HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-03-12, Page 7•A trItzt:i 41 triltIRSI/Ay, MARCH l2th, 1959 THE GQ1:1ERICH SIGNAL -STAR P1P 4:- 4 Tea - WILL BE HELD Sunday, March 22. FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF • The Goderich Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society AT THE GODERICH FLOWER SHOP • AND GREENHOUSES. Easter Flowers will be ondisplay. — EVERYONE INVITED — -11-12 RED CROSS CANVASS THURSDAY, 1141MA door to door canvass for the blood clinics of the Red Cross will Red Gross will be held at Gode- be visiting Goderieh from time to rich on Thursday, Friday and Sat- time to , Obtain blood from donors urtley, March 19, 20 and 21. , It wishing to give& it., The first visit will be srlonsored by the Maple Will probably be some time in Leaf Chapter of he I.O.D.E. April. Since it is a volunteer canvass Do you, lenow that, through the and the, canvassers might not be Red Cross, hospital beds and wheel fre6to make a second call later, chairs are available Tree of charge peopleare asked to be ready when to any one in need of them? Ar-, the Red Cross Canvasser calls. rangements for the loan of these employees in industries will not, can be made by contacting Mrs. be canvassed at their repective Frank Curry at the Bedford Hotel. places of employment but by door • to door, canvassers at their homes After a few days spent in instead. Shouldicc SurgerY, Toronto, where! 'Through the Red Cross, blood is he underwent a minor operation, now made available to any one" Jim Culp is back in circulation and in need of fit free of charge. Mobile looking as fit as ever.. no on I, I m r,3 No um um v • W DANCE St. Patrick's Day MARCH 17 AT OLD FORGE, BAYFIELD Music by Grant Edighoffer's Melody Mmters. Free orchid foreach lady. ' $1.00 per person. Lunch Counter, • AN INDEPENDENT SURVEY 4Starfli -90 Readership In Goderich Bell Survey Reports .."The great majority of tele- phone customers, in .Goderich say they read the Signal -Star regularly. About nine customers in ten say they read it every week while ()rib/ about one in 20 say they never read lt at all." , The aforemerbtioned is the exact report of the chief statistician's office of the Bell Telephone Com- pany of Canada on a survey made in Goderich on February 13, 14 and 16. The survey was made: to determine the readership of a small town weekly; the extent to which the Bell Telephone Company advertisement was read; the spec- ific copy items recalled and found of interest; readers' opinions of the Bell Telephone test advertise- ment. A total of 330 Bell telephdne cus- tomers in Goderich —about one-, fifth of the total number—were intervieW,ed by the Bell Telephone operators. The Bell Telephone. Company has expressed itself as being quite pleased with the read- ership of the' Signal-9tar and also with that of the new type ad they ran, in news 'column style and headed "Bell Lines." Another such ad is planned for' the ,near future. Of the 330 interyiewed by tele- phone, 88 per cent said they read the Signal -Star every week,, five per cent ' said they read it once or twice a month, two per cent less than, pnce a month and five per cent do not read it. Readership of the Signal -Star is about the same for men (57%) as for women (62%). A total of 43 per cent of all readers of- the ad "Bell Lines" could accurately describe some aspects of the ad, Of these, 88 per cent mentioned the three photographs, in the ad. "This type of advertising in small town newspapers appears to be effective in terms of drawing power, readership and retention of message," said the survey re- port regarding the !'Bell Lines" advertisement run in The Signal - Star. Cons6 lidated Schools Proposed In -Township A. request that 'all the school sections in Goderich Township be brought into the township school area was made to Township Coun-, oil last week by the s&heol ,area board. T'here are four chool, sections that have riot joined the school area so far. • T.hd suggestion has been advanc- ed that two consolidated schools could be built to accommodate all the pupils in Lb township. There could be a six-roorn school at Holinesville iid a four-robm.School on the Illuewater Highway: south of Goclerien, it has been suggested. Otherpublic sjhoolsin the town- ship woUld be closed: , ( halm= Robert Welsh' headed -school.,aroa board, delegation which attended the. township coun- cil meeting. it. has been stated that the town- ship would qualify under a higher schedule of provincial' grants if all the, schools in the township joined the school area A petition from 17 'ratepayers nShool Section No. 8 was . also presented to the township council 1, at the March meeting. Those rate - 1 requested that the entire section be transferred to a union 1 sc.b.a.o.1...iLtion sage of Bay -field, which is in Stan- ley' Township. Council is investigating the matter. A delegation from Holmesville requested installation of street 'lights, Council decided to investi- gate the, costs of installation and maintenance; then report back at la later. meeting. ' tender of C. E. Laithwaite was accepted. No tenders were received for the spraying of cattle, so the couneil- is advertisihg again. One fox bounty was paid on the affidavit the fox had rabies. Your Sign Is Down A friend of many years told me the following experience. He had occasion to stay overnight' in an Ontario city not far distant from Huron, Before turning in for the night he decided to take -a short. walk. As he stepped into the street two women camp out of the Women's Beverage Room. One stumbled and lay on the sidewalk. The other, not quite so drunk tried to help her up. Failing, she began a stream of abuse in language that my friend said, "I hope I shall never again hear from the lips of a wonlan." Disgusted he returned into the, hotel and said to the clerk: "Your sign has fallen down." "What?". said the clerk. "Your sign is down," he repeated. --H-asterring-outside-, the clerk' tnolt- in the situation at a glance. He hailed a taxi and had the pair whisked out of sight. They were a poor"advertisement for his business. Not a single 0 • Beverage Room is found' in Huron • County,' thanks to the Canada, • Temperance Act. ,PHONE 1538 J. C. (Chuck) WILSON • • A man drove his sleek, povilerful, 'After a while 040 .otte.4dartt' *tot:. 1959 car into the filling station. to Wm; "Better s4ut Mir ic#111 "P111 'rup," he told the attendant. off. . . inter() 10104 wine. SELLING, STOCK' OUT • JUST A FEW OF' THE BARGAINS Dornieyer Mixer REGULAR e $11.50 $3 5.75 Including juice extractor and nrat grinder Kitchenaid Mixer REGULAR $73,95, s36.99 SEA BREEZE Hi;Fi Phonograph REGULAR $199.95 $99,9,5 SPECIAL — RCA Victor 2V' TV. - $199.95 "THE OAKRIDGE," REG. $319.95. SPECIAL — MANY OTHER ITEMS TO BE CLEARED — We can supply your needs for FLOOR TILE, etc. R. H. Cornish Electric PHONE 141 WEST ,.STREET " GODERICH ................,..................... : . :WHEN . . • .. • . • 1 I ' Thinking of "your - "iars • IA • I l e , Spnng Chonge Over i -- THINK OF Chuck's • 4••• . • . • i Littet Service I e • e „ . , • i West and Wciteirloo StreOts, 1 • • • • 0 . GODERF, Irl, ,ONT. . . • s • • . • 3 — 18 years experience \a\this type of work. . -- : 2 We completely guarantee and stand behind all our..work. I ' o 6 _a B. F. GOODRICH TIRES — TUBS and FAN BELTS : 0 —...--........„ Z., OUR — DEFINITION OF A GOOD EAL • • • • ffil IS 1. 4 , A GOOD DEAL MORA FOR A .GOOD DEAL LESS. • .Members of the Holmesville dele-, This Advt. SponSorl,ed by e , • e -Manager. . , gation were W. R. Lob, William : Huron County • Tenijaerance .Assoc.0 • Bender--4i-nd.W.. -Johnson. ... i .....••••••••••••000.•ikooe•oo••••••••••••••••••••••••. A grant.of $100 was made to the ' • ' Clinton Spring Fair. of H. A. Thompson for the position Council accepted the application ,-,.. ejt) r-walt:emb • of Warble fly inspector at 95 cents an hour. His was the only ap• plication. Six tenders for supplying warble ' fly powder were opened. 1Th, 4:4 actial,4 be-tr& (gm • • • "Why don't we have a _clothes line?" "We don't need one, son. We have an automatic electric clothes dryer." 1 - • With the wonderful convenience of a modern electric dryer there's no more need to lug heavy loads of wet wash i& -,out to the line. No more watching for "drying days." In any weather clothes dry indoors, automatically . . . fluffy and sweet smelling . . . or, with just the right amount of dampness for ironing. Laundry is only one of the many tasks you can do quickly, easily and economically with electricity. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. .ierrr?'" fp 441t1+1' „ The Cool setthig of a dryer allows you to fluff pillows„ and ,to dewrinkle drapes and -synthetic fabrIcs. Aignommeamangsmominsocamme •• is yours LIVE BETTER „ELECTRICALLY frt,Vr/ Concert Group Plans Campaign The annual membership cam - pin of Goderich Community Con- cert Association will Commence on Monday, March 23, and will con- tinue until Saturday, March 28, announces John Walls, president of the association.' • Arrangements for this, drive. were initiated at a meeting held in the home OT Miss Helen Videan, campaign chairman. ,Present at this meeting were several of the campaign team captains as Well as the executive of the association, comprising Mr. Walls, president; Miss Eva Somerville, secretary; Miss Margaret Evans, treasurer; Miiss Videan, Campaign- chairman; Bruce Clifford, publicity chairman, There ,is a great deal of work involved during the membership campaign week, and this will be carried out by approximately 50 wiirkers headed by the following local team captains: Mrs. Clayton Edward, John :".;tcphens, Mrs. Bert Ilacchler, Mrs; Keith Hopkinson, Mrs. Leo Walzak, George Parsons. Mrs. J. R. Leitch, Mrs, .1ohn Walls and l3ruce Clifford.' . Other local comMunities will ho ,ably YU:lulled by le)m captains in (CC'h community. These .include: -4... Mrs. Cordon Ounninghaine, Clinton; Mrs. John Mcnoir;all, Blyth Mrs Ernie Hovey. 11,4field; i'lli,,s 11-s,ie1 Grieve, Seaforth; Mks Marga,rbt ,Irtelc,:on, Kitliuril; NIrc, Cecil 11!-1“,, . Div) fiiiiron, and Mr:;. I). E. (H.1 don, HolnwFvi!le. The Goderich Comm,m;tv (:,:i- - cort Association wishes to cxoro thanks for the support gi,.en in • thepast and only hot-v‘s 111,1 In 11-0 rnd moi c people will join; Fo lh 1 Cary tori, rin cninv the wond-i-1,,' ciiterfaintront that is . a \ throu„11,.. the asoc,i:it inn. t ••.• • • ,?••••1',2, ATTENDS HEATligq SHOW !'"',l 'e.1,e, of Bro,:‘'o.nrid •r, ;'ttr'Pd 1 ho Nralinnal lleatir,,, and ,tir Condi li^nin, Shaw in tiro girleno'.,-e, onto, last wook. All type,; of hcatinq and , enoliee egeipment were displayed at the show. Canada's highest peak, Mount Ogen in Yukon Territory, has an elevation of 19,850 feet. Freel.Marie Fraser's exciting "Bazaar Best Sellers" recipes. . Write today! DA1Pv FARNieRS OF CANADA . 400 Huron Street. Toronto WHEN 'PILED -UP BILLS • SAY 'GET A LOAN CALL 'T.C.C. ON THE TELEPHONE • 11"0 ,f )LD IJLL CAR ROA ;l$ TRANS CANADA CREDIT' SALES, BUS -I NESS FINANCING •'.• • • PP•pu '4 WINTER ,J,o,-ms from S150, to $2,500, or more. Tike p tO.:10 ret);AST–on a Wide selection of loan plans. sery e. • 148 THE SQUAffE, PHONE 797