HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-12-04, Page 14PAE roxTRIIMI CII' (nhrri4iOt tt. at -. tar —0--- The County, Town Newspaper of Huron —p -- Established 1848. of publication. Publishing Limited. Subscription rates — $3.00 a year. To-,U.S.A., $4.00 (Inadvance) Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Member of C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A. and A.B.C. Circulation --over 3,000. GEO. L. J'TJJS, Editor and ill 0 is .,. • O Publisher. THURSDAY, • DEC. 4th, 1958 TOWN NOMIN "I disapprove of what you say; but I will defend to the Beath your right to say it." So said Voltaire, French philosopher and .satirist, many years ago. It's a good maxim to keep In mind when attending a nomination Meeting, whether it be in Harlem, Hamilton or here. For example, we s'till do not approve of ideas -held by some council members at the nomination meeting .Friday night—that it's a wise move to take the old Post Office in a swap and make it into a Town:Hall. We feel that the passing of time. .will prove this. However, we most emphatic, - ally defend the tight of anyone to say what he thinks at' such a meeting. tt is not only the right bitt' the duty of a' town councillor to frankly express his views on matters pertain- ing to the welfare of the community. By the same token, it is the prerogative of au editor to say in his editorial eolua'rt'ta~'what he believes to be best for the eomniun vin the long run. News columns report what .is said 5r done at meetings. 'Editorial eolunilis express the' opin- ions of the newspaper on the subject in clues- , It would seem that the Post Office -Town Hall swap is a practical eertainty. Why flog a dead horse? ' May the soul of the deal .iest in peace r ]!ay' it emerge, as econoinical as its pressing promoters imagine it will! .We' -would like at this tilde to pay tribute . tQ the conscientious and enthusiastic efforts of Mayor Ernie Fisher. Next year will 'mark his seventh year of municipal service --two years en cottneil, two as deputy reeve, one as reeve,' this year as mayor and ripe given a. well -de - .served -acclamation as mayor for a second term. Re has worked hard and well and is 'd.eserving of considerable credit for his progress in var . ious ways. Reeve o Jantes Donnelly, given an acclamation as reeve for a second term also," will start his ,fifth year of ninoicip'a1 service in 1959. Reeve Donnelly is well-gnarl:fled to serve ATION MEETING the town with distinction in his particular role and .we have no doubts but what he will. Contesting the post of deputy reeve are .councillor Frank Walkom, who has been town • councillor for four years, and eouncillor Wil Liam Tipple, who has been two years on cotut- eil. Either of these men could handle- this post creditably. The ratepayers 'will make their choice on' Monday. -We regret to see councillor C. M. Robert - sun retiring front municipal service. He has' served faithfully and well for a total of seven years—first, as councillor• back, about 1920, ' 'then for a.three year stretch froi.1.952-54 and another' three years from 19561-58. Obviously proud 'of his town for years,' councillor Robert- . - 5ou has fought for all which he believed to be in the best interests of the town. As chairman of the water, light and harbor committee and also, for. the- past six months, looking after �fi�trrl�l'i-e -won , }te--has-done- a great-deaf-'nrore work for the welfare of the community, than that which appears on the surface. A number of projects on which the council has been working may be culminated next year. it is for this reason' it is regrettable that a two-year term is not the rule here in order that the .eo neil__inigh-t have the -benefit- of. -con- tinuity of experienced service as .a group.. Among those seeking posts as councillors are three men who' are newcomers in the way. of experience on the Goderich Town Council. We commend them for offering their services— and' regret that niore did not do likewise. The ot'h'ers, two,of whom are men of long experi- ence and former mayors -J. E. Huckins and John Graham ---and Mrs., May 'Mooney and James Bisset could .give council -the- benefit of their previous experience' Which` it will un- doubtedly welcome." Monday is election day, Vote as you like —but" vote. ,WISDOM AND EDUCATION Edgar White ,jurri,l1,- noted rintl,ior,Jeacli- er and eorumentator, writes that the• spirit of man must 'always be, fret,' to soar. ITe asserts that this is because' wisdom and intelligence eorne froIu within; they cannot 1,}l,4„ talrgh;t, they Must bes unfolded. Solomon was reputed 'wise because he. asked' for an understanding heart rather than great riches. Tt was Solomon who said that "Wisdom is the principal 1bin,;; there. fore get wisdom; -and with all thy betting get understanding," . So the topio of this pre--4abbnlh evcniil 5 meditation is: ' Art' Yon Educated?" • Real .edneation, according to Burrill, something' that cannot 'he i•l poss-(1. 'from wit }t ont hitt (Mine, from vrithill. "Keep thy" Ilt'ilrt W-ith all diligence. for out of it are th(x,isslies of lift'.•' True is it that ''as (a man) tlihliketh in his, heart (not in his 11e;1di,.•so i. tie. A man can be sehooled in (track, Latin. Algebra and (ieonlet ry and yet riot` hp edileilt ed. With th'esc he'1liist,be; tticil 1u listen to t}ie a lasting educat'olt •than a',marriage license would indicate a lasting marriage. The spirit of nia'i1 must always be free to soar. Facts we learn in -school too often arc no. longer' true when have- graduated. Even 1 0 ,1 ' definitions are outdat('d by new discov- eries, every decade; we must continually aban- doit '`.truths" in onr advance toward the trnth. Yoii 'are edn''eate(1 if you have attained the ,tl,ilit►- to soar, Yon are educated if you have achieved emoti40011 guidance, self-control, dis- I eiltlined feolin;rk. These ..are topics entered in the i Yttrrit•nJltnl of the heart ----not the lferad. The Net 1, that von are not educated unless -;von i - enrot-ic•rrrk--}ttive..-hpun--erlaiimtecl: Wlieii ' These have been educated you will have at- titili,•tl• tiielerstanding., To understand all is tri forgive all, 00(1 .there is no education worthy 1 he palm that does not possess compassion. Lt10,0 ion i , the ahility to understand anyone, nti\'w I0 l') .:at any time, • li;ilil o said: "Yost cannot teach a man voice of the supreme I1ite11igent•4 Wit hill hi,i1n-,, :Iii�•thiii. voia t;ai1 only ltelp hint to find it with - ,Self. A eolleve diplopia has no more to du«•Illi • l' liitt1self. "l+7xehange. . W, THE' GODERIGN, SIGNAL, -STAR Down Memory's Lane 45 Years Ago By a vote of 630 to 95, Goderich ratepayers approved a bylaw auth- orizing Town Council to guarantee 'the bond -s of the ienerican Road Machine Corltpany for $50,000 and to give it a fixed assessment of $10,000 for a 10 -year period. ' The Signal, tcarried the following business anlhouncement: "Mr. W. G. Lumby, having purchased the tonsorial parlor and barber shop in the Bedford Block, occupied and -conducted by Mr. H. B. Boehmer) welcomes all old patrons. Satis- faction guaranteed." The Public school board regret- fully accepted the resignations of two teachers, Miss Miners, of Vic- toria School, and Miss Nellie Gra- ham, of Central School. Constabletundry brought in a 'man who had been begging his dinner at district` farmhouses. The "beggar" had over $900 in his pockets when he was. searched at the county jail. An impressive and sad spectacle was the ,funeral cortege of the fiye unidentified sailors buried in Mait- land cemetery Thursday afternoon. Four were from the steamer James Carruthers' and one. was_ ...from_the- steamer McGean. Both ,ships went down in the great storm of Noyem- ber 9, 1913. The streets were lined with people as the rive hearses passed through town to Maitland cemetery. 25 Years Ago "The days of barter are still with us," said The Goderich Star. "This week Lee Ham, the big East street Chinaman, who does The Star laundry and collects 13 cents a week for extracting the printer• ink from the roller 'towels (a big job), traded two ducks for a billy goat weighing 125' pounds. Thi' goat belonged to Joe Webb, but Joe and the goat fell out when the goat bunted him into theTbriak as the pair was boarding the For• rest tug the other 'day. Both ,Too and the goat •were obviotisly' re's• cued. Joe had, given three ducts' .and iwo..kons..for,.,.the._.bi11y, so._he is out, one duck and two, hens on flit, deal, but has the. satisfaction 0, •kiiowing the goat has been sOntei+e ed to die—for goat meat'•is said to he the foundation of a rfinnews Chinese- dish. Lee Hani is non- committal on the subject of c:tpilal punishment for the goat. We ask ed him and all he said was, "Thin teen cents," meaning the amount for washing the ink -soaked print- cer's• towels." Mrs. L. Hetherington, was elect. e(t presicicnt of Ili!! WMS of North r to +igtgpe v„mozigt av,q osis wort 'c°vivz,, ra; t�;4;,,T.g. � , ..n°� ,� •ti � ;o., 45 4, r+�� ► 14 wr r ► St eet United Church, rest Robert p Johnston was elected president �►f the Woman's Association of that church. Mrs. B. Wilson was the new pre - SANTA SUGGESTS • • Gift Subscription To The Goderich Signal -Star SO EASILY ARRANGED •! SO MUCH APPRECIATED ! GIVE US THE DAME OF THE PERSON TO WHOM YOU WISH IT SENT AND $ 3 (IN CANADAT.' OR $4 (TO U.S.A.) WE, :SEND A LOVELY GIFT CARD S 00,12►i 116'.2420til e b re t Today While You Remember iilrl.""1 12t3V .Ar lm;aa tIOVANDMIAM2t36r r; tP6rl142t r r 2tt1rltr1r s t aft at7btlttla7r$131t 71t1:;4a o-1% REV. ROBERT H. HARPER COMING SOON i When a .small boy, visiting on my eldest unete's ,.place in the country, 1 - climed boldly up the wart of a corn-ctib and on to the edge of the roof and reached the top. The crib was built with was pine poles and the wall was as' good as a ladder. And the roof was not very steep. I felt, like a conqueror until I thought of get- ting down. Because of the projec= ting roof, I could not see the lad- der -like wall and the ground at a tance looked very'far, 1:,pirxttriaiel , ]xiy .rit¢.leaa. -stout sen entire—along. I kn>3w the strength of his brawny' arms and the warmth of his big heart, And when he said, "You just jump down and I'll catch you,” I knew he would and I jumped. I had not heat'rd then of rockets'to the moon Now I wonder how the space trav- elers are going 'to Ind on the moon. And how are they' going to return to 4arth? When the fric- tion of the earth's .atmosphere be- gins to burn up the rockets, the train inside would seem to have little chane. No doubt this phase of the space trip is giving some concern to the wise men. '"ale are often confronted with the problem of coming clown or get- ingwbtreieff44194tel the consequences of an action and to think ofthe end of the matter. The Greaf I3oolc will give you a stare plan of life's journey, sident of the WMS of Victoria Street United 'Church. Several, members of Town Court -cif-objected to the ' Pil 's plates to erect a standpipe near the public library. Councillor 'Brown said it would be "ani unsightly • thing" , in the heart 'of the town. 15 Years Ago Robert E: Turner. was elected mayor by acclamation. Fie suc- ceeded E. D. Brown, who retired, after three years in._that_ position.. TWo 'hundred volunteers gave donations of blood when .clinics were held at Goderich anti Port Albert. Noting that the local Medical Of- fieer of Health had been receiving the. princely salary of $100 a year for longer than anyone, could re- meiriber, The Signal -Star suggested it was high time Town Council in- creased it to a reasonable figure in keeping with, his numerous duties. Owing to shortages of manpower and materials, work on the recre- ation hall and other, new building at• Sky Harbor was proceeding slowly. .• Goderich. Lions Club announced plans to sponsor a juvenile hockey team in the OMHA. , 10 Years Ago Mayor George G. MacEvVan Was re-elected by acclamation. There were to be contests for the post- tions osttions of reeve and 'deputy -reeve, :batt all other .olives -were. filled by silligtiitilWAtitsoCiatimi 'Witte Girls' Trumpet Band realized $150 from a tag day held for the benefit of the band iVIembers of the band were the energetic taggers,. Godericlt was having September weather in December. The sun Was shining and it was a far cry from the year beforewhen there was six inches of snow ,on, the ground on December . Many resi- dents contrasted the weather' this year with the weather in 1940, when a big snowstorm started on December 2 and blocked all the roads by December 4. The inter -School' soccer chanip- ionships were won by the Victoria School seniors and Central. 'School juniors. More than 100 boys par- ticipated in the games. Hundreds of people visited the plant of the Dominion Road Mach- inery 'Co. Ltd. on the occasion of "Visitors' Day." QUICK CANADIAN QUiZ 1. Canada produces what proportion of the world's newsprint? 2. The B.C.-made dugout canoe Tili- kum is famed for what voyage? 3. Which is the greater amount, cus- toms -duties -on imported goods or I G MAKE IT FOR )0U, AL . -A1412, PO IT FOR NCTH/NO StINE WOO ARE •� • 7Ir LET'S DACE )TY Per Peat excuoe Isales .takes on Canadian-manu• factures _goods? • 4. Who designed Canada's first post- , age stamp? 5.On consumer goods and services Canadians spent $1.9 billion in 'i ' -R . What. wasthe .1957- Cal '0f ueh=- pendin'grf :_ P— ANSWERS: 5. $19.5 billion; 1958 spending will exceed $20 billion. 3. In 1957-58, customs duties on im- 1 THURRSDAY, DEC. 4411, 1958 ports were $498 Million, sates taxes on Canadian -manufactured ' goods were $703 million. 1. About 50 per cent. 4. Sir Sandford Flen,iing, who also helped build CPR, invented Standard Time system» and was ,Rhaneellor. O ueen.a -into ersity: -: canoe, went under sat nom Via toria, B.C„ to Australia and then on around to Margate, England. ING aH�vou�vc umomir: TV BACK AGAIN The same famous' sets with air the latest features and at the price of ordinary sets. SEE THEM SOON — TRADE NOW TERMS TO SUIT HUTCHINSON RADIO & TV HURON ROAD. • PHONE. 498 11111111111111111111111111111.111111111111.11111111r. 48 Elections will be held in the Township 0f1Goderich for position of Reeve. Monday, December 1958 between the hours of 9 a.m, and 6 p.m„ at the following places and with the following deputy returning officers and poll clerks. Ward Place D.R.O. 1 Orange Hall 2 S.S. No. 2 3 Albert Schilbe's 4 H. Tyndall 5 . H. McCartney 6 Township Hall V. Falconer H. T. Sturdy Chas. Wallis Elmer Trick H. McCartney Reg. Miller Poll Clerk H. Fuller Cliff Sturdy Wm. Mcllwain Don Middleton Les Pearson E. L Trewartha 48 UDWS-'D E PARTMENT LADIES' INTER COATS' 22.50 and up ALL WOOL SKIRTS $6.95 Plain colors, plaids, novelty tweeds and up LINGERIE — A Perfect. Gift. GQW.NS — SHORTIE GOWNS — SHORTIE PYJAMAS SLiPS •-•• PANTIES. • ;t, .°•gi-!`.: 'vttoc'kvci`tcrtzti'oe 1tztZtater w ate :og-teste- ctct rQ7a; a"•` ;''VgtV4EC-- V,gv;. °5, SP SLIPS. Crepe, white, lace trim. SPECIAL $3.79 IJ 4.4 g�f �.,,, ,p, q� ny cy, qy,�r��,�,, y,,, �.�K�, t��p,. y, t�,��v,y,r�,, h�py, q.�rm, e�,,,�y, �y,, .a.�p,,q�,�� Jailz1ZY IADI'.,i i'l, MITY4i7-Vin042 012.:r�mfly,�P(P+( .001'a/m1'D arkiD ably iatric . HOUSECOATS and DUSTERS Cottons, Nylons, Corduroys, Quilted Wool. FROM $4.95 and up WOOL GLOVES all colors $I.00 NYLONS firs- uaIity- Seamless and seams, hint of a tint. FROM 89c $1.75 WEATERS $3.98 'and uo ALL WOOL, ORLONS and BAN=LONS. A and up Shop at THE MAJOR STORE AEWS-iEPARTME'NT-- FLA.NNELETTE PYJAMAS Let Assorted styles $2.98 !.k,- a ix°�ie�a atn2,t. 'f .NolDans"•' 242,a`rJ'd"rSB ? r`3'ImDamt.Dama7adi`�9`�r'�'d'r` i-`s'.101.x Men's- CARDIGANS Striped and checked frontsSPECIAL $2.98 MEN "S SHIRTS A Targe selection of dress and sports shirts, ° plain colors, checks, . plaids. -FROM --- $1-89. and.rtp. NE ,0-. ?ra''Gm ,4_,. .�4�i$ _vor'i iu-fir` °a mew l•.aCvv41•ga oGv,00ma 'avill'a ii 1 Men's SUBURBAN COATS 1. Grey,. y,_ blu• and -charcoal-- _- SPE -Mt -7-4412. 4, 12. rdiD Mori"Ai`L"J'.`.>.$; .W11,4=taiD* aatDa62Jiz1Da- `r3," a°1`io7AZI-Di 't+ Y21gi-1 "f''r +t�7-dlIi`a1'ti 5 Wools, leather Tined with or- lon pile and leather for -lined Men's GLOVES FROM $1.00 Sod up, 'stn' vw;'3 ,4,,,,„ww4 emoim4 ,t ►nogg Cm ,' 'immos,T,4,4 °" Boys' 'SUBURBAN. COATS Grey only SPECIAL, $8�9 S '-1 4, a#a�-I;tF r ixdp iVit t a' a tAbOrrer advrammmtmtter BOXED SETS of SOCKSWAND'TIES SOCKS AND HANk$�ES JEWELLERY — HANDKERCHIEFS — WALLETS Cuff Links and. Tie' .Bar Sets SPECIAL $2.9 8 SEi' l4:► etco,„ FICC ! mora mean- G tG-tovgto atc-lE1metctemc Follow the Christmas Shoppers to e :;661ro-Nerolr-Aeor-PloWleirrAleir-V1010-M201020-VVE-Mrsk-70M-PANMV-rtAtAric-Vak-