HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-1-1, Page 6shied14.1 877. NOTES .ANL) CO4.1.NIENNNTS. _ The (;<ovttrntnetit has declined to grant the petition of the Canadian In- dians, who sent a memorial to the )3A%IKER, Governor -Generale asking` to be allowed to return to the old system of electing ONT.. Transacts ustonoralb:inkingbustle esa- Receives the accounts of merchants and there on favorable ternes . Senna every :ucr•e eti?•tetlerlonSlatentsent/ are andounservative bankir. ;principles. Rive p or cent interest allowed en deposits Urafteissaea playable at gay offoce of the ,iereennta nanie :lO1 E ilD:,C01171STED, efONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES chiefs. see In the face of the fact that eggs are selling in the city of Toronto at thirty lIre cents a dozen and tether produce in proportion, Entetus Whom/ is to the fore again with another reciprocity offer as if the Canadian.people were nut doing very well as it is. THURSDAY. ,IAN VARY 1st. 1891. POOR IRELAND. TiiI:::E has been no public event for a len; time Se painful as the sit.l,lea e:al":epee of the Ifieh move- ment for j1w,a:t1C rule. Tltli incidents accompanying it are such as to de- ter indefinitely the success of a renewal it the etTo•t, a+ li. the most satisfactory explanation would be .that 'gr )?arnoi1 is. in eoixle degree deranged. Itis course toted speeches in Ireland been such as to iti.-tity this view. I'lxt?y have but 4.9tsf3t:ttaed what we. said when they be . n, that hs was pulling down the templo nem himself and Ins tz.- `I'll€' e t c -t alas proceed i;ag. noon English. ojaattiott is not doubtful, ;:i.t'e it is eery probab.e that he has s'. cured coo inn d Tory control of the. British government. In that event, the conduct of the meet si'cce steel cd Irish leaders will have wleefor.;:i,ed the lie:ept' at the be -t friends of Ireland. If it lee IX et din result of insanity, thele is some'hiiig- inexpressibly ludicrous in the spectacle of agree., political leader at d statesman, as he I1as ben called, flying through Ireland, frantically appealing to the :rot from a wagon, blacicguarding his tidies and old friends, breaking. into a newspaper ufaice with a crow- bar, and finally engftgt'd in a Dearly - brook row. Events move so rapidly that something more serious may have c'ccnrred before these .words ate printed ; Etand his campaign closed in blindness, tho e. d would have been tragical. It is impossible that the scenes in Ireland should net have a _profound •-..mn ,ct upon English opinion, The alliance r` roan like Gladstone with such a person as Parnell must now seem to the averaga English observer preposterous, and the Irish cause will suffer accordingly._ Giving a tramp a meal may have re- formatory influences in it, but the one who gives the tramp work and sees that he dues it, is more serviceable tea society. No reflections can be cast up. on the men who are trying through free meals and other kindnesses to benefit the unfortunate and bring thein into smooth paths, but there Can be a (lues• tinning of that method of action, which is based union pauperizing principles, fur thegiving of melte a''tl clothes in- discriminately to the needy has a tend- ency to pauperize them. They won't work as lone; as they can get food and sustenance for nothing. The only way to mire chronic laziness and whiskey hunger, and tint is what is the matter with the majority of those who seek assistance in this way, is to give work to the needy ones. Tet tlteent know that the meals they receive aro the re- sult of their labor, not the result of charity, and they will think more of then(, for what a man .earns by his own industry is sweeter to him than what he acquires for milting or without labor. * i f' Tho Tisa.' , following the custom of the time, wishes its friends a ]appy New Year,and hopes that aiTairs niaybeproa. pert.us with them as they are with it. This is the time of the year when such civilities are more significant than at any other, when there seems to be a spirit abroad witch softens men's na- tures and brings them nearer to each other in sympathy and affection. Therefore tho Times hopes in deep sin- cerity that its thousands of friends may have all the happiness which follows the Juin of good at thia and alt other tittles. Happy themselves it is their duty to impart their happiness to others so that all may rejoice together and there may bo no sorrowing anywhere. The Tions delights to sac the bustling, happy throngs on the streets, the crowded stores, the men and women Laden with presents, and tho laughing children, joyous with their toys ; and while it knows that such -Eva never tlola�apl.laf tar Vit" among us, it hopes that er,v eryoao may have the means to Part ciliate in them, and add to the gen- era .,, ley. It is certainly very dteubtful:' whether the Liberal party can stand against the feeling of doubt and disgust which the spectacle in Ire- land produces in England. 14Ir. OI3rien's hope of compromise showed a want of appreciation of the situation even when he sailed. No kind of compromise was possi- ble, because Parnell had betrayed his real feeling and:purpose, Davitt stated the point of the controversy precisely in asking at Ktlkenny, " Will you choose Ireland or Par- nell?" The situation is one of the most melodramatic political scenes in English history. It seems to in- volve the close of Gladstone's career as well as of Parnell's, Republican Congressman at Wash- ington contemplate taking characteris- tic revenge on the incoming Demo- cratic House of Representatives. They have introduced a bill to prohibit the sale of liquor within the district of Col- umbia after Nov lst, 1891, The fun of the proposed legislation lies in the claim set up by the Republican organs that It will block the proceedings of the next House by stopping the member's grog just before they begin business. It would be obviously impossible, they say, fora Democratic Congress to do anything in a cold water tow. It would have to adjourn to Chicago, Brooklyn, or some other more hospitable locality. But the Democrats are not dismayed, for the Bill is not likely to pass, and if it should, they will set it at defiance. The scheme. however, is a brilliant sample of American humor in pol- itica. OPPOSITION A tI,i AROUND. light. at least At the present time • thought that it lead bat y, t reached a healthy stat 3 n'vetry Indication that the fright reit/ be ill iia perfection, neither had ie cost been Bern, reduced to a prop..( nor reasonable atandari, Until these two important ebaugeahad beau The first geuuinoevi,leuce of the iuoreased attained he wonld oppose electric 11Rhk. As to interest taken fu the approacbiug munieipel tvatorworks, faithA project was more pre - interest taken was Riven Monday eveuinq wit ferable to liftn, if however a practicable upwards of 400 eleetora erow:led and jostled sebeme could tie presented, at not too great their way into the town hall to witness she expcnc+iture. Tina practioslly brought Jr1 nottiieeatiotx. Village clerk, M. Taaorett,wiio Bissett's aldrass to a .plisse, aul wishiug all acted as returning ofkluer was on hand and a happy New year, took Isis seat. promptly opened the nomination at 7 30 Mr 'Spackman next stood ,,afore the argo o'eloek Nearly ail the candidates were assemblage. E.e was a young man, but to Eden. A:mxner-Senn The annual tea meeting hold at Eden on Dee 29th, in connection with the 1lothodist church, was a grand success. Tho ten was served in the school house and much credit is due the ladies for the way in which they catered to the wants of those present, by setting one of the beat tables your correspondent has ever bad the pleasure of sitting at. .After the inner man was satisfied, ail repaired to the church, where a very choice pro gramme consistiug of recitations, dialogues and singing was rendered. The proceeds amounted to 850, wbich will go to fixing the cburch. meeeut and upon making their appearance make valuable old men, train the young eine „eh rcetive.i with apo auto b • their lava, Ha was fighting forthe:olftce of deputy -rivals Order being proclaimed the nem- ieeve against Mr W G Dineen, the mascot mations began to comet in, until the follow- iuournbont, and hoped that the contest ing fiat was Completed: throughout would be characterized with the best of good feeling. He was friendly TOR sane toward Mr Bissett and desired that when Candidate. Mover. Seconder- the election was over. both would be better Dr. Rosins .A. Waiper J. Gould f ieu.is Mau ever, no matter who won. T.11 McCallum It. Terry W. Marling Ile bad served the people one year in the roR DEPUTY tcEve, capacity of councillor, end now stood before Cand'ndake. Mover. Seconder. them as a candidate ler deputy reeve, as to W. G. Bissett J. Muir tip'. J. Carlin; wI•ether he had served the town well it was ll.Spaekeuau R. elsuta R. 1I. t;atlius foe the electors to decide. He bail done Foie Cor,cfLL)ns. hie bast and wits welling to bear hi- share of Candidate. Mover. Seconder. 'the blame for any ueicgioinga, with the 'f.B Carling L. Hardy Jas `rum other members of the couuciI. Ile referred P.si•Ross A.liiek3 T.Ilowermaa %,Hardy E. For lek W. Hensel to the finances and abowed a state of anairs Pr LtU L.H. Hickson Jno White es had been expiainod by the reeve, AO to ter. drew N. D, tinrdoe F.$audera 41,e additional taxation be oouhl not nutter - D. ll �liicksort Jas Beer Jos. ;;oelior stand whyso mole eeusuraltatl been heaped d /9, Christie D- lobos A,Holland p' R.11. Conine Jobe Ross Jun McCaltuni upon thorn. They had soeaothing to show Dr Browuins 1 Bowman Tiros Cornish for the additional expenditure, As to e:'u- ,,t s 80 the nomznatiou was oloied, anti a trnctiug for the haeliug of gravel and other poll demaueled, the nteettng was adjentrned labor he did not believe in it We have uutil next. Monday triton the election will many men in this town, whom if they did take place. not get work by the day would possibly he l b.e affair now tool; the farce of a puhlie th staff 011 tits conned for support ; and meeting, and Mr M. Baorctt being aepoluted thiamin it better to pay them 81 or there chairman, opened the meeting with A few about per ley for labor than to place them pointed appropriate remarks, He invit'ei on the obrstity lint, If tenders were asked the members of the council to talc( the the centreetor weld employ whom he platform, and eo it being easterners fur them petaled and the pour nn would not ro- to ere( glee an account of their stewardship, neve the cmpioymeut now given lay the he called upon the reeve for the opening council. Ile was oppo3ed to circ:r'e light adalrees nal ts the people by a votes aced they The reeve. Dr Rollins, took the tlnor, girl waute:l it. The saute with waterer -eke with his majestic smile opened one of the Nen year lie could net ere why tho text a fittest aper epee the doctor was over beard to e:in.tl net lee name anal the rate' lower( d give. He had been reeve for five Rears, four t.' 13 or 14 mills, The draii.a,;r...Fag done of which the electors had seen tit to intern and nothing lint oedinary graveline and him by eeelantatiou ; awl during all theca repaitiuit iemaitted. Ho Omitted the elec. years baa done iiia utmost for the welfare tarato for pineiug him at the head of the of tete viliege. Ho would taut say that lit' polls last year ; and felt assured that be had not erred, but would claim that he had wnuiel be granted a entailer favor tliiayear; done as much as any other white nun soul i in feet he wee gciag to win. A't+er referring do for the advauecmeut et the affairs of the to the death of one of his colleague s, the village. Ho did not blatue tate el.•cttere for late James Oke, Mr Spackman tesome l Lie asking a statement email year of what Iran goat. been done, and an explanation of the die. Mr 1) .& hoes cause next in order. As a posai of the node of the corporation ; but member of the council Ito was piaeed in a did think that the place to taiee any ob- bad position. Coming at the tail end. to jeetion or grievance was at the nomination, address, all the Meta had bweu linked up by not ou the streets. He was bear to night those who preeedod him. Ho was not. to giro an menet of Mundt and if, alter however ashamed of his record, being having heard his aide of the story, the a stew man at the bead he lied possibly electors were not satisfied, ho asked them allowed things to be done «high to count hien gut, but if tbey were please,f again he would not (auction• To with his record, dotted that he be elected his idea it load leen will piicsd by atarrlo majority arm his opponent lie and more gravelling tumid nava touched briefly ou county council matters. been druo had not the expenditure excee:tled Said that during the five yearn he had anticipations, He would not laver any one ropreseulecl the elector. of Exeter at that part of tbo town more than .another, bet Board, their rate had not increased] one 1P/fold giro equal attention to all quarters. Drataage bad coat coneellerri'',,, rt glee what is cont. Ifo wag in (arar of a o.+anty Faor a fear dailara wh ;s' lif u ie in the ,question ? House, and thought (bat before ling wo il'ue;=nvutrai lint a mea siva tee retain ileo? yet merle_ . ail`:' to neeteto fin..•.+ C. 'Ito hear grumbling on acco'int of a little one of thewealthiest aoun%toa In. the 1'ro- Open a and tiie oosti comparatemoney l nllgwas well vines. He referred et some leuglh to the work was done as cheap as itpossivbly could bo, finances of the town and explained the ren- school trustees had also done commendable son for the Increased expenditure. Several iinp oc=i aiiltooi=hilly! mu cy sane heeeiti iiia drains heat] been made whioh in all Dost chronic fault finders find room for complaint about 01,000, while the sobool Board asked ho was ata loss to know. iIo had prepared for 8900 mora than usual. These two SOW figures on the finanoial attitude °teethe cor- reermented almost the four mills additional poration but ae the matter hau already peon daaI +fah bo would not M taxation ; and be would ask if these linea upon it. The evening was growing late and he of expenditure (meld rsaeonably be objeoi ad desired that the other uomineos should have to. There had been considerable gravelling aromised foolooid odd ab sou moil in he done, but not more than was necessary. Interests of tho village. !lo had served ouu Streets and roads were only attended to torm.aud would like to have an opportunity of where application had been made on the aorytng another. leo saw sevorul reforms whioh could bo effooteti much to rho bouolSt of Osborne Council. The council met after the Nomination had closed. All the members were pre- sent. The minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved. Cameron—Kydd—that T Brimacombe receive $13 for keep of A Carmichael and providing him clothing.. Carried. Shier—Cameron—that the account of T. Coates, Treasaren for postage and eta -denary emountinr{ to 55 be paid. Car ried. Shier—Is.ydd—that the prayer of the petition of Mr Dodds and 64 others asking for a grant to Airs Sampson. a widow in destitute circumstances, be granted, and she receive 510. Carried. Shier —Cameron—that Geo Bell receive 58 for keep of T Bennett up to 3rd of January, '91. Carried. Shier—Halls—and resolved that the following orders be Scanted, vis. M Samweli, 513; J Neaman 50o; R Bell 53.44 D Duncan tel; W Goods, 52; S Staalake Johns 51 30;imaoombe 8 Skinner jr 53 Bell ;Mrs e Sampson 510; T Coates 55; J Swan 54.80 R Cain 54.10. Kydd-Cameron- that the council adjourn sine r1Ae.—GEo W. HoLsiarr, Clerk. $ $ $ The work of a towneioing the creation and control of the town property, it should be as economically managed as a piece of property by those who have created it, or a rottl substantial part of it, and who can therefore feel strongly their duty to it." Such is the declar- ation of sal authority on municipal gov- ernment' in the current number of the, Forum. It is a correct view of the motives which should guide the elector- ate in the choice of municipal represent- atives. If the electors of Exeter select a reeve, depuby reeve and councillors who will conduct the affairs, of the tax- payers as energetic and capable men of business manage their concerns, we can look forwardtoreduced taxation and increased prosperity. Wo need , the *best men "offering, and if postlible no is ire pullets or men atlxious,to neo their patronage to advance the private in• "Waste of .themselves or their. friends should be neiesd fist Centralia. Dann os Ma Tsos Hometwe.—Last week we tspestsd the serous Mimes of Mr Thos Hedging, the geoid landtosd et the arse had coal too moth. and if he were re- epee/inn series," lik. this• wash it falls to our lot to chronicle his death whish took place early Thursday ramming (Chrie/sea+) Mr Eiodgine was smoldered a healthp maa, and his death is a surprise to everybody. He was lake* ill about a week previous /e his death, bat for a time aotbieg serious was anlieipated, until his ease assuming bad proportions, the derriere sant there wee no hope for him, and he died quite prime - telly. Tlih ailment bona whioh he died was a ooanplication of diseases. Mr Bod- ging was a°nativeof Biddalph townekip and had }rept hotel in Centralia for a great many ysare, being a taverns with the travelling public Be was always known as the genial "Toni Bodging and bad a smile for everybody. Mr Hodgins weighed 2,70 los and was very tall. ; Ho was aged 43 years and image a widow stud several small children. The funeral took plana on Fri- day Cwt, tee gemaina being intoned in St Jamea'(Churoh of England) oemetery, Rid- dulph, under blasonio direetioub. The (hal if €143044he. would, as he had attandancti wee very large, whioh rihowad sleeps dons, keep a keen eye on the affairs of the towns; by en vote allowing: not; a sin- gle watts iu -Ib. expenditure,, affrays en dteavezing to.prooure for the electors fair vents for thele eases. He was happy to (tate that the butter egad' egg market had bap* ;a ijasesen £. lr$ mooed ,.to ,electric 'FARMER BROS., NEW Wholesale and. Retail GROCERS WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANTS. 'tailor ii MR. J. . GREENE, (Cato Cutter for It. Pickard) has opened out t stock of part of chinas. He referred to the butter the town. :1irRoss madea sensible speech and and egg matte(; said lilted been n success was londly applended, Isis statements were and bad more than anything else helped the fsarle:,s and practical and ahouid plan him town. He was strongly in favor of this hisher than over 1n the estimation of the R 1eleotore. market; it had Bost oomparatively nothing MrT 13 Carling osplained his ecooptanee and in tact was of more valuate Eaeter than st the request of it largo number of ratepayers; its Maxwell works,whiohoost $30,000 was,to thatwbilothecounceihadpoasiblyallowed some the town of 81 etas s. He would always things to pace loesra fie knew from there 7 fence of thio year( what a cask was in favor projects ealoulated to benefit tho town trying to pleaso everyone, and please nobody. more erpesially whits they Bost nothing. uariueadacoe esti a erpnmetiBQ end hug d Referring to waterworks he would only faver ed the interests of Exeter, with as murk dili- sneh when it could be shown that a good seance as any man could Of course he bad system was predictable at a cost of about been defeatod : we were all liable to dofoat, home 813,000 or $14,000. He stated that our in. and very oftea the beat mea were left at ; his was an ineten.= of this. He always debtedaes. to Lrsbotae had been paid and had an eye to keeping down expenditure, al - that the 5110 order parsed at last meeting though at the same time opposing nothing of council was not due that township. eon- csohaloaomelatedehfore thewould goodoPDose ; he wof the toantwn.ed <•rery Dirty eegneuitly that amount might now be added thing above board. Regarding electric light he to the surplus of the town. The egrcemeet would not oppose it if he saw the people that existedbetwe<.a thevillage and township rut? it,wouid honf vtheitsigannetian osire was of much an indefinite character that no thought it had done him good to be left at person but a mathematician could solve it. home for a term ; it had made him humble He had bad the problem worked out and it and he could now oome before the electors sad could be shown that instead of there beingask their sufi'rage with a di (rent feeling. lie telt sure of election. He was the poor maws two more payments to 17sborne, that town- friend and the rich man', precentor in matters ship had already been over paid. es to pertaining to municipal government, and Siepbeo our iadebtsdnest 10 them wonld be could tell by the many pleasant smiles whioh =e1 gait soman. There were other met his gaze that he would be sleeted next Monday to a seat at the council board bya branches of expenditure, however, Buell se largo majority. Wishing MI a happy New ear town hall, ate., whioh remained to be looked Mr Carling took his seat amitt storms of ap- after. He thought that during the inoom- Pl MreMoCallnm, the now aspirant for sere, Mg yeas that lbs rate might be lowered to came next in turn. He was greeted with 14 mills. Solisiting the suffrages of the load applause, and it was difficult to deter- eleotoes be brought Its address to a close, - mine whioh candidate for reereship was hoping is win by a law majority. the favorite. Ile had not intended offering llir W. G. Bissatl dspnty-,sero, was next Iimeelt for the position, but eine so sexy called. Be thought that the dootor bad had persuaded him, he bad decided to pretty .well eovarnd the groand as to the enter the contest, and from tbo universal mold of the oounoil daring the year, in expressions of good feeling toward him, he giving a laeid explanation, eto. While ho 'was.quite sanguine of winning. Hs did het was to blanks for apart of the extra taxation gee that the doctor had a perpetual lease of there was a greet deal far which he was not the reeve e seat, ghee in fast there also NO p..poasibls hating boldly opposed in Mauy many of us fully as &t for the position as ha. streets wase gravelled which dad not require He .thanked the electors for their beget?. it, and on whioh the (travel would not be support in times pant, and promised that if peaked, math less used. There wore many elected he would guard their interests in the anal. instating Thiel he opposed. The capacity of reeve as he had asasted to do in the capacity of committer. It did not require any special talent to serve as ratios ; the reeve had not told us anything in connection with the office which might be considered difficult. His work at the Co commit had not been of n special nature ; I coulddo the same. The financial statement had bean cleverly prepared, but ,there were a groat many branches of business which might be conducted differently. There was Nemeth/0g else to look afterbesides the curt entbusiuelts of the year. 'There was the debenture debt. It required looking after and paying. In= stead of, paying heavy interest he would favor liquidating the debt by each year el - toting one mill in the 5 for that ' purpose; The ratepayers would not .notion this. It could be clone, too, at a total mate, of 14 mills in the $. He would not like to dome to Exeter and live here for some years,: then go away withoat helping pay fo r the einem- CANADIAN AND Reported Tweeds, SL:ITINGS, French: -;Worsted COATINGS, and all the new- est things in PA1lTINGS, made up in the Lale.:t Sty --AND— A .-Ab;Ii•..-. A. good fit Guaranteed or uo sale. Special attention given to Caches' JA MT and AWITL ' Making STAND : One floor North of I. Fish's Berber Shop. Iz. DAVID M. STAE13LER, (UNIVERSITY or TORONTO) pbystcian Surgeon. ale. Revive spent the winter of 1S '-s7 au New York, anti winlcr of 1nrinni in Vienna, aluslria. Orrice ; L1111iLt1TON, ONTARIO. Fit ED. W. FAARNCOUR, Brevine;all Valid Surveyor and Civil En - Office. l'petairs. Salzmann n-OAlce,1'petairs.Samaroll's Block, Exetrr.Aat facts which helm] presented, and onMonday next go tt o polls and mark their ballets is his favor, eleotiug bine by a large majority. Mr Llardy said he was not In the field, but at the same time would like to ask the reason why the council and School Board piled up sneh largo aurPluses• Ito branded such as robbery. Why eek the people for mare then was really necessary to talo over from year to year the neer • al the vtetage Ile woulte also ask Mr Speek uan if by giving etuployment to all the oripptes that might conte along, ho was going to snake Exeter a r'tudozv rut for paupers, He thought this a bad syatom. why not pay good men i.2.UU who would do four times the work, than paynor, men sl•25; bet- ter pity the paupers. as •1r Spackman would leave them, t.; 5 to stay home. Mr ]lards marten practical emote whioh of course was dotted with humor. Addrt•sses'+ere also emu b • L 1I Dickson. Dr Lutz and others. 01 the above ecndidatosforcouncillore who aro stand. inanely D A Ross, E Christie, 'i 11 Carling, fold titoothershaving resignctt areon. erection will be a keen ono. In Toronto Mayor Clark is opposed by E A Macdonald, while in London teem aro four candidates far the Mayoralty, viz;,t;eo Taylor Murray Dickson. Juo Moulo and J it Minyitin- nick. tnrnedwonld shongly favor tendering. Con- siderable money maid be saved, while as good if not better roads, would be the result As to the station road, when the council made the tour of inspection, it was in such Iplendid condition that it wee thought it would withstand any amount of travel; but on account of the wet fall proved otherwise. The darner bad ta.keu a good dual of credit upon himeslt for. transactions in the County oounoil affecting Ezater, with which, in the main, he bad nothing to do, and to him (Mr Bissau) wee dueall praise. For instanl;e, the new iron bridge. The Co minutes con- tinued all necessary proof. Ile has served the town for 16 yaws, and, be thought, faithfully, and until some wrongdoing could be laid at his door, he would consider it un- yraieful to forsake him at this moment, and erect to the position of deputy -reeve a young and nnsxperis3oed man who had onlyserved one year at the Board lie knew the people, would not ehoir;such disrespect, aid prom - be whet bighetateem the deosased was hold, For gena€ul& in ovary fosse good's. Omen - paellas is a radical, reliable reaaed/. i1 bap, au u>aequalled Mere et auras.: Ui.sonxs—Besve, T, M. Kay ; Counts., Jonathan Shier, Seines Halla, T. Cameron, and Wen Kydd, all by ncclamntiou. Semmes Towxynte.---Reaves Itatz,Eilber and Sheerin by itcolantnticn, Councillors Hio'ae, Wnorth, White and Doyle. WEST WILLIAMS —Reeve, Simon Moneod (noolamation); Deputy -reeve, slut;uutine and Peddler ; Councillors, Cilmes, Johnston and James (eteelamation.) H r Towt.silxp—Beevo, Fred Hese and Geo McEwen ; Deputy -reeve. Same, Rennie, J 0 Knlbfieisch ; Connoillore, Wm Moir, Welker, Sohnell, John elker, Bobt Turnbull and John Footer. taixes e joyed. It was not right—every man has a right to pay bis share. • This was an important branch of the town's affairs ried required attention. lir. McCallum elm °rlticised the financial' report, and showed bow ie. had been made out for the purpose of deceiving the electors. : Be touched upon various, other matters pertaiuiug to the wee fare of Exeter, but .our space' being limited we menet give further purport oflue speech. 'IIe *toped that the .electors would weigh the PAaxlnxLa.—Mayor, Relit White (acola- mation); Co'tinoillore, Ward No 1, William Flotober and Simon MoLeadley (acclama- tion); Ward 2, Geo Snoobottom and Neil Matheson (acclamation) ; Ward No 3, Wm Dickson, A.tohibald Miller and D. L. atone - house. Sr MARYs—Mayor, J W Poole (acclama- tion); Councillors, South Ward, J D Moore, W t) Mosorip, W Danseith, all by aoclama. Leon ; North ward, J. H. Mathieson, G. H. Melntrye, T. it Butcher, all by aoelatnation; West Ward, 0. J. White, T, MoGolriok, E. W Harding, J Meighan, L. McLean, D. S. Rupert, J Sinclair. * STAR G-ziOCERN MAIN - ST.--EXETEIt, 1890. 1-490. Iran an.c1. Winter Stook Complete in every line. All bought for cash and will be sold at reasonable prices. TO ELECTORS/,OF EXETER LAWNS AND etaNTLiMEN, Your vote and influence is respeotfully so- licited by Edward Christie for Counoilior for 1891. EXTRA VALUES IN Teed and Fur Overcoats A full rang.' of Flannels, Aloltona, Dress Goods, Gloves, etc. Our MILLINERY STOCK is com- plete in every line. A fine range of Beaver Bats, and ,IJadies' and Children's Caps. A call solicited. JOINT HALL. Dashwood. BAR FOR SERVICE. W. SNELL, of lot 1i , con 7, Usborno. will keep for the improvement of stook. a tbore'bred Chester white boar. Terms; $1 at time of service. i EXETER Pork Packing House Having commenced business for the Fall &Winter Trade Wo are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to tho following regulatiaua We will take off two pounds per mndr'ed if dry, and three pounds if soft. Shoulder stuck, tweuty-cent,. It any Otte long gut is left, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No Pork will be bought at any price if warm. We want all Hogs Cuttings right through breast to head, and ]lanes open'l out to tail, SNELL RROS. & CO. New Fall Goods New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Flannels. Table Linens. tt Shirtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Sid Glove . Corsets. Underwear.. tr it C CC tt It tt tt tI J. MATHESON, E. CHRISTIE. 1 HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. To ELECTORS OF EXETER Lewes AND GINTL.MEN, I beg leave to announce that I am in the field for the office of Councillor for the ensuing .ear. Thanking you for past favors 1 respeot- fu11s solicit your support forMonday noxi. D. A. ROSS. rpo ELECTORS OF EXETER LADt.s Awa G lame sang. In response to the request of a large num- ber of the electors of Exster, I hereby offer myself as a candidate for thepositionof leevw and respectfully solicit your rotas and in- fluence. If elected I will use every eneeavor for the promotion of rho beat interests of the people. T. H. MoCALLUM: OT 10E.—THE PUBLIC ARE J. w hereby cautioned against purchasing or negotiating i o any mannor, o promissory note drawn in favor of one C.W Youriz for the sum of one hundred dollars (5100) by John and Isaac Clements as no value has been received for the aforesaid note. JOHN OL.MENre ISAAC CLEMAXTS - NOTICE.—NOTIOE IS HERB by given that the next annual meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire In - extreme Oompany. will be held in the Town Hall, Zurieh on. M onday..January Ieth, A. D•, 1891, at the hour of 1 p.m. Business :-11.0- waving Directors' and Secretary's` reports, election of three directors and one auditor,and other business for the good and welfare of the Companyp ` All members are required to attend. EMNaY EIL71i1 e, Secretary. U LET.—FIRBT•OLA.SS DRY 000DS STORE. form erly owned by James, Piokard,'25z75. three stories ana basoment, solid brink. The leading business of the county has for years been done in thisstead and no more denrablopremises eaa be found for an active, (=pates mall desirous . of eommenoing• business, or of extendingone already estab- lished. Possession 1st fiobn• '91, Apply to 11M Douai a A6xaz, Gordon Mackay di Co.. Toronto: tteitt# 1890. 1890 A FINE ASSORTMENT --OF—. Chris4mas L: Goods Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Collar anduff Ci Cases. Manicures;etc., —BY -- J. W 3R0111111f