HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-02-12, Page 9r *.) • 444.44., •,'"";,,,„, !Tie, , • ”TUG ;•, ,v.,'.0.-itcc•(0.4;`,444; „ i • 0 0 PI • • , .„ • t , -1144 4.4 • 441'A Fc Bakery Specials KED IN A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS :Jane Parker (8", 24 -oz Pie) Reg, 490—SA 4 Abo APPLEPIE - each 39c STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE' Jane Parker Reg. 350—SAVE 6c SPANISH BAR CAKE each 29c Jane Parker Plain, . Reg. doz. 29c -B -AVE 90 SUGAR, CINNAMON DONUTS 2d.149e Jane Parker . Reg. loaf 23c—SAVE 9c RAISIN BREAD 2,16,oz loa;ies 3 7c Jane Parker ' Reg. pkg 35c—SAVE 6o CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES Pk9 29c Jane Parker Reg. box 59c—SAVE 10o POTATO CHIPS '12-ciz box 49C Jane Parker Reg. pkg 29c ---SAVE 90 SUGAR- COOKIES 2 Pkgs 49c Frozen' Food Specials A&P Fancy Quality Reg. pkg 36c—SAVE 10a STRAWBERRIES. Libby's French Cut* GREEN BEANS 3 15 -oz pkgs.95c Reg. pkg 23o—SAVE 3o 2 10 -oz pkgs 4'3c MILD & MELLOW (CUSTOM GROUND) • ' Eight O'clock Coffee 3 -lb bag 1 • Ifght ff' / , 100TH ANNIVERSARY • • ON NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ITEMS •Rose Brand Rag. 2 -lbs 49c—SAVE 3c ARGAMIE-- N- — 41 -lb pkg.9- Stgkely Reg. tin 31c—SAVE 3c TOMATO -JUICE 2 48 -oz tins 5 9c . Success Heavy Duty Reg. tin $1.19—SAVE 20o LIQUID WAX Quart Tin 99c Clark's With Meat Sauce Reg. plig 49o—SAVE 60 SPAGHETTI DINNERPk .6.43c 1859-1959 All Purpose Cleaner 100th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION • LESTOIL. SPECIAL OFFER l• Ann Page Creamy THE NEW 20 'VOLUME ILLUSTRATED • • ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume 17 On Sale This Week For Only c BACK COPIES STILL • AVAILABLE • EXTRA SPECIAL! PEANUT BUTTER Reg. btl 81c—SAVE Go 32 -oz btl 75c Reg. jar 35c—SAVE 6c 16oz jar 29c Tomato & Vegetable Reg. 2 tins 25c—SAVE 13o CLARK'S SOUP 9iortins.1.00 45c Cloverleaf . Reg. tin 41/927—SAVE 40 SOCKEYE SALMON 16c Off Deal BLUE BREEZE king sizet3 3 Watson's • 4. Reg. pkg 29o—SAVE 40 SWEETHEART CANDIES 11 -oz pkg 25c A&PChoice Quality ' Reg.,.2 tins 37o -SAVE 70 CREAM STYLE CORN 3 ip-oz tins 49 c A&P Choice Quality SPECIAL I POPULAR BRANDS RED PITTED CHERRIES 3 15 -oz tins 49c CIGARETTES Fiai;ual)EAS. Reg. 2 tins 33c—SAVE 6c - iS-oz tins 27c Std. Keiffer Reg. 2 -•tins 35c—SAVE 40 carton of 2002,89 IONA PEARS 2 20 -oz tins 31c Super -Right Meat Specials Fruit 6* Vegetable Specials SALE GOLDEN RIPE, NO. 1 GRADE — THE MOST DELECTABLE FRUITRAIJAIJA LAMB • LOt au!" short cut shank (7, ".-4 flank On 1b491 full cut • 1131 9c in Basket 10 Roast, Chops, Stew lb 1 C, 4 BEEF ROASTS -SUPER RIGHT- TRIM Boneless Point Sirloin or • Boneless Rump, Boneless . lb, Round Steak Roast SID„ BAcON All Geed, Smoked Rindrblesskg Burn Pork* • •• ' • • HEAD CHEESE aliktirl *al FILLET' Apkg43C WHITE FISH- PILETS 1 -lb Pk° 49c iiiiDDOCK. FILLETS 14Pk-45c • 14, .44 lbs • FRESH CUBAN, NO. 1 GRADE, RED SPANISH, GOOD SIZE P1NEA 25c each Mexican, Hand Selected, No. 1 Grade pp:LES 4for99c TOMATOES California, Finest. No. 1 Grade, Full of Jukce, Sunkist • LEMONS' ' cello tube 1 •cello tubes 2 9 c Finest for Eating, ()Maio Gi.own, Fancy Grade Mcl'ntosh • APPLES' VISIT OUR FLOWER DEPARTMENT 3-11? cellobag FOR ST. VALENTINE'S PLANTS AND CUT FLOWERS FEATURING IVY on a 'TRELLIS POT 49c ----PREEMBARGAIN SAtE smw-- 'TOMATO JUICE 8c OFF' GIANT SIZE 77t , With free Cannon Tea rowel LUX LIQUID, SALE c OFF LARGE SIZE 39c 10( OFF GIANT SIZE 73c 1 • SIZE , 'TOILET SOAP ft SALE BUYfOUR. REGULAR BARS and GET FIFTH BAR—tot ld 5, bars 4 5 C , 220:oz tins' 29, , • An Ideal Valentine Gift 'MARY.LOU A CHOCOLATES 1 -lb box 7 • EXTRA SPEIAL! A&P Instant Coffee "z 89c 4.*4.4441.1,4•14 2 -oz jar 37, Jane Parker H011: CRQSS BUNS • plc() of 6 29c Super Markets A,P mfANS r EPENDABILITY 41 ,4 Pelee. le This Ad Guarantoid Througli'Sradrday, rib. I4th, 1969. • - • • ' • , * , • N ; ^.4 • V 44, 444 rnat•rg",t.o.' • ',1,•••,4•4•74,-...",....• .• ti ii*':.4!:xort•°:'1),4*.4:61•42c:t4t1'iti4 %0:00;"1.14)-:0:wa.,i41)stt_ii,":414: whrelirmapf 4th If •*Nv,flookle0,,, • otql:egr;e44 Pf;149:043,4:::1:0•0';' 1:44ewitit beay lePkival. *tarn 'llag;.•1:4004, held in held this Oda .yvar at IcAttghpler* The. Little Theatre wW,present 9tkim4Y6' .°PifnelaWte"M'Yerath' *niel will -be sdirectifl :by June Hill. Rehearsal is expected to start some time.this week. ' .CIMGTV recently woo • a na- tional award. for the,- Seat Local •Programming 41,kd'helPink (win 4he award was Goderieh L.T.Ps pre. ,sentation of a play on the Sunday oni.th.Tt..V9rroegsreagef,d"Sap.soht/iorgtht,;isayT.14pe Juvenile Delinquency iWritten by Huron County Probation Officer. Nfr: -W. Craven, and produced-diar- inguactober-4 After the meeting Lon Wednes- day, a short skit ;was presented for the enjoyment of the .members. It was an "Eastern,” Written and directed 'by L.T. naembers. Tony Merser who said that this skit was being presented because he was sure there were too many "West- erns" being shown these days on TV and the movies. •' • . , One of Goderich Figure' Skating Club's senior members, Susan Sale, 12, helps beginner Monica Gemenhart, 6, of Bayfield, during a Saturday afternoon practice session at Goderieh Memorial Arena.. • After one year of inactivity, the club was re -organized recently and now has a membership of more , than 59. The club pro is Dennis Silverthorne, „of -Stratford. S -S Photo by R.H. • GODERIC.H DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE " V.'", • (By Briane D: McLean) ••"Tea-hoUse of. the August .1Vloon"1 was the theme of GDCI's 23rd "At me722-hel4-1ast--F-riday. .gym -auditorium at the 'Collegiate. • After several weeks of- hard work, Members of the Students' Council, and others,.caiLbe justly, proud 'of their work. I won't go into details here but the highlight was • the, huge Chinese (?) dragon which 'sat on the stage. It was realistic enough to have stepped down and devour a few of the fair maidenS whs danced below it. The entrance to the gym was arrayed like the doorway of a pagoda; and stream ers with the blue and white school colors were rrruch in evidence:, Congratulations to the Students' Council and the decorating com- mittee! * * Having disposed of Past events, let, us now turn to coming ones. Heading the line-up is' the variety show which will be presented- on February 26 and 27. The purpose of the variety show is to reflect school life, featuring such things as tumbling, army cadets, fashions, and "take -offs" on such subjects as history and Eng- lish, In addition, it illustrates to the students the hecessary working bf any stage or other kind of pro- duction. ' Combining the efforts of both teacher and student, it gives experience in lighting, costuming, staging, direction, as well as other things such as, programs, publicity, sales, ,and all those things which miike a show of this type possible, Casting for the show was com- pleted last week and it went into rehearsal on From what I've seen of the,show, which is now completely on paper, it looks very good and 1 feel safe in urging everyone to set one, of those dates (that's February 26 and 27) aside and be there ,when the curtain goes up on "Collegiate Capers '59." • Another upcoming event at Goderieh Collegiate is the hockey frame between .Goclerich Collegiate "Vikinas" 'and the Seaforth ColleiZ- iate- "Golden Bears" to be held Saturday, February 14th. Prices and time is listed in the advertise- ment which (1 hope) appears else- where in this paper. It's sponsored by the BrA.A. -and is the first bqcke.y 1—'71/n, FtrifrODeltillrirt lent the four -odd years'diat•I've been here. * ' The Notebook: There's just four weeks le -ft in the Bowling Club Fehedule, before the championship, and it looks like a 'fight between the "Preteens," the "Cool -Cats," and the "Aces" for -first place. "Raiders" are out'of the !race hav- ing °won 'the &St derlefn",.. . In curling, too, the championship of thtl. tlub soon 'he at -stake. So all members are urg6d to be pre- sent, . game stbdents and form- er students mw be interested in knowino. that 'Miss Cooper, a fown. er tepelinr at GUM arti now Mrs ":1-toluirdse: is instrticting In the new .4.teAriving coutse on CFPL-TV, 12,30 1001. It is a vrnr 11-10111VI"T"r-"t (telvet atiti brOWitefiv6 driver bhfold . The Year,' book datte NOtrb'eh*If On Fridne 4,4 • f around the call letters of those two rival stations?) so don't forget to attend At • an......assembly last week. the 'film "Gateway to sthe Mind" was shown. . . . I think it's about time the basketball teams began to earn their keep, don't you? Well, how about everyone getting out and supporting them! Next week, I'll trY • to have a resume of the. scores to date. OPENS EGG MARKET Mr. J. E. Reid has opened an egg prodtice market on Hamilton street in the store owned by Mr. Thos. *VVarrener. For the present, his place ,of business will be open from '9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mr. Reid is 'unmarried and lives with his Par- ents, Mr.'and Mrs. Lawrence Reid, of' Saltford, fOrnierly ortlie Luck -- now area. OBITUARY DR. HUGH WESLEY HARRHJSON, Services for Dr. Hugh Wesley Harrison were held at' 11 a.m.. Fri- day at the.R. Harold. Ling funeral home, 915:East Grand Boulevard; Detroit. • Dr. Harrison; 58, 'of 4847 Iroquois, Detroit, died Tuesday, February 3rd in St. Joseph Mercy Hospital where he was an execu- tive board member and secretary - treasurer of the medical staff. He was 'medical director for the, Aluminum ,Company • of America, Detroit, and Dibble Color Co. Pratt & Lambert for 36 years. Thursday evening. George Wash- ington Post American Legion held services. Rey,erezid Clinton L(,)wrie, D.D., Pastor Emerittth of Jefferson Av- enue Presbyterian Church, •con- dacted the 'funeral. service. The nurses from Mercy College of /shut- ing formed an honor guard. Hon- orary p.allbearers were staff physic- ianq of Harper a,nd- St. Joseph Mercy hospital and executives of Aluminum Company of America and Pratt & Lambert. Oriental Lodge No. 240 F. and A.M. conducted the graveside ser - Vices. A- lifelong Detroiter, he was an alumni of University of Michigan and interned at harper Hospital. He did post -graduate work in Europe. He was a member of Jef- ferson Avenue Presbyterian Church, Wayne County Medical SIO- ciety, •Michigan State Medical So- ciety, American Medical Associa- tion, Oriental Lodge No. 240 F. and Detroit Consistory, Moslem Temple (Shrine) Royal Order of Jesters, Twilight'Club, Eastern Chapter No, 420 Order of 'Eastern Star, the George Washington Post of American Legion and the Mich- igan Orchid Society., Survivors ' include his 4w -i f e, Helen, a son, Hugh Wesley, Jr. (Bud). and two grandchildren, Margaret Kay and Jean Ellen. Burial was in Woodlawn ceme- tery, 'Detroit. • • • MRS. GEORGE WESTBROOK Not Everybody Wants -Sidewalk Some of the people—but not all of the people—want a sidewalk. Last fall, Town 'Council received p petition for construction of a sidewalk onthe north side of Britannia road, between Victoria street and Huron road. Friday night, a „new petition from this area was presented to council. It was sign8c1 by 12 peo- ple who don't want the sidewalk'. The matter was sent along to the public' works committee for further consideration, as were two other petitions, These other petitions call for a sidewalk 'on the west' side of War- ren street, between Britannia road i and Caley street, and a sidewalk,: on the south side of Mary street, between pxford and Hincks streets: KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE, Feb; 9 —Week- end visitors here were Miss Mary Therese Martin, Jimmy Martin and .Joseph Martin; of Hamilton, Mr, Peter Lierman friend, Miss Spriet, of Langtini, Mr. Roy Keane, of Stratford, Me. and Mrs, Bruce Hansford, of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Finnie and family, of Goderich, visited here on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. tack McConville (nee Mary Therese Austin) on the algival• Of a daugh- ter on Feb •r..4till.at St. Michael's Hospitai,',Toronto. We were sorry to hear that Mrs. Theodore Redmond; of St. Augus- tine, has been a patient in Wing - ham • hospital for the past few weeks, following .a heart attack. ifer --roo-apierid-s.„ wish 4ier.-44.4 speedy recoveryF: Mrs. ROmond was the former Ella Hogan of this. parith. Congratulations to Mrs; Cather- ine Reynolds who celebrated her 92nd birthday on February 7th, 1959, at the Ray Dalton -home, where a card 'party was attended 'hy Friends and neighbors. ' --,,---- • . .11 Funeral services for Mrs. George Westbrook were conducted on Sat- urday afternoon at the Stiles fun- eral 'home, when ,Rev. 'A. E: Eustace officiated. Interment was made in Maitland cemetery. The pallbear- ers were Major Youngblut i of Auburn, Donald Youngblut, of London, Leonard Archambault, of Auburn, Ernc:t Stevens. of Walton; • Frank Roberton, of Seaforth and Frank Warnock; of Sarnia. Mrs, Westbrook Vs' S The fOrrnei( Isobel Youngblut, a daughter of; the late, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Young- blut and was horn in Hullett Town- ship 76 years ago. She died sud- denly at Alexandra Hospital on Thursday last. Deceased resided in Hullett Township until 1900 when she 'came to Goderich and had resided here ever since. She was married to Mr. C 2. r r_N. West- brook in 1902. She was a member of North Street United Church. Surviving besides het hUsband are four sons, Earl, Leonard and Harry, all of Goderieh, and Walter, • of Kingsville. A son, Cpl, William ; Westbrook of the Algonquin regi- ment in the Second World War • was • killed in action in Belgium in 1944. 'There are four daughters, Miss Dorothy, Mrs. Geo. T. (Annie) ROSS, both of Goderieh, Mrs. M. H. Glive)--Bakeri, -and R. S. (Betty Jean)sner, of 'Parent, Quebec. • Thelly"lrfe also - twelve grand chil dr en a.nd two ' great-grandchildren As well as four sisters, Mrs. Agnes Nott, Mrs. John (Jeggie) Vodden, of LondesbOro,' ',Miss Margaret YoungbInt and Mrs. (Alice) Archantbault, both of Goderieh. thirteenth) -4r foltures nick. veratignd„ of OKST,radio (note' the candor with which I toss 4.4 REID'S PRODUCE • EGGS BOUGIT AND 'SOLD . ' . 73 HAMILTON WilltEE'17 6011=10/1, PhrSie 305W. c•t'e Vithere lrouv patrOrtit 's . . • r4• •