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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-01-01, Page 2
W :.lrn a ►Q TWO • yN ii §C fiitto •M • -Q- , The: County Town Newspaper- of Huron' —Ct Established 1848. of publication. nat.:Car eFJl�Q YSPApEgS {RI'E Wl�yr1. 344104N h►Ra►Kl £ R Sp4r1Rs Assoc., NF1 cot^t' Published by P Signal-Star Limited. 4.00 (In advance) rates ..,:,L,.4$3,.00 a •3cear... T..Q�.0-,S.A: , " 6t'tawar • Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office" Department, Member of C.W•N•A•, O•W•N.A. and A.B.C. GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publishes . , Circulation—over 3,000. . THURSDAY, JANUARY 1st, 1959 tD. pBC rag— • A 14744 .r w. 0 THE NEW YEAR New Year- is traditionally the tithe when we cast long looks behind, reviewing the year. And then we peer .hopefully into'the shrouded future, se`lkixig to detect rosy gleams of bright nshine fol a But instead. of using, a periscope , get info- pi�eterably. from persons long decease . short range view, let's blast off and .� t In the realm of psyc'hology, Big Brother orbit and take a look tit the rwurlc�,a hundred will be a ��ikel• by the time a hundred years years ,front now. 1) 1t a year ago one of the major dis- have passed. Instead to the ee�tltft•al)intelligeto n(°®lbuleaiit .111 tillerics s1)uu'Surt'�p� a scientific syinposittlil on 'send .Tollnn� the next century might hold for man- where coded electrical into i formation will be what. �_ �r ost�lYl.t.i-oaxs..z1tacle hti ranking transmitted 1., e.a.t.�vi11.1r1iC �i•oblenl sol - take - t 1 ,. 0 1 . 3 l . were •> >noll��'11 � fo nial�e ' us �+'ol'�srder ��� ll�b�•. . e� t.�.� ,�,_. ,t, the �Yt•oitl� I�t�dc�r''- sc ta lit lata rr c t c t ver, the creative thinks , talLe"111) hermit lag:, '' The shape of things to aoine looks m!)ft� .good follower, ' _ a nightmare' than rosy Visions Of human crHeaven... ll'`1 `()u are either one,, have of the 11teearth—as 10rac'i like loth as happiness.. 're goinghappy follower, Individualist's won't 'be per- �'o more juicy steaks . . we to t� sentiat to economics and stable political insti- tutions,' we are solemnly told. In fact, one geneticist writes off 'natural parents as altogether unsatisfactory. Birth will start in fest tubes, under microscopes, using reproductive cells from "ideal" foster parents, ItePA GOD'EiWEI-SIGNA/OT" ownMemory'S 45 Yeat s .Ago guish a small blaze at Huron Ccun. . For the first time in more than' tyy Jail. Sheriff Nelson X11 said • 70447 4-410#401* • there w.as no doubt that ',three' i the„ Council was elected by cedar ia--er p so they could make a Alb tion. Samuel Bisset was'" reeve I thrown break for liberty. Thgir plan was and t'he' councillors were James Polled. � xeout,ive. ' rsuhalln; °:.Gorelon • -Young;.-• Levi.., .,.led. ' iufli ;" ,xet ri g^ �e Snyder' and Isaac Hetherington. 1 assistant director, national salvage C. A. Reid was re-elected mayor l division of the Department of War of Qoderich ,by acclamation. Eleven , Services, was honored at. a dinner candidates were in the running i attended by chief executive officers for six council seats. • of the department. 1VIr. Hume, a . John Wiggins supervised the first Goderich native, was returning to hockey practice of the season.t Al The Ottawa Citizen -,m-£ood directly from sunshine, with- mitted. . folks stick around 11 nts ane nllllals as , 11iaa�t go ��ar� hapj y, out out wasting ,time Otl p) i wasteful converting mills. It is doubtful" if marriage will still be per- mitted, though we rather suspect the 'scientists may have a little more difficulty in'regimenting men and women than they expect. But in any event, you'll ha"e to, get a government pc before you can add,to the country's population. 'Stabilization of the' r�olld's population is es - and We'll lliak;. your • flesh creep. However, we are optimists. We have solid, faith in the'breezy sanity of the common man. e, We think, that' mankind will be able to reap the major -benefits. of, an exploding tech- nology without accepting the "new morality" preachled by some of our leading scientists.— S•M. of Surrey Leader,. we§ n a" local fort in ,it,• he age sdalin( 4 •zen as parliament - Several farmers in the ort Al. - cry correspondent. .best district reported losing Mr. and Mrs. Witham B,irnie, of Some person or persens stole six l Goderich, celebrated their golden of John Hutchison's fine turkeys. I wedding anniversary. The Signal's Auburn correspond• Local hockey fans were looking ent reported that Robert McGee forward, to. the first 'game of the had bought the old sa* mill build- season. It was scheduled for ing from Howson & 'Lawson and ,January 6.. was removing it to his farm where 10 Yea>r's Ago he planned to lzse it as a driving The 12 prisoners in Huron Coun- •shed: • ty Jail were given a 'sumptuous 25 Years Ago Christmas• dinner of, turkey, plum Children ,skated on the icy sur. -.pudding and all. the trimmings on face of the Square this week for Christmas Day by Governor- J. B1 the first time •in the recollection Reynolds. Far 25, years the genial of most residents. The hEavY l governor had served such a dinner. rains of the week -end formed pool's 'II• Sky Harbor airport reported that which` froze hard and smooth. 1ackrabbits, were rather numerous A. H. Erskine, the new county I on the airfield. Every time a treasurer, 'and J. M. Roberts, the plane took off, the field looked like new' clerk, were . sworn into office ' a game of hide-and-seek between by dul�e" T. M. Costello. jacks and planes, x ....__ , .. :,. - _.:Boa. L d. .: �cl o . lest.. a.r . �ers ; -Tr_. S. of • l�rc 'd �eri�h v de P ,G.o _ Munnings reeve and R. E. '1'iizAner trustees for 1949 were D: --- .' Ideputy -reeve. Mayor Lee was 1C- O'Brien, Ben Smith, T. J. Drennan turned to office by acclamation. ( and W Kinahan. rr HUNGER AOR PRINTED WORD' Goderich Sailors opened the intermediate hockey season with a 4-2 win aver Mitchell. The Gode- rich line-up included; goal, Doak; defence, Murney and E. Robinson; cenTre;'Stoc�dartr wings; M-eK-•a3'-all AR. Snazel,ltW.' lVlacDonaldRobinson, and J. Wood. • • 15 Years Ago One airman was seriously injured when two Tiger Moth. training planes collided in mid-air, only 30 feet • above the airdrome at Sky Harbor. Firemen were called to extin- Truman,in-New 1 o k to visit .his report a sharp dip in sales because of -the strike. Harry S. ll.. In a dispatch from. New York, Telegram a daughter for.. C'1lristinas walked 27 l)l,acks to1 Associated Press centre at Rockefeller Plaza. Staff reporter Ken MaeTagga•r•t writes that the e �tilf>.vvs.,�vli e�. ;. Bemuse of a dell` er- :�Yerc Yorkers d°155 fikel�d5 hasa�ied i"rlllesgw, who aMong h lie.. eir - -.. _. __�,te restr'i he �.m_.. �ei•so}gal•--©.r_htl.Li.I.e erg' strike, which ,has tied • up �ie�`d-isn't' l�ltttlZ�c+ -1 ' , York's, daily newspapers, the former person's prominence, rates lllentloll 111--t-he b1'1e of New .. resident of .the. U.S. missed rtyadi g, a news- news reports on-radio discovering,'telei ion. a news- ._ lews- p i h lc vee there z� nothing i. �;.a.>ae�r:a paper �ue•t115 n�o�r� t`liai; t]ie�:.htive,to .,do wit 14u . paper. Tie' 1fundamentals— shown papers. coin n s o�encs. ' �Tr.� Truman is o)t�e of �luillion5 �cllo hanlicth a ldledcath� litlmanyin foil�lesan dacl leve- . a 'hunger -for the printed word during hl er famine. Commuters have found- 'idents, a • nation's welfare add international this newspa p themselves with nothing to do on trips to and relatiol1e .strike underlines the fact that rehding from work. They have taken to looking list- ne asi 'human urge. It lessly out of windows or 'searching the trains • the rr s f veldt for' old copies. of papers.:„Shoppers are with- is a out a 'guide for buying, ,and department stores to be ( THE VOTE RE "Are yon int favor of exchanging the Town n Hall property,. less a fire hall site on New- gate Street, - for the Post Offiee property, and $14'000?” question rr1iieh rr ill foe+�. voters 7hatisth here o11 .Tanuary' 1.4th. The wording of .the question was ke.pt as ,brief as possible when the by-law Was (barn up in order to '` i101)11fy"1t for 1hevoters. It can not be denied that it sounds simple. Trading two propet'ties and getting .5oniet1iil'Yg to boot., besides. IThfortunately, it is not quite that, simple. There aro 'more ramifi(a- ti60 to it than that, facts, both esslipro voters and e� l), re provided..with all the rn.any will be going . to the polls not really tindersi.antlillg for what they are voting. We ',trust, that all the facts. on both sides of the issue will he provided for the voters' by the Town in time for them • to reach a sensible conclusion.., We 'do not w -ant, the originators of the Town hall—Post Office swap to fool that their • q has' become a 1) rsonal experience 'o no substitute—The pe TOWN •HAL - c r which there' Telegram.. survey efforts were. unappreciated: We know they have done much work on it and that they feel their recommen(lations aro in the best interests of the town. They, deserve thanks- Fin- their work. In public life of any kind -r however, they :must expect criticism. It's part and parcel of the job. They must expect that till will not agree with theii• opinions. In otfr editorial of November 27th 'we Said,' and we quote,, "We find no particular,' fault with a now Post Office being, built on East Street. That. how n ot our point of oh,jeetion. ft i; simply that We do' nor believe the old, Post Ofh(e call be made into a suitable Town- Hall at a figure anywhere ]tear the estimated ono to (late provided by the 1.958 Town Coun- (ail. We believe that 'after pouring' matay thousands of dollars into it, the building will still he an unsuitable old buiding. We .humbly suggest 'that voters give the entire matter earefnl consideration on January 1-1t11 and not be guided only)y what informa- tion has appeared on the surface to date. There is still time to bring your subscription up to date. Goderich Post Office handled a record volume ,of Christmas mail. During December, 130,000 one -cent stamps were sold. The boys' choir of Knox Prosby- t rerian-'Ghurth—visited—Alex andra Hospital, where they sang carols to the patients. ' What 'is the most important food for man? Water! Whereas a man could fast for" more than a month because his body would be using up stored fat, he must have water, just as he hag to have oxygen. • cine wei Teeple of Christmas Over .1.70 'by the res' dividual , gi friends. T. izatiois 01 home this • ente.rtainm The Baptis of the 131yth.; Per Exeter; Women's. ,Seaforth UCAFL Ci Goderich; tute; East '*hi ' Blue' singing by People's U • Thanks for makii time for t residents C. Johnst -CROSSWORD'. PUZZLE ii GO%P1( Four hundred years ago, in 1558, there occurred several events whirh caused . much 'excitement " a�beth ' I thio shout Eurelie�`— F}lz ascended the throne of England, ,ushering ..in one of the greatest ages of British history; Mary, Married Queen of Scots, the Dau- phin of France; Calais was, taken from the English by the French and Charles V, King of Spain and of the Holy Roman Empire,'died in November of thatyear—certainly a year of remarkable events and manent mark on the history of the drastic changes 'whioh • left a per- world. • & Sons -LtJamesRichardson. "Serving the Feed , Dealers of Western Ontario" ` PHONE 543 AND 544, GODERICH' , -36TF �4. 4►'‘'. '1. `' 8"417fr--------i '1' 'It's a long way to nineteen sixty ------ r►. . ¢� ' `' It's a long way .to go. . ' �0 3/0- ' But the drivers who will make it -fo-'R 71 °-- a -.rhe ~+ones- we- want-to-know—t t! _ o' . -. They'll be careful, they'll 'be 'cautious Safety -conscious' all the time. _. And they'll make it to nineteen ' sixty By taking care in fifty-nine. CIA CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, OFFICES IN . TORONTO, LONDON, WINDSOR, HAMILTON, OTTAWA,` OWEN SOUND:. AUTO INSURANCE FOR CAREFUL DRIVERS MMES. PUZZLE No. 619 a1 ACliosS 51 Potential 1 Pierce with energy pointed 53 To marry weapon . 55, Student at '5 Bundle military 10 Drunkards ac.,derny 14 Top of head 56 Asiatic shrub 15 Lena ---, chewed as singeV • . tea 16 Journey 58 Thrust 17 Footless back animal . , 60 Profession 18 Boring tool (01.1 • 19 Egyptian . 64 Ennui • abode of 68 Golf club, blessed dead 69 Small 20 Fixes particleu 22 warbled 71 Part of a 24 13eneath church 26 Tibetan ox 72 Acclaim 27. Misgiving 73 Lift spirits 30 Source of of iight 74 Woody plant 32 Kingdom of 75 Golf mounds Asia 76 Grounded 36 Reddish bottom of golf club 33 Fui'trown -77 Dispatched 40 Journey onDOWN a horse , 1 To box 41 negrito • 2 Adhesive dept le band ";42 Shuffled 3 On the certain ' summit way 4 Smears with 48 African worm sticky that infests substance eye 5 A fragment 46 County of 6 Shelters Michigan__ ..7,: Desert 4 48 Elongated 1.8gtvtr"o'! •, fish shifting 49 Liturgical sand headdress 8 The dill (Pp,,,l 9- Passenger -boat across r1Ver - 10 A poacher 11 Spoken 12 To weary 13 Slang for potato 21 So bury 9 Scotch for John 25 Swaggerer 27 Mile duck 28 Exterior 29 Employing 31 Nothing 33 Heaped 24 Idolize 35 •Smallest portion 37 Cravat 39 Jewel 43 Not many AA ' Stiff hat (v.S.) L ,47 eceipts o money 50' Abilities 62 City in New Guinea 54 Argue 57 Attempts 59 Sat for portrait 60 Light,thin fog 61 A Great Lake 62 Sound quality 63 Performance by one person 65 Challenge 68 Kiln 70 Hindunter cymbals 12Ellingla MO BCH ii1111110151F.1UI MID D DOC PIMA • . [!idly 1IG1©0©Ll [7 ©'�ODU®EI UU0© gnaws E1113101211-: 4;100 GtilI®17EF11317©111®IDL1© �11113- oa©10 ®12110 0r 1 [5 18> t A©i1113 .•Inil ;NOM1'. ,,{E'�11,■1�s1�■1 '...1131111E113...' 11®,l�i� {,+Wit�OVAGICICIU© EIGIEMIN U12112110-:. RIM 13101131 wan EMI Vela MUM 0, SG EICIOI Answer to Puzzle No. 817 [.HALFPASflEEN MR. &NEOJCT.:YOU MAXI" MUS/0 APPRE -Q/r T/ON .22. 50 /NTEREST/NG THAT W. ' . ✓UST WONDER •/F YOU WERE EI/ER GW THE LAWRENCE WELK SHOW For your convenience, the Signal -Star office will be OPEN THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 3. G Anni Chris dons INT Donald, en, wedd home of West, on: ---There IS- a difference_ in a -lubrication job. We are aquippd and qualified to 'giveyour car the kind -of a )'oWit dee&" es' — Only the very best in lubricants are used -- All fittings are lubricated., transmission and differen- tial, brake fluid, Meering box, battery andtires check?' ed. Starter, generator, door hinges and locks are oiled, car swept out and all, windows, cleaned., 114 ADDITION at no extra cost, ;all undergear, muffler, tail pipes and. t �*' tires checked (for' outside breaks). If any .defeat . f.ound, it is brought to your attention. Chuck's Cities Service We lubricate everything but the steering wheel, i\ the upholstery and the top of the fenders. West ind Waterloo Sts. Ph 1538 0, INVITATIONS O ANNOUNCEMENTS O 'THANK YOU CARDS Ztyfed 11i1D-11ATIONAL-AOT(RAT e. - Featuring' "THE RMO-GRAVUI4E" PRINTING St will be au,clited early in the new xious to ha've every subscriber's laj,el with an exptratio7ra-ate no later than in .1§59. (Raised Lettering) LET US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR WEDDING PLANS ... You may select your Wedding invitations, Announcements and ,Acknowledgments with complete confidence as to quality and correctness of ti)rm. ye, ALSO NAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING' NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE, EOXES nal Star an fo Lai St Th Gr