HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-12-25, Page 371,. ct� x•zi
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•Are• you t'440,,ss`uests .for
Christ n x x i is y`qu 0114#),, to
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In +either case, your friends," -
bothd t
In Gociarckj �. ail ,,qtr;
who take The, 41$0 •Stas at
outIofttown points, would like
to see ,a' �personal item about
d :w.
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Youf halitli'lf the ap.rs,
'MOP"! tar hi.
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:�►.~ , ,r t reds - I r ho
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Erica a d� ` 110,.n !Mi lit de p
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look ok •av K l tike lif it ,xsonFa :01.P`
,top Items .ilii; •s . Iu t. , how
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and hoye your.item 'placed in
the personal mention 'colon n.
There is no , charge for this
service. a ,
We would like to add our
voice to the chorus of good
Wishes coming
.your way for a Christmas
--..really worth singing
about ...merry and bright
.and filled with much happiness
for you and your dear ones,
us •u t ern
w s oua get et peke;
J g t
gcP ,
was fined - 5 and q a d costs, or 10 days
in jail, for drgrpaired driving.
Mer>te Malley,. 25, 4:/f. Gdderich,
pleaded not guilty to drunk .driv-
ing but this was. reduced to a
charge ' of impaired driving, to
'which he pleaded guilty.
Constable M. F. Smith' testified
he observed a cal. ,coming ,into two
at 3:05 a.m. on Saturday, Noverriber
• "This car suddenly did an about-
turni•oln the road and took , off in
the opposite direction," said the
officer. The constable followed as
the vehicle ahead "swayed erratic-
ally' from side to side. "When the
driver stopped 'at •a service station
on Bayfield road, the officer pulled
up to question him.
The driver had no boots on, but
put them on at the constable's re-
quest. The manshowed signs of
being affected by alcohol, accord-
ing to the officer's testimony.
Malley told Constable Smiting he
had gone to the service station
"for a coke." Apparently there
was a soft drink vending machine
-outside - the garage.
Magistrate Holmes:•,`fI'm curious.
Did he ever tell you why he took
his boots off?"
Nweonsta-ble Smith: "I never. re-
ceived an explanation."
Prank Donnelly acted as defence
Passed Wrong Car
Arthur W. Lockhead, of Clinton
RCAF Station, passed the wrong
car when he zipped by Cpl. Helmer
Snell on Highway 4, near 'Belgrave,
,- , 1 ,----=-". '-- '---
of Go
deri'ah OPP de-
taehme t, said that Lochhead was
hurrying back from Montreal in a
borrowed car at about 70 mph,
,���IUJ �- v � ai�i
The annual 'Christmas concert of
the"junior Sunday School 0 Nerth
Street United Church was held on
Friday evening under the chairman-
ship 0 the Sunday School super-
intendent,' M. H. Stephens:
-Opening the program was a ni,im-
ber of songs by the ,junior Sunday
school and nursery class. This was
followed with carolling by the
kindergarten classes. A musical
number was presented by ' l'4rs.
Wall's primary class. A musical
selection was given by the Bquti-
lier children with Miss Patricia
Boutilier at the piano. A song was
sung by Sharon and Carol Willis.
Other items on the program
were: a song by the Glenn children;
13111 Bettger at the piano; , a' song
by the Chamney children; song•and
piano number by the Sheardown
children; piano solo by Carolyn
Watters; singing of carols by the
entire audience and the showing
of a film, "The Littlest Shepherd's
Gift." Rev. A. E. Eustace brought
a Christmas greeting. Mrs. F. A.
Waters, the primary school super-
intendent, supervised the presenta-
tionsof that_.-depa-rtmen-t -oۥ--the
Sunday School. .
song by •the Bettger` children with
In appreciation of our pleasant business
relations we value this opportunity of
wishing you the
Season's ,Greetings.
7 n
�h a as
'fn C xis. m
program, , a. Christmas party was
given ler
th. e c'hildren of eSu
SvaStcihonoolAxanmdy.hobby -classof the
First, Lieut. Howard Crossland
opened with the singing sof- a carol
and prayer. Mrs. J. H. Johnstone
was in chane of the pregram, as
follows; A welcome chorus, by the
children; recitation, Atka r ri a n e
Kreziyke; duet, Rosanne 1VlacDonald
and, Philip Sizer; ` a cardl by the
senior girls.;• a carol tableau, Ros-
anne MacDonald, Joan Redford,
Marriane and Dagmar Kryziyke and
Jean Macey; piano selection, John
Kolahon; a Christmas song, Roe-
anne 1V1acDonald, Joan Redford,
Jean Macey and Evelyn Johnston;
accordion selections (three) by
Gordon Graham; solo,iarold Cook;
recitation, Evelyn Johnston; solo,
Harold Cook; recitations by, Joan
Redford and Philip Sizer.
The children enjoyed games.
Pianist was Mrs. 'R. Peacock. A
nice lunch was served to the child-
ren, after which the prizes and
candy and fruit were given out.
The Lieutenant closed with another
carol and prayer.
The' annual Christmas party of
the Goderich Business College was
held on Thursday evening at the
home of Mrs, A. A. Nicol with 40
students ' and teachers in attend-
ance. -
Carol, singing was enjoyed, ac -
cern i'etr by Mr • George Bacon,
Wingham, and Miss Mary Cadman,
Grand Falls; Newfoundland. Films
in color' were shown with Mr.
.Frank Reid in charge 0 the screen
arid 'projector.
A 'very attractive Santa Claus
arrived, followed by an exchange
of gifts. Delicious refreshments
were served from a tea table decor-
ated in tlie-Chrlairianterite.
.. P'. k..i.•_:.1.4t1t1 ,-..,-a G d •iS,'Fk..,"':w Y-. (4,
Following an intensive investiga-
nvestigation by town .. police, arrests were
made Thursday in connection with
the theft of $69L18 in cheques and
cash from the Red & White grocery
store on Victoria street.
Charges of breaking; entering
t:nd theft, have been laid against
Ronald Knox, 20, and a 15 -year-old
Goderich juvenile. Knox comes'
from R.R. 1, Blyth, but has been
staying in Goderich, say police,
"Due to the, stellar work 'of Serg-
eant Harold Calvert and Constable
Mike Smith, this was 'cleaned upr
in. three days," stated Police Chief
Fred Minshall.
Both officers devoted consider-
able time in their off-duty hours
to working on the case, added the
-chief •
Tliere had been $128.34 in the
cash, box when it was stolen; the
rest of the loot was in the form
of cheques. •
Chief •M•inshall said that some
money was recovered, as well as
the cash box and one cheque..
There was evidence that the other
cheques had' been burned, he
May YOUR Holiday Season Sparkle With Fun and Happiness
The Management
Now Playing -Walt Disney's "Westward Ho the Wagons"
, In Color.
Mon. -Tues. & Wed.—
CMFPS RAFPERTY-Ralph Richardson & John McCallum
Filfled"in • Australia, the appealing story sof a Young lad.' who
• makes' fie advent hno :ma`rifiood witfi�aevv ipos'sessiori:�
Thur. Fri. & Sat.-•
Big-Bigi Parcel of New Year's Fun I!
"A Nice Little . Bank - That
Should Be .'Robbed"
Broadway's funniest comedian combines with a star fun -cast in
-roek_youu_-with_aaughter '
Tom. Ewell --Mickey Shaughnessy and Mickey' Rooney
. Coming—)'Doctor at "Large': and '"Desert Legion"
The• cash box was stolen at
around 10.50 p.m. on Monday of
last week. Harvey Cutt, who was
alone in the store, was distracted
when someone smashed a window
Early Copy!
Next -week's issue ' of ' the
Signal-Star�flwill be published
1 , vv ednesday„ December
—the day before New Year's.
The holiday weeks throw out,
considerably the regular sche-
dule in the publishing of a
weekly neo•opaper. • With next
aa' week's issue being published -
one day in advance 0 the regu-
lar day 0 publication, early
copy — both advertising and
news is, .requirnrLear • • • •
usual. Rural news correspond-
ents should' have copy in no
- later than Monday and as much
advertising copy as possible
should be in by this Saturday.
The co-operation of our ad-
vertisers -and news correspond-
ents would ' he most appreciat- •
at the
rear of e �t uil
n r While_
lie was investigating
this, someone..
slipped in the 'front Y door and
made off with the cash box.
i e essayconi
theins+' n�
s r
he ' a QV ' ode �' ltlsf+
loll eid
� a,
s � d
Teachers College, Sao
vacationing with; his parent
• Egnd Mrs. Wm. Reid,'.Park,stlr
• AGLOW with the icy 0 chasms,
, We -loin the happy. throng; -
And hear,, in every passing voice, '
A not from the angel's song;
All men aro friends -,-4111 friends ares dear
So, -Merry, Christmas, Good Cheer,
And happiness this coming year.
AS we think of all the good things' that
% «� we would wish you this Christmas, we
.el can o help but feel that this sentiment
is inspired by your good will and friend-
, ship maintained through the years.
from 9,30 p.m. to ?
Admission $1:00.
xpiSnents off '�legaT" Iiq`uor" brit=
lets persist_ .n arguing+ that: •-such.
facilities.optorrio a ugoetr usfnesss.
-"NOt-"so!" 'declared- One7brisrneS;;
man in a Central Ontario corn-
munity. "I am a •pharmacrrs,t- in a
"vet" town Where my fellow, mer
chants have ,the -mistaken iixipres-:
sion that the liquor outlet is good•
for business..
"The local hotel was closedfor
two weeks recently due to a viola-
tion 0 the law which hotel propri-
etors pledge to keep.,..My business
increased 50 percent gross -during
the two-week period and under
the ;same - conditions as those of
the . same • two weeks of the year
previous when the' hotel • was op -
Ien. . . The volume" of business I
am 'losing every week to the hotel
is cash business.',
This advt. sponsored by Huron
County Temperance Federation:
eds happy families everywhere gather
together to celebrate this
most festive of •--
easons, tie wish you and
yours every joy.
ehristmas ...and the world is aglow with
the spirit of good will ! *May you, share in
all the joys of this wonderful season and
have a truly memorable happy holiday.
May we extend. to you, our customers; the joys of Christmas
and may they be especially precious to you. .
AT 08.30 P.M.
'Sponsored by Goderich Lions
Club for welfare. •
ADMISSION, $1.00 -
No bingo December 24 or
31st. Resuming January 7th.
1 MhYbw .n
n.. and a Light.
In the soff' glow of candle Tight;
an impressive choral service was
held at North Street United Church
Sunday afternoon. '
Under the direction of Mr. Ron-
ald Klimek, the choir of North
Street United. Church presented a
lovely service. The presentations,
were-enhanced by the presence of
two trumpeters from ,,,the Listowel
corps of the Salatio.ii Army—Nor- I
man Bennett anti, -Bailey. - Thei
trumpet arrangements were by W.
H. Bishop, organist and;director of
praise ° at .Knox Presbyterian
Choir personnel taking part were
as follows:
Sopranos Ruth Westbrook,
Helen Westbr_ook,.._.'Mary Harvey,
Jean Snaith, Ramona Jenkins, Mar-
ilyn Smith, Barbara Eustace, Phyl-
lis Glen, Marion Sutherland; altos—
Ila Worsell, Roxie Adams, Pat
Boutilier,- •- Jo .• _Parsons, . -Nancy
Hughes, Jane McLeod, M. McLeod,
Wanda. Wil-sdn' tenors = Harold
Bettger, Larry Aldham, Jack Frith,
Carlton Worsell; bass—George Par-
sons, George Buchanan, Jim Magee,
Clark Chisholm, Rev. A. E. Eustace.
Goderich Rebekah. Lodge met,
with Sister Grace Fuller, N.Q.•pre-
siding for its Christmas meeting.
After the business, games, under
the, leadership of Sister Aileen
Fritzley, were enjoyed by all, fol-
lowed by carols with Sitter E.
Snider presiding at the piano. A
Christmas cake, donated by Sister
Alice Moss, East street, Was won
by Sister R. Hayden.
An exchange of Christmas gifts
followed and an enjoyable . evening -
closed with lunch served by Sister
L. Riley and her committee,
There are two important things
to remember about treating burns.'
1)o nod; apply more heat or any
treatment that will produce heat
and be most careful not- to break
any blister caused by a burn.
44 NORTH ST. - PHONE. 230
We send to all
our friends our
warmest. wishes .
for unlimited.Holiday
joy and bountiful Christmas
ODERICH vwtlw<1240w,5QU4RE <1240w,586•
We wishrfor all
our friends the
• greatest joys of
Christmas -time..
Sing a song
of .holiday cheer,.
happiest 'lime of
all the yttr. end' .
time to exten
our best wishes
to one and all!
You needn't ever be guilty of the
social error of saying, "Oh, I'd love
to go, but 'five nothing to wearl"..,
if you "keep your evening gowns
fresh and lovely Ay having us
clean them after each wearing.
o 11
Huron & Eri
WrST sr CTl«*•� /22
District Representatives: Alexander & Chapman.
PHONE 11:0