HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-12-11, Page 9- • 7.• • -",'„'1'.,"•,,`•;'' • "'••' - • , • • • • • . • • , • •••• ••• TO;;001).E.R.Xf4II-OGIFAwAR'. - • .••• • .ny ••• • ‘..•-•.• ; • '' .... • LitAlAMir4V • • • • • ,,;.•••••-•••••,.."•-"..— • - . - .... . . • • • , ,"?.1.,,...;,..i,ofg:;:nnv.4. • • Gold Medal Winner for styling at the BrUssels World's Fair, 'The -elegance .of the 'unusual priced just above the ordinary, ,nf EAST4RN STAR -dROUP--- . 4 HAS CHRISTMAS PARTY 4* - The annual Christmas party of the Blue Water Chapter, No. '284, Order of the Eastern Star, was held after the regular monthly meeting -13elle--skit by -Mrsr-Dttst.ow ed by carol singing. Bingo was played by aIl, for a group orattrac- tive prizes. • The stinger of a bee is only one -thirty:second-Of ari eh Tong. -NO- their guests enjoyed a• solo by Miss body can »excel a bee when it comes •••••-• --Ruth Westbrook ---and a "Southern - to-, making -a--little-go- a long-- way: •;, - - Choose -from -our -fine-- selection of Flowering Plants and' Cut Flowers now on display at the One Location Only 99 Bruce TELEPHONE 105 : SEND FLOWERS BY WIRE 48-50 •Or-V-`,.SWZOVrit,kr Annual .MeetitiOtoron Temperatite •Federation Discusses New Trends • - DASHWOOD.-LGurrent-eritieionti•-hands.--4he •poliee-were called' but - Of the •Coriada.Temperance Act 'wag discussed but not • aete'd uponat the . annual meeting of the "Huron THE...-T-HISTLE WARNING- - ---JOINS-LONDCiNTOVICIE- How -did the thistle come to In Bob Gregory, son of Mr. and Mrs. the emblem of Scotland? In the Fred Gregory has gone to London 13th century an army of Norse where tie has joined the city police s. ' . ,..„..., ...-„, .... -.,,•,. ..et•-•-,. fGoDrccei. arid Biobiathearswbaeseanssaocsitauteddenwtitaht ,.‘„,4wilmw,,,_ the Goderich Florist-business.--Di.tr,--- -: ---: , ing the past summer he was en - they said they couldn't do any - gaged in construetion... work with, thing about it," said the Grand the Union Gas,Co.„ • • -invaders had planned -a .night at- stepped on • a thistle -with -his bare tack on the sleeping army of King feet. His cries of anguish warned Alexander III, As they approach-. the Scots, and they drove the in-. ed the Scottish camp one of them vaders into the sea. Bend minister.. Temperance Federation here last Rev. Spell outlined two principal »• Friday evening. • • arguments which; he felt, indicated Legion Trains 10. Rev. Gordon Domm, new general the CTA was good legislation. secretary of the Ontario federation, •isters, N,Vho move to HurOn f assurethtlwrnbers thatimisietien, other counties- are amazed, he- ... - from, his office were aware of the to find drinking so. much les situation in Huron and Perth and a problem in Huron. "The d were • working with temperance ence•is so marked they can hardly groups who were 'concerned with the movement. There was no hint that the tem- perance federation is,planning any action to defend the CTA against its critics. Only 30 persons at- tended the meting• (the snowstorm wasjelt to be responsible for this) and only one person spoke for the CTA, Rev. H. J. Snelljames St, United Church, Exeter, challenged -The con- tention of cities that police were powerless to control drinking among young people. "1 feet they can be taken care of- under the criminal- code " 'he said. Rev. A. E. Holley, Grand Bend United Church, said he had been ed to understand from policemen that the CTA •did not stipulate where liquor could be consumed while the Ontario Liquor Control' Act limited consumption to one's residence. • Pointing ,,aut_that., thiswastho police viewpoint, not his own, Rev. Holley said the CTA did not pre- vent drinking in parked cars though the Highway Traffic Act made it illegal, while driving) or at public places such as dance halls, VI was told about an instance in Huron County where young people were dancing with bottle's in their iffer- Branch• 109 of the Canadian Leg- ion is off to a good start again -this year in their boxing training „. program under the, able Tholing instruction of Lou Cundari corn- 'believe- its theyAell me2 • • The othererpOint, he said, was contained in statistics.of the alcohol fOundation which found "less alco- holism in Huron than in other areas." ,, • Rev. 'Dom, agreed the latter point was an important considera- tion. • The provincial secretary, who was just appointed in March, con- fessed he knew little about the 'Gonad.' emperance 'Act but he understood "it apparently had its weaknesses." " Rev—W.E. Krotz, minister of the host church ;' at Dathwoed, was elected president of the federation. Vice-presidents. are Howard Pym, Elimville; Roy Cousins, Brussels; Harry Hoffman, Dashwood,andDon Aberhart, Goderich. Treasurer is Fred McClymont, Varna; secretary, Mrs, N. Trewartha, Clinton; "Voice of Temperance" editor, H. •G. Man- ning', Clinton, Frank . Row.Se.n. Wingh a rn , was named honorary president in the slate of officers presented by Elgin McKibley, Zurich . Let's, be patient. No doubt the return of the ice age, due in about 10,000 years, will considerably lowe- the belligerent .fever of the world. YOUR CHOICE OF. 2 CARTO'NS' •.07 YOUR FAypRITE SOFT DRINK • AS ADVERTISED HERE TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR ' NEIGHBORHOOD STORE. bined with physical training in- ' struction frern Eric Smith. ' The idea of Branch 109spon- 1 soring boxing classes was originat- ed- edseveral years ago, by "Mac" McCauley who. has_had many_yearS__ of experience in. this field. "Mac" is still in there punching although he leaves the actual training of the boys tq, his instructors. There' l• are about thirty boys in training at the moment ranging in age, from six years to 15. They're kept busy using the equipment the Legion has accumulated over the years,, which, although riot elaborate, is effective. At the Moment the equipment is valued at about $150.00, _ . Training night is on Tuesdays. in the te-gion Hall, although-••th-e- use of, the hall only ' Occurred a !few weeks ago after Charles Cad- man, the Legion Sports Chairman, I foresaw that training and setting up of the equipment was more practical in the Legion,Hall than in the Old collegiate building where 1 it has been conducted in the past.' The boys are working hard„ hop- ing someday—to be able to exhibit their abilities to their parents, pos- •sibly ,when the., Club holds its an- nual boxing exhibition in the %•? spring. • Faberge Colognes, Perfumes; and Dusting,, Powders FROM $1.75 FROM $1.50 *., • Yardley Ladies' and • Men's Gift 'Sets beautifullyFROM , boxed for Christmas •••. ALWAYS, FRESH — SMILES 'N CHUCKLES cHocoLATEs C1,i)s.t,mas 2Ib.,3 wrapped .nd $ • 35 per Ib. 5 Ib. assortments at ,..4,4,04„,vca,vve,girogw,eivvevv,5wsvocvvvvmovtt.7.me,,,x,,,,,,,a)..,„:,,00vvvoommtmetemirommaxm 4,) Huron Cr9p Assoc. COUTT'S CHRISTMAS CARDS w'iq Honors Hay Champ Boxed Cards 59c to $1.50 . • , 1 ' . -,- , Loose Cards. Sc •to - 30c • -------------- x,ONDESBORO.-The world hay champion, Robert P. Allan, Bruce - field, was honored at one' of the largest annual bOnqUets and meet- ings in the history of the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement ASsociation. The meting wasattended by the % president of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association, l Harry Strang, Hensall, who was the 1" first president of the Huron assocr'' KODAK CAMERAS priced from $6.95, up. MO',and up. ation• when it was first organizecrl 12 years ago. Elected president for 1959" was :IA' Delbert Geiger, of R.R. 2, Zurich; L'I William" Clark, RR.- 5, Goderich, NI. first vice-president,' and Cla,rence . Shaw, Wingham, second vice-presi- i ap dentats . past the conclusion of the mg' eetin, A, k president' spin was present- +)," ' ed Mr, Allan by William Turnbull. Mk: The nominatia eommittee, head- 'roctor, R.R, 5,1** Brussels, -and including Mr. Turn- ed by Richard 1k it*Tfltr—itttsseirretIltoff:71tnr"11 , Dublin, presented the I'M of direc- tors as follows: West Wawanosh .. Township, Jack Taylor, R.R. 5, ' Wingham; Hay, Delbert .Geiger; • Stanley, Anson . McKinley, R.R, 1, COTWON 1.; Zurich; StephenR, Elmer Powe, R, i . • , . • 2, Centralia; Usborne, Harry Doug- . , rfa: 'VOt°,7,4C-PVIMetC tgrpetVC-P4tatXtitIVVV,F.,CkM,C=,64K:ceMztf,tt•VVVVCte.WAintg:titClIslatg • SEE OITR COIVIPLETE LIN E OF KODAK CAMERAS and PROJECTORS VIE CAIVIERAS $2595 GET ONE CARTON 'FREE This s'eutipon 410' plus bottle deposit' will purchase tWO (A HT( of FESTIVAL DRY .or IST bes'erages, at- your neighiforlibods, si This offer is goott.until Midnight, Dve. 20, 1958. all, R,R. 3, Exeter; Tuckersmith_' Bob 13roadfoot, Seaforth; Hullett, Norman Alexander, Londesboro; Grey, ;Tames Knight, R.R. 2, Brits: ; sels; Howick, • Fred Doubledee, Wroxeter; Turnberry, Clarence Ashfield, Ttalph,Foster, RR, 3, Goderich; MOrris, Bob Grasby, 11,11, 4, Brussels: West'Wawanosh„ Tom Webster; R.R. 2," Auburn;.-Me- Killop, George yVheatley, RJR. 1, Dtiblin; Colborne, William Clark, nd Goderich Township, Walter ••• . „ We rent Movie and slide projectors with screen, and will deliver and pick up sane at your request. ' 'CC!i-ttgtqZtgtcf,IC-!Ct'g,tg.t-V4PVCK'VZAVCVCov,,,,,,V-z :.',:r.T,ig',!.V`ZuV41-VetCECtZtOgNitgt4tg•Vt•Ote.r.gt5AVetetet See our complete stock of '. , »» For a gift that will last, choose from oitt; MEN'S IFT wide selection of 'G, SETS BY OLD SPICE BUXTON LADIES' OR MEN'S MENNEN'S, GILLETTE, etc. BILLFOLDS, CLUTCH PURSES, etc, $1.10-- ap--- 1--r—rikoThr-v$2,95 . In our store, you can enjoy your shopping. You can compare one item with. another, you can ask questions and get the answers immediately, you can be sure, of pleasant and efficient service.' . hopping here is real fun because we have full stocks, giving you a wide Choice and we never , are too busy to help you. gostmmetc.tvzsnergunkitctetegt.ctglztoctiatt.vativtive tcPctatwzvq-,ceve4evvcvskyvvognectc-tc-Ictrgztrew-tgttto - (.1'. C. MARRIOTT, PHM. B.) sigrnor.seatarC..11.ri,;77 gif't,-give the $ PHONE 1 REXALL DRUGS I e--,V.-MIPAV-P.oe-PPA-MVMT?a4-7rs,;-MM-2tg-7SriW‘ ,