HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-01-15, Page 5• 1956 DODGE REGENT automatic, steering, really sharp. 1955 DODGE HARDTOP V8 with automatic; three tone paint. 1955 HUDSON 4 DOOR WASP, elegance' and high, value. 1955 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 4 DOOR, -1-9;53 rams, 2 door, 4 door, smart Customlines. , 1953 DODGES, Regent and Mayfair Sedans: 1952 DODGE SEDAN.. A. nice car with overdrive. 1951 DESOTO 4 DOOR SEDAN, 44,000 actual miles, like new. 1949 plIEV' 00A011. Good condition, • 194? 'DESOTO SEDAN. Cheap transportation. 1949 WILLYS JEEP. 4 wheel drive, 500 miles on rebuilt motor. ALL OARS SNOW TIRE EQUIPPED -AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. The complete line for '59 —Dodge - Desoto - Rambler REGMcc'EE ' PHONE 765 or 676 HAMILTON ST., GbDERIGH OPEN EVENINGS 1 LEEB'UBN fall. 1-.2e4V11'0! 'G don Kaitttng was hostess when the .t.,! r`xng' t._ �. day week. Miss Belle" Shaw Was leader of the Qhristmas .worship service: Seriptur, °"was read by Mrs. J. McBride and Mrs. T..Hunteli. M1iea ings. on• ,istmas:.1teru- iven°. 'by, , Mrs. Harold Bogie ' .and Mrs, Andrew. Bogie. -Several 'greeting, cards were read from ex -mem erss.: A basket of ;fruit was sent to Miss Helen Clerk, charter member,"who is a patent' in Goderich hospital, Mrs. 'Tait Clark presided for the election of officers for 1959. They are: past president, Mrs. Terence -Hunter president', Mr's. Joe -ll a - man; lst vice-president, Mrs. Eltner Hunter; 2nd vice-president, . Mrs. 1aareld Bogue; „treasurer, Mrs, R9 $ogle-; assistant treasturer� 11Mr Harvey Fisher; secretary, Mrs. Jai. Horton; assistant secretary, Miss Belle Shaw; community friendship secretary, Mrs. Elmer Hunter;. as- sistants, Mrs. Andrew Bogie and Mrs.' Lock Cook; supply secretary, Mrs. J. McBride; assistants, Miss Belle ShaW and Mrs. 'P. McBride; press secretary, Mrs. J. Horton; stewardship and finance secretary, Mrs: T. Hunter; Missionary Monthly secretary, Miss Belle Shaw; temper- ance 'and literature secretary, Miss Helen Clark; Christian citizenship secretary, Mrs. Beeet Bogie; organ- ist, Miss Belle Shaw; assistant, Mrs. J. McBride. The usual social half hour was much enjoyed. The, January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Terence Hunter. Style Unchanged For Centuries So- little has the style and ma- terial of the fairy story changed that some of the tales recovered from ancient Egyptian ' sources— dating back thousands of years -- might have been written today. W dkee, V1 DoupJ' had PPe4 frS Rollinson last week, from the Post- Leonard Arciambault; junior Bible Master General, Hon. Williain Ilam- class the Minister, Mr , .Keith Men. The card reads as follows: Arthur, 1Vfr. `Arthur Spiegelberg) "On the occasion. ;df your retire- cradle roll, Mrs..Ernes..Du s , - inent- rom' sta'1, � ervf ,,I.. a..�-- "; " n e .. , s ,de, , d�i're . tTililoiiabs :end` s:s rs,Ilneth to express to you, appreciation of McDougall; music,, Miss Margo the faithful service you have rend- Grange, ;organist;;' 1st quartcr,•..Mrs. ered to Canada during more than Kenneth McDougall; 2nd' 'iivarter,, 30 years, and I wish to extend to Mrs. George ,Million; 3rd quarter, you, my sincere thanks." Deputy Postmaster G. A. Boyle also sent a letter which read as follows: "It is a pleasure on behalf of the Hon. William Hamltot, _Postmaster_ General, to forward to you the attarhed testimonial card as an expression of appreciation Of your long service in, this department. I also 'have many years at head- quarters and throughout Canada and this has enabled'" me to ap• preciate the fact that the Canadian Postal Systems compares favorably with the best in the world, which is in a large measure due to the time and effort devoted to the service, by so many. of our people who have held various positions of responsibility over the years. The Postmaster General and myself both hope that you will fu your retirement. — G. Deputy Postmaster. Ulnited `Church Sud y School: - The superintendent, Mr. Charles Scot,.. presided at the annual meet- ing of the Sunday School. Mrs. Bert Craig was appointed secre- tary for the meeting. The minutes of the 1958 meeting were read and adopted. Mr. Arthur Spiegel- berg read the treasurer's report. The report of the nominating com- mittee was read by Mrs. Fred Toll and accepted. It is: superintend- ent, Charles Scogtt; assistants, .Oliver Anderson, William Straughan; treasurers, Arthur. Spiegelberg, Mrs. -Ted Mills; temperance secre- tary, the Minister, Mr. Harold Webster;. -rn-issiorrary-and- tem*r- ance committee for January, Febru- ary and March, Mrs. Bert Craig, for April, May and June, Mrs. Leonard Archambault, for . July, August and September; Mrs:' Har- Old Webster, for October, Novem- ber and December, Mrs. Kenneth McDnugall. Teachers of the classes are: nursery; Mrs. Leonard Archam- bault, Mrs. Arthur Grange; begin- ners Mrs. Charles Million, Marjge •Koopmans; primary girls, Miss Elma Mulch, Mrs. Jack, -:Armstrong; primary _boys-, William I,.. Craig, Lloyd McClinehey; Sunshine girls, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. John Durnin; Explorer bo$'s, Mrs. George Million, AUBURN, .tan. 15.-.-. , testinaon- Mrs. Derathi Young a d Lill card of appreciation for over I Webster;' Good'w 'T girl' ra. enjoy oyle, Mrs. Norini n Wightman;, 4th quar- ter, Mrs. Gordon 'McClinchey; social committee, Mrs. Everett Taylor, Mrs. Ted Mills, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs.. George Million, Mrs_ , }larold Webster. The Sunday School an dive--sary is to be .held on May 17, with Dr. 11. H. Savage as guest speaker and a junior choir at th morning service. The nominatin committee far 1.96o, will be Mr's. Kenneth McDougall, Mrs. Guy - Cunningham and Mrs. John Durnin. The meeting was closed with pray-, er by Mr. Scott. •. Some of the local. boys are en- i joying playing hockey with the Goderich clubs. They are: Peter McDonald, Kenneth. Deer, John Arthur, Lorne Deer, John Mont- gomery and Allan Craig playing on the pee wee Jeams and John Mac- Kay, Ronald 'Arthur and Robert Wilkin with the Squirts. Miss Susie. Latimer, of Oakville, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig. Twenty ladies of - , the Auburn Women's Institute were guests of the Goderich W.I. last Thursday 'afternoon at their January meeting. M'r. Kenneth Staples. ,arrived home 'last Saturday to spend 'his vacation with his wife and daugh- ters, Marian, Susan and Carol. Friends in this district of Mrs. Archie Robinson, of Clinton, will be pleased to know that she is now in Clinton hospital, after sev- eral weeks in Victoria Hospital,` London. -.,Receptiotr: �: - iarge,,..erowd- at: tended the reception for Mr. and. Mrs. George Haggitt last Friday evening 'in the Memorial Hall, Blyth. An address of congratula- tions on theirs,recent marriage was read by Lawrence Nesbitt and a 'large purse of 'money was present- ed by Kenneth 'Patterson, Dancing followed. Mrs. Nelson Hill, of Goderich, visited last week with 'her sister, Miss Sadie Carter. Light Bearer's Mission' Band.— The' Light._B.earer's...Missidn-. Band_ of Knox United Church held their first meeting of the year last Sun - d McDougalll Q known' in Oeder.t'eh and district, ,' shot the animal 31 �: nne 1 ive .. 're'"'tnrn 'r" i �°: air o` x` -Q r: kc. MacLennan, district, veterinar- lan of the Health of Anirnais'; Division, Dep a, rtrnent of ,Agri- , culture, A letter confirming, the diagnosis of rabies. has 'just been. received ,from the veterinarian. Mr. McDougall suspects that two other foxes he trapped recently 'also. had - rabies.' • ay. The Junior Band has Miss • Margaret R. Jacirson as superin- tendent, assisted by Mrs. , Arthur Grange. The, primary band has Mrs. • Maurice Bean for its leader, assisted by Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey, and the Baby ,Band isdirected by Mrs. Leonard Archambault. The study book for 1959 is "Ten Pairs of Shoes." After the regular meet- ing, 'the officers were installed for - the new year. They are: president, John Arthur; vice-president, Wayne Durnin; . secretary, " Martie Koop- mans; assistant, Jean Montgomery; treasurer, Sharon Ball; assistant, Linda Wilson. Friends of Mr. Albert Campbell will be sorry to hear that he was taken, by ambulance to Clinton hospital last Sunday morning, Dr. R. S. Ifiltz, Mrs, Hiltz, Mal- colm and Mariam, moved recently. to -their new home at Exeter where' Dr. Hiltz has been called to be minister at the United Church there. • Mr. Colin Fingland, of Wingharn, has been conducting the services at the Auburn, Westfield and Donnybrook churches. Misses Helen Youngblut, Betty Youngblut, n Marie Leatherland, .Marilyn--Daer,--Jannett•Dobie, -Kath-- leen and Linda Andrews and Mrs. Wes. Bradnock were guests nn. Monday evening of the Seaforth C.G.I.T, at a„ supper meeting to hear 'Mrs, .F. C. Knox, missionary of the Bhil Field in India. Mr. Keith. Arthur is attending the furniture show in Toronto this week. , Robert John Popp, infant. son of ” Mr`. and Mrs. Lorne Popp ,of ',Au- burn, is dangerously ill with pneu- monia. Little Dianne Popp is also ill. Douglas Popp is staying a few -:'days : with -his grairdp2rents,': Mr. and Mrs. Meredith 'Young and Donald. product k me such aS.bra t 'or =a high rotei t 1, jnsec , (41•4 o4. meat• meal. T+day„ the ba ' contains. a cont - pie0 mixture pf different,ingr � ,lents :designed to -satisfy the cot'°` plate - -nutrinal, - oquir-ame,n growing or laying' birds., A ratio* must contain ene proteins, miinerais, and ,vitami. to satisfy requirements for' growt fattening ,or reproduction. Ori_.. finally these, needs were_ supplied from familiar natural feed -stuffs. Today, however, many synthetic vitamins, and in some cases 'syr - - thetic amino acids, are substituted. Additionally, •a number of ingred- ients which cannot be classified as essential nutrients are added. These include compounds like anti- biotics, arsenicals and others ;which tend to promote rapid , growth. In many cases rations also contain , certain medicaments for control or treatment of certain diseases; Because of today's multiplicity of ingredients, there is often an air of mystery surrounding a bag of feed, says T. M. Maclntyre, poul- try nutritionist with the Canada Experimental Farm at Nappan, N. S. But, he adds„ in each 'case there are nutritional reasons for incorporating the particular pro- duct in the ration. Source of Energy At the Nappan farm, it has been proved that synthetic amino acids can be successful • where natural products fail. -Inedible animal tal- low -or' some -other fatty product, has been found to be a useful source of energy. Addition of fat . results in improved , feed officio icy, and most broiler and many I : ' g rations now contain - added t` t Too, use of ingredients such as antibiotics and medicaments wl►icb are not generally classed; as nu- trients ' have resulted in lowered mortality and improved, growth and thus indirectlycontribute to improved nutrition. "In general, each new addition means -More meat -and --eggs- from_ _Y_ a bag of feed," sums -tip Mr. Mao- Intyre, Switch to L. 'i'i iv iON . . treat your 'family to good old-fashioned foods. Here ,. are foods guaranteed to set your family's appetites atingling. • This week, DOMINION is featuring these , wonder- fully appetizing, yet truly econonaicrl fir' , ' c"k im and sav' ! Even though 'it's washday Mother has plenty of tirne.to upend with the children, because 'electricity helps with the housework. The , washing is _done automatically ... by electricity. While she's away the clothes will be washed and rinsed thoroughly, simply by setting the' dial on the automatic electric washer. When she comes home, the washing needs only to be transferred to the automatic electric clothes dryer.- White she's busy preparing- dinner (on her -- automatic electric range), the washing will be dried sunshine -fresh, automatically, whatever. the weather. Automatic electr"ic laundry appliances are safe, clean,1 and modern. They free you from wash- day drudgery forever :.. yet they cost just a few cents a day to operate. You. get more out of life, when you get the most To freshen a refrigerator which has not been used for sorra„, time, wash out with baking soda in warm ' water. ST. WILLIAMS—WITH PECTIN STRAWBERRY JAM LYNN -VALLEY — STANDARD GREEN PEAS MARTIN'S — CHOICE BISCUIT FEATVP.E — PARTY TREAT CELLO $AG 690ASSORTED BISCUITS 2-LB APPLE ' JUICE ARROW BRAND -- STANDARD - A DESSERT PEAS YORK CREAM STYLE FARCY CORN PICKLE FEATURE! DYSON'S POLSKI ,OGORKI DILL PICKLES No. 1 Ontario POTATOES Guaranteed Good Cookers 5O -Ib. bag $1.29, 3 bags $3.49 No: 1 Florida Marsh Seedless 'IO for .5 5c GRAPEFRUIT Size 96 No. 1 California Seedless Navel Sweet and' Juicy SUNKIST ORANGES Size 138's doz' 3 3e MACARONI AND CHEESE , .. MONARCH — REGULAR KRAFT DINNER 2 74.0s... 31 LIBBY-IN TOMATO SAUCE—COOKED 0 MARGARINE CANADIAN PACK Ai GOLD SEAL—FANCY SPAG- IET-11 11 1. SALMON =ARK'S — ASSORTED- W MEAT SPREADS 2 =x 21 j_IN DTY ,,BEE CLARK'S" iofe EiNNER OR BETTY CROCKER—W'HIT'E OR DEVILS 'FOOD SPECIAL 1 , 53,0 CAKE MIXES 320-oz.IPKG.Q1 �00 1-1.8. PKG, RED Sf,1CKE}(E ASSORTED FLAVOURS SPAE-CAL I 470 Shirrlff Lushus the safe, clean, modern way RICRMELLD — HANDY CHEESE SLICES SALAD DRESSING s -oz. TINS RICHMELLO --= DELICIOUS . PEANUT BUTTER'& V CLARE'S RICHMELL• O ' -a TOMATO SOUP- -2..1, i , 250 ICC _,CREAM vA L N 890 RICIIMidt.a-.. SLICED SAYtlMY rekrunt.--afi.CNRt`T 21p APPLE PIE WO' Mint DATA!) Ar Jo Store Hoar Tues., Th+urs and . Sat:, 8.30 a.m. to 6 p►.rh. Wed.', 0.30 sail: S.A.E. GRADES #10 AND #a0 -- REGULAR DOM./01. ' iter 11:30.. Fri., 8.30 .1n. f6 p:rn.'