HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-01-15, Page 9" THURSDAY, JANUARY RY 1. t I, 1 $ALTP t(). COMMUNITY C .UB HOLCIA BANQUET Thin .ladies of tho Ssltlav'd Com, mu,nity Club hold - thou' annual banquet In tlho I'!ar101 Hall. After a lovely dinner, court whist was played, The hi It lady was 'hole 'R everyone race vino a lovely .prize. It was announced that the win- ner -0i quilt was Mrs. Mona f1e�rien, R,R, ..�.. 1 t 4- podet�jch, The , lucky ticket was drawn by Mr. C. Lowrey bn New Year's Eve. laaaaa DANCE EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT at OLD FORGE BAYFIELD Music by Grant Edigho#fer's Melody Masters. 7Sc per person. Lunch Counter. {2tf SERVICE HERE CON(EUDE$ WEEK OF PRAYER An Intorechurch rally service at 'ations in Goderich and also to the guest spealfer, Rev. Mr. 'McCallum, who left Goderich u 1949. Rev,�M,,,A►iced• 14,4 guest s Bakero�for " a occasion; Ile said it was a special privilege to be present and takeart in a service inp K nox s beautiful new church -.and also. _because of a- spec- ial memory hehad—that of the .kindness of a former Knox min- ister. Rev. Richard Stewart, who aided him in a special time of need. Today there are many critics of the Christian churoh and there may be some justification fer it; said. Rev. Mr. McCallum, but, he added, no other institutiotrzharniade such a contribution to the weal of the world for the past 2,000'years as has the Christian church. As Christions, we are greatly in need of the inspiration which comes from the records of accomplish- ment of such great men of Biblical times as Peter and John, said Rev. Mr. McCallum. It has been said that "We are living today in times that are both threatening and thrilling" said the guest speaker. He stressed the need today of spiritual strength for a poor, crippled world. -"Lame humanity is the church's opportun- ity for service," he stated. "The hour of opportunity lies not far-. from the hour of prayer," he said. Saying that people require a Knox Presbyterian Church Sunday 1 evening marked the conclusion of t peciar' pea er;, or .0 e occasion was Rev. ft. C. McCallum of llrantford, former minister of the IroQ Methodist Church at Gode- rich. ode- rici. 1he rally wea spenseee4 the Go rlah MiniserearAss to ,. tion, of which Rev. S. H. Findlay, of the Goderich Baptist -Church, the president, took part in the service. In charge of the service was Rev. R.G. G. MacMillan, of Knox Church, the host pastor. Alsp present for the service at the church were: Dr. K. E. Taylor, St. George's Anglican Church; Rev. A. g. Eustace, North Street United -Church; -First . Lieut. If. 'Crossland, of the, Salvation Army; Rev: S. A. Moote, of Victoria Street United Church; Rev. V. R: Snell, of 'the Free Methodist Church. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle held its own service. Rev. Mr. MacMillan extended a welcome to the congregation which represented the various denominsv - sense of obligation, Rev, M. s>t ;t Callum stated; MThe'�'Wo 4 ia,. `iz need of a bleed transfusion f rmnat the Man of.Nazarethb' During the anthern a solo part was sung by Ir. Italph Henderson. {BET.VARY ' A lifelong. resident 'of the dis- trict of Porter's. Hill; Goderich Township, J. Reid Torrance, died at la ,hoilie $aturdayy`at tIte age of 83. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance. Mrs. Torrance was tare former .Mary Reid. of ' Pittsburg,' Pennsylvania. His iiest[wife, ,fanny Lindsay, died many years ago. He yes a member of Porter's Hill United Church,' and also c member of the session. Surviving him is his wife, the former Greta Marie Ivison, of Kip - pen, and two sons, Ivison, oteMit- chell, and Harry, of Porter's. Hill, end a daughter, Mrs. ,Margaret Haines, 'of Severn Bridge. One- bro-ther, John, of Porter's Hill, also syrvives ,as well as three sisters, Mrs. James ,{Margaret) Stirling, of Goderich Township, Mrs. Priscilla Elliott, of Clinton, and Mrs. An- drew (Grace) Sloan, of Sheffield. There are five, grandchildren. A sister, Martha, „predeceased him. The funeral service on Tuesday afternoon at the all and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, was conduct- ed by Rev. C. E. Peaeocic, pastor of Porter's Hill United Chureh, nd burial -.was made in' Baird's cemetery, Stanley Township. OUT ON LIMB (WITH BILL SMILEY) Last week I had to make a'speech at a banquet. Now, for a politician or a preacher, a tycoon or a teach- er, or even a plain, ordinary bee esses, there's nothing more pleas- ant than to be invited to, address a gathering. I't's second nature to them. They take to it like a pig takes to swill. The Huron County Council will meet in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, on READY -MIRE CONCRE Tuesday,. January 20th '1959, at 2 p.m. All communications, notices of deputations and ac- counts must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than noon, Saturday, 'January 17th, 1959. JOHN G. BERRY, CLERK, County of Huron. 9• • 2-3 * * * But for hundreds of thousands of simple, inhibited Canadians like me, it's, about as simple as swim- ming Lake Superior in your long underwear. * * * When , we stand up, rubbery - legged, hands sweating, white as death, and face all those people looking at us expectantly, it's nothing short of a,, case for the S.P•C.A. * * *' Our minds go 'as blank as a suddenly -drawn window blind. Our tongue$ cleave to the roofs' of our bone-dry mouths as tightly as ever ' Cleopatra clove to Mark Anthony. Our Adam's apples become even as pomegranates. Our little. sheaf of notes, over which we, labored so hard, flutters like, a bride's bouquet. - * * * It wouldn't be so bad if people who invited you tobe. guest speak- er gave you a topic. But they won't do it. They're too polite. When they ask you to volunteer for the Torture ' of .the Seven _Deaths; they say: ."Why, anything at ali. I'm sure that, anything you give us will be worthwhile ,* * * „Which is very unfair, for us who come moronic when --confronted by an audience. If somebody asked me to give an address on the Roman Empire, or the Lost Cities of the Amazon, or the Ancient Chaldees, I'd be prepared to do some research and make a stab at a speech, sup- ported by notes carrying heads, sub -heads, shrunken heads and dry little jokes that fitted in here and there. Nothing to it. * * * But, .I went into this one cold. I was slaving away, at my speech, however, and had worked out rather a neat turn of phrase or two, when it suddenly struck me, with the stifling pain of a blow in 'the throat, that I had no jokes. concrete sidewalk slabs and. bumper blocks. ALSO DISTRIBUTORS OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE HURON CONCRETE SUPPLY-LT� PHONE 174 GODERICH -47tf THE MOST ;:,.;.. Now,'as everyone knows, an after- dinner speaker without jokes is about' as much' use as a wagon wheel without spokes. He may • ,, y, ..,ti 5.: •::•`\::'t:i: t �:,�;:rkv:',•'i:�v .:: ,:yy,,:L':ti}:.•l'vc.��,:.: �. v'v �: �'�} ';�; *off r:. •. sJ.ye '•,Y, There are five beautiful models in tris new Galaxic Series 5 Announcing �j Pe It's Thunderbird in` looks! 'l'he smart, straight;line'-Galaxin roof and dr-amnia'm- see-it-all rear window say Thunderbird unmistakably. So does, the classic sim- plicity of its clean, low -swept body lines, Here is the most perfect match yet of the Thunderbird's own silhouette. It's Thunderbird in luxury! New tSalaxie ..a SpoititnirntS-like the plusk.eleep- pile _, carpets..-. are so very Thunderbird in taste. There's Thunderbird V-8 power and pe' iorti►ance,, too. A surpassingY luxury that tells you how superbly th.-se ' Ford newlyweds "GO" together. yn You'll - want to honeymoon again in a 5 (Certain features &flurried or mentioned ire "Standard" on some models, upttonat et erten cost on others,) GODERICH MOTORS :ail Many people reach great heights by putting up a bluff, have natural eloquence, 'a good topic, a. fine appearance and a' commanding manner. But without jokes, confronted by 200 people, who -ha e::lo:st-.-stu'ffed themselves with !turkey, in a warm hall, he simply can't get through. He might as- well --be- -talking- to a -souple-of hundred seals who have just clean- ed up a ten of fish. , * * * And the coward who knows this`, however poor a speaker he is, is ' nlways'velcome as •a speaker., ,be- causr' he has a collection of hoary stories. All he'has to do'to make a wonderful impression is: tell the , audience how delighted he is to be there, and tell a joke; mention 'vaguely the purpose of the gather- ing, if he knoWs it, and relate an anecdote; thank the ladies at some Length for. the splendid dinner, attd regale his listeners. with a funny story; tell those present they are the salt of the earth and it is an honor to he among them, and wind up with a final joke. They'll go home claiming ''that he was the best spreaker they'd heard. :n a coon's age. * * a,' As 1 am a' coward, it produced a special terror in me when 1 realized that I didn't know a single funny story. When I was a young rip of a bachelor, . I had quite a fun of them. But when I got married, I discovered that women, at leatst,,, the one 1 got, have no sa,Ose of humor. ,,. * * * • When wo9were first married, I'd come home with some real rib splitters, and try to share them with her, but by the time I was finished trying to explain them, I'd he roaring •and she'd be crying, so I gave up. The very last time I iried it was a couple of years ago. I heard this story and thought it would Inock even the Old Girl out. You all know it. The two keen golfers on the ninth tee, ready to drive, when the funeral. cortege came along the road bordering the gctlf club. One golfer took off his cap and stood with bowed ' head until the profession . had passed. His friend asked the reason for Vie ' reverend gesture. "Least I could do" he said ,when-he--had-olooted • the ball. "I was married to her for over thirty years." * * The tears were running down my cheeks as I told this one to my wife. She looked at me as asked, rather crossly: "Why was'n't he at the funeral?" Since then, I haven't even bothered ,to listen to jokes. had to make my speech without any jokes. And boy, was' it dead. In fact it was as dead as the wife of the Englishman. You know the One. Two Englishman 'Met in their Club. '`'Sorry to hear you buried your wife, old chap," said one. ' Replied the other: "Had te, old boy. Dead, .you know." • London Doctor. Addresses. Lions Dr. Bev. C. Robinson a* director of the ' London District Crippled :+Children, Treatment. Centre, was guest speaker at -the Goderich bions t. out and progress,of_, the'new build- ing at London and tpld of the ser iwouldperform ser- vice it , peria fpr tgle children Throughout .Ontarie who, mad. be In need .of it. Mr. William Haysom, chairman, of the Seals .committee, stated that the LiOns 'Club had already given 51,000 .towards the aforementioned Crippled, Children Treatment _Cen- tre and would, be making another donation of $500: He called on Dr. R .M. Aldis, who introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Robinson. Mr. Stan Prevett, was presented with a 20 year Chevron Speaking of the activities of the Lions Club, over the past 20 years', Mr. Prevett recalled when lt once met at the Park,• House and though the ,club was • few in members it was very active. Ten new members .of the ,Gode- rich Lions Club were presented with their membership certificates. Lion president William Lumby read two letters from I:ions Inter- nationial which expressed sympathy' lin the loss of two members by death rec•en.tly `— Harvey Erskine and Dr. J. A. graham. It was pointed out that at the next Inter- national convention, delegates would pay tribute to their memory along with other members who have passed away. Six new fathers were called to the front and ackno'yledged ip a humorous ceremony. They were 'Burns Ross, Larry Rieck, Allan -MacDonald, ,Ken Hubley, 'Maurice Jenkins and Bruce .Erskine. Among the guests present were several from the Clinton Lions EARNERS - ATTENTION! WANTED a number ' of progres- sive farmers who would like to set out a • commercial block of new heavy bearing red Raspberries or Strawberries we can furnish you markets for .your crops show you how to get--heavy--yields -from your, new planting. If genuinely. interested ,in berry, growing write to Meadowbrooke Nursery. Wooler, Ont., on or before Jan. 17, giving location of your farm. We will call on you giving' full 'planting instructions, cost of planting es- timates, yields, "Profits per acre. Late replies cannot 'be covered, you will find your planting cost with us quite reasonable. .. -3 Club and also Dr, 'if. Is ¥cGequ of C0114- ci ,end Chari arid'' Bert 'i llglg, of B on, Qi tea formerly' of `aG dori, • , Lions Birmo' The-cee it 1y4If�n d. a -�olt g ..ace• . Goderieh Liens Club resumed do Wednesday a ye>y,iing . of lost vwee1l, follbwin a` two weeks' cessation due ta'itbe holiday season. Despite wintry Weather about 125 persons turned out for last week's bingo at the Pavilion. Mrs. Frank Cook, of Clinton, -was the winner of $250 when She had a full house on 52 calls. Winner of a $40 prize was Annie Moser, of Goderich, while a $30 prize was won by Mrs. 'Baird, of Brucefield. Among the gathering were many out-cf-town players, including those CHIROPRACTIC HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri. -9 amt. to 8 p.m. 7p.m.to8p.m. Wed. and Sat. -.-9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy' Office—Corner of South St. and Britannia ,Road. Phone 341. T.Pryde &Son MEMORIALS Goderich Representative MR. 'FRANK -McILWAIN CARLOW 27 Eventide and Rock of Ages registered memorials. 1Btf ,iuor,aMau+.. ;iO4,,,,,4•:•`•;•e47.#4,',. w7 1'Mes Rdomy' s,-' GO If r is ► i Anywhere Anyttnis PHONE 399 ' 77 • Montreal St. ..Goderlch A. AA; HARPER Chartered Accountant Office ` , House 3434.., 343W 33 Hamilton St.` ,Soderich FRANK' RE1D!. LIrE' UNDERWRITER • Life, `annuities, business Insurance. Mutual. Life of Canada • Phone 346 Church St. F. T.. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone .1100 for appointment. SQUARE GODERICH Roy N. Bentley IfYou're TIRED ALL. THE .TIME'' Now and then everybody gets a "tired -out" feeling', and may be . bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriousli wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or Mater discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd'aKidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often.cause back,. ache and tired feeling. Then you feel 'better, rest better,. work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the 'blue box with the red hand 0_0 djug. ' countets. You can depend on Decld's.ao ammo. liMenommata The season of parties and informal get-togethers will soon be in full swing. Better hurry and get your wardrobe in good .order. Look it over—and send everything to us that needs attention. We'll make it look new and smart again, with our modern dry cleaning proces- GODERICT DRY CLEANERS 0 C.Q.LovvertY, PROP. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. _Box 478 Phone 1011 GODERICH ONTARIO ALXANDER & AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Cominorce Bldg. Goderich. Phone 268.. Acclaimed ETROIT'S b Our Canadiczn, Pietas like The TuLT Rifotel because ... • Free Parking (in Pa'rking Lot) • Economical Rates . 41 Family Rates (No Charge for Children 12 or under) • Cafeteria and Coffde Room • Air Conditioned Rooms in Season 800 ROOMS with bath from $ FACING G'IlAND CfeCUS PARK DETROIT, MICHIGAN • Harry E. Paulsen General Managerl, 1-13 WHEN PILED -UP alLLS SAY 'GET A LOAN ON THE TELEPHONE whee brainpower matches horse - HOWIE HOLD ILLS CAR SA LES. BUSI NESS FINANCING • • Take up to 30 months to repay on a wide selection of loan plans, Prompt, dignified, service. 148 THE SQUARE:PHONE /97 HOLI DA YO,