HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-03-19, Page 7, •.- ' '` THURSDAY, 11ARCH leth. 149 CHURCH. • o▪ -.7---zatturequipm.v,sut4tOer-" 10 a.m. Sunday. School and Bible Class. 8.30 a.m. HOLY, COMMUNION. 11 a.ni. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. Thursdays in Lent 10 a.m. Holy Communion in the Chapel.* 8 p.m. Midweek Lenten Service and Address. E-V.JONNEIEL%4PYLCIRt..4.1,044a.n., n•0001. - R. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choinnistir.- THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Stre'et United Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. , 11 ti.m. ' "THE UNKNOWN FRIEND." The •Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and the reception of members. Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD KLINCK, MtiSicDirector.' Knox Presbyterian Church REV. R. G. MacMILLAN, MISS B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister Deaconess MIL W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise., 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING, WORSHIP. (Nursery and Jtpnior Congregation) , 8.15 p.m. Easter Oratorio "THE PASSION OI OUR 'LORD ACCORbING TO ST. JOHN." by Handel ST:AANI?REW'S CHOIR; STRATFORD UNDER„DIRECTION OF P. G. JAMES, A.Mus., Mus.G., Paed.' -71761611 0-16 STS: ' Marlene Vance, Danny Tait, Joseph Macko A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. AT KNOX. • Victoria Street United Church HOLY COMMUNION -PALM SUNDAY 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL -ADULT BIBLE CLASS. 11 a.m. COMMUNION AND RECEPTION. "ENLISTWITH' CHRIST THE KiNG."• Junior Congregation -Nursery at Parsonage. 1.30 p.m. BENMILLER OMMUNIQN. 3.00 p.m. UNION COMMUNION. • "Fellowship that greets and. keeps you." Rev. Stanley Moote, B.A., B.D. F. Bissett, Organist • 1Jddti Ciassified Ads vo 18. Births REYNOLDS. -At Alexandra Hos- pital, G.oderich, on March 17, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. R43'11Q1‘43,, &ugh*. Vittatatifitat, Hospital, Goderich, on March 12, 1959, to Mr. and- Mrs. Herman Schoemaker, R.R. 5, Goderich, a son, Frederick Herman. • 111111111111111111.1111.1.111111•111111.11, 19. Notice to Creditors •, ALL persons having claims against the estate of John Gorley Fergu- son, late of the' Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died an or about the 2nd day of Mareh, 1959, are required to file the same with full particulars with the ludereigned.. bY.,_the 11th day _ of April, 1959, as after that date the assets of the estate will be dis- tril)uted. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron ibis 1.2th day of March, 1959. HAYS and PEST, Goderich, Ontario, 12-14- Solicitors for the Estate. 20. Public Notice 41,...17e• • TREASURER'S -SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town ,of Goderich County of Huron To Wit: • ' By virtue 'of a warrant issued. by the Mayor of the Town of Gode- rich under his hand anti the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 30th day of December, 1958, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of .Goderich -held at the Connell' 'Ch. -aril hers, •Goderich, at the hour of 3 •o'clock in the afternoon on the 13th day of May, 1959, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid, Notice is be'rehf that the list of lands for sale for arrears, of taxes was published in The On- tario Gazette on the 7th day of February, 1959, and that copies of the said list may be had ab, my office'. . Treasurer's Office, this,' 10th day of February, 1959. S. H. BLAKE, Treasurer. -7-19 41111111.minimint....111" FREE *METHODIST, CHURCH WELCOMES 'YOU SUNDAY, MARCH 22- 9.50 a.m., SUNDAY SCHOOL... 11 a.m. MORNING, WORSHIP --Junior and Adult Messages. ;7 p.m. EVANGELISTIC' SERVICE. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible" Study Service. VERLYN R. SNELL, ILA., Pastor GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH • 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY." (Junior Congregation for the Boys and Girls). 7 p.m. "OPEN YOUR BIBLE!" March 26-8 p.mi-A Maundy Thursday communion service. • "The Lord Jesus the same night in which He was betrayed • took bread . . . this is my body." • COME and HEAR Rev. Henry G. Adams •• EX -MONK Who Spent 12 Years In A • Monastery. (Former Fr. Hilarian of 'Basilian Order). Director of the Evangelical Mission, of Converted Monks and Priests. Stouffvi I le, Ontario. Editor, Converted' Priests' Mar. 17 to 22 8 P.M. ^ - Mothers of all Faiths, Come, Hear, Learn! Roman Catholic Students, Priests, Nuns are especially invited. In Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle ELGIN AVENUE AT WATERLOO STREET, GODERICH Sponsored by Pentecostal Tabernacle, • and Victoria Loyal Orange Lodge No. '182. Interview,Ex-priest Adams each afternoon in the Pastor's Study. - TOPICS '- Tuesday, March 17 -Who are those Heretics -the Protestants. Wednesday, March-18-"Mirrorl Mirror!" sratairsreirmalmr Friday, March 20 -"I'll Dance at Yoe'r Wedding." (Mixed Marriages) Saturday, March 21 -"The Living Dead, Roman Catholic Ghosts." Sunday, March 22-11 a.m.: The Need of the Hour : - 7.30 p.m.: From Monastery and Priesthood to Christ. .41,1 •.44,,,,q•;‘,:it„fwttt,w-ttww w worwww,,,,,;;;41or' 44,!,t4tf, -T4JI GODERIC4 SIGNAL -STAR 21. Business NOtice ,.1441-'7110 itatiSMIOak Upuolstering Shop, 48 East street. Phone 1534 'til 9 p.m. for an estimate. We have the cover- lngs and the know-how. Pick up and delivery -9t1 1.4 , 9.4„0,-PrA114,f'. CARPENTR,Y, building, remodel- ling, dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners, bathroom fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel and asphalt roofing.. Frank McMichael, phottasaaalow--41080. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls are Used" supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle .If phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton Zenith 9-5650. If it is a local call, use our regular number Clinton HU 2-3441. For service or more in- formation, call between 7.30 land 10 a.m. week days, 6.00 and 8.00 Oil.' Saturday evenings. For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning do not call until Monday morning. The quality is high and the cost low. -ltf EGGS. -Make the most of your feed and- Faber by 'selling your eggs to Reid's Produce, 73 Hamil- ton street, Goderiah. 9-13x ;(14 4,7;4 U's Springtime time to create New ROOMS from OLD `SID Aullsen's Cabinet Shop, chests, desks; etc. custom made; also kit• chen cupboards and furniture re- pairs. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. -19tf Experienced, Licensed AUCTIONEER ' ALLAN ..MacINTYRE Lucknow .Phone ,10-r-24 Ripley, Collect. (Can be contacted each Wednesday at Lucknow Sale) -9tf SHARP? AEE THEY? Saws: hand and electric hand filed for fast ,cutting, scissors, cutlery,, skates, etc. Part-time farm work, etc. Call evenings preferably. C. 11. Homar, Huron •road, ' opposite store. • -11.13x lVfcDONALD'S Radio, TV, oil burn- er and appliance service, Auburn. Phone 59-12. • '-12-15 CAR BUYERS.- - 'Our- -Financing Servicer-at-Low-eostrwill-ixelp-y make a better deal. Ask us NOW before you buy. ' Harold W. Shore, General Insurance, 38 Hamilton street, Phone 766. -12 AUTHORIZED dealer, Goderich 'district, for Viking separators and milking machines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefield. 12-22x •Mr. Lloyd1Vrefitn" Good, of ' the! fully S.S. A. A. Hudson, has received, the Third Class MarineEn- iin word that he has passed, success- gineering examinations held Teliiito, recently. • THE SALVATION ARMY • 84 Lighthouse Street 1st LIEUT. AND MRS. H. CROSSLAND 11.00 a.rn. HOLINESS MEETING. '2.45 p.m.- ISTRECTORY AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7.00 p.m. SALVAliON MEETING. Missionary Film. Tuesday. p.m. ,--, Prayer and Bible Study Wed., 8 p.m. - Home Leagtie . liThurs. - -Youth Group Friday -- Min's Club. 'You are' never a stranger at the Army.' JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. Jehovah's Witnesses cordially invite you to attend the Memorial of "The Lord's Evening Meal" to be held in the Kingdom Hall, 66 Hamilton Street, Goderich, on Monday, March 23rd, at 8 p.m. Free Everyone Welcome No Collection. 12x 1 C pace , Arr • Sure, space costs money, be it parking space, outer space . . . or warehouse -retail floor space. That's why it pays you to contact HURON TOWER TV - PHONE 78 - for all your furniture and appliance needs., Your order arrives ,at your door -in factory -sealed cartons. You buy NEW stock, not stock that has ,been used as a dust cathing demonstrator on some high overhead poorly managed store - but you pay! 1959 Admiral TV Table Model. REG. $289.95 1959 Admiral! Range .30" Deluxe. REG. $299.00 4, 1959 Admiral Frig. 12 cubic ft. automatic. REG. $429 $199.00 $199.00 $285.00 ANY MAKE - ANYTHING - COST, PLUS. INSTALLATION PHONE 78' or 46 GODERICH You'll want to use Sunworthy Wallpaper once you've seen how its charm and warmth can make rooms.come alive and provide an atmosphere for truly gracjous living. And you, • know, wallpaper isn't expensive -it just looks that way". - - • • T.1.14111414, - ta, •••••:,:q.X."•• CHOOSE YOUR • 4' WALLPAPER TODAY! You'll 'find just what you have been looking for in wally rs at Open Friday The Square Arthur circle -Hears -Address On Easter Message Members of the Arthur Circle of Knox Presbyterian' .Church were addressed by, _Misg" E. Somerville, at their recent meeting. Miss Somerville gave the Easter message, reviewing the events of Christ's last week,on earth,. and illustrated her talk with pictures .of-the.11oly-Land, 'Miss -Somer4ille- never ;got 'as far as Jerusalem on her tour. When she was 80 miles from ,there they were turned back because of political unrest. She did have a few pictures of various "Holy" places in Jerusalem which she had bought or secured, from friends. She expressed her hope that some day Jerusalem would be made an international city, free*.of access to an'Yone.. Presiding for the meeting was tilt president, Mrs: C. Edward. Mrs. A. McGee read the Scripture and Mrs. J. Pirie offered prayer. Very much enjoyed was a solo by Miss. H. Videan, accomefanied,by Mr. J. F. Stephens. Mrs. M. Bell gave the secretary's report. Mrs. B. Y. McCreath read the treasurer's report. It was .decided she should forward all available Money to the Presbyterial treasurer. Mrs. It 'Henderson read the correstiond- enee. The welcome and °welfare committee reported 28 calls were made. A letter was read from„the superintendent of an orphanage in Korea concerning CARE parcels, by Mrs. W. Reid. .Plans ' were made for the , Syn- odical in April. Six volunteers were asked for the Cancer Cam- paign. Mrs-. ' F. Lodge gave an Easter reading. Lunch was served by Mrs. W. Johnston and her committee. PINS PRESENTED TWO GIRL GUIDE MEMBERS Second GoderA Girl Guide Company held'an enrollment at its meeting on Monday evening, Two girls, Allison Ryan and Ann Stephens, made their Guide pro - Mise and received their ties and ,Guide pins frorn'the Captain, Mrs. N. T. Ormandy, assisted by the Lieutenant, Mrs. Robert Smith, Carol Stoddart, patrol leader of the Swallow Patrol pinned the' Swallow Patrol emblem on Ryan's 'uniform and Wendy Ander- son, Patrol Leader of the King fisher Patrol, pinned the King- fisher patrol emblem on Ann Stephen's uniform, as these guides, were welcomed as official inemb6ns of the patrols. • The game was ,given Ny the Oriole patrol and ,Campfire by the Swallow patrol, - PERSONALS Mir. Elston ^Cardiff, M.P. for Huron, returned to the Rouse of commons on Thesday after con- valescing at his home in Brune -1g from an accident suffered some weeks ago. He is still on 'crutches, however. Mr. and Mrs. .Jerry Shields with sons, Woyne and Mark, of Detroit, spent the week -end in toWn 'with Mrs. Bert Bradford and Mrs. M, J. Ainslie. 'Jerry brought along two hockey teams from Detroit, of which he has been coach for a ed in the Listowel Disaster Benefit Fund here Saturday night., Mrs, Stephen Winter will be flying to 13ritain next Tuesday for 1.,.ftiditiMt and iidin England, in a four month vacation, visiting Wales 'and Scotland, and attending a niece's wedding ib Kent, 'Eng- land. Nights Until 9 p.m. II I , • Phone 91 TABLETS .4,3.75 • SQUIBB COD LIVER 011 POND'S ANGEL, FACE MENNEN'S SKIN BRACER GILLETTE BLUE BLADE$ • • . • Strike up the band! Here comes EME,IRSON'S mag- nificent MARCH or VAL- UES • - a month-long parade of special sales . headed by banner buys in health and grooming ails . . . and in all your favorite drug store sup- plies. Conie see the big values EMERSON'S has in stere for you this week! • SPECIAL Regular WILDROOT. CREAM -OIL 2° 63c, WILDROOT CREAM•011. EX1AX The Chocolated Laxative For adults and children 18's 42c REGULAR 69c Nox;ema 98c Gleam TOOTH PASTE and Dorothy Gray LIPSTICK REG. 1.25 DESERT FLOWER Deodorant 2 for 1 25 REG. 65c WHITE RAIN 'Shampoo for 99c FIRST AID CREAM ANYIsEPTIc Don'tlust soothe 98, •DETERGENT C HANDS -heal then DAVOL • FEED -RITE NURSER Sterilizable Plastic Nurser 42t • COLGATE n rt DENTAL CREAM ow with GARDOL Economy size • EmERson'sSTORE •