The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-10-09, Page 7THURSDAY, OM'OBER • 9th, 1958 PREFERS JAIL TERM William Glazier, Clinton, chose a 15 -day jail term in preference to paying a $50 fine -r-when A found • guilty at Clinton Tuesday of selling; =.7"--7,"".1:10 APPOINTMENT 'Councillor Bruce Sully has been appointed to ,the Goderich Indus- trial Commission -to replace Coun- cillor Joseph Allaire, .who has been Sr.. )1(04.-a ,,4: .•; .A,..n.•"$".1 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH October 12 •— 19th Sunday after Trinity 840 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 qr.. Sunday School and Bible Class. 1r a.m. Morning Prayer 'and_ Sermon. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon , REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, fil1.A., DM., Rector MR, J. F. STEPHE•NS, M.A:, Organist and Choirmaster. 'THE UNITED CHURCH OF 'CANADA North Street United Church 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. THANKSGIVING DAY. Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. 4 Knox Presbyterian Church. REV. R. G. MacMILLAN, MISS B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister Deaconess MR: W� 1�: B SHOP; F:R:O:O.: A:R:C�M., Direc#or -of--Praise,- 10 a.m. Special Service for Congregation 'and Church. School. Junior and Senior Church School ' Will meet in' the church hall at 10.40 a.m., Promotion exercise,' ,for, junior congregation. . Sermon = 'The Bible's Best Known Psalm." 7 p.m. Evening Worship. Sermon: "The Bible's Central Story." A FRIENDLYWELCOME AWAITS YOU. , GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH THANKSGIVING SUNDAY — OCTOBER . 12 10.00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. - 11 sari. Junior Congregation for Younger Children. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Thanksgiving Sunday Worship Services. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Hour. REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A., B.D. - MINISTER MRS. R. GOOD -- ORGANIST - Victoria Street United Church THANKSGIVING SUNDAY 1'0 a.m. Sunday School -and Adult Class. lh a.m. Worship and Junior Congregation. "TAKING MEN ALIVE." 1.,30 p..rn.___Bentnillex-. Church. after Bible School. 3 p.m. Union Church after Sunday ,School. MINISTER, REV. S. A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST, MR. FRAN* BISSETT. 'BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE ' "ELGIN A1!•E•:-•AT WATERLOO ST." �. SUNDAY — 10 A.M. — SUNDAY SCHOOL. • 11 A.M. and 7.30 P.M.—REV. H. C. CRACKNELL, TUESDAY AND FRIDAY SERVICES AT 8 P.M. "A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU." WELCOME TO - ❑ THE CHURCH THAT CARES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 — 9.50 a.m. Sunday School. - ' 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Worship Services. WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study Hour. FREE METHODIST CHURCH VERLYN R., SNELL, B.A., PASTOR 4 NILE. NILE, -Oct. 7: About 30 friends .and . xieighbors gatI ered...at- •..the 44311,601)644774p.14fay.,._,1 411$7, Phee to ljonhr-vffem" on .e oc- casion of their 50th wedding an- niversary and presented them with several gifts: an automatic toaster, a persoihalized fountain pen, and a two -tier -cake dish. They also re- 'ceived an electric wall clock froin Auburn friends. Family 'dinnerp were held in their . honor at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Taylor; . Nile, and at the home of their son,: Mi and Mrs. Orval McPhee; Auburn. On Sunday evening they were enter- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Smith,Goderich, and were presented with a gift of money from Mrs. McPhee's • bro- thers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson and son Hugh, of Aylmer, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Bere on Friday and also attended Dungan. non fair. The Federation of Agriculture of West Wawanosh, held a meeting last Tuesday evening at the home of the president, William Wiggins. The annual banquet will be held in November with the St. Helens In- stitute catering. A dance will follow. A baptismal service was held at the Nile church on Sunday when the infant daughters of Mr. and. Mrs. James McPhee and. Mr. and - Mrs. Ralph Matthews were bap - tied. Mr. anil Mrs. Robert Bere spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne C''ulbert, Goderich. Miss Mary Louise McNeil, who was a patient in a London hospital last week, returned to her home here Sunday. We wish her a s • eed convalescence. r. and Mrs, Earl `McNee and Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Worthy MoNee, of Belmore, were guests on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McNee and family. f.. THE r .1� GODERICH V , U I M NA;�!1� •FAR Additional N s . A,LL persons having claims against Grace he stateof Jessie GracBrown- lee, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 21st day' of September, 1958, are reggired to file -- the same- with full par- ticulars- with the undersignedby the 18th day. of October, 1958,' as after that date the, assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 29th day of Septem- ber) 1958. HAYS and ?REST, Goderich, Ontario, 39-41- Solicitors for the Estate. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, Oct. 6. We are sorry to'report that Mr. Art For- ester is again in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and. Mrs. Tony Vrooman and family, - of ,Corunna visited . with Mr. and Mrs. Will..Vrooman over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs.. Vroo- man returned to Corunna with them for a week's visit. .Mr. arid Mrs. .Frank ..Papenhagen,. of Defiance,. Ohio, called on friends in the community during the week- end. , Mr. and Mrs. John McBride, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs. Walter Tigert. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Dickson over the week -end were Mr, and Mrs. Merle Quaid and two sons, of Sarnia; Mr. -and: Mrs. Wil- fred Quaid, of Goderich, and Larry Dyer, of Guelph, Baptism service was held' at St. Andrew's United Church 'on Sun- day When • the following children were christened: 'Br"' enda'TDarTeiie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crawford: Robert Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cantwell and Robert James, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Graham. Dorothy Victor ,Ross, of Windsor, was the•house guest over the week- end. of Mr, and Mrs. Carol Sowerby. SALVATION ARMY 84 Lighthouse Street SATURDAY — 8 P.M. Film -"Out of the Shadows." SUNDAY SERVICES Special Speaker — Lieut. BiII Bird, Windsor. 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory'Class. 3 p.m. Sunday 'School. 7 .p.m. Salvation Meeting and Altar Service. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. LIEUT. LESLIE ROWSI?LL EVERY HOME NEEDS alimony 20. Public Notice TAKE NOTICE that the Corpora- tiop of the Town of Goderich in- tends to pass a By-law stopping up and' selling that part of Cypress street in the Town_ of , Goderich more particularly• described as fol- lows, thatis to say: COMMENCING at the southeasterly angle of lot 26 on Cypress street in Parke and Marwoods Survey of the said Town of Goderich which said point is the northwesterly angle of the intersection of Cypress and Walnut streets; THENCE northwesterly along the easterly limit of Cypress street 243.54 -feet to the : southwesterly angle of lot 28 on Cypress street in Parke' and Marwoods Survey; THENCE south- westerly 66 feet to the northwest- erly angle of lot one on Cypress street in Parke and Marwoods Sur- voy-1--THENCE-•southeaster-Ly. alang.. the westerly limit of Cypress street 243:54 feet, more or less• to the nottheasterly angle of ' lot 3 on Cypress street. in Parke and Mar- woods Survey; THENCE north- -easterly sixty-six (66)- fleet--•tow•-th place of beginning, to Dominion Tar and Chemical Co. Ltd. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal • Council of the Corporation of the Town of Gode- rirah shall on Friday, the 17th day of October, at 7.00. o'clock in the evening,, at the Town Hall, Gode- rich, Ontario, hear, in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person. who claims that his land' will be prejudicially affected by the By-law and who 'applies to be- heard, Dated at Goderi h this 18th day of September, .195. S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk. -3841 Judge SThat New' Canadian s h a s _ 54'ed ,their citizenship papers in a The. new citizens were presented impressive ceremony at the `Court with LO.D.E. greeting cards. House on • Tuesday evening. Fol- lowing this, they were entertained at the Legion Hall. by the Maple BLUE FLAME HEATING OIL Phone 819 or 1447J R 4N GLAZIER, GODERICH 40x GRAND Master's .- banquet,, St. George's Parish. Hall, Tuesday.,. October 14th, at 7 p,in. Turkey dinner $1.50 each. Odd>ellows, 1 ebekahs and friends. For tickets please contact- J. Wilson, phone 351W; F, Bowra, phone 13,85W, or ":M" S7 -1r:- B-,0evers; phone 888W-7---- " 4.Ox 121. Business Notice Leaf Chapter of the LO.D.E. Addressing " the New Oanadians. at the Court Clouse, Judge' Clark, of Guelph, pointed out that. get- ting Citizenship. meant more than just getting a piece of paper. " He stated it'meant for them 'a freedom to worship, free speech, the ,right. to vote in secret, the right to have a fair trial if charged With any offence. In return, they dere to be loyal to their adopted cpuntry for it meant much to their welfare. They must have respect for the laws and become familiar with government from the municipal level up. They were to take -an active interest in -their country and exercise their right to vote., . Judge Clark noted that the ma- jority of the New Canadians were from Holland and they might have a tendency to. speak Dutch in Can- ada because of the large Dutch settlement in Huron County. He advised them that to make friends. and be friends of English speaking people; the New Canadians from Holland should speak English on the streets . and in public places. Not to do so. . creates a, certain amount of suspicion among Can- adians who don't understand your language, he said. • Then, Judge Clark said that Can- adians . have a duty • to the New Canadians and that Canadians are grateful for the talents which are brought to this country, from Coffee Party The coffee party at the Legion Hall was under the general con- venership of Mrs. R. Breckenridge, citizenship conVener, Maple Leaf Chapter,. of.....the.--I.aD.E... The -pro- gram opened wi.h the presentation of the standard lJy Mrs. Leo Wal- zak, standard bearer, as Mrs. Ed. Jessop played "Land of Hope and Glory," followed by the National' •Anthem , The regent, Mrs.. G. Ellis, wel- comed, on behalf of the Maple Leaf Chapter, the new citizens, their friends and families and also those who had receiyed citizenship during the summer months. One of the objectives,' of the LO.D.E,, she stated, was to extend -friend- ship and a sincere welcome to new Canadian citizens. In charge of entertainment, Mrs. R. Hughes in- troduced Miss April Pridmore,' who played several violin selections. VISIT OR PHONE REID'S NEW Upholstering Shop, 48 East -1 str•ect, ..Phone 1534 'til 9 p.m. for I an estimate. We have the cover- ings and the know-how. Pick up and• delivery. .9t1 SID Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests; 'desks;-' etc. custom, made; also, kit- chen - cupboards and furniture re. pairs. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. -19tf CARPENTRY. building, remodel- ling,, dealer in Epps pumps, ,water softeners, bathroom- ' fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel -and asphalt roofing. Frank -McMichael, ',hone Carlow 1108, 23-30x GODERICH Shoe Repair, East street, tinder new management. 30 .years experience in all types of shoe repair. Work fully guaranteed. - -35-42 FOR artificial insemination service or more information telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- ation collect at Clinton HU 2-344] between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m, •week day's, 8 •and 8 p.m, en Saturdays: Do not call for service on Sunday. Cows •in heat on' Sunday can be insemin- ,ated satisfactorily on Monday. We supply service to top quality hulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, ,Rego,;d- (polled .ancl •horned) feet Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Shorthorn. Angus and Ch�arolais breeds. The 'cost is low. -301f SHARPENING -•- Saws: hand and electric; axes, and knives wet ground; shears, scissors, etc,; skates ground lengthwise, Part- time farm work, C. H, • Homar„ Huron road, opposite store. 40it' DIRECT FACTORY SALES BY TEAL CRAFT n.,.,.,„.,. FINISHED BOATS — $75.00 and up UNFINISHED BOATS BOAT. ili tS -- 8 ft. to 21 ft. SA'VE 25 TO 50% — TERMS' s Write for 'free brochure today. ' SOUTHAMPTON Nt 71 Hughson, Street South, Hamilton, Ontario. • ' -40-1x CO-OPERATORS' INSURANCE. auto, home, liability, accident and sickness. Geo. Turton, 351 Huron road, phone 1184, Goderich. -381f List- Plowing Match. Winners The plowing match at GDCI re- sulted in Richard Stewart placing firstin the senior class, and Lawr- ence Ribey second, While Bob Brindley and Pat Murphy tied for third position. , .1n, the intermediate class, a special award went to A. Rrbey and the same to Wayne Millian in the ITinior section, In the Huron County plowing match for high schools, Gerald Walters and Gordon Baxter placed first for GDCI in the senior division milaw�ibe;� placed second in the junior class. • PICKS STRAWBERRIES Mrs, - Robert MacAllister, Bay-, field road, picked strawberries from her garden on Monday. Amen g the guests who spoke were: Charles 7VlacNaughton, MPP, for Huron; deputy , reeve .Peter Maccwan, who represented Warden John Morrissey; Judgew..}•Clark, of Guelph; Sheriff Nelson Hill; Mayor E.- C. Fisher. Thanks were extended to Wil- " Skinner, president of , the Legion, by Mrs. Ellis for the use 'of the Legion Hall for the Chapter's citizenship work. During the coffee hour, R. Schelhass, of Zurich, thanked the chapter for their hos- pitality. A lunch was served by the mem- bers' of. the Maple Leaf Chapter of the LO,D.F, by the food eerie. mittee. The attractive tea table was arranged by Mrs. Gordon McManus. New Canadians The New Canadians who receiv- ed citizenship papers on Tuesday included: Douwe Dam, Thys Groen and Femmigje Groen, of Goderich; Remmelt Schelhaas, Zurich; Albert Valkenburg, Jenny Valkenburg and Gisela Pratte, of Clinton; Trijntze Valkeeburg,' R.R. 3, Seaforth; Ber- nard Ten Pas,. Geertruida Hanna Ten Pas and Hendrik Jan Ten Pas,. R.R. 2, Bluevale; Gerrit Wynja, R.R. 3, Kippen; Jan Greidanus and Wiepkje ,Greidanus,.R.R. 1, Londes- boro; Desire Van Dersselaer, Stephen Township; Cornelis Bitr- uma and Botje Buruma, R.R. -1, Clinton, r• ASHFIELD Mr.ec G R Hopiai}G a towner pre sident of t# 'O:4der ich Jaycees 45 continuing -bjs merest iI1 J,be -or -n _ i , � on s vice=c "" a i aria ir. 0 T.ta Alt of the organizing committee of the - - Mr. and Mrs. J'm 'Britnell •and Mr. and Mrs. J. K Sully attended the Good Roads convention inMon- treal the past week. Rev. Lyall Crawford, of Parkhill, and Miss Catherine Crawford, Reg. N., of Victoria Hospital, Montreal,. renewed' acquaintances in town this week. ' ASHFIELD, Oct. 6. ` •Mr. and MrS. Dame ttand ehildrer of'_Brantford,_4 spent Sunday with their cousin,. Miss Sadie Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie were week -end visitors with the latter's ' sister, Mrs. George - ae- in HamilTon.. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson visited over the week -end with their daughter, 'Mrs. N. Whitehead, in Teeswater. ,--Services in Ashfield Presbyter- ian Church next Sunday have been cancelled on account 'of annivers- ary services in Ripley where Rev. M. MagClure, of Molesworth, will 'be the guest speaker at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. (EST). BREAKS HIP 'Mr,s. •(Dr.) W. F. C•allow,, North street, is a patient at Alexandra Hospital following a mishap in which she broke her hip on Thurs- day -of -hist week. W e -e 1� es a 1N r im ico�►1 , Brockstreet, wer $4 l hart s Taylor and His, i ni ew,han a-ofr' St.. 041113 ;?, Mr. Mr. -Bert Cunning in, of Tor* onto �, was, -ar '. 'rte, •'-:hey yF^_,,t. 0, Mr. and Mrs, K. r Breckow' o New Westminster,'1>f .C.�' visited ►tv the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Breckow, Palmerston street and his brother, Mr: Chas. F. Bare .kow; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Winter turned home at the,week-end after spending two weeks"vacation tour, ing parts of Canada and Heather SIon -, ANNOUNCES •, . THE ADDITION. TO ITS STAFF OF MRS. GERALD (Louise) PITRE 3 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN ALL' LINES OF BEAUTY CITLTITRE. Formerly of Emerson Beauty Salon, Windsor, Ont. For Appointment, Phone.' 74 -40-4 nwti �. Night ;School Classes AT; GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE_ INSTITUTE During' the winter months classes will be offeredd in TYPING, BOOKKEEPING, SHOP WORK, WELDING, SEWING AND ---OTHER-SUBJECTS WHERE --THE REGISTRATION JS_SUFFI- CIENT TO WARRANT A CLASS. At (east 15 must register 'in any course offered. REGISTRATION will be at the school on Wednesday. Qct. 15; " at 7..30 p.m.. Those who have already registered by telephone' are not" required to .register again. • Opening date of cIasS'es"will be advertised again next week. You may, telephone^ your registration to 508 during• school hours. Fees for the course $5.00 plus a $5.00 deposit. 40 We're helping Kenmar fight the "BATTLE of the WAREHOUSE" BULGE ... with tremendous savings! Including Famous Swing King Features • VIBRATOR MASSAGE gives cleep, soothing, healthful massage action, • VIBRA-TIMER allows you to select exact massage time, turns off automatically, • SPEED CONTROL allows you to choose soothing or invigorating vibration massage. • LEG`EXTENSION comfortably seats a 6'6" person, (Patented' • KIDNEY ROLL supports the "small -of -the -back", helps maintain correct posture, relieves backache and fatigue • TWO-TONE STYLING with ......a.s.upported f30t,TPf1-EX- and SCOTCHGARD fabrics for easier cleaning and lasting beauty, b. A. Our greatest sale of reclining chairs! Famous Swing .King. quality. B. Enjoy relaxation at its best, with automatic' reclining action , .. con- toured armrests, C. Kidney Roll gives'"healthful support to ii all of back, ,heaps provide complete re• ' laxation reconimeo4e 1 by >docdor' ..• D, Foafn Rubber cushions plus Kidney Roll support give head-to-tbe comfort-- helps rrelieve nerve tensions, and fatigue. , E, Fabulous comfort — fabulous value! For reading, relaxing, w TV viewing. Hutry in and see for yourself,. Get first ch'oicel DOWN Delivers Any Chair EASY CREDIT LODGE FURNITURE 33 WEST ST. Phone 774 , , -What a • More than 1,240, 000 m , LOANS since 1936 �. Who may obtain a Personal Loan? Anyone of good character who has a regular income and can meet the monthly deposits: How to obtain a Loan . At•••any. branch of Tbe Canadian .Bank of - :• Commerce. does a Loan cost you? ` Six per cent per year deducted in advance. ' Howdo you repay? Equal monthly deposits, as you earn ... at any one of our nearly 800 branches. Insurance -Protection Life insurance pays off the balance of your loan if you die. .. , .. f Personal Loans are made /or: • an automobile . .• medical or dental bills ' • home furnishings • consolidation of debts • tames • travel , •, school fees Or for any other worthwhile'purpose ----- 71-11E CANADIAN , THERE'S A BRANCH N&AR' YOU GODERICH BRANCH: F. A. Waters, Manager N•508c 4 NILE. NILE, -Oct. 7: About 30 friends .and . xieighbors gatI ered...at- •..the 44311,601)644774p.14fay.,._,1 411$7, Phee to ljonhr-vffem" on .e oc- casion of their 50th wedding an- niversary and presented them with several gifts: an automatic toaster, a persoihalized fountain pen, and a two -tier -cake dish. They also re- 'ceived an electric wall clock froin Auburn friends. Family 'dinnerp were held in their . honor at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Taylor; . Nile, and at the home of their son,: Mi and Mrs. Orval McPhee; Auburn. On Sunday evening they were enter- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Smith,Goderich, and were presented with a gift of money from Mrs. McPhee's • bro- thers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson and son Hugh, of Aylmer, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Bere on Friday and also attended Dungan. non fair. The Federation of Agriculture of West Wawanosh, held a meeting last Tuesday evening at the home of the president, William Wiggins. The annual banquet will be held in November with the St. Helens In- stitute catering. A dance will follow. A baptismal service was held at the Nile church on Sunday when the infant daughters of Mr. and. Mrs. James McPhee and. Mr. and - Mrs. Ralph Matthews were bap - tied. Mr. anil Mrs. Robert Bere spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne C''ulbert, Goderich. Miss Mary Louise McNeil, who was a patient in a London hospital last week, returned to her home here Sunday. We wish her a s • eed convalescence. r. and Mrs, Earl `McNee and Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Worthy MoNee, of Belmore, were guests on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McNee and family. f.. THE r .1� GODERICH V , U I M NA;�!1� •FAR Additional N s . A,LL persons having claims against Grace he stateof Jessie GracBrown- lee, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 21st day' of September, 1958, are reggired to file -- the same- with full par- ticulars- with the undersignedby the 18th day. of October, 1958,' as after that date the, assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 29th day of Septem- ber) 1958. HAYS and ?REST, Goderich, Ontario, 39-41- Solicitors for the Estate. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, Oct. 6. We are sorry to'report that Mr. Art For- ester is again in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and. Mrs. Tony Vrooman and family, - of ,Corunna visited . with Mr. and Mrs. Will..Vrooman over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs.. Vroo- man returned to Corunna with them for a week's visit. .Mr. arid Mrs. .Frank ..Papenhagen,. of Defiance,. Ohio, called on friends in the community during the week- end. , Mr. and Mrs. John McBride, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs. Walter Tigert. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Dickson over the week -end were Mr, and Mrs. Merle Quaid and two sons, of Sarnia; Mr. -and: Mrs. Wil- fred Quaid, of Goderich, and Larry Dyer, of Guelph, Baptism service was held' at St. Andrew's United Church 'on Sun- day When • the following children were christened: 'Br"' enda'TDarTeiie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crawford: Robert Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cantwell and Robert James, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Graham. Dorothy Victor ,Ross, of Windsor, was the•house guest over the week- end. of Mr, and Mrs. Carol Sowerby. SALVATION ARMY 84 Lighthouse Street SATURDAY — 8 P.M. Film -"Out of the Shadows." SUNDAY SERVICES Special Speaker — Lieut. BiII Bird, Windsor. 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory'Class. 3 p.m. Sunday 'School. 7 .p.m. Salvation Meeting and Altar Service. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. LIEUT. LESLIE ROWSI?LL EVERY HOME NEEDS alimony 20. Public Notice TAKE NOTICE that the Corpora- tiop of the Town of Goderich in- tends to pass a By-law stopping up and' selling that part of Cypress street in the Town_ of , Goderich more particularly• described as fol- lows, thatis to say: COMMENCING at the southeasterly angle of lot 26 on Cypress street in Parke and Marwoods Survey of the said Town of Goderich which said point is the northwesterly angle of the intersection of Cypress and Walnut streets; THENCE northwesterly along the easterly limit of Cypress street 243.54 -feet to the : southwesterly angle of lot 28 on Cypress street in Parke' and Marwoods Survey; THENCE south- westerly 66 feet to the northwest- erly angle of lot one on Cypress street in Parke and Marwoods Sur- voy-1--THENCE-•southeaster-Ly. alang.. the westerly limit of Cypress street 243:54 feet, more or less• to the nottheasterly angle of ' lot 3 on Cypress street. in Parke and Mar- woods Survey; THENCE north- -easterly sixty-six (66)- fleet--•tow•-th place of beginning, to Dominion Tar and Chemical Co. Ltd. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal • Council of the Corporation of the Town of Gode- rirah shall on Friday, the 17th day of October, at 7.00. o'clock in the evening,, at the Town Hall, Gode- rich, Ontario, hear, in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person. who claims that his land' will be prejudicially affected by the By-law and who 'applies to be- heard, Dated at Goderi h this 18th day of September, .195. S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk. -3841 Judge SThat New' Canadian s h a s _ 54'ed ,their citizenship papers in a The. new citizens were presented impressive ceremony at the `Court with LO.D.E. greeting cards. House on • Tuesday evening. Fol- lowing this, they were entertained at the Legion Hall. by the Maple BLUE FLAME HEATING OIL Phone 819 or 1447J R 4N GLAZIER, GODERICH 40x GRAND Master's .- banquet,, St. George's Parish. Hall, Tuesday.,. October 14th, at 7 p,in. Turkey dinner $1.50 each. Odd>ellows, 1 ebekahs and friends. For tickets please contact- J. Wilson, phone 351W; F, Bowra, phone 13,85W, or ":M" S7 -1r:- B-,0evers; phone 888W-7---- " 4.Ox 121. Business Notice Leaf Chapter of the LO.D.E. Addressing " the New Oanadians. at the Court Clouse, Judge' Clark, of Guelph, pointed out that. get- ting Citizenship. meant more than just getting a piece of paper. " He stated it'meant for them 'a freedom to worship, free speech, the ,right. to vote in secret, the right to have a fair trial if charged With any offence. In return, they dere to be loyal to their adopted cpuntry for it meant much to their welfare. They must have respect for the laws and become familiar with government from the municipal level up. They were to take -an active interest in -their country and exercise their right to vote., . Judge Clark noted that the ma- jority of the New Canadians were from Holland and they might have a tendency to. speak Dutch in Can- ada because of the large Dutch settlement in Huron County. He advised them that to make friends. and be friends of English speaking people; the New Canadians from Holland should speak English on the streets . and in public places. Not to do so. . creates a, certain amount of suspicion among Can- adians who don't understand your language, he said. • Then, Judge Clark said that Can- adians . have a duty • to the New Canadians and that Canadians are grateful for the talents which are brought to this country, from Coffee Party The coffee party at the Legion Hall was under the general con- venership of Mrs. R. Breckenridge, citizenship conVener, Maple Leaf Chapter,. of.....the.--I.aD.E... The -pro- gram opened wi.h the presentation of the standard lJy Mrs. Leo Wal- zak, standard bearer, as Mrs. Ed. Jessop played "Land of Hope and Glory," followed by the National' •Anthem , The regent, Mrs.. G. Ellis, wel- comed, on behalf of the Maple Leaf Chapter, the new citizens, their friends and families and also those who had receiyed citizenship during the summer months. One of the objectives,' of the LO.D.E,, she stated, was to extend -friend- ship and a sincere welcome to new Canadian citizens. In charge of entertainment, Mrs. R. Hughes in- troduced Miss April Pridmore,' who played several violin selections. VISIT OR PHONE REID'S NEW Upholstering Shop, 48 East -1 str•ect, ..Phone 1534 'til 9 p.m. for I an estimate. We have the cover- ings and the know-how. Pick up and• delivery. .9t1 SID Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests; 'desks;-' etc. custom, made; also, kit- chen - cupboards and furniture re. pairs. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. -19tf CARPENTRY. building, remodel- ling,, dealer in Epps pumps, ,water softeners, bathroom- ' fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel -and asphalt roofing. Frank -McMichael, ',hone Carlow 1108, 23-30x GODERICH Shoe Repair, East street, tinder new management. 30 .years experience in all types of shoe repair. Work fully guaranteed. - -35-42 FOR artificial insemination service or more information telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- ation collect at Clinton HU 2-344] between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m, •week day's, 8 •and 8 p.m, en Saturdays: Do not call for service on Sunday. Cows •in heat on' Sunday can be insemin- ,ated satisfactorily on Monday. We supply service to top quality hulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, ,Rego,;d- (polled .ancl •horned) feet Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Shorthorn. Angus and Ch�arolais breeds. The 'cost is low. -301f SHARPENING -•- Saws: hand and electric; axes, and knives wet ground; shears, scissors, etc,; skates ground lengthwise, Part- time farm work, C. H, • Homar„ Huron road, opposite store. 40it' DIRECT FACTORY SALES BY TEAL CRAFT n.,.,.,„.,. FINISHED BOATS — $75.00 and up UNFINISHED BOATS BOAT. ili tS -- 8 ft. to 21 ft. SA'VE 25 TO 50% — TERMS' s Write for 'free brochure today. ' SOUTHAMPTON Nt 71 Hughson, Street South, Hamilton, Ontario. • ' -40-1x CO-OPERATORS' INSURANCE. auto, home, liability, accident and sickness. Geo. Turton, 351 Huron road, phone 1184, Goderich. -381f List- Plowing Match. Winners The plowing match at GDCI re- sulted in Richard Stewart placing firstin the senior class, and Lawr- ence Ribey second, While Bob Brindley and Pat Murphy tied for third position. , .1n, the intermediate class, a special award went to A. Rrbey and the same to Wayne Millian in the ITinior section, In the Huron County plowing match for high schools, Gerald Walters and Gordon Baxter placed first for GDCI in the senior division milaw�ibe;� placed second in the junior class. • PICKS STRAWBERRIES Mrs, - Robert MacAllister, Bay-, field road, picked strawberries from her garden on Monday. Amen g the guests who spoke were: Charles 7VlacNaughton, MPP, for Huron; deputy , reeve .Peter Maccwan, who represented Warden John Morrissey; Judgew..}•Clark, of Guelph; Sheriff Nelson Hill; Mayor E.- C. Fisher. Thanks were extended to Wil- " Skinner, president of , the Legion, by Mrs. Ellis for the use 'of the Legion Hall for the Chapter's citizenship work. During the coffee hour, R. Schelhass, of Zurich, thanked the chapter for their hos- pitality. A lunch was served by the mem- bers' of. the Maple Leaf Chapter of the LO,D.F, by the food eerie. mittee. The attractive tea table was arranged by Mrs. Gordon McManus. New Canadians The New Canadians who receiv- ed citizenship papers on Tuesday included: Douwe Dam, Thys Groen and Femmigje Groen, of Goderich; Remmelt Schelhaas, Zurich; Albert Valkenburg, Jenny Valkenburg and Gisela Pratte, of Clinton; Trijntze Valkeeburg,' R.R. 3, Seaforth; Ber- nard Ten Pas,. Geertruida Hanna Ten Pas and Hendrik Jan Ten Pas,. R.R. 2, Bluevale; Gerrit Wynja, R.R. 3, Kippen; Jan Greidanus and Wiepkje ,Greidanus,.R.R. 1, Londes- boro; Desire Van Dersselaer, Stephen Township; Cornelis Bitr- uma and Botje Buruma, R.R. -1, Clinton, r• ASHFIELD Mr.ec G R Hopiai}G a towner pre sident of t# 'O:4der ich Jaycees 45 continuing -bjs merest iI1 J,be -or -n _ i , � on s vice=c "" a i aria ir. 0 T.ta Alt of the organizing committee of the - - Mr. and Mrs. J'm 'Britnell •and Mr. and Mrs. J. K Sully attended the Good Roads convention inMon- treal the past week. Rev. Lyall Crawford, of Parkhill, and Miss Catherine Crawford, Reg. N., of Victoria Hospital, Montreal,. renewed' acquaintances in town this week. ' ASHFIELD, Oct. 6. ` •Mr. and MrS. Dame ttand ehildrer of'_Brantford,_4 spent Sunday with their cousin,. Miss Sadie Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie were week -end visitors with the latter's ' sister, Mrs. George - ae- in HamilTon.. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson visited over the week -end with their daughter, 'Mrs. N. Whitehead, in Teeswater. ,--Services in Ashfield Presbyter- ian Church next Sunday have been cancelled on account 'of annivers- ary services in Ripley where Rev. M. MagClure, of Molesworth, will 'be the guest speaker at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. (EST). BREAKS HIP 'Mr,s. •(Dr.) W. F. C•allow,, North street, is a patient at Alexandra Hospital following a mishap in which she broke her hip on Thurs- day -of -hist week. W e -e 1� es a 1N r im ico�►1 , Brockstreet, wer $4 l hart s Taylor and His, i ni ew,han a-ofr' St.. 041113 ;?, Mr. Mr. -Bert Cunning in, of Tor* onto �, was, -ar '. 'rte, •'-:hey yF^_,,t. 0, Mr. and Mrs, K. r Breckow' o New Westminster,'1>f .C.�' visited ►tv the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Breckow, Palmerston street and his brother, Mr: Chas. F. Bare .kow; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Winter turned home at the,week-end after spending two weeks"vacation tour, ing parts of Canada and Heather SIon -, ANNOUNCES •, . THE ADDITION. TO ITS STAFF OF MRS. GERALD (Louise) PITRE 3 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN ALL' LINES OF BEAUTY CITLTITRE. Formerly of Emerson Beauty Salon, Windsor, Ont. For Appointment, Phone.' 74 -40-4 nwti �. Night ;School Classes AT; GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE_ INSTITUTE During' the winter months classes will be offeredd in TYPING, BOOKKEEPING, SHOP WORK, WELDING, SEWING AND ---OTHER-SUBJECTS WHERE --THE REGISTRATION JS_SUFFI- CIENT TO WARRANT A CLASS. At (east 15 must register 'in any course offered. REGISTRATION will be at the school on Wednesday. Qct. 15; " at 7..30 p.m.. Those who have already registered by telephone' are not" required to .register again. • Opening date of cIasS'es"will be advertised again next week. You may, telephone^ your registration to 508 during• school hours. Fees for the course $5.00 plus a $5.00 deposit. 40 We're helping Kenmar fight the "BATTLE of the WAREHOUSE" BULGE ... with tremendous savings! Including Famous Swing King Features • VIBRATOR MASSAGE gives cleep, soothing, healthful massage action, • VIBRA-TIMER allows you to select exact massage time, turns off automatically, • SPEED CONTROL allows you to choose soothing or invigorating vibration massage. • LEG`EXTENSION comfortably seats a 6'6" person, (Patented' • KIDNEY ROLL supports the "small -of -the -back", helps maintain correct posture, relieves backache and fatigue • TWO-TONE STYLING with ......a.s.upported f30t,TPf1-EX- and SCOTCHGARD fabrics for easier cleaning and lasting beauty, b. A. Our greatest sale of reclining chairs! Famous Swing .King. quality. B. Enjoy relaxation at its best, with automatic' reclining action , .. con- toured armrests, C. Kidney Roll gives'"healthful support to ii all of back, ,heaps provide complete re• ' laxation reconimeo4e 1 by >docdor' ..• D, Foafn Rubber cushions plus Kidney Roll support give head-to-tbe comfort-- helps rrelieve nerve tensions, and fatigue. , E, Fabulous comfort — fabulous value! For reading, relaxing, w TV viewing. Hutry in and see for yourself,. Get first ch'oicel DOWN Delivers Any Chair EASY CREDIT LODGE FURNITURE 33 WEST ST. Phone 774