HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-12-04, Page 19xw;a: ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH , December 7 -- 2nd Sunday in Advent. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m.,, Sunday School and Bible Class.. 11 a.m. Holy' Communion and Sermon. (Junior Congregation arid. Nursery) 7 p.m,. Evensong and Sermon. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., 'D.D., Rector MR., J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. W r THE PRIMO CHURCH OF CANADA. . North Street United Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. "Christmas Without Christ." Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister, MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. x Presbsteiianikrdi REV. R. G. MacMILLAN, MISS B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister Deaconess. ,MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 10.00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11.00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP. . Sermon•----'TURtUNORT} WARD.' Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7.00 P.M. WHITE GIFT SERVICE. 1, m V. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m..' "SUNDAY SCHOOL. -11 a.m. 'A FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Younger children cared for during this service). 7 p.m. THE OPEN BIBLE. TUESDAY, 8 P.M. — BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER HOUR.. _ REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A., B.D., Minister. MRS. R. GOOD, Organist. Victoria Street United Church BY WORSHIP BE PREPARED FOR CHRISTMAS. 10 a.m. Sunday School. Adult Class in Church. 11 a.m. 2nd Pre -Christmas Message. "THE RADIANT CHRISTiAN." Junior Church recesses. Nursery at Parsonage. 7 VICE. A T� GIFT SE P.M.ANNUAL WHITE . T All Sunday School Classes and.Congregation. Carols — Nativity 'Pageant — Story. -. MINISTER, FLEW- S. --A.. MOOTE, .B.A.,..B.D., ' ORGANIST, MR. FRANK BISSETT. "3 P.M. UNION CHURCH SERVICE after Sunday School. BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 1.,30 P.M. Rededication • of- -Members. Reception -of, New. HOLY COMMUNION. A special service after Visitation Evangelism and Fellowship Forums. MINISTER — REV. 5. A. MOOTE. ORGANIST — MRS: BEN STRAUGHAN. BETHEL ;PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE "ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO ST.". SUNDAY -- •10 A.M.- SUNDAY SCHOOL. • 11 a.m. - Communion Service =-- 7.30 p.m. - Rev. J. W. Patrick TUESDAY AND FRIDAY SERVICES AT 8 P.M. PASTOR •-- REV. N. C. CRACKNELL. "A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU." h .. WELCOME" TO ❑ THE CHU'RCH THAT CARES ❑ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 — , 9.50 a.m. Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.' and 7.00 p.m. Worship Services. WEDNESI A -Y -,-8-p.' : prayer.-.and_Bibto_Study Holm FREE ' METHODIST CHURCH VERLYN R. SNELL, B.A., PASTOR NEW BOOK ON LIFE OF "TIGER" DUNLOP HAS BEEN PUBLISHED Much )las been written- in the in literary hist ry,. his work_ past about William "Tiger" Dun- Journalist in India and England, lop, founder of Goderich. Now his relationship with Blackwood's another interesting book is off the and Frasers, and the development press about "Tiger" Dunlop and of his special gifts as an essayist , can only be made "its author is Dr. Carl F. Klinck, nrpfessive in a well-known,.professor of Canadian book of selectionsidrawn from Literatur. It contains essays by widely scattered publications,: sup - and about Dunlop, some.of whichported-bra- careful. review of the `are known to some of our readers conditions under which his varied but there "are others which they and zestful works were produced:. have not .seen before, since they I Dunlops own writings would Were obtained as a result of' re- fill a large volume, the bulk of which would .be occupied 'by es-' BYLAW NUMBER 26 OF 1958 search in.Britain, says published in Blackwood's OF TETE TOWN OF GODERICH The Foreword in the book, which Magazine; editorials' and articles . . A By-law authorizing the tak-' admirer`s of Dunloppwill find of • fornewspapersof three different ' ing of a vote of electors quail- real interest, has the following to coptinents; the Statistical Sketches fled to vote on money by-laws,' • say' of Upper Canada, by a Backwoods- on the question of of • Dr. William "Tiger" Dunlop is man' and Recollections of the Am- By-law Number 45 f 1947. for many readers nothing more mer- it icanrin n andotall fhese WHEREAS by By-law Number '45 than a pioneer of Goderich ,.inof 1947 which said by-law was duly south-western Ontario',..a local cele -p. g.,assented to by the electors the :brity_.whose cl ic?is' to literary.. dis set aside to make" room for artic-Council of the Corporation of the tinction are insecurely based upon les -written about 'Dunlop by his Town off` Goderich established' friends, who in fact collaborated fund equal to one-half of one mill hearsay. A book • of selections with him in beginning the "Tiger" on all the.. rateable pr6per.ty within from essays gbande about mere_ legend. The Dunlo who emerges the Town of Goderich for the'sup- ly byyf the, ixtight at justified cabemere- from 'such a studyis a minor auth- port and maintenance of such at all, the fact that it can done or of the age oRomanticism in---iiilian bands -of Music as might be at ltquite apart from the rare Britaifl: a contemporary .of" Scott, under the,,control and direction of. qualities which the man displayed Coleridge, Southey,'Hazlitt,' and the Board of Directors of the as an Anglo -Canadian man of let- ters. It should be refreshing,'Washington Irving;, and, more spe- Goderich Bluewater Band. for cificallAND WHEREAS" such By-law can", example, to find that John Wilson y, a friend and colleague of repealed only with the assent ("Christopher North") of Black-" writers for the journals, John Wil - wood's Edinburgh Magazine de- son -("Christopher North"), John ofth eWHEREAS pursuant to the Gibson . Lockhart, grid William Provisions of the Municipal Ane Maginn. These men assumed, in Section 388. 1 is deemed. 's editorial resport- expedient to place before the cite- sibility for three major literary tors qualified to vote on money by - periodicals, Blackwood's, The, laws the question of:. repealing By - Quarterly Review; and Eraser's. law Number 45 of 1947. . Dunlop's more modest adventures NOW THEREFORE the Municipal were in the newspaper realm as 'Council of `the Corporation of the editor of The British Press, a Lon- Town of Goderich enacts as fol - don daily, and 'of The • Telescope, lows.' a London weekly, while he enjoy- 1. That the question "Are you in ed the extra -curricular assistance favour of' repealing By-law Number of members of the Blackwood's 45 of 1947 of the Town of Goderich, group. establishing a fund of one'half of ons td recall his tiaceorrt 1' hilae When Dunlop's literary work is one mill for the support and main P.>s ,....-.n.>ia....cre`vicet'i- nr -p rip.cr ..p ectce; he t€�nance--Orf-..band-s • of )111i -sick- -under With the quill. the control and direction of the Wilson was one of those who is truly what • John Wilson called 13pard of Directors of Goderich' about 1821, 'had discovered Dun-- hint, a "l3lackwoodian Backwoods- Piuewater Band," shall• be submit - lop as an author • and as a master 'Marl,' not merely a bu.,hlnan,' but ted to the persons s entitled to vote I of rum punch.' Together „with a pioneer with a special kind of +C' _money ley -lows at. ilea .Municipal Lockhart, Hogg and Maginn, Wilson Scottish sophistication. Although Elections to be 'held on Monday, had •lured to their circle .in Edin- he often looked like a bear or an the 8th clay of December, 1958, burgh this native of Greenock', who, Indian, Dunlop, in practice` and 2• The vote shall be taken- at the' though. not 'yet thirty years of age, by example, encouraged taste and same places as designated by by- , was a veteran of the American- learning, a gentlemanly outlook, law for taking votes of the electors . Canadian war,,of politics in Cal- hatred of dullness and humbug, ' for the election. of members of cotta and of tiger -hunting on the distrust of sentimentality, humour Council.. Vit ional, Iassified •Ads' AINSLIE.—At Queensway Hospital, On 'November 23, 19581- to I*. and Mrs, Donald Ainslie, West, way, Village, Toroiito,•a daughter, Cynthia: • AUSTIN.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 26, X958, to Mr. and .Mrs. Wilfred Austin, Goderich, , a son, Terrence Wil- fred. ,A BEACOM.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 30, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. William Beacom., Goderich, a son, Gregory; „Wil- iam. BELL: At Alexandra 'Hospital, Goderich, on November 29, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell, R.R. 2, Goderieh, a daughter, Cheryl Lynne. • FALLA.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderieh, on November -?3,.19.58,.. to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Falla,, Goderich, a daughter, Kathleen' Marie. GOODRICH.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, - Goderich, on December L. 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goodrich, Goderich, a daughter, Patricia. de GRAAF.—Al Alexandra Hospit- al, C oderich, on November 29, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Peter ,de Graaf, -R.R. 2, Goderich, a daughter, Patricia. RATHWELL. --- At St. Catharines, Ontario, on November 28, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Rath - well, a daughter, Janis Lee. SCHMIDT.—At Alexandra Hospital, • Goderich, on November 28, 1958, to Mr, .and Mrs. Frank Schmidt, R.R. 2, 'Clinton, a son. ENDE.RSON'S. STORE and a wide selection of Cameras ifts. We handle the following ARGUS BELL and HOWELL GRAFLEX KEYSTONE NOMAD for Christmas makes — 20. Public Notice WOULD, anyone who has any sew ing material at Miss Rose Fox's place, -phone .647 and -make- -ar- rangements to have it removed by next Monday, December 8. 48x • scribed . Dunlop n p in 1832.as- a Blackwoo canBackwoodsman, d who can handle a quill as well as a hatchet. Wilson had evidence of both these talents in the book be-, lore him, ' -Dunlop's Statistical Sketches of Upper' Canada, the fruit. of five years' activity in° the forest' lands of'the Canada Com- pany opened for settlement by Dunlop and John Galt, the Scot- tish novelist. The hatchet had in- deed been busy, but the "Tiger's" Edinburgh friends had good reas PHOTO STUDIO BRANCH FROM WINGHAM Special' Opening :Offer for 10 DAYS ONLY ,...; ,p -,t, fix.: °^ > .^ '"R* ':,+^,•^.4' - ,, •,,..:r z„ ,,.-. .�. ; .. 1O�r folder off- your._ chulc Price. s2.9$ Additional, charges for 2 or more persons. 91 South St. -Phone 1372. OPEN EVENINGS insihis nc ghbour's ilnt tlligence ores- 1 the hou slls of tenlo'lclo k in the fore- island of Saugor.' Dunlop had turned his Eastern experiences in -g g noon- to .six o'clock in the to articles ,,for Blackwood's and peat for the constitution" of man, , after - had given lectures in the Medical a huge delight in activity and 00011. His or shows in detail ' 4. The Clerk of the Town of Gode- 1 School at Edinburgh before he had people.Y rich will attend at the. -.'Town "I1a111 followed Ma i itin to. London to be- how the life and letters of the Old g on Monday, December 8th, 1958, at come a man about town and an World" came to the New --not in T editor who was both amusing and the delicate spinsterish sermoniz- i up the fnumber thetofPose votesf inti herraf- embarrassing to those who' had ing and poetasting of the ietorian firmative and the negative on the taught him the dangerous uses of colonials, but in pre- ictorian question. .- the quill. In 1826•'Galt had taken writing that was earthy yet urbane, 15. The Mayor or a member of Conn - him quill. . to Upper Canada;, masculine yet sensitive, positive appointed for' that I urpose by Y pp "to I cil � starter_-a--uew--career as a- "Warden---YR-L- ima iiia ivg,,.,,-, audacious yet ccsolution.-...shall . attea).c.l-.... at the - of the Forests," a practical joker, ruching all men. The personal Clerk's Office in he'Town Hall on a hard drinker, a witty politician, experience of "transplanting cul- Monday, December lst, 1958, be - and the most distinguished early ture, which formal history cannot tween the hours of f0" o'clock in man .of letters 'in the colony. bring to life, finds imaginery and the forenoon and 12 o'clockroon. For more than a hundred years expressions in Dunlop, roan and and, if requested to do so, s'iall since his death in 1848, Dunlop's writer. What he was and did and appoint two persons to attend at last will • and te§tarnent has been` wrote in India, Scotland and Eng final nal sin—riming' up of the votes widely circulated and has formed land helps to explain the founding by the Clerk and one person to a basis for a caricature of the man. `Of literature in the Canadas. attend at each polling place n.,be half of the persons interested in Through a book entitled In the and desiron's -of. voting.;in--theraf• Days of the Canada Company firmative on the questiand a like (1.896), he has become something Youths Service number oil behalf of the persons more, a truly legendary figure, sketched with devotion and whim -Interested in and desirous of voting sic'ality by two heiresses of Gode- At St. Peters 6. A tenant whose lease extends in•the negative on the question, rich's oral tradition: Robina and for a time of at least twenty-one Kathleen Iiizat"s. None of this A young people's Day of ltecol- years shall;' if he makes and files i glamour has rubbed off during the lection was held at St. Peterswith the Clerk not later than the last twenty-five years with the Pub- Church, Goderich, .on Sunday, 28th day of November, 1958, a de- '"lication of exact biographical ma- sponsored by St. Peter's Parent- claration so stating. shall be en- terial from Scottish sources in a Teacher Association. titled .to have his name 'errt7�red on �: ; er?•ie •*•, : ..,.Leached,-: ' eeial,l ,,,, .,b :eolleg: lre..xhst, of,-en�titIct 4'v. -i. ottr •� s w•of Diznlcip- 'Payers-, ...edited, �,. � y ,y o . . q ._. .. •,�„.,a d, privately. printed in Britain iate students and °lit -of -school n the ues .ion. by 1V Ir. J. G. Dunlop. - ' young men ami- -women;- the- ser- 7. A -Cm-poration entitled to an Careful reading of these books vice was under the direction of pont a nominee to vote on its could give the public a truer un- Rev. ':I, P. Finn, London Diocesean behalf on a money by-law shall, not ' derstanding of the "Tiger's" per- directIr of educa'tlon. The ser- later than the 28th day of Novem- so'n"'gal stature, but his unique' place vice ended with Benediction at 4 her, 1958, file- with the Clerk an pm. appointment in writing of the per - At noon a box lunch was super- son to vote as its nominee and the SALVATION ARMY . vised by ladies of St. Peteer's P. en ame teed on the listof such of eelect i en - b 84 Lighthouse Street T'A' • ' titled to vote on the question. � 8. A summary of the question, or, ' Welcome . services for a true copy of the By-law shall be 1st Lieut. and Mrs. Howard published once a week for�three CrosSland. suecessive weeks in the Signal -Star, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 the first of such publications to 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. be made on the 20th day of 2.30 Ncivember, 1958: p.m. Directory Class. Read a first, second and third 3 p.m. Sunday School. time this 7th day of November, TOM LEGG'S RECORD "I've been behind a meat coun- ter everyyea's- for• 53 consecutive years," says ..Tom Legg,' who be- lieves this may be a' record in Can- ada. The veteran Goderich butch- eer, who came to Goderieh from Stratford, says that this coming will mark the 53rd year on which he has beep working behind a meat counter on these particular even- ings. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. (Signed) E. C. FISHER, Mayor. 4 . S. H. BLAKE, Clerk. SAWYERS. MARK IV STRATO35 . _VIEWMASTEI VOIGHTLNDER HENDERSON BOOK STORE The Square Phone 91. 21. Business Notice . ' - - -VISIT OR ;PHONE REID'S NEW Upli;olstering Shop, 48 East street. Phone 1534• 'til 9 p.m. for an estimate. We have the cover. Ings and the know-how. Pick- up and delivery. -911 SID Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests, desks, etc. custom mad; also kit- chen cupboards• and furniture re- pairs. 1a4 Gibbons street, phone 1234. -19t1 FOR artificial insemination service or more information telephone the Waterloo Cattle.' Breeding Associ• ation colleet,at Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m, week days, 6 and 8 p,m. on Saturdays. Do not call for service on Sunday. Cows. ..Dual Purpose and Charelai,s is law. - Shorthorn, Angus breeds. The. cost -30tf CARPENTRY, building, remodel-. ling, dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners, bathroom " fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel and asphalt roofing. Frank McMichael phone Carlow 1108, 23-30x SHARPENING '—. Saws:. hand and electric; axes and cutlery e wet r ground; shears, ` scissork skates` ground lengthwise. Part-time farm work. C..H1-- oinar, Huron road, opposite store. 46-49x INSURE Co Op way. Auto. acci- dent cedent and sickness, liability, wind, fire and other perils. Geo. Turton, 351 Iluroh road. phone 1184, Code- richM- -38tf in heat on Sunday can be insemin ated satisfactorily' on Monday. We supply service to top quality hulls' 22. Lost and Found. n __. Ayrshire - ,, - — __- of the Holstein, •Jersey,.,.... _ �._ , -._ ,... - . , _-„ __ .... •. -G'uel Elsey, Bro'w'n ,��v"t$-5, Rad roll I AIIt of nreu , gtasscs,--triferals, Hereford (polled and horned) Beef ! dart: horn rims, lost. Phone 1019. Shorthorn (potted and horned), and j 48x • 23. Used Cars McGEE'S .USED CARS • ARE READY FOR WiN'PER Every Used Car, Snow Tire and Anti -freeze 'Equipped. 58 DODGE Mayfair, fully equipped. 56 DODGE Regent, . automatic, power steering. • 55 'PLYMO UTH"da Se n. 55 HUDSON Wasp Sedan. Sharp. 55 DODGE V8 'Hardtop, automatic. 53 FORD Customline, 4 -dr. 53 WfLLYS Aero Ace, 4 -dr. 53 DODGE 4 -dr Regent. '52 DODGE Regent,' overdrive. 56 INTERNATIONAL"- pick • u p, radio. 54'°FARGO 4 -ton stake. },Ve have orders to sell regardless of the deal, New Snow Tires with every new car sold. ,._REG. McGEE & ,-SONS Dodge — DeSoto — Rambler Picone 765 - 676, Goderich • SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF AS WARM, -ASS SINCERE, AND Rif NBLY •*•&-A-H•AN'D&H*KE-_-- ,SEE ]THE NATIONAL LINE rna+Mr.s THEY'RE DISTINCTIVE - THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL - THERE'S A WIDE SELECTION a BUT,.. . Ord'er Them ' EARLY for best selection and guaranteed delivery when you need them. •t: