HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-11-13, Page 11•1 •
41`111,41,S.I$AY, NV. 13th, 1918
News. Of
DUNGANNON, Nov. 11. — Mr.
wawanosh,,underwent an
operation at Winghani hospital and
is progressing favorably.
Mr. and Mrs. •Harold Maize and
family spent the :week -end with
his sister and famili, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Springer, Tillsonburg.
uncle, Pete Glazier, of London,
"helped out at the farm.
siMrs. Oscar Cuthill, Walton, visit-
ed her parents, Mr, ,and Mrs,
Arthur Elliott, last Thursday. Mrs.
Elliott, returned with her 'daughter
to spend a •few days, returning
home. on Sunday. .On Sunday , Mr,
Elliott and Mrs. Elliott's two sisters,
Misses Rebina and Nettie Sproul,
visited another sister, Miss Clara
Sproul, Stratforit'and Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Cuthill and Paul, Walton.
- Mr._ Alan Neelon, student min-
ister, of Bluevale, exchanged pul-
pits with Rev: R. Kennedy. The
former occupied the pulpit at The
Dungannon United Church on Sun-
day morning. He is a brilliant
speaker and gave a fine sermon on
"The Joy of Religion."
Dungannon -
Mrs. Roy Finnigan visited her
,one day last week.
Miss Evelyn Smyth, student at
Teachers' College, London, spent
the week -end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Smyth.
: Mrs. Nelson Pearson gave a birth-
day dinner party for her mother,
Mrs. Gordon Congram, on. Novem-
ber 5 and also for a boy neighbor,
Terry Maize, who was eight years
old that day. We are pleased to,
know Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Con -
gram, :who a while back were not
in very good health, are qnite well
again. Guests for the evening with
Mr. and Mrs, Pearson and faxn.ilY.
were Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Con -
gram, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne 'Hasty
and family, Mr. -And Mrs. Harold
Maize and family, and Mr. and Mrs
Lloyd Batkin, Clinton.
Mr. J. C. Dtirnin, Kitchener, was
home for the week -end arid receiv-
ed his GradeXI1T-diplema from
GDC1 on Friday night.
Mrs. William Caesar was hostess
at her home on Thursday after-
noon last week l Mrs. Ben Mole,
Guild president, cond,icte4I the
meting. Mrs. R. J. Mullin,' at
honorary member, gave a reading.
Mrs. H. L. Jennings cios,ed the
meeting with prilyer. Mrs„ Tom
!ark 4...W,ArgArtACI04'
Theladies of the United Church
will cater for a Father and Son ban-
quet Qn Friday night of this week,
sponsored by the Sigma C's.
The United Church Woman's As-
sociation held a successful pcnnY
auction sale on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Omar Brooks, the President,
was in the chair for a short pro-
gram arranged by , Mrs. Robert
Stothers, Mrs. Esther Rivett,
Lorne Ivers, Mrs. Robert Bere and
Mrs. William Petrie. Community
singing wasled by Mrs. Esther
Rivett, with Mrs. Durnin Phillips
at the piaho. Mrs. Charles Fowler
gave a reading, followed by a
chorus of high -school girls; piano
solo by Sandra Brooks; reading by
Buckingham; duet by'Mrs.
Rivett and Mrs. Allan Dickson;
reading by Mrs. R. Finnigan; solo
by -Rev: R. Kennedy and- reading
by Mrs. Lornelvers. Mr.' Kennedy
acted as auctioneer. The sale net-
ted around $107 for the W.A. funds.
The Erskine Presbyterian Church
eiii**004,0,40,Y,Oft o40
fellowsh1p Ofl Monday,' night.
supper was _s_Orve_din the basement
and Rev. W; ATeCiepn PreSided
later in the auditor Um for Pito-
, • . ,A4444,44
River, visited on Sunday with
.:*sn.tPine 00327P1 • ,
ied by Mrs. AllaX.1 Reed at the
organ. Mrs. Will Clark,Carlow,
showed slides of he trip o the
British Isles last summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Gle Ilu
latter's parents, Mr -and- Mrs. Nel-
son Culbert.
Mr. John Stevenson, London,
made a call one day last week to
see former childhoo neighbors,
Mrs. J. Oliver and herAister, Miss
E. McMillan.
Miss Elizabeth Pentland, London,
spent the week -end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frarik Pentland
The Standard Pairing' Company is
creating a hum of activity west of
Dungannon at the gravel pit on
the farm of Mr. Ben,Park. ° Several
families .have taken up residence
in trailers there as work is pro-
gressing in the paving of the Blue
Water Highway from Sheppardton
to Kincardine.
An advertisement in the Signal;
Star brings quick results.
'• •
• ,;1*4"4,14t,t: :
tn , 'the
shoW, sPOnsored by Tiger o'9,s down tile ramp in the
Smart clothes so PerlectlY.tade.
Women's Institute at Colborne Mrs. John Kernighan drew the
Township Hall on Tuesday of last 1-110y tickets. First prize, the mak-
ing of a dress donated W Mrs.
Schmidt, was won by Mrs. Art
Maskell; secomd, a door prize don-'
ated by the Distitute, was won by
Mrs. Ross McPhee.
Ladies of the recent millinery
class were introduced by Mrs. T.
Lamb, as they modelled their new
hand made chapeaus of gayest
color and material.'- •
Mrs. G. Kaitting and Mrs. D. Mc-
Neil. sang beautifully, accompanied
by -1Virs, George Nicholson .at the
piano. ;Home made baking was
quickly sold by auction. Mrs.
George Ross was the capable auc-
tioneer. After the Queen and
grace, an interesting afternoon was
brought to a close with lunch 'serv-
ed under the convenership of Mrs.
T. Clark.
week, -proved • a crowd -drawing
event Not onlydid it interest
women froin a wide"spread section
but even men working on the re-
construction of the read at Smith's
Hill dropped in from time to time
to .take a peek at the parade' of
lovely gowned ladies.
The hall, decorated with autumn
flowers, was filled to capacity with
ladies from town and country. Mrs.
Stanley Snyder, a past president,
presided for the program. She
.introduced Mrs. Marianne Schmidt,
Goderich, who brought many
beautiful hand, made dresses an4
coats designed for milady's ward-
rlcoe. 'While Mrs. Schmidt in her
charming manner commented on
the flifferentstylesrher sister, Mrs.
Eric ,Mueller, worked behind, the,
curtain, zipping the pretty models
into the dresses.- Modelling were
Miss Heidi Schmidt, Miss Karin
Mueller and Mrs. E. Tafeit. Many
It's BEAUTIFUL I- Greatest Tableware Value Anywhere!
-152 Pieces of Fme.
ir •
English Dinnerwart.
' Imported direct, from England,-gratiaus "Wild
Rose" pattern quality dinnerware service for%
8`with essential serving pieces.
. potter'
Sparkling, crysfeil-clear, cut •Il
,glams•sveare in the delicate
Few things add so 'much,
table setting as silverplate
service for 8 made by
The International Silver Co.
Watt =1.7f7--
8 tumblers
' 2 •
,;.**Si'•:•,:. • • , • ••
'So much Vatue for so
risk last-minute
Our 'COnvenient
Please ship me this 140.piece, Combination Dinner'Set, prepaid. I agree to
Dear Sir: .
Z ' pay the advertised prite of $39.95 with the understanding that if I am not
0 comptetely satisfied, Imay return it and receive my money badc.r..-:-;.,
. 5
NAME .. 0
a. , .
............... ,,. ... . .......... . ................. . ........
o ADDRESS. ............... e .... ............... .: ...................... ...
.. .
CITY..... ' .. 1-....; ............... . ....... PROV. .....................
1111 1111'' ;,,4,::v. IN 11101 ili NI El 11111.111
disappointment ,due to a sell-out:
Nurses Addressed
By Dr. N. C. Jackson
"Fluid Balance" was the subject
of an address by Dr. N. C. Jackson
at the November meeting of the
Graduate Nurses' Association held
in the dining room of • the new
wing of Alepndra Hospital. Thirty-
three nurses were in attendance
with the association president, Mrs.
Ruth Jerry, presiding:
Mrs. 'Bud ‘Lumby introduced_the
guest speaker, Dr. Jackson, who
told of the importance of fluid bal-
ance in relation to surgery, burn
cases, and the condition of the
btood. 'Dr. Jackson also outlined
recent advancements‘made in brain
and heart surgery. A motion of
thanks for the address was moved
by Mrs. Kathleen Glen.- "
Miss Rosemarie.Chisholm report-
ed a bank balance on hand as fol-
lows: trust fund, $609.00; general
Mrs. Kathleen Glen, dance con-
liener, reported a balance of a little
more than $100 from the recent
dance held. Mrs. Glen and the
committees were thanked for the
.success of the 'old time dance.
• It was decided to postpone the
rummage sale until spring. Jt;was
moved by Mrs. Eileen DearCand
seconded .by Mrs. Marjorie Cavell
that the association give the usual
Christmas alt to a local family in
need.. of help. Food is to be
brought to, the next.,.meeting. and •
Clothing is to he left at the home':
of Mrs. Phyllis Johnston, East
street.. • •
On •a motion by Mrs. Agne
.EWan and Mrs. Eva ;Laa1iPe, it
was decided to disContinue the one
dollar 'oift exchange. and gN.e the
-money or. gift to a needy
instead, . •
The win:: patients at the hos- .
pital are to be given favors. 101'
the trays this ChristMas. instead,
of candy as, in the past.' This mo-
tion; was by_Mrs. Eileery.Dean and,
Mrs. Kathleen, Glen:
Mrs, A. Fisher was •winner of the
draw. 'Five dozen Waste paper
baskets have been «0 by
theft.5socialion for tt.ie. at the hos
ritat41s) two intravenous stands,
tWo bed !i'2,h4.,, two fool 'stools ;nil
a soap dispeiser
At thetall rally, el 'the Huron
County Women's Institute at Ex..
• ;
:Johns,. Of WoodbAtnr made the Pre'
sentation of the lltu'on County Wo-
men's Instittite Schelarship to Miss
Marilyn A. Riley, of the Seaforth
District 4-H Homemaking Club.
Marilyn is the daughter of Mr.,
and Mrs. Ben Riley,'who farm, at
RIR. 1, Londesbore. She is a gradu-
Ate of the Seaforth District High
SchoOl and at the present tune is
majoring in honor mathematics and
physics at the University of West-
ern Ontario.
Marilyn was awarded this schol-
arship on the excellent standing
which she achieved in her six 4-H
Homemaking Club Projects as well
as her general ability as a student.
This is the third year this
scholarship has been awarded to a
Homemaking Club Member confirm-
ing with their schola,Atic -studies.
- •
wlitirtsh Mr.N.TrartudemMnres.rfla..tN'Arewthhi%na4inci
Mrs. A, ]Wfatheson, of VancOUver,
Who has been visiting here :for the
past month with her sister, Mrs.
William Snyder, has returned to .
her home.
' The November Ladies' Aid
ing' was held .at the home of Mrs.
Walter Hicks. , The hostesSes for.
the meeting were Mrs. Barrie VVI) -
ter and Mrs. Jerry Ginn. The '
December meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Duff Sturdy with ,
the roll call being answered with
an.exchange of Christmas gifts.
Huge dredges that move .along
the 'Yukon River suck tp thesand
aonfclgotairaouyetaerf. it about $2.5 million .
Thc, s..rvieo ;for, Jatoc,...
in,nrl'i,r 01 th
. _
men Chili. of Goeer;ch.•was.,hclil •at
Toronto Iasi FiiJv with intorment
al Toronto. His deatil
-,,occurrecl at Toronto Qii,,Tuesday of
, last week folliming an illness of
some 'duration. Ile was in his late
Air' Goiler.di in 19,4f). • ; '
'o; 1i li‘ing here fin' about three-
- 411; ;,-oars whcre he was eost account-
ant at the Dominion Roiid Machin-
ery Company. \\Idle inToronto he
• associated with the national.
, organization of Kinsirien clubs,
SUFViVing besideS.his w-ife are a
on and, a daughter,
Cor. West St. and Square - Phone 45
- for
Thursday Friday attirclay
100 A.S.A. TABLETS „ ..... 29c
Re 25c EPS1YM SALTS for , ......... 19c
Reg. 98c VITALIS for 80c
Reg. $1.20.WOODBURy SHAMPOO - 69c
Regi---$145k-HOT-=-WATSR-130TTLES 99c
Reg. $2.50 Desert Flower Hand 'arid Body „LOTION $1.25
63c Gleem TOOTH PASTE Nail Brush FREE
63c Pepsodent TOOTH PASTE Ball Point Pen FREE
50 Fine Christmas, Cards with Envelopes 98c
A $1.25 Bottle" of HiFi Fluid -Make-up and a $1.0OLipstick
BOTH for, $1.50
A $1.25 Cream Puff Compact Powder and a $1.00 _Lipstick
BOTH..for $1.50
and Humidifier -- with a bottle of KAZ INHALANT excellent
for head and chest cold medication — •
Ld41 PRICE FOR BOTH — Only $3,05
siseaseureszszlu=s ,sr.7mommie,==
• — 4.— •—••••.-
+ . WEDDING + •
Before ,,a setting 'of yellow., and
bronze mums, Helen Joyce Sowerby
and Robert VanRiesen exchanged
marriage VOWS' in a 'double -ring
ceremony at Victoria Street United
Church on Saturday, Rev. S,' A.
Moot o officiated: The bride is the.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles '
Sowerhy, of Goderich, and the
groont is the son of Mr; and Mrs.
K. VanRiesen, or Clinton. •
Frank Bissett played traditional
wedding music. .
The bride, given in' marriage. by
, her, father, wore a waltz•length
gown of Chantilly lace and nylon
net Over taffeta featuring a sabrina.
neckline and long, tapered, lily.
point sleeves, A tjara of -sequins
an(11seed, pearls held her linger4ip
veil ii)
,f nylon net. She carried a
Fou Itet of yellow roses.
; The bride's cousin, Miss Donna
Feagoolof Goderich. as bridesmaid,
rhos e a waltzlength 1:t'own of blue
nylon net over taffeta with an off-
the-shaUlder neckline trimmed with.
rhinestones. She carried a bouquet
of pink carnations.
Flower girls were Lynne Gib-
bings, pf Clinton and Sharon Ryan,
of Goderich, nieces of the bride,
dressed in blue and pink nylon
dresse.i. ,
The groom's brother, Kenneth
Vangjesen, was groomsman and
Barry Sowerby, brother of the
bride, and Douglas Fesgan, cousin
of the bride. ushered, •
Thr' reeeptiotrVaS held at Tiger
Dunlop Inn where the bride's mo
ther received the guests in an
avocado' green v,1vet dress with
corsage of. white carnations, The
groom's mother wore an aqua -
Marine taffeta dress with, a pink
carnation corsage.
. 4
. ,
• , • .
e nr e•
States, the bride donned a royal
blue Wool shca,th•style dress with
-black ,topcoat, white accessories and
a corsage of white roes
The voting couple will reside .in
Lay -Away Plan
May we suggest vou come in soon
and. make your Xmas Gift selections
-white ctocks are-eCiFriPfele. A sma.li
deposit will hold any article till
Dec. 18. Do come in and browse
around ---you will find a wide selec-
tion of new and different GIFTS.
eg.a.oemiewkmeezgemu.am,oson. .0=4,1=1=eamermumemen.mmeanzselamet• z,zzErauss.
* Fibreglass Insulated
* Adjustable Shoulder Strap
• DivisiOn for Wet and Dry Diapers
.',Completely Washable
1 Pink- or Blue
Hair Brush Department
and see the wonderfu, values we have in Hair Brushes for
both Ladies and,,,POnts,•--
tArag,s' KEYSTdNE NYLON BRUSH, only 98c
A wide selection of others at prices up to $4,95
LADIES! Ask us for one of our CHANEL XMAS SHOPPING.
CARDS. -the greatest boon in helping your husband do his
Xmas shopping ever invented. Hewill be happy and so will you.
Personalized - -
Christmas Cards
from your
favorite negative
Prices Listed Below include Folder and Envelope
COLORE'b PRINT from Your Colored Negative or Transparency
15 Cards $6.80 25 Cards $9,95
BLACK AND WHITE fiom Your Own Negative —
15 Cards $3,50 50 Cards $6,50
Come in and see our samples and rn.:4'ke Agar sele,c