HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-12-25, Page 9' Fni t ^.♦ K YF� Q�e ] R a it ,�o u h r f . ,• .e. . bui _. t s '. • a h s s c 1 +� a1 } n ,g. o a t1 ei. sEdith,. n s 1 R. Vt�'t 17k {{�, f"` a a e . f �1 0 f ;s a f,•.� x o � �.. .t r Irl } he officers are; 'honor ' re • a s� s � c w, 1' S e14�� ,' a • ��.. a m� �' !D� � nth trensng •u?n.flat? yy .was held ache of Mrs.. , W. Hughey° ,tiaai ' ttendahee. • of; o •". t 1 s dont, Mrs. VA. �t`;axers,,�, �SAI dent, .Mrs, Johan Walls; 1s,t 1,i pr;!esi,.dent, Mrs, A. P. Beu'tiiier; 2n,d: vaic. xea dent Yrs, ' •ar,old Bet _ r;. G„ 1 n ar s' .y, r Brt t e l assts nt secretary,' a 1�, i s. a Mr. a IY I Carl. `Andeeso ,;; Christian steward- shii • • s. lP . W. H gas ..,•caries- • di o n secretary, P. aCa• s Mrs Eve] S yA Clea' in rsist fora MERRY CHRISTMAS and In the true Christmas spirit of joy and good will,' we are happy to greet all n � r our friends'an wish" ' everyone a glorious Holiday Season. 'rlie report has a me ha'el r.o? ,' the 1 ,_ a a r to 0 '� � toab- 1 -y4 t r i t�ha f ;a z p Q ztth of, n '�' � p ,. Ad i tt, ,,.. ,h�, g 'pact �!, . � .t b' r � .'vv � a „roli>r11, e� ata• r• hlln,' 'o >< in . �>we. Q I d .r. �f • d. a. ,g and. oat fi htin in' t . . y�y.....- called '•ra iia ' 1 0 ltl� t � r u r>>Ia •r fY-' , :, ,�. ,. a ve •r. M �� w5 n �3ah any t he lain T an thea the . do were • . , •.>r ,•+�in� . �# a t.g . r I There are noa. W More h t a13 F�•� da e b.1!,,,,*s,�: a be es me d., t � D e a o f n Ri h •, h 1 lr wi _,�t i Y . �'•. '�, Y eta' a a. i 'al in s i n as oro R ri County date o£';tho an' ua 7 l tat' a , bd ' t: tai•oAu.paihts each 'and Boyce • v bpp���� yY• �` k9 m �c1� �t�° a e _•'i;uritS ' �itlhr• rrt r ' � s abi to f i d. then l e t n . , u ;;. • sp' 0 n 1 a a � each.. Walters and Ribey will" play --; ..,, .. ndittittrn font p^t,Ofh�e-,° f the- Qo�y� /(,� • tle�:akaafner since _eaeh d ...0 l' .'• "m li • earti.I. + Vara ..,.slm". a; .ro lww. s.Mored t11 L . °�•A' a 'sante total pf points, Saunders; supply egnvenar, Mrs, Where werti: four tecana$ entered and the winner of ,that match willl C. A. Rardy; community friendship, and the skips;'�Gerald' Wa1>tera, Mer. . beegme chaTnpion of .the "first *]SA. •E, Euatace;, treasuirer, lW1rs, 'van, Boyce, Martha Jackson, and event while •the loser will become erbert lalioore, assistant tie s ler ', winner of the second event. a n.. , Glen liber, :hada hard. time try * * * Mrs. B. M• Rosa ]rte ry. seOretarY, Mg to of .gess , Ane , au,4ther. The Mrs. W, A. - Skinner, •Missinn v , teams ;proved tote evenl:y`inatchld The climax of several weeks' Monthly secre'Vary, bra. �G1on G,aid- and the games, �ivere an ones eats pos- ,yo.. m- iner; Pianist, Mrs R.', K'1 nnh• as- tory right'' up to the last, rock. sistant pianist, Mrs., R, •"- AiniS; , A, geed example 'of the excellent nursery, Miss Edith . Barlow, Baby Culling was the game between Glen Band, Mrs. Keith Hopkinson;. M Ribey's rink and Mervin Boyce's sion Band, Mrs.. J.. ;E. Wright; press rink. Both teams were battling secretary; Mrs: ' Mary 'Harney; ,:fin- hard and by the last end it was a ante committee, Mips. lit W. Hughes, matter of speculation Who would Mrs. Herb: Moore; Miss 'rances win, although Olen was leading Armstrong, Mrs. F, A. Waters; 6.2. When'zMervin Boyce came up Korean orphan fund, ^Mrs.'Geo. Pars to throw has first rock in that end, sons, Miss Josie Saunders, NC's. D. he needed four points, but'Ribey Whitfield. ' , had three rocks iii scoring position. A candlelight worship service lay amazing skill and a "little bit o' followed with Mrs. Keith Hopkinson luck," Mervin managed to draw as leader. "The Christmas Story" into the house past the guards was 'told by Miss Frances Arm- which had been placed there by ,strong, Miss Mary Buchanan aria members of.Riley's ,eam in pre - Miss Dorothy Westbrook." vious shirts.. It took" out one of the "Aytay In a Manger" Was sung by three rocks threatening to end the Miss Ruth Westbrook and several game top heavily for Ribey. Glen carols were sung, by. Mrs. H. Wor- shot again and then Mervin made sell, Mrs. John Westbrook, Mrs. R. ready for what was the last rock Smith, Mrs. ,Chas. Adams and Miss of the game. Once again he came Ruth' Westbrook,' accompanied by through and almost unbelievingly Mrs. Ron,KIinck. ., z hit both Glen's remaining stones, The guest speaker was Miss Eva forcing them out of the house but Somerville who gave an interesting leaving his own in scoring posi- t. i 1- - rated wjth ;lantern...sli ea ' • . • though -it gained -only-on of her trip to The Holy Land. point and ended the game 6-3 for Mrs. Geo. Parsons thanked the Ribey, it showed the skill and aniaz- guest speaker "' and Miss Evelyn ing luck that ,made this tourna- Cooper moved a vote of thanks to 'ment . one to be remembered, the hostess, Mrs. Hughes. A de- : Here are the results of the licious lunch was served by Mrs. games: Qeith Hopkinson'and her commit-• Ist draw: Walters 1, Ribey 8 ytea •` 1 `" Boyce 7, Jackson 3 In the first 10 months of 1958 construction awards in Canada totalled over $3 billion, an all-time high and more than the total for the whole of 1957. 2nd 'draw: Walters 9, Boyce 3 Jackson 5; Ribey 6 3rd draw: Walters 6, Boyce 3 ;� Ribey 2, Jackson 6 It was a round-robin' series with two points given . for •each wire. careful study of the stu •cure came on Thursday McConnell and Maurice came Posture, Queen and King of GDCI. Dr. Such, ro rich, judged the eight finali sin the contest to decide the winners, * * * With Christmas•'so Bear, there were assemblies every morning last week to sing Christmas carols. The highlight of one of these assemblies came when 'GDCI's football team • sang 'a Christmas greeting to mem- bers of the staff and student' body. * * * The bowling club wound up the year's activities Saturday with a Christmas roll. Prizes were gift certificates on 45rpm records and they went to Winston Kerr (high •single, 260) and Douglas Wilson (high triple, e27). There was an-, other prize as well but two students tied and the • winner won't be known until later on in the week. A new series was began on Sat- urday also and the "proteens" and `-`Luek-y Strikes= -tool -the-3ead--with seven points each. In third 'place are the "Raiders" with five points. The "Reid•ers' 'tvon the last series. Bowling resumes -January, 10 and the executive would like ,everyone to be present to start off the new year right. Somewhat lacking is the man who originated this saying which has become the latest thing in catch -phrases, but. it fits in with the thinking of some people(?): "1 don't care what 'star you're follow in„ big man, -you can't • cross my lawn with those camels."—Merry Christmas, everyone! To everyone, vasa wish a very loyotrs Holiday'< ....�r� ... one that • i%iti toc,S'; a trQasured for. its rnariy nappy memories. ,`22, e.. et • 'c, ristm 'Pay is fast a roach- 44.404 oach- n 1 a0.. ,S ..eta. C with s, r • ��, 1 SII cin- e �a v I d ell , illi eta Asx week on the Man- �y e•t, ,5t�1•" '"•395:, .y t' azr e vpretty taddraws Y� many• of the younger set to admire the many colorful ul li is f li Postmaster Kenneth Scott wishes to announce c that •ffice,lj.§t'= Se �"i f)! Qi� t m rs as a D �� ece • y, rn`ber Z , but will be open on' boxing Day, Deeeznbet 26 from 9 a.m. to 10 ' 'LIP. tonna]];- Dance of the 'Cliristnas t 1/ Stockings uni r• kin (juniors); ( play, Y, s e a 1. ko.. t petit to the Rescuen, Bett - .Hallam junior- c:hofus; rase dxi_ tt, senior girl's in pretty costume itiiili r °° 'lro,1 }bis, McPFee .;»ttt„ alt ..n M`c MY , .!� , � ' ` s 3 it •� S a • s , ..dray, •in Sick, ch1jd ,ert'a ,' sp tal �o d. a o � Ili � t. .n a D r ,e n. , •c :e He 1, cw i s o t). 1' • n. r 'g t, Bl� as �] -�p�� ,t .. � .ilei s :.Tfla1'e>ltts>�,1xe'•>ia AA r. er Jk-•�1• +•'1 Y r Y t ��It . 3a" 'te'i'i�i+�` l' s: P� . aim bee aS o Lapp, Douglas Archamnbault and ,ant+ axot -Lon ad - Jimmy Govier; bolting match ' n nnotlan . A ori <*kts, oI Dianne Kir Connell Bed y don' ,Englane, A. •private fui/W. Brenda Areh- it + � o •was held an. Tuesdiiy, �!4'trelikib.a�,2 am'bault, Mary Kirkconnell and,Mar- at taw. h J e • Arthurfuneral •. a Q it - n D Y _.a. ith Dae d.. a .�a.11 s- � ' l`e"i' ee; -solo, Wendy St'hn� x, nth �..��.,.�yy��++�'dn��'1'0 United Church. and Rev. Robert- ' highland fling, Linda Andrews, wally,,,... of .St,- _.Mark's . Ani .1i Eileen Schneider and Ruth-Schn�ei= Church in charge.! Int �,rmen -ern' and 4 p.m. to 440 p.m. der; recitation, Billy L, e' cry. a'aW Rhythm take place • rtngar}non cerneter :: W.I. Christmas Meeting. — The Band chorus. The, draw for thetliristmaLighted red candles and a du, o.1. Women'ss Instating of the Auburn turkey ek ey on which the children sold ated Christmas tre'e�,rtopped wi,t t ute was ;held last tickets was won by Mrs. Jack a ; lighted•• star, `formed a lovely *', '- firstin the 'Orange Ifall with the Lee, of Londesboro. Junior chorus; setting in the Auburn, Baptist . ii'rst vice-president, Mrs. Thomas pla; 4`Tne Christmas Bout"; duet, Church for`the annual carol service. Haggitt in Charge., The meeting Nancy Lapp and ' Brenda Archam- Mr. Agulian, the minister, was'. in was opened by Mrs. Charles bault; recitation, Douglas Archam- charge with Mrs,,•'Robert J. Phillips ' Straughan. An • "In Memoriam" bault; monologue, Albert Govier; residinat theiia service for Mi's. Fred Ross was •chorus; recitation, Wendy 'Selma- Presiding A, .no .far te sing - held. Carol singing was led by oder; chorus, "Reindeer Bells." ing of the carols. Misses Barbara Mrs. Wes. Braddock. - The minutes This was followed by the arrival MacKay, , Jannett Dobie, Barbara g of Santa Claus. ' Sanderson; Marie Leatheriand 'and of the November meeting were Margaret Haines sang a Christrn.as read ''by the secretary, Mrs. Bert J.S.S.LNo. 11, East Wawanosh, number accompanied by Mrs, ,Dun - statement. who ,also gave the financial , presented their Christmas concert can MacKay. The Scripture was statement. _An. invitation from the last Thursday evening. The pupils read by Dr. R. S. Hiltz. The An- ing W.I. to. attend their meet- and their teacher, Mrs. - Myrtle gliean Church choir with their ing on, January 8, was accepted. Munro, gave the •following program organist, Miss Margaret Clark, sang The roll call was answered by each with_ Dr. R. S. Hiltz as chairman: an anthem. Mr. Aguli'an gave an member recalling childhood mem- Chorus; recitation, Chris Cowan; insairing message.•'; Mrs. George -o'ries of Christmas. Mrs. Clifford chorus: recitation, Marian Young- Wilkin and Mr. Elliott Lapp sane Brown, Mrs. Robert Phillips and blot; •chorus, juniors; Mexican Hat a duet, accompanied by Miss Margo Mrs. William Straughan were ap- Dance; reading, • Shirley Machan: Grange. The n f theU pointed to send cards to the shut-' play, "Dad's Quiet Evening". g offering ty e - g solo, per Canada Bible Society was re- ceived by Mr. Frank Raithby and Mr. William Straughan. Rev. D. J. - Lane pronounced the benediction. Special Christmas services were held in all the village churches last Sunday. Rev. Robert Meally, rector of St. Mark's Anglican Church wel- comed Rev. K. Jaggs, of Brussels, who had charge of the Communion • service. •The beautiful bouquet of wers_vvas_ placed,nn the••• altar - in memory of the late Mrs. David Hamilton by Mr. Hamilton and the family. • Mrs. Leo Hoogenbooin left a week ago on the S.S. Rynciam to sail for Rotteldam, Holland, where she will visit. her father and members of her family for 'a couple of months. - Mrs. Charles Straughan-reeei-ved , word of the death of her cousin, Mrs. Henry Erratt, at Varna, last Mrs. Major Youngblut .and family, week. She was formerly May 'Rob - Mr: and. Mrs, James Roberton inson and was in her 85th year. • were stricken ill last week and Ind She is survived by a son, • Russel, to be moved by ambulance to. Clin- ton hospital. Mr. Jim Mills was able to come home form Victoria Hospital last' Friday. • Mrs, Stewart Plunkett and Miss -Mary'-Lotr'.•Plitri ett,-of -Win gh'aiii spent a -couple of days last week at their home. .Mr.William ' `Robison returned on. Sunday from Stratford Hospital ins. A reading was given by •Mrs. Betty Mae Youngblut; recitation, Haggitt. The 'convener of the card Audrey Wilkins; medley of chor- committee, Mrs. Brown, reported I uses; playlet, "Modern Mothers"; an cards sent and the Thank .you I song, "Hula Hoop," Sandra 'Henry, notes. The guest speaker, Mrs. R. I Margaret Wilkins and Betty Glou- S. Hiltz•, • was welcomed and gavel, .cher;• play, -"Goin' Fishin' "- recite - an inspiring address on the ob-1 tion, Janet Wilkins; recitation, servance of Christmas. She stated I Jimmie Gilfrllan; play, "Waiting for that 'services should be held in our the Doctor"; recitation, Margaret churclies''on that day, so we could I Youngblut; reading, "Meaning of give thanks to God' for his wonder-' Christmas"; triple duet, "Twelve fal gift terthe-warrd"She saftrthar Days r1Ch1•istmas ; double rio. the•r,,4serntiing , .af Christmas cards Carols were sung, followed by brings •riheer *to 'rhariy people, 'as "Child's Prayer" and "Here Comes also the 'giving of gifts ,and the Santa Claus." Santa arrived and feasts that are enjoyed. Mrs. 'Bert distributed gifts. Craig thanked Mrs. Hilttz for her 1 Mrs. John Arthur is visiting her address: The gift exchange was in daughter,- Mrs. Gordon Wahl; Mr. charge of Mrs. Charles Straughan. j Wahl and family,, at Langside. Numerous--gift-s--and-money -for-the --Mr -Keith Y4Irnablut,•• of--Q.ueen's Children's Aid were donated. A University, Kingston, and Mr. Lyle lovely Christmas lunch and candy Youngblut,, of Ridgetown, are holi- was served - by Mrs. William (laying with their parents, Mr, 'and Straughan, Mrs.,Charles Straughan, 'Mlss Viola Thompson and Mrs. Clifford Brown. h. ' Jefferson—Josling.. — A quiet, pretty wedding was solemnized at the United 'Church manse last Sat- urday when Dr, R. S. Hiltz united in marriage, Eileen Josling and Wesley John Jefferson., The bride is- -rhedaugh'ter.. of . Mr ;-•arid-. Mit.- Elgin Josling; of Hullett Township, and the groom is the son of Mr. andTMirs. -Charles-Jefferson, of R.R. 2resse 1DUNGANNON, Dec. 22. --- The in auk urn suit. She chose ; The bride was powder December' meeting, of the Dun- l lue-,aecesso'ries -and. wore a pink -gannon Women's Institute was held rose •corsage. She wrs attended by in Auour i Univ,.! L:njrcna base- Miss Karen Peterson', of Hamilton, mint on December 18 in the forpr who wore a'powder blue suit with of a turkey banquet. • black accessories and a red rose Catered to by the Auburn In- corsage, •• The hr'st man wA Mr. stLute, it was attended by:2l mem- Norman McClinchey, of Auburn, bees and 16 4-H 'Club girls who Following the marriage, a recep- were entertained- by the W,I. •. lion took place at the home of the The roll call was answered. with• bride's grandmother, 'Mrs' Willis a cookie recipe and .sample: A Mountain, where, the bride's mother varied program of carol singing, received the guests wearing a gown., readings- by Mrs. Blake, Mrs -Mc- of greys crepe and .was.--aassi•s-ted by- --1,_.._, N ' e a31t'Mfs. R. Finnigan.was pre- the groom's mother wearing a gownn,? sented; also instrumental music by of black taffeta. For a trip to Mrs. R. Phillips, and a duet by Mrs. Niagara Falls and B"ffa]o the bride 'C V Jones and Mrs. Rivett. A Christ- donned a grey tweed coat and wore •W 'has topic prepared by .Mrs. D, ,Phillips was given by Mrs. Dawson. :i pi c:,5eiit,uuni was inane to a ,.,.mernb::r who had moved away :and the exchange of Christmas gifts of Varna;'two daughters, Mrs - George Stephenson (G live), of Varna, and Mrs. George Anderson (Ruby), of Seaforth;. alsd one sister, -Mrs. Margaret Erratt, Toronto and three brothers, • Thomast. Robinson, F ?ond�cille:. •Rtchant.. -Robinson, - Zurich, and Rev, William Robinson, in Manitoba. The funeral was held -,last-Wednesday from -the Bon ihr©n funeral home, Hensall; with • inter- ment in Bayfield cemetery. WISHING OUR MANY FRIENDS AND PATRONS, Mr. Moore will write a column of 'dramatic - criticism-fivedayseach we'ek,.-Monday through Friday. Well-known as a playwright, actor, producer and director, Mayor Moore will re- port on the professional theatre. In Ontario's Personality' Newspaper D THE 'TELEGRAM and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all our friends and patrons. F. E. HIBBERT & S and STAFF hlne accessories. On their return. • o they will the up residence on the 1 ^zroom's farm in' Fast tVawanosh. l' U.S.S. No..5 Hullett.,—The ‘,f,pianils �,Ti S.5 Nn. 5 TTtallet:t with their • le!r-r and Hoffmeyer L. NEAR J. HOFFMEYER D. GODDARD D.'SOWERBY W 59 HAMILTON ST.? 51 1.„9 iv PLUMH PLUMING AND ,EAT•ING bfuught �a very enjoyable meeting leacher, D:inean VTact<ay, presented :� to a cic�:sc their annual concert in the Sunday _._ �.__ _-•-- -.._ _ School- room, of Knox United 1'. A i'ZON—ALLISON . Church, where a large crowd of �— A pu!;n.alar young couple «ere parents. neighbors :,nd friend,, ;1 on lieceni+)er 17th at an even- •'nthernrt to hear the 45 pupils dis- hi ' candlelight service in Knox nl y their talents. Mrs. Duncan MacKay was accompanist and Dr, R, S: Hiltz was chairman fo' .the following program: C h r.'i s tm a s carols; recitations, Jennifei='Gran,ge, , Brian Craig. Betty :Voss and Joyce eatherla'nrl; piano duet, Malcolm The bride given in marriage by `T -Tilts, and Robert Wilkin: piano solo, her fat ter,'"'iooked lovely in a Barbara MacKay; boy's •chorus; ,,,own of white -net over satin and Frencah minuet; piano duet, Johnny white 1: ce with pearl .trim. She j and Barbara MacKay; recitations, carried red roses. . •1 Wayne Arthur; Karen East. Mark The ],ride was attended by 11-9.' Arthur, Patsy Wilkin, Ronald Brown, David Polich and Mariam 1-,'tz: Irish lilt; acrostic drill; play: " Comes to Auburn"; children's polka; two-part song; piano 'trio, Barbara,,,Margaret 'and Mare -San- derson: piano duet, Carole Brown and Judith Arthur; solo, Laura Daer; double duet,. Leo Hoogen- boom, John Hoogenboom,, Laura Daer and Barbara MacKay; recita- tions, Allan McDougall, Ronald' Arthur, Freddie I•ioogenboom;- jun- ior song; Hula Hoo,p Song with girls swinging hoops; solo, John-I-liiogen- boom;'closing choruses; closing re- citation, Brenda Fast,,Santa ar- rived and distributed thgifts and treats to All the children. The pupils 8f S.S, No. Tl, Hullett, with their teacher, Mr. Wilmer Errin^tnn, and music supervisor, s ,Margaret A..TacRson, present- ed a program last Tuesday evening in the , schoolroom, Mr. Stanley' r Hall was chairrp ;n, Program was: : .yte,man Chapel when Linda inne AL:son, daughter of Mr. and J. it, Allison, exchanged vows, , tlh Iv. n J. Watson, son of Mr. and Mr,:, Allen Watson, R.K. 6, Godericli, cousin, Audrey Allison, gowned in ed velvet. Mr. Wni Blake, ' cous`n of the groin', was best man. Rev, R. G. MacMillan performed the ceremony with Mr, `W, H. Bishop •presiclin; at the organ, • -A reception was held at Tiger .Dunlop Inn for about 30 guests. Guests were present from Hamil- ton;'Seaforth,' London, hayfield and -ht=good, , Prior to her marriage the bride ,,l`. ,,(r In_.,iy u.,c, ... :4,1,6 hr,nor by, Mrs; Robert Ashton. '..nl•ey street, , i Spear-flshin •is grr'vine, in pn", a'i1\-, e.,•ne('natty ,inion -:it s,n, N1 nys' cubs. .rnnior tJndnrwale• ';:,mar-tiship^+ Tournaments am no\ ' 1'ing iarganized regularly in thr . : lTri 1'ed. f''ales. e If you think' women never de' •►pening chorus;. C'hriatmas'earols; t;' 1> � - I �nne,nvhshonpfngon twnth th�mVe neve' I Schneitdcr recitation, n, Dianne Kirlader 2; solo, h - ,✓� -..� . .......,.. .....cR•', .s"•'' 29'+#, `Kyr!'`,.... ri• "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Our Best Wishes to All for a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS -and a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS 1959 To start the New Year right, be sure to use our artificial breeding service to help attain- BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING,' •,d' SPECIAL NOTICE— - j Due to the rise in cost of collect IQ.. stance phone calls, it has become more economical to install zenith service. Wj en placing a long distance call for service simply ask for:— • ZENITH 9.5650 FOR CLINTON OFFICE In the case where, the call does not terminate from a Bell system, or for local calls, use our old number. • CLINTON HU 2-3441 Between 7.30 and 9.30 A.M. week days , 6.00 and ' 8.00 p,m. on Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturday evening are -inseminated early Sunday morning. NOTICE TO HURON COUNTY MEMBERS A meeting of Huron County members ,will be held upstairs in' ,the Agricultural office in Clinton on Tuesday, December' 30th, at,1.30• P.M. The purpose of the meeting will be:' 1. To nominate a director to serve on the Board of Directors, 2. To hear progress reports from your staff, President and local director. , 3. Dr. Parliament will show slides taken last summer on A.I. in. the Canadian West as well as tither pictures of interest. A good representation is desirable. 50