HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-01-01, Page 6'w
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4E14URN, Dec. 29:- 'he7pupiis ' Susan. Mr. and Mrs. Staples left
Of St.S. No. 16, East Wawanosh, later in the week for Toronto.
with their teacher, Mrs. Beth Loris- Mr. and Mrs." Alfred Rollinson
visited last Thursday in Goderich
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Medd.
Mr, • and Mrs. James Hlembley
spent Christmas Day in Paimer-
stoii will} their daughter; Mrs. R.
Joan Lockhart;, square dance num- J. Brown,, Mr. Brown and Julie
ber by'juniors; junior chorus; piano Ellen.
•itat# i.. , , - i 'rijnii `a, �-•a..4k ititiAte'ir aaug�;�
- ing, presented their annual Christ-
mas concert.. The program includ-
4d: recitation, George Bromley;
solo, Monica Nesbitt, solo, Nancy
Anderson; dialogues; piano solo,
i son; duet, Klaslca and Martie ter, Mrs. Ronald ltathwell, 1Vlr.
Kooptnaiis; solo, Grace . Brumley; ' Rathwell and family. at St, Cath-
-quartette, Messrs. Bob Daer, Chris- j crines.
topher flutchinson, Frank Nesbitt '41i'; Gordon Van Fleet visited
Am_ L , ng ,N b' 'Agu re lag.. week with Mr. olid Mrs. Ray-
Wr •�-1%Y'q �,a J. {3�jj.� ;.��. M-.M.,una.www.ti.'..,,,:uu.v}iWlor..'r.4r�,..,rt.
dance. number, sola, Jo ocichar ; i i`n Bird-
- solo, Heather McDowell; duet; Mrs. I Mr. an Mrs. lIarry Arthur, Judy,
'NoPmair; MbClinchey and Mr. Frank,' Mark and Greg, spent Christmas
Nesbitt; closing recitation, Gordon ; Day with her parents; -Mr'. and Mrs.
'Govier. j Elncerller, of B1y ' th.'
''h.e annual Christmas. party of I Mr. a A�ll Mrs. J. J. Robertson
the Knox Presbyterian : Sabbath I, visited lass leek with their /laugh -
School was held last Tuesday even -ter, Mrs. 'Harold, Kitchen, Mr.
ing in the church with Rev. D. J. j Kitchen and fancily, .at Port Dal -
Lane as chairman. Carol singing housie.
was enjoyed with the church organ- Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan
ist, Mr. Arthur' Youngblut accom- spent the holiday with. their daugh-
panying on the piano. A welt°ome, ter, Mrs. Tom Jardin, Mr. Jardin
recitation was given by Joyce Lea- I and family, •of Wingham..
therland. There was a piano solo ( Mrs. Fred Plaetzer visited her
by Eddie Haines. Mrs. Alvin . Lea-
therland's class gave recitations
' with the following taking part:
Cheryl Stewart, Margaret Young-
blut, Marian Staples, Wayne Scott,
Randy Machan and Carol Staples.
A' piano solo was played by Marg-
aret Haines. A play "The Saviour
is'Born" was given by Mrs. Donald
Haines' class, with Marian Yout'ig-
blut, Keith Scott, Eddie Haines,
Joyce Leatherland and Darlene
Stewart taking the parts. •The
C.O.C: sang a chorus. There was
�• -_- .�-•.af�i'i�'�� ' i°istfxia§i��ace,�,��ii'a's
given by Barbara, Mary and Marg-
aret Sanderson. Mrs. Duncan Mac-
' Kay's class sang "Christmas Lul-
laby"'in' two parts and Mrs. Wes.
Bradniick's class sang. "Dear Little
Stranger." Santa arrived and dis-
tributed the gifts and bags of
candy to all the children.
Mr. and Mrs., Harry Phalen and
"son Paul, of Acton, and Mr. and
Mrs. Donald King, of Strathroy,
were guests on the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. Russel King,
Mr. Roy de Haas left last week
'"• for a visit to" his -home
•uy iawuv
• Mr. Frank Waiters, 'of Ingersoll,
and Miss Elizabeth Grange, of Strat-
ford, were holiday visitors with
Mrs. Arthur Grange, Margo'- Jen-
nifer and Shelly.
About 20 members of the- Knox
Presbyterian C.O.C. renewed an old
tradition .by singing `carols to the
sick and the older citizens of the
village last Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stephenson
-and family ot-St. Catharines; vl"srt-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Robison last week.
Mr. Kenneth Staples • arrived
home last Tuesday evening to
Spend Christmas Day with his wife,
Staples,_Marian,.-- Carol .._ and
sister, Mrs. Lorne Johnston and
VJr. Johnston) of Lueknow, last
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pentland,
of North Bay, spent the holiday
with her mother, Mrs. Charles
M. and Mrs. Charles Asquith
are visiting with their family in
Toronto this week-,
Guests with Mr. and Mrs. John
Daer on Christmas Day were Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Seiler and Johnnie,
of Mitchell; Miss Ellen . Da'er and
Mr. Mit, ....,I.ack..sp .i., Q.. t'Bella
.m Mn--.acid'-.7.1VI hers
Clinchey and Kathy, of R.R. 2,
Mrs. John Graham is -visiting with
friends in Wingham during the
holiday season.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngblut
and family, of Woodstock, and Mr.
and'' Mrs. -Wilfred Sanderson spent
Christmas with Miss, Minnie Wag-
ner, Messrs. William,' Walter .and
John Wagner..
Guests on • Christmas Day_ with ,
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig
were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig,
,aZT-Art ivii,.
In its modern fleet and trained personnel lies the 'strength of today's
Royal Canadian Navy. HMCS Margaree, at left, is an anti-submarine
ship. A right, top, is MACS Bonaventure, at Malta during fall .NATO
exercises in the 'Mediterranean. ' Below her are HMC Ships. Skeena,
Fraser- and Margaree at Saigon, South Viet Nam, during a spring
training cruise to the Far East. Typi+eal of the younger personnel
who man the ships of the fleet are; centre, 'top, Midshipman Mark L.
Crofton, 20; and centre.. boftoin, Ldg. Sea. Donald B, Richardson, 23',
one of the RCN men selected to serve in the Royal Yacht Britannia
during Her. Majesty the Queen's 1959 visit to Canada.
Carolyn, Vera Jane and Jeff; of Marguerite Chopin, of Wingham;
Ilderton, Mx, and Mrs, William S. and Mr. George Dawson, of Dungan-
sl•uce and Brenton, of C1ln- non,. were -guests -With, Mr, .and -Mrs.
ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wor-
sell and Terry, of Goderich.
Friends were very pleased to
see that Mrs. Herbert Mogridge
was able, to be brought home for
Christmas after several months
spent in Clinton hospital. Her
daughter, Mrs. Gormerly Thomp-
son, of Brampton, is visiting her
parents. • '
Keith -Machan;
Randy ;Ind Trudy, visited last Fri-
day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. •William L. Craig,
James Machan, of Listowel.ent
Mrs. George Hathilton is visiting withn and a Brian, Ma lie, at Christmas
with her brother, Mr.' Lorne Wilson
n :'VIr Wil on at Bruce•flea
ld..-__-_ _.- ... _-
The, members of the Auburn W.I. :Mr -arid Mrs. Wilfrednahan
served a turkey dinner' last week and family, of Goderich, ;visited
to the members of the Dungannon last. Friday with her sister, Mrs.
Institute. Warner Andrews, Mr. Andrews and
Mr and Mrs. Chester Taylor, of family. ,
J. C. Stoltz last Friday.
Miss Lillian Stewart,' of London,
was a holiday visitor 'with her mo-
ther, Mrs. William Stewart.
Mr. Tom Anderson and daugh-
ters, Misses Donna Lynn, Lorraine
and Dale, of'Toronto, visited on
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Anderson' and family,.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
.Rangel).' ,FoxtttinP .on .the.-birth--of-
their son on Monday,. December 22
in Clinton' hospital.
St. Helens,' spent Christmas Eve Mr. Widram J. Craig was 'the
with her sister, Mrs. Maude Frem- holder of the lucky ticket drawn at
lin,' the RCAF Radar school last `week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkin and His prize was a .beautiful' driftwood
family spent the holiday„,ith his lamp.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. •aF i'' ilkin, Marian, Carol and Susan
of ch� . Staples are visiting this week with
-- `th-eir- and aren
• Mr, and Mrs• , Eldon,Stoltz, Don t p . MY ` and Errs.
ald and. Douglas, of Guelph, Mrs. Guy Ives, of Goderich Township.
Mr. Gordon Powell returned last
,.e v.n.Y
Concrete sidewalk slabs and
bumper blocks.
Home Construction
Provided suf tient interest , is ' shown, a night class in
Horne Construction will be offered again this year. ,
Monday, January 5
730 p.m.
Jrofurther information telephone 496.
week from a summer spent on the
-his wife and son Wayne.
Guests on Christmas Day with,.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes ,Bradnock were
Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold. Nicholson,
Karen and Gary, of Seaforth, Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Bennett, John, Jill
and Jim, of Port Albert, Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Pentland, North 'B -ay,
•Mrs. Charles Straughan and Mrs.
Rosa Bradnock, of God-erich.
Mr. and Mrs. `Ross Nicholson and
family, of Seaforth, and Mr'. and
Mrs. Howard Tait and family visit-
ed on Christmas Day with the
ladies' mother, Mrs. Amelia Nevins.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon-
nell, Mary and Dianne had as their
guests last Friday, Mr. and , Mrs.
Harold Kirkconnell,' of Goderich,
and Mr. and Mrs.. Louis Blake, Faye
and Maryanne, of Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig spent
the holiday with his brother, Earl,
Mrs. Craig and family, at Goderich.
Mrs, Gladys Hull visited last
week with her family at Blyth and
Walton. •
Miss Ruth Daer, of Atwood, and
Miss Shirley Daer, of.London, spent
the holiday with their parents, Mr.
and• _Mrs: "Roy- Dar' acid f iiiily. "
Guests on the holiday, with Mr.
and Mrs. John Houston were Miss
Mary Houston, Hamilton; Miss
Jean Houston and Miss Jean
Jamieson, of Toronto, and Miss
Frances Houston, R.N., of London.
t Lakes and is, visiting, with
Taylor's, Corner
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sturdy, Larry,
John and Mary Ellen •spent Christ-.
mas with Mr. and Mrs,. John
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sturdy 'and
family, of Thorold, spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. G. Cutler; of Guelph,
spent the holiday with Mr, and
Mrs. Reg, Sturdy. Connie, of Goderich, and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cxidmore, Robert Fuller,
of Brantford, spent Christmas -with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rodges, Mr.
Mr. and Mrand Roy Wilson'. Miss a d Mrs. Irvine Oke and Mr. and
laine -Wftson71'eturifed"`"1ff4"tii lith "l " G•eor" , me
on = lnday €or tie holidays. • I ewin; to the -d -eat of their cousin
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Walters, of Mr. William Walters, were in Lon:
Ottawa, visited on Friday with Mr, I don en- Sunday.
and Mrs. George Ginn. Cheryl Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Ames, of Atwood, is spending the i.Jim Oke on their recent i'narriage.,
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ginn. I After the reception on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs, Chester 'McNeil they were honored by Mr. and Mrs.
and family, of Waterford,, were Ken Oke, of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs.
home for the holidays. Murray' Oke, of Windsor, and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Scott and sons, and Mrs. Don Oke, of Zurich, at
of Windsor, visited 'with relatives the horde of Mr. and 'Mrs. Irvine
in the comm inity over the holiday. Oke.
Mr. ,lack Hicks, of Toronto, and Mr, 'and Mrs. Doug. Robihson and
Miss Peggy Gillis, of Elliott Lake, family, of Zurich spent Friday with
enjoyed the holiday with Mr. and Mr,. and Mrs. Chester Sturdy 4Xrd
Mrs.- Walt:. ;,;,° cels. faintly and Mr. Austin Sturdy.
Visitors ` i'r Christmas with 'Mr. MM Nina Walters, Charles • Wal-
and Mrs. Jim McMillan were Mr. ters, of Taylor,'s Corner, and Mrs.
and Mrs. Ken 13auer, o'f London' Wm. cLean, of Sal ford, enjoyed'.
-and r Gell
Mr. and. Mrs. Ken McMillan' ' and G.'G. Newton, Goderich,
HOLMESVILLE Dec. 29. -- Mrs
Frank Norman and Messrs. Dewar
,afid Bruce Norman spent Christ-
mas in New Hamburg, with Mr.
and Mrs. H. Hinz. •
Mr. Jack Norman, of the Uni-
versity of Toronto, is spending,his
vacation with his parents,Mr. and
Mrs Win: 1�7 F fi _ __.._...�.._-_
Mr Kenneth Potter, student at
the •O,A.C., 'Guelph, is at the. home
of his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. • E.
Potter,- for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry •Cudmore and
Paul, -were gi ests of -Mrs: J'. Cud
more and Miss Rita Cudmore, Clin-
ton, on Christmas Day.
Mr and Mrs.'Frank Lawson and
family, London, and ] r. and Mrs.
Nelson _Brown, of Warren, • Mich.,
spent -the Christmas week -end with
Mr. and Mrs..D. E. Gliddon.
Mr.• and Mrs. R: Cameron and
family spent Christmas week -end in
Pickering with Mrs. Cameron's par-
ents, Mr., and Mrs. J. Wilkinson.
1r- and Mrs.:Gorden-Steepe a -n
family: spent the -week -end in-Wboo ”
stock, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Magee.
Mr.. Gordon Stock, who was 'a
patient in Stratford general' Hos-
pital; is now at thehome of Mr.
and � rs, Earl Williams, Goderich
.An enjoyable' evening of Christ-
mas music was put on by the
Holmesville United Church choir,
on Sunday, December 28th, Rev.
. J.A. ,McKim was narrator, telling
the beautiful story of the birth
of Christ, and the choir' told the
story in song. Miss Bonita.Wil-
liams sang a solo, and the Misses
Sandra Williams and Frances Mc-
Cullough sang a duet. The junior
choir did very well, in the last
anthem, with the senior choir add-
ing 'voice .at the end of it. M.
Lloyd Bond is organist and choir
leader, and did the arranging for
the evening's program.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yeo and fam-
ily 'spent Christmas with Mrs. C.
Bissett and Mr. Frank 'Bissett,°
Goderich. ,
Mr, and Mrs.‘'id.--,Grigg and fam-
ily, were in Clinton for Christmas
Day with Mr. and Mrs., F. Potter.
Mr. and Mrs: L. Bond and"family
were guests on Christmas Day of
Mr. and Mrs. F. Potter and Mr. and
-Mrs: A Bond;•Gl-intvn: --w-
Mr. and Mrs. K. Trewartha and
family spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. A. Bond, Clinton.
Guests ,pn Christmas Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Teo and fam-
ily were: Mr. and Mrs.' W. H.
Jewell and Mrs. M. Phillips, of
GQL1erlic•h; Mr.' and Mrs. Ralph
Jewell and Bill, of Benmiller.; Mr,
,and Mrs. Mel Cranston, of Gode-;
rich; Mr. and Mrs. Frank B,ainton
nd:Glenyce, of Blyth; Mr. and Mrs.
Neely Todd, of Stratllord;' Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Sowerby and ..family,'
of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Don
-Hasson and}- family, of 'Kitchener;
Mr. and. Mrs. D. McNeil and Mary
Lou, of the Nile, and -Mrs. E. A.
Yen. •
Mrs. C. Bissett and Mr. Frank
Bissett, of Goderich, were guests
on` Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. Yeo.
Miss` Sandra ,Williams and Miss
Ruth Merrill spent a few days of
their Christmas vacation on a trip
to Fort Erie and Welland:' v
Dreaming is all right as long as
you keep wide awake doing
Make it a habit to keep_your feet
'on the ground and you'll, never
have ,far,:.to:,fa.L , '
Most of us` are beginning to
- learn that the .cost -of 'experience'
has gone up like everything else.
The Canadian • labour force was
estimated at 6,177,999 in October,
1958, an {increase of 186,000 from
one year earlier.
' (National Defence Photo)
New. Hospital
Insurance Plan •
In Effect Jan. 1
Dr. R, W. Ian Urquhart, Chair-
man of the Ontario Hospital Ser-
vices Commission, said in -Toronto
today that _the:.people_,..oL.Ontara,o..
can .help to make the forthcoming
hospital insurance plan one of the
greatest blessings the Province has
ever enjoyed. The, plan, which
begins at one minute past midnight
on New Year's Day, _will provide
ic "h
all bask needs for
more than 90% of Ontario's'
5,850;000 population. ,
"This is a really great plan,'t Dr,
Urquhart told a press conference
at Queen's Park, "great in its con-
cept, and great in its scope. We
like to believe that the people of
this province, will show the same,
-good--sense-ant-spirit-of-- -
ation in using Ontario Hospital In-
surance as they did in registering
for its benefits." ' Dr. Urquhart
told press, radio and television re-
porters, that the Commission did
not anticipate "a queue of would-be
'patients outside each hospital door
on New Year's Eve." •
"More thah 72 per cent of the
population alreadyhave some form
of 'Hospital insurance through in-
surance companies, Blue Cross, and.
other prepayment plans," he said.
"For these people there will be ,no
novelty about prepaid hospital
care, even though 0111 will be far
more -comprehensive than"•airy Cor-
responding plan in, the past." Dr.
Urquhart said the Commission ' is
specially" happy that the medical
profession has offered to encourage
local hospital medical staffs to set
up committees to assure the most
effective use of hospital facilities.
, 1 1 -
ect v'e„January 1959, 17,410 #4.
Cor0 any' '' 0,13e170010'
l� �
which 'presently extends fro w'
Windsor to Dunnville. and "•from,.
Lake Erie to GoderJ h—will be
CO -040-.411 ,01/ 1,5 .' .
'phis moye-- •wtiieh *AVOW involves tli -�
establishment of two new°.,tstrieta+
and the rcloe tion of boundzrlea ,
of some exi•,st 'Ag districts �. 1s.
brought” about, by thr e ,,tli;igs ex*
pansiiri oi•,,NsGa•-
ft`a new - areas; acgLiisltion q#.`
major partion of Dominion 'N'atural
Gas . CQ?np my. propert es in .So.uth:f
western p.Ontario; and the transfa
of the franchises for 'distribution
by City Gas Company of London
to Union Gas Conipaily,i Canada,
Limited, •
One of the districts is known as
The Northern District: Waterloo,
Guelph, Stratford,, • Goderich, St.
Marys, ,Clinton, Seaforth and Mit-
chell. Arrangements are well ad-
vanced, whereby Owen Sound, Mea -
ford and Thornbury may soon be -
included in this district. ; ,
ASHFIELU; Dec., 29, --Among,
those home for theholidays were:,
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen 'Elliott and
Billy, of Lansing, Mich.; Mr. and-
Mrs. Findlay MacDonald and child-
ren, of Chatham; Miss Louise Mae -
Lerman, .of Toronto; Wir;• Ray' -Mai
I�en'et o-oronto
Wit„. and
Pinta -y Mac'"r'ennan,' ,Exeter; r.
and Mrs., Spillsbury and daughter,
.of London; Miss Maryanne West,
of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Ainslie and children, of Toronto;
Miss Dianne Compton, of London;
Mr. Kenneth MacKenzie, of Brant-
• Mr, Robert MacGregor vihsited' his-
sister, Mrs. Leadbetter, in Toronto,,.
last week -end.
Mr., and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson
viSifed with their. daughter, Mrs.
N. Whitehead last week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. "MacKenzie
spent a few • days with their.
nephew, Mr. Carter,:of Londesboro,
--Among-the-sailors-home sailors -home -for• the'
winter •are Messrs. Jack Johnson,
John .MacKenzie, Douglas ftrrigh,
Arthur Simpson. •
The OG1T under. the leadership
of Mrs. Finlay MacDonald held a
candlelight service: in. Ashfield.
Presbyterian Church Sunday even- - •a,-
ReV. Neil MacCombie • spent.
Christmas with his• a,;rerits_.in. mid.„
The music's outlandish .— ' the -
lyrics 'don't fit --,it's crazy and tune --
less --,-but boy, what .a hit!
arts Friday, tan.
AT 9 A.
Coats, Coat Sets, Snow
Skims, Jackets
and many other a ite
Iy rns
Come „ 1rVR
.-- .f. X.
r ,„