HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-11-20, Page 7.i r. ET•� i� y I 'THURSD', NOV. 20th, 1958 PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, Nov. 17. -Mrs. William Tigert gave her home for the November meetingof the -Ladies' Guild..4401r1st'.Aft n, 14v}�• � �� �P�t 4ti w pJ My '4yY . Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Rooth, of Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tigert on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. • Don Johnson and family, Of Brantford, ,were, week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Vrooman. Mr.' and Mrs. John McBride, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Goderich, spent f o God r ch, sp nt Sunday ...withMr- and , Mrs.. Walter ..Tigert, a..w,.„w,;, s. �enqGraham-.. . r Mr. anti a nL�w'.Mr Mrs. li,aiert...AVAlic� •4 vI,- ton, were Sunday guests of and Mrs. Elwin Petrie. • For a Christmas gift -give the Signal -Star. SUNDAY SERVICES IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH November 23rd -Sunday next before' Advent. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class, 11 a.m. Holy Communion. and Sermon. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United . .Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 aar. MORNING WORSHIP. "The Master's Question." Junior Congregation and Nursery. \REV.' A. E. EUSTACE,' B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD -KLINCK, Music Director. .Knox Presbyterian Church REV. R. G. MacMILLAN, MISS B. J.. WOODF&UFF, Minister, Deaconess ' MR. W. H. BISHOP, F,R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 10.00 A.M. 'CHURCH SCHOOL. . 11.00 A.M.; MORNING WORSHIP. _-_ Sermon -"'YE. MUST BE BORN AGAIN." Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7.00 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP. Sermon -"JOSEPH AND EGYPT." GODERKH BAPTIST 'CHURCH 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL, 11 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP.' _younger children cared fol. duilng 11 TUESDAY, 8 P.M. - BIBLE STUDY AND ;REV. S. Ef, FINDLAY, Minister- MRS. • o'clock service). PRAYER HOUR. R. GOOD, Organist Victaria Street United Church FELLOWSHIP AWAITS YOJJ 10 a.m. Grade Scnool and Adult Class. (Nursery. in Parsonage). . "SURRENDER OR MISS LI,FE." 1.30 p.m. Benmiller Church follows Sunday School. 3 p.m. Union Church (after Suriday School. MINISTER, REV. S. A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST, MR. FRANK BISSETT. " "ELGIN' AVE. AT. WATERLOO ST." SUNDAY - 10 A.M. --' SUNDAY SCHOOL. At Evening Service there will be a Water Baptism. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY'SERVICES AT 8 P.M. "A'HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU." . WELCOME' TO THE CAURCH THAT ,CARES 930 a.m. Sunday School. WEONESDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and'Bible Study Hour. FREE METHODIST CHURCH VERLYN.R. SNELL, B.A, PASTOR Additional Classifid ... .M:'1w. �.�i�..lNfwk.w.r.5.•�.r�'a'ri:"r'i.TfµY.". . PPAUX ;, li►L S. TAR • ROWE SPOT 20. Public Notice BY-LAW ' NUMBER 26 OF 1958 OF THE TOWN OF GOD..ERICH A By-law authorizingthe tak- ing of a vote of elecors quali- fied to vote on money by-laws, on the question of repealing w B -1 a Nue 45 o Number fl WHEREAS 'by By-law Number 45 of 1947, which said by-law was duly assented to by the electors, the Council of the Corporation of the, Town of ,Goderieh established a fund equal to one-half of one mill on all the rateable property within the Town of Goderich for the' sup- port and maintenance of such civilian bands of music as might be under the control and direction of the Board of Directors of the Goderich Bluewater Rand, AND WHEREAS such By-law can be repealed only with the assent of the' electors. - AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Provisions of the Municipal Act Section 388 (1) (64) it is deemed expedient to place before the elec- tors qualified to vote on money by- laws the question of repealing .By- law Number 45 of 1047. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich enacts as fol- lows: " 1. That the question "Are you in favour of repealing By-law Number 45 of 1947 of 'the Town of Goderich, establishing a fund of one-half of one mill for the support and main- tenance of bands of music under the control and ' direction of the Board of Directors of Goderich Bluewater Bandy shall be submit- ted to the persons entitled to vote ori, money ' by-laws at the Municipal Elections to be held on Monday, the 8th day of December, 1958. 2.,The vote shall be taken at the same places as designated by by- law for taking votes of the electors for--the,-electio --51 riembers or Council. •s 3. The Poly shall be open' between the hours' of ten o'clock in the fore- noon to ,six' o'clook in* the 'after- noon. after -noon. 4. The' ' Clerk of the Town of Gode- rich will attend at the Town •Hall on Monday, December8th, 1958, at 6 'p.m. for the purpose of summing up the number of votes in the af- .firmative and the negative on the question. • "5:'The Mayor- -or-a -member. of Coun- cil appointed for .that purpose by resolution shall attend "at the Clerk's Office in the Town Hall on Monday, December lst, 1958, be- tween the hours of 10 o'clock • in the forenoon and, 12 o'clock noon and, if requested to do so, shall appoint two persons to attend at the final summing up of the4otes , by the • Clerk and one petethl to attend at each••polling place on be- half of, the persons interested in and -desirous of voting in the af- firmative on the question_ and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of voting in the negative on the 'question. 6. A tenant Cellose lease extends for a time of at• least twenty-one years shall, if he makes and files with the Clerk not later than the ' 28th, day, of *November, 1958, a de- claration so stating, shall • be en- titled to have his name entered on the list of voters entitled. to vote•, on the question. . . 7, A Corporation entitled to, ap- point a nominee to vote on its b-etalt-or a Maley by -Taw s'TilT; not' later than the 28th day of Novem- ber; 1958, file' with .the Clerk an appointment in writing of the per- son to vote as its nominee and the ngme Of such nominee shall be entered on the list of electors en- titled to 'vote on the question. 8, A summary of the question, or a true copy of the Bylaw shall be published once.' a week for threee, successive weeks in the Signal -Star, 'the first of such 'publications to SALVATION ARMY 84 Lighthouse Street • SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m. Holiness. Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting EVERYONE IS WELCOME +r ' McKAY--GODDARQ • -.1-prettty.weddiugceremony was e ChurchNo d on e er 8 when Wilhelmina Gertrude Grace God- dard was united in marriage. to Roderick Neil McKay. Rev. S. A. Moote officiated and Mr. Frank Bissett presided at the organ. The church was decorated with bronze, white and yellow mums. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goddard, of Goderich, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Roderick (Roy) McKay, of Wing - ham. The bride wore a 'floor -length dress of white nylon net lace over taffeta and her hong veil was helpA in place by a crown of sequin • an pearls.. She carried a white Bible and red roses. Her matron of honor was her sister, Mrs. Daniel Williams, of St.,' Catharines, and the groom's sister, Miss Joyce McKay., was bridesmaid.- _ .. The groomsman was Mr. Daniel Williains, 91 St. Catharines, and his assistant was Eric West. The ushers were Donald McKay and Ronald Goddard. Following the dinner served in the church hall, a reception was held at the Crystal Inn at Dunlop. Mrs. Goddard received the guests wearing a dress of mauve crepe with purple accessories and the groom's mother.,wore a blue crepe dress with blue accessories. They both wore corsages of pink roses. About 130 guests were present for the reception. . Later, the young couple left on a motor -trip and on their return will take up residence in Wingharn where the groom is engaged on construction work. • The Wednesday afternoon .and evening prior to her wedding, the bride elect's mother entertained at a frousseau ' tea •at her home on Cambria ,road. Irl the afternoon, Mrs. Wm: Goddard poured tea and Miss MaryGoddard served and in the evening Mrs.. Wm. Brindley Toored tea. Mrs. Broadfoot showed �t11e...1r.011S.S!'at1• ` - ._. Showers were held 'for the bride - to, -be by Mrs. Robert Good and Mrs. Dolly Kelly, when she was present- ed with many miscellaneous gifts. Prior to her marriage, Miss God- .dard was employed asa sales clerk in Stedman's store. be made on the 20th day of November, 1958. Read a firSt,„•second and third time 'this 7th day of November (Signed) -46-48 23. Used Cars "1957 DODGE. Custom 'Royal, two - door hprdtop, driven only 7,000 miles: ^ Trade or terms. Huron Automo_tiye & Supply, Huron bad phone- 1165W. -43t1 WRECKING 1955 phey., driven 'only 18,000 miles, engine excellent, all parts for sale, Huron Au.to- motive & Supply, Huron road, Phone 1165W. -43tf 1950 DODGE 4 -door deluxe, in Al condition. Cheap for cash. Phone 226, Goderich. - -46 1958 DODGE AMfair V-8 4 -door sedan, push button transmission, strator, 4,800 miles, new. car war- ranty. Priced for quick gale, Reg. McGee & Sons, phone 765. 46x D -.. GUM ....ORE WILSON -Zion Unf ed.. Church, Taylor' of o40.1 ils:.-T hii ' on. , urday, was„ the 'scene .of it's first wedding since its establishment in 1855 as the Wesleyan Methodist Church. In recognition of this, the young couple were presented with. atwhi,te Bible from the community. Miss Wilda Ernestine Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wil- son, R.R. 1, Goderich, and William Norton. Cudmore, son of•Mr.' and Mrs. William Cudmore, Brantford, exchanged marriage vows before Rev. G. E. peacock, of thta Bayfield pharge., in a double ring ,ceremony. The 103 -year-old church was decor- ated with rose and 'yellow chry- santheinums and.. lighted candel- abra. Mrs. William Cox, ,of Goderich, played traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Nor- man Baldwin, of Brantford, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "The -Wedding Prayer:1 Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in. a formal gown of nylon illusion ' tulle with Chantilly lace panels over taffeta._ The sabrina neckline of the fitted bodice' was appliqued with sequins and seed pearls and featured long tapered sleeves of lace. The back of the bouffant skirt fell in tiers which were appliqued with sequins in rose design. A crown of seed pearls and sequins held her linger: tip veil and she carried an_ arrange- ment of American Beauty roses interlaced wit1i "fern, with gne trail- ing orange blossom. Miss, Joan Cudmore, sister of the groom was maid of honor, wearing a, floor -length, strapless gown of pale green net with matching• jacket and_tiered skirt. She wore a matching headdress trimmed with rhinestones and she carried a bou- quet "cif Talisman roses. The bride's ,brother, Meredith ,Wilson, Was best man and Calvin Cudmore, brother of the groom, and Lawrence Wilson, brother of the bride, were ushers. The reception was held at ''Port- • church, decorated rtwi'th, autumn flowers. • The'bride's table was centred' with a threeotier wed- ding cake decorated with rosebuds, and a candelabra with lighted pale green tapers.' The., bride's mother received the 60 guests in, 'a royal blue crepe dress with white pearls; and accessories .and she wore a corsage of pink carnations. Assist- ing, the groom's mother wore ' a royal blue wool ensemble. and .a pink For' corsage. For her wedding trip to Niagara Patti -and the -southern-' States, •the - bride donned a turquoise knitted suit ;topped with a grey fur jacket; black accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. On their 'return they` will reside in Brantford. Out-of-town guests were from Toronto,. Port Hope, Burlington, 'Hamilton, London, Brantford, Clin- ton, Varna and Bayfield. Prior- to her marriage the bride was entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. James McMillen, Goderich Township and a party was held_a.t--.the -home of Mrs.,Keith Miller, Bayfield, in her honor, at which she was presented with a tri -light lamp. In Brantford, an evening of howling ended in the Bell City restaurant where the young couple were presented with an automatic toaster from the Col- borne Street United Church Young Adults. St. •Patrick?s mt. Church, Lon- don, wag the setting when Marylin vo'ws w.ith Donald Edward BalYk. The bride as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Roy McIntosh, of Londdn, and the grobm is the son OBITUARY MISS MARY F .T.71ABETH WHITE Miss -Mary .who ss ary Elizabetht�White, has,•mst�r, e.►n�0,.:...�gu�.,. Go error four ears' ago, to a Alexandra Hospital on Sunday last. She had . been ill six. weeks. 4 Miss White was 'born at Orono 89 years 'ago but spent the greater part of her life at Walkerton. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs.'James White. She was an adherent,of North Street United Church ad a mem- ber of the Octogenarian Club. ur S vtving is a sister, Mrs. Nettie A. Hodgson, of Goderich, who re- sides with her daughter, .Mrs. E. J. (Melba) Stiles and one brother, Herbert White, of Calgary. ' The funeral service on Wednes- day morning at 11 a.m. was held at the .Stiles funeral home with inter, ment in Walkerton, cemetery, Rev. ,A. E. Eustace officiated. JOSEPH S. COLLIN a After- a lengthy illness, Joseph S. Collin died at Alexandra hos, pital on Saturday at the age of 85. He was a son of the .late Mr, and Mrs. Simon Collin and was born at St. Thomas, Quebec. In 1902, he moved to Sault Ste. Marie, On- tario, and in 1905 was married to Miss Fanny Hardy, who prede- ceased him. Coming to Goderich five years ago, .he has lived with his nephew, David McMillan. He was a mem- ber of the Octogenarian Club and, also of the Sault Ste. Marie United ,Church. Rev. A. E. Eustace ,officiated at the funeral service at Stiles funeral home on Monday afternoon. The remains were sent .by ' train for service in' Sault Ste. Marie on Wednesday afternoon. Interment was made in Greenwood cemetery. The pallbearers were George Mumby, Joseph Leddy, John Flick, Oswald ?ollard, Harold Hibbert and D. J. Patterson. , DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, Nov. 18. - 'Mr.. and Mrs._ Howard Johnsten ,-,ancl ,grandson, Billy, • Henry, were recent guests with Mrs. Johnston's brother, Mr. Case Black, and Mrs. Black, at Kitchener, and also called on Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Watt, at Oakville. Mr., and Mrs. Glen Houston, of Pine River; and the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Culbert, spent the week -end with ,Mr. Ben Caldwell and his sister, Miss Pearl Caldwell, at Windsor. of Mrg Deu"glas Shaw, also of Lon - 1 The bride . wore a floor -length gown of whiee nylon lace styled on. princess-lineS with full nylon skirt. over taffeta and a sweetheart neck- line. Her' fingertip veil of French illu,sien was held by a tiara • of sequins and seed pearls and she carried a cascade of red roses and white mums. Identical gowns of red silk velvet were worn by her sister, Sharon 'McIntosh, and. cousin., Karen Pit - Wader,. -of Goderich. .The -flower girl, Debera Pitblado, also wore red velvet. Jack Shaw, brother of the groom, was .best inati and ushers were Don Masse and Ray Buchanan. were from Fort Churchill, Sarnia, Detroit, IpperWash, Grand Bend,. Goderieh and Toronto. Prior to her marriaye, the bride• was entertained at miscellaneous i showers given in her' honor by the4 neighbors at the home of Mrs. Rey I -Lewis, at 1.4e-h:tYme--of Judy Davis,' and also by the office staff Of the! Mutual Life, at the home of Mari- I anne Reynolds. The couple will live' in London. Taylors Corner• TAYLOR'S CORN, Nov. .Mr, -and. Mrs-'E..R„. Roatren, Drniald ..e.f4 d Wee -encs with and. Mrs. Geo. Ginn. On Saturday night a sur- prise birthday •was held in honor of Mrs. Rostron. Guests were' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snyder and Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Snyder, Mrs. Fan Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Ames and Cheryl, of Atwood; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder and Mr;"' and Mrs. E. Newbiggin, The evening was enjoyed playing cards. Mrs. Robt. =Fuller is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fisher in Benmiller. A large crowd attended the sale on Saturday of the' late Mr. Oliver Edward. Visitors this week -end with Mr. and Mrs,'Wm. Snyder were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Newbiggin, of .Atwood. Prior to her.wedding, Miss Wilda Wilson was honored by showers. given by Mrs.` Jin1 ltIcMillan, Mrs. Keith Miller and the Young Adult group of Brantford United Church. Being the first wedding ever held in Taylor's Corner church, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cudmore were presented with a Bible by the Church -Board. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder left on Tuesday to spend the winter months in Florida. - . Mrs. Roy Wilson, on behalf of, her daughter, Wilda, invited the ladies of the e9 nmulnit77 *9k hiK home Monday afternoon to vtev ter many lovely, Wedding gifts, • aa?t a JGiir+s. NILE, Nov,- 17.: Mr. and Mrs. - Harold Dickson and family, of Kitchener, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs; Allan Dickson and 'family, ' The. Y.P.U. are going bowling on Fiiday evening. The Youn ""Pec-. ple will meet at the church at 8.30 before going to Goderich: •, Howard Sproul, Elwyn Sillib and• Harold. ,McWhinney, visited on, Sun- day with Mr. Sproul's brother-in- law, law, Russel Robinson, of " Sarnia. Dr,, and Mrs. Ross.. McNeil and two sons, of London, spent the week -end with the lay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson. Next Tuesday will be the annual meeting of the W.A. All members are requested to be present. Visitors, welcome. • PORTER'S HILL. ,K PORTER'S HILL, Nov. 17. -, A joint meeting of the . Young . People of Bayfield, Porter's Hill and Tay- lor's Corner was held in . the base- ment of Grace Church to organize a Y.P.U. Rev, Mr. Peacock showed slides and also conducted a Bible quiz. Next Sunday the election of` officers will„, be held at 7.30 p.m. All young people are invited: SPECIAL BUY ! 7.50 x14'Re-treaded TIRE ACT NOW! s16.5� ea. plus yourare-tappable trade -hr, These -are hard to get. We were fortunate enough to secure 12 sets. Goderich Motors Ltd. SOUTH 'STREET APHONE 83 SEE OUR COMPLETE .SECECTION OF Perso for Christmas are ecerywhere you look in Gerrard' Store, Shop Today while the Selection is Tops! Ladies' Coatt FREE -- Your selection of any hat free with Your -,purchase of a ladies' coat. as Cards . AS WARM, AS SINCERE, AND AS FRIENDLY AS A HANDSHAKE • - SIZES 10 TO 46 SPECIAL SALE of CLOUD ? and WINK COATS Here is your opportunity to purchase one of these fabulous coats at sale prices. .Shorties from $31.00 ,t6 $79.00 All bat a DISCOPNT SEE THE NATIONAL LINE more THEY'RE DISTINCTIVE - THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL - THERE'S A WIDE SELECTION BE.EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION BUT . Order Them EARLY. for best „selection and guaranteed delivery ear Phone, ,S6 -the, THESIGNAL-STAR • SiZeS• o 44. Reg. $5.95 SRECIAL $5.69