used first elms, at the Tim e:• ofiiae. A omelet of Exeterites attended the alethudist Church Anniversary tea meet- ing ta., lecke last :timidity evening, and re. port a good time After the meeting was neer a number of them reuaired to the re• ailivie a pf Mr I.nsworth where a pleasant time was spent. An exchange says that a shark is taking in the different towns in order to find it there are nnv firms of co pertnersliip ce•- titivates. Some big hauls have ben made in some pieces. It would be well to be prepared for this adventurer, as be may 'come any tial' The children of the Tiivitt ale/Darla elutteb were given an entertainment in the Opera Heusi: on Tuesday evg. Besides the distribution of may and other presents among the children. the magic lantern presentations by Jtr Areher wore a pron,i• nerit feature, and highly appreciated. It is impossible to scent a trillion, Had Adam counted continuously from his crea- tion to the present day, be would not have reached that numl,er, for it would take *aim over 9,611 years. At the rate of 200 a minute, there could be counted 12 060 an hour, 288,000 a day and 105,120,- 000 a year. Thenew game laws are out. The obanges made are unimportant with exception that the closed season fur salmon trout is ex- tended from the 15th of October -to 30th November, instead of from let to 30th Nov. as formerly, and fishing of all kinds is prohibited from 6 o'clock on Saturday evg till 9 on Monday morning, Last week we referred to a runaway ac- cident which happened with Mr W. J. Clarke, of London, formerly of Exeter. Mr Clat ke was more seriously injured than was supposed, having had two or three ribs broken, We are sorry to report this unfortunate circumstance, as Mr Clarke has been a long sufferer otherwise, and has had his share of trouble along this line. Rev Mr Nugent, of Mitchell, preached sermons to the 8 S. children of Main-st Meth church on Sunday last, and in the afternoon, together with Principal Austin, of St Thomas. addressed a mass meeting of children. Rev Nugent is a powerful preacher. eloquent and practical, and his sermons can be listened to with the utmost interest. Rev Mr Wilson conducted ser- vices for Rev Mr Nugent in Mitchell. "Prof. Trevor,. who is without a peer as a.inueie teacher, took his class down to Sebringville on Thursday evg of last week and gave an excellent concert in the town hall, to a crowded house. The program was well carried out, and the singers re- ceived rapturous applaase."-Mitchell Ad- vocate. The Prof has evidently wonder- fully improved since he was in Exeter last fall, as his concerts were by no means appreciated here. Complaints are often made of the in- ferior quality and short treasure of wood sold in town. Where there is much stnoke there must re some fire. However, parties buying wood, who afterwards find they have received inferior wood or lessin quality than they bought and paid for,' have the privilege, and it in their duty to have the offenders who deceive them u e h m s at monad before the reeve, who bas the power to make examples of those violating the civil and morel law. YTW o;esteds i.n;s. icer bein by WM. GR.i''(1, eds ()US- BansUPT EXETER. A very soon, We will s:iveyou money on every purchase. Just try us. From 25 to 4t) per cent off all heavy goods. e0113o quick. 3• A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter, THURSDAY, ,7ANt:AItY lot, .1801. LOA'.F3�p. ,'?ersonals. Amon those who spent the holidays in Exeter we noticed the following :- Reg Elliott and family, Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs E. Spackman, Ridgetown ; Mrs Dever, St Johns, Mich ; Charles Knight, St Thomas ; W. Brooks, Tor- onto ; Jas Bissett, Landon. -Mr, W. Russell, of Hay. has returned from a visit to his brother Dr Russell, Supt of Asylum, Hamilton. --Mr and Mrs Dig- nan visited friends in Norwich last week. What the People are Saying. That with the good sleighing business will continue to Improve. -The election next Monday will be the most exciting ever known in Exeter• -That there must be a municipal :reform during this year. - That parents should forbid their children hanging on sleighs. -That now is the time to make new resolutions -resolutions that can be kept. -That several changes will take place in the council. -That there will be but little contest for school trustees.- That everybody should adopt the CASH system, and begin with the New Year. - That the grocers for the most part, are compelled to ask cash, on accountof the rltrictures imposed by the Grccers guild. Save money and buy your Sealettes .and Silks at the Big Bankrupt Store. The Trivitt Memorial church was nicely decorated with evergreens on Christmas day, The old year was dolefully rung out and the new year merrily chimed in, by the chimer of the Trivitt Memorial ohnrch. All fur Coats, Caps, Collars and Boas, being cleaned at 50 eta on the dollar at the Big Bankrupt Store: Found in Exeter on Wednesday, a fur driving mitt. Loser can have same by applying at the TIMES office and paying for this notice. Rev. Mr Martin was presented with a beautiful dogskin coat ab the entertain- er-lent nter i - meut at Chislhurst lately, by the Presbye terian congregation there: The Dominion ice rink opened last week and the attendance each night has been good, the patrons seeming to enjoy the i hange from roller to ice skating. Mr Geo K. McLeod who has been ill for genie time of blood poisoning caused by a rusty nail scratching his hand, is around Again. He has suffered considerably. The choir of the Mala -kit Meth church enjoyed an oyster supper at the residence *of;'ves, 13:: if. Ven;y ort Wednesday provided ley ttte'ouug wee et the okerr. 5055255065.5225*. OH, WHAT A COUGH Will you heed the warning • The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more, terrible disease Consumption. desk your- selves ifyon can afford for the sake of caving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's; Cure will cure your cotigh. It never fails. lglz School Entrance Examin- ations. An:examination for .entrance to high schools was held at Exeter on. December 22nd, 231d and 24th. The marks required to pass were a total of 382, and Wise. one third of the marks on each paper, The candidates whose names are given below have been provisionally passed by the Lot cal Examiners, and as soon as confirmed by the Education Department their certi• feates will be sent to them ley the Iuspect or:- SteraES, MAIMS. SCHOOL.. Eiopp >i llmor 390 S S No4, Hay Gould Emily 456 Exeter Pub Selmal Hicks .Lottie 421^ " Eacrett George 479 h;acrett Vessie 389 (cies John 477 S 8 No 7, Hay Teenhu'; Geo M 439 8 8 No 5, Hay Cook Milton 414 8 8 No 8, Hay Me4lordie Stew'rt 414 5 8 No 10, clay Jehi,s Charles 429 S S No 0, Usborne Andrew Chas 507 " Powell George 416 cr Britnaeombe Etta 556 l'eihlidge Jane 412 Hensen Bronze- Mr Cass Cook, sou of Mr If, C,ok. of Ueirsall, who is attFndin Hamil„ teat i *lues.. Coliege is home spondiug the Ntnasltolida&s. -Mr H Voek swishes uibent lth)il bushels of wheat to fill craters Lee nom. BaltiFs--Instead of a lesson review in the Sunday School last Sunday there WAS a Christmas service consisting of singing, reoitatious, responsive readings and en address from Rev O. Smith. All seethed to :enjoy the service w11i011 was both pleasant and profitable and very appropriate,<a t c, , t the ec'1s'on. t -Mrs. A1- £red Liddieott, of St. Thomas, le visaing friends in this vicinity„ -The nomination passed orrery quietly, all the old meta - Imre being returned by ecclantatiou which goes to show that we have either a very good council as at present eon- stituted, or the ratepayers manifest alto- gether too much inditterttneeas to town- ship affeire. The treasurers report was gratifying as it shows the township is fully prepared to meet its railway debt the debentures of 'which =lure next August. This is a good showing, and is much more honorable to the present generation than to leave to their success- ors a heritage of debt. The "House of Refuge" question was most thoroughly discussed and the weight of argument was in favor of the house. The only serious objection urged a;ain4t it is that the rural Municipalities would have to a great extent to auppurt the poor of ' the towns andincorporated villages ; for in- stance the township of T?abodes raises aumethina like seven times as much as Exeter so that if the poor rates were levied en all alike, C.'sborne would pay. six or seven rules as much as Exeter for the Itcep of Exeter's poor, and few farmers are generous enough to do that at present; but the time will soon conic when all objections meat bo overcome and a house, of refuge erected.- Ms. Thomas Smale, accompanied by her son, is visiting her eldest son in Hamilton. Granton. Brnrrs---The Public schools, are now closed for tete ho idays.-Sleighing is all that could be desired and lively times may be anticipated for the rext week. -The entertainment in the English ohareh here Oat Menday eight was an immen9e success Tho Ladies having the platter in hands are to be congratulated an the bili of faro they had'to present. -The entertainment iu the Presbyterian church on Christmas eve, was quite up to former efforts and is fully entitled to be claimed as a success. The Rev A Grant, of St Marys, gave an excellent address on the subject "church work" which was listened to with rapt attention. At theo,ose of the programme Mr Henderson mho has been a zealous worker in the school for some time, and who is now about to continue his studies in St Pauls Minn., was called to the plat. form and presented with a valuable teach- er's Bible and gold pen, by the Rev Mr Campbell, on behalf of the school. Mr 73. though taken completely by surprise suitably replied, -Mr Alfred Gunning, of Sana'ac Co U S and Son is now vi iting his relatives, the Gunning families, of Blanchard. Mr Gunning has been one of the foremost business inen of the state of Michigan and does now carry on an exten- sive business. He says that in Michigan you can purchase pi ime beef at from $3 50 tc $4 50 per 100 lbs, and the best pork at $1 per 100 lbs ; and excellent stockers at from 2 cents to 2 cents per lb. What a boon such a market would be to the Can- adian farmer. Such a cheap country to live in would verily he a paradise to Sir Richard, and how sweet 4c beef would taste to the Ann Arbor Philosopher. There was a time when the American market was worth something to the Canadian farmer, but happily now the ` boot is on the other leg." The Canadian market for oats, wheat, pork, beef, and cattle is vastly superior to that of the United States. Mr G. says a good eow can be bought tor $20 that would readily bring, in Granton $10. With those facts staring the Canadian farmer in the face is it any wonder that he should say to Messrs Wiman, Cartwright & Co when trying to seduce him to give up such real blessings for what can scarcely be said to be the photograph of a shadow, an emphatic "No Sir." Zurich. THE NOMINAT1osr.-Monday was a busy day in town, allinterest boicg cen- tered at the town hall. The nomin- ations took place there. We speeches were good, notably . that of our worthy reeve. He gave a very satisfactory ac- count of his stewardship, and it was a surpriseall p I for to learn that he would receive opposition in the person of Mr. McEa wan of IIensall Our reeve has conducted the township affairs in a man ner characteristic of his, peculiar tact and if the electors consult their own in- terests; they will return him for' another year. BAD, WORSE, wonsz-COld, cough, 0011 - gumption, to cure the first and second and Prevent las third use Hagyard's Pectoral Behove, the never, falling family-: medicine. toe All arab of the tll,vaat, laws' iwaai. Misfit. A nseleset of healing iw: pilau/nary taaneitsisitlis ales ry s $25,000.00 worth to be sold, $25,000 00 worth to be sold. V� HAT F3ARGAIN .ALE IC ISS RD'S We shall on Saturday (lath inst) commence the greatest sale of general goo& ever held in Exeter. The whole of our large stook will be offered at startling re- ductions. We have no space to enumerate; but we have put the knife into prices, " and for the next .SSSS . we will sell you good reliable goods, cheaper than other houses can sell you trashy, shoddy goods. Re- tnember this is not mere blow, and to test the truthfulness of our statements come and see our prices. - * _ 11.13—Speoi.tl inducements to parties buying large parcels, DIAMONDS We make a specialty of DX-4.1grozTre and the fines class of Jcwelery. The, rapidly risit•g value: of dirt monds make them a most desirable investment. Wtth every diamond sold we give a guarantee to re -pur- chase same at any time ---les, five per cent. off price paid. We carry the largo st stock wt st of Montreal, as our diamond business t mends to all parts of the United States at d Uanad-i. Goods sent on approbation by express or mail to responsible parties. r� A. MORL'ixY 8 00,, Cor. Rielnnond and Dundas Sts., Loudon, Ont. _(Ratablished 1855). - A71:\i-f.4.1afil.7 vs AFRICAN TRAVELS MR. SVM. MINERS, of Elitnvillo, has been appointed by the Presbyterian News Ca., of Toronto, who control Stan- ley's works for Canada, as travelling agent for the TERRITORY OF USBORNE and eastern half of the 'VILLAGE Or EXETER, and through no other person can Stanley's works be had. Mr. Miners has also a number of other works on hand such els Ur. Talmage'➢ "From Manger to Throne" Etc. If Jfr. Miners does uol call on you, any of the books will be aent on receipt of postal card. WM. MINERS, Ehmville P.O., Ont. )3ORN. Waerzn-On the 17th ult, the wife of Mr Jasper Walper, Stephen, a son. McKEvzie-On the 20th nit, the wile of Mr Peter McIienzte, Stephen, A son. Fii ois—In Usboine, on the 22nd ult, the wife of Hy Francis, a daughter. MARRIED. GRATTON-trouts-At the residence of the bride's father Biddulph, on the 24th ult., by the Itev Me Allen, Mr Geo Grafton, of Blanshard, to Miss Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Samuel Hicks. O'BIUEN-Tunernx-At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 24th ult., Mr h' O'Brien, to Miss 'Maggie Treffry, second daughter of Mr Samuel Treffry, both of the Sauble Line, Stephen. WHITE- WILLIAais-In Exeter North, on the 31st ult., by Rev Jasper Wilson, Mr. Wilde, of Toronto, toj)ylass Maud Williams, of this place. DIED. BERNARD -In i3lenehard• on the 2lat Richard Bernard, aged 60 Years. HODQINS-Tn Centralia on the 25th ult. Thomas Rodent+, aged 43 yearn 7 nit, A lnail can do rt, wind pump business on a very airy capital. BLOW,BRAG and BLTJSTER May catch the eel of the buyer for a time, but it won't keep his trade. Talk is dear to the lean who has his caution talked away, his scruples talked aside. To the woman who is talked into over buying or buying a style of goods that - will not stand the test of un- prejudiced *judgment; such methods are only worthy OF A FAKIR. AT A FAIR whose business is to sell and iiot to satisfy.. These are not our methods. We call ten dollars ten dollars and: not rine dollars and ninety-nine cents. This reckless reduction of price—thus dressing up a ten dollar bill to look like a nine—is a fake bu inose. Talk is cheap when all its blowing ends in One Cent off Ten "Dollars We can. show you something cheaper than talk ---we mean our goods—for talk is dear at any price. Goods with an honest X on them and not ten 'forked over to look as it it were a nine. Its a fake fit to go along with Barnum's circus . and show bill exaggeration which describes the goods, Plain, Dealing has ago Squealing t you hear. CARLING BROS. P, .—We still have our celebrated 25o Tea the talk of the town.—C.E. ElOr IN 91111 1011111 :0: Having bought the Grocery and Crockery Stook of E. Roberts', have moved our Big Stock of Boots & Shoes CLOT IN G, ETC., The Biggest in the County—one door north of my old stand, FAN SON'S BLOCK, EXETER, VANEvery-fit his residence, Godericb, on Christmas Goods at Spackmall s Friday, the 19th Dec, T B YanEvery, in the 68th year of his age. BIG BARGATNS in Crockery and ,Glassware for Xmas. A>Zl; NO Pr-, gonna 14tedi-BIG BARGAINS in Overcoats and Clothing for Xmas. eine. They are a BLOOD ,BuxLDER, TONTO and BuooN- STRuoroR,asthey supply in a condensed form the substances actually needed to en- rich the Blood, curing all diseases coining from Pools and WAT- RY BLOOD, or from VITIATED Burtons in the Broom), and also nvigorato and Bump P the Bnoon and SYSTEM, when broken down by overwork, mental worry, disease, excesses and indiscre- tions. They have a senores° ACTION on the SEXUAL: SYSTEM of both men and women, restoring LOST VIGOR and, .correcting all numccox&lairnis and -eDFrnnssiorrs. Wire finds hie mental!"- ((�� ultiee dull IrA or EVERY MSN failing, or his physical powers nagging, should tape -these Piens. They will restore his lost energies, both physical an mental. EVERY WOMAN should take them. They cure all sup- pressions and irregularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. Baru MEu should take these Pmts. !� iR They will cure the re - ease you bid habits, and strengthen the system. should take them. YOUNG WOMfM These Pagel will make them regular. -For gale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (E0o. per box), by addressing - Mi lug, WIi,.i'..rgMiiti Y)@D. CO. ,iriltilyel' i4 0201 BIG BARGAINS in Boots and Shoes for Xmas. Remember this is the Largest -Stock of BOTS & SHOES and CLOTHING in ,.�t{�he the county, Z. 4�' ■ CLIA. FF anson's Block, Exeter. GAO TO— Goldsmith + Hall. — -- OR. '4-o-tr:atir^ WATCHES,- CLOCKS,- JEWELRY, - SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. leayParsonalattentips Eiven to repaiAsto of betel wfloeka.andiewelrr: C. REICEENfACH, OpipwiiN ibreit Of wt i'AIiaHILJa CENTRAL Barber Shop, FAN SON'S BLOCI. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and 'Bair orating in the abbot style of the art. Every attention paid to *a Hirt*