HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-03-05, Page 6P4iittE • • AUBURN, Marcfi '2,=4iPS-Mee YPS of •Knox Presbyterian )Ghtiroh met last Tuesday evening With a gtiod attendance. The -meeting-vras-oponed-tir the -pre deit Idgar Leatherland, with Shirley.Brown at the piano. Rev. J, Lane led in prayer. The ininutes were read by the secre- itary, Helen Youngblut. The roll call was alismered bynaming a book in the Old Testament. It was decided to invite the Presbytery executive in the near future. Plans were made for a sating party when all .Y":;p.S. of the village will be guests. iScripture was read by Gordon Wen The topic on the ' history of the Presbyterian Church in Canadawas continued by Rev. D, J. Lane, Diplomas Presented. - Mr: Charles Stott, superintendent • or Knox United Church Sunday , School, presided for the pres,enta- ' tion of diplomas. Mrs. Kenneth ,McDougall, secretary of diplomas . and seals, presented the Robert Raikies. diplomas and seals to the '., -following: ,Diploniaa Shirley Ament; GarrAment, Danny Evans, John Koopmans, John :Montgomery, Jean. 'Montgomery, Betty Young- blut;''2nd year Se.alS-Lois Hallam, Betty Hallam, 'Robert Wilkin, Ross Wilson, Billy Lapp, Allan Craig, Allan McDougall, Brian Craig, • Stephen Haggitt, Patsy" Wilkin, • liary Wain, tar e Plunkett; 3,rd iyear Seals -Shelley Grange, Ricky Archambault, Wayne Arthur, Brenda Ball, Deryk Bali, Daryll _111,11), .Linda ilasen, Mariam_ Mt& si I ;Malcolm Hinz; 4th year' Scal- 1 Betty Moss; 51,11 year Seals -Jen- nifer Grange, Nancy Anderson, Ronald Arthur; 6th year Seals - Laura Daer, Brenda Arohambault, Klaska KOOpinans, Allan Speigel. berg,. Ronald Durnin, Glen Web - ter, Allan Webster, Carol Arm- - , strong; 7th year SealsDouglas Archam•hault, Marsha Koopinans, Martie KooPinans, Brian Spiegel- berg; Jim .Mills, June Mills, Joan NtillS, Jackie Durnin, Betty Durnin, George Durnin, ' Wayne Durnin, Anne Spiegelherg, Sharon Ball, Lorne Daer, Kenneth Daer; 8th year Seals ---John Arthur, Barrie Turner, Barkley Spiegelberg; 10th ')ear -John Wright, William An- derson, Marlene Easom, Bernice McDougall, Tem Cunningham; 13th year -Margo Grange. Meets. -Mr. James Hem- bly, manager of the Auburn branch of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, was guest -spe-aker at -the February meeting of the 'Woman's Association of Knox United Church held in the Sunday School auditor- ium last Tuesday evening. Group two of the association was in charge of the program. Mrs. El- liott Lapp called the. meeting to order. Scripture was read by Mrs. • Mr. and Mrs. Goderich PLEASE HEL Young Canada Week tMarch 30 to Aptit ity by g offering your home for one or more nights TO BILLET OUT-OF-TOWN HOCKEY PLAYER If you plan to billet player's please phone in the, in- . formation without delay tz.5 any one of the following: DAVE ALLAN EBB ROSS 3-7 BOB SMITH • 1513 ANKTHIBBERt 367 8 LEO WALZAK 1441-W Home Business 6 75 37, William Dodd. Mrs, R. Koopmans ftwwJuck- thoughts en Christian Stewardship. A quartette composed of Mrs. George Milian, Miss Sadie Oartsr, Mrs. Fred Plaetzer and Mrs. Gor- don MeClincheL decompanlest_ ler-s7W. 7,7i5ig, sang a number: Mr. Hembly was introduced by Mrs. Lapp. He 'explained some of the many services rendered by chart- ered banks ain,i gave some seg- gestions on how customers on help the bunk staff to give better service. Mrs. George Wilkin thanked the speaker.. The offering was received by Mrs. James Jack- son and Mrs. Norman Wightnian. Mrs. Arthur Grange . presided for the business period. The secre- tary, Mrs. William L. Craig, read the minutes and the financial state,. meat was,givert by the treasurer, Mi`s. Roliert Arthur. It was decid- ed to cater to the Women's Insti- tute banquet in April. • The Librarian of the Auburn Public Library i,vishes all county books to be in by March 7. Mr. Eldon Stoltz, of Guelph, visited. on Tuesday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. -C-. Mr. Earl Youngblut .and Mr, Gordon Daer spent last week -end at Woodstock .with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young- blut and family. Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, delegate of the Farmer's Union and Mr. Carl Govier, president of the ,Auburn local, were delegates to the Pro- vincial Parliament when they pre- sented their ,brief to the Ontario Legislature. They -also 'met with the Agriculture Committee. Mrs. Warner ,Andrel.vs and Mrs. Keith Machan, attended the 'gradu- atton exercises at, Hamilton last FridaY for Miss Marie Andrews, who has completed her training at the Ontario Department of Health Certified Nursing Assistant Centre, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Kirkeon- nell visited their daughter, Mrs. Louis Blake, of Brussels, where 4she4s.--a--patient irr'WinghatirliO pital..We wish Jean a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Keith \Wien, Randy. and Trudy, and Mia. W.. Andrews and Linda visited last Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs: -James Machan... Walkerburn Club. -The Febr- ary meeting . of the Walkerbern • 'Club was held last Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. -John Snyder.. 'The president. Mrs. • George Schneider, .presided. The , nitnutes were read, by 'the .secre- tory, Mrs, Ted Iftink"ing. The quilt \‘Itich was won by Charles Asquith., hi -Ought the club $40. It• was de- ' cided to donate: $20 to Hope1 Chapel cemetery: $20 to Ball's cemetery: $3 to the Cripple.d Child- ren'.s Fund' and ..;55 •to the March, of 1).mos.. Thef•kili; eall was an -.1 :Nvered bv 17 -members by naming_ any improvement which could be in ado in the community. Ten childirn were ,also present. The program of contests wacconducted . by Mrs, Ted Thinking and Mrs. Ariel Duizer. The Dutch auction- v,as won by Mrs:Cveor_ge Schneider •atir-tlre- draw was «Th hy •Mrs., Lorne Flunking. A lunch was served by Mrs.'Bert Illinking, Mrs.' Lorne Hunkin, . Mrs. William ' Thinking and Mrs. Henry Thinking. The, March meeting will be 'held at he home of Mrs. Joe Verway . • -4e 1 THE GOI/ERICH 5I6NA.I.,STAR - THURSDAY.,, MAWR' Sth, i950/ A When Mrs. D. D. ReYnolds recently observed her 92nd birthday at the home Of her danghter, Mrs.-' Ray Dalton, in Ashfield, she brought the combined total of the ages of the six ladies la the above picture to 502 years. The above picture was taken on the occasion of Grandmothers' Day at the Kintail 'Women's Institute a few years ago. All six ladies are still living. Left to night, front row, are: Mrs, Dick MacDonald, -87, Who is currently a patient in Goderich Hospital with a fractured hip; Mrs. Neil MacDonald, 86; Mrs. Sara MacKen- zie, 79; Mrs. Catherine Reynolds, 92. Back row, left to right: Mrs. Martha O'Neil„ 81; Mrs. N. G. MacKenzie, r. -Lneknow Sentinel Photo with Mrs. Leonard Archambault, convener of the program. Lunch will.be in charge of Mrs. Ted Honk- ing, Mrs. Joe Hunking, Mrs. James Jackson ,and Mrs. Andrew Kirk- connell. • Horticultural Society. -The Au- burn Horticulture Society ,met in the Orange Hall on Monday -even- ing for their first Meeting of the year with the 'president, Mrs. .Bert Craig, in .,charge. • The minutes' were read by the secretary, Miss Alma Mutal_k_ and _approved,- ..T-he- comiiiilitee in. charge . of putting. lights at the MancheSter Garden reported contact with village trus- tees had'been made. Letters from the Holland Bulb Company, M. Clifford Epps and Mr. John Clark were. read concerning new .busi- ness.. Accordion soles were play- ed by Mr. William Gibson. A read- ing was given by Mrs. Ed. Davies. A sola was sung bY• Mrs, Georg,e Wilkin. Mr. Gibson show- ed colored pictures of his visit to California. Mrs. Wes.. Bradnock gave an account of ,a recent vaca- tion trip to New Orleans., Mexico Los Angeles, San f.;'raneisco,. and rlq, Grand 'Canyon. The -pre- Sident thanked' all who had taken part in the program. Lunch was • served by. Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs.1 Charles Straughan, and Mrs. Frankl Raithby. - Mrs. Ezekial .Phillips Celebrates. —Last, Thursday. Mrs, Ezekial Phillips celebrated, her SIth birth- day at her home receiving many , cards and messages' of congratui-1 LtiOns and .gifts. She was form- erly Margaret Ellen Medd, (laugh-, -ter of the latb-Mr Medd, of West Wawanosh, and at tended' school at S.S.''No. 3. 'Col- borne. Sixty-four 'yearsago she was married Co Mr. Ezekial Plrillip,sj at the .Anglican rectory at. Luck -1 now by Rev. Chai=les Miles. -,Fol,s- loying their wedding. the Couple resided . for 12 .years at Wliite- church 'where Mr. Phillips was en- gaged as 'a -blacksmith. They then. .moved to Auburn where they have since resided. Both are • valued. members of St. Mark's Anglican Church. Mrs: Phillips is very ac- tive nd• in good health and has a brightcheery smile for every- one,. She has a family of three, one -son, Robert, 'two daughters, Mrs. Tom Johnston (Ellen) and Mis,s Laura at home. • 64th. Weddini"' Anniversary. - The home of Mr. and Mrs, Ezekial Phillips was .set for their. 64th wedding anniversary last Priday. when' Mr, Phillips accidently fell downstairs while his wife was re- ceiving Congratulations on the phone, The doctcrr was summon- ed and Mr.. Philips was taken by ambulance' Monday • morning • to Clinton hospital where he is suffer-• ing from a fractured hip. We wish him a speedy recovery 'arid that he - will soon he able to return to his home. Mr, and '!+Ars. Gortnerly Thom)), on, of Brampton. spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Mogridge. . Mr George Disney. Mrs: Harry Rinderknecht. Mrs Duncan Mac- Intyre and Mrs.. .Beverely Fr ., ench of Detroit, visited last week with the ladies' father, Mr. George Beadle in 'the Goderich h-osrpital. MT Fred Armstrong had his two front teeth knocked out -by• a flying Ouck,Ituring the hoekey gape pip. ciffs between the Auburn -Blyth fe.anis last Friday evening at the Blyth arena. , Mrs Bert Marsh, of Petersburg. visited last Thursday with her par- ents, Mr. ,and- Mrs. Bert Marsh. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Gor- don Dobie -and •family over the week -end were MT. and 1tIrs. Her: . bert Foxton and family. of Wing - ham, and Mr. Gerald Dobie_ of Toronte. JAMES REED, DUNGANNON, ACTS IN PLAY AT LONDON Mr. Jim Reed,• son of ar. and Mrs. Allan Reed, of Dungannon, plays the role of a young cleric in the London Little Theatre present- ationt "The Remarkable Kr. Penny - packer," now showing at the Grand Theatre, London. Mr. Reed won the Free Press dramatic scholar- ' ship at the, Theatre School in Lon- donlast stiminer. The play runs from March 6 to 14, nightly, com- menting at 8.30n o'clock. • • The word, "democracy," - is Greek in origin, means literally "rule of the people." rippled Kids Benefi week to 2,400 households in Gode- riChaTift"dislrict. The pachase of Easter Seals means treatment and training, vacations • in specially -equipped summer camps and other benefits for the' crippled children of this area: , W. W. ,HaySom is chairman of the Easter Seal committee of Gode- rich Lions Club, -whichis again sponsoring the campaign in Gode- rich and distriot, 4 . Donations May be mailed or taken to Huigh Spring, of the Royal Bank of Canada in Goderich, He is treasurer of the committee. Ed. Jessop is in charge of ,publicity. Through donations of local and district people, crippled children in this area have benefitted from treatment at London and also at - Camp," points out Mr. Haysom. Entirely aside from the Easter Seal campaign, Goderich...„..Lions Club has donated $1,500 ef its own. funds to help construer!the crip- pled children's treatment centre at London. Thwill open this spring to serve all of Western Ontario. Goderich Lions Club is one of 221 service clubs whO have joined' in the Easter Seal carnoaign this year. Their total_ „Objective is $770,000 -which milk be raised to continue Vhe services that have been available for crippled child- ren for se many years now. To More than 13,500 children' • and teen-agers iw; Ontario -Who are Afflicted by accident, disease or from birth by crippling eon- ditions that usually mean despair and dependence on bthers-March is the mcinth of hope. KINGSBRIDGE KINGSMDGE, March 2. -Mr. and Mrs. tric Johnstone, of Gode- nch, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vogt, a Detroit, were Sunday visitors At the Frank Sullivan home. Other week -end visitots here Were: Miss Betty ,Lou Vassella, of London, Kenneth Fitzpatrick and Danny Dalton, of. Kitchener:- Jos. ad Jimniy 'Martin, of Hamilton; Mr. a:nd Mrs. John Dietrich, of Kitehener; Waiter ,Kelly and Miss Rosemary White, of London; Peter Lierman, of London. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late John Hussey, age 93, of .Goderich, who died in St. Mary's Hospital, London, on Saturday, February 28bh, where he had been a patient for consider- able time. The requiem mass will be sung in St. Joseph's Chord', Kingsbridge, at 10 a.m. on Tues- day With interment in St. Joseph's cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton and son, Maurice, motored to Whitby _during the past week, Where Den- nis' commenced work for the sail- ing season. Since then, however, he has spent a few days in the hospital, recovering from the ef- fects of an injury to his leg. He is art present recovering at the home of his sister, Mrs. Arthur O'Connor, of Pickering. • Spring Fresh .... and Flattering SARAN and CARCLOTH VER . VALUES TO $25.00 • FRONT. and REAR Smart styfing at. an economy price . . •iii refreshing as a Spring breeze! •- , . Eye -appealing patterns v;ill give your earlier model the look of today's new "lux -rani" in.teriors altd-if il6r-tt reCent than ever. Model; OM ififeif,ill be more striking ,. _ Choose between. fine Saran that can real. . ly take it, or from alway's beautiful Car. cloth that's so enjoyable in any season ., • -never too cold, rior'too hot for cOmfort: turn -resistant, shockProof, custom tail- ored to fit perfectly. 'With good-Iooking -vinyl-leatherette bolster. Matching trim. "DO -it -Yourself" Kit included, or we vvill -install for a mederate.service oharge. "PICTURE WINDOW' PLASTIC SEAT COVERS 15.75 set Canada's Largest • Seat Cover Selection FRONT ONLY .. 9.25 ,Onlyreal way to keep upholstery showroorn new. Wipes clean. Heavy - weight, no -crack plastic. Double stitched seams throughput.' "Semi -•Custom" PLASTIC SEAT- COVERS Easy to install„ with elastic cables andll WC "S" hooks for a snug ht.. Set t ti Ka IV Front Only . 7.65 BIG ASSORTMENTS! IMPORTANT SAVINGS! Dress up your LICENSE PLATES I -DIAMOND CREST DESIGN LICENSE .pLATE FRAME di A Triple chrome. Eacb&IV -DELUXE LICENpSElate.itPLATtE FzitAzi ayvelirome. plastic wrIndow. Each 3 -FRONT LICENSE. PLATE 'BRACKET -Sturdy steel, black eimmelled. Pits crave) skirt.or bumper rate. Each 4-SOMPER LICENSE PLATE *RAC- KET Pits snugly. Cadmium an en/QP plated, Eacb 3 -REAR LICENSE PLATE AND LAMP BRACKET - Slack enamelled, ,bearY tidsuritamp. "boll Mount //lop and Each 4 -LICENSE ° PLATE FASTENER1 - , Caiftomrittir plated ,b,o7f-, spring an wing nut.4 , 7 -JEWELLED FASTENERS - With Red caarechen m A.mher teflectors 6 -LARGE REFLECTOR TYPE CAS. TENER With Red or Orem 25 ewei1, Pia SERVING CANADA THE WORLD , Pori Albert' PORT ALBERT. March and Mrs. Will Vroom•an returned t� their home here after spending the winter at the. /thine of their son in Coruna. The March meeting of the Ladies Guild of °brisk, Anglican Cluirch is to be held en Wednes- day at the horn -16' of Mrs Agnes Foster.' :Bake goods *rill be sold at auction. Mr and Mrs Harald Adams and 'family were Sunday' guests of Mr .and s Tom atm. ,411_,Abip: Mr. Waiter Tigett. and Mr Nor man Durnin, of Dungannonwere in London on Thursday. MisS Annette Dickson spent.thr Week -end with Miss Lynda 'Craw ford. 'The meptings of the Yonne Pen- s of St Andrew's United Chlrr I be eantelled until after Uaster examinAtIOns. .72 1909.1959 k Dual -Jet Automatic Windshield Washer 4.29 Twin jet spray cleans the windshield. Operated by a • handsome push- button, control . for hand or toot operation. High Fits most cars - els. • Windshield' Washer Solvent, dc" 6 crz. sheen chrome fittings. including foreign mood - 14" ELECTRIC DRILL Perfect for ahnost any job. Compactly designed to han- dle well. 30% more working torque than any other com- parable drill. Full -load speed 1,400 r.p.m. Alurnin- erw um housing. Geared chuck. 'W 0•98 M) 6 -ft. cord and plug. .... Handy Warning Device CURB Popular Canister Type Super SuciE�n 'KLEEN-A-VAC Super-poweied % h.p., mo- tor is identital to ,those on co§tlier inodelsSelling_relfm- larly up to ,$100. Mighty suction eves deep-deWn ef- fortless c I e'a n in gu Rolla smoothly' on ball - bearing rubber tired coasters. Sup- plied With all the tools for every housecleaning chore 49..9s USE YOUR CREDIT - Terms art7a-rtind Protect fen- , tiers, wiftte- w4Th • frem .fl‘ •., , curbs., when parking. OCIATE STORE 36 North St. "NIP;' litNETSTONE PHONE 69' 'do6c4,teith ' yr.* .4