HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-12-25, Page 1AND NITRON & MIDDLESEX gAZET'TlE• "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FAT,T, WHERE THEY M..Y.' VOL. XVIII, NO 20, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 25, 1890 JOHN WHITE & SON nbliehere and Proprietor LEGAL. H. DICKSON, B arriste r, Soli. i . L. alot of Su re meCourt Notary Public, Coureyaneer, Gnmmiseianer. &c P4 uea to Goan. seeicein Fanson'a131ook, Exeter. -rix • H. COLLINS, • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., 1'JXETER, - ONT. Onice Sernwell's Block. Galrs old Office T1 LLIO• & ELLIOT, 14 barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Collveyauaers &e, &o. 1 -Money to Loan at Lowest 'Rates of Interest, Ob`1?iliE, . MAIN - STREET, EXETER. Ir, v. entior. s., ELLIOT, DENTAL. ('"1 H. INGR,AM, DENTIST. %.,1 • Sneceesor to U. L.l3illinxs. (Member of the li.oy'al College of Dental Burgeons,) Anaesthetic given -for the p:riuleea extraction of teeth. OFFICE : Over O'Neil's Bank. Liman every Friday. TT RUN8MAN,DJ NTIST,L.D. S. •s. Samwelllts Block, Main•st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without stain. Away atTiwxsenx,ou drat Frilay; Orate, amend and fourth Tuesday; and Zunrcel on the last Thuya-. day of each month. 11E,D1cAL elW. BROWNING M. D., M. O • 1'. 5, Graduaxe victoria University; Office and residence, Dorn;Irian Labors* tory. Exeter. DR.RYND\MAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Ofmco, opposite Carting Bros. store, Exeter. - DJR. J. A. ROLLINS,M.O. Y, S. 1 0. Office, Main St. Bxetor, out. Reeidonco, holm rocontly occupied by P. McPhillips, lips, $sq, r F, CUTTEN, M. D., C. M., J J • Graduate Trinity University, Tor- onto Fel, Trill. Med. aohool lmrouto ; Grad. Am ln•t.,Craniology; Member N. Y. Acad. A,eterleelogy; Member Col. P. 5„ Ont.- ol'�tu, DasInvood.Ont. DR. NV00IDRITF( F Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eye etlasses and Spectacles furnished for botbenearane Distant Vision, Regays at beim, except on Fridays. - .No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS. BUSSENBI�RPY, General Li �4 • come Auctioneer Sales conducted in allparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderato. Remain 0, Ont. ALMOST 4ST t � _ MASTER! 4AST This is only too true, and ,often we .ace the reality demonstrated by people going to the wall through buying goods at fabu- lous prices, or mismanagement. Au old saw is: "Its an ill wind that blows no per son ee ofit," and constant observation leaa no doubt taught you that what is one person's Ionia another person's gain. Su it is in the matter we wish to bring before you t,.•I1:{y*. It will be many a day before the failure of Jas. Pickard will be entirely forgotten, and to hive you a last oppor- tunity to profit by it we aro applying the knife and down goes prices for the Xmas trade. Immediately after this we start Mock ttkfug and packing goods to have the premises vacated ley latter part of January. No removable price will be re- fused for any article In the establish,•nent, for you will understand as well as oarsetves it will not pay to pack and move the goods. Let tet urge upon you Mice more to consider your own interest% 'Go where geeda have to be sold and where yon can buy the cheapest. Old prices will be done away with and a new code for the holiday era ie employed. \Visiting you all a merry Christmas, a very happy and prosperous New Year,.tt t,A Br�M,p4 TON BROS. The Maisons Bank HENRY EILBER Licensed Auc- tioneer for Hay, Stei bon, and Mc. Gllivray Townships. Sales oonduoted at modoratoretea. Office, at Post -office, Ored- iton Ont. H. PORTER, GENERAL D • Auctioneer andLandValuator. orders sent by inail to my a ddress, Reynold P.O., will receive prompt attention. 'Permsmoder- ate. D. H. PORTER, Auctioneer. VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent EXETER., ONT. Grad eat esof the Ontario Veterinary Col - loge. OFFICE! One poor South. of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. (O11;ARTE1tE1) IIS PARLTAMENT,t6551 Paid ee capital .., Beet Fund .,. .,. 1 Mete headoince. Montreal. F. WOLFEfSTA'N THOM .Esc.Oxint> r 20branebeflicosiuth•sraminton. Ageaele in theDomirtion,l.t.S.A.and Europe. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, from 10 a. re •to3 p.m SAT1lItDAYS,10 e.iu• to 1 p.m. 4 PerCent. per annum, allowedfor money an Deposit Receipts R. H. ARCHER, Itaanager. ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND percent, 325,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.11 DICKSON, ,Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. CONDENSED NEWS erectingthe new hotel offore The centra at leirktou was awarded to Mr Henry James of Mitchell, on Tuesday last, The Nub contractors are J. Somerville, G. L. ltIouey, J. Avery acid Wan Moore, all of Kirkt.n. A. very sudden death occurred on the 12th eon, West Williams, last Saturday morning. Mr Donald McIntyre, eon of Afr Hector McIntyre, had entered the house after -doing some ottorea at the beim, when he without a moment's warning fell forward and expired, lllntticipal matters are quite lively in Seaf•,rtb• elesers H.timstead and W AI Grey are working hard for mell'or, while E C Coltman, Henderson and Wilsan are After the deputy-reeveship. 1I L ttoLoaa, of tie Expositor, it is mid, is likely to be reeve by aeol:twetter. ZrARobert Pox, of Leon, met with A serious accident last week. He entered eir.R 5, Tlodgine' elevator store, and being snow blind fell through a trap door whioh had been carelessly left o_pon, He is eon - fined to his bed, but we are glad to state that lie is recovering from his lajeriee. Mra Jolm. McLean writes, from Barrie Island, Ont., ,hatch dill 1989, as follows; I have been a great sufferer from neuralgia for the tart 9 years, but, being .advfeed to tit St Jacobs Olt. can naw heartily endorse it ha being a ma t excellent remedy for 'hie complaint, as T have been greatly benefited by rte nee, The Oak Lake correspondent of the Free Press days :-'-"Tho eighteenth child of Mr Robert Lang, sr., was baptized lately by Ileo 1) El Hodges." Tbia is a pretty good record, and: we congratulate our old friend and nape he may have many more similar records to chrotsicte, ll:r Lang is au old Huranite and for many years resided. in Tuckoramith, near Rodgervi;le. Mise pity, daughter of Aire Easton, water at, north, St Mlarye, had a leg broken and was otherwise badly bruised an Monday cooping while coasting on the hill just east of the Queen at railway bridge. It seems some eight or ton were on a pair of sleighs connected with a long beard, when they ran againat a pile of atones with the above results. Meaera Wilson, the auretiea of John L Brown, the East''Zorra tax collector, who a few weeks eince left for parte unknown and is in Mexico, have been busy collecting the, balance of the township taxes. peeve Au- elereon stated that there was less than $1,000 uncollected at the present time ; and this is ltnowu to be all right, So far as the township is concerned and Brawn's sureties they wilt lase nothing. Ii'ront Various Sources Through out the District. Rev J S Cook, of Hensel), has just suc- ceeded in passing his B D examination. You ARE SATE -III buyinglmperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder. It is the purest grade. All grotere sell it. Mr W L Corbett, Deputy Reeve of Mc- Gillivray, /ins been urged to become a candidate for the Reevesbip of that town.. ship. Tun Trams, baying the largest circulation in the county of Huron, is the best paper in which to advertise farms or other propel • ty for sale. Mr D Dower, of St Marys, has bour-bt out the restauranteand saloon business of the late James ,9mith, of London, and takes possession immediately. Five horses belonging to Mr A M Polley, and two ponies, the property of Mr Geo Pugeloy, of Goderiob, have died during the past week from blood poisoning. At a recent meeting of the Collegiate in- stitute I3oard, Seaforth. it was decided to reengage all the present teachers for next year if they will accept reengagement. Rey John Crawford, D D, formerly of the Woodstock College, a ;gentleman who is well known to Baptists in Canada, has ac- cepted the pastorate of the Baptiet Chnrah in Wingham. More asses of sick headache, biliousness, constipation, can be cored in less time, with less medicine, and for lees money,;:by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. A Blyth boy named Dayid Chamberlain was run over by a sleigh and received some ugly cuts about the head. He was uucou- soious for some time, but will soon be around again. The consecration and confirmation ser- vices held in St James church, Parkhill, and Ceram church, Greenway, on Sunday last by the Lord Bishop of Huron,' drew out very large crowds. For the second year in succession the ratepayers of Watford have paid in every cent of their taxes before Deo 15th, and the collector was able to return the roll without asking fon any extension of time. THE LONDON MUTUAL L FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF C"NADA. Head Office, London, Ont. .Liter 31 years of successful business, still nues to offer the owners of farm property nd private residences, either on buildings or rt c'ntmut9 . tb omost favorable protection ur n ca 90 of loss ordamage bylire ern ginning , at rates • upon suchliberal terms. that no other respect- able company eanafford to write. 42,375 poly cies in force IstJan 0.890. Assets $378,428,00 . in cash in bank. Government dopost, Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JAMES GRANT, President; D. C.MoDoNALD,Manager • Delon Jeones,Agent for Exeter andvicinity. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANOECO, Established in 1868. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. Thisaomaanv has been over Eighteen year') in successful operation in Western Onario, and continues to insure against toss orflamageby Fire Build4nge Merchan- dise, Manufactories, and ail other desori Hone of insurable property. g insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Com panyhas issued 57,090 Policies. covering propertyto the amount of $40,872,009; and paid in losses alone 8709,752,00. of Caeh Assets, 8176,100.00 , oonsistin p inBank, Government Der cpit and the un assessed Premium Notes CE Law. and in • force. J W WAtun1MB•'rse esetIn M. TAYLOR Secretary. J .npoctor. CHAS. SNELL, 4oent for;fsxeter .and vicielt v. A large specimen of the gray owl was re- cently shot by Mr R Northcott, of Hay. It measured almost six feet from tip to tip of its. wings. He and a companion followed its mate all day but failed to get it. The hens in Kent county evidently are but are dthe McKinley Bill, ' to not effected Y by attending strictly to business. Fifteen ibousand dozen of eggs -an extraordinary large number- were shipped;from Chatham to Windsor recently, DoN'T hiss Ir -A now and attractive pub• lhcation containing many naeful, interestin • ,fly, and instructive features has just been Lade- Second jun-B Roweliffe, 80 ; F Andrew, Blake- - B Ri -ohn Johnston. E>Ys J son of James Jolinston, Stanley, returned from Cavalier county, Dakota, on Thursday of last week,. looking the picture of good 'health. Ile reports crops very poor in that. district. :lir A .T Styles. who teas been attending the Goderich Collegate Institute, returned home on Friday last to epeatd Christens% with friends in this Tillage, -Airs A Park is tide week visiting friends in the neighborhood of Seaforth.-MrsLittle and Miss Agnew, cf Marlette. are now the guest of Mra Wm Agnew. 13av+ Scnoo2, .Itzeow,-,The December report for t3 S No 2 Ilay, is **follows. The names are in order of merit, Fifth -Jas Campbell, Homer Russell, Alfred AfaTaggart. Fourth -mate Chapman, David Smith, David Shirray, Sen Third -Chas Northcott, Henry Jack. sou, Faulk Boss. Jun Third -Nellie O'Brien, Ralph Chap- man, Maud. Remelt. Second --.James Shirray, Nellie Northcott Nellie Gould. Second Part-Beckte Northcott, Willie Warren, Henry Basch. First Part -Milton Russell, Cat ria Gould, Milvrn Gould, ,— t ..•, .. ., . Usborne. lScuoar, REPORT -The follaxing are the names of all the pupils of S 8 No 6, who ootained 40 per cent or over, in written txaminati.rn work during the months of November and December, Fifth olaaa -0 Andrew. 88 ; E Brittle - melee, 87 ; 3 Delhridre, 81; 3 Turnbull. 80 ; c John., 78 ; G Powell, 74 ;; D Cath- cart. Fourth class sen --1, Turnbull, 76 ; 1; Rowoliffe, 69 ; L Andrew, 67; 0 Delbridgo, 65 ; 11. Spicer, fab ; N Hind, 62; 14 Johns, 58 ; J Russell, 57 ; G Miners, 53 ; R Johns u2 ; W Johne, 52. Fourth Jun --L Ila Ie, 66 ; M Clement, Ge ; A Freuoia, 62 ; A 'Karl, 71 ; M Brims. combo, 57. Third elesa-L Heywood, 77; E Andrew 71 ; A Ilunter, 70 ; 8 Johne, 62 ; F 3liners, 58 ; N Mussell, 57 ; R Coward, b# ; 0 Powell, 50 ; F White, 49 ; A Harris. 48 ; A Miller, 48 ; E Powell, 46 ; l Upshall, 45; F Brown, 42 ; II Kylo, 41. Second class sen --N Fletcher, 89 ; 8 Clemente. 70 ; 0 Tranoie, 59 ; Ie Johus, 58 ; 14 Miners, 53 ; L Mmora, 45 ; F Del. bridge, 41 ; E Clements, 41 ; P Bowelifle, The largo saw mill ail Tborndalo, the property of Mr Wm Dunlap, was, with a considerable quantity of lumber, totally destroyed by fire about ono o'clook Sunday morning, How the fire originated is a mystery. Mr Chas Oke, Benmiller, who want to Toronto to be examined as a candidate for the city police, has returned home, having failed in the chest measurement, although well up in the other essential points ; while there he made a lengthy' inquiry into cMr- ottmstances of several ,policemen and evi- dently came to the oonnluaion that all is not gold that Shines.' PERSONAL LIBERTY vs PHYSICAL SLAVERY. -We are all free American oitfeenie enjoy- ing onr personal liberty ; but most of us are in physical slavery, 'suffering from scrofula, salt rheum or Como other form of impure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great blood purifier which disolves the bones of disease, gives health and perfect pbyaical liberty. ed by T Milburn tC Co,, of 'Toronto, under the title of the Burdock Blood Bitters Al- manac for 1891. It is now in the hands of Druggists and merchants for tree dtstriba• tion and we would advise our readers to enure a copy before the supply is exhaust- ed. Many of our readers will remember Dr Wad-el.ward, who was some time ago given the free use of some of the churches in this vaulty, to deliver lectures on Pales- tine, &o, A Kingston correspondent writes of him to the Canada Presbyterian as fol- lows : Oan you or any of your subscribers give any information as to the whereabouts of a person called Dr Wad el Ward ? He was around these parts last winter and summer, preaching and lecturing in our churches and ab owing a stack of letters recommendatory from ministers of our church. On the strength of theso he borrowed money from persons in Kingston six months ago promising to return the same in two days. These loans have not been returned, and we should like to know where the man is now. A gentleman (?) palled upon Rev Mr Freeman at the Parsonage and asked help to get to his home in Chatham, stating that he had been beaten out of his wages and showing letters from English church clergy - me as to his good character, he was invit- ed in, given his dinner and some money, after which, at the man's request, Rev Mr F. read and prayed with him, and he then sent away. Shortly afterwards Rev Mr Fteeman was astonished to see his' mau coming out of a hotel and made straight to another.* Entering by a side door the minister walked into the bar room just as the tramp was about to lift a glass of whis- key to his eager lips. Tapping him on the shoulder the Rev gentleman denounced his lying manners of getting money, and gave him just five minutes to get oat of town and avoid arrest for obtaining money under false pretences. -Parkhill Gazette. BLANEIIARD. BRIEFS It is reported that Mr R. Bonin will measure swords with Deputy Reeve Hutchings for the Reeveship for '91.-A. very melancholy event occurred at the residence of Mr Robert Somerville, 10th line on Saturday afternoon. Mrs Somer- ville, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs Mo g Cullou h of the Mitchell road, had only arrived home a short time, when she was taken violently ill, death resulting in a few minutes. Heart failure is `supposed to have been the pause of death. The family have the sympathy of tho community in their bereavement. -The • Peerless Loyal Orange Lodge, No 384, Mitchell road, held their annual meeting on Thursday evening last, and the iollowing brethren were elected for the ensuing term :-W M, Amos Doupe; D M, Robe Henderson; Chap, Geo D Laurie ; Reo Sec, Chas W Robinson; Fin Seo, Robt Switzer; D. 0, R H Atkin. sou: Committees: Robt Berry, Ed Evans, Wm Speedo, Issao Barnett, Wm Conn; 0 F, Sam Evans; I F, Wm Evans; Auditors, Geo D Laurie, Robt Berry. 73 ; G Godbolt, 66,; tr Coward, 64 ; T Flctahar, 55. Part Second -3 Herdman, 70 ; 0 Johns, 53 ; 0 Hawkins, 47. First class No 8-G Wilcox, 92 ; E Berry - hill. 7.4 ; L Robinson, 61 ; W Hunter, 57 ; J Coward, 50 ; N Fletcher 16 No 2-E Fletebor, 85 ; E Camm, 80 ; E Brown, 78 ; B Ueshall, 19 G. W. HOLMAN, Teacher. - W'iale>-• y Beeline -One of those social. events that cause such a flutter of excitement among the young folk tock place op Wednesday lest, we refer to the marriage. r Mr Geo. Wilson, son of aur worthy post master, to Miss Mary R. daughter of )lr W Gunning. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev 3 Russe 1 01 klinivi le, at the residence of the bride's father. The bridesmsld was Mies Lucy Gunning, sister of the bale. and the groom was supported by his brother, Mr A. Wilson, of Palmerston. Atter the ceremony the guests numbering about a bundred sat down to a sumptuous repast ; after which the evening vas spent he varien.Wilde ofimpute meat. The youngeoupto have settled down to the realities of boneekeeping, in the village, and we extend to them our Mere. tulattene, wishing them a happy sed pooa- perons voyage through life. -;lir John Wale ker, and part of his family have left the village and florae to Michigan, the remain- ing ones to follow shortly. --?lir Geo Lang- ford, of Uilreiton, paid a short ileit to Mende bare Iasi week. ---Tho school has cloed for the Christmas holidays, and the children are rejoioiug In anticipation of Banta Claus' visit ; yet sorry that they meat now bid goodbye to their faithful teat'ter. 9 Merry Chitmas We wish our many friends the compliments of the eeaeou, and thank you for your valued patrouape this year. We alae coneiu a O `Q continuation l�,Jf' }� of year valued favors. are a3vjtaG BrumBrum• Our wow is lamest gone and we a n1t0ico are sorry to lose it. 1luaineee was brisk line of while it lasted, and the atorekeanera are m . anxious it should last over the holiday.,- Our town line boat one of its most resl�te3 citizens in the person at Mr E. Meruor,who Ulm gone dewe below on a farm. Ile has Demi engaged in baldness here for a few years and has won hosts of friends. We wish him sncce*a is hie present tndertak. lug. Mr Jacob Monier has bought lir B. lcterner's interest in the store, and we hope Um new firm ":Verner Bros' will meet with the noose they so richly deserve. -Mr Leafs Dieokert has arrived home from Dakota to epend the holidays with his pa - route and friends. --Ur Henry Schnell baa also returned home for Cbrtattnas balitayu. Air toed Buchanan is at home for his holi- days from Goderieh -The iii 1: and Luth- eran cherolrea bold their :imam trees ou Wednesday evening last. -Last Friday our school examination was held here in the Zurieb Publid S:haol and we must say that it was a grand sneeeas in every way. Tho day was alt that could bo desired and everythiug passed oft pleasantly. Tbero were about a dozen teachers present and sorb fifty or sixty of the parents and Meads. The examanination eras good .in every respect and appreoi'ahe eby all. Sev- eral speeches were made da..ng the day by Mr Doig, Mr Wren, Mr R Ease, Mr Fred Kibler, Dr 13ucnanan and several others, In the evening tltey`held their annual can - cert In the town hall and the crowd was something terrible, every place a person could poasibly get being filled. The mon- cert was fine Bir Latta and his Resistants must be congratulated on its bong, as everybody expressed, tho finest concert ever hold in Zurich, and wo think they are right. Tho oltildren did their parts re- markably well. Time and space will not allow us to mo tion all but some we must not forget, Mrs S J Latta and Miss Mite Steinbach's recitations were deserving of praise, both ladies delivering them web and were loudly encored. What is the use in going abroad when we have home talent as good if not batter than any we have neard here. We must also mention the rending given by Miss Dint, every word being clear and distinct so that the smal- lest child could understand her and enjoy it. The Cantata, `• The Little Gipsy " was well delivered and took well. The musical part of the pro,;remme was all that could be expected and loudly applauded by the peo- ple. Mr Latta is deserving of great praise for the manner in which he conducted the evening's entertainment, and when he knows the opinion of tbo people in general, of its being considered the best concert ever given in Zuriob, he can not but be pleased. -While we are writing it may not be out of place to mention the entertainment to be given in "Fautown" on the 2nd of January. A good programme has been prepared, consisting of readings, reoitatious and dialogues, also vocal and instrumental music. Some of the best vonal talent in Zurich has been secured for the occasion, and a good time is expected. The great treat of the evemng will be an address deli- vered by Rev Henderson of Hensall. As the proceeds are to be used for a good pur- pose- for the benefit of the Sunday School -let every one come- Admission 10 and 15 cents. -Oar teachers attended the ex- amination at Blake on Monday. They report a good time. --Mrs J Letts, of Oh elburst, is spending Xmas with her son, f1 Sam J Latta. -Mr Sam 1 Latta, clerk, has distributed posters, announcing the nom• illation to be held on Monday, Deo 29th. Who will sit among the "Fathers" of the township during'91.-School has closed for Christmas holidays and will be opened We believe the sonar e again ou J y 61.h.- W trustees of our school have not as yet Se- cured a teacher for the junior department for 1891. --The Treasurer's statement, for tp of Hay, Inc 1890, has been published, showing a fair cash balance. Asact4 exceed liabilities by over 2250. - Council meeting on Saturday 291h. -Mr A Roth, tailor, has employed a'number of extra hands during the busy season. -Fred Sig- ner has gone to Walkerton to speed his Christmas, at the parental home. -Itis rumored that Fred Kibler is to be one of the candidates for deputy reeeve, and we think he will ably fill the position. It is also rumored that John Foster is coming out as councillor, We think that John will make a first class councillor. Mr H Hap- pel shipped the last of his lambs last week ; there were about 3 car loads. -Wm Sohnell clerk at Appel & Zeller's ie laid up with a sore leg, and Mr fi Wing ably fills iia place behind the counters -Dr Gunn, from Clinton, paid our town a visit this week. - George Buchanan has returned home from Goderich High School to spend Xmae. The Hay Fire Iusuranoe Company held a meet- ing at the Commercial to settle the aeooant, of the old year. Bargain DEPOT. PI O F1- J- •T ,t • Zurich. Hay Council. The council met pn euaut to adjourn- ment, on Saturday Deo 13th. All the mem- bers present. Heyrook-Voelker-that the report -of D Steinbach chairman of the Board of Health be adopted, -Carried. Heyrock-Schnell-that the following Persons be Deputy Returning Officers at the following sub -division viz; No 1 at the school house in S S No 1, James Bon. tbron, D R 0. Nr, 2 at the school house in 5 5 No 10, Alexander MoEwon, D R 0. No 3 at the town hall in Zurich, Sam 3. Latta, R 0, No 4, the school house in S S No 4, Moses Geiger, D R 0. No 5, in the school house in S S No 12, Benj Sararas, 1)R 0. No 6, at Willert's ball, in the village of Dashwood, R Cook, D 11 0. No 7. at the school house in S 5 No 3, Charles Troyer, D R 0. -Carried. Voelker-Moir-that tho following mots. be paid viz : August Hartman, damage to plough, $7 50 ; Colin Smith, com, $243,- 25 ; Cicero Aldswortb, lumber and nails, $4 20 ; Williams & Go, flour for• indigent, $7 50 ; Nelson Mo.ese, come 039 13 ; Henry Mage],bringing in Mr Currey, $1 25 ; John Alexander, gravel, $21 36 ; Wm Tinuey, school tax refunded, $1 44•; H Greb, sani- tary inspector, $11 ; T J Willson, gravel, $28 84 ; E Troyer. gravel, $6 26 ;'D Stein- bach, goods fur Mrs Aknew, 23 ; D Stein; barb, nails and spikes, $3,88; J. Northcott, gravel, $1.05; J. H. Petty. statute labor re-, funded, $8.25; John Geiger, work in pit and damage to gate, 23.50 ; Nicol Shirra dog tax ref, $1.00; John Geiger, do ; Petty Bros, bacon for indlgeut, S5c; Dr MoDer- maid need for Currey, $3; Nicol Shirrs, wood for Currey, 21.50; W C Davis, goods for indigent, $8.41; J H. Northcott, bread for Currey, $8 45; Codd and Rennie, goods for do, $5 38; Appel et Zeller, do, $i; J ,k o 2.50; D Gottchalk do,$1.10; D Meruer d , $ , C Phile, rep saraper, $1; J F Shettler, work on 0 R, $1,25;•J Foster rep oulverts $2; M Krous makg ditch 22:50. 0 Miller culvt $2; J Howard ditch $3; J Kercher digging grave for indigent, $1; leMorriaon house rent for Currey, 5; G Nichplsou gravel, 6.86; Mut, ual Insurauce Oo 114.50; Dr Buchanan 75o; J Heywood Inc hall, 6.75; H Rupp, moving hall furniture, 50o; J Schnell, fence at hall 4.65; J Gollman culvt 50c; H Gies rep road 50o; Eli Henheffer, attendg Carney 75c; f3 Holtz, gravel 33,.81;. P Oopliug, gravel 3 04; Win Klopp, do, 52 22; 0 Walper do, 15.26; do, makg ditch, 1; Mrs Keinheatt, caretak- ing 10; M Zeller, salary 80; making oontet, 3; postage and stationery 2.40; 5 J Latta, bal salary 22.60; selecting jurors 4;.F Hees eelatg jurors, 4; J Bonthron, do; S J Latta attendg B of H. 2; F.Hess, do; D Stein- bach, do; Dr Bnohauan, do; F Hess council fees, letting and inspecting jobs 76; Henry Heyrook, do, 36; Wm Moir do, 36; John Voelker, 36; J Snell, 36. -Carried, Voelker-Heyrook-That 13 Bender be allowed to take the timber off the road be- tween Sth and 9th conoessions, opposite lots 22nd and 23rd, provided ho make the road passable.-Oarrisd, Dell, oppressive headaches, and a con- stant feeling otlassitude, are the offeota of catarrh. Nasal Balm will speedily make you feel like a new person. Give it atrial. They make one feel as though life was worth living. Take one of Carter's Little Liver Pills after eating ; . it will relieve dyspepsia, aid digestion, give tone and vigor to the system. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria laaricet STORE Tsvxeter. Laney Gla :.:are, Cre.cbery and China ton:ei fe for Chris: utas Rifle ; also to j�tlr let eat over ' (:oats, Mote and Sheep, witch are really Cnristnuna Fitts to apyeno at ,.•tch prices us we offer them at. Blanchard. 131erEns--We titre week are called upon to record the death of fierny Wilda. beloved wife of Mr John Dick- enson, of the Jird line, which sad event occurred on Saturday last, at au age of 37 years. The deceased had been its for over a year or dropsy, during trhtch timo she suffered much. The funeral took place on 'Tuesday, tier re. mains being interred in the St Marys cemetery. The husband and family of four boys and one girl have the sym. pathy of the community in their loss. --Mr J. J. White the evangeliat, is holding revival meetings in Zion church. Tele meetings are largely attended and niucti interest is taken In this goo i work. ELECTION IL rrcRs-Municipal elec- tion matters aro beginning to assume form. Mr Robt Beatty, who hos oc- cupied the reeve's chair for the` past terra, has signified iris intention of re- signing, other duties fu ly occupying his time. The aspirants t r the office are said to be :-W. 11. Hutchings and Robt Bonin ; for deputy reeve, David Johnston as far as has been reported; for councillors, Robt Berry, John Les- lie and DanielSinolair, Mr Leslie being a new man in the field. The fight pro- mises to be keen, should the large number mentioned oenseut to -come forward alter nomination. liillnavzlle. Bittr:ra-A musical and literary entertain ment and fruit social will be held in the Methodls' church, Elimville, on New Years evening, when a varied programme of recitations, singing, mune etc, will be rendered by talent- ed persons from different places. Among those who will take part is Mr Alien, of Dashwood, a blind mamma and singer, a genius in his way known to many. ;Messrs Stanley & Seigler, Misses Ray, and Judge, and Miss Hus- band of Lucan. Hensall will send the Misses McLean to recite and the Miases Murdock to sing, Some are also ex- pected from Exeter. The Misses Rus- sel will also sing. Frust will be served during the eveniug. No pains have been spared to make the enter- tainment a success and all are cordi- ally invited to -come. Admission, adults 20 cis, children 10 cents. Pro- ceeds in aid of school fund, -Rev ;lir Russell of Exeter preached a super- annuation sermon in Elimville church on Sunday morning and in the after- noon and evg. be preached anniversary sermons at Sunshine. -Rev T 11. D ,tan who has been attending college at Cobourg occupied the pulpit here 1tst bunday evening. -We are pleased to mention that Rev 0 Smith who has been laid up with la grippe for three weeks is able to worts again. -Mr John Godbolt. of Colusa County, California, is vesting relatives and friends in Win.ihelsea and vicinity: He has been absent three years and all his old friends are glad to see him spin. - Every few weeks it is rumored that the hotelhere will be reopened, and occasionally men come here e e t o have a look at it. But so far no one has been sufficiently attracted:to give it a trial We are proud to know that this com. munity is so temperate that a hotel - keeper cannot make a living- \TOTTCE.'1'HE ANNUAL MEET•' l v1 ing of the Stephen and Usborno Agricul- tural Society, will be hold in the town ball, Exeter, on Thursday, 8th January, 1801, at 2 o'cluck p m. for electing President. Vice -Pres. ioent and directors for the ensuing rear,1891. All members and parties interested aro cor- dially invited to attend -A, G. DYER, Sec'y, MUNICIPALITY OF HAY FOR 1891, In accordance with R. S, 0„ notice is hereby given that a public tweeting of the electors of the Township of Hay will be hold at the '1')) \VN HALL. in the village of Zurich, on MONDAY, iOth DPCEMBER,1891, beginning at the hour of 12 o'clock noou• for the purpose of nominat- ing candidates to fill the otfices of Reeve, Dep- uty -reeve and three Councillors for.' 1591, and should a Doll be demanded the eleation will be by ballot on MONDAY. JANUARY 5th,1S91, commencing ati) o'clock in the forenoon: and closing at .5 o'clock in the afternoon, • : Au. J. L Zurich, D c°3. '00. Clerk, 4