HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-01-15, Page 7Via • . • o THURSDAY, JANUARY 15th,,1909 ASHFIELD ASHILD, Jan. Saul Bradley, of Toronto, merit the week -end with his broth -e', John. Bradley, and Mrs. 'Bradley, and visited his sister, Mary Bradley, R,N.; of Kincardine hospital; whose health has not beengood of late. . Mr. John IllacKenzle and Douglas Farrisht Of •the Great Lakes, is holidaying at their home here. Some of the high school students were unable to 'attend school due to the condition.of roads last week. •COMING THIS WEEKEND- omos010,1111.101.1..• - the family car renowned for its sports car performance! Watch for further official announcement. SKF OUR REALLY OLEAN LATE MODEL USED (ARS METEORS, CHEVS, PLYMOUTH, OLDS, Etc. • SPECIAL PRICE on 1959 VOLKSWAGEN PICK-UP, new. CHEVROLET PICK-UP, late model, extra long box. SEE THEIVL AT TEXACO SERVICE where value -wise motorists buy their FIRESTONE "Town & Country" TIRES. Victoria St, at the Lights • Phone 20 •SUNDAY SERVICES' IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Jan. 18, 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. 10.00 a.M. Sunday School and Bible Class; 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. 'Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND: SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.b., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. "l'HE UNITED -CHURCH 'OF CANADA * - North Street United Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. lla.m. "THE RESPONSIBILITY OF BEING A CHRISTIAN." Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A.;Minister; D MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. 4i Knox Presbyterian Church REV. R. G. MacMILLAN; MISS B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Sermon: "THE POVERTY OF OUR PRAi(ERS." (Nursery and Junior Congregation.) 4 p.m. SPECIAL LAYMEN'S SERVICE. Guest Speaker: Mr. Norman Thompson, Brantford, Ont. The service 'will be conducted by our laymen and a male choir will lead in the tinging. NO EVENING SERVICE AT 7 P.M. A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. AT KNOX. ' Deaconess GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.M. and 7 p.m. THE REV, r•. 1'. W. ZIEMANN, D.D., General Secretary of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Hour. REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A., Ministex, MRS. R. GOOD, Organist. • • WELCOME TO THE CHURCH THAT CARES SUNDAY; JANUARY 18. ' 9.50 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m, MORNING WORSHIP. 7 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study Hour. FREE METHODIST CHURCH—VERLYN R. SNELL, B.A., Pastor SALVATION ARMY, • 84 Lighthouse -Street 1st LIEUT and MRS. • HOWARD tROSSLOAD. 11 a.m.. Holiness Meeting—"SPIRITUAL DE'TERMINATION." 2.30 p.m. Directory -and Sunday School. 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting—"HOW SHALL WE ESCAPE." p.m. Prayer and IMTe-Study. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Home League. You are never a stranger at the Army. 4.4V047.4.. Vicforia Street 'Unifed Church 0 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL. ADULT CLASS. 11 a.m. Theme: "ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD." Nursery in Parsonage. Regular services in Benmiller cburrth at 1.30 p.m. Union Church at 3 p.m. . • 51 Organist—MR. FRANK BISSETT. wow • „ • , , OBITUARY ATARGARIDT McHAFFIE. . Word has been received here of the recent death of Mrs. Margaret MeHaffie at Qualicurn Beach, B.C. She is survived by one son, Pr. .Da,vad-,S,...McJlafde,...o‘V..snr,ouvg)r 4wItinifisz Nairn, of Goderiolitit4 a 'former resident of Stratford, Brantford and London and was the a. C.N.R. conductor. She- was 85 years of age. Interment was made in Avondale cemetery, Watford. MRS. GLADYS MORLEY Bayfield residents were saddened te learn of the -fatal accident to Mrs. Gladys MerleY at Chatham on Monday last. Mrs. Morley waa chasing her dog when struck by a truck. She was the formtr Gladys Gale`and'was 55 years of age. Her father,, Rev. Robert M. 'Gale, was pastor of Bayfield and 'Porter's Hill charge of the United Church from 1927 to 1940. He died in 1940. Mrs. Morley held the degree of A.T.C.M., and -was well-known in this district as a music teacher. In 1919, she was married to the Rev. George Morley who prede- ceased her over a year ago. He was a former pastor of Norwich United Church. She is survived by four brothers, Rev. James Gale, of Ridgeway; John, of Alma; Robert, of Aurora, and ,Ewart, of Norwood. One sister, Mrs. A. A. McIntyre, of Waterloo, also survives. The fun- eral -service was at NorWch, this afternoon (Thursday) with inter- ment in Norwich cemetery. DR. ARCHIBALD J. DICKSON The death occurred at Glendale, California, on January 41th, of Archibald J. Dickson, M.D:, who was born in Goderich on May 9, 1878. Interment was made in Grand View Glenwood cemetery, Glendale,'California'. Dr. Dickson was a graduate of McGill University. Later he-- be- came an eye specialist and "Prac- tised in New. Ycink-City -whene-he was associated, with Willard ,Parker Hospital for many years as chief of staff. Be -cause of ill health he moved to 'California where he prac- tised his profession at Glendale. 'Surviving •are two sisters, Mrs. A. M. Ray, of Stratford, and Miss Grace S. DIckson, 2854 Alta Ter- race, La Crescenta, California, and a niece, Mrs. W. M. (Helen) 'Prud- ham, 499 Second avenue, W., Owen 'Sound. In 1956; three members of his family, All5ert R., Isabella and James Dickson, predeceased him. His late father, Archibald Dickson, was "t.ostmaster at Gode- rich for some years. His grand- father., James' Dickson, represented Huron „and' Bruce in the Federal government before Confederation and. was later Registrar;o1 Huron. • " a.P:PRIPM. :gat NAL -STAR • )3AYFIMD,' Jan. 13.—The Trin- ity Olub held, its annual meeting on Tuesday evening at the home of. Mrs. R. It Gairdner. Sixteen .rtit1ntferw'auswer4,4,he 411. • # JP .• -.0e.:,warweeitaAr to • Iv, and prayer wen' by Mrs, Gardner. Plans for the year were discussed. Officers elected were.: ,bonotary-presidentt-gm Gaminert president, Mrs. L. Path; secretary, Mrs. A. F. Scotchmer; treasurer, Mrs. F. P. Arkell; birthday box convener, Miss Berthena Sturgeon; telephone convener, Mrs. Spencer Irvine; pianist, Mrs. Roddick. A social- hour was held and, refresh- ments served. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Oddleifson, London, were at their home over the Week -end. Mrs. J. W. Jowett left on Friday to spend two months in California. Mr. and Mrs. A. Flowers left 'last week fp visit their son at Thamesford,neaving their sfore in charge of Mr. 'and Mrs: Robt; Mat- thews. Miss Jessie Metcalf; Detroit,' spent the week -end at her home. --Mrs. C. Parker, Seaforth, is visit. ing her daughter, Mrs. Morris Scott. Mr.,. and Mrs. R. Simons and family spent the week -end in Windsor. Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon spent the week -end in Mitchell. Bob'Brandon, Grand Bend. spent the v4ek-end at his home.. The forests are the .,source of a third of all Canadian exports. Salute Year Of Progress • wolf County Junior Farmers Ari institute Do Well In Competitions ifty-five Huron County Junior Procter, and Messrs. Ted Dunn anti Y-pler.,15,1pwarialrogr atait...147.1;91 • • and -Junior Instit te.nieM- #Itt, 4. 1. • 1Vgie-t4.. e a Vie vdward Hotel, Toronto, Saturday. Several Provincial competitions were.held at this convention q..in all of them. ' One of the -post keenly contested was tht Provincial Public Speaking Competition with 27 entries. Miss Sandra Doig, R.R. 1, Dublin, repre- sented Huron County and was selected as one of ,the five top speakers in the competition. Each of the five winners received a silver tray from he Junior Farmers As- sociation of Ontario and a desk set donated, by the T. Eaton Co. Ltd: The topic for Sandra's ten minute address was "Tact." Misses Muriel Gowdy and Ruth (Continued from page 1) Col. Taylor.- 'The members and guests then moved down to the basement where the new recreation room was of- ficially opened. "I am very proud of the work _and Ave_bate...14:11Yefl. Fan ..gom- plete a project ourselves," said Mr. Skinner, cutting the ribbon. "To our property chairman, Comrade Chambers, and Comrade Dan Riehl and to Jack Erskine, a special thanks for theirwark.. and leader- ship. 'To the members who • worked, under -their leadership, the results they have achieved are a credit to their workmanship." Congratulating the Legion on the new recreation, room, Mayor E. C. Fisher paid tribute to the braneh for its support of boys' ,sports, in- cluding baseball, hockeyand .boX- ing. . For obvious reasons, not much coulc; be said 'about welfare work, said' the mayor. But he happened to kncw that the Legion siient.:S600 to $700 at Christmas time alone to - make the Yuletide brighter for less fortunate people. The evening 'closed with dancing. • ORDERNOW AND SAVE SUPER FLOW . FERTILIZER' •_1111ARANIEED NOT TO SET-UP, IN STORAGE PORI 3, place • second,in competition with eight other. quat tets and will' receive $20.00 prize tad itgjist trha., cp)9,. -Petition thegluro'n-Ceiinfy—eritif'd Doris Johnston, Cgrol Pepper.and Catherine Welsh stood third in a competition with ten entries and will receive $10:00 prize money. in the male quartet competition, Huron County was represented by Larry Wheatley„ len Campbell, Bill Campbell and George Turner, They tied for fifth position in com- petition with nine entries. The Huron County Junior Farmer Choi: took part in the annual Pro- vindial Choir Festival. Although the Choir Festival is non-competi- tive the Huron County Choir re. , • c.o.!. vi....isukari44.4nelk',, " • *Pub. lic meeting' was.held .n the !United Church basement, last TPursclay. eveninw-to-pdiscuSs—the.,arquisition- -of adequate .fir,e protection...for-the village -and district. The' concern is "tlie resultof the bla;e which, razed the genturpolcl former hotel here near the year's end. It was pointed out that although there is no lack of willingness on ceived a very favorable ,adificUL'a- tion from Dr. Leslie R. Bell and again this year the Choir Festival with five choirs representing five, counties in Ontario was quite sue- cessful. • ,o• . t"ofIt'At 48,1 assist in, 0,010A.0014 tho'igek of any organiz can result,inJhe'.,',10sa'n and tliO'cbrOKIWW* sttOcOon of Pppot 4r,L K. Dawson was flAairillialt the,nteeting!, di'scussitu) 94 'tile 04140e:',Or ;Veiled fire fighting exfilVt4040thk*, get^ ing ' adjourned and Ill'''"4.4t.tiet421; collected in gronpaiNA taik ittiVer. It was finaily decided to 4411:,' an, othe,t ',meeting in two weeks',...time for further discussion.' it plan- ned at this tivae. to bring in a number of ..outside;*Speakers who might have helpful suggestions on the problem of adequate 'fire pro- tection for Dungannon. ..• BLACKSTONE'S A:nnual, Saying Jarnbor0 SUPER FLOW is precision granulated . . . always flows freely no matter how long it's stored. With SUPER FLOW you get a dust - free fertilizer that "drills evenly—without____:..--..._, clogging or skipping results in more uni- form growth and maturity with bigger yields, better quality. Save time and work neXt spring with SUPER FLOW ... and right now, save money by ordering your fertilizer today. You can store it with confidence ... SUPER FLOW keeps its free-flowing qualities indefinitely. available from C..11...L or NATIONAi., kfprtillZer dealers Ir ;tpocioly ma ..):01111d --00064.1 /ealy for this Matching box spring $39.95 • Smooth -top ... no bumps, no lumps • Hundreds of firm -support coils • Crush -proof, 'pre -built borders won't sog • Durable, decbrator-designed cover • o Top value at this low;low price , D.,‘, Wit',4, • •••• sed0 BUTTON -FREE° DELUXr .• MATTRESS Reinforced with lotexed through the "VITAL '/3- for extra support • `, • • Hundreds of resilient coils 95 Full or twin size • MATTRESS & BOX SPRING Boih -Piece Anniversary 'Special! • rl 95 r „FAur'°`?.. • Hundreds of restful coil, • Smartly styled, durable covers • Vented sides* -tailored handles ' Get years while they last HURRY!' .OUANTITIEs LIMITED " EASY BUDGET TIPS Good posture is a PLUS .you can get from sleeping repedie 50 MATTRESS a .4**. Nap ruhhet Pnsturfnedtc mattress and matching toundatiOn , ,both tor $179•50 full or twin site Matching Inundatiort 179 50 less than 2r a ntp,ht • • NO .MORNING BACKACHE from a too -soft 'mattress tOo World's' finest mattress for cemfortoble, healthful sleep! Align, tones up' and relaxes weary back mvscles.---just as orthopedic sur- geons recommend. Famous Posturepedic de- sign can't sag —alwayg keeps your spine on a line. Helps improve your posture, so you fee!er and look better. Smooth, button -free topj. too—no bymps, no lomOs,, SEALY. SLEEPS YOU—KEEPS YOU—AT1-0,0 LEVE1 'Bev! . , ": • , - 111 you get more for your money with SUPER FLOW WEST STREET m . . ' ••• ".• , • ' • . 4 . •