HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-1-1, Page 1AND D HURO MIDDLESEX AZ TT E.
0, t:XPII,'LU�': ', O2fi": A.RIO, T1IURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1, 1891
H, a1,...KSON, Barrister, $ ll
crier of 3ip eiiia ;purt Notary
Public, 7oawnsemir. Cemmiseionee.
Money to Coen.
08900.0 Feneon'sBlock. Exeter
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Sto.,.
Office over the Post Office.
Banisters, Solicitors Notaries Public,
Oonve aueers &o, &o...
goweet R f
tt�'�Ioneg to Lean tea o
at L Re
n, Y. >tt.rieov,
Simecwar to 11. Ta, li.iblinga..
{tISoraber of the Royal College of Dental
Suigeonee Anaesthetic Rivera for taw pa tutees
&*traction of teeth.
OFFICE ; Over O'Nei!'s Baiik.
Lucca every Feeley.
3AtAN,*!'i'1 J.�#: iia•1 n:It,sA'e
'+unxw ll'8 Week, Main.st. Exeter,
t:ztracta Teethe without
pal n Away at Rs&eamoil
drat 'Fraley ;�Orate,second
xn!t fc,utb Tuesday: :and
?Mitten on tine taut Tbura-
clay of each mouth.
\tli OLVAL.
�.... 1 .9 GOWNING M. O., bi, tl
Oreduate Victoria Vniverait `:
'Oftece Hurl residence, iiom'rion ambers -
tory. Exeter. -
R. A.YNl)1rfAN, aortr,er for the
i f Huron. Office, o r. osite
County a r 1 P .
Carling Brute. storn, l;xotor.
R. J. A..ROLLINS,A .O..e,B.''.
O. offlcn, Rican St. Exeter, Ont.
Residence, eontro recently aaeupiad by P.
htorhoi R. m9q,,
r . i LLN M. D. C,
,..1.4• Graduate Trinity University Tor-
onto Fol. Trio Mod. school. Toronto ; orad.
Am Inst•,Cranfolort. ; Moruber N. Y. Acad.
Anthropology; Member Coi. P, S.. Ont.—
odiao. Dashwood. Ont.
-i 00DRUFF
lge :sea of theEA..t, NOSE avn THROAT
hisses and Spectacles furnished for
ear and Distant. Vision.
lways at borne. except on Fridays,
No. 1S5 Queen's Avenue,
London, Ontario.
BOSSEIv73ERRY, General Li
.0 • sensed Auottoneer Galea coudnotad
in aliparts. Satisfaetionguaranteed. Charges
moderato. Beusall P O,Ont.
HENRY EILI3LI'R Licensed A.no-
tioneer for flay, Stephen, &estate•
Gllivray Townships. Bales oonduetcd at
moderatereees. Offloe , at Poe t•oflloe, Ored-
•lton Ont.
Aiiot:cueorandLand'Vah)ator. milers
sent by mail to my a dime, Bayfield P.O.,
will receive prompt attention. 'leans moder-
ate. D, B. WHITER, Auctioneer.
Tennent& Tennent
Llraeuatesoftlie Ontario Veterinary 001 -
°poems ; .One door South of Town Hall.
-me per cent, 825,000 irivateFunds. Best
Loaning companies represented,.
Barrister, Exeter,
H 1 j
This is only too true, and often we see
the reality de,manstrated by people going
to the wall through buying goods at falai-
boils prices, or mismanagement. An old
sow. rs; "Its an i11 wiud that 1.h,ws no per
on profit," and constant observation has:
no doubt taught you that what is one
persons Iuss is another persons gain. So
it is iu tbe matter Ave wish to bring before
you tu•day. It ant he marry a day before
the failure of Jas- Pickard will be entirely
forgotten, and to Give you a beat oppor-
tunity to profit by it we are applying the
knife and clown goes prices foe the Xmas
trade. Immediately after this we start
stool; taking and packing goads to have
the+ premises vacated by latter part of
January. No reasonable price will be re-
fused for any article in the catablish.nent,
for you will underetauti as well as ani seivea
it willnot pay to pack find move the
goods. . Let et urge upon you once mere
to consider yarns awls niter -esti, (;o where
goods have to be sold and where you can
buy the cheapest. OM prices will be clone
away with and a new code for the holiday
trate employed.
Whiting you all a merry Christmas, a
very happy and prosperouss.ew Year.
CAN ADA. Head Office, London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful 'business, still
continues to offer theowners of farm property
and private residenceseeither on buildings or
contents ,the most favorable protection in case
of loss ordamage byfire orlightnino, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other respect
able company can afford to write. '42,375 poli:
cies inforcestJan ,1890, Assets $$378,428.00
in cash in bank. -Government depose. Debora-
, tures and PremiumNotes. JAIINS c aA)IT,
President; D. C. Mc0mien ,blanager• Devin
Jecreas,Agent for Exeter andvieinitv.,
Established in 1868.
This doini.any has beenovorliiWghteen
The Mo ons
(0114,11117.1tED lel' I A it1,T.1DLFET,ts:':3'
Peed up(veldt al .. .. sti,ft4.9,t'0
i osthund ... 3.0iC ee
tfeadOtiiee, llfontreal.
F. WOLFI' STA1ti THO MASiliee .
(IEnartea iANAGF.i
20 bran ahohieesinthe eseminion. Asenc:e:
in the ltolnitilon.U.S.A.Aud .Rara,ee.
Exeter Branch,
Dien overylawful day, from In a.m,te3 p.m
SATL'itDAYS,10 a.m to 1 p.m.
4Per,Cant.perannum allowedformoney on
ears in 4nm:woeful-operation in &stern
nario, and ;eontinnes to insure against
aerie or flamageby Fire Buildings. Merchan-
dise, Manufactories, and all ether descrip-
tions of; insurable property_. Intending
insurers have the option or insuring on
lie :Premium -Note or.OasliSystem.
During; the pasteen years this, Oom-
anytree issued 57,090Polieiea, covering
*petty to the *mount o $0,,8039; and
id i loesea: alone $709,752,00.
et 0:00
a6ets,::5S1'i'6,1,11 roonsfetingofCash
Govornuierut.D&n oa talpd';the nn-'
sed Premium Netts on bane: and to
as . b'[
;I 3'1"
' r�tr
tar . 7; F1
y lI
8 ,Q
a ear
y tax :
• ,fi{
rria +t
t:, k S
hd 11
,IZ robin Various Sources Through.
out; the District.
W Dann, 'V el, of Grantee, has gong on a
trip to the Western States.
A meeting ui Biddrdple Orange District
will bre held in Greeuway on the 13th Jan,
Jr John Brewster, left Clandeboye ou
Saturday, for Contrtton, Northumberland
Mr Arthur 1totliam,teaolier of the school
fn Stephen, has resigned and intends going
to Toronto to further his studies.
11r ea. Doherty, of Clinton, bas disposed
of his trotting horse eOnward King,' to a
firm ill G1incee fur $2,000..
The perfect purity of Imperial Cream
Tartar nuking Powder is aoknowlodged by
leading 1"hysicians and Chemieta,
The seeond daughter of err Arthur
Stewart, of Logan, wet given in wedlook to
Mr Mite, on Lneedey laat,a worthy young
0101) of Palmerston.
Mr liy ,Tones iutends L•uilding a fine
brick house in the spring, cn the farm
which lie recently pureha«ed from 11.r
John Hawkshaw, lst con Usborne.
A little daughter of Mr J J Piokurd, of
Seaforth, formerly of Exeter, was knocked
down in Seaforth atreets the other day by a
runaway horse, but was not seriously in-
Quite an excitement was caused in the
viciuity of Mooresville, recently, by the
swindling of some of the farmers by a
party working the seed oats swindle on
them to the tune of some $500,
You hardly realize that it is medicine,
when tatting Carter's Little Liver Pills :
they are vary small ; no bad effects : all
troubles from torpid liver are relieved by
their use.
Mr John Hannah, of Tnckersmith, who
is ever on the alert for business, left on
Saturday last for Victoria, Vancouver Is-
land, where he hopes to open a market for
his creamery products.
It in stated that Mr Sentinel timiltie, who
for the past three years has filled very ef-
ficiently and satisfactorily the position of
clerk of tmenship of Tnckersmith, intends
to retire at the close or the present year.
3-r 131axe ar,Huliett, died ou Friday last,
at the advanced age of 90 years. Deceased
teas one of the early settlers of the town-
t•bf 1,atter{s be a- been iroubl:d with
a eat.cer. be Las been ailing for of number:
years. Hie aged partner survives bunt.
!Ir 8. Hill, of Clinton, has fast sent a
&:swing machine to the" Salvation Army
ltrt,ace Home. Stratford, Mr Hill has.
leen very ke:ncrous to the Army, haring
conditionally donated abort $1600 to the
Army funds.
Ru Thnreaav last Mr Chas liobertson,
father of the unfortunate John Robertsons.
woo writ confined in the jail,here on ei,aree
of ireatrlts, arrived in the city from St
Marys, OnWio. Be ri;nrne;l east with
hath un Tuesday.---Brandt?n San. --
On ('bs stnir:e eve a deputation of bis
pariehionere, t t the manlier of 30, waited
upon tier ll Shew, iuoumbent of Holy
Trinity-Chnroh, T,ueau, +end preeenie4 him
with an address and it splendid gold watch
and Wrath valued at gl2",.
Bobeit Fox, of the firm of li t J Foie,
bankers, Lucen, i, atill confined to hid
room !row the effects of falling down a.
trap doorway a few clava ago, whereby flume
of bin Jibe %era broken and other ipinrlos
The meanest imam in the world brae
been unearthed at last. He hat turned up
in Clinton. The miserable) speohnon of the
human race bill&d n dog, that he might
txlw off from its weak a valuable collar
whish lie c.lutel not have taken from tee
Wend delle living.
The list of ronvietione for Huron Couutt
r Oro quarter ending December 9th hal;
befit issuers. Ther cru J convictions re
corded, ae follows : Ooatericlt,017 ; Clinton
9 ; Exeter, 7 ; t eafortit 3 ; Brussels, 2 ;
and ether placcu 11. Wingham does not
ileum iu the list, to its front be it said.
.A young man neared :Mnribi ek'McLeod,
ton or Mr Alexauder McLeod, of the 4th
ono. Kinloss, near Laicism'', bad tris leg
broken while working in the lumbar woods
near Duluth one day last week. 1s three
days after the cloetdent blood poisoning set
lu and death malted a few hours after-
One day lank werl:, C"anduotor Snider,
who rune between Wiughatn and London,
on the Is 11 it 11 Railway, while in London,
was oaprivate r
called into to a oto roam in the
Grigg Holum, aud presented with a largo
3lagster Bible by Mr Sentinel Grigg and "Ir
0, Whale,
The Mitchell Recorder aaye "Mitchell has
decreared iu population 'during the past
few years, to the extent of 400, and takes
great pride in making the etatemeut. The
peoplcc:.Mitchell cannot earety take mush
pride in the Rewriter, which is continually
deriding the town.
The list of convicting for the county a1
Porth,fur the quarter ending December 9th,
1890, has been issued and the number of
convictions Is unusually small, the amount
of fines and clams ;e'r being only $09 ;
and tbo number of persons aonyioted
Mr Andrew Wright, of Bibbed, was in
Mitchell on ltfonday evening, and put up
his horse. When removiug the animal
from one atabie to another the brute be.
same unmanageable, and fell on the slip-
pery ion, brealting ono of its lege, whloh
made it nece veru to destroy it,
Mr Donald Mnivor, aged 25 years, 'form-
erly a resident ofLondon, was accidentally
killed at Smith's Creek, Mich, the other'
day, His parents formerly lived in Nis -
enure. It appears be started out with a
boon companion, and was found with ono
side of his head ground to a pulp, his
horses having run away,
The following list is of thous who have
obtained professional third plass certificates
at the recent exnmination held in Clinton:
—Ladies : Bethuue, Oragill, Cash, Camp-
bell, Downey, Elder, B Fortune, 0.Fortune,
Gilbert, Jenkins, Leslie MoGarlane, Bussell
Townsend, Wallace, Pollard. Gentlemen
Burke, Forsyth. Glass, Hardy, jarred,
Kerr,_ Kerney, McCallum, McGregor, Reid,
Snell, Todd.
Tbo Conservatives of North Troth met
at Milverton on Tiesday last and selected
IIr Thos Magwood, Reeve of Mornington,
as their candidate for the representation of
the riding in the Ontario Legislature. He
has been a resident of Mornington for 36
years, and has held many positions of
trust, filling suer) with ability and great
satisfaction to his supporters,
A remarkable instance of canine sagacity
recently occurred at Hespeler mr J. Way -
per,. jun., lent his valuable fox hound,Sam,
to a gentleman going hunting in the
Bruce Peninsula. The gentleman took the
dog to Wiarton, and on Monday last at
noon iet him tons& in too bush,
and on Tne&day morning at 7 a in he was
t es H
r e hotel, Hespeler. a had
at r a e h
M p
YP ,
never travelled the road before.
Naval Balm has cured cases of Catarrh
when doctors failed. It is the greatest.
Catarrh remedy of the age. If you are
troubled with this disease give Nasal Balm
a trial.
A young fellow named Leslie, of Bien -
shard, while skating on the emelt above
Carter's dam, St Marys, on Monday, went
through the ice into five feet of water. Ile
was got out by sone passers-by not much
the worse for the ducking.
The death is announced of Capt A. B.
Cook, of London, who was well known to
many of the mailers of the Teases. De-
ceased, who was 78 years of age, died very
suddenly, as up to the time of his death he
was in good health, except for a slivht
trouhle from cathine..
Lire re MISERY to thousands of people
who have the taint of scrofula in their
blood. 'the agonies caused by thedreadful
running soros and other manifestations of
this disease are beyond description. There
is no other remedy equal to Hood's Sarsa-
parilla for ./scrofula,`salt rheum and every
foam of blood disease. It is reason'sbly
sure to benefit all who giveit a fair trial
Be care io get Hood's,
Tho appeal of lJr Wm .Ross and others
in Eaat Williams, against tSe award of the
township engineer reepsotiug drainage ci
adjacent;` roadways—neard rsoently before
His Rotate Judge: Devitt, et Parkhill, hit
been snatained by /ell honor :ors the ground
initial rte a en b
'A .Cf 1111 l tGk
f ' yr lit i i,�
o, znf yity y p
he, muesli, • leaeh peau to the suit pay
hk own conic,
A rather et reseal incident occurred at Dr
D. A.oArther a livery stable, Ailsa
Craig. one &ley last week. It appoare that
u citizent
of that own too owns o n9 a sal-
uable equine, .noticed that his animal
appeared to be deoliuipg in flesh in a very
uuaeccuntable manner; after this dieoovery
be studied the symptoms in a very detailed
atyle and came to the cooelusion he
should visit the Vet, who, after a careful
examination found a piece of pine &boat 4
inches foug and 2 inches wide attached to
the reef of its month which prevented the
poor beast from e;slug anvtltigg,
A ridiculous u,i;teke happened at
the wedding of a young Mail not tt.
thousand mites from Luokuow, quite ro-
ily. The bride and groom were driving
et( alts the momentous cereanieny, when
the bode remarked, "you forgot to Mies
auntie " The nappy groom replied,'' no
I think not. I ki,aad a lady 1 thought we;
her anyway." ',For guoduesa sake 1" re•
plied the agitated bride, "III wager you've
klesed the Aiinieter'e wife.,' a Hasty dee
ariotion of alto lady's personality was given
by the brlde, when the awful truth was
forced upon them that the dignitied and
st'niittvely partienlar better half of the
minister .flleratiug had been the unwilling
victims of mistaken oaouletion.—Lnokaow
Baines --John Murphy, 2nd (ton, and
hie sitter. "Ire T. Atkinson, h•ve returned
from Califars'ie,--.Jos Connolly• suite was
injured by a horse, died from inliamwstiou
brought en by the rtceideut,•-•-John :li,
Currie, naas'+d the examination of the Ou
Lexie Veteriuery College, of Toronto, whish
concluded on Friday last, and now may
off* V S after lite name.
Bn1P.rs—Mr Ulnae and Miss Annie
Woodley, of Manitoba, aro visiting parents
and friends here for a few weeks.• --die Thos
Rumford has sold hie home and lot, .a lit-
tlesoutb of the village to Mr Gillespie, of
Cromarty. Price $3u00. — Bev Mr Carey
has moved into the new mouse erected this
ennsmer and DrA,rmatroog;ekes poaaeasion
of the residence lately, vacated by him, op•
posits the post office.
A little over a vear Ago a wheat fakir,
Yorke by name, made hia way into ibis
nusnapeottug district, lIo didn't pretend.
to play the " Little peek a•boo " game of
"Now you see it and now you don't " Hie
Ras a later, "Now yon thick you are It, and
now von see it clearly." He dealt in a
new brand of wheat aud oats. The wheat
b' oohs et $t0 a nue era benaht back all
reodni:ed at $7 p") bee. Thtewal fro cola
at $7 a bus, and the following year tiered
to buy back all nrobuee at $3 e. bite. A
little over a week ago be disappeero3 after
having aold the farmer's notes andalso
several which were supposed to bo forgeries.
It is needless to say tisat no wheat or oats
was bought,
The oase of Johnston va. the Woodstock
Driving Park Association which was tried
at the Division Court there is of interest to
horsemen. The plaintiff is the owaer of
Grey Tobe, which took secondplace in the
2.30 elites at the June meet, but which was
protested on the ground that the horse had
a record of 2,21. in the states. Mr Johnston
sued for 050, the prize money. The . ques-
tion turned upon whether the horse was
eheible under the rules of the American
Trotting Aseooiatiou or not and the ease.
was adjourned till next court that their
rules migLt be proven.
A RAILROAD ISANAC3nR—Ohio and ivflaeia-
sippi Railway., Office of the President and
Gen'1 Manager, Cincinnati, Ohio, 17 8 A,:
Nov 15, 1886. Gentlemeu : kteeently while
in the act of alighting from my oar I etepp•
ed upon a stone, which, turning suddenly
anderray foot, threwme to the ground
with a iteverely sprained anile. Safie'ing
exceedingly, I was helped into the car, and
my man rubbed me most generously with
arnica, mid kindred remedies, but to no
avail.; Beaching a station .whore St Jitoobs
011 could bo seemed, two bottles of it were
bought end the applieatioat resulted atones
in a relief: from perp, which had _ beaoma
souta:nd 'out
nabs abie. wa ao
hell tri' as a 1
any work in three daya. W fid' Peanont,.
Prima'[ eta'* Gea'T Maitaget:'
K ri*tou.
431st&Fs-.The Y M CA of Blowhard
ni Gahorno held their inaugural tneeting
a Tuesday, Deo 23rd. 1890, in the Agric
ultural halt. The weather was exceedingly
rough, hut a large audience assembled
and were well pleased with the pro;ramme
which consisted of spee'ulna ity Messer)
McLean and Harleton of the Toronto Y
M L 0 A, and llessra H L`' Shsrp, T 1a
Stanley. to Moir. and W Johnston. A
select cilcir also rendered a variety cif
national songs, and 3!r Harleton who is an
original poet gave aeveral seleetiomi.—
L: Callender V S: mil "t Callander. of
1'arlieraburg, tV Viryiuia, ere visiting
friends.- -\lr A Stinson bee returned home
from Bell river during Christmas bac.
ation.---Tba,tnnual Xmas tree of St Pante
S S ryas held on Xmaseve when it fair
programme was rendered ant presenia
distributed to the children. The recebpts
of the evening ware nearly 8310.—Jfra •T
Shier and Mrs E :shier have returned
home from Hamilton. Manitoba.
A CIrltlaTid4 em --Observe 8 of fta.
man nature frcqueutly mate their angry
atious at times tvhaa Wren end women ba
their re atiouship wish *ociaty and the
world appear the moat weak and f'inliah;
when their nature follies and weaknesses
are meet clearly *hewn. Such observers
are fond of repeating $hakespearc'e trite
anal baconba ex,'Iaanation : 44 TAM. what
fools these mortal, he" Prohal 1:': lu4eeti
vary likely the oueaulesiness of observe -
inn aforesaid, is the fery casae of this
eMilian of Shakespeare sr at hetet of one
of his characters. Tu fact the dramatic
ptraau:t in "e said simmer night's dream,"
who is represented am tbna expressing his
lumurous ides of'uankind, isnot clevsartllc:ol.
a* greatly gifted intellectually or se Bole
a phtlosapber as to be always reaiell epee,
and one can easily imagine the gre1i, peat
eitnply putting this aenteuce into tide
ehstrecter'e mouth by way of giving it geu•
tle frit apnn onesitbetl ,;ymaa.. Votive who
grimly describes the bnglieh le as
"mostly fools," no doubt att n'n'1 't nb tea
many socials or code: We, tahiug hie bad
atmnacli az nasal With him Bait after all
human nature may not appear so vein and
foolieh evetl in 3ur•)a relatienehip ad cert-
oriea aril idle l;roups, Mid the truthful
amehig of a ern -able and comp:enduing au
thorthat '" a little nntnense new nal then
ie relished by the best of men," is well
eateolateil to steaily such cynic's nuhat-
atsced opaline of man. iVe give tlto pre-
ceding eentinteants we a predr,fcnee. not
only to show that these pnrauite dietiu-
guialred from the more dircetly user'.= (w-
eupattons of life by the a•Iaeee e a "u..: len
Meal" lire tight enough in their place, eat
also to prelude any rniscaneeptions the
reader might have of the writer, as to his
giving that &Miert deseription of a JhrisIstt to
tree, with int'r of giving sermon you
such entertainments: "•.' ti 'h, is •not tis ut.
tention, for the reasons given Bete e, and
also for the conclusive reason that ha
enjoyed the affair immensely.
The affair in question wits held in a neat
little cherub, not far from the rural vil_
lage of Kirkton, and for the ocoasiou, the
church wee beautifully decorated with
evergreous. A very largo crowd assom-
ble3 long before the tiilie of commence
stent, attracted as much by the repttta,tiof
of the place for select entertainments in
the past as by the promisiug nature of the
proposed programme. When one did get
inside it gave one the feeling of a lemon
being squeezed, and the individual felt
himself in the position of a lemon seed.
The ladies who had previously pressed us
so much to go now pressed literally. In-
deed it seemed as if one might lose his
masculinity if not his personal identity ;
It was a jam which might readily have
'become jelly with some of u;. Finally we
obtained a seat autl soon were prepared
for any part of the programme, even
though it be dismissal, which we some
Ones felt would be quite coneeuial under
the very pressing circumstances. When
the programme began, however, five wil
finely became patient and forbearing ;
feelings of distress or thoughts of flight
were driven away under the matchless
spell of music, and displaced by the
delightful sensations which road music is
so capable of producing, Some excellent
renditions of the divine art were afforded
by a number of promising players and
vocalists, in which a lady and gentleman
from St Marys figured in a way favorable
to the growth of their' own reputation, anti
also conducive to the pleasure of the com-
pany. The Harmonic cub of London
were also prominent as instrumentalists
anti contributed greatly to the enjoyment,
general happiness and merriment of the
evening- Philosophers tvho telt us that
music hath charms to soothe the sinners
heart, would have found evidence in, this
night's p roceal ito affirm that the said
ed nga fir
charming influence extends to his boots
also, and that even the stove pipes—which,
created some confusion by attempting to
break the sculls of some who were objects
of their contempt -were also considerably
affected. After the fulfillment of this
very entertaining programme, in which
other skilled' performers took part, anion
whom we might mention Mr Scott, a
boealiot of great melody and power, the
dresents were distributed and a beautiful
isplay of. Chrietmasalities they were.
Many who were present were the recipents
of beautiful gifts ; the rest of us were
stoics: Indeed it took more sturdy i)idif-
ference than even an ancient follower of
Zeno possessed to 'maintain a manifest no -
affectedness on the eaart of those who came
out, minus. during this part of the pro-
gramme. The Sunday School Superintee-
dent then =minted the receipts of the
evening to be. e59 75, after which the dox-
ology was . sung and the audience, well
pleased with their investment dispersed
from ,the annual Sabbath school entortain-
mentof the Sunshine Church,
Men= A11 DISTLril'2-The thr'ee :nlport-
antoutlets of disemso are the :Akin, bowels
mad hid'ueyD. See that they perform their
#ttiins -» +er1
unl on
Bitters to insure thin peeper aetion.
Buren -11v Geo Wright and family, of
London, have come to Crediton to spend
their Christmas ho idays with relatives.--
1t[isa Lizzie Smith has returned from Len-
den.—Miss Monne Eau paid her friend;
here a short visit on her way home. --Mr
Wm Weitzel and wife have returned horn
Berlin where they were called to the fun-
eral of Mr Wenzel'* mother. They were
accompanied by Miss Kate Wenzel, of
Detroit, who will spend a short while here.
-Miss Feist of Hersey, Mich, is paying his
Oanadiau friends a rials and is the guest of
Mr Jacob Finkboiuer.—Tho Methodist
(lingliah) Sunday School will hold their
Xmas tree festival on Friday evg —On
Thursday last the residence of Mr Jacob
Seheartz was the came of special festivities
the occasion heiug the marriage of his
sister Miss Sarah Senwartz to Ur Wm B
Gainer, both of this township. The young
ooaple will reside on the old lamestead of
the groom's fatber.—
(Too late for last week,)
.BRIEFS—Mr James Lewis has returned
from Manitoba on a visit for a few menthe
He arrived just in time to partake of his
Christmas dinner at home.—elr and firs
Mark Edwards of .Sombra, are the guests
of fir Win Lewis. -Mr Chas Zwiker, of St
Thomas, is spending his holidays at home
—Xmas day was spent rather quietly in
the village. The boys had a shoot, and
made some big scores, breaking as high as
13 out of 15 glass balls. --Xmas day seems
to have been mistaken for St Valentine's
day, as several young people in the vicinity
. took it into their heads to pair up.—Mr
Albert Kiug, taking as his mate Miss
Dauncey, of McGillivray, aud Mr John
Lawson paired up with Mies klawhinuey.
both of this township. -The ; 8 enter-
tainment iu the Methodist ehurch on Fri.
success, day night, ydae a , and was the
moans of gladdening the hearts of many of
the- small chi&dren.
*BRIEFS -Considerable amount of teaming
has been done since the late fall of snow.—
Christmas and wedding bells are ringing,
frornl n
as also the sleigh belle.--Parties0 g
distances attended the Xntas tree enter-
tainment in the school house on Monday
erg of last week. The entertainment was
in every wayea success; the recitations and
being excellent The tree was
beautifully deeot•Ated and heavily loaded:
with presents which old Santa Clans ,dis
tributed in his usual nimble > style. The
proceeds amounted to $13.45, which go to
purchase some necessaries for the school,
The interest taken in the entertainment
e a ers of the sec-
tionwell for the rat e ,
ti and was a 'circuit to all concerned:—
The examination held in connection with
the sohool here on Tbursday,Dse 18th, was
a success, and the toady answers to gees
tions given acholers was very creditable
both to teacher and scholars. At the close
a few short eadresees ' were delivered by
the trustoou tea others, and . all spoke
ilei Miss Katie
o ilio leaf )
Hawkins, whotle services they have engag-
eta far sooners WA.
Publisher*. and Proprietor
44 the
for your
e Par.
solicita :) 1 '1
aiu i l of
Are $TORri
n ;nloa
limn of
xL[''iif. r.
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of over
a► ,cit
30 We
Trsllar ie•
Eterettre ta:ieer—Fere eta .1nni irreery*
tntertable:wet nt Seeebi to no.i the evening
;hrietnrees, wee one .,f the in 3'.t n...., as•
1 in the murals of the 8301:1ay s .9r'ai.
The eveningl le.; pleasant Vivra w•1^3
ery large ottesnb.in.:e, the church being
peeked to the &are. Tuft proyt:zuie
which was first ,1`xse Wee rendered to the
utmost eatiafactinnof all, The harmonica
band of London figured prominently and
Their mucic was highly appreciated. Prof
Scott, of liencedehi, also sang several
so{ m'ites. num-
berelectiof localnsin talehint asssistederly,stylmewls ttao their
credit• TheVhristmete tr +! was iiravily
ladened with preaet,ti for the children,
wlsieh were IIistribntetb ay Mr .1 0 ,hence,
Supt. The procet •ls ameente't to $'10,
which wilt lie appal tataate3lccittiptncut.
As the presents were «bout to be distri-
buted the stove pipes fell and quite a
panic ensued, but fortrniately no injury
'Flit, wur t'r watts.—C. W '4 outix. the
n,sn who nnmo wds +ign ^
:2111 forged tease£ eneeAir Foxwase'a
Lucarx, 58 i'bie-lor, "'nes *,
eruct°.• 1
*cell wheat And Aga trarou tonn-tttrly-' flthp
ITsborrre farmers. Mani. one ye;ts'
Yanirix visited this section and sold a
sidorable quantity of seed oats at .$10 par
bushel, agreeing; to pay all purchusere $7
per bushel for one ltun'ire'l husltele the
following fall, and accepted notes in ae-
cordanee with ae,reemeut. Last fall the
same Yourix caiue around again and re
turned to the farmers their Antes, without
aithing a cent from them. Of course he
had another scheme on baud. He naw'
sold them wheat for 810 p,'r bushel, agree-
ing to pay $1 per laushcl for fifty bushels,
next September. Ile teen their notes for
amount of purchases, payable at ten
months. Since, Yourix has"skipped." It
is thought that lye has made the notes into
larger sums and soli them. The fanners
are now anxiously awaitingdeveltipe-
ment s It is stated het ourix has
1 tveu' e I with about e75 000.
Chester W. Yourix, an account of
whose operations with the forged cheque
of Fox Sr Fox, of Liman, we gave a few
weeks ago, has been arrested in Ger-
many ander instructions from the
British vice consul on the charge of
forgery, and will be extradited by the
B'tnk of Commerce. He worked one
of the inostaudacicus frauds ever known
on the farmers of Ontario and to a suc-
cessful ending. -
Bev to use, pteaeaut aud agreeable, is the
verdict of all who have tri'd Nasal Balm for
Cold in the head or Catarrh. A. trial will
convince you of its merits.
Da not suffer from sick headaebo a mom-
ent longer. It is not neue-sary, Carter's
Little Livor Pills will cure you. Dose, ane
little pill. Small price, email dose, small
Tete Fop nzvxn—The red river of ilfe is
the blood if it be impure, health is impos-
sible aud life a burden ; Burdock Blood
Bitters, say those who have tried ir, i,; the
best' blood purifier in the world.
Mies Maud Carleton, Ilidgetown, Ont.
says "Am using B 13 13 right along and
r 'tetadver-
tised. ` t n �.. purifier n as 4 '
find iia perfect bloodder
A p l
Goon Wrens noxa—The good deeds done
by that unequalled 'Amity liniment, :Hag-
yard's Yellow Oil, during the thirty yeara
it has been held in every inoreasinp esteem
by the public. would fii1' volumes. We can.
not here enumerate all its good qualities,
but that it can be relied on as a cure for
clomp, amigos, colds, sore throat and all
pains gees without Saying.
PownnR MILL EXPLOSION -4 powder mill
explosion affeote the country for miles round
but dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation,
headache, loss of appetite and debility,
affect humaui;y the world over. Th*
editor of the Maven Er corder states that
he Wes cured of bilionsuess, liver trouble
'aud r'tick,hoOiachn, by Burdock Blood
Bitters. IS it not ';,eorih'''tryieg 00 such •
1 1.. {; UAL MEET-
j� U7C1J, iH>J ANN
l r ' andme ric l-
rage£ thoStopbon TJsbo tSg a
tural Society, Will :beheld in the town hall..
Exeter, on Thursday, 8th January, 18e,
o'clock p m. for electing President, Vice -1 rer•
ioont aud directors for the ensuing Seer,l801.
All members and parties interested ere cor-
dially invited to attend -"4,; L;. DYER, Seo'y,
Myy friend. look bore I' yoa alreow how
yvoak end nervous your wife'' is, and yon
know thee arter s 1
u)Pills wet re
liar. now wl,q e ni -f r' rebut it aud boy-
ortCr, ror Plii lar!s ..�r111t Of' l l lydkh.'x,rt