HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-03-05, Page 4• 1�
AE' 'Dug ,
,A big, new ev,.ent in Canadian curlinghas juste been announced
by Ken Watson, Canada's M. Curlr, after a trip to -Scotland..
Winners of the Qu«,.i..•c tirtals°in March will be invited to visit
Scotland with Mr. \Watson, on an all -expense -paid trip, to play
Scottish champions.
Above, right Mr. '�'�-atson describes features of a Made-in-
•Scutlar curling ;torte to kleft) Gordon'Shaw, a leading Toronto
varier arid George Mara, Canadian representative of the
•.Scot isky Association Who are making this outstanding
eyelet possible.
Huron County entries placed
first, and Perth County second in
the county competitions held dur-
ing the annual. Middlesex Seed Fair
which clpsed Friday.
Huron County gathered 1,587
points, and Perth County, 1,554.
Middlesex County was in third
plate with 1,538 'points.
Huron County: Robert Fothering-
ham, R.R. 3, Seaforth, ,540; Jack
Broadfoot, R.R. 1, Bzrueefield, 533;
Lawrence Taylor, R.R. 1, Londes-
boro, 514.
DONNYBROOK, March 2. -Mr.
John A. Thompson is a patient in
Victoria Hospital, London.
, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
!Ernest Craig, Goderich.
M'r. and •;Yirs., James Ledd,• en-'
} ertained the euchre club on Fri-'
day evening when eight tables
were in play. High scores were
held by Mrs. Edw. Robinson and
-Mr -Sam ---Thompson--, and ..low by -
Mrs. Sam -Thompson and Mr. Wrn.'
H Mr. and Mrs. George Webster
and girls. of St. Helens, were,Sun-
day visitors with -wand Mrs.
Stuart Chamney and girls.
Hundreds of clothing items for Ladies, J.en and
Boys MUST =:E SACRIFICED'. to give us room . to
complete our store remodelling program. , Out
they go at breath -taking reductions ! !
Fashions for ;milady, newly
styled New fabrics,
Half sizes' as well. .
anors re ggre ssi,ve
lay-offs With St. Marys
Goderich Sailors demonstrated
here Tuesday night the brand of
winning hockey of which they are
capable by defeating St. Marys
Lincolns 8-4 and thereby taking a
2.1 lead in the Junior "Jr OHA
best -of -seven semi-finals. The
fourth game will be played at St.
Marys on. Friday night and Gode;
rich fans are hoping the Sailors
will keep up their lighting' spirit
which should go 'a long way to-
wards N‘inning the fourth game. .
In the other semi-final series of
the Western Junior "B" division,
the high -flying Sarnia Legionnaires
lead the L, orcins team by two
games to one. At London on Tues-
day night, the Sarnia team did
not have it easy, winning only by
a 3.2 • margin•:.
Both London and Goderich, low-
er rung teams in the regular sche-
dule, are making it tough for their
higher standing opponents during
these semi-final 'series.
With a pair of goals each, Ivan
Gagnon and Bill Robinson,, were
the leading marksmen for the
• Sailors in their 8-4 win over St.
Marys Tuesday.
In the first period Goderich ram-
med in four goals which went un-
answered. In this period Robinson
got his two goals,. Gagnon one and
',Gallow one. Three of Goderich's
goals were scored within a span
of 67 seconds.
' In the Second period, St., Marys
came stronger with two goals to
one obtained by Goderich, the local
marksman being Gagnon for his
second goal of the game.
In the third period Goderich
goals ,were scored by Mason, Craig
and But:tenmiller with. S*t. Marys
getting but two goals. •
Lose -First
First game of the series at St.
Marys on Wednesday evening of
last week went to the St. Marys
team with a score of 6.5. It took
overtime for St. Marys to do the
trick. In the first period, Goderich
l.esi 270, and was.: ahead 4.3 at the
end of the second period, Regula-
tion time ended with a 5-5 tie.
Goderich goal getters were Rich-
ardson, Jessop, Tessier, Gallow (2).
• -Friday night -'a't• •Goderich, -the
Sailors evened the series by win-
ning with the identical score by
which they lost the first game, 6 5.
Grich goal getters in this game
were Gallow (2), Jessop, Brown (2);
Ron Mason was officially declar-
ed winner of the Western Division
Junior "B" scoring race in the
regular season's schedule. Andy
Gauthier, of London, placed sec-
ond and -Jim Bloomfield, of Sarnia,
was third. Mason scored 45 goals ,
and eolleeted 41 assists for a total
of 86 points. Gauthier had 79
points and Bloomfield had 74
O .
Pee Wee Players Selected
For Young Canada Week
_ (By Art Peachey)
The All-Star Pee Wee , team
which will represent Goderich in
the .Young Canada Week tourna-
Pee Wee All-Star
The local entry for the Goderich
Young Canada Week Pee Wee
ment has been selected. The Squirt Hockey Tournament has been prac-
All-Star team will go to Mt. Forest tieing at the arena, these past
on Saturday to defend- the chain-' weeks. Last week'they, defeated
pionship it holds. These are the the Seaforth team in Seaforth 4-3:
highlights in minor hockey for The members of this team have
this,. week. been chosen from the members of
• ' - • the Saturday, morning league. The
members. of the team are as 'fol-
lows: 'Rickey DtickArth, Lorne
Daer. Bill Wilkinson, David Smith,.,
Peter Brtttger, Bob.Grahani; Frank
Taras. John Arthur, Brien Carroll,
Rod R {l, John Gardiner. John
LE,M.i hc•s, Edward' Scruton, Telford -.I Bissett, Harry TerpeFtra, Terry
Johnston and •John Pirie."
Kinsmen Juveniles
Goderich Kinsmen Juveniles are
playing off with Port Elgin just
`n-ow..-They-fost the first -g-am-e.. to --
; meg .t -o --
Port Elgin' ]i'st week. They play
FRIDAY, MARCH 6- the Port Elgin team• here this
Rural School Skating 2-4 -.p.m. Thursday'team are as follows: Percy night. Members of the
Town School Skating,, 3.30-5 p.m. local Garrick, John Wright, Bill Fritz -
Pee Wee Motor League 7-10 p.m. ley, Gary Stoddart, Ron Allen, Ron
SATURDAY MARCH 7- i Williamson. Fred Israels, Ron Fel.'
five Sailors Are
"Double Scorers"
In the first three games of the
semi-final series between St. Marys
and Goderich, five different Sailors
have each scored two goals.
At Goderieh on Tuesday night,
Ivan Gagnon . and 13111 Robinson
scored two goals each,, In the se-
cond game, Doti Brown and Cliff
Galloway got a pair each while in
the first game of the series, Bill
Gallow bulged the twine twice.
Gerald Walter's rink won the
Town of ,Goderich Trophy with•two
wins and a plus of ten on Wednes-
day of last week during the" mixed
bonspiel of the' Goderich Curling
Club. ' Others on the Walter rink
were Bob Hays, Ruth Clancy and
Jean Price.
The Town of Goderich Trophy
was presented to the winners by
Deputy Reeve Frank Walkom, •on
,behalf of the town,
Second prize on the first draw
went to Alex Alexander's rink with
one win and a plus of four. Others
on this rink were Martha Rath -
burn, Jim Reid and Sarah Alcock.
The .second draw saw 'hYl
soak's foursome win the Labatt
Trophy with two wins and a' plus
of four. Mr. Jack Walker vyas
present to present this trophy.
Others on the rink were Bill Antic,
"'Vi Montgomery and J. W; Wood.
The second- prize on the second
draw event to Russel' Chevery's
rink with one win and a plus of
16. Others on this rink were
Sing Antic, John McLean and
Annette Stemp.
One win with the highest plus
for the day won the Hiram Walker
for Frank Pyremen's rink. Others
on" this rinks-wwere babel Riehl,
Harry Adam and Jeaa'-MacDonald.
Mr. Stuart Ogg expressed his
pleasure to ,the social committee
for making the bbnspiel the sue-
Bess it was.
he club's annual bonspiel is
to be held at the Memorial Arena
on Wednesday, March 18. Entries
are •now being received by Mrs.
Jack Whetstone.
The importance of the beaver
to the Canadian northland is em-
phasized in the Book of Knowledge,
which says that their efficiency as
dam -builders is such that slaught-
ering beavers for their skins is a
rio .ire R. -Q..1 .great -,in ..._.
ternational organization called
Ducks Unlimited, working with
various 'prtvincial governments,
has been "planting" beavers in
some df the northern duck -produc-
ing -areas.
Two Detroit H �;, ey Teams To Play
Here In Benefit For Listowel Fund
Two Detroit minor hockey
teams will 'play at Goderich
Arena on the evening of Sat-
urday, March 14, against two
Goderich 'teams with all pro-
ceeds going to the Listowel
Disaster Benefit 'Fund.. The
puck will he faced., off, :by Mayor 'Oscar M.• Nickel, of
The Detroit teams • are
known as the Detroit Bel Pemp
Ice Makers and are from the
Detroit Recreational hockey
League. Total number of play-
ers with the two teams, pee
woes and bantams, . will be
abottt 36. Transportation to
Goderich will be by five sta-
tion wagons provided gratis
by the Chrysler Corporation.
Billets for the boys while in
Goderioh will be arranged by
„..Mr. Brian Ainslie. The
Goderieh Arena
be supplying alf
for the games free,
Negotiations `.were under
way some time ago for these
games. When the disaster
struck at Listowel, however,
the aforementioned plans were
quickly finalized.
JiStOW!L!jsaster Fund
enefit '�c
1.304Learn to Skate p.m.
:.--Juveni1e__Hockey... ,..._..8._..p.m.
• Pt. Elgin vs. Goderich
gan.Hockey Tournament 9,a.m.-6 p.m. ' Jim,
m, Scot , BlnsonBowler o n andeffreDave
SUNDAY, -MARCH 8- Wilkinson';
Children's Skating 3-4.30 p.m. Squirt League
(12 years and under) „ , The Ground •Crew team defeated
Adult, Skating8.30-10 p.m, , the Infantry 1-0 in the first game
(Adults and Teenagers) of the morning at the arena last
,,... Saturday. This victory enabled.. the
MONDAY, MARCH'9= I Ground Crew -to take the hest. of
Learn to Skate 1.30-3 ,r, three series ' 2-0. They will meet
pthe winners of series `iB" " Air -
.Bantam -Midget Hockey 7,m.
crew or Artillery, for the town's
TUESDAY; MARCH 10- I squirt :championship. Fred •Gilbert
Learn to Skate 1.30-3 p.m. � forrhe the only scoedtGround ,Grew while Brian
Girls' Hockey 4-5.30 p.m. Mash registered a shut -out for the
'WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11- winners. i•
In the second game of the morn -
Curling ' 2 p.m. ing. George Schram . scored one
goal for Artillery which enabled
tillery has won one game and the
first- game ended in a tie.. Next
'Saturday morning 'win decide the
' winners of series "B" and they
will meet Ground Crew in a sud-
den -death final. •
Squirt All-Star
Last Saturday the Legion Squirt
All -Stars journeyed to Clinton
where they defeated' Clinton 12-0.
Gordon Graham scored six goals
for the locals while Fred Gilbert,
scored threo goals. Rickey Sower -
by, Brian Rush and Dennis -Kelly
each •added single markers for the
.avinne -s. Brian Mash and Tom
Creeton shared the shutout for
the 'winners. -
The following is a list of the
them to defeat Air Crew 1.0. Ar- names of the Legion Squirt All -
Dashing new ° spring styles.
These have just arrived.
SALE 19.95
15.00 UP •
9ANDU p.
Port Elgin vs. Goderich Kinsmen
8.30 P.M.
We still have a quantity of winter goods.
It will pay you to `stock up and save
at these ° special. low prices. °~
Stars. These boys are members of
the team which will journey to
i Mt. Fbrest on Saturday, March 7.
to compete for the squirt Cham-
, pionship: Brian Mash, Tom Cree-
{ ton, Gordon Graham, Fred Gilbert,
Rickey Sowerby, Brian Rush, Den-
nis Kelly, Harvey Skinner, Paul
Smith, John Whitten, Jim Jerry.
Richard Prest, Bill Craig, Donald
Crawford, George Schram arid
John Sheardown.
Legion Bantam. All -Stars
Last Saturday the .Bantams jour-
neyed.to Aylmer where they took
part 'in a Bantam Tournament.
They were defeated 5-4 by St.
Marys. Strathroy finally - won the
tournament when they, defeated
Aylmer 5-1.
In the Goderioh game Dennis
Williamson scored three goals for
the locals while Don McCabe scor=
ed a single goal. Penalties proved
costly for Goderich because St.
Marys capitalized on them to score
.the goal 'that tied the game -and
Right now the Local Bantam
team is playing off• with Walker-
ton. They were defeated in the
fret game by Walkerton. The next
game of this series will lie played
in Goderich. Members of the local
team are: Jim Willis, Jerry Fritz-
, ley, Gary Doak. Vern Skeoch, Ray
Black,. Jeff Reid, Dennis William-
son, Don `step, Don McCabe', Doug
Harrison, Wayne ltumig, George
Laithwatte, Ron Daer, Ron Homuth,
Don Gower, Wayne Doak and Ken
6 1 4
comas -
1/2 P -RICE
EVERY ITE IIN'ftHE STORE not' adiitrtised will have a 10% DISCOUNT
KUh. e •
CKX Luck Number ''rickets Available -
Saturday, -March" 7
1. Pee Wed
2. Pee Wee,
3. Pee Wee
4. Pee Wee
5. B -Midget
6. -Pee Wee.
7. B -Midget
0. 'Pee Wee
- 9. B +Midget
"B" • Goderich vs. 'Wingham
"B" • Listowel vs. Exeter
"A" • Port Elgin vs Lion's Head
9 A.M.
10 A.M.
"A" - Kurtzvilie, vs. Chesley " 12 noon
"B" Hanover vs. ,Goderich ' - 1 P.M.
"A" (Final) ,L'ion's Head vs. Winner 3 2 p.m.
"A" (Mal) Lion's 4ead vs. Gorrie •.•.. 3 P.M.
"0" (final) Winner. t vs. Winner 2 4 At
'Si' (Final) Listowel Vs. Winner 5 ' 5 I.M. •
The first step in ,the settlement
of the Prairie regions was 'taken,
as long ago as 1811, for in that
915 p.m:
Bel-Pemp Bee bakers
Goderich Lions Pee Wees
Goderich Legion ,Bantams
Saturday; March 14
. ADULTS 35c,
Proceeds to Listowel Disaster Fund..
-(This advt. donated by Signal -Star)
ur Spring '.' cele
Is 'Starting
Absolutely Na Offer Refused.
.1957 PONTIAC Sedan - Oally $1795,
1957 CHEVROLET ' Sedan Deluxe - $1795.
1955 HUICK, 2 -Door Hardtop .- $1195,
1953 CHEVROLET Hardtop - $695.
1903 DODGE Sedan.
3 - 1950 DODGE ICustoln Sedans with radios-,•
'Only $295 each..
Watch for Our Complete Listing Next Week -
9 Used Trucks in 'Stock
1/2 Ton to 4 Ton -- Hoists, etc. .
er e sponsors p o Lord Sel-
kirk left Scotland for Canada. They
reached the Red River Valley, near
the -present city •ofWinnipeg, the
following yeal`. The little colony
survived the suspicion and later
the armed attach of the, North
Weat.w,Compain "s:''M lion aid- it was
indirectly the •eatlse . Of the Nor' -
Weaters and the `Hndson's Ba r
Oompany.joinhig together in, one
great fur -trading combine.
tux ,.M Ru ,.tri. "Largeat • :Curs :flea%r