HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-12-25, Page 8tawearneetessesastatessesenewereseeesee.,, INSURANCE LIN E t3T A.GENT FOE ..L.4 THE WESTERN ASSURANCE CON. PANY of Toronto; Itiso for the PECENIK ViliF :INSURANCE CONPANY, ot London; England. the ROYAL OANADIAN, of Mou.. treal :trd the ONTARIO NU MAL LIFE AStiVEANCE.CO'Y of Waterloo established, lo7o. Assuran !,ea info rce, erenensele. lee tutees every year atter ard year. ;THE MIIRT, EXETER, , 4:1 .2 1 -4 4, • 411 pf'a ' • e " zee - e't te'en' -43 enes-sese.....secens. V* feel it a 1 piencore errests time Anti money here , .tre 'MX:Ian; ti. make ; its name :valued MAYOU , one. • 4 !-;:i 40 .44 "te Au Attractive Stock of New Winter Tweeds Worsteds ond Trous ings. new being shovni by VIM. GRIGG, Exeter BAITERUPT STORE EXETER. The correct spot for Xmas presents—useful a.nd beauti- ful. Silk Ilk& ia great profusion - 7,11St ihe thing tor Xmas boxes. Ladies' 'and +elite Kid Gloves are re iced for Xmas. Grand assort - :moot of gen^ s"rio's le/Oilers Rare values. Liadi.s' !Fur Coats. gents' Fur Coats, ladies Fur Boas, Storm Coll ir-; and Capes, all at hAttlay prices. Crofts' flucyXmas Slippers 40 per cent. below regular prices. Beautiful Table Coy- ,ers and side board. Drapes, very choice and very cheap. Buy your Xmas Goods at the Big Bankrupt Store. J A. $TEWART, Bankrupt Stock 'Dealer, Exeter. TiNcttx anto. ...nrumsruv, DECENIBER 25th, 1890 UMLHAPPENiNG,S. Vrnt,tic of Praise. tr numerous cerrespeneents this week showered so lanai praise ou our heads,anent the issue of last week's Xmas number, that common modesty prompts us to omit the many and somewhat lengthy, but kind, ef- fusiens ; suillee to say that all have been mare hart perfeeti and give us unbounded erfelit for the enterprise we have displayed They are all of one accord : " That the Tree is verily making steady and rapid p- ,eress." A. Protest re Lieenae Fees. The Wiugbam town council passed the following resolution at a recent meeting, and es asking the co-operation of other municipal bodies in the matter ; "That in the opinion of this council the uovernment are doing a great iujustiee to the several municipalities of this province by appropriating to themselves such a large portion of the leper license fees, etc., which we beleive justly belong to the mune, eipalities in ;which such license fees are paid and collected; and that the clerk be in- structed to send a copy of this resolution to the provincial treasurer and to all the towns and village? of Ontario, and respectfully re- quest their co-operation in asking the government to allow all such fees to be paid tn the said municipalities, less the cost of enforcing the act." The Outlook The approaching elections in Exeter give ;premise of being exciting. Although mat- , ters in this connecticn have remained dormant up to a day or two ago, they now assume a genuine form, and the fight will • be ono of the keenest everknown in Exeter. The reeve, Dr Rollins, is to be opposed by T. H. McCaltum, tanner; while the deputy, W,GBissett, is to receive opposition in the • person of Mr Hugh Speakman who sat at the council Board during the past year. Por councillors the names of D, A. Ross, present councillor, L. Hardy, E. Christie, T. B. Carling, Dr Lutz, W. Harding and R. S. Lang are freely mentioned. As nomination approaches other names will be brought forward. As to the past history of the present council the ratepayers are • sufficiently posted ; suffice it to say that affaira have riot been conducted altogether to the best interests of the town: There were about twenty-five young folk writing 'at the entrance examination in Exeter this week. Their ages ran from. 15 to 18 years. Mr Johnston, of Hay, • conducted -the examination. The papers -this year were very hard, and it is possible 'thatintny will be plucked. Children Cry far Pitcher'CastoriP Brevities, Mr leretepton of Lucknow, spent Tues day in town. With usage the ehimes of the Trivia Memorial. church are souuding much better Teachers are invited -to send the resulta of their Christmaa examinations for publi- cation in the Times. The wind blew s, strong and continuous gale on Monday evg., aed, besides displac- ing a fee' signs, did little damage. The different butchers have excellent meat displays for the holitlays, far sur- passing those of former yeare. The annual meeting, of the Outario Creamery Associatiou will be he'd in 13er- on the 13th and 14th of Jauuary, Mr Robt. Spieee has been very ill for some days of laerippe. leor a time he was d elirieue, but now is tecoverinne Next Wednesday the uomination of fit and proper persons to fill the current vacancies in the School Board, will take place On Friday last sane master Ed Dignan was operating a straw cutter, he accident ally get his left hand betwe.en the cogs erushing it badly. 3. P. Ross,_ is the only place to get the , celebrated Herbageum for cattle, horses and poultry. You mill save money by trying a panktfee. A new shed is being erected in connection with the Main sr. Meth church, the old one having teem* too small for the in- • ereasing rural attendance - The sleighing has eeein left us and we hue to relent a, ,gr, tat Chrietniaa for Ont. We here enjoyed three weeks of sleighing from two inches u llOW. Several of our contractors are tendering for the erection of the church on the 3n1 line, Blestshard township, advt of which appeared in feet week's Trued. The varioaa merchants have their win- dows tastfully dressed for the holitley seas son. May they be fullrewarded be each doing a. large share of busineet. The choir ot the Presbyterian Church figured et the entertainment at Chisel hurat on Toesdaes, in connection with the Pri ebytenan church there.I Saturday was one of the busiest days Fxeter has seen for a long time. Main at was thronged with peop'e and business in all branches tweeted to he "humming."Messra Verity ft:eons are highly pleased with their eleetrie light plant, and contend that the system has been a. greet saving in tniitocumey and tune siuee its adeption A large number of choppers are at pres- ent engaged cutting down the large bush east of ties place, the late property of Mr James Pickard, now the property of Miss Mary Meleiven. The annivereary serviees or the Alaimett Methodist S. S. will Le preached on Sun- day next by Rev Mr Nugent. of and on the evg ot the 30th a platform meeting will be bold. eir G.11 Toni has completed Ma term an principal of the Exeter public aches:Ilene this week was presentee with a testimonial appreciative of his aervices. Mr Brown, of Orono, takes his place after the holidaya. The ice en the river is about ten inches thick, and being in excellent condition. the small boy indulges in the healthful exercise. Should the weather not turn too soft, Mr Smith expecte to commence cutting in a few days. Mr Wm Balkwell, of the London road, sold a two and a half months old, hog to Itir Rich Davis, which weighed S0 pounds. It was fed by Me James Harvey, the popular hostler at the Commercial. I was a heatity. With this issue comes the advent ef Christmas, and we take this opportunity of tendering the many compliments of the season to our numerous patrons and read- ers of Tan Tines, wishing all a Merry Ohriettnas and a happy New Year. Sunday last was the shoreat day of the year ; in fact, since the 17th the sun has set a minute or two later than it did before. But in the morning the sun rises later and later truth about the end of the month NI ben it gets on the turn and starts on its six months" journey northward. We regret very much to announce the illness of Mr Thos. Hodgins, the genial landlord of the ''Dufferin" House Centralia He was seized by an attack of la grippe last week and has since been in a low state, though now having past the most critical point, is out of darger. The interior of Mr Parsons's black- smith shopcaught. fire ou Tuesday night about 10 o'clock, and had it not been for the prompt action of a number of citizens, a serious fire would have bean the result. The fire caught from one of the forges, and destroyed copsiderable woodwork. Persons wishing to send a copy of the Christmas eumber of the l'exes to friends at a distance, can have copies of the same at 5c eaeh on application to this office. Be. sides the reading matter being ot a high character the papef itself *ill give your friend an Mea of what Exeter can do along the line of publishing a first class paper: Get a copy ; it will advertise our ton, as well as afford entertainment for your friend. It will be a very great disappointment at home and abroad to hear that the pub fishers ofethe Montreal Star are unable to publish a Christmas Star this year. It ap- pears the publishers have been more than ordinarily busy with their regular business of subscriptions and advertising and donot feel they have the time to publish such a, paper as -would sustein the magnificent reputation that the Christmas Star has jastly earned. The entertainment given on Monday evg under the auspices of the Royal Tempters of Temperance was a grand success. The attendance was very large, being augment: ecl by a large deputation from the If ensall Council. The programme was varied and interesting, and was highly appreciated as the continued applause would indicate. The proceeds, which will be distributed among the deserving poor of the town, amounted to 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clarke, of Lon- don, late of Exeter,, were out driving one day .last week, and while crossing the 0, P. R. track, near their residence, a shunting train frightened their horse causing it to ;tin way. • . They were thrown from the cutter, but were more frightened .than hurt. The horse. ran till it came to an open back yard. where it turned in and after tearing down three clothes lines loaded•with clothes came to a standstill, The eutter'was badly broken, A. New Society. A legion of the "Select Knights 9f Canes de' was organieed ia Exeter en Friday evg. last by J. C. Walker, of ense'ele-,,,-. Officers were elected as follow t - Pest Commander, cone, W. Sanders; Commander cam., T W. Antos; VieeeCommender, corn. A. E Bennetti- Lieut Commarelei, nom, 0 H Bissett; Recorder, roue J. 3 Kuight ; Rec-Treas., cone W E. Coolieneur; Tres, cow. E. Bissett ; Standard Bearer, ram. N. Peterson ; , Physician, ram. T A. Amos. Entertaiumeet, The school entertainment in the Opera House on Friday evg, was largely attend. • ed the school children torten out en maw. The literary program was welt pre- sented by those who took part, while the debate : e`Womares Franchisee was both amusing and entertainipg. The affirmative was 'salute by Rev. Mr Russell, alone, bis partner fail -ug to appear, while the negative was imitated by Metiers Dr Rollins and R. 11. Collins. leach speaker was given ten ininutea in which to present his ideas. The debate was quite interestidg, though Rev Russell completely annihilated his op- pooeute, who, facing a large audience of the fair sex, no doubt refrained giving fell vent to their coavietiona on this subject The chair was occupied by Reit Mr Wilson. Rev Mr Martin being referee, wbo howed little hesitatiou in rendering a decision. The entertainment was gotten up by Mr Gregory Tom, Principal of the public school, and the proceeds, $30, go toward paying for the organ recently putehased„ rersouale. .; Mies r„Verity is borne from Alma College StThoinas spending vacation,--elissTreble is home from Wingha-m spending the holi- days. -Bev. Mr. Russell, of Elimyille, preached entente for Rev A, L Russell of the Jerneoest Meth church on Sunday lest, Rev Kennedy, of Bine {formerly of 0redi- too) ocetipyiug Air Wilson's pulpit in the Main st Meth church. --Mr ROA Willis, Marlette, Mich, is visiting relatives in town.- tJr Robt Elston, formerly of thia place, but now of Grand Rapids, Mieh, is at present oa an ex ended visit to relatives and friends in town. -Mr John lierbett, whe has Leen sexton at the cemetery the past six years, has reeigned Ms position and moved to the village to live. Mr Jonethan tepid has been engaged to dig the graves in the futere, and has Wien up his resideuce in the cottage adjoining the eemetery.-Mr Benj Grigg, who is etutlyeng for the minis' try is home spending Xmas ,holidays White Brow, the noted singers, will angst at the opening of the new orgaut in the :dein et Meth chateh, aonnetime in Jan'y -Miss Sharon. of St T110014S, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs John Spaeltinan.-Mre R. Elsie. of Fingal, is visiting her daughter, elm G. Audesson, here. at present, -dr 13. W. Grigg iteapending the holidays in town -Air Page of eleaforth, is home apending Claristmas.--Mr W. Fanson, of Thornbury, spent the past week in town. -Mr Isaac Carling is home train Toronto. Our Finances. The Treasurer's i eport for Exeter for the year 1890 has been issued. It shows total receipts (including last year's surplus of $2,041.1.47) to the amount of $13)498.10 ; total expenditure $10,201.52, leaving a sure plus at the present time of $3,289.61 From this amountis to be paid to the school Board, the sui of $180t) balence, leaving a balance of 51.406.04, to which added $492- 04 uncollected taxes, makes a net surplus of e1.9813 08 or just $51. 70 len than the aurpins of last year. Last year's surplus was iaised by the rate of 14 mills in the 5, while this year the people were asked to pay 18 mills which nteans ats in- creased expenditure over last year of nearly $3,000. The expenditure is made up of ; $3,103.63 for labor on roads, !hedges, etc; $505 pen' county Trees; $2,050 school Bored ; $525 salaries, eta ; 8000 charity; 52,100 borrowed money ; $2.000 miseel laneous, eta. The inereased expenditure for the greater part was on account of roads ditches, etc., while only $901 extra were paid the school board for improvements on the school. Last year the -total amount paid school board. was 52,949, while for roads, bridges, parks, etc,, only $1.524 Never in the history of the eorperation was there so- much money expended on the streets, and it is high time, (if this enormous amount is to be yearly expended) that tenders be asked. for the work in its differ- ent branches. In this $3,103 for street', bridges, parks, etc., there has surely been a ruthless expenditure for nothing of comparative public value can be shown for the increased outlay of e1,579 over last • year. Mr J. W. Broderick has purchased the large residence lately occupied by Jas Pickard, from of the Pickard Es- tate, and will remodel the same. On the evg of the 30th inst, an enter- tainment under the auspices of the S. S. of the Trivia Memorial Church, will be giyeu in the opera house. Splendid program. Sodom. Toe subject for discussion in Sodom on first Wednesday in • January, is for • and against,Capital Punishment. Captains are Silas Stanlake, jr„ and 0 Prouty. Any party wishing to take part can do so by giving notice to either captain, a short time before meeting. C Prouty is for t he abolition of the death penalty. Hensall Bitings-Xmas Is here and no sleigh- ing. -Robert Fulton is home for the holidays and on the sick list. --Miss Sturgeon has been in the Forest City Tor the past week.---Robt Morrison has the Red Flag up; sorry to lose him. - 'John Pope, our enterprising tailor, is doing a rushing business. He sports a flag also -red, white and blue. --Miss M. Hunter is spending a few days in Londpn this week.-Coxworth'sskating rink is once more in, full •swing. Our Curlers, Bob and Dick, are prepared to meet all comers. -George McEwen, our popular salt and grain merchant, is in the field for Reeve, for flay township. If business anility and honest dealings count, he is sure to get there. Ile is one of the hustlers of tbis burg, and second to none. -T. Murdock has a couple of flyers in "Lady Lartnor" and "Equal Rights," and thinks when the bell rings next summer they will be in the gang, and not inthe rear either. - Every person says that the Xmas edi- tion of the Times was not surpassed by any weekly in the county. • $25,000 CO worth to be Sedel, $25,000 00,worth to be sold, 11 EAT F1A RGAIN . SALE - • • -AT- . . • - • ieflARD-TICKARDS We shall on Saturday (lath inst ) commence the greatest sale of general goods evbr held in Exeter. The whole of our large stook will be offered at startling re- ductiOns. We have no space 'to enumerate; nut we have pat the knife' into prices, and for the next 1111---IIPTI1"2" IA .-y-S we will sell you good reliable goods, cheaper than other houses can sell you trashy, shoddy good!' Re- member this is not mere blow, and to test the truthfulness of our statements come, and see our prices. IC:13411•0) VIC34411106 RB-Speciat inducements to parties buying are parcels. DIAMONDS I TALK IS CHEAP! We make a specialty of DXISZCONDS and the finest, class of Jewelery. The rapidly rising value of did. monds make them a most desirable investment. With every diamond sold we give a guarantee to repur- cliase same at any time—les- five per cent. off price paid. We carry. the largest stock west of Montreal, a our diamond business extends to all parts of the United States it'd Canada. Goods sent on approbation by express or mail to responsible parties. A. MORPHY & CO., Cote Richmond end Pandas Ste., • London, Ont. (Established 1850). ST.A.N LEY" AFRICAN TRAVELS MR. WU. MIXERS, of Elienville. has been appointed by the Presbyterian News Co., of Toronto, who control Stan- ley's works for Canada, as travelling agent for the TERRITORY OF USBORNE and eastern half of the VILLAGE" or EXETER, and through no other person eau Stanley's works be had. Mr. Minors has also n number of other works on hand such as Dr. Talmage's "From Manger to Throne" Etc, If Mr. Miners does not, eall on ycu, any of the books will be sent on receipt of postal card, W:\I. MINERS, Ehinville P.O , Ont. Pubho School Board Minutes. Dec 22. Board met at the residence nf the chairman; absent : W. Treble and A. G Dyer. Items passed: eliuntes of previous meeting ; Stove committee's report of $11.80 yet to be collected on sales; wood committee's report, $1.50, to be collected on sales °number; per W Hoskin and T Fitton, H Speckman's aret, sundries, $5 20, wood acet of $82 50, certified by W Hos- kin ; per H Hueston and W Hoskin that the chairman and secy be a committee to accept and pay further incoming &cots to ]st Janet; per W Hoskin and Witten that tbe draft of testimonial as presented by el flueston be adopted and presented to Mr G. Tom, duly signed on behalf of the board Adjournment per IT Hueston. J Gluon, Secy. Public School Promotions. The following are the promotions made from the different rooms of Exe- ter Public School for the last term of 1890 ' PRINVIPAL'S 1100r. -Sr. 4th to 5th, those who pass the Entrance Examine. tion. Jr. 4th to sr 41.11-Evie Hueston, Fiank Lutz, Warren Snell, Ida Johns, Genie Hersey, Willie Dignan, Harry Sanders4Arthur Ramsey,Eddie Pickard, Jessie Creech, Ida Snell, L'zzie Gilles- pie, Janet Brown. Miss VOSPER'S To Pnixonteues-Alex. Martin, Maggie Sweet, Fred 13issett, Ella Evans, Robert Treble, Wellington Westcott, Arthur Kemp,Ernte Gregory Bert Spicer, Hattie White, Mary Ryan, Richard Horn, Violet Treble, Russell Howard. MASS GREGORY'S TO MISS VOSPER'S-- Mary Westavray, Ada Treble, Lizzie W ilson, fie ttie Hand ford, Barton Hoop. er, Edith Gidley, Hugh Gould, Maud Parkinson, Lena Howard, Thomas San- ders, Jabez Dennis, 'Minnie Taylor, Nelson Prier,Mary Nelson, Alvin Davi son, harlie Kelland, Annie Math; ton, Laura Lumley, Warren Ross, Willie Pawden, Frank Willis. Miss Leer, e TO MISS G Kneen's,- Stella Gregory. Mary Welsh, Polly Welsh, Etta Gilles: ie, Luther Howard; Ellen Brown and 1 ,.. e Manning, equal, Norman Bissett, Z y Johns, Henry Gould, Ettie Mathes .Raymond Fan. son; Herby Handfor :I, Olive McLaugh- lin Louie Long, Lr. .a eutten. MISS WALILOND TO MISS GILL'S. - Freddie Davidson '; hie Kinsman, Roe Sutten, tdithBe' Frances Rowell& Mabel Brooks, h able Follick, Sophia Russell, John ansse11, Freddie Hawk - shaw, Jennie Reiland, Wilma Taylor, John Leathorn, Russell Southcott, Bella Horn , Miss PRINGLE'S TO MISS W A LRONDtel Florence Bissett, Jessie Dow. Cora Cann, Arthur Taylor, Mervyn Huston, Allan Myers, Ella Frayne, Olive Hooper, Coleman Moneur, Alma Cud. more. A. man can do a wind pump. business on. a very airy capital. BLOW, • BRAG and BLUSTER May catch the ear of the buyer for as time, but it won't keep his trade. Talk is dear to the man who bas his caution talked away, his scruples talked aside. To the woman who is talked into over buying or buying a style of goods that will not stand the test of un- prejudieeil judgment ; such methods are only worthy , OF A FAKIR AT A FAIR whose business is to sell and not to satisfy. These are not our methods. We call ten dollars ten dollars and not nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. This reckless reduction of price—thus dressing up a ten dollar bill to look like a nine—is a fake business. Talk is cheap wheu all its blowing ends in One Cent off Ten Dollars We can show you something cheaper than talk—we mean our goods—for talk is dear at any price. Goods with an honest X on them and not ten worked over to look as it it web e a nine. Its a fake fit to go along with Barnum's circus and show bill exaggeration lwliich describes the goods. Plain Dealing hitro' .o Squealing I you hear. CARLING BROS. P.1—We still have our celebrated 25e Tea the talk of the town.—C.73. D080INA :o: Having bought the Grocery and Crockery Stock of E. Roberts', have moved our Big Stock of Boots & Shoes CLOTHING, ,ETC., The Biggest 3r). the County'—one door north ot my old stand, PAN SON'S BLOCK, EXETER, Christmas Goods at Spackmares BIG BARGAINS in Qrockery and Glassware for Xmas. BIG BARGAINS in Overcoats and Clothing for Xmas. 13IG BARGAINS in Boots and Shoes for Xmas. Remember this is the Largest Stock.of BOOTS& SHOESand CLOTHING' in the county, J. SPACIKM.11,1%T. Fanson's Block, Exeter. Ce -0 TO— Goldsmith Hall! ce -x-o ler le es -^e" WATCHES,- CLOCKS; - JEWELRY, • SILVER,Ve- ARE,-- -AND SPECTACLE8 • 1 UNEQUALLED VALUE. ib&-.Peracnalattention given to repairing of watebesonocks andiewelre C. REICHENBACII, Opposite Peet Office PeiRKIIII.,L OENT.RAL Barber Shop, FAN SON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Slaying and Hielr'cutting in the latest style of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Laales' andChilarens Hair. - • . „ 1 4 Oa