HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-12-18, Page 5For 30 Days
Gonne See Prices
We now .offer Stock, Tinware
and Stoves 4. -way Down,
$ ets
No 9 Tin Bailers (made from best
Bradley tin), each, 1 75
10 qt Tin -'ails, (do), each 20
10 qt Tin Pails, (do) , each, rim25
12 cit Tin Pails (do), 4 for 1 00
12 qt Tio fails (do), rim, 4 for1 50
Steamers ,.,....... 30
Stove Beards all sizes • ........... 1 00
No. 9 .Brilliant Penensular Cook
Steve , ,... ,....... 14 00
No 9�Ai'ood, Cook. 17 00
Fine Art Royal Coal Stove...... , 20 00
Brilliant Noyelty " , -, 14 00
Second hand Radiant Home Coal,. 8 00
One 5 hole Northwest Standard20 00
2 Extended Reserviora- , . , ... , .. , 20 00
4 Gallons Coal Oil.. . 70
ac ,c Water White. - 1 00
Gltestncut coal
Horn\ells ,•,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 00
Steel Nene ..... ,,•,,„,,,,,,,,,, 2 90
-Cont Iron., 2 60
No 3 Daisy Churn. .... 5 00
TOI aET SOAPS—ran line--1'3leetrie,
Russian, London, Dignan
Smiths 5i{inti, Hume Wool. 1'icFtrse, lSTo.
1'G0s, 7'QVLTi8Y, i i Talon,
Exeter Roller Flour: on hand;at
$2,83 per cwt,
Proprietor. Manager.
After a long and:sensational trial the
Pittsburg, Pe,, Reform Presbytery
Friday suspended the five ministere
of' that denomination, at' heresy, by a
vote of 25 to 4.
The first application :or Dr Zoete&
lymph in New York, 000urred in St
Luke's aospitel, Wednesday. Two
wards—one for been and one for wo-
men—are set apart for the purpose.
It is said that out of every ten clerks,
mechanics and men of moderate satar,
les, who have bought homes for them
selves in Chicago, only three have
succeeded in meeting the payments
and eventually securing a deed. 11 e
others have lost from $300 to $1000
each, but in most cases was their own
The rainfall in California thus far
this season has been the smallest of
any year since records were first kept
in 1849. This year dry ploughing has
been successfully followed, and a large
area is already seeded. 40 exam-
tlainr.?ion of the regards allow that the
drvest years to December 1 have given
the best yield of wheat, with he ex-
ception or the season of 185051. Lit-
tle rain is needed thin year, and a few
inches within the next thirty days or
so, with fair rains in the slating, will
ensure good grope -,.-.northers barred.
There is a movement on foot in Win.
Uipeg, Manitabe, to induce Bra,otus
Wiman to accept a nomination for the
Rouse of Conmana.
Geo AfeKerracher, a 16.year old
pupil or the Montreal High $ehool,
whish was recently burned, has con-
fessed that he set the Wilding on fire.
Ile was arrested.
The north shore (New Bruuawlok)
lumber exports for tine season amount
to 132,000000 teat, a railing off of 30,-
000,01() as compared with last year.
St, John's shipmanta are 180,000,000, a
decline or 4.7,000,000.
With respect to the establishment
or a fsst line of steamers between Can-
ada Ad Croat Britain, Hon McKenzie
Bowen, Acting ;Minister el Finance,
said it was altogether probable that
arrangements for the, new line will be
eomulated shortly.
The returns or contagious diseases
for the past week are a bail showing
again for Toronto, there being 49 cases
repoteed. Of these 25 were diphtheria,
22 typhoid and ,2 scarlet fever. The
returns for the two weeks ended Sat•
urday are 90.
Salt Belward Marlatt, son of the
miller at Port Burwell, met with an
acci,lent'I'uesd'ty that came very near
proving fatal, his coat caught in the
abaft of bis father's mill and he went
over it three times before the mach-
inery aould be stopped. Lila wounda
were very painful.
John A. Wilkinson, known in On-
tario politics as "Big Push” Wilkinson
died at Toronto Friday after a very
short illness. Deceased was aged 56
years, and was formerly a Conservative
organizer. He has lately been engaged
in literary work, and has been at differ
en t tunes pastor of a Methodist church
and newspaper publisher.
The Northwest Mounted Police are
experiencing some difficulty in pre.
venting Montana cattle from entering
Canadian territory in search of food.
Over 5,000 head are known to be in
Milk River region,:and the police have
been busily engaged in driving them
from the Canadian quarantine district.
It appears that the Montana ranchers
are short of todder. Range cattle in
Montana are selling at $10 per head,
and a similar price prevails in Oregon,
while horses can be obtained for $40
Wi',00uNG BI Lr.a—Un Tuesday last
two of those happy events took place
in the Lutheran church. In the fore.
noon Mr Samuel .Miller was married to
Miss Krenger, and in the aflernaon
Mr David Schroeder was married to
Miss Martha Willert.
BRIEFS—Last Friday a publ;o ears
'nation teas held in our school, As
the weather was very stormy and dis-
agreeable, many of those who intend-
ed to go were unable to attend. The
following teachers from neighboring
schools were present; Meesra S J
tetra, C B Lttta i Misses Al. Morrison,
L Uaua'tt and n J Snell, ex-tenober;
besides there were about fifty other
visitors and about eights scholars. In
the forenoon some of the classes were
OW411lued and then followed a short
programme, consisting of dialogues,
recitations, music and speeches. The
examination closed with ;tinging "God
save the Queen," --The saw mill yard
is beginning to look quite different
from what it d%d last winter.—Mr M.
Finn is quite happy over the birth of
a daughter.--hlr'1' Snell has returned
home from Clinton, where he was at.
tendiog the 5lodel School during the
past term,—A large number from
hare intend to go to the entertatnmet t
at Zurich, on. Friday evening next,—
Mrs .f ckstein is very ill at present.
Baum—The regular meeting or the
Y .0' NI '1Association was held on lion
day evening last, when there was a
lirge turn. out, the attraction being
a debate on the subject as Resolved
that the Chinese should be admitted
tree." Tho affirmative was supported
by i\fessrs T aiuchanan, I Bell, W
Carlisle and Rev J S Henderson and
the neattive by Messrs J Patterson,
G Bei tb, G R Sweitzer and L tleralti
The committee alter weighing the ar.
gumants on each side, gave the decd.
skin in favor of the aflirmative--The
Fansviilo .Epworth visited the Hensel'
Epworth league an 'Tuesdsy evening,
when a very profitable evening was
spent in listening to a very interesting
bible reading by Miss se 1I Rowson,
and in becoming acquainted with each
other, The Hensel! league will short
ly return the visit —Le grippe has his
grip again on our villagers.—The re
gular annual Christmas Tree in con-
nection with the Methodist S S, will
be held on Christmas night.—A
Christmas Tree in connection with the
Presbyterian S S, wih be held on
Chr,stmas eve.—Lawyer Manning, of
Clinton, preached in the Hensel!
Methodist Church, on Sunday evening
last, and gave a very interesting
sermon, which was listened to with
marked attention. Mr Manning is
not only a good lawyer but an excel-
lent preacher.- Our shops are putting
on a holiday look and judging from
appearances, Santa Claus will be pro-
fuse with his presents this year.—Tele-
phone seems dead again.
William Wallace Blanchard was
hanged at Sherbrooke, (Zoe., on Thu -s
day, the 10th of December, 1890
The execution was performed by
Radclive, who had officiated at Lon-
don and Woodstock. The gallows
was of the usual type, with the weight
that did duty for Birchen. Blanchard
walked onto the scaffold calmly,
thanked all who had been kind to
le and bid them farewell. The
cr me for which ho was hanged was
a' twitted in November of last year,
and was entirely without premedita-
tion, He and a friend named Calkins
had beau drinking together, when
Blanchard took out a revolver. Cal-
kins recommended him to lay it aside,
which he refused to do. A scuffle en-
sued during which Calkins was fatally
The Dominion and Ontario Govern-
meets are being asked to bonus the
extension of the Central Ontario Rail-
way through to the Sudbury mines to
the extent of $1,500,000. They are
also asked to pay interest on $5.000,-
5 000,.000 of capital stock for nickel steel
plant for a period of ten years. It is
said the extension of this railway
to Sudbury will traverse iron bearing
territory 100 miles in extent, and by
connecting these great mineral depos-
its the assistance of the two Govern-
ments wilt enable Canada to manu
facture her raw material and furnish
nickel sheets to the European markets
The Dominion Government` now pays a
bonus of $2 per ton upon the manu•
facture of pig iron The enterprise
involves an investment of moee than
42 ),000,0, 0.
xa1r Roller (dills,
WheOURS 4. 441Na ECRL( per bush.
at . $5c.. to 88e.
Flour, Strong Baker's, $2 75 per 100
do Best Family 2 35 „
do Low Grade -- 1 75 "
Baan, ,,, 80e. "
4ltddlings 90o.
Screening .. ... 1 00c.
Chop ... 1 00 to 1 25 16
Chop stone running every day,
All Men
young, old, or middle-aged, who find them
selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
are broken down from ezeess or overwork,
resulting in many of the following symptoms
Mental depression. premature old age, loss
of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams,
dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart,
emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kid -
flop:, headache, pimples on the face or
body, itching or pecular sensation about the
Qeroiunl, wasting of the organs, diazines+,
sproks before the eyes, twitnhing of the
mentos, eye lids and elsewhere, bashful.
nese, deposits in the nrlue, tons of wilt newer
tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and
flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be
rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
hearing. loss of voice, desire for solitude,
excitability of temper,suuken eyes surround-
ed with leaden Circle, oily looking skin,et°.,
are all ay eaptoms of uefvous debility that
lead to iusauity and death unless Cured,
i'le spring or vital force having lost its
tension every function waues haconsequenee
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorance may be permanently cured.
Spud your address for baok on all diseases
Peculiar to man. Address 4. V. Belson, 50
Front St. Fe, Toronto, Out, Books sent
free sealed, Heart disease, the sytuptom+
of which are feint spells, purple lips, numb
cess, pelpitatirn, side beats, hot flashes,
rush of blood to the head, dell pain in the
begirt with beats strong, aanid and irregular,
the second heart heat quloker than the first,
pale about the breast bone, etc., can Posi-
tively be cured- No euro, no pay. Send
for book. Address M. V, IaUOON, 50 Front
Street Bast. Toronto, Out.
This is the frit of a large aunaber of
shipments that will be made in the
course of a few weeks, Messrs Atkin
son and Weston having contracted
with a dea'er in the same market to
supply him with several thousand
head, prices an this line of stock never
were so high. Perhaps Free 'Traders
wilt say this is one of the injuries the
McKinley Bill is doing the farmers or
BRrEFd.-111r. Needham of the Pres'
byterien church occupied the pulpit in
Seaforth onSunday laat, and Rev. Mr,
Stafford, Methodist, of Poronto,preaoh-
ed anniversary sermons. Bothservices
were well attended and highly appre-
ciated.—Logs, wood and grain are corn
ing to town in abundance.—MrGeorge
McGregor hail returned to Detroit.—
D. 1). Wilson will not contest the
Reeveship, and M. Y. McLean is in the
field against all comers.—Mr. F. S.
hlitvhell, formerly of this place, but
now of London, acted as floor manager
at the Firemen's bail on Friday night
The affair was a grand success, over
150 couples being present. The string
band from Brodhagen furnished the
St Marys.
BRIEFS—The old folks' concert which
was held on Friday ,evening last was
highly entertaining. The opera house
was well filled, and those who have
seen enough winters to know, 'say it
was a very true representation of "Yo
olden times."—The Sunday school
anniversary in connection with Knox
Church was held on Sunday and Mon•
day. On Monday, Rev Mr Muoh, of
Toronto, occupied the pulpit. On
evening tea was served to the Sunday
School children after which a musical
concert was given.—An entertainment'
will be given Friday evening in the
opera house uhder the auspices of the
Collegiate Institute teachers and
pupils. Extensive preparations have
been made, and no pains have been
spared in order to make it the most
entertaining of all entertainments of
the seasons—What, in summer makes
fit Marys one of the most beautiful
towns of the west, in winter renders
her the most dangerous for the small
boys and a number of the larger ones,
who betake themselves with their
sleds to the hills, and there forgetful
of everything but the pleasure of the.
hours engage in the game of coasting,
which renders travel, if not impose
sable, at least very 'dangerous, on'some
of the most important streets of the
town.—With the return of the Christ.
man season come the 'Varotty and
Medical students, to share with the
folks at home the pleasures of the fes-
tive days, A large number ot.them
are already shaking hands with friends
and the turkey market has an upward.
tendency—A. Targe number of sheep
. were shipped on Monday ' Last, by Al-
fred Lantana to the Buffalo markets..
The present prices are 15,50 per °tort.
Mr Asa Marr, of Ay mer, is the possessor
of a remarkable motley oow that beats any-
thing yet on record. She will go up a
flight of thirteen steps, sed steep at that,
to the hayloft, and after satisfying her ap-
petite will retrace her steps to the barn
floor without any aseistanee. This she has
repeatedly done during the fall.
There died in SfcGiilivray township, a
few days since, Annie Bradley, aged 76
years, She was born in Tipperary, Ire•
land, end emigraed to Canada when an
infant. She resided iu McGillivray ip,
Fier family consists of nine members, five
eons and four daughters, the oldest being
Dr Thomas Bradley, of Bervie, the present
reeve of Kincardine tp . and the youngest
being Jacob, who lives on a farm near
!t 41tXE.0 EDP ORTS.
Red Wire ...
Spring Wheat„
Qata ,,,
Clover seed ...
Peas .,,
Flour perbbl ,.
l'otatoes,perbushel ••
Appies,per nag ...
DriedApplerpr b
Geese perlb, ,..
Tnrkeyperlb ...
Ducks pet lb
Chickeusperpr ,,,
itogs,dressedperic0 ,.
sridesrongh, ••• .,
Sheepskins each
Woo) per lb
F£ay Porton
ONE OF THE SxexrS—Visitors to Mon-
treal find the printing establishment of the
Family Herald and Weekly Star to be one
of the most interesting eights in the town.
On publication days, Tuesdays and Wed.
nesdave, all day long there is the hum of
the gigantic lightning presses turning out
complete copies of the Family Herald and
Weekly Star at the rate of twenty two
thousand copies an hour, printed,: out and
folded by automatic machinery. without
being touched by hand, Then there is an
army of men and women operating the
machines that put on the address labelss
following that they are turned over to gangs
of mailers preparing tha papers for delivery
to the Post Office by mammoth expresses.
One of the busiest places in the country is
the office of The 'Family Herald and
Weekly Star., Montreal.
«. 0 C5 to 0 06
• 07 to CR
... 0 0to 0 07
,,. 0 :10
to030Gt go c.„. 46te 52620to250
• 35to 390
06to• Otoo0>r
... 5 rG sof n'
.., O60to0C5,
• 273to3
855000 RR
40 to 00 45
40 to 41
1 50 to 2 01
0lto 03
0 40 to 11
50to. 22
50 to 05'
0 4100,50
Fall Wheat 0 34 0 R0
Spring Wheat ........ .... ......... 0 84 0 80
Bar,ey 1 0 49 0 44
Oats 03513,
Clover Seed1701 70
'Timothy -•, 1 00 2 a'
Poets- ........ ...... ................. . 9 55 0 an
Eggs 200 20
Butter i2 0 13
Patotoes per bag .., ........ 75 e:
Apples per buses.....„..se. ...... ..,... 0'en
Thor pertain .. ............................ 5 50 500
Rrau per lou ,,, ., ..,,,..14
aborts ” 'a, , 20 00 2900
Oatmeal perbbl..., , .... 6 (0 7 03
Whont, die to Ole nor bus. oats, 290 to
40c per bus. Peas,63c to fire per bus. Bur-
loy,',f ming, 501 to 5.5cj'er bus. Barley Feed.
4.1e to 480 per bus ora, 0lip to [le per.
Toronto. Ilec. 3 -wheat Spring 1n, 2. 934
to Ole per bus; red winter. No.2 Ir,e to roper
bus Manitoba No lila—M.1 39 to 132 No 0.1 24
to 1 39 PF :S Ole to Cie per bus ttA1y 4:c
to lie per bus. FLOUR. extra. $4 0.to :'410
her bat: straight roller ii t0 to 84,21,;
s. roue bakers, 40 to $4 .`0- BART Fl, too 1,
09e to 63c; No 3 extra. 520 to 0i¢; No 2, 550
to ,,0
,A, Present To Our S1,bscribera.
ie with pleasure that we aunnnnee to
our many patrons that we have made
arrangements with that wide awake, illus-
trated farm magaziue, the <A:ate:i4ax
'S1i'%i8R, published et Fort Wayne, Ind.,
and read by nearly 500,000 farmers by
which that great publication will herniated.
direct, to the address of any of our sub•
scribers who will come in and pay up all
arrearages on subsi'ription and 131 10 in
advanee from date, and to any new sub-
scriber who will pay $1 15 one year in
advance. This is a grand opportunity to
obtain a firet•elass farm journal. The
Amenicae FARMER is a large 16 page
jcurnal, of national mediation, 'which
mints among the leading Agricultural
papers, It treats the question of economy
in agriculture and the rights and privi
teges of that vast body of citizens—Ameri-
can Farmers— whose industry is the basis
of all materiel and national prosperity.
Its highest purpose is the elevation and
ennobling of Agriculture through the
higher and breeder education of men and
women engaged in its pursuits. The
regular subscription. price of the A :ESU AN
FARMER is $1.00 per year. It costs you
little. From any one number ideas can be
obtained that will be worth thrice the
subscription price to you or members of
your household• ailC and :we sample
Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly
For Janu.rry, 1591,
Has en elegant cover in colors and gold,
while its contents, literary as well as ar:
tistic, are notably rich and varied. "The
Census," in its most significant and pit:'
turesque phases, is analyzed, with the ac:
companiment of many pictures, by Fred'k
S. Daniel. "The Amateur Photographer
and his Camera,' by S. M: tibaon, is an il:
lustrated paper full of information and
entertainment. D. E Rervey contributes
an article on "American Music and Com-
posers," with which are given protraits of
twenty eminent living composer belonging
to our time andcouptry. Other illustrated
articles are: '.'.Edinburgh Revisited," by N
MacDonald ; ";'The Avocado, or Alligator
Pear,' by, Anna M Paris ; 'Snakes and
Snake ohariners in Ceylon.' by F Fitz Roy
Dixon; Shark's teeth Weapons; by J.
Carter Beard; 'The feast of Jul Afton, by
Wilf P •Pond; and.'Theatrickl Masks and
11Iake:up', by Alice Beard. Teere are
short stories by P1.0 Stoddard, Lucy H.
Hooper, David Ker, John Maclltullen and
others ; and poems by Joaquin Miller,.
Madison ` and toamo Mo *house.
A zioaninne mrnnen—A horrible murder
involving the loss of ono life attracts greater
attention than the thousands of deaths
nsouring annually from scrofula and bad
blood. We want to attactattention to Bur-
dock Blood Bitters, the proved and popular
remedy for these forms of disease. It ewes
even old ebronio obstinate eases which have
defined all other treatment.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she c'ung to Castoria.
When she had children, she gave them Castoria.
English 'Spavin Liniment removes al
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes
from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints,
Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
and Swollen Throat, Couggs, etc. Save
$50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.
ANI) aJ:n .P1 ..
The Best Geode for the Least Money.
We carry the largest siock of STOVES and TINWARE
town, and we sell them at the lowest poesihle price for cash,
If you will send us your address. we will
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining
all about Dr Dye's Col bratod Electro-Voltaio
Bolt and Appliances, and thoireharmingeffects
upon the nervous debilitated system. and how
they will quickly restore you to vigor and man-
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted,
we will send you aBelt and Appliances on a
VOLTAIC BELT CO.. Marshall, Mich.
In Hall and Library- Lamps we are showing
an elegant display at right prices. All kinds of Table and Hand
Lamps at wholesale prices.
In CROSS -CUT SAWS we are showing all the latest and
leading patterns and makes. Five different patterns to choose from.
AXES—A large stock at prices that defy competition.
As usual, a full stock of general Hardware, Paints, Oils and Glass
on hand.
An old physician retired from practice, hay
ing had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for
Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asibma and
all throat and lung affections, also a positive
and radical cure for nervous debility and all
nervous complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
eases. has felt it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive.
and a desire to releive human suffering,I will
send free of charge, to all who desire it, the
recipe in German, French or English, with
full directions fur preparing and using, Sent
by mail by addressing with stamp, naming
this paper. W. A. NOYES, 820. Powers' Block
Rochester, N. Y,
ADVICE TOYIOTHERS.—AYeyou disturoedat
nigbtand broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cutting
Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle
of"151rs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil-
dren Teething. Its value is incalculable
It willrulieve the pour llttle sufferer im
mediatel! .)eneudupon it, mothers ; there
is 1..,mistake about it. It cures Dysentery
and Oiarrbcoa, regulates the Stomach and
uoweis,curos Wind Colic, softens the Gums,.
reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and
energy to the whole system. btrs.Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" tor Children teething is
pleasantto the taste and is the prescription
of ono of the oldest and best female
physicians and nurses in the United
States, and:I for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price twenty -eve
cents a bottie. Be euro and ask for"ivrss
wesseoWa SooTHI\G Salus"and take no
Agents for the celebrated Reymond Sewing Maehine.
The Most Econo nical'Stove, I The Best Beater.
A Perfect Baker for Pastry or 1 The Best Faruiets' Stove and Equally
Bread. 1 Good for a Person in Town,
TAKE CABE-sof your health. Use pure
articles in preparating your food. Imperial
Cream Tartar Basing Powder em taing no
impurities or adulterants. All grocers, sell
i I
Call and see this and other first-elass
8.7 0. Gurney Company for sale only by u
Drug Store
A full stook of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
C LZitl
{ ` * 2444141$4444.
One Door South
of Post oico
—HE E SAS♦-,— ■
BQots &
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing: promptly attended to.
td _Fresh and ,New
Jest arrived at the family Grocery, Also
Pure Extracts and Spices.
A beautiful piece of glass—
® ale
given even awe
with one 1
br J
Mayell's Baking Powder..
Dashwood Roller Flour for sale.
Can and examine our goods before pus:
chasing elsewhere.
0 FIFt rr-c�j S
Overcoatings at any price ; Suit -
jugs at any price ; Pantings
at any price
Relyabe l Good
At Prices Lower that so -ca,
led Cheap Houses can give
Best Ordered Clothing pi educed in Exeter ; all Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for W fli I' waking in all 1ft
with the best staff ,of Tailors ; the hest
stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best
Cutting in Town. yea are sure of satisfac-
A. a, "N i'1a1r.
(Successor to C. & S. Gilley)