HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-12-04, Page 9QUICK CANADIAN lkIIZ 1. Where is Canada's great "dino- saur cemetery?" 2. The province of Alberta has how many oil wells? 3. Who was the first white man to reach Canada's Pacific coast by land? • Sa axles pax y in us ry, or the total of corporation profits earn- ed by industry? ' 5. Inflation has decreased the pur- chasing power of the Canadian ' dollar by how much over the past ten yeah? ANSWERS: 5. Baying power of the dollar, has declined by about 23 per cent in .10 years. 3. Alexander Mackenzie, travelling in a 25 -foot birch -bark canoe with 10 men and 3,000 pounds of baggage; reached vaiii*ofwitib—e-ttat:ited Deer River: 4. In 1957 wages and salaries total- led $15 billion, crporation, profits after taxes totalled $1.7 billion. 2. More than 8,000; in recent years from live to 10 new oil wells have been. found -in Alberta per week. • The Christmas seal has become an annual institution and offers at. the Christmas season an opportun- ity for rich and poor alike to help in the fight against an ancient enemy—Tuberculosis. CHRISTMAS FOWL TURKEYS GEESE • CHICKENS DUCKS -Choice Qualjty Treasurer's Sale of •Lands For Taxes Corporation of the County of Huron TO WIT: ' By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County -of Huron- under -his -hand -and- the-seai •of the said- Corporafion- bearing date of 12th day of August 1958 sale Of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Huron will be held at my office at the hour of 2.00 pm. in The Court House on the 9th day of December, 1958, unless the taxes and costs ailr�ner paid. Notke is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrear,of taxes was published in the Ontario:Gazette on the 5th day of September, 1958, and that copies of the said list may be had at .my office. The adjourned sale, if necessary, will be held at the above office on the 16th day of December, 1958. Treasurer's -Office this 13th- day of. August, 1958. PUDDING FOR THE THOUSANDS — Little Jack Horner would be pop -eyed at two tons of Christmas pud- ding, but he'd recognize the taste. A very old English recipe is' the basis -for pre- paring Christ puddings for service Canadian Na- tionat Railways dining cars over the holiday season, aceorilingJiiibf Tnstr Joseph "Bill" Nellis and his two assistants, Joe Panko and Camille Fleurent. They are seen using silver-plated paddles to mix ingredients for nearly 20,000 pudding pat-, tions. Liz Gillan, who does her own home cooking, vis- ited the commissary car kitchen in Montreal for a few tips, thenstayed to sample the finished product. this setting many Christmas gifts were displayed. The specl4 fea- ture at Sturdy and-.Vompsuy was a gilt ferris Wheel)r, each -4 carriages of whieh wasfilled with choice confections. The 'Olympia Cafe had a great display, of tooth- some cOnfections beneath a green Chridtmas tre 0,4ckg4 Witikt0- §VMSEAfineflogsa*tioeito.vr was festooned 'with'01916-11"pope . There was a background of white cotton relieved with touchea of holly at tne Howell Hardware store before whin , many gifts were shown. Festoons of holly and nrany Chinese lanterns was the window theme at the 'store of Hodgens Bros. The stores of J. H. Colborne, W. Acheson and Son and D. Millar and CoMpany also had effective dis- 'Plays. Two beautiful paintings on canvass by Sinclair, each surround- ed with colorful electric lights, was the setting of the Christmas win - dew at the store of Cameron and IVfoore. In addition there was a background of white lattige work, decorated with gold and holly and Christmas bells with backing also of old rpse plush. Among Other attractively dee'orated windows were Porter's Book Store and JCelly's Jewellery Store. The Christmas tests at Central, St. David's Ward and St. Andrew's Ward showed the following, stud- ents finishing first in their respec- tive classes: Florence Smith, Agnes McDonald, Edna Pridham, Albert Baldwin, Muriel Galt, Pearl Mac- Donald, May Hunter, Ethel War- rener, Warren McCluskey, Eliza Beck, Gladys Saults, Florence Bell, Ernest Clark, Ismay Thompson, Norman Wark, Edith Murney, Irwin • Spieran, ,Helen Griffith, Eleanor Hays, Ione Cutt, Emma Wallace and Claire Hays. • '',-‘;:ifV,021,<,..z It is reputed that the first Christ- mas card, as we now know it, was dispatched in 1845 by W. C. Dobson, one of Queen Victoria's faVorite ,' • '",'i" ..,,,,,,, :11 ",!•.,'•-• " . , „,..,,,-;,' . . Jo socient limes oa,ly, noble 10014 4§4104,140h1901000$ IlistlinlefiPq- • ,j . ,,, , -•\ , -% • . ,.. -,, /, Pcild4lan4tela rlef.srlY,Aresc0;:- * .....w.,-r4,-;-.•;T-7-.6,,r,d„, -040.4401#4,Aykyr.....-•c•*,, . ..4.•..1.-; -- "*". Queen Victoria used quill pens made from wing feathers'of Canada wild goose. Silver reed pen, believed used by Roman poet Ovid‘in 10 A.D., was presented to Queen of Hungary in 1540. , Toda?any woman can write with a high-fashion accessory thanks to new "lady Sheaffer" fountain pens.- / PRE -CHRISTMAS SPECIALS IN PERMANENTS $10.00 Perm, for AT 8.30 P.M. Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club for welfare. ADMISSION, $1.00 Special Jackpot game boosts total possible prize to OVER $500. -42tf These perms will 'be given by Louise and Robert. The also take evening ap'poirM' &Ms. • OFFER EXPIRES ON. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17. :HEATHER BEAUTY SALON PHONE 74 6:4N:N41044.1-tetormg-teez-Pocfm:e-v-ove-telctetetetzleteteve„tetetztatcte-teletete-tetetvet-zwtv!-tcteteter.e.-tetar.etetateretevtmetetete - . ' • • Every year the season of Chrisk t,files , to record—for the .sake of the'preparatorY stages of the work) mas seems to sneak up pretty fast i,beloved 'memories of armer years hadbeen raised, revealed the dis- -what took place. in Goderich dur- play of Christmas merchandise in 1) and to disappear into histo`ry just i ing' the Christmas season'25 years the .windows 'of .merchants. • 'The IV windows of C. C. ,Lee's had an elaborate 'display, An old fashion, Ud ed windmill and an old-time water .Wheel, both' in operation, _formed 1.5P, the centre of attraction. The water wi from the wheel flowed. Wits rocky g bed through a field of course grass. ifu and finally disappeared beneath the imitation background of -rock. In g 4i1 as quickly. With the passing years a person looks back to former Christmas seasons they fondly re- member—to their friends of that to what took pta in"Gode-- 'Hell then. They compare it with today in the knowledge that the years are slipping quickly by with many changes taking place in the interim. With these,' thou.ghts in mind, • The Signal -Star has delved into old Vate'aVottclz-tate-rovc-tvgtztav-vortoveidtarg.wcfctomciawarCatmtc=kocrztztocr-gtvowArgt-'";':'4°4=M6-. ovc1.4-c' WHEN -IT'S FROM BISSET'S IT'S ° FARM FRESH! OUR BUTTER IS CHURNED FRESH EVERY DAY ago and 50 years ago. • First, we take the Christmas sea- son of 25 years ago from the files of. The .Goderich.Star of December, - 1933. The depression was with us •then and to make it more dismal for some, the results of the Christ- ina's examinations- at Goderich COI- legiate 'were published. To save embarrassment, however, we'll pub- lish the names of only titose who stood high in their class. In Form IA. Vera McLeod led the list with a percentage of 827 Lenore Snazei topped the list in Form IB with' a percentage of 74.7. In Form IIA, al Edwin ,Dean stood first--with-82-per- (16 Ai cent.' Roberta Johnston vas at the oo top of the list in Form 1113 with a 031 • percentage of 70.4, In Form. HIB • • a: it was Harold Stevens with 85.5 • per cent. Jean Houston was first. in Foirm IIIA with 76 per cent. In Farm. IV it was Helen Bisset • with 78 per cent. Form Kn(irst year commercial), saw. Joan Mc - 4 1 Adam at the top with 64.3 per 6ent. In Form TIC (second year coiomerc- DO YOUR CHRISTMAS BAKING AND SERVE - pial) it was Thelma Allin with 81 #81 per cent. And in the special one f ,yeareonimerelal. ,Iildvieine I Naftel ,With 87 per cent. .Elected,„„tp...head the Lions Club was H. S. Griff. Messrs. George Jen- ner and P. F. Carey were winners at the Bridge Club. Among those taking part in the Victoria Street United Church Christmas concert were: Mary Mc- Kinnon, H. Mew, Jim -Mitchell, Itay. mond Snell, Hope Mutch, Evelyn Breckow, Edna Love, Vallieur A concert at Saltford public school featured a play .with Ruth Caldwell, Mary Bisset, Fred Bisset, S. Walter, James Farrish and II. McCreath taking part. Rev. F. C. Craik was chairman. Mayor Lee and the, Town. Council, had made arrangements for Santa Claus to cloderich on Decem- ber 23. , • A little pbem under the "Coming Events" read: The pies and cakes Jean Walter ,makes Are luscious as can be; The care she take S in all she hakes Will please ydu perfectly. A sad note was the notice that a by-law had been passed for issue of debentures to the amount of $10,000 for the paying of a portion of the cost of Unemployment. Re- lief Works. The Marine Club held a social evening when, President Campbell welcomed the guests. Winners at cards were Mrs. Cousins, Miss Dorothy Bell, Mr. Breckenridge, Alien McAuley. Music for dancing was supplied by the Whitmore Orchestra. Prices for Christmas meats and poultry;tes advertised in !ilhe Gode- rich Star by Sanitary Met Mkirket, included: round' steak, 1f3c lb.; porterhouse steak, 22c; 'boiling beef, 9c; fresh picnic hams, 10c; leg of Iamb, 18c; pure pork sausage, 2 lbs. for 23c; new mince meat, 2 lbs., 27c; rib or neck boil of beer, 7c; sirloin steak, 15e; ducks, 'geese, chickens and turkeys at "rock bot tom prices." • Fifty Years Ago And now for 50 years ago, from ip—aLes.c4401guk4. 1908. A wan( arouno Mr, quare after the blinds (which concealed Ask For Bisset Bros: - Specially Christmas Container of ICE CREAM Boxed Ice Cream Bricks • Remember, toil), 'our BARS, DliUMSTIICliS and SANDWICHES i‘apaairMiriaa2=11-42.11":21-tiltr.DatNZIXaDOMD191-21-2:1=M:OtOlD'alltiraMDMOMM-ZIO:3100,11V*1-240410-21041,2D=411124743iItt SKATES - SHARPENED with Latest Equipment. Expert Workmanship. GODERICH SHOE REPAIR EAST STREET Steady Delivery Work .;11NADMkriat'24212:-NMINADaiDiDatr-DiDrar2121Daaa,1241tr,`z•Oa42/4-MDIDIDIP/I•PatrP4-DatlIDMIDI-AliblbaDtUatZTD12442•401 rvatetetg-tevc-tetc-tvetetverztoetvc-tvcroetetzzoceveletextc-tveveic,te-tvetztvvetetetzteteteleveteteletetevevocestete Np selling involved. Age ant. Car or light truck and $950 cash required. Exceptional opportunity, even if presently employ- ed. Write Dept. 556, 199 Bay Street, Toronto. 47-8x Come in and see our selection o BIRDS, CAGES Ant.A complete line of 1 Only— ALBINO, MALE. 1 Only — YELLOW FACED BLUE, MALE.' Order Now fot Christmas Jayleen's ON THE SOARE •GODERICE Shop here for those special gifts that she • will treasure • HOSIERY — SKIRTS and SWEATERS SCARVES — STOLES — — LOVELY LINGERIE — VIYELLA FLANNEL HOiJSECOATS —PYJAMAS GLOVES (wool, leather -lined, kid and " AraioaatzizIo•mizt1/4•••Dmioaaanarmaizalkar4zioiramaa4gommluonoommolzutormo:NiTteGvadt:Wiaot20404:90azgatoi,,Vi