The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-12-04, Page 1Yuw,cWlW
Single Copies Is
Ralph Jew,eUU, ,.,Reeve
' a-voct atoctozoovw . tog" toot ` A " tOcte, ►• i! a' O' ctnate: ; . ,'•o-cA - wwortoctento' l a a a' -t4,' aK tett— -t , . tmtete-teto vetoo tz.etztectetc-►1C' te►e ' a Ret. i ketateu�vete r
Spending "At Home "Will
Colborne Acclamations
For 5th St r a 1 ght Year,
(Special to Signal -Star, by W. E.
CARLOW Nov. 28. ---Ralph Jewell,
for five years a member of Col-
borne' council, •will represent the
. township. on ,tlie_,1959 county coun-
cil. He was elected reeve 1iy ae•
-clamatibn at_.the_ iminatio _ inept:._
.ing held at the Township Hall herr
today. 21r, Jewell succeeds John
Kernighan, Goderich, who retire,
after nine years on the township.
council, for three years of which
he was reeve.
Colborne' councillors also were'
unopposed. Ray.Fis°her, Tait Clark
-and William Clark were returned,
and Leonard Fisher -accepted nom•
ination to complete the list. Harry
McCreath was nominated, but tlid�
not stated.
The result of the nomination
meeting set up what is,believed to
be a r•ex ord for Colborne Township
—acclamations given to the town-
ship council for the fifth consecu-
tive year.
There was no contest for the
school board: James Wrest, Clifford
McNeil and. John Dunbar.
Reeve -elect Jewell, who was. nom-
inated by Ray Fisher and Wm,. J.
Clark, is a• mem-
ber of one of
..tale_. ear1y _.C917.
borne Township
�� f`aiYtI?e's `_ZTe.
a son of William
Jeweil, • Gode-
rich, and .grand -
S0.11 of Richard
Jewell, who was
reeve of the
township f o r
successive terms
many years ago.
His farm is in
R.;Jewell three: ,
After Clerk Benson Straughan Regarding the new entrance to
completed ' his nomination- duties, Goderich on Highway 21, Mr. IT'S... EASY-, TO SAY,
the meeting., ,c airsrlarl-,..1%crnig,hati_. said. I • have..,rw roue _:_ . .
Hugh Hill,, a member of council information than 'last year. They "MERRY -CHRISTMAS" •
in past years, , •Regarding the small.have been taking soundings on L1 ,
� It's easy t') say ''AIcr-ry Christ
attendance,.. Mr. Hill said "we must proposed route,"' , In;; in different ianguaggcs. ('h.•'cik
conclude that things are progress- (Continued on page. 12)• - ' this list 'for- the--gri'e;irlgs- m .,c.r
ing• pretty smoothly,"' He recalled
that .two ladies had been 'present
at one nomination, and thought it
might be well if more turned out.
Reeve •,Kernighan
Reeve Kernighan,' received with
applause, -gave--a report -•as . chair` `
man .of the county reforestation
committee, merri'ber of 'fie-airpoFt--:
committee and also 'on the county -
road program. He estimated that
the Dunlop -Blyth development road
would be completed next year or
early in 1960.
"Road's are depreciating faster
than they are being built," he said,
"and there are quite a few bridges
to replace. At the present rate it „
will take about 30 years, and we
are trying to-do the ones that need
MeanGodericb1or143 RCam•
co (R.C.A.F. Public Relations) is because of the large increase in
This Issue,You Get $2
IYou may find your • name -
tucked away in some corner of
a display advertisement of a
Goderich merchant in this
---Christmas-.•shopping_.,.issue ...of. _
the Signal -Star. If you "do,
tear..oat-.t :rdv-ertisement'_in -,
which your name appears in
print and bring if to the Signal-
`;,ar office`. You will receive
$2 in cash for it. Take time
out to carefully read the adver-
tisements in Mitis issue. Not
only to find YOUR NAME but
also to learn of what to buy
and where to buy it in'the way
of Christmas gifts.
4'.ieQ i
Christmas mail' is commencing to pile up at the Goderich Post
Office and the public is asked to•send away those parcels as early
as possible in order to keep, an even fluw„of mail rather than a big
• build-up at the finish. Seen above, 'from' left' to right, are three
members of the Post' Office staff: 'Mrs. Betty Westbrook. Miss Kay
Whateley and George Buchanan,
Suggest Township Memorial Hall
lots:, tongues.
S.ty: ".Io_•e•ls Noel"• in Frie's',
"1? rociiche Wcilul,,ch`t',i " ,in • (1„
Three Candidates .` all Run Fir ease
In The Goderich T .wrlshlp EIectio:
uiiar., "Buon °fatale"' in Itali;un.
Christmas holly is surrounded
• 'Lay many beliefs.
��n z .al.tish have the yard for Legends relate that tile-c.'own
it with Feces ascuas"_ nt ] t l s • of thorns vis • plated frons Che
Navidad•', . in -Holland they say! he;:;y. the white berries turning
Danes ei•eet each other \vith "En reel lily' rials cif blood after ihr'
-or • ass.11.1eN.ess,ci_ucilis_eis. .:....._ -. _..._- ..
wesians w1)ttl:1 say: "Crdccl+•'ligslltit'." ;t ;,t1" tie.1 \i 11 s 1`••ille S 111x•
II) ('ic'choslo'. I iii, greet nil!' 11J11y il: o ;he '11 ease 'lt1 t, alt it"i
cselc f. I l l tr'. iti 11'f' 1tl'l' ','fere
\wife mile in the ensuing y''ear.
not bel•
\\• 1 t
Christmas ° is trad.itkonally the
"home" season and for 143 fam-
ilies of RCAF personnel based at
RCAF Station Clinton, Goderich
will 'pr'ovid'e the home this yeax.
That is the number of RCAF living
out personnel frons the 'base who
station strength ,in the past two
years with its resultant overflow .
from the married quarters in Adas-
tral Park. .
These personnel come from at '
over Canada, from Newfoundland
to Vancouver Island, and include '
many who originally.. made theta' •
homes in Great Britain before ensu-
give Goderich as thein home -away grating to Canada to join the RCAF
tr om borne a yeas _ 1 or coming to' this 'country as•-r`wa' ..
A • survey .conducted at ItCAF bride. ,•
-Station,. Clinton, • -this_ ..a:cek:..d.i�S• .. ..-._. -----Like• Goderich. -•_. _
closed that 26' percent of all person RCAF
nal from the base who "live out" people who live in Gode
make their .homes at Goderich. l rich speak highly of the town ands
The .exact rlllIllbel'• of dej3E'11dc']t1S t p21 OCCasil)tl, many who have set
pre -
is not known but -it is estimated that teed into homes there have ille' iotas number living in Godc ferreci to remain rather"• than to
rich as a result is in the 1 1 t-' move into quarters on the station..
of 500, neighbor -
School facilities, too, are ;in at-
hoodIn addition, the station employ, traction to Air Force personnel
with farreulies. Literally. hundreds
of children, now spread from coast
to • coast after' their fathers hafts'
been transferred from Clinton,
have taken' up, to three years of
theil' schooling there,
------Many •h -ave taken an -active inter-
c' t' in community activities. One
officer and his wife, foi• io ample.
were regulrir members of a church
(Special to Signal -Star by Mrs. C. 1 that much assistance was givet1 him "children, is built in Goderich Town -
A. Trott) by Charles MacNaughton, Exeter, hip, • Mr. Deeves said he could
CLINTON, Nov. 28.—As is usual, IN1',L.A. for Huron, in seeking fin- visualize a great development. Re•
a large number of Goderich 'Town- uncial aid from the provincial Larding township assessment. he
ship residents turned out for the ernmcn.t regarding a -strip of the said that the risk, development,
nominations for a council for 1959, ,Bayfield road on Highway No. 21. is gri•dually becoming filled, which
held in the council chambers in,the The strip was handed hiack to Gode- will increase the assessment. Re -
Town of Clinton. NelsonTrewartJ,ia, rich. Township recently, and the garding a Planning Board, the
a former coun-cillor atld reeve of township felt it could not afford lo township plans on forming one of
.theOWriSl i ; and' who is this year .blacktop nor' fills. in the holes: -its -own. -(In the past, ('layto
retiring as deputy reeve of (,lin- Through Mr. 3/1.acNaughton, 1 aithwaite has been repress, ting
ton; -was appointed chairman fat been made possible for the rot d the township on the Goderich Plan•
the meeting 'of the ratepayers to be put into shape next suniene. ning Board.)
which followed the nominations. when Highway No. 21 is retopped Criticizes Set=up •
• A candidate again for the reeve- The estimated cost of the job Chairman Trewartha, at the C311-
, ship, John Beeves, who has com'• $20,000, said Mr. Deeves. cltas}•on. of Mr, Deeves: report,
pleted his fourth consecutive year' Re County Home scf%erely criticized the present set-
in that position,' reported to the Regarding the proposed -addition up at the Huron County Home al'
• meeting on the activities, of the to the- Huron County Home, the Clinton, claiming that when the
Huron County Council, leaving "the speaker said that he was ndt 100 latest• addition of 60 beds was. pro':
to •, • • ' ah , e j cell few ear aJo •c. •le wer
- by his four councillors." ' Mr. • county couneil,,on t e recen s aP to a it s'as ring ui or
Deeves paid tribute to the late taken by it, "I cannot see why we the ked patients,
Thomas Pryde, M.L.A. for 'Huron, should' build additional beds that "The ked patients were never
Who died early after the new year we might not he using for another moved. They are still "in the up
and to' Harvey Erskine, the county 10 years -=this would surely boost stairs of the old wing, in what h:'s
clerk, ,who died suddenly last sum- our mill rate when it 'is not at all been and AM] is considered a real
'mer. "The road program in. ,the necessary, We are now being faced ! fire -trap. We have a good manager
county last gear was the busiest in, with the need for additions to our ! at the home, but I. don't think that
its history. With over $1300,000 of district high schools at Clinton and : he should have the very best part
the taxpayers' money and grants at Goderich—a problem conlnion -of the home." Mr, Trewartha said
that he has been suggesting -fin*
years that the county sell the farm
land at the home, as it -,has been
a losing het for years until this
past year., The money from the
h of farm land at the sale of livestock, and the itnple-
Huron County Home, which is he- ments. which are the best in. tete
ing turned over to the Huron Colin-, county, would help with the cot t
ty Soil and Crop Improvemcna As- of the proposed addition, he said.
sociation for long-term test. plots; ,.O;ur County Court House will be
,of the -resoluticros committee of paid for in one more year Old 'the
county council regarding request- proposed 202 ked addition to' the
ing uniform time, and of his work county home would cost a mill and
on the county equalizatioh come a fraction on the dollar for the
'tt Predicting an !increase sof next I() years." he sakee-4•
at least 2,000 people when the Walter J, Forbes, a 1958 council -
° being used. The road from Auburn throughout the county," he said,
to the Blue Water Highway, the "I will try, if returned to office,
Development Road, which ends up td reduce the size of, the proposed
at Dunlop, had $.120,000 spent on it. addition to the county home if at
"There was not too much done by all possible," he said. He told of
the county this year in our town-
the 10 acres
ship, other than the widening of
. Porter's• [fill road, and the chang•
ing of its corner," said Mr. Deeves.
A project of next year's Good
Roads Committee will probably be'
the continuing of the Varna County
Road cler,r through to the lake,
in which a corner will• he elimin-
a'ted, but this„project will take two mr ee.
Same of the 21 children who attend the
Goderich Co-operative Nursery School are
shown hoarding the bus which takes them
home al>cl picks` them up every morning,
Monday through Friday, The adults, from
left to right, are: A.. Sherwood, bus driver;
Mrs, Pat Frantsi and lairs. ,Ione Hill. school
as istants. Not seen in ,picture.,is Mrs. Jack
Erskine, the- chief instructor. The school
is held in• St. George's Parish' Hall and will
continue there until Christmas, afterwhich
new accommodation will be sought.
53 civilians who/reside in (,ode
rich. and commute to work daily
at; this station, • ”
The ,station has a • total ofh 548'
i'urnilies living out, Besides those.
actually residing in Goderich, ,the.
renlainder bale" fotind htilit�' ii1
t'iinlr,n, Seatorth, Exeter and the
many smaller communities in the
ll.iiroti ('Dung• area.
e-}aoi-r--4Jrere white -residing. •4n..- . op In Goderich town. another airman was a fea-
Uodcrich provitlts shal)pin, !steel tare tenor with the Harbnura.ires
;ties for molly from the station 1'F
ire!':, who c;l11, live th(l: lied older sons ef`'R(..} men have
\Cr,cl: ethosertI snnl)p;tingtu
tripe; to the 'wen provided life i uards fur Gwle-
1thi sli:t'e loot etre .1 regulartet,. rich �tA'tt',11111n pocsis
:tire of the lives of m.,tty al Staliol• \s tht 1.11 + •t 1)011 in the im-
ll.)t1on. Its recioeition iac.i:t '111°(""t° vica,,;'y cif a11on ('lintoaa,
(,0(lerte:t 1' i,.,1tlrCti the first place
statin:) pt r•-�,�ti1r.''
bet 11)"10 rn(1 Illai'ried• who travel11:1i.L'.r1:enI-I.14`_12'.alraiuu.ccl.44:rsu4u}e1...
?t, tho:t,re and 1)eaches. ,g0 10 J'. „ for holt(a As ;,. result.,
It estlln:)it'c1 that, 111,' !mites t' ''itoe a ,('-ts oI (, tdeltich have a
neat,y ne•e int ' • dttl.,tio , ttl',t AF
C tn)ilic', nil\�•. liy'n� - i , 1 ' �
,Jderich is at present 'the Inehest fat' ul'I's, 611(' -1100 ill: lit �t� '•altUl.h'�`I
'7;11 the hi,icirv' of the s1,f1 inn. Thi 11ovr ., r,ul. llecr,u •, of this. the
Yose Ci i,1 district. lot'. example,
his, bete Menotti-ousts' rt'1'errt'd to
;is the 'Go;let,iell
Dungannon W.I
Other RCAF personnel have
chosen 10 reside in Goderich after
plans Yuie Meetcru'i1nl. Ons ii _7 r'smi'tirnits;(tiri4'e gild rcl):•lcir1hrtbusinessir, lofor,
example. has been begun there by
L -)t NGANNON, No1.•. 29:.- Tan: of aii mvti: Sid --B'ullert: ahoy primo•
„nigh IitUust ,, was' 111c;' t;:ri . fol' 1 to his r elit'enlent was in charge of
•`e NKowetni,ti` nmeeting of the lhu'- stut1011 workshops at Clinton,
4a1tnon Women's Institute in .Mr,; ' $100,000 Monthly, Here
.)a\wsolt's home on Thursday ever, From this point of view of money
ing, - value of this portion of the corms.
" rs, Errington conducted the munity to Goderich aS a whole,
meeting- at which 19, mcmbt'r, at estimates are very difficult as there
\vcred the roll caul with ;i gift' is no w,,y of knowing how rnany
foi' the ertncer cupboard. .- • -•people-shop _i•n Goderich 'although `'
Mrs, Norman Keating of Ca in;;, it is certain the figure is appreci••
,1111 to Ottawa to. attend' the No-
` 'Convention. 'Airs. 1'. Fowler
,i,ok<' on current eveltts The stall
'11• 525 wag voted to the li'lrary
A cnntmiiter of 'Alt's. Zinn. -Mrs,
McDonald anti Mrs. McNee were
named. to "'l5i c pare' t.+1'ft'1DflD t1 'for
sick and shit: ins. The final ar-
1•a•neements Were made for the
Christmas mceti 151. The repot't Of
the fall rally at Exeter was given
by Ctrs. F1 hi111ii.;;rn. •1 contest
,,w•;ls cttnducled by Mrs. K Finnigan.
The Christmas harry or ('all•
fornia holly is a shrub found chiefly
a1 fthe chaparral area of the Sierra
Nevada mountains of ('alifornie.
In France, Father Christmas is
called Bonhomme Noel or Pete
to three• years to be completed, he S S Phfiic-i b5 R.H.
,y (rnntlnrlhrl nn, r�on,1 e71 4,
said. 11r. I)aeves vevt#h�e� meet tr► w noosed hospital for retarded •eJ•ry..1.—, :,cc, p, e~,s, ,c:°atvig;zees ^ p rzteee ice• uizsc r ►a � i t ➢�eg►Ptv,.ctcu•i/sr�s,.' a r4;rage.'er ► titCRVAVgteWV • tZt• 4 'CMtgtV4r0;4 � �3W tt+g illetCWCW
�ir'hi,v!`�7�1�e�'t�,, chit'ate.i�.i•�i'r�.ta�a*�,'*di'�Ci't�is'r ,�i �ti�'�,��+'t�i�t�s't�:t�t���tpw�.��'�in'�a''to,�•ct�i'I�.�r�t�,fZi,LP�n �it�it�cat,�w�wt���A'�ti'�.�t�a't�i-t�t��'i�nt�.t c�it�Qtat�it�,�e't�,,�ii"Int�IQ
would place service spending in
Goderich at between $50,000 and
5100,000 monthly. This does not
include' the "take home" pay of;
the 53 Goderich civilians who are -
employed on the station. which ps
estimated in the neighborhood of
$+'30 t22:1100—''m-crntitly, tmr--Bergs- f
take into aecourit government' pur-
chasing in,'the town for the }:CAF'
Station at Clinton which runs into,
an appreciable figure annually.
Goderich has been -good to tlhe
pens:L-4 nel who have chosen to live
there and literally thousands of
airmen and their families ail over
Canada retain fond memories of
the town. The autumn view don
tree•lined streets to the Cot •t
House. the steamboat whistles in
the harho'r, the ice -'am -s along
shore below' the liWht house in the
spring and warm summer days on
.the 'beach will .be a part of their
lives forever,