HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-09-25, Page 5M 'KL,.nm'LulR THURSDAY, MPT. 25th, 1958 T II R G.ODERIOHI SIGNAL -STAR 9: ST..RCH E�R�� S CHU ..,���t,,�;�.:�6srRnt+s�tasthf..,S+rnday.,�fte� �+rinity: leg ". : ".JBOLY COMMUNION. - 19 a.m. Sunday Schooland Bible Class. 11 a.m. 'HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D:, Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH QF CANADA North Street United • Church 10 a.m. Sunday Schou!. 11 a.m: MORNING WORSHIP. Guest Speaker; The 'Rev. C. E. Peacock, of Bayfield. Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E, EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. Knox Presbyterian Church REV. R. G. MacMILLAN, MISS_ B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister °'' Deaconess MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 123rd ANNIVERSARY SERVICES PREACHER: TIE REV. DR. •ALEXANDER NIMMO, " D.D., WINGHAM, ONT. SOLOIST: MR. "ERWIN IOWRIE, TORONTO, ONT. - 10 a.in. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 'a.nf Sermon: "THE VALUE OF SMALL THINGS." ' SOLOS: "0 SAVIOUR SWEET" "COMFORT YE, MX PEOPLE." Back "EVERY 'VALLEY SHALL BE EXALTED." Handel. 7 p.m. 'Sermon: "A DOOR OF OPPORTUNITY." SOLOS: "IF WITH ALL YOUR HEARTS (ELIJAH)", Mendelssohn. "HOW SHALL 1 SING THAT MAJESTY." Pointer. A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS ,YOU. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL - TABERNACLE "ELGIN "AVE. AT WATERLOO ST.", SUNDAY — 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M. and '7.30 P.M.—REV. H. C. CRACKNELL. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY SERVICES AT 8 P.M. "A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. ditional Classified FISHER. -.—I would like tothank my friends, neighbors and rela- tives who sent me cards and gifts while I was In the hospital. Special thanks to neighbors . who helped in any way. Also, to Dr. Brady, Dr. McMaster and the nurses at Seaforth hospital at the time of my accident. Aaron Fisher. 38x- PINKNEY.--I wish to thank my friends and neighbors who sent gifts, flowers and cards while I was a patient in the Alexandra Marine andGeneral „ .Hospital. Thanks to Dr. J. R. Leitch and the nurses and staff of the hos- pital. Everything was appreci- ated. Mrs. J. W. Pinkney. -38 • �.6 . t9 ,<..�� eft and . s. ;Robert Goddard, of Goderich, announce, the engage- ment of their daughter, June De- lores Anne, to Mr. Daniel Sydney Williams, son of Mr. and . Mrs. Daniel Williams, of St. Catharines: The wedding to take place at Vic- toria Street United Church, October 11, at 4.30 p.m. 38x 8. Births BOGIE.—At, Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on September 19, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. William Bogie, R.R. 3, Goderich, a son, John Cameron. DE VRIES.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich,- on September 23; 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, Cornelius De Vries, R.R. 4, Goderich, a daughter, Cora. Victoria ' Street United Church "Worship does lift man" 10 a.m. Graded Classes include the Adult. 11 a.m. Worship for your family. Junior Congregation. "THE CHURCH OF WORKERS WITH GOD." 1'0 a.m. , BENMILLER CHURCH. 3 p.m. UNION CHURCH—Sunday School Rally. • MINISTER, REV. S. A. , MOOTE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST, MR. FRANK BISSETT. GODERICH. BAPTIST CHURCH 10.30 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. RALLY DAY SERVICE. (Church and .Sunday School combined). 7 p.m. 'The` Gospel for the Broken-hearted." Tuesday, 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Hour. REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A., B.D. — MINISTER MRS. R. GOOD — ORGANIST Welcome to a he. Church', .That Cares SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 » 9.50 a.m. Sunday School. 11'•a.m. •Morning Worship. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wednesday,. 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study -Hour. Free . Methodi't" Churg "Verlyn R. Snell, B.A., Pastor SEL, SALVATION. ARMY SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. ._. 2.30_p.in._D irectory--Class.. 3 p.m. Sunday School. '7 p.m. Salvation Meeting. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. ''" Bright 'singing, testimonies and Gospel messages. LIEUT. LESLIE ROWSELL 1 iQY. —in Germany, on September tis$ Clarence and ' t LAC 1 eh t Q m" yrs, Hpyref Marseilles, 4Franpe, formerly of Port .Albert, a son, Ronald -dames.. A erieh •en- -September•• 23, OM, to ' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hutchins,' RA. 4, Goderich, a 'son, Glen Kenneth. MaeRU .:, At Alexandra Hospital, ".Goderich, on September 23, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold MaePllee, Goderich; a son. McooNALD --At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on September 17, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc- • Donald, R.B. 2, Auburn, .a son. , OKE.' At Alexandra Hospital, •Goderieh; 'dn September 19, 1958, to klr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oke, Goderich, a daughter, Diana Ruth. PARSONS, --At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, . on September 22, 1958, to Mr. and• Mrs.. George Parsons, Goderich, a son, Lionel Johnston (John). • 19. Notice to Creditors ALL persons having claims against the estate of Colin Kenneth Mac- Gregor, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the Comity of Huron, retired farmer, who died on or about the 11th - day of August, 1958; ° are required to ffil,e the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 27Th day of September, 1958, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County all. Huron, this 8th day of Septem- ber; 1958. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 36-38- Solicitors for the Estate. ALL persons having' claims against the estate o1 Christena fB. Me lwain, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, 'Widow, who_ died__on or -about the-. 22nd day of August, 1958, are required to file the same with full particu- lars with the undersigned by the 27th day of September, 1958, as after that date' the assets of the estate will be •distributed. - . Dated at Goderich, in ,the County of Huron, this 4th day of •Septem `ber, 1958.. g— HAYS . and PAESI', Goderich, Ontario, 36;38- Solicitors for the Estate. ALL' persons having claims against the estate of Matilda Dickson, late 'of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, , Widow, who died on or about. the 26th day of -December, 1957, are required .••- to• file the 'same with full 'particu- lars with the undersigned by the 27th day of September, 1958, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 4th day: of Septem- ber, 1958. . 20. Public Notice STRAYED .-- One :Hereford- steer from lot 3, concession 10, COlUorne. .wnship. Anyoneknowing the° this kii. ^w 'eabonts..oU tarts beast ea71.iitt'Ci€w now 211W, collect. Anderson Flat Products, Limited. -37-38 ARENA.—All persons or groups who wish to request use of the ice at • Gaderieh Memorial Arena during the " comingw season must. advise the secretary in writing be- fore September 30, (1058, and b represented at the committee meet- lug- at the Town Hall on ,October 1 at 7.30 p.m, E. 11. Jessop, Secre- tary, Goderich Recreation and Arena Committee. -37-38 TAKE NOTICE that the Corpora- tion of the Town of Goderich in tends to pass a By-l4,w stopping up and selling that part of Cypress street in the Town of Goderich more particularly described as fol- lows, that is to say:. COMMENCING at the southeasterly angle of lot 26 on Cypress street in Parke and Marwoods Survey of the said Tov n of Goderich which said point is the northwesterly angle of the intersection of Cypress and Walnut streets; THENCE northwesterly along' the- easterly limit of Cypress street 243.54 feet to the southwesterly angle of lot 28 on Cypress street, in Parke and Marwoods •Survey; THENCE south- westerly 66 feet to the northwest- erly angle of lot one on Cypress street in Parke and Marwoods Sur- vey; THENCE southeasterly along the westerly limit of Cypress street 243.54 feet more .or less to the northeasterly` angle of lot 3 on Cypress street in Parke and Mar - woods Survey; THENCE north- easterly sixty-six (66) feet to ,the place of beginning, to • Dominion Tar and Chemical Co. Ltd. - AND FURTHER TAKE _NOTICE that 'the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the , Town of Gode- rich shall on Friday, the 17th daY of October, at 7.00 o'clock ' in the evening, at the Town Hall, Gode- rich, Ontario, hear, in person- or by his counsel; solicitor -or agent; an/. person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the By-law and who applies to be heard. - Dated at Goderic is 18th` day of September, 1958 - S. II. _BLAKE, Town Clerk. -38-41 ONTARIO ONTARIO FUEL BOARD IN THE MATTER,of The Municipal Franchises Act, Chapter 249, R.S.O. 1950 Section 8 as amended, and IN THE MATTER of an Application by Ontario Natural Gas Storage and Pipelines Limited to the Ontario Fuel Board for approval of the Board to construct works to supply and/or to supply gas in the under-, mentioned municipalities an, . • Dr. Goderich, Ontario, • 36,38- ` Solicitors- for the Estate. ` '' uto CporatIori of the Tewe cs; 22 L oit • fid; EO U4 The•-CorPorittpn.fi 61 the -To ynship Of Ribbert The, poraUion.,n£_.the.: ow.uship 11, NOVAE 07 BEARING The Ontario Fuel Board hereby appoints Thursday, the 25th day of September, 1958, at 10:00-0'clock in the forenoon, Eastern •Daylight Saving Time, at the offices of the, Board, Room 311, -4 -Itichmgnd;' Street East, Toronto, Ontario, for the hearing of the above Applica- tion and all persops interested therein. , A copy of the Application may be inspected and further particu- lars obtained at the offices of the Clerks, of the above-mentioned municipalities, the Applicant, the Solicitors for the Applicant, Messrs. McNevin, Gee & O'Connor, Chat- ham, Ontario, or this Board. • Dated at Toronto, this 11th day of September, 1958. "A. R. Crozier," . Chairman. • • "L. R. MacTavish" -37-38` Commissioner. 4.C.0 21. Business Notice VISIT OR PHONE ROD'S NEW Upholstering Shop, ' 48 East street. Phone 1534 'til 9 p.m. for an estimate. We have the cover- ings and the know-how. Pick up and delivery. . . -91.1 • SID Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests, desks, etc. custom made; also kit- chen cupboards and furniture re- pairs. 184 Gibbons street, phone ,234. y19tf CARPENTRY, building, remodel- ling, •dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners, bathroom fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel and aslihalt ,roofing, Frank McMichael, phone Carlow 1108. . 23-30x GODERI'OH Shoe Repair, East street, , under new management. .3Q_years.. experience in alr ; types of shoe repair. Work fully guaranteed. -3542 FORS artificial insemination service or more • information telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- ation collect at Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week. days, 6 and 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Do not call for service on Sunday. Cows in heat on Sunday can be insemin- ated satisfactorily on Monday. We' supply service to top quality bulls -of the Holstein, - Jersey,.. Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and horned) Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Shorthorn,. • Angus and Charolais breeds. The cost is low. -30tf SHARPENING — Saws: hand and, electric; axes and knives wet ground; shears, scissors, etc:; skates ground lengthwise. Part- time Farm work. C. H. Homan Huron road; opposite store. 37-39x • :Mitchell auto; home, liability, accident and The Corporation of, the Town of i sicl.ness, Geo. Tutton, 351 Huron Seaforth ! rod, phone 1184," Goderich. -38ti TWO° 40)pwuiecebll,0t"Iady'Mrss,aa ��i'" app care° moat„ i i, �> ' 1T os conitainia g valuab1 papers and sum' of money. Re- ward. Pinder' lease eontaot:Dtapne Daniels, 114 Elgin avenue or phone . 854, Goderich. -30 WHITE Persian kitten lost. 'Child'o pet: 192 Britannia. road, West Phone -1286J. 38x 23. Used Cars , 52 PONTIAC light delivery truck; 51 Dodge panel truck' and a cider press. Ken Morris, R.R.+4, Gode- rich. -38,39 TWO L170 International 5 -yard dumps, your choice at $1,400; 1947 KB2 International ,.pick -tip, $250' 1949 Meteor . sedan, $295; 1951 Mercury sedan, excellent condition, $595; 1950 Ford 1 -ton, $350; 1954 Studebaker I/2 -ton, $900. Blue Water Service,.Station, Internation- al Truck Sales and Service, Bayfield road, phone 232, Goderich. - -38 54 FORD Tudor, one ownei~,:.34,000 miles, new fires, guaranteed like new. 54 PLYMOUTH Tudor Hardtop, wholesale price. 53 MONARCH Sedan, fully equip - „ped, original paint, like new, new motor just installed. 53 PONTIAC Sedan, seat covers, two-tone paint, very clean car. 52 BUICK Sedan; automatic, radio, the works! Runs like new, spec- ially priced. 51 PONTIAC Sedan Delivery, ra'dio, •two-tone, good .tires; mechanical- ly good, $375. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 53 GHEVROIIET 1 -ton Express,. good tires, . newplywood box, very low mileage, priced for quick sale. , MECHANICS SPECIAL 51 STUDBBA :.V-8-•--Star-light- -.. Coupe, automatic, custom radio. Make us an 'offer! LOOK! 3-1958 Gars . atmbargain -prices. Also several deonstrators to clear. TRACTORS, - 52 MINNEAPOLIS-MOLILIINE Model. "Z” Tractor in excellent condition.' ' 1VIASSEY- S Model 102, •re- cently overhauled. • 52 "MASSEY-HARRIS Pony Tractor. 50 FORD, excellent condition. 49 li'1atG•LJSON,• excellent condition. GO TO _. GODERICH MOTORS LTD. ,o• Ford-Edsel Dealer South Sr.Phone 83 -38 LATE STRAWBERRIES • Strawberries which she, picked in her garden Monday morning were brought into the Signal -Star office by Mrs. William Bolton, of Keays street. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton celebrated their 44th wedding an- niversary o ing to Goderich, they were resi, dents of Colborne Township, HIS • ��"��t�:��,_y.<•ca;fµ`,p2iyoMenrVukf{4kil;,?+3 � ai•r A left jab connects, murderously... The challenger moves in, swinging. chopping ... It tooks.like the end ...But wait!!! Is it the end or the beginning of'a great corse --"back? The sports writers from the Toronto Star are there to flash every detail of the fight to you.The Star photographers are there to record the great moments. You get tremendous sports coverage in the Toronto Star. More world and national news. More articles. Far, far more pictures. Penny forparity- .► " pa e for page, The Toronto Star Is Canada's best newspaper value, FASHION, WORLD AFFAIRS OR NATIONAL roRo-NTo-sTAR- NEWS—'IT?ETS MORE COVERAGE IN THE FOR IaOVIE` DELIVERY WRITE THE 1`OR01 TO "DAILY STAR, 80 KING STREET WEST; TORONTO COMMENCES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 So many of our customers took advantage of our Spring Free Making Sale, we ' have decided to repeat this Special Offer again this fall. All drapes $2.50 -:.per yard and -over, full width and not less than 2 yards long, lined or unlined, as you prefer, WILL BE MADE AND. INSTALLED FREE DURING THIS SALE For Draperies, Curtains, Window Shades, Venetian Blinds, Bamboo Drapes, in plain and fancy colors, and attractive Kitchen Sets SHOP AT ert