HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-11-20, Page 4y
54, New Conadian, was
*rested by police last Friday
(Welling after a 30 -day -long
teareh. Ile was picked up in
Midtown Toronto restaurant
and charged with .the October
11.8 'slaying ,of his eight-year-old
stepson, Joseph. He offered no
resistance when two detectives,
*Mug on a tip from citizens,
arrested Ithri as he Sat at a
table in a restaurant at the
copier of Harbord and Huron
streets. The intensive search
far him has included a careful
watch in the Goderich area,
Islam he has lived and visited.
The biggest turnip "groWn in
Huron this year weighs 22 pounds
and is a respectable armful. The
of Warden John Morrissey 411P,Co e-
ty council last week. D. H. Miles,
agricultural representative, who
broueht it in a box of appropriate
dimensions, announced that Mr.
Morrissey grew it down in Stephen
After the turnip had drawn ad -
Miring comments from various
councillors, Warden Morrissey had
it. carried over to Reeve Harvey
Coleman, of Stanley, who accepted
it gracefully.
"It's a credit to Mr. Morrissey,"
he said -"if he grew it."
For a Christmas gift -give the
BEDCOUNTY HOME ADDITION George's W.A. was conducted by
THURSDAY, NOV, 20t14,,, 195$
ley, Helen and Dorothy Rutled$e,
Lawrence and Glen Rbey, Allan "
McNee and Douglas uires.•
Squires, 61 Teacher's
College, London, was a recent
* Tim. November meeting of St.
by Stricte-eze
Reduces as it Slims!
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GirAle-Panty Girdle
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*Power -4 elastic gives and
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bend, stretch.'
ai 4 -inch waistband with
stay -up stays,
SLIMMER! .The REDUCE MASTER .feature consists of
hidden sheet rubber cov,ered .yith soft' cotton flannel.
This dbsorbs perspiration as ftfo•Ngirdle ;.pot.reduc-es the
tummy, hips and thighs, by ge,ntle diagoya1 'Control, bal.
*need, pressure on fatty tissues. Wh.ite, only. •
Order your size 'from this :chart
RIPS 34-36
4 S
t,1 Quantity I
The *are
to provide fer 142 beds, with total
accommodation for 202. Net in-
crease in accommodation, after do -
ing away with an old wing in which'
there are now 50 Occupanti, will
The hOme cominittee, of which
Reeve Norman Scoins of Seaforth
is chairman, brought in a' plan
estimated to cost $1,300,000. De-
puty , Reeve Nelsen Trewartha,- of
Clinton, who questioned the need
for so many beds, feund substantial
support in touncil and had the re-
port laid over until Thursday. The
amended report, then adopted, re-
duced the number of beds by 45,
and the estimated cost by $191,000
to $1,109,000.. Equipment will add
about $100,000.
"I cannot see where, for years to
.c.oine, we will need. 247 beds: said
Mr. Trewartha, discus.sing the orig-
inal report. "The Dearness Home
at London has 245. All their help
lives out, which in our case- would
gikie us 13 beds more. The old
,structure, will be gone, and I am
'glad, for it is a firetrap, but at
130 beds I think we would be safe
for years to come, because nursing
and chronic homes are coming. A
total of 247 beds and $L300,000
without furnishings, is out of the
"The figure is tbat given us •at
the last meeting with the depart-
ment, at $1.35 a cubic foot," ex-
plained Reeve Scoins.
"This will result in a special ses-
sion next year," said Clerk-Treas-
urey Berry. "This report protects
the council to dateon the expendi-
tures undertaken."
The concensus was fhat the situ-
ation in regard to chronic patients
in general hospitals, after the, hos-
pitalization plan comes into effect
January 1, will remain uncertain
for a time.
R. 0. MacTavish, associate archi-
tect. was prespnt_on_beth_clavs-to
ansWer questions. He said the de-
partment had no objection to bed
patients on a second -floor, but -alt
plans had to meet the approval of
4=als_tme,...2ould more ecomiiii-
of our own. I have been convinced
by my own observations and re-
ports of committees and conversa-
tions-- with the various members
that the accemmodation we have
out there is neither sufficie,nt nor
safe. But I am still- in the dark
as to where this hospitalization plan*
is going to take us -how we are
going to get around the heavy pay-,
ments for chronic patients. I am
not sure that this is the wisest
time for us to make such a sub-
stantial expenditure. We may lie
on sounder ground, from the econ-A
omie standpoint, if we wait until
Reeve Scoins: "We have been
told we are harboring a firetran,
and we know the equipment is
worn out. We had consent from
last June session ,to go ahead,. and
now so much difference of epinion,
we do not knoW where vve are at: -
The only .epason the chronic pat-
ients. are in the hospitals is be-
cause 'we haven't facilities in 'our
county, home tS) handle them. Do
you waht us to build the wing or
not? It would. be better to have
10 extra rooni,s than one too few."
The warden: "I would suggest
that we recommend the plan. There
will be nothing done anyway be-
fore January, and that would be a
good time to call for tenders."
Mr. Berry warned that though.
the county may pay for lewer 'in-
digent patients, the per diem -cost
will be up to at least $9.
The department pays 50% on
constructioe, 70% on furnishing
replacements and 50% on new,.fur-
nishiogs, Chairman Scoins explain-.
the Id.rs.-It. Needham,
by Mrs. Hunt and Miss I. Saults.
Mrs. H. Tichborne showed some
beautiful embroidery work done
by women of Pakistan.
The W.A. Corporate Communion
van be held on St. Andrew's Day,
November 30th at 030 a -m -
Mrs. Kolohon, Miss ,B. Lauder
and Mrs, J. Middleton werd ap-
pointed as a nominating, com-
Mrs. Hunt gave a report on the
dioCesan semi-annual rneetinig held
in Kincardine. -
The study boolt was taiten by
Sky Harbor is being used more
and mere by persens doing 1:itisi-
Hopkihson reported to county coun-
cil. During the past year Ihe;e1
were 1,200 visiting aircraft; and
the airport has been, used by the
RCAF, RCN, Department of Trans-
port and Ontario Dephrtment of
Lands and Forests. •
Work has commenced on the
east -west runway to extend it 600
feet and relocate it farther north.
Forty acres were plowed for weed
pontrol and land off the runways
The airport has been inspected
by Department of Transport and
With 280 miles of track in a
single yard, Winnipeg has the
Reeve Cecil Blake, Ashfield, Will
Seek Warcienship Of Huron In 1959
of Huron next, year; according -to and next Oar it will be the turn
intimations ot., the close of the of a Liberal. All four here men -
November session. Four members tioned are in that category.
announced retirement, and three Mr, Trewartha is retiring after
others indicated uncertainty. 12 contsecutive years in county
'Among those not expeeting to council, of which he wag warden in
be back is Warden John Morrissey, 1922. He is also a former member
reeve of Stephen, seven years in of the Legislatttre for South Huron.
county, council.
"It has been a good time," 'he Wawanesh, who had been ill, said
Reeve Orval Taylor, of East'
said,4-but it is not my wish to he wasencit sure if health, would
return next year. 1 want to devote permit return. Reeve William
more time to my own family, and Moffitt, of Blyth, completing his
unless solnethitig unforeseen shows ninth ' consecutive term, with five
up I will.definitely not be back." years''service earlier, did not wish
, Peter S. MacEwan, deputy reeve to be definite about another can -
of Galeria; Reeve Burton StatileY, didature. Reeve Norman Scoins,
of Clinton; Reeve John Kernightin, of Seaforth, pointing put that
of Colborne, and Deputy ReeVe "there is always someone to take
Nelson Trewartha,. of Clinton, an- your place," added that "they ought
flounced their retirement. ' to have the opportunity."
IIn the customary exchange of
compliments, members ooke warm-
ty of the ability of Warden- Mor-
rissey. Many 'echoed the sentiment -
of Reeve_leiterman,, of MeKillop:'
"He has conducted -his work effic-
iently and done a wonderful jOb." ity was Saddened by the tragic'
Earlier, council had approved a death of GeOrge Nicholson. The
inotieu by Cecil tBlake and John sympathy of the community goes
Kernighan "that a letter be' sent
Stephen Township requesting that out te MrS. Nicholson and Ricky.
Mr. Morrissey be returned for 1959, DeMbbrietanadnoMmrsissCaHlieSnteRwiatrutedagned,-
if he so desires, so that we mar,
have the benefit of his ex erien e. of Toronto, . were recent visitors
Iveidtghe.Mr. and Mrs.' Wilmer Rut -
Mr. Chas. McNee, Helen, Grant
and J. C. motored to Toronto re-
cently and Were accompanied on
their return by Mrs. McNee and
Jean,' who had spent a week with
relatives in the city. -
Congratulations to ftie students
who received diplomas at the
CDCI Commencement. Those re-
ceiving diplornas were Karen Brind-
world s largest rail terminal. The
.ed. CPR, CNR and three U.S..railways
run into the city. 9,
Stresses Need -
For Co-operation
to- -get- along -with other
people contribute inote to. personi
failing in business than any other
thing, said 0.. E. Nelson, of Strat-
ford, Yetired public school inspec-
"We heard from Mr, MacNaugh• tor for North Perth, who was guest
speaker at the' Lions 'Club at the
ton bere that there was pew legis -
Bedford Hotel Friday evening. "We
lation in the making at Toronto,
are not as tactful as we should be,"
said Mr. Trewartha, when the re.
he stated, using •"The tow rope"
vised plan was presented. "I took as a• symbol of the need' for co -
it he rather cautioned the county
on not going too fast." I operation in all lines of endeavor.
Lion president Bill, Lumby open-
- "Hospitals are designed for ac- l'ed the meeting, then turned it
tive treatment:" said Reeve James
to John Stringer,- 'who- called
.'est part of otir $125.001). accounst I on Jim Kinkead. to introduce the
fast year I.T.'aS for chronic patients.iguest speaker.
There is the economic aspect. andi Success .of the weekly bingos
also the humanitarian. We thoueht held by the Lions was reported by
Why diet? TRY- IT!
' the chairman of the Ways and
• - if left with chronic patients in the!
• !means committee, ply& Everett.
'Take inches off your The club voted in'' favor of pur-
.Wlign biliousness or coristipatior*
oider- kir
• Morse°8"Indiin Root P
. regularity.. Try them - get relief
with Dr. , Morse's Indian Root
Pills. At all druggists. C7-56
IRREGULARITY- ; chasing a new gong for the
harm Lions Club who lost all their
equiptnent in the recent fil'e at the
, Brunswick Hotel, Wingham.
; Named to head the eye 'glass
APPreciation for his. association
• •• Sa.y "Morry.Christri'las" with
* - ROYAL 13.ANK
A gift of cash is always welcome -i -and when you buy
your money ortyrs this year be ghee to geethcm at
your nearest Royal Qank branch. With each Royal
Bank Money Order you'll get -,at no extra cost -an
envelope and a mailing folder in gay Christrnas colours,
with which to -send y our g$11 and Pers n a I greetings.
$11P You can use,,Royal Bank Money Orders to send gifts
orcash to friends or relatives in Canada, the U.S.,
11P Great Britain or The West Indies -and Royal hanA
bank comtnittee was Bill Cleric
with Noung Canada Week as a
_;_referee kva.' _expressed in -a letter -
from Morley. Myers, of Winnipeg,
Week:Lollairman, Guy Emerson.
Welcomed• back to the meeting
after illnesse. were two Lions. Mat
Ainslie and George Filsinger.
Boys Must Pay
amages Due To
Hallowe en Fire
A Hallowe'en prank, which gave
a while. restilted in three beys ap-
pearing before Magistrate D. E.
Holmes at Gocierich Thursday.
When flames shot sky -,ward in
Stanley Township around 'midnight,
on, Hallowe'en, some thoug.ht the
S.S. No, 10 schoolhouse was on fire.
Brucefield fire'men were roused and
went rushing 4o• the scene.
'When the,y arrived, they found
the school intact but a leaf hut,
which children had built in a cor-
ner of the yard, was burning fur-
Kippen, and ,Melvin L. Walters, 16,
of R,R. Brucefield, both pleaded
guilty to wilful damage. Bruce
1 Austin, of,;, Seaforth. pleaded not
I guilty hut, was conVicted. Three'
1 other boys. too young to appear,
in magistrate's court, were connect-
' ed with the same incident.
The three who appeared in meg.
istrate's court were placed on sus-
pended sentence and ordered to
pay cciurt costs: Magistrate Holmes
instructed the six boys involved
to split the estimated damages of
;$40 and pay this amount into couft.
Fence posts, and supports were
} damaged by the fire. -
Police Stopped Car
Provincial Constable J, Parkin-
son. of Goderich, testified he was
patrol when he sakv the flames
!in the • night. sky. He stopped a
cir which he had reason to believe
; had come from the' scene of the
; blaze. The driver was Broadfoot
! and there were five other boys
Walters admitted setting the fi're.
Austin, who pleaded not guilty,
; said he 'never got out of the car,
i but he admitte4 that hfe did not
try to stop his companions from
tarrying out the deed
Magistrate Holmes took pains to
explain to him that, because' he did
not dissociate himself from the
affair, he was just as guilty as the
others in the eyes of the law.
The magistrate thought it was
an unkvise act for Broadfoot's
father 'to have giVen the boy the
use el his car -on Hallowe'en,
NILF, Nov, 17. -This commun.
tossed in the ring by Reeve Cecil
Blake, of Ashfield, chairman of this
year's roads committee and five
years in county council; Reeve Wm.
R. Jewett, of Hullett, 15 years in
township council, and Bailie Par-
rbtt, reeve of Morris. Deputy
Reeve Chester Mawhinney, of Ex-
eter, said: may or may not run
for warden."
According to
99 Bruce Ski.. Neai Victoria
Some people have a flair for giving. They have a talent and taste -
for choosing the most exciting Christmas presents. They give the,
good things that make living more pleasurable, Many 'of these
_people will give modern electric,appli,ances this Christmas—and'
they'll insist'on having them. ready for use on Clyistinas day,
because they know these appliances will' make Christmas (and
every day for th'at matter) a new and exciting experienCe.
So, thi§ year, do a little hinting. Just say you'd like something
wonderful for the- househol4 — something the whole family.. can
enjoy. And.don't be surprised if you get a, superb, modern autOrnatic
electric appliance to help. you ',live better electrically"—the safe,
clean, modern way.