The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-12-11, Page 8Treerr, .... • r :i•ti+4 . fAcital4ORT NEWS.OF. AUBURN AtlitURN, Dec. 8:-Y,P.S. Meets. 10 to the MA*? Indian Reserve -The Y.P.S. of Knox Presbyterian Chtirch met last Wednesday even- •hgoirigliiit#4:042tifertit41.4404rAlid, -Lea heirand",' ,pre idea, presi The Scripture V4as'read by Marilyn Daer and Rev. D. J. Lane led in prayer. Rev. Mr. Lane led in the meditation. The offering was re- ceived by Gordon Daer. 4-H Club. -The fifth meeting of the Auburn Appetizers was held on December 2 at the home of Ole leader, Mrs. Ed. Davies. The me;itt ing was opened by Marilyn DAT, the president, and the ' minutes were read by Mary Kirkconnell. or Ckiristnias treats. A snecessful auction was .held and the hostess, ,a,ssisied by,daughtersi.Mr.s..Aridrew Vas,: tToittrilwar served a lunch. The Sabbath School moth of Knox United Church was filled to capacity last Friday evening for their annual Christmas concert. Dr. R. S. Hiltz was ehairrnan„ for the program, Christmag, carols were sung with„ Margo Grange pre- siding at the piano. The nurser, class with their teacher, Mrs. Leon- ard Archambault, gave a welcome song and two oeher numbers. The beginners class of IVIrs. R. S. Hiltz Mrs. Audrey Machan, assistant_lead• 1told the Story of Christmas. A er, gave a short story orr cereals, and Mrs. Davies toid important duet was sung by Na,ncy Ander- facts about flour and its use :„ son and Nancy Lapp, of Miss Elina„They ( Minch 's' class. Mr. W. L. Craig's demonstrated the making of mac- class provided piano solos by Rob arom and cheesef-fniicaroni and ert IN'ilkin and Malcolm ffiltz. Glen tomatoes and oatrneal b u t t e r Webster gave a recitation for Mrs. squares. These, dishes were all George MillianIt class. A duet served for lunch at the dose of ingw Thnexas sung by Cheryl Toll and Diane the m6et. e t meeting „„.ey i and also a seleetion by will 'be held on December 12 and .1-"julka Ku pillar, of Mrs. Reit - -wiii be in the Itrni of a -Christmas- Craig's class. Mrs. Fred Toll's class party with a gift exchange and : . 11 ,-; . pot luck lunch. The home assign- ' 7Durn"ia chorus number. Jack n gave a recitation for Mrs. ment was to make 4 macaroni dish • Oliver Anderson's class., The Sen- " and serve to theirand make family - malie - ior Bible class provided a duet by record of it in their books. ! Nirs. Gordon. McClinchey and Miss St. Mark's Guild. -The St. Mark's Sadie Carter, accompanied by Mrs. Axilican Guild met last Thursday,. tvilliani.j. Craig on.the piano. Miss December• 4, at the. home of Alrs. .Margo Grange played'a Christmas Sam Daer. Mrs, John Daer, the 1 piano- seleetion. and, a reading ..i,vas president,. docile& the . meeting - Lfiven bv Mrs. Kenneth 'McDougall. Mrs. George Schneider read the, ,;anta Claus appeared and gave Scripture. Prayers were given t.* .,- uts and candy' to all the children, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt., A reading ' • 'was given by 'Mrs, Alfred Nesbitt. ' W.A. Meets.'--L-The Woman's As - Rev.. Mr. Meally..giave the topic on . sociation Of Knox United Church • the true meaning of Christmas. met on Tuesday evening- with the He also,.,gae' a review • of the Rainbow Group in charge of the '-ctiiira W'cii%:" .ciiii'i-rig the 'pagr,ceaf.-Irrograhr - The`-..--devotitmat- pertud The.president thanked all who had , was led by Mrs. 'Everett, Taylor , taken part and an invitation to at- ;,with Mrs, Kenneth McDougall as _tend...the :Clirict alas nwiiting' 0 f tbe,, ' pianist. The • Scripture readind Presbyterian W.M.S. was accepted. , was taken-hy Mrs. Henry Brindley It was decided to hold a Christmas and Mrs, . John Durnin led in concert in the Orange Hail, Deeem-! Prayer, 'A talk on Christian stew- ber 19, at 8 pnn.. Mrs. J. Daer and . ardship was given by Mrs. Fred ' • Mrs. Tosin ilaggitt-' were appointed ,•Toll. Mrs. Gordon McClincheY and to look after the boxes for the shut- Miss Sadie Carter sang a duet, ac - ins. Rev. Mr: Meally had charge , companied by Miss Carter. The of the election of' officqrs for 1959. ' offering Was received by Miss Viola -Officers are: president, 'Mrs,. Tom . Thompson and Mrs. Harold Gross. •Haggitt; vice-president, Nlis,. George ,' Mrs, Maurice Bean presided .for, Schneider; secretary; Mrs. ,Ed.. the ,business period. Reports of ..is 11 . . Davies; press secretary, Mrs. John ' the semi-annual held ,at Bayfield ._.D.aer,;..._treasurcr,.. .Mrs„._,Goxsio,n, ..11,,,, recent lv,,,vere read by. Mrs, Charles ,Taylor; pianist, Mrs. G. R: Taylor; Stranaian (prepared15TMK-Lar assistant, :,Irs. Andrew Kirkconnell: Archambault) and Mrs. R, S, Hiltz - pFogram . committee, : Mrs,...„AifredcpTepared by Mrs. Elliott Lapp) Dr. Nesbitt, Mrs, MeallY and Mrs', 's,, R.' S. Mhz presided for the nomin- „Polish: It .was decided to send ,ations and the election of officers. The ladies of the Rainbow Group served. itinch anti a few articles that wee left from the. Christmas Fair were on sale, -Mrs. J. A. Plunkett, secretary. Y.P.U. Meets. The Y.P.0 of Knox United.Church met last Wed- , nesde:y eArelliThel,SeriptUre varAzektrIW.Jeali..1>1ay1ar•n etty Wood led in prayei Lh offering was received by Dorothy Noble andBetty Wood. It was decided to send $10 to the Indian School and $15 to missions. The next meeting will be held at Donny - rook on January 7. The election of officers took )ollace, followed by recreation and lunch. The even- ing was dos,ed by Taps. Officers for 1959 are: president, Ronald Snell; , ist vice-president, Lyle Smith; secretary, Joan Mills; treas- urer, Betty Durnin; stewardship and , training, Louise Jefferson; faith and evangelism, Carol Arm- strong: citizenship and community service, John McDowell; social com- mittee, June Mills, Carol Arm- strong, Mary Jefferson, ,Garth Wal- den arid John Buchanan; recreation, Lyle, Smith, Gerald McDowell, Dorothy Noble and Jean Naylcir. Fred Ross. -This, .co n' In un- ity was saddened last Friday even- ing, December 5, to learn of the passing of Mrs. Fred Reiss after a week's illness in Goderich hos- pital where she succumbed to ii<1 cerebral hemmorhage and a coron- I ary thrombosis,. She was for some years the faithful Auburn corres- pondent of the Signal -Star. Mrs. Ross was ,before her marriage, Edith Florence Duff, 'daughter 01 the late Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Di%. and was born on December 15, 1887 at Dtingannon, On August 17, 1915, she was married to Frederick Ross who passed away November 6, 1934, In 1935, she ann her only son,- Donald, moved..„ -to-- Au -burn, where she kept hopse for her bro- ther-in-law, the late Mr, James Medd, Mrs. Ross was a valued cr of -Knox-- Church Where she attended faith- fully. She was at the lime of her death, 'treasurer of the W.M.S., Home Helpers secretary of Huron Presbyterial, a life mmber of the W.M.S., "secretary -treasurer of Aub-, urn Public, Library, a director of Women's Ihstitnte , and a member _of theAlortieniture-Society,---ul,t D- ing -the war she ,was secretary of . was ,organist of the Presby - the, Red Cross and for over 25 years1 sides her son, Donald, of Oakville; 14 Riverside Drive she is survived 'bY tWe' 'griaddaugters, Janice and Catherine Hogs, of Oakville. She was predeceased by one brother, Ernest Duff, of Leamington, and one sister, Mrs,, James Medd, The body rested at the J. K. Arthur funeral home until Monday' when r. Rev, D. J. Lane conducted the fun -i erM service in Knox Presbyterian Church at 2 p.m. on December 8. Mrs. Robert J. Phillips was organist. ! Interment toolate n 1Yung,an- 1 nen cemetery. Pallbearers were. ! Messrs. Duncan MacKay, Ralph Munro, Ed. Davies, Oliver Ander- ; son, Heber Eedy. Dungannon and,, !John Graham, of Oakville. Tire : ni„n\noll if 11(11.1 Iri„1,,Lites a .slent meniorial to a ,...!(3od ,friend • j and noi,4hbor, Friends were pre- sent •froin 1,,eamin4ton, Winci„or, .6-onflom-, - . • • 14+41, io • HEATED FOR WINTER IISE Concrete sidewalk slabs_ an bumper blocks. LS MIMI UTORS OF 1. .15RON't f'.'2r"-- . CALCIU CHLORIDE HUR N CONCRETE SUPPLY LTD. GODERICH -47tf TIM GODEItICII SIGNAL -STAR Kinsmen, Kinettes Donate $300 To School Here For Retarded Children Plans to make Christmas a happy 1:11Unaller.Af*Athildm- ere-reviewed•vhen e• Kinette Club met at the Pavilion for their monthly meeting. Doro- thy Scott, Kinette president, pre- sided. • During the business meeting, Grace Patterson reported on the School for Retarded Children and It was decided to donate $300.00 to this fund from the Kinsmen and Kinettes; also $10.00 to the Mus- cular DystroPhy ,;'1"sund and two smoking stands to the hospital. A shower of groceries and dotk, ing was received (rpm the mem:, r-§_,Andiparte*MISPUirkifftp teliaseit't'TheterillOng Wit layette for the Children's'Aid, were all gift wrapped ready to be put in baskets to be delivered Christmas Eve. At the close of the meeting, a delicious lunch wat served tram a gailLdecorated Christxnas table. KINTAIL KINTAIL, Dee, 8. -The Christ- mas meeting of Kintail W.I. was -held at the home ,of Mrs, Ray Dalton with alerge atteildatIgett-,A Zatigeolo6,44CATMO,' popular part of -the-program. A gard party is scheduled for January •9 at Kintail school and may take the form of an opening of the Kintail Community }all, Mrs. Stew- art McLennan, Mrs, Bob Farrish and Mrs. .George Moncrief are in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Bill Johnstone and Mrs, Hugh Mc- Kenzie were appointed as a •finan- ce committee to pay expenses and repairs of the hall. Mrs. Hugh McKenzie read the current events. Mrs. Bert Alton' read a Christmas Christmas giving in England dates from the reign of Henry VII when Christmas boxes and New Year gifts were a common enact- ment of royalty from their subjects. article about the ever .snowballing Christreas-card situation, and gave a`deMenstration on the title of old Christmas cards. Mrs. Wylds play- ed, for Christmas carols. • MRS. W. A. BEEVERS - Following, a brief illness., Mrs. Ida Jane Beevers died at Alexandra Hospital, on Saturday last. She was 81 years' of age and was bprn at Benmiller, a, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs: George Evans. She attended the Benmiller public school. In 1899 she was married to Willi Arthur Beevers and they con inued to live in Goderich THUrRSDAY; DECe.-Mfirrois TOWnAil/P for 6014 Years before they moved tO gederich." Beavers was a ilierOber of the Bip- tist Church, the Mission Circle and the Ladies' Md. Mr. Beevers predeceased her in eiguary, daughter, Miss Julia Helen. A sister, Mrs. Maud Hanson, resides in Los Angeles, California. There is also one grandchild. The funeral service was conduct- ed •by Rev. S. H. Findlay ,on. Wed- nesday afternoon, at Stiles funeral home with interment' in Maitland cemetery. The pallbearers were William Freeth,. of Goderich, Law - Yule, of London, Ralph son, of Guelph, Charles Lecky, G. Whaley and Clifford Freeth, all or Goderich. ING • DRYE WASHERS LAUNDROMATS RADIOS- • FREEZERS - IRONS TOASTERS KETTLES TELEVESICo STOVES REFRIGERA ORS, ' WILE 44. . Mr, and 'Mri, Sidney • Lan,ing , wt. :1. guests at Lfte Jardin'e-Adx11, ; WaS OVel, Chn 'Mrs, . havc returned' home after a month's Phone 466 \IV vac....:.•.4.011 spent at Flint, Michigan , and Gorrie. Ontario. 411 1 .1-411 les Stl.aughan visited cck 111 I„..yndon with Mr, and 4 :\fr. Ed. Rywn. 1-tou.s4on; Lonclyn. spent last wLek erd ,c1111 her'ren to Mr. and Mrs, John. 0?..n. Houston, Barry McQuill;,n and,- Blael;, of Stratford 'reach- L.' Hamilton Si. *•," _ • _ . , „ • . • er's rollege., spent last week prac- , ,74, . ., ii lice y.:,.iching at U.S.S, No. 16, East 1 Wawgwsh 1,‘,thcre Mrs. Beth Lans-; ,,,,•4 V V i ").13 11 tillg,'IS 'Leacher. - . ,V 64 , • . . A *I' hi.' It ET.C. staff -vvere V .. -......... . .• & trimming WHEN YOUTHINK' OF ..1 . .. . 01 61 e14m44 SPEAKING OF GFTS tstmas 4,7 • THINK OF . . W. J. DENOM FLOWER SH She will love the -flowers you- sen to her from Denomme's. treealllastweekinhevillage. ; ' Mrs: Guy Ives', of Goderich Town - p , at - her .,,,,daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Staples, and daughters, Marian, CaroLoid Susan. k-41 r s , Archie Robinson, of Clinton, formerly of this village, is a pat- ient in a London., hospital. wish,. her a speedy recovery. Mr. William Robison underwent surgery,last week in Stratford hos: Mrs, Tedlills visited her son 4 Jim in Victoria Hospital, Lbndon, last Friday eyening. 44,1 Mr, Jack Wilson returned home last week after a couple of months in Clinton hospital following a car accident in September,. An impressive white gift survice a was held last Sunday at Knox Pres- byterian Church. Gifts from the • childreif were received by Betty Youngblut and Marie Leatherland. Ars. Donald Haines arranged the :hildrell before they came up the Rtv. D. J. Lane blessed the L'.:ifts which went to the Hamilton Sanatorium for the children there. - • Well, not exactly, but we did wane to draw your •attention to ,the 'dollar buys a 'lot more (twice as much in some • fact that your Christma:s_shopping case!) during the DONNTBROOK, Dec. 8. - The Donnybrook Sunday School is plan- ning to hold treirrbriStinai Why not place yottr order NOW for those Ohtistmas Gift Flowera and this will remove one item from your Christmas shopping list. WLRLFLOW MEMBER -49 ilittekikakcji)4&-IiitINSt Ideltilti/01-1WeritioalimesemeizoWnleus0004.1t certon Mondxr-evening, Decembe The W.M.S. and W.A. met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sam Thompson. A ,limar in aid of the bale was held. The election of officers resulted in all being re-elected with Mrs. Chas. Jefferson, president, and Mrs. Stew- art Chainney, secretary-treaSuret. .111r. and Mrs. Donald Jefferson have moved from London and taken up residence on the 9th concession of West Wawanosh in the house on the .farm of Mr. Harris Purdon. Mrs, Verna Doerr, of Niagara Palls, and son, Jerry, of thd RCMP, and lYlits Betty Anne Stoddart, of Ottawa, were recent visitors with d-Airs..B-Cliamney.,ancLather, relatives.. Services, in Donnybrook church have been cancelled these past two Sundays due to weather and road conditkons. • • , -"ici-gvetTetctocioicietocie4mizmetatuivczkozicimeitivamtr Cedar Chests $49.50 wrg CHRISTWAS SPECIAL and up kraaiN2.04;174-24-21M-M7ADMON-Va'6,014A-Za=a,a24-:!YatO Table Lamps Christmas Special $8.95 and 71 Tri Lite Lamps tic 65 and 'up Christmas Special , 1 J Occasional Chairs $1795 Priced from .4••••••6,4 Priced from C nerir Y•50 Step Tables' End 'Tables Coffee Tables ON SALE $7.75 and up Doll Prams Comiertible, Strollers froni$4.95 $14.95 - LARGE ASSORTMENT. Mirrors Priced from' HassoCks From , 'WE STILL HAVE AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF $5.95 to $49.50 $2.95 io $14.95 • .8 -PIECE GRO BEDROOM SUITES REG. $150.50 to $375.00 " Sale Piiced $1 10 00 to '$269.50 • TWCWIECE, Bed -Chesterfield SUITE. Reg. $189.50 $149)50 fL 5 -PIECE Chrome Suites' Priced from JUST THE THING FOR THE KIDDIESI including 2 -pc. Foam Rubber Chesterfield Suite, 2 Arboilte-Top Step Tables - 1 Coffee Table. i2 Table Lamps - 1 .Tri -Lite ,Lamp. Reg. $365.'00 a.- SALE ,$239:5. o attatZdriaMriaaarD*****IltiablettMADOWAINXIIIMANW11011. . . e7 95 Priced from Telephone Gossip Bench 'REG. $1.95 to'$21,50: .PLUS MANY ATTRACTIVE 'FRAMED .PICTURES FOR YOUR LIVING ROOM $5.95 $14.95 MORE MORE TREMENDOUS BUYS! Our stock MST be cleared to Ma.ke room for earpenterif-and painters! Shop Today for Best, Selection! �iUStGoderic SALE Wor.WA-MWArgo6V-Mrr-Ve0610-MIVAMIAV-WAV-PRIVPAMtt- gorWA‘PrornMr1-70104% • o‘.•