HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-1-1, Page 3sogacialrgawsit
For 30 Days
FOR 0.kS.r2.
Cone ee Price's
We now offer Stook, Tinware
and stoves ,Away Down,
No 9 Tin Boise's (made from best
Bradley tin) each, 1 75
10 qt Tin Pails, (do), eaeh 20
10 qt Tin Pails, (do), each, run. , , '«el
12 qt Tin Pails (do), 4 for. 1 00
12 qt Tin fella (do), rim, 4 for1 50
Steamers . ... .. 3il
Stove 'Brda all sizes 1 00
No. 3 ,orilliant Penensular Cook
Stove 1•s• 00
No 9 Wood, Cook. 17 00
Fine Art Royal Coa1Stove 20 09
Brilliant Noyelty " 14 (30
Second hand Radiant Home Coal8 Orr
One 5 Bolo Northwest Standard20 e0
2 Extended Reserviors 20 070
4 Gallons coat on 30
4, 4t Water White1 00
Chestnut e t Coal
OW aec-A-
Horse Nails 2 61)
Steel Nelda, 2 99
Cont Iron 2 60
No 3 Addy Chien ft 00
GB00E1 JE8, SU GS .RS,
TOILET SOAPS '-full line--..I.leettie,
Russian, Leedon, Dignan
$lakl:N SUM. , tilt'' a, \\'toil. 1'fr`iitNil, &-ate.
EGOS, PO urn's . Iii TfiAO11.
Eseter Roller Flour: on handMat
$2 85 por cwt.
Proprietor. Manager.
A. fire in Yarmouth, N. SF,, on Satur-
day night caueeti damage to the
amount of $125.01/.
The °uteric-eekeepera' Aeaocietion
will hold its annual meeting at St
Catharines Jan 7 and 8.
Res Michael ()'Donoghue, of Perth,
an old Kineetonian, and supersunuat-
ed, was found dead in his bed Christ.
mas morning.
The revival services in the Method -
tat Qhuroh at Aurora, conducted by
the Misses Libbio and (fertie Dimsdale
which closed last week, resulted in
upwards of 200 conversions.
B!`,r itawlor, the burglar who wee
sent to Kingston, Ont., for complicity
In the Ssm000 burglary eoven or eight
yearseineo, his gone out of his mind.I
He bore the reputation of being 'rho
most expert crackatuan in Canada.
Forest, Deo 27--1 fire broke out
lest n'es't in the house:of A. liunaphrv,
of t4r,dti ck village, occupied by It.
McFarlane, of this town, in winch the
house was totally destroyed. Most of
the contents were saved. Insured
for $4100; loss $100 on contents
lk'r Dante! Me Intyre, et Dorchester,
who has been ona purchasing tour in
Michigan for J L Grant Co., arrived
in Ingersoll Monday horning, having
secured a large number of hogs, He
stated that they could be bought from
$3 25 to $3 40 per 100 lbs., dressed,
ot oourae. The rJanadiau farmer gets
from $4 25 to ;5 25 per cwt. live
weight. But as all the above gentle-
men are pronounced Grits they prefer
Michigan to Ontario.
The startling announcement is made
that Sir Jc septi. I3ickaon has retired
from the position at general manager
of the (xrend Trunk and is to be suc-
ceeded by Mr L J Sargeant, traffic
manager of the same road. In an
mtervie)v Sir Joseph Biekson said this
step had been contemplatt d for some
time, but nothing approaching an
announcement had been made n;, till
now. Se has been i y
mpeUe. to this
p by the static to recuperate his
health which has been failingfor
On Christmas morning while twenty
two young men were driviug home
across Rice Lake to Harwood from
1te,rdly, Oat., where they had spent
the night dancing, the sleigh and
horse broke through the loe, precipit-
ating the whole party Into the water.
The weather was intensely cold, and
before the half drowned people could
get ashore a number of them were
severely frost
bitten, y ro t i bon, Un their arriv-
al at land they took possession of a
vacant house which fortunately con-
tained a store. Miss EIbe Johnson
succumbed to the hardship site had
(�,undergone and died, riotwithatanding
i the efforts of the others to :eava her
In the United States Senate Monday
Mr Carlisle introduced a resolution
providing for the appointment of cora.
misaioners to inquire into the trade
relations between Canada and the
United States.
The U. S. Secretary of Ag foulture
has issued an order closing all Ver.
moot collection ports except that of
St Alban's to the entry of Canadian
live stook destined for Atlantic points,
and directing that all tuoh stock be
inspected at St Alban's.
A spaniel from Pine didge reports
the capture of Big Foot and his band
of hostiles by the Seventh Uavalry,
wader Capt Whiteside. The capture
was made without a oon$,at. All the
other Indians in thep.Bad Lands have
decidedto come in, and the probabil-
ities are that the trouble is ended.
About I50 bucks surrendered.
The Waited States oommiasiouer of
education, Mr W. T. Harris, believes
that he has found an wry solution to
the difficult' .ofadjuatin gpublio soboole
to the needs of all denominations and
shades of religlo• a belief.. "It seen:ls,
to axe clear," he says, "that it is bet.
ter to separate r.•ligtous inatruction
from seru,ar inatruotto:i and to place
it in a diilerent 'chool, a school con-
neeteil with the ohnreli.f0
Such atoms of seed and dust as are
prevailing to ('entrai Illinois have
never been known at this season of
the y,ar. No rain has Wien in that
country for months. The wind has
blown strong and continuously for
several clays, and the dust and sand
lies in deep drifts in the ditches lige
snow. Die streanta are clrsing up,
and the scarcity of water is occaston-
ine great inconvenience among farm-
a,rntal murder waa committed
Friday night at Bohemia, L r. The
victim Wes Winnie Croupa. a cigar
maker, 21 yeara of age. the murderer
being Frank Eau is, 1.'4 years of age
also a cieermake • The murderer
.surrendered himself, saying : "I've
killed li iunie Croupa, and I've brought
you nue of his fingers to prove it.',
The body of the murdered man was
frightfully mutilated. Exude saya he
tolled Croupa bec.wse the latter lied
about hien.
Lamm -
ELECTION olr p1:F.cifee-.-14. 0. L. Nit
662, met in their bail on Saturday
Dec 21, and after the general bueinoss
Ives transacted the following brethren
were elected fora ----•
e hes' er.
Fhos t:nureey, re-elected W. .1. ; John
Dago, D. M ; Wm Bryant, Rteo. two. ;
Geo Hodgins, Fin. ,Sec. ; N Wen,
Treas. ; Wm Coursey, Chap.; Wm
Cunningham. John Atkinson, Jae
cooper, and S Gladioli committee teen
The officers were installed by the W.
District Master John Noll. The Lodge
is to gond working order with about
30 members There were several
vial ing brethren, .1 Armitage, lin.
Young. trots 493 , r: iluxtable W Si of
Pz k li(l.
I:t.LerIoN nF ovz'1e:.lune --1u 0. L. No
Intl7 met on Monday Deo 23 fete the
tral1lez ti.in of bti: News and election of
officers. The ch'tir ens caceap,ed by
the W. Diatriet Mae.ter, John Neil, of
Ventratia. 'Tho Loifgs is to good
etandeng both an number and tinenci-
ally. The following officer!' were el-
ected for the year 21.
Jas Cattier's. re-eleatud W. K. ; .1 T
Appleton, re-elected D. AI. ; Geo Mar-
tin, Chap ; John 11'i:son, Rea. Sec. ;
J' 1' Barnum, Fin. See. ; John Baird,
Treas. ; Chas Watson, Lecturer ;
York, D. of C. ; J. flail. Jackson,
T. J. Johnston, J. Jaokst•n, M. Jackson,
committee teen. Jaa Willies, ..John-
ston, Tylore.
St. 111arys-
I1t lltlrt:D--A netting of the Presby-
tery of Stratford was heldin the First
Presbyterian church 1'usedey to take
action concerning the oral from 'Vest
Presbyterian church, Toronto, to Itry
.1. il, Turnbull, L,L.B., pastor of the
nl n
church mimed Rev. hitt C I aero ,
moderator, presided, and after the
aual formalities addresses were heard
from the representatives of West
church congregation, As a rests t of
the deliberations the call was suatained
much tothe gtattticttionof the visiting
delegation, who, however, manifested
a full appreaiation of the loss the St.
Marys congregation will suffer in the
departure of Mr Turnbull, and of the
regret so strongly expressed by those
ot bis own congregation present at his
decieian to accept the call. 'Theohurch
harp lull be deolared vacant Jae. i8th.
CORREOTio*r-In the marriage notice
of last week's budget the name should
have Leen George Wilson instead of
PeessnvartoN,-- Mr. R. B. Henderson
who has taught the school here for the
pant three years, was, before leaving,
presented by his pupils vex thabenutiful
pearl inlaid vest chain ; and an address
expressing their regret at parting with
him their well wlsh ofor hzafut
nOn Tuesday was en-
erg he
y g
tertained at an oyster supper at the
residence of Mr James Brooks.
The following are among the visitors
to friends and relatives here during
this week : Mr Alfred Gunning and son
of Mtohigan; Mrs W. Lingard, Sarnia;
Mr D. Langford, of Mornington, Mrs D
Long and Mina A, Long,. ot London fp:
ELsaxioN or or xosne--L. 0. L. 493,
met on Deo 24 and the following offi-
oors.,were elected.
R. fiodgins,W. IL; That.. Fiodgins,DM
R. Culbert, Rec. Sec. ; W. J. Smith,
Fin. Soo. ; M. &rmitage, Treas. ; Wm
rurnor, Chap ; Jos Hodgins, D. of 0,. ;
Wm Young, Lecturer; F. A. Dobbs,
W, tl. Atkinson, J. Dobbs, lI El:odgins,
John Hayton, committee men. The
obairwas occupied by the W. D, Jit.,
3. Neil, of Centralia, After the e.ee
tion starring addressee were delivered
by J. Neil, D. M. Junior Hodgins
and others on the obligation and quali-
fications of Orangemen and the work-
ings of the order.
L. 0..L. 610, met in their Lodge room
on Friday Deo. 26th and the following
officers were elected.
J. Huxtable, re-elected W. M. ; F
Davis, re-elected D. M. ; G G. Essery,
Chap ; •v B Devic, Roc, Sec. ; Wm.
Davis, Treas; J Neil, J McFall*, Geo
Dagg, It'abt Craig, frZ Dcernam, cam•
mlttee men.
Balms -Mr Shoults has sold his term
to Mr Iii Jones. of McGillivray. -Our
literary entertainment was a detected
success. The proceeds, $32, will be
given in prizes. Mr L. D. Stanley acted
as chairman and all went lively as a
marriage bell
NoanNA'rtoN-C. C. Hodgins was re.
elected reeve by acolatnataon. Mesa's 1
F. Davis, T. C. Bodging and M. Bloke
Wheat .. 85o, to 88c. per bush,
Flour, Strong Baker's, $.2 75 per 100
do Best Family 2 25 "
• do . Low Grade .. 1 75
:Meltllinge 90e,
Screening. 1 OOe,
Chip ... $1 00 to Z 25
Chop stone running every day.
�F r
/X111 lis ft AU Coy.
having resigned. A. Btateon, W. Mc-
Gee, King tlodginv, T. Ryley, James
Toohey and iseo.lanson f ,r the council.
Certainly a good field and the electors
can scarcely make a mistake.
Grip 1891.
At the heginning of each year the intelligent
man -especially it' he he the head of a fatni is
decides upon the papers lie will subscribe for.
This is a matteref remg•eat imminence. and
as the amount taus to be irivesto 1 is usually
limited, not a little theight must be exeroiaed,
Ira wide choice is to be made. Next fa trio
local paper for ne pnblio epir.ted citizen will
fadt0 upi
ort on4 orother e!Oth1Ph
o o
-the journal which ffurdthe hest value
the moue v tai this oountrr is grip our national
humorous jnttri.al its n•eekfyvtt.iIs, tritulited
as it ally: $IS with fresh. bright and cleanly
fuuof pen and permit, it re events of rho in :at
hleaeurea( le• cecria'tion• In Canaritan homes
trans rho Atlantis to the Petition grip is belled
with deliglit by the children as well as their
elder& and far all it is a source of profitable in-
it'r •etitilt ails healthful laughter. Teo plan
113.1 ue'ee4eof (trip whish is new in its thirty
sixth volume i•+:i a edit to Canada. for in the
opinion ofgao.ljudges ,as fares ittlinndpoint
aro oteteet not it sterile in the brunt runic of
tihe work:a condo I • enetam. It costs only
perye ar and if 1•4•rol:ego wore a WAYS
greeted in u word:eco with tn• tit, It would be
lit ever t'at,a•tian bort?eltt ld without mop -
tact. Par i t. wire wish their sroatng li... 'F
and Ririe to l.' 3.-Auencnd in .4 right troy..:,3ou3d
not overieek Ihi'pnivirful 0Ianc) •
"A. Free Trip .Around tae'i?Srorid."
The al, ..nest.': tepie of the day is a Free
Trill bound the World. offered by 'The
Motto kseivater," Pat CO. to the pereou
serene the 'argot nuutherof truss constreet-
sdfr•..mthe lettere contained iut+eoacutancer
•flat ZSJX0 the Queen.' and found in either
Webster's and Worcester's Dietianary The
pubiiahers have nrreneed with the t:. P. It .
(tenor 1 Pees Agent..I r D. MoXicol. for the
trip by their new palatial, Meanies.. sewing on
its fair ous Ulobe.artcircltnr eueureien about
Marchi yah neat. Also in order et merit. ad-
ditiu.tol prises of -A free trig to Florida:
+liver tea sots. sewing nomeinee, ladies or
gentleman's 14k told Watch. eta Every
eperson tehi'de iiN C a alai or not less than twenty
ve words will receive a prise. Enoloso them
;rt cants to Pay for a greed premium o:itaioguee
complete rule", and a six months trial suh-
eariMien to thcirboautifuliy illustrated family
story paper. As tlto sueceseful competitor
•t.ay not care to bike the extereir.e t r•p otfere ,
the option of $10.11 t•, eaeh Contest to open to
any person in ';Meade or rho united States.
address "Tho Hume lrs.aoiaator, Montreal
If You will send ue your :Ahem.. wo will
tush you our illuetrated pmmehlot explaining
all about lir Itya'a 401 brined Electra -Vallate
Belt mid Atipliareee.and tltuiroharming Argots
upon the ,,ervou8debilitated system. and hew
they will quiekty ro,turo you to victor and man-
h t. t e Yout 4a is
uo i Pamphlet free. If aro tau, til ted
tin trJ$1 amid yon a lies' and Appliances on It,
VOLTAIC Bela Co.. Marshall, tlioh.
An els physician retired from rreetico,hav
ing bad plated in hie hands by an East India
Ans'im,ury the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for alto speedy and p:•rtauitantsure for
Consumption. Bronchi tie, Catarrh, Astiema And
all tliroatand luug atl'oattana. also a positive
andradi,'al euro for nervous debility and all
nervous aoniplaints,after having, tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
casae, has felt it 1 is duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows; daunted l,y this motive.
and a desire to Metre human eufforing,I will
send free of charge, to all who desire it, the
recipe in Herman, French or English, with
full directions for preparingand using. Sant
thismail caper, W. addressing with
2). stamp.
Rochester; N. Y.
AVMS TO 11oTHr lB.-Areyou :ttatnroodat
night pod broken of your rest by a suck child
suffering and crying with pain of Cuttine
Troth? If 'o send at once and got a bottle
o1"51ra.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil-
dren Teething. Its value is inoaleninble
It will: ulnen bhe poor little aufferor fm
mot*I; ranend upon it, soothers ; there
is r...m cLake about it. nouns Dysentery
and laiarrbcea, regulates the Stomach and
tioweis,nures Wind Oolio, softens tun Gnma.
i and gives tone and
death Inflammation, n
re g
to . W ins ow's
a'Jer^ t0
the Sri07es 9 m. 'hire Zv t
a y
9oathsug Syrup" for children teethingis
pleasant to the teethan a is the prescription
at ono of the eldest and beet female
physicians and nurses in bhe United
States, and t for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price twenty-five
oeuta a bottle. Bo Baro and ask for 'Uas
FGINSX.oWs 800TRIN6 Bxnue"and taste no
AWS SHARPENED. ---14B. 3•.
�7 VEAL is prepared to eharpon, sot, and
repair saws, on shortest notice, andsatisfaotion
guarantt od. Charges moderate.
Jong VEAL,
Ira Exeter North.
j O R
SALE. -20,000 FIRS'•
elms brink oan be had at a bargain.
Apply to
JouN TntVNTttlo7t,
Doalltf Croditon, Ont.
hereby cautioned against purchasing or
negotiating in any manner. a promissory note
drawn in favor of one C. W. Pourer for the
sum of ono hundred and fifty dollars (4150), by
Sampson Parsons, ad no value has been received
for the aforesaid note.
8 tameePAasoxs
Is headqumlrteps for the best
Cheapest Goods
We buy';`close and sell on a
our prices are too low we
will try and meet, you.
are aspirants for the deputyreeveehip,
Mr S, 11. Elodgin,, the fotiner deputy, i r s with trace l d se°
Children Cry fair NAV* Erik
Red Who et
;spring ,east ,.
nerley .,.
°lover Sion
Timothy '
Flours; rhhi
Potatoes,por bushel
DrlodApplespr b
t,eeae pee ne.
Turbew per lb
1tnea'e per lb
('.hiclzensper pr
rtideerong1t, ..
ihaepekius ea el
Wool porlb ..,
onions ne rime to
85to 00 87
••• , 4d'o to dti
,-. al. 40 to tlo 47
41 to 41
•-• a011ra37
-» .• 1 5010 24.)
• •••
Oto 6
», r., 0 411 to t I
», », feta tot
... 12to033
...te:to5 t.
... 40 to 0 40
r. ICOto1 0
• r„ O 4to050
• .., 0f5to0e6
,r, ., 07 to f8
,.. ... 000to507
r„ „ 0 25 to a an
... ...5COt0525
,. Ie0 tc�53.
', 2tIOto251
▪ , 3SOto390
06eto 2'
,., .. c ',tt to 0 5c
0 18 to 0 21
• ,. 5 CO tea 0^
..• .,. 27; to $ on
SFail Wheat. ...». ,. o g4 n ss
pring Wheo.t..... ... ......... ........ n r'4 a RR
Onley ' O40044
t ................ , - ,
''lover Saa't.........................................
,...,. t R l :,
TiratoElty:,..••...• r. 1 `f12 nt'
l:gtts .. n E, n 2,'
Rutter i'9 0 13
Pobatoee per bag 7s 11
Apples nor berm
WoolWoolner ab 2t 2c
ifaP pert -in �i ti`s :440
t nlininPer foil 14 Oo1rOtlhnrtea ,204Ott2ROllatmeaamerhhl,.,, E fi000
Wheat, 9'e to 91e nor bus. Oa's, Sit. to
40er per butt. Peas eta^ to 801) per butt. Bar-
loy,M tiling. ill} to ' 7e per hue. Harley Feed,
44c to 4ea par WI Corn, Olio to Fra per.
'f'.routt•.. 341i, 1 ,-'Cheat ;pri1g--:so, 3, Sze
to tete per hue: real wintor.No.2 'Co to 910 per
bto 1u`; 'c' 'tanitob
I.1sAat 1 &%u.oa hto aerate. tu9cot tobusft9e 'eio :. tree
t1.s1`a 45o
4)'r iter bits. FLOUR. extra. 84 r to •A.2't
er lett: str.i', ht roller et t0 to 414.2s t
*rongbakers. ^"4.tt0to S4.F0. BAltI.EY.'14o 1.
ote to tine: No3extra. .50cto Slat No 2.:.'c
When Baby was stet:, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she Cried for Castoria.
When she became :!hiss, she clung to Castoria.
When site had Children, she gave them eaetoria
Fl rnelt sittvrtta viivr.-Fifteen zounihe
oro I had a t;etelipg breast. I tried many
'mettles tett are uo relief. I then tried
1Ta;lyard'a 'renew Oil, whits' gave we in-
ettant COW. it isOW best thing I ever tined
for all k'i'lts of tains or colds.
one JonN Carter:.., tit liars., 'hut.
Englishep:tt n Liniment removes al
hard, soft eroallow'e.l Lunt pa and llletni:,ltes
from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints,
Ring lktne, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sort
and Swollen Throat. Comm, ete. Savo
850 by use of one bottle. %Vananted the
most wtnitlerful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by (1, Lute, Aruggist.
Ali Men
young, ebi, or middle-ngt'd, who find theta
etdVos nervous, we•ui, and t•ahaustse. alto
are broken down from excess or otera••r}r,
resulting in many of the following apes terrns
1lrntal tlepresft'+n, prenetntt' n:.l age. L.es
of vitality, Inca of zznenary, had &rums,
dimness of Atilt, palpitation of alto heart,
emissions ,
pain in oii
neys, ]traaehe.
'ample. on the face or
body, hulling or t t enittr s.•uanti.iu dont the
gercttum, wa'ttittg of tate mamma dizziness,
apt eke before the eyes, twitnhing of the
mu elee, eye ]ids tart elsewhere, bashful-
ness. doporits in the W1110, 1003 of will payer
tenderness of the ecalft rand spine, weak and
flabbl' tuueolee, desire to sleep, failure to be
rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
homing, loss of voles, desire for solitude,
excitability of temper,ennken eyea surround-
ed with leaden circle, oily looking skin, etc.,
are all symptoms of nervous debility that
lead to insanity and death unseal cured.
The spring or vital force Laving lost its
tension every function wanes in consequence
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorauco may be permanently cured.
Send your address for book en all dieeases
peculiar to roan. Address M. V. Lubin, 50
Front St. E., 'Tornuto, Ont. Books Sent
free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms
of which are taint spells, purple lips, numb
nese, palpitation,
ale heats. Iot flashes,
rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the
heart with beats strong, tepid and irregular,
tho second hears beat quicker than the first,
pain about the breast bone, ete., can posi-
tively bo cured. No care, uo pay. Send
for book. Address M. V. Lancs, 59 Front
Street East. Toronto. Ont.
8N1T1iD 5TAT2:8.
llarper.sBasar is it journal fer the house,
Giving the latest information with regard to
the Fashions in numerous illustrations. fash-
ion piatee, and pattern sheet supplements are
indiepensable a ike to the home dreas maker
and the professional modiste. No expense is
spares in making its artistic attreetireaas of
the highest order Its elsver short stories
parlor plays, and thoughtful essays satisfy all
and its last paja is famous as a budget
of wit and humor. In its weekly issueerery
thing is included which is of interest to women.
Dunng 1891 Agnes B Ormabee will write a
series of articles on "The House Comfortable,"
Juliet Carson will treat of "Sanitary Liring"
and an interesting suooession of papaya on
"Woman in Art •and History," superbly illus-
trated. will be furnished by Theodore Child.
The aerial stories will be by Walter Besant
and Thomas Horde.
Per Year.
Pry... AND ar'
The Best Coods for the Lest Mor, y.
. . «,.,air,
We carry the Iargf st s+tack of STOVES , artl TI T�t'AII;"E ar
town, and we at I1 them at thelowest possible pricy for cash.
i' a'":,aa
In 35ai1 and Library Lara s we , are showing
an elegant disp''ay at right prices. All kinds of Table and - Marsh
Lamps at Wholesale priccs.
In CROSS -CUT SAWS we are showing all the latest and
leading patterns and makes. Five different patterns to choose from.
2EZ; -A large stock at prices that defy competition.
,•,.,4,.-. .., r 44.4..
As usual, a full stock of general Hardware, Paints, Oils and Glass
on hand.
Agents for the celebrated Raymond Sawing Machine.
B IS ETT 13H055
The Most Economical Stove, The Best Hater,
A Perfect Baker for
. Pastryor The Best Farine
' Stove
ve an# Equally . Good for a>c Personus
Tia IiYl
se. - 44,4.
' 'rr `•-rt"I..-try.',1r Err7:-r- <c-xs•"w'
Call an(1 see this and other first-class stoves frog E.
& C. Gurney Company for s'a'le only by
CENTRAL*cos {' * 14:e
Drug Store
One Door South
of Post ()fact)
A. full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
Postage Free to iii subsoribersin MO United
States, Canaria an,d Heaico. ,
The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the
first Number for January for each year. When
no time is mentioned, subscriptions will been
wofithordert ho. Number current at the time of receipt
Bound Volum s of l,Iarper's Bazar for three
veers back, in neat cloth binding, will bo sant
by mail, postage peed, or by express, free of
expense (provided the freight dons not exceed
ono dollar per volume,' for $7 per volume,
Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for
binding, will be sent by mail, post paid et re-
ceiptoi $1 00 each,
=Remittances should be . made by rost-office
money order or draft, to avoid ohanoo of lope,
Idewsnopers are not to copal We advertise -
mint without the express order of Harper de
Address HARPER & 1110NaERS.
z 0. A. ElYND14LAN.
loI. *ri't- r SS:
---_H11 HAS -
A 1 W AND 0011 113.
Boots &
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing prompilyatiendea to.
4 Fresh a7UZ Neuf
Ind arrived at the family Grocery. Also
Pure Extracts and. Spices.
beautifulp i
@Ce glass-
la -
ware given away with one Ib.
Mayell'e Baking Powder.
Dashwood Roller Floor for sale.
Call and examine one goods before per:
abasing elsewhere.
` O ercoatiisga at any price ; Suxt-
ings at any price ; Pantin.gs
at any price
Best Ordered cloth' r � produced in Exeter
Gentlemen! leave your orders early, for
with the best staff of Tailors ; the best
stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best
Cutting in Town, yea are sure of el: list-
Reliable Good
At Prices Lower that so -cal.
led Cheap Houses can give
Undertaking in all if
S. t IDLE'Y,
(Successor to C. to S. Gidley)