HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-12-18, Page 7TIMRSDAY, DEC. 18th, 1958 --GEORGE'S CHURCH 8.30 a..M. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. . (Junior Cengregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. • Monday, December 22 St. Thomas. 10 a.m. Holy Corn:minion in the Chapel. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. TEPHENS, M.A., Organist and. Choirmaster. (AIWA 5 • ake vvbere he Was empided as a welder. Ifewas aveteran of rid wg A . 5 ... ,- • ' (*TV A e ie e ta , a. ,LeS1 en of Bayfield for many Years, died at the Earnshaw Nursing Monte, Goderich, on Monday, at 'the age of 89 years. She was the former, Agnes Lovering, of Woodstock, and was the widow of Dr. W. F. Met, calf who practied at Bayfield. She is survived by a son, Wil- liam, of Montreal, and a daughter, Jessie,lof Detroit. The funeral service was held at the Ball and Mutch funeral home on Wednesday morning at 11 o'elock, with interment in -Bayfield cemetery. Rev, E. 3. B. Harrison, of the Anglican ChUrch, of which deceased was a member, officiated. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street :.United Church CHRISTMAS SUNDAY 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "WHERE IS HE?" Junior Congregation and Nursery. 4 p.m. The Annual Choir Choral Service, featuring outstanding trumpeters. Nursery at 4 p.m. service also. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD KL1NCK, Music Director. • • • • • Knox. Presbyterian- Church REV. R. G-MacMILLAN, MISS B. J. -WOODRUFF, Minister • Deaconess MR. W. H. BISHOP; F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 10.00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11.00 'AA. CHRISTMAS PAMILY SERVICE. --7-Nursery---entl-Junior--Cengregation. JAMES MORICIN Funeral services were held this morning at St. Patrick's RC. Church, .Biddulph Township, for James Morkin who died at his home on Britannia road on Tuesday at the age of 85 years. He had suffer- ed a long illness. He was .born in Biddulph Town- ship in the Lucan district, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Morkin. He continued to reside in that area where he farmed until retiring to, Gbaerich seven • years ago. His wife is the former Levina Kelly, who now survives him. The burial was made in St. Pat• rick's cemetery, Biddulph Town. ,ship. - BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE "ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST." SUNDAY — 10 A.M. 555--- SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. Worship Service. 7.30 p.m. iEvangeiistk Service. Friday, Dec. 19, 8 p.m. Sunday SchoorChristmas Service. 'TUESDAY AND FRIDAY'SERVIOES AT 8 ,P.M. PASTOR — REV. H. C. CRACKNELL, "A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS VOW" WELCOME T� THE CIAIRCH THAT CARES SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21. 9.50 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. CHRISTMAS WORSHIP. 7 p.m. CAROLING TO SHUT-INS. (No Church Service), WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study Hour. FREE METHODIST CHURCH—VERLYN R. SNELL, B.A., Pastor 7.00 P.M. CANDLELIGHT CAROL SERVICE — Two Choirs. DECEMBER 24 —.11.30 p.m. — CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE. 'GOD,ERACH• BAPTIST CHUttCH CHRISTMAS SUt4DAY — DECEMBER'21 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. -• • 11 a.m. WORSHIP .SERVICE and Annual White Gift Seryice. (Younger childreh ;eared for during this service). A--:CANDLELIGHT-SERV,ICE. (Christmas music by the Junior Choir). A Christmas Program far the SOnclaY School, Monday) Dec 22 . at 7.30 p.m, • , , 1"BORN — A .SAVIOUR CHRIST THE LORD", REV. -S.--H. FINDLAY2B.A., B.p.; Minister. MRS. R. GOOD, Organist.- -• - Victoria Street United Church --FEL-LOWSHIP--1N-OHRISTMAS • SERVICES. • -•-• , 10 a.m. Victoria Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m. ,JOYOUS CHRISTMAS PRAISE. Family Service — Nursery at RaTsonage. "THE GOOD NEWS IN THE CHILD." 1.30 p.p. BENM1LLER Rededication and reception of new members. 3.00 p.m. UNION -- Christrhas Service( — C.G.I.T. Choir. -Ministet=-FtEV-:SA MOOTE,LA,B;13;- - Organist—MR. FRANK BISSETT. EVERY. CENTURY 5 CAMERA A Century 35 Camera WITH F/2.8. LENS AND CARRYING CASE $72,90 .(PLUS' FREE FLASH HOLDER) •••,, 4 WITH F/3.5 LENS AND CARRYING CASE (PLUS 'Mit PLASH -,HOLDER) THE CENTURY 3515 JOSEPH D. WILSON One of Goderich's oldest resi. dents, Joseph Dunbar' Wilson, died at his home on Cambria road on Tuesday last. Deceased was born in Scotland 96 years ago and came to Canada at the age..olla'tnine Years 't11---tris-parents; the -e -Mr. andf Mrs. Thotrias Wilson. He had been confined to bed for the past five years. In his 'youth, he farina ,in Ashfield Township and operated the first mechanical binder in Huron County. After many Years sailing the Great Lakes in schooner type;ships, and working as a sawyer arid engin*. alunifier milis from Haliburton to. Manitoulin Island, he returned to this district 53 'years -ago. to- make- his:home: wai employed- as an engineer at the .G-otierich-Organ-Ceinpany--for over 40 years and took an active interest in politics, serving as a member of the town council for several terms: His first wife, Elizabeth Brindley, died in 1928. He was ,a ;member of Knox Presbyterian Church and also of the Canadian Order of _Foresters,. _ . - -Surviving .is tice7fOl'r-Merf Annie McCleneghan: The funeral service .on Friday, afternoon at Lodge furiera1,;h5me -be e'en, ducted Rer.---R. G. MacMillan: Burial will be made in Maitian cemetery. JOHN R. JOHNSTON Funeral arrangements have not .yet•been completed for the burial of John R. Johnston who died d'at Calgary, Alberta, on December 12. Deceased was born in 'Ashfield Township 46 years. ago_ and_was a sonof the.late Samuel ,Johnston and Mabel McWhinney. He went to the Western province some years IW"M KM 471 :4 ZWAP. rr.41 ‘&'S'tk'Wq4gl SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MEETINGS AT THE SALVATION ARMY 84 Lighthouse Street SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 11 a.m. Holiness Meetjng — "Unto Us A Savious Is Born" 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Special Candlelight Carol Service — "Where Is He?" FIRST LT. HOWARD AND MRS. CROSSLAND. You are never a stranger at the Army. $62.00 - • , Announcing the reopening of the CITIES SERVICE STATION • WESIV-A-ND---1ArATERLOO-STREETS_ J. C, (Chucic) Wilson: CENTURY 35 CAMERA . HENDERSO The Square Goderich PA-DatOikaM-Dfttablall;14MIDIDaat-M0/1242taarthlaaaaarOINAND otINDMMIOraikaaMaret2at.21212M-24-NDON-14qulatlatNat 1111111.01111110 SENIOR CITIZENS' HOUSING Realizing the necessity in this community fpr housing for senior citizens, the ----Godeeith..Kinsmen_Cluli-is-anxious -to -determine-the:exact need so that on Application., may be made to the Federal and Provincial Governments for a charier. vatztovelvvoctetetoztovetetitivetozscitititie Chriskas " A WARM, FRIENDLY WISH OF ,CHEER FOR CHRISTMAS 'AND THE YEAR:. • _ - Fierioris Whiraie-over 65 Sfears -ofkage,--coable.of4looking,after,,,themseives.ianC, , who have an incorne_not„exeeeding .$180.00 'per month per couple, or $100.00 for ta single person, would be eligible to apply for, either a three-room heated apartment or a two,room bachelor apartment.' Rentals will depend on construction costs but will be approximately435.00 for a three-room apartment and $31.00 for the bachelor apartment. • All persons interested are requested to complete and return...the form printed hereunder'Yo The Postmaster .Goderich. 2101-2*.ltlariDr - FROM Thornel(:T s Barber -Shop To Goderich Kinsmen Club: I would be 'interested in obtainibg accbtrtnbctation in the proposed Se'nior Citize-ns-Ploasing-Projett. - Nor-NotimoimomimalwaipaiRau-gmai, p octimk My name is My age , • . • . My wife's name Age Preserit Address TO THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF. GODERICH Phene Number • letettemegete-totatetztetztztzteeemeteLmte.Ostgeewateweromeextete-tetexcele-wetzioataiszimizictomoomm -4.r4Tat.(414 As directed by resolution �f the Municipal ounciI , I hereby declare. fZ,2giAgifii-OZA§Kq4404-0ZOZW.IZIZI:4ZZ Sunday December 2 4 p.m. BOXING DAY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1958, North Street United Church 4 Civic AND PUBLIC HOLIDAY ,and call upon all citizens tpegovern themselves accordingly. ERNIE C. FISHER, Mayor., LAUNDROMATS DRYERS TV STOVES FRIDGES Goderich, December 15th, 1958. SO- FOR LASTING SATISFACTION '- ALL YEAR.. 'ROUND" Mixed Voices, Male Voies, Treble. Voices, augmented by Trumpeters Norman Bennett and Fred Bailey, of 1..istowel, the latter, having played before the Queen, will accompany the singing. Among the numbers will be—, Auburn Area Residents "CAROL OF THE BELLS", Wilhou.sky (male voices) WILF REINHART'S g .2,aaaargeatDmaarPal-DiZi,?aini2VADID11,,M24:3.420/124-DIDIDLT.A2MDMDI-DITA,=w%, ttaiNAMDM24-24-MNIIM-OrNrifs424-54Valvaizimot 'NNW - The Huron and Kinloss Munigipal Telepbotte System wish to congratulate the Blyth Municipal Telephone System on their,plans to open a tele- phone exchange in Auburn. • The Auburn Central should.lae,a lotaamatile; addition to the Auburn _ MUFFLERS ASL" Try our specialized muffler service—and .sav ! these GUARANTEED "GLASSLYNER" MUFFLERS. Here , are We've cut prices away some •7 below list on examples— community. CHEVROLET and —20117,14.Q._ Series 20-22 FORD and METEOR _* 8 -cylinder $6.95- $8.95 DODGEAtind PLYMOUTH "0 LITTLE HILLS OF NAZARETH", O'Hara (treble voices) ^ • "AND THE GLORY OF 1/2IE LORD", Handel (mixed oices) " FINA:LE—Beethoven's, "HALLELUJAH." igAMOIV.71,aii,741e4e.j4K0404471,4TO The Nursery Department will be open lo-orc--alerfr.tr—Fanger c you attend 'the, service, , For many years, a few telephones in and around Auburn have been connected to Dun- gannon, and became part of the Huron and Kin- ., loss System when they purchased the Goderich Rural 'telephone Company,. Limited. To remove , the inconvenientsplit of telephone service in the Auburn community, Hum and Kinloss '41-53' 49-'54 *re transferring' these telephones to the Blyth yotem, or connec 10 58 rrnik=t1r...." '49-'55 $795 , '55-'58 $8.95 "HEAVY DUTY" 51 -PLATE f"DRY CHARGE"I —Siniilax Savings made by a leading battery manufacturtor WITH OLD BAkTTERY on AIL Types of Mufflers and Batteries -- • -•••-•-•,,,,abt Itatttrtr central. Customers so affected are being notified G„ .through the • 'Vreorpo-VeMPAIM-NriVIIM40 , t , Aoledr-VITA -50 ereimossomiewrierairseumeseseelleseleereserrealesemeh. ,