The Exeter Times, 1890-12-18, Page 116 PAVES
T. OiV
VOL. XVII , NO 20,
U. OICKS17N, I3?rriater, $oli-
`�ly:ftn, of Supreme Court, islotary
Poi?, aw. .loave-rancor. ti',ni uxissioner, ono
Money to roan.
O:Iloein Paneon'sBlooli, Exeeer•
R1 -I. CO1.F1e1NS,
Ba,r1!i3ter, Solicitor, iluaveysancer, Etc.,
leSC T.'E1t, - ON T.
Odice Ssntwell's i3lo:L-. ttall's old offtce-
- LLIOT d; E1,tI,IOT,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries public,
Conveyancer &o, (,a.
z« Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of
B. V. r11,14oT. X. 61T40T.
A NT,ttb,
Succe•eor to U. I,.11111100.
mem er of the Royal College of Dental
Sura eon%) Ane, etbette given ter the p:tiniesa
esteuetion of toattl.
OFFi(. I : Over Q'NeWs Bank.
Lue.n ovary Friday,
. S.
SaluweU's 'Black, Mf11n•st, Exeter,
Fxtraete Teeth without
pato. Away at RrN110,14 Qn
drat 1`'rilayt Craig. emend
awl fourth Tamen: ;did
2srnrc11fon the last Tliurs-
davot *nob month.
1«OWNINO M. D., M. 0
f�radoate victoria Ualvoraity
rind residence, Dom riOn LaborA-
I1YNDMAN, carom . for the
County of Huron. Officio opposite
Qnrling llrs:s. atort, Exeter.
a. J. A. ROLLINS, M, G. Y. S.
0. Office, Main tit. Exeter, Ont.
idenee, none° recently occupied by P.
Phillips, Edq,
k'. CUT'i'EN, M. D.t C. M.,
• e•aduatn Trinity llnivorsity, Tor-
onto FG frin. Med. sohool.Turonto t Grad.
.lin Tor-
onto; Crani}logy; Member N. Y. Goad.
oMee.Dashwwood.0ut.. 1. P. S..
Discuses of the
1:ayyeetrin,see and Sneer. les furnished for
both Nearand Distant vision.
Always at home, except: on Pridays.
No. 185 Quecn'4 Avenue,
London, Ontario.
BOSSriv13EB1 Y, General Li
• caused Auctioneer Sales conducted
in allparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges
moderate, Honest' P 0, Out.
ENRY IBILBJi R Licensed Atte
tioneor for fIaY, Stephen, and Me-
G1livray Towusiril•s, Stiles oonducted at
inoderaterates. Ottca,atPost-oil]oe, Cred-
iton Out.
�. AuctioneerandLanovalrmtor. orders
sent by mail to myad2ress,, Bonfield r,O..
will receive prompt attention. Terms moder-
ate. D. H. PORTER, Auetioueer,
Tennent & Tennent
Graluatesoithe Ontario Veterinary Col-
OFFICE : One door South of Town Ball,
na.per $35,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
oe ndon t.
D[ d 0 Lo On
` •A. Ca ffi ,
CAf e
Aftes>dinyears of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
contents ,the most favorable protection in case
of loss or damage by fire orlightning, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other resp ode
ablecompany oan afford to write. 42,375 poli:
cies in force Istjan ,1890. Assets $379,428.00
in cash in bank. Government depost, Deben-
tures and Premium Notes. JAMES GRANT,
President; D. 0 Mo DONALD 'Manager. DAlin
JAQtlns,Agent for Exeter andvicinity,
Established in 1863.
Thin(someane has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western
townie), and aontinnes to insure against
joss or Removal)", Fire Buildings Merchan-
dise, Manufactories, and all other deserip.
tions of inaurable property, Fntending
insurers have the option of insuring on.
the Premium Note or clash System;
During the past ten years this Com-
pany naw issued 57,096 Policies. covering
pr op arty to the amount of $40,872,039; and
paid' in losses alone $700,752,00. Cash
Assets, $176,100.00, consisting of
inBank, Government Deposit andthe nn-
aseessed•Premium Notes on nand and in
force. 3 W WatanneU. D.Presedert 0.
6f. TeyLon Secretary, 3.B . Avenue, In-
spector fl Ali. BE ELL. tent f,t' ktiatar
sad rtntattr.
This is only too tree, and often we see
the reality demonstrated by people going
to the well throu;;h hewing geode at fabu-
lous prices, or rnismanagenteut. An old
saw _prim,
"1t8 an ill wind that blows no per
son p•ofit," and constant obeertaiion Inas
no dou1,t teught yon that what In one
person's 1us 1.person's loss le another person's gain. So
it is in the natter wt a w: ish to bring !adore
you t . -day. It alit Iv malty a day r efore
the failure of Xis. I'iel ercl will be entirely
forgotten, anti to give you a last optnr-
tunaty to profit by it we ;ire nppla ing the
knife, and dean goes prices for the Innis
tr.trle. Immediately after this we start
et gaiting mot peeking goads to leave
premises vacated by lataet pert of
Weary. No reasonable price wilt be re-
fused far any article xn the establisli.nent,
for yon will understand a9 -well ae nnrscives
it will not pay to pack acid move the
goods, Let ne urge upon you onto more
to centiliter your own: inter* its. .(lit where
goods have to be sold and where you can
buy the eheapest. Old prices will be done
Way with and a new colo for the holiday
trade employers,
Wishing yon all a merry Christmas, a
trery happy acd prosperens New Year.
The Molsons Bank
(Q11A.ETEREI1d11.1':iALM t 17,NT,rESaa
1?afd tapOnpitel .,. 8'd:t a,(tt
Restrund , ...
1,cr1 y -i
theawlQalea, Montreal.
I?. WO1:,>;E11STAN TIlOMAS.Reca.
theDomin lie D.zuaurtminion. Ageusia
in , Aad 8 r pe.
I''.+bete1r Branon,
Open every lawful day. from 10a. torn
SATURDAY G,10 a, m t0 1 p.m.
4roreent,perannum aliowedforntono9 on
Deposit l eeeipts
R'ubusher, and Proprietor
Reeve Taylor will not be a candidate for
r••election in . Metifilivtay this coming
M William 1),sw. formerly a resitleut of
the 4th gen of roborne, but now of Iowa,
had his trail„ ➢rigs burnt about ten days age.
The Peden) if Heron and Fen 1)e :u
Inters. of Loreto, coaseereted two
eits➢reltes r*n Sunday-uipo at Parkhill and
the other in :#1ctillivray svxnehip.
Ail eases of weaker hone hack, backache
.eutuati>tn, will :find at 11E1 by wearing itpe
of t.'€trta•r's Swart R oe3 arid Ikdireit,alea
Backache Pdastere. Price 2$ cents. Try
them, T
Fn glen.`"13^1 on Tltnreilav, Po llth,
while two of Mr Henry 1:0 .,eubetrv's vena
naso• efrnpping wood. the oiler nllewed the
ase to fall nn tees Ilene t, .f hie younger
b-o'lter, mating riff one of his fingers. The
little lad ataod Elie aceidetut bravely,
Mr Beery Summers, of Grand Band. left
aiaTueaday morning for Portland, after
'R'fiefl he will sail in ilio for Lien
don, Eng This young man heti not seen
any of his relatives for about fifteen years,:
and he now let -elate to *Fend Cbrivtmav
with thein at home,
On Monday erening. by Rev James W.
Hodgins. of l ierafnrtit, brother of the groom,
efiga Eliza J Sadlier. and Mr Christopher
I3odgins. both of the township of Bid
duipb, were married. The weidine was
quite private, -aloe to the fact of Muesli
In the bride's family, and her younger
tiler having died the mum evening,
The anitual moths; of South Perth Far
Itat,ti:e,te w611b•t held in St Marys on
an Cth and 7th, 18311 when interesting
o'i°�rferaltnral sutliects will be
:sen by Stet Jelin Dryden, minister of
ttgrieultilre. J 12 Iloheon, eaq, ebairman
Guelph College Board ; 0 A. Zavn«. B 5
:t; A W Beadlethe ging of fruit growers;
a+➢b1 several of the IeaVnG agricniturisle
the county.
t etween G and ; e'eMck the other tmern-
ing the boo of :Mennen Crt'0 anti Thomas
Hindmareh,con 6, McGillivray, waeburn-
tato theFrrounrl. A. there was no one
living in the Itonco it is unknown how it
itight fire. It contain( d some household
Faso Is Air Feett saw rho fire, and slang
with Mr A. f3ot`ion etarted for the scene.
hey burst in the door, but the Atuoko and
roes were so great that it watt impossible
to nee *mething, tiir linelwarsh, who
lives on con e, stud had bought the term
b,ttrt time yearn a,;o from Mt Peter Mut-
will bo a heavy loser.
Rev Wm Davis, rector, of Woodhouse,
Norfolir, died at Toronto an 'Thursday, et
the no of 73 yore. 'Ile was in the city
'Weiner hie son when he was taken ilia
while undressing on the evening of the 'tit
Ile wee suddenly taken with moat Bovero
(mina in the heed and nu the spine. Six
sons Su/vivo laflu t010 are pabliehere of
the Mitchell Advorata, two clergymen of
the Chu -ah of h•,glatrd, another is custom
hose offieer, Winghnin, and another in
the employ of W. 1t. Brook & Co, of Tor-
onto, The family have tho sympathy of
the community in their sad bereavement,
following, as . it does, to soon upon the
death of their mother.
A. vary unfortunate accident happened in
the 'tnostril, of Logo on Tuesday of last
week, which well nigh resulted in the death
of tw r of its inhabitants. It appears tbat
Me "Tee Baker, of lot 14, eon 6. and his
sou Bert, a young mau about 20 years of
age, want to eat owe wood. They wen
chopping a dry beech stump, which, when
tailing, lodged inone of tbe adjacent trees
and ehaotiug out from the bottom struck
Mr Tinker wri'.h considerable lorce on the
lip. He dispatebed his sou to the house
for conveyauce to take him home. The
young man ant off, and Mr Baker, coming
'be the conclusion that he was not hurt so
badly, started for the house, but on walking
admit slaty or seventy rode he forted his
son Melees on the ground ; it is supposed
that be died from fright,
t rmers, look out for a man who
wants you to acv as agent for a barbedwire
fence. He is a sharper and will beat you, if
you have anything to :do with him. He
rept agents himself as agent for the hl,eah-
aato's Union Barbed Wire Fence of Lon-
don, and wishes to secure Ion( agents. He
earths many promisee, aud offers each
agent 100 pounds of the wire free. He pre-
sents a paper for the person to sign, which
he says is au agreement with the company
to act as agent, the company to supply wiro
at 8a Dente per pound. The agreement
turns out to be an order for a too of wire
at 8;
cents per pound, only the first 100
puede is to bo gtvetl the agent free. The
man is middle aged, with hair somewhat
gray. He is eliek looking and a good
talker, end drives a good outfit. Look.
out for him he is in. Essex °aunty, and is
liable to strike this section at any time.
Bitten -Mr Samuel Chesney, ono of our
merchants, has sold his store and dwelling
house to kit John Saddler, but retains the
stock. -Mi James Oliver has purchased the
Port Albert farm, of the Drake estate, and
is will move to it before spring. Mr 'Mark
Drake, has rented Mr John Norrie' farm,
which Mr Oliver is about to leave, -Mr end
Mrs Bich Hoskin spent Sunday in ;Exeter,
God Save the Queen.
The absorbing topic of the day is a Free
Trip Around the World, offered by "The
klome 1Fascinator," Pub 0o, to the person'
sending the largest number of words construct-
ed from tho letters contained in the sentence
"God Savo the Queen," and found imeitber
Webster's and Worcester's Dictionary. The
Publishers have arranged with the
Geller 1 Pass Agent. wfrD. MoNicol, for the
trip by their new palatial steamer, leaving on
its famous globe -encircling excursion about
March �5tb next- . Also in order ot merit, ad-
ditio ao prizes oft A free trip to Florida
Silver tea sets, sewing machines, ladies or
gentleman's 14k Gold Watch, etc. Every
person whose ]istcontains not leas than twenty
five words will receive a prizo. Enclose them
SO omits to pay for a grand premium catalogue.
complete rules.. and a six months trial sub-
scription to their beautifully illustrated family
story paper. As the successful competitor
may not care to take the extensive trip offered,
the option of $1000 in cash Contest ss open to
any person in Canada or the United. States.
Address "The' Hotno Fuscivator, Montreal
IO i QI+:3tt SIJ17 NBIVB
J'ron Various Sources Throng
out the Dastriet.
Several fine otters have been enpinred in
the Maitland recently near Bruset•le,
Ur B. White's *tore Parkhill eau;ltt
firelne?t week, and was with difficulty saved
from total destruction.
The other day a huge wasp's not was
found by Mr Jas ,"tieCunnelt of Bullett,
and measures Ave feet in ciroumferenco.
itobt Rowelifio has moved "'his family
from Eippen to Dashwood. :lir Rowelled
formally lived in Uaborne.
The St Marys gymnasium has reopened
for this season in O'Brien'a Ituililinx, which
bas been scoured for the purlsoso, and has
been suitably fitted up.
Wouldn't "Merry Chrietmas" bo merry
indeed for yon if you were rid of that horrid
Catarrh 7 Nasal Balm has curedthaumnds
of others ; it will cure you. Try it•
A lady in the south ward, Mitchell, hes
gone into the water business, and is pre..
pared to supply her neighbors at 50 cents
per month iu advance.
The result of the Empire's flag competi-
tion has been made known. Mise May
Fleming, of school section, No 8, Morn-
ington, is the winner of the flag for Perth
That tired, languid feeling and dull head-
ache is very disagreeable. Take two of
Carter's Little liver pills before retiring, and
you will find relief. They never fail to do
Mrs Mary Ann Dnlmago, of 't1oEillop,
who was tried on a charge of setting fire to
Mr Carter's house, Winthrop recently, was
(Recharged, "No Bill" having been found
against her.
Air. John. Sheppard, of Corbett, slipped
and fell between the wheels of his wagon
which was loaded with wcod one day last
week. The hind wheel of tbe written passed
oyer both his legs crushing them badly.
There was buried in. Mitchell cemetery
on Sunday last the body of Mrs Ursula
Station, who lived on the Huron road,
about a mile west of the corporation. Her
age was 93 years, 9 months and 20 days.
Mr Alex Davidson, Iate of .Goderich, 800
of Mrs Davidson, Tuckersmitb, and nephew
of John Russell, Goderiob, was kil ed in an
elevator in Manitoba last week. He leaves
a wife and ono son to mourn his sad death
Bellow, the Syrian jeweller (uotItalittc,
as first revolted), who shot e.t 34r Geo
Down, McGillivray, a •week ago last Fri.
day, and was convicted to stand bis trial
at the county court, was tried before Judge
Elliot, found guilts and sentenced to
six month's imprisonment iu the Central
Prison. •
Another of the old pioneers cf Auburn,
has panned away in the person of Mrs
Woode. Along with her husband, she Dame
here when it was almost an unbroken for-
est. She had passed the all.cted ."three
score and ten," having nearly reached the
four score and ten. She leaves a family of
four girls and one boy to mourn her de-
MEMBER OF Tam LEGisLATvrE- In Addition
to the testimony of the Governor of the
state of Maryland, U 5 A, a member of the
Maryland Legislature, Hon. Wm 0 Harden
testifies as followe : "746 Dolphin St,, Bal -
to, Md, U S A, 41118, '90. Gentlemen:: I
met with a eevere accident by falling down
the back stairs of my residence, in tbe
darknesn, and was bruised badly in my hip
and side, and suffered severely. One and a
half bottles of St Jacobs Oil completely
curednae. Wm 0 Hamm." Member of
Stale Legislature.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
Tuoket'fDUt .
, •
T3neei• The will of the late Frac➢e„
Walker was read on tete Stir fet. Tbe
deceaeee WAS worth about $16,000. in lend
and other property, wbich in to be soul by
ca ia1ie miction and the proceeds divided as
fupowe • 1Trr➢ David Walker. Jr. $309 ;.
Miss l "y, ter daughter, $200 ; the baltlne.•
equally distribetted between the deceaaeii
eight cei1dren. Provided air Devil Walker.
who iF 4 .1 petted to be in California, does
net Keefe an appearance 1u ten years, itis
• t-obit c td ndly divided among hire
bnathere grid eistera, foie daughter, Lily
gettia:g equal sb*rel. with the others.
Iia J ligtl.
Beters.--Miee Liezie Walo-io is home
tui Detr.'it attending Iter reother alta Etas
been ill for some time but is now elowiy
recaser1r:'g.*,.. Mr Jelin 1368011. of Loddon,
will he et his office hero on Jonuery 5th
nd remain for dour days. Parties interest -
will please ;akenntice.--.Qtlitgs number
Went have arrived home for the
Ilodtease. John Unit), .l,udrew Stalker.
Jas Davison. -.-Ayr T Hogan and Miss. 8
Hogan, el Bilin Green, were at' Mr tl 1Fil,Is
on S111Al y last. --A nnnaber of Flay field
Royal 1r=uplara vieited Goderich Cuencil
one evening hot smelt and report a pleasant
Iitatr,Fa-•-:11r it Rosa. onr popular school
teacher, bas been re engaged der 15M.•--
Messrs Thirsk it Lament, dwrere, eltipeent
from i"►appeu natation two cartoade of lambs,
on Saturtlayweek. Mrs V mNieale ei, who
has been indiapored ter smote time, i9 &llowly 1
covering. Mrs Snaith is crow admitting I
lends iu the Queen alts,. -Mr John Thrisk t;
jr, wlee ions been et -Retitled to the house
dor owe days through ai'kness, is now able
to attend to i;netneas. The principal
amusement here for Cheistreoe, will be a
rade et ti,e Welker iaoueo, when co good
horse will be disposed of.--Onr burg don't
go for suet email gam as fowl.
Dina -The McKinley 13i11 has not
kneal:ed the batten) out of farm property
yet, At ?Jr Moults' solo this week 1;1•t
faun of 150 acres nearNooreaville, wag' bid
oil at $'t325 and we understand air Shoults
was titiee offered $$8.500 for his farm or
snore than 556 per sere, Considerable
farm uraperty is changing heeds this win-
ter and it is to be hoped that a reaction is
about to act in in prices for the better. -
Mr Brewster whose store in Clandelroye was
burglari 'r 1 warm few weeks since ie alapns.
ing of 1"-a balance of Ilia stoalt..- Owing to
the high sober)! entertainment in Luoan on
Friday nieht 19th inat., Miss Dempsey
teaeber in sebool No 2 Biddulpb intends
having their entertainment on Thursday
18th iust,-At present there is an abund-
ance of ar,nw. Tito Aianitaba blizzard that
stench this town on Thursday night last,
was quite a eurpriso, the more so ns the day
was remarkably fine.
Birdman Testi;a-Several items bare ap-
peared in the Thine, relative to the length
of residence of Messrs Time Essesymad Wm
13alitwill. 1 very much doubt that Mr
Essery has resided continuously on the
same farm for 52 yearn, as the farm on
which he now resides wan ranted for some
!mare to Mr John Oke, now of Afuskaka.-
There aro other pioueers in the neighbor-
hood who have resided coutinnoaely on
their farms several years longer tbat either
Mr 13alkwell or Mr Easery. Mr Thos Row-
eliiie took up his farm in 1831. He re-
turned to England in that year, and came
back in 1833 or 1834 siuce which time ho
has resided on his farm, lot 14, con 1,
Stephen. Mn Thomas May of lot 8, con I,
Usbotne, oan probably lay claim to the
longest continuous residence on ane
farm in this neighborhood. When a child
two or three years of age, his father, known
as "Old Farmer May" brought him in the
spring of 1832, where he has resided con-
linuously for over 58 years. Mr Richard
Handford, of Centralia, is probably the
oldest coneinuous resident of the neghbor-
hood, although not all the time on the
farm. He has been hero since 1831 over
59 years -A Protnmx»'s Sox.
Granton. Jas Brooks is into the potato
business again, of course, displaying his
usual enterpriee and ability, -The last
sensation hero is the big dog fight. We are
sorry to admit that the brutal practice is
permitted, but let it be remembered that
Afr Jas Poster's dog was handled very
"softly, '-• Mr J T Parkinson of thin place,
boasts of being the 90586580r of :he ainal-
lest fall grown dog west of Toronto. --Tiro
temperance society, recently organized by
Mr J C Spence, of St Marys, now numbers
over eighty members; wall done Charley.-
harley-The other day the horse.belongi tg to the
'Mayor' of Whalen, who so faithfully serves
bis country by carrying her Majesty's mail
between Whalen and this place, broke the
usual monotony as well as his owners
buggy, by running away. We were of the
opinion that if ever this majestic quadruped
did escape the vigilant eye and iron grasp
of his driver, he would sedately walk to the
side of tbe road and quietly lie down. As he
is still possessed of so much ambition, he
may pull throngh the winter, provided the
winter is not "daubed on" too thick, and.
once more behold the fields of Whalen ar-
rayed iu living green. -Yes, the Principal
of the Wba]en Academy has certainly re.
signed. Well, goodbye, Rab, we won't for-
get you, but whenever our ear is greeted by
`•Thebell of Whalen, that sounds so grand
on the pleasant waters of the ttog pond”
there, we will think of him who caused it
to be hung there, ('a hangman worthy of
the name) and look forward in glad antici-
pation ro the time when we shall again
take you by the hand and Bay: Glad to see
you looking so well, old boy. --Mr George
Fester and D Johnston jr, of the 10th eon,
Blanshard, are beth in a lair way towards;iry from their eisktcess•
lnedav~n Jr Josmph Anderaon lion re.
tanned from Calgary, N %F T. Ha arrived
in Cent*alio .ant week, and although being
an eferty man. loolra none the worse for
lila long trip and rough experiences its the Wo
fa. onset. Mr Anderson is favorably Me wing
with the Alberta .district, having
lived there for rine ' menthe, and is of our
opinion that it is juet the place for young Tnany
moron +rho aisle to prosper. Grains of ail mends
kinds canl.e'e*is d. predeciughese/ yields lite
while pi,satoee grown there are as fine as ha
ere eawc. 1'w+ralene who went out from
toentralie Base propend and are quite
64t14r' 1 with their prospects. Mr ,Inner•
sen may retrain in the spring, be owning
;mei erable lana in the *Riede district.
I;sirpa•-The Sunday School anntvereary
of the Sunday School of the First Preeby-
tarien Chinch, was hold en Sunday and
Monday, weeik _ Tho church Wag filled to
the doors nn Monday evening. The enter-
eainmeut was one of the best of the season
--Lambeth's Balmoral Choir gave it concert
in the opera bonne on 1'ueaday evenine,
The halt xis well filled Awl all who attend-
ed were well satisfied, -••Oliver Mfkiu sold
by public auction on Mondeo deet. ill bis
farm stock and irnpletnents. Oliver caving
related his farm for a number of years, pro.
poses t4 engage in Tnereautili pnrsulte. -; Dixon's new house, Wellington St,
teal➢,will sou he satnpleterl, and Mr
Dixon mote to eat hie Christmas dfnuer
"it ie. This is erne of the 618'64 htotneea in
town and is built of St Marys gnarr r stone,
It will east wires c =piloted $e O tie.
8eldoar. Bomar --Tho fellewiog is the
report of Eirktnn cehr'o1 fnr the ref nth of
:november. The pitmen of rite three beat in
each class are pivots. The report is bend
on recitations, cauduot, attendenee and
punctuality:-Seuior 4th class -]Lizzie
.4hier, Samuel D.+ripe, Hervey Itebivaon.--
Junior •ftlt doss-=Ji➢sie d.)oupe, Rachel Kirk
Marna% Tufts.-.S..nine :led elms -Minnie
Vtttsou, P. Smyth. Hugh Melee ood.--
Junior 3'd Solltl,, Witham
liaalewor.d. Sarah Dnn e,-.,S,.e.Ond dins--
]trllct Itazlewood, Effie t'orniee, Robert
BtticiS.a.-Tlte .".fathotilet, of tho third
line, In ancitard, Wend building a new
church, It will cast about $3,500, end twill
have ail the modnru improrementa. in -
eluding it otos banatent.-Tt p,.,T».inn nn
account of its being brimful of spicy read-
' matter and general news, is being more
aeprecilited in this village laud locality . it
pays to advertise in the Tures, as it has a
very largo cirouIAtion throughout this
country audelsewbero.-Mrs D W Duimage
wee visiting at the Rev Burwell, of Exeter,.
during the kre part of last week. --Mmes
Robinson has returned to her home ]n
Ttlanahard, after a kw months abeenee 1n
Dakota -Tho wife of Air John Robinson
a former resident in this neighborhood is.
visiting friends bore. -Our local atm deep -
era are exhibiting a teetotal variety of pre-
sents anitnble for Xmas tide.—Tho clover
crop in this neighborhood is exceedingly
large, and those who have threshed state
that the yield is good and one of the best
paying crops a farmer can produce, -Tho
anneal meeting of the Kit kton Brauoh of
the Bible Society, was held in the Methodist
church on Tuesday last when important
business was transacted. -Mr Rein Stephen•
son was united in the holy bonds of matri-
mony to Wyss A Howlett, of McKillop, on
Wednesday last. Thenewiy married couple
have the beet wishes of the neighborhood
for their future welfare and happiness.
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Br,TErs-In October Last the contract for
the erection of a new bridge in this village,
was tet to Mr L. Hardy, the work to be
completed by Nov 5th, 1890, but the work
was not begun until Thursday last. -The
bridge is an improvement over the old one,
being entirely different in design. This is
a aonuty bridge but it does seem rather
grange to build a twenty foot bridge over a
six foot creek. However, the bridge ie
male too wide in the time of flood,the trouble
being in the creek, which should have been
dug three or four feet wider, -Mr W. B.
Spicer has a frame driving house under
course of erection. -Mr Riobard Jones has
goue to spend the winter with his uncle in
Michigan. Mr Leathern and wife have
been visiting Afr Smile for a few days. Mr
Leathorn has been buying wood, butter,
etc., and shipping it to the eity.-Some of
our sportsmen have been on a hunt bat
foaled no game ; but being determined not
to go home without unloading they tried
their skill at a marls -The poor house ques-
tion is often up for discussion on nomina-
tion day, butthe in past hub u scarcely any
ot the ratepayers air their eloquence in ad-
vocating this noble cause. Nomination
day is again drawing near, and that is the
time and place tor the public discussion of
all questions affecting the voters, and we
should humbly suggest that the oratoro of
the township should come to the town hall
and air their views ea this important cities -
tion. -Mr Peter Whitlock is busily engaged
selling a new patent washing machine. This
is an article that is needed in every home,
as the family washing is a serious matter to
many an overworked housewife, and experi-
once and observatiou teach that it is more
profitable, in every sense of the term, to
buy and wear a labor-saving machine than
it is to over work a woman. -Niue or ten
farmers within a radius of two or throe
miles from Elimville are preparing to put
basements under their barns next summer.
-Mr Samuel Skinner, er, has had a
Isom erected on the, southwest corner of
the old homestead. where with his wifehe
intends to spend his deeliuing years. May
those years be filled with pleasure and re-
pose. -Mr Wm Miners is diligentlyprose-
cuting the sale of H. D2. StanIey's lateet
Keep your blood pure and you will rot
have t•ht.umatiem, floods Sarsaparilla
purifies ti a blood, and tenet, 51 6 Whole
130te15--Snulom Sunday Se eel iv work,
ing well, good atten loom. - A new day
achool teacher has been engaged ffr the
eeniiugyear,a lady front Strathroy.--C.
Prouty has decided to *tar proceedings
ageivat the ti'e breakers on condition that
they tach pay to hire this week 37Lcts.---
Children have made good progress under
the tcuching of .Sr Bell ,'t furter.--ilii Tuesday morn
ing, Dee. Ititlt, W. H. Cooper, a well-
kaaown resident oi: this place, took the
morning train for Brucutlekt with the
supposed intention of collecting some uo•
counts in that vicinity. He WAS walking
on the track a mile or so south of the
village when tho train due here at 9.45,
en route from London, cane along. The
train men saw bun on the track and
signalled him to get off, He appears te
trove done so at lint, hut being weak
fruni four or fere days' Hitless loan 3Qni0 -
way again gottoo claim ihefahq.track and
was struck on one side by part of the
engine, smashing his right thigh and
and brebking it, He was thrown for-
ward several yards and received a severe
blow on Ins forehead, which with the
shock to his system generally, seems to
have caused his death an ]tour or so after
the accident.
- - Ureciltoil.y
Brunwa•-•Miss Maggie Brown is home
from Detroit and intends spending her
Xmas holidayshere.-al rMichael Schwarz
has returned from Le Hoy, Dakota,
after an absence of about three years.
The West seems to have agreed with
him, as he has grown completely out of
his former self. -Mr Nelson Hodgtns,of
Bredna, Man., has bought several horses
in this vicinity, and will take them to
the Northwest, shortly*. Nelson is a
farmer Crediton boy and has been quite
successful since he left here and owns a
farms of 160 acres, He likes the Nor'
West and says there is plenty of cheap
land still left up there. --Among others
who are home for Xmas is Mr Elias
Link, who has been working near Bran-
don, Mao., tinning the past summer. -
Mr. Wtn. Sanders was to London on
business during the former part of this
week. -Dr. Staobler has sent to Berlin,
Germany, for a quantity of the renown-
ed 'Kock consumption cure' and through
friends there will likely secure an early
supply. The Dr. has Prof Koch's own
description of treatise and we trust he
will be able to secure the lymph as it
would be a great boon to the community
as well as the Doctor himself. We com-
mend the Dr. on his enterprise. -Last
week the publishers of this paper re-
ferred to advertising in its columns. We
believe THE TIMES is a good medium, as
a few weeks ago we stated under these
items thet we wanted a little more snowy,
and we got 1t at once ; and the beauty
of the thing is that it stayed with us and
we have had nice sleighing ever since.-
The Independent Order of Foresters of
this place will give a concert in the town
hall on the avg. of Deo. 30th. They
have engaged Mr Jas. Fax, of Toronto
who is a noted comic singer, and wil
favor us with some of "his best". There
will also be local talent represented, be-
sides other attractions.-Electtonmatters
are still very quiet and things hardly
promise an election. Perhaps we would
be as well .ofl -His Honor Judge Doyle
held Division Court in the town hall on
Tuesday and a number of petty case
were disposed ot.
Three of the Irish envoys, Win O'Brien
and T. P. Gill, sailed from New York on
the steamer (Milani for France, on Satur-
day. Timothy Rarria.gton sailed on the
steamerAerianie. for Quoenston.
On Friday last Air Tas Henderson, of the
5th eon, McKillop, while chopping in the
bush, bad the misfortune to out his foot
badly with the axe that be was using. He
was alone and in order to staunch the flow
of blood, ire took off bit braces and bound
up the wound, which enabled him to get
hornet A doctor was sent for and dressed
site it jar?,i member Awl 'bp ;v. now pro.
gresn]ng tsr:•,ru',i.,