HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-11-20, Page 3• • I THURSDAY, NOV.' 20th, 15 0 • • THE QaDaRICH SIGNMATXR .jr•ti,so •• • ....tn.., •gena***6••••••••,..emow•••••••• • Announce Cast Of 'Hay ,Fever' The cast .has heen'annOunced for - ."-"1.---bhwi'Vik446,0t,eliddeloWard;, - - - whielv,Goderich *Little present on • November 26 and 27. Rehearsals have now reached the ' point where polishing off •final direction A all 014 is needed be- • . - Nursing Home Pleasant stirroundhigs.' Operated by Reg. Nurse Properly balanced home cooked meals. Tray -service. Mrs. 14.. Earnshaw PHONE 1593 53 NORTH STREET 34 tf. • 'fore the play IS-Plaeed before the adjudicator, who *ill decide whe- ther or not it will be :accepted for the regional drama The .caSt is as follows: Virginia" od.ge as Judith Kiss, 4. C. blarriett IShnonWitlies;rboriSt#000001$01, Sorel Bibs, June Hill • as Clara, Pam Saddler as Jackie Coryton, Shirley 'Cummings as Myra Arun- del, H. B. Such as Richard Grea- thaln, and Carl Dorian& as Sandy Tyrell. Tie co -directors are Mrs. R. C. Hays and Mrs. Harry Ford. • Regional -Nice-President W. E. 1/1cIlroy, guest of Goderich Little Theatre, spoke • encouragingly of the activities in Canadian theatre. He praised Goderich 'Little Theatre members' for continuing- to main- tain a high standard in their pre-. sentations, particularlY their Allthi- tious effort in the current produc- , tibn, of 'Hay Fever. TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE oition. • , Canada's first newspaper was founded in Halifax in 1759 by Bartholomew Green son of a fam- ous Boston printer,.,.... Old Time and Modern Dancing AT THE ARENA Saturday, November 22 banc:ing from 9 to 11.45 p.m. to the Rebel Rousers Orchestra. LUNCH BAR - ADMISSION 50c Sponsored by Goderich Trumpet Band. 45-6 MEMBER I 4i. MacEivan Insurance r* • ency- YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL SERVICE ' %v. , $. • 4) 44 NORTH ST. PHONE 230 3, • AN INDEPENDENT ' INSURANCE AGENT TIP SessionOf County °until a uniform tline system throughout Ontario, and one from London pro- posing enlarged powers for the Ontario Watef Resources Commis- sion, so that it may construct water pipelines "on the basis on which Hydro functions." , • A resolution from ExeterAasking that machinery be set up for licens- ing of nursing homes Was concur- red in, and a bylaw. Was later pass- ed setting forth, subject to, ap- proval of the Minister of Public Welfare, the terms under which such institutiens -may operate. It will be effective January 1 next, "and -nursing 'homes now operating must apply for licenses. This has a bearing on the situ- ation as regards indigent patients' in general hospitals after the hos- pital plan comes into effect. Charles MacNaughton, M.L.A., told eou.ncil: "Some legislation has been pre- pared and more is being consider-. ed, to the extent, I think, that nursing homes will relieve to some extent the situation as, it is today. Aproved nursing homes,will be eligible to take in patientand be paid under the hospital plan, and some are preparing themselves to meet that situation. Consideration is bein'g given to allow municipal- ities and counties to contribute the rates required by the Hospital Commission, which will provide for indigents. I think proposals will be submitted to councils such as yours, and you will be able to con- tribute on account of known in- digents so they may be paid for as regards nursing care." • • All of Canada's 13 Prime Min- isters have, been outfitted by the sametailors, the Prestens Of Ot- tawa, who have been located in the • same shop since they first made riding breeches, for Sir John A. 1Vjacdonald. ":':„_",j1 n=^, • _ 4-7?1,titrir,,,J*.gzrezt-41,41t,tf. ,,,,4_,4144,4,,A • .1I1481,1111.4-•••••••• Huron' county council favors re- peal ef the Canada Temperance Act and •the application, here in- stead of ,the Liquor Control Act of Ontario. This, *is indicated when council adopted its legislative committee's report concurring in a resolution ,frein Staforth 'council proposing withdrawal ,of the fed- eral 'law and its replacement with the provincial law. Under the lat. ter,, various kinds of retail outlets for intoxicants may be established in local municipalities, after an enabling vote by the electors: • ... The Seaforth resolution said: "We .respectfully suggest that the Huron County Council, appoint a committee to seek legal advice, and investigate the desirability of petitioning the Dominion Govern- ment to vvithdratv the Canada Tem- perance Act, and adopt the Ontario Liquor Control Act." The proposal will be, referred to the county solicitor, said Warden John lVforrissey, for a report at the January session ofCouncil. In adoption of the committee •report, council rejected proposals by the Men's Council of Huron Presbytery, United. Church, for various amendments' to. the C.T.A. designed to curb public drinking and supply of liquor to those under age.: There was no debate on these ot other clauses (if the report by the legislative eommittee, which turn- ed down a Wentworth proposal for mandatory' stop by vehicles ap- proaching from either direction a halted school bus; concurred in a' osal from the Ontario Associ- ation of Agricultural Societies- for • Now Playing -Gregory Peck, In "The Bravodos"-with Joan Collins -In Color. Monday, • Tuesday arid Wednesday - VI , 46 High School Confidential" , .., _ ADULT. ENTERTAINMENT , - , Ashattering drama of present day teenagers.: with a Clarripany al of 'gust stars inCluding . ' • Ray Anthony, John Drew Barryrnore; Jerry 'Lee -Lewis, Charles Chaplin Jr. and Diane Jergens. , 1 STARRING Jan Sterling, Russ Tamblyn and Mamie Van Doren Thursday, Friday and ,Saturday- 'MARACAIBO In Vistavisiori -- 'Color Filmed in Caracas and Venezuela, a swift -action adventurc drama based on the expanding oil industry. .Corel Wilde, :Jean Wallaceand 'Francis Lederer Coming,"FRAULEIN"--In celor. -with Mel 'Ferrer -ADULT • ENTERTAINMENT. Historic, Old 'Ontario Govt. Chair •Is Presented To Warden Of Huron NOTICE Having sold my practice at Mount remit, which occu- pied my Tuesdays aand Wed- nesdays each week, l'am now in Goderihc full time. G. B. OLANCY, • Optometrist. • 44-6 . BINGO Goderich Pavilion EVERY WEDNESDAY Vegetables take on a fresh new taste with . AT 8.30 P.M. Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club for welfare. ADMISSION, $1.00 Special' -Jackpot game boosts total possible prize ,to OVER $500. -42tf NNW 4111111=1•1111111M111111116 SKATES SHARPENED with Latest Equipment. Expert Workmanship", GODER1CH SHOE REPAIR EAST STREET 46tf One of the largest attended Hur- ways under God,„tbe-guest speaker on County warden's banquets in reminded his listeners that the many years -about 325 persons- principles 9f Christianity had to be saw the presentation of an unusual gift to Warden John_ Morrissey at Knox Church on Thtitiday evening. It was a 65 -year-old chair in which successive members from Huron °sat in the Ontario Legisla- ture chamber 'since 1893. The pre- sentation was made by Charles MacNaughton, MPP for Huron, who • explained -that refurnishing of the Legislature's chamber had made the old chairs surplus. It has been fitted, with a brass tablet on which is enscribed the chair's history and date of presentation. -Warden Mor- rissey expressed .deep appreciation for the historic gift. "You have an enviable record of administration in Huron," said Rev. R. G. MacMillan, guest speaker, -ana expressed the hope that _it Would always be so. After paying tribute to the memory of the late A. H. Erskine, Rev. Mr, MacMillan ,congrabulated- -John-Berry- en his appointment as clerk -treasurer and also the. County Council on its "wise. choice" Addressing members of the coun- ty council, Rev. Mr. MacMillan said guiding principles of all true gov- ernment. • Mayor E. C. Fisher extended' an official welcome to the gathering on behalf of the town of Goderich. A moment's silence was observed in respect for the memory of the late county clerk-treasver, A. H. Erskine. Reeve J. Durgin, of West Wawanosh,-moved a- vote of thanks to the ladies serving the banquet. This was replied to by Mrs„„Harold Rivers. . • "Mr.'Erskine was a great public servant and has left a record and inspiration• for all of . us," said, Judge Frank Fingland. "His re- cord will long be ; remembered in this county," said Judge Fingland. .In proposing a toast to the ex - wardens', Mr. Earl -Campbell ex- pressed touching appreciation of two public servants, now deceased., Tom Pryde and Harvey Erskine. MPF, Cliatles -mat N a ug ton, spoke for the members of par- liament present. They were Elston Cardiff', MP, John Hanna, MPP and Marvin Howe, MP, and their wives. . . Mr MacNaughton paid tribute to "You who form any part of govern- • „ the flne reputation for efficiency ment hold a holy reSporisibility, e ijo ed County in • Pro- POinting out that the state is al- 1. vinc4 government circles. He laudal • the late Harvey Erskinel at the Lions Club bingo held at the (*COOS .....'s:Ottv SURGONS ;.!JPATJ • ANAfSTHETISTS • FEESPAID "The Ontario Hospital. Insurance plan offers protection against the cost of essential HOSPITAL care. It DOES NOIr cover medical or surgical fees." The Transportation Insurance Company now offers to the residents of Ontario a Physician and Surgeon coverage that ,pays Doctor bills at HOME -CLINIC -OFFICE AND / OR HOSPITAL. 4.4.4,4 414 •4 HIGHLIGHTS 1 -.--Individual coverage. 2 -Family coverage. 3 -One Adult family coverage. 4 -Enrolment to age 75. 5 -No medical examination required. 6 -Coverage extends coast-to-coast including United States. For fufther information, please fill oul• coupon and mail to your local' representative, Robert Walsh, c/&Box 133, Signal - Star. Name Address Town Age Oct upatioh Phone' • I • ,• Irit" . .„, MARRIED ' 0 SINGLE ' . El WIDOWED 0 -• • -46x MANY WIN PRIZES AT LIONS WEEKLY BINGO Mr, Char4s, Mills and -N1rs. Har- rison were winners of door prizes Free! Marie Fraser's oxcifing new "Bazaar Best Sellefs" reppes. Wr;te,todayl .. OAIRY FARMERS OF :CANADA 409 Huron Street; Toronto n, AS C‘j41PA.H-Y • .4.01„CeJ8,89.' lithfilli-//tPirATER100.00.40/0 • EBB ROSS Says We have a policy wbich cancels your mortgage in event of your death. , With this plan, which,is a able at very low cost, you caguarantee to leave your home ' free and clear of debt in the event of your early 'death. For _,infD.rUlallor).„5Pc„ EBB M. ROSS Representative. • • Goderich, Ont. Phone 37. ProgreSsive firm s like our modern (trout) Plans, PRE-CHIRISTAAA5' SPECIALS IN PERMANENTS - $10.00 Perm., for $7.50 $12.50 'Perm : for *$10.00 $15.00 Perm. for $1Z50 These perms will be given by Louise and Rolrei;t. .The latter will also take evening appointments. OFFER EXPIRES QN WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17. • PLAN YOUR CHRISTMAS MAILING NOW Alma Utz /task.. thl'Ae •sintiA Att4lel#0114: Check your mailingilist for correct postal addresses. • 5ho b now and buy plenty of stamps ahead of lime, • Mahe sure you have wrapping tad packing materials • When preparing parcels for mailing, print the address and your return address both on the outside and inside of the packac. • Have your parcels weighed at your neighbourhood post o1fice. A Post Office leaflet witi tie delivered_to your home fjving • siiggiSted mailing dates. 44. nf 1,4 Al* tigrallg? )1' • 14.6, Aff 4%1 CANADA P' 4nisinnin-tnin,4„, 11, • -kJ,' HEATHER1,E11711 SALON 45.8 Treasurer's Sale of Lands For .Taxes Corporation of the County of Huron 715 BWylvTi:rtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Huron under,i his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date of 12th day of August 1958 Sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Huron will be held at my office arthe hour of 2.00 p:m. in the Court House on the 9th day of December, 1958, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published' in the Ontario Gazette, on the 5th day of September, 1958, and that copies' of the said list may be had at' my office. - :The .ildjournecl sale, if 'necessary, will be held at the above age oh the 16th day of December, 1958. Treasurer's Office this 13th day of Augint, 1958. (Signed) • Treasurer. 36-48 and congratulated the new clerk, eGoderich Pavilion on W ednesday ntly trained - evng inof last week, Johh Berry, '"so efficie•-• by . the late Mr..Erskine." .),Irs, Zimmerman won one prize "Greater things are in store for Huron," said Mr. MacNaughton re -1 ferring to the Ontario Mispit4al for Retarded_ .Children --and-- the -bridge to he' built,..1/4in the next year or two" at Salrford. Reeve Arthur Gibson, of Howick.1 proposed a toast to the ladies; which was responded to by Mrs. 1 Cecil Blake, wife of the reeve Of Ashfield ToWnship. Reeve Clayton • Smith, • of Usborne, proposed, the toast to the 1958 county council. Warden Erl Boyes, of Perth, in- 'troquced wardens from neighbor - nig comities-- wh-ich included-th,e 'from Bruce. Grey, Middlesex and Lambtom 1 • Re?ve Jingoes Donnelly. of Gode- rich, proposed a toast to Vo'ardcn Morrissey who "won the high re- gard and deep affection", of the,i members °Council. Reeve George McCotcheon. of Brussels. presented Warden Morrissey , with a gift on behalf of County Council. , ..Warden Morrissey spoke of the I various places in,.4,bich the Pounty Council had sat in Godericli'duringl the seven years' in which' he had been a member. He expressed re- gret that the late Harvey Erskine Was net present. ' • I' , Thc evening's program was com- pleted with dancing at MacKay Hall Estimate $15,542 County Surplus Financial statements - submitted to county council by Clerk -Treas- urer J. G. Berry show an estimated; surplus for the calendar year of '$15,542, There is a highway de- partment' deficit of $25,000, but , this includes expenses for Decem- ber which will come out of 1959 bylaw expealiture The highway department operates on a year end- ing NoveMber 30. The treasurer I looks ' forward to uniformity "at scune future time," • Mr, Barry recommended that bank charges and eomniittee pay. now charged to general qperating account, be placed against the de- partments concerned, General revenue for the year was $1.348,688, including $774,870 in county rates; expenditure $1,333,- 147. Roads department revenue, $865,042; expendqure, $890,118. On county home 'Operations there was a surplus .Of $408 for nine months ending September 30., hut income in the latter part of the year will bring this up substantially, Man- ager Harvey Johnston explained. Take A Peek The year end is a'pproaChing -when the' majority of subscrib- ers, to The Signal -Star renew their subscriptions, Take a peek at the mailing label , the front page of your paper. It tells you the date on which your paper expires. , To en- iskik.katuilatanuasiat,aalwaggaz larly, renew that subscription today before the busy ;Chricl• mas shopping season acts tinder way. of $32.50 and Mrs. Elmer Cranston a $40..00 prize, Mrs. 4Penningtom and James Vincent split a $50 prize. 11 In addition, there were many win- ners of $10 prizes. 'These bingos are held every Wednesday evening at the Pavilion with proceeds going to the' welfare fund of the Goderich Lions Club. • larnes Richardson 81. -Sons- LtcL "Serving the Feed Dealers of Western Oritario" PHONE 543 AND 544, GODERICH -36-rr 4*, • . s r•-• ••• . , • W1NTE THE TIME' fora HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN available through your bank under the' National Housing Act • xfor the following: AlteratIons or -repairs to an exterior or an interior of a'home, including the addition of one or more rooms, storeys or family housing units; also a garage or ontbuilding;.and demolition or moving of buildings; Also.ihe purchase, installation, repair or improve- ment of heating systems;.6f electric light and power systems, and plumbing; of built-in cooking, and refrigeration, and, garbage dis- posal equipment; septic tanks and connet- 'tions to public sewers; of storm doors and windows, .screens and awnings; „ • Also painting, paper hanging and general decor- atiN,rincludirrg an overall floor covering; the • sinl,ing, or improvement of wellg and all typt.s of water supply systems and ,other home iniprovenients. • MAXIMUA NHA HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS: $4,000 for a one -family dwelling, or $4,000 for the first unit of a duplex semi-detached or multiple - family dwelling, plus $1,500 for each additiona3 unit up to maximum of $8,500 for a four -unit dwelling.Rayme epnt: Loans are repayable in monthly in- stallments, together with interest, for periods up to -ten years. 4 , For more Cletalls-Inquireat,your bank, and have the job done this winter. when men and materials are available. • FARMERS , 1 Inquire ahout'Government-backed Farm /m- • procement LoanR. available through your bank up to $5,000 and with up to 10 years to repay. Loans for equipment, livestock, as well' as a wide range of Horne Improvements. .....-. Why Wait- for Spring? 00. /M171( (1 h11 ,41rthorif;of 4. • •;`• 'n+ • 4 " n A