HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-09-18, Page 9• titak,SW rEfT,,,18th-1,1Vg LIONS 110109. • OPENING MEET. • The Lions -Club opene ---,•-t,"-lioe.athavaizinagWrAkitt at the Bedford Hotel with a good turnout of members. fn the ab- sence Of the president, Bill Lumby, oh a fishing trip in Nerthern On- tario, 2nd vice-president Don. Aber - hart was chairman. ' A 'Minute's silence was observed by the members, standing with ishlirwed heads, in memory of a form - Nursing Home Pleaaant surroundings. Operated by Reg. Nurse Properly balanced home cooked meals., Tray service, Mrs. H. Earnshaw PHONE 1593 - 53 NORTH STREET 34 tf. - er, president, Dr. 3.* A:- Grahant, Who passed away since the last meeting was held. Two new members were welcom, ed, "St-ouYart Sutherland, with the Canadian OilCOMPanY, and Burns M.Ross, local surVeYor. • 'gram on ivic iii34.day, Ilhb Rosa, r4ported an overall deficit of $74.69 On the project. He thanked 'all who had helped in staging the, show and felt that the day could still be a very successful one ft, 'held in the future./ Leo Walzak, chairman,i of the • Lions Peanut Drive Committee, an- nounced the drive would be held on Friday, September 19, from 4 p.m., on and that all Goderich homes would be canvassed by the Lions selling peanuts, peanut but- ter, mixed nuts, etc. Committee reports were - given by Clyde Everett, hairman of the ways and means committee, and John Sully, chairman of ,the air cadet committee. At the next meeting on Septem- ber 26th, District Governor Rae Watson, of Lucknow, is to be, pre- sent. In the, 1956.57 school year there were 3,297,450 students enrolled in Canada's publicly -controlled schools. ,, • Treasurer's. Sale of • Lands For Taxes Corporation of the County of Huron TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Huron under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date of 12th day of •August 1958 sale .of lands in .arrears of taxes in the County of Huron will be held at my office at the hour of 2.00 p.m. in the Court House on the 9th day of December, 1958, unless the taxes -and costi-are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale • for arrears of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 5th day of September, 1958, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. • . The adjourned sale, if necessary, will be held atthe above office On the 16th day of December, 1958. Treasurer's Office this ,13th day of August, 1958. (Signed) • J. G. BERRY, Treasurer. 36-48 NO MORE' RAIDS on your Savings Account Fight off .raids en your savings this •,businesslike vay. Usc a Royal Bank Personal Chequing Account to pay. . bills; keep your Savings Account strictly for' saving ! Ask about this 'new Royal TWO -ACCOUNT PLAN. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Goderich 'Braneh: II G. Spring; ,Manage,, I • ' OUT ON A LJMB WITH B11.1.. SMILEY • Twehte years ago tonight, I was a brand new bridegroom. Yep, it's Our, twelfth anniversary: Seems like Only yesterday. As Methuse- lah said when they asked him how it felt the apt time he had his beard trimmed. ' * * It's a long time to live with a strange woman. Especially when she gets stranger every year. Well, not stranger, exactly, but more peculiar. Well, not exactly more peculiar, but, you know, uh, more sort of odd. Not really odd, of course, in the real sense of the word, but, uh, more kind of, uh, unexpected. * That's what gets me about it. Twelve years ago, I Married this dark -eyed, serene, little' girl„ just out of her teens. She thought I was some shakes„- I was a big • operator, ex -flight -lieutenant just out of the air force, been around, seen the world. She thought every- thing I said was gospel. She hung, literally hung, on my every word. My opinions were Mosaic in their • majesty. • * "Boy," 1 thought, "this is for me. This kid is just what I'm looking for. • So many of my friends have married those opinionated, over- bearing • women who are always - telling them what to do. •None of that for me. This ,kid knows quality when she sees it. She knows you don't ,get guys like me out of grab - bags. And" --Arid' she's 'so -quiet.: -Arid undemanding: She's happy, just to be with me." ' * - Well, she's still got the dark eyes. But did you ever pay much atten- tion to the color of eyes your sergeant -major was sporting, when you were in the army? * * * Know what she 'said- the first thing this • morning, before break- fast? On our anniversary? She said: "If you think I'm going to take the ,garbage- 'out again this week, you re crazy!" Imagine that. On our anniversary. And 1 hadn't even asked her yet. . Of course, she didn't know it was our anniversary. Nor did 1, until noon, when I brought home a card from her sister in the city, which carolled: "Happy Anniversary." She didn't burst into tears, as 'any normal wife would do, .She. just looked at me, in the diapassionate UNDER NEW • MANAGEMENT • lrocoiauc: (WAG t ..„ . , manner Iii'Whieh'ni6lit'Peihile 160k .8t 4 oPliglOr tligt4r40 At,c1t. 0 stomp — vim kids helOid .11 * usual. "Wells' they yodel Otl, ,-YVI:;..4011V.40P. .11.401011)410, ave yoU been Inerried? W this, the silver anniversary/ What did you bring for a present, Dad?" And the horrible realization dawn- ed on me, that. it was Wednesday afternoon, the stores were Closed,- ' and couldn't even got a belated token tO throw to her,, el the Rus.. sians used to thr,ow their cloaks, or or was it their children, to the pursuing wolVes. * * "Oh,• I don't expect a present," she said to the kids, in that tone that makes your toenails curl. "Your father is much too busy with important things, like forgetting to order the coal, and forgetting to get the storm windows on, and forgetting to pay the hydro bill, to remember a silly old anniversary." * * , • Five hours later, when 1 got home from work, to which I had fled with the alacrity of a rabbit released filrm a snare, and from which I had returned with the speed of a turtle with a sprained ankle, she resumed, the iron strik- ing deeper. * "Isn't this much nicer on our anniversary," she said to the kids, weeping ,over -the onions she , was chopping into the frying liver, "than your father taking ,me out to dinner, with candlelight and soft music? Just the four of us together. In our own home. With rid fire in the furnace AND THE TEMPERATURE 49 DEGREES IN THE •DININGROOM!" * 8, 4, • Never mina, it's been a wonder- ful twelve years, and I wouldn't trade one minute of it. If I hadn't got married twelve years ago, I'd still be a frivolous young, man' with ' a lot of money. Instead of a serious, middle-aged .type, dedicat- ed `to the joyous tasks of paying • off- the .mortgager providing an education for a' couple of delight- ful childhen I'd never have seen, and attempting to cope with the shanty Irish temper of that serene, quiet, understanding little girl 1 thought` was 'se Jecky to, get me. , DESCRIBES' HER TRIP OVERSEAS Mrs, Agnes V. Foster, RR. 3, Galeriar is back home after trip of "10,000 miles in which she used eleven 'different modes of travel—car; bus, plane, tram, street car, boat, train, taxi, elevator,4 escalator and rick-shaw. • Flying from Malton Airport on July '24th' at a height of 7;000 feet only; Montreal,sprawled out\ far below, was seen on theway to Gander • Airport. At- other times only white billowy clouds below formed the scenery, said Mrs. Fos- ter in a diary she kept of her trip aadrrivaLaL2testwick,-SeaL land, was in a heavy Mg.' Visits followed in Glasgow and London, where many historical spots were visited. Prom London she flew 'to Paris and found the coffee served aboard the plane was terrible but the tea very good. In, Paris she found it amusing to watch people going along the street carrying French rolls under their arms. The rolls were about . One , yard long and unwrapped. From Paris she went to Brussels,'" Belgium, and experienced no trouble with cus- toms officials. At the World's Fair it:. was , strange not to • find, any plate to ,buy soft drinks or ham- burgers: Returned to England by boat and .among places visited was home of William Shakespeare, in- cluding room where he was 'born. Back to Scotland, she went to Ayr to. visit birthplace of Bobbie' Burns. At Kirkaldy; Scotland, she tried to look up ancestral relatives since it was there that Captain Andrew Bogie, her grandfathar, was born, later becoming' a salt water sailor. At Edinburgh) she visited Edin- burgh Castle.' On the way home, the plane stopped over at Iceland, "It was a wonderful sight coming along the St. Lawrence River as the sun was coming .up 'and seeing the cities far below with their colored lights still on," said Mrs. Foster at the conclusion of the diary re - Oft on the trip abroad which was. in much more detail than that given above. GODERICH SHOE REPAIR. EAST STREET * 30 Years Experience in all types of shoe repair. Scissors and 'skates Sharpened. All work fully 'guaranteed. • 35-8 READY -MIXED CONCRETE — FOR — WALLS * FLOORS • WALES p, • BARNYARDS ETC. ' Delivered to the job in the quail. tity you require. The fast clean way to pour con. cxete. Call or write 'us for a free estimate. • Huron Concrete • Supply Ltd. GODERICH • „ PHONE 174 Also suppliers of -Concrete Block. 1.6tf The game of basketball was in- vented when James Naismitlf was a divinity student' and 'gym instructor at McGill, To give the football team winter exercise, Naismith had the athletes run with and pass a football •in the gymnasium and shoot the ball .at peach 4askets he nailed up on the gym balcony. THE HOUSE AND CAT*' WE MUST REPAIR .., AN MONEY SCARCE AS ELEPHANT HAM/ '‘ in& CAS4/OULP MAKE. 'YOU WORRY- FREE, SP' GET A LOAN. AT 4, ( ((( .f• the a gpf ::- TRANS CANADA CREDIT sias -S4.4*Amiasoo.4,44.4 rse-43 • TRAMS •-alitIADA ;1 • • CREDIT, CO,R PORATI ON L1MITE QuAt•••,4,-.../ MAR.,,Ey-PiflON'Em4+7 • A • • •-•54. A Seaforth youth .who appeared jfl t,nagistrate's court at Goderich Thursday pleaded guilty to Wee Highway, Traffic Act violations and was remanded to jail for one week to await sentence. Joe Pero, 18, 'admitted he drove •carelessly, was under suspension at the time and had an ownership permit while prohibited from hav- ing a motor vehicle. "This young man was convicted just last •menth at Seaforth of driving while under suspension,", said Crown.. Attorney H. Glenn Hays. A car driven by the youth was in an. accident in Tuckersmith Township, near Clinton, on August 16.• Mero had been drinking all day at various "outlets" inthe county, said the crown attorney. According to the youth's story, he took to the ditch to avoid an oncoming vehicle. In doing so, he removed a long series of. guard rails "which didn't help his car any," added Mr. Hays. • Familiar Face When Harry Gibb, a Clinton youth, appeared in answer to a charge of driving while disquali- Red'Magistrate D. E. Holmes re- marked, "He didn't stay' out of trouble very long." In court here two weeks ago, Gibb was fined $50 and costs for impaired driving and ,his, license was suspended for six months. At that time, he was given " until September 18 to pay his fine. On the first occasion, Gibb had been driving a truck owned by a Stratford firm. In the second case, he was driving a car belonging to his cousin. This ear struck the rear of another auto at a Clinton intersection. • On the latest charge pf driving while disqualified, he was released on his own. bail of $100 and in- structed • to . return to court on September 25 to be sentenced. ,Iteith Miller, of R.R. 2, Bakfield, was fined the minimum amount of $10 and costs for careless driving. His ear was in collision with the left rear corner of a 1957 Lincoln, driven by. Mrs. Gladys Meier, of Stratford, on the Square, 'hear Montreal street, on August 21.• Mrs,,Meier said she was looking for a parking place and had just steed to let another car back out when her car was nicked by • the' 'Miller atitb,"Which. had been following. Defence counsel James Donnelly contended that the degree of negli- gence was not sufficient to warrant a conviction of careless driving, but the magistrate felt the man had been following the Meier car too closely under the circum- stance' . Provincial 'COO4table Morley Groves, on temporary duty with the town police force, investigated • the mishap.• • Speeding Charge' 'Morley Jelin Fischer, of Brussels, was fined $15•' andcosts for speed- ing at 65 mph. The complaint was laid by Provincial Constable Don Westover, of Goderich, who clock- ed Fischer's -vehicle near Taylpr's Corner on August 21. A one-week %adjournment was granted in the case of a Goderich man who faces four charges laid under the Canada Temperance Act. Three charges are of keeping for sale and the other is of bringing liquor into the county unlawfully. 1 TO LIST GoDEitio IN CLAIMED SOCIAL REGISTER Leading citizens of Goderich will have a place to themselves in the "Social Register of Canada," - says a news release to The 'Signal -Star from Social Register of Canada Limited, the firm publishing the book. The book is to be published ••••••••••••••••,•••••••• 'Royal Academy of Music GALT GUELPH Offers Special Opportunity for Beginners in Music ;ti hi " ' ri in the Social RegiSter arO the.se 1te 11,100,th, ilk . OS -40 pp lro.", 4 Sab34:141411.0%94,04141401. :11Wot4isintil;410.48131' 01r1(tra7z• OU6PellYirlenCine .such a book and it is elaimed by P4/11 -Varr-Oa to tke-rig4t of this rm to select names fin" sortie that you are listed in it only • Ott. `A• It is 04: th4,4 L"S° !r49 4744,,Otblefoglit.173:h:•:1' lined to ',11aO • . i!i;'7'rtri314.1!5Z:'01Xigtitelg,VOA, -that dAte mist he pal&it noW befOr4gyou (target • 4$14 10. WEEK TRIAL COURSE Accordion and music sepplies for home practise. No instrument or music to 'buy or rent. Private. and.Band Instruction. — Our modern teaching method makes music fun and assufes, fast progress., ' • , Opportunity of a Life Time. ENROLL NOW ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Teacher and Representative— •' MRS, JOE BERRY, 168 Huron ,Road 4oderich, Ont. 35-6x •••••••••••••••••••••••• J/i,1ll 1/0„ I. ASSURANC C°A1PAIlv• NEW OFF/CPIPATERLOO,ONT,IR/D .fince /889 • EBB ROSS Says'! 41 ' SMALL Going without a few luxuries is all you have to da to make sure that your kiddies won't have to give up everything: This really is the won derful thing about Life Insurance. See me today about protection for your family • EBB M, ROSS Representative. •. Goderich, Ont. . Phone 37. Sick.Pay Plans provide hicid; in time of need. Our group MacDonald Electric Co. Ltd. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - DOMESTIC General Electric Appliances Phone 235 or 479 WELL-THAT\NA EA S'Y, EAST ANP NICE. GLAb WE TOOK 'TRUSTY'S ADVICE._ IF WISDOM SHOWS THE NEED T0 BORROW, 'CALL ir c .C. FOR A LOAN. T,OMORROW. 1.1 , Written Guarantee Autharized depeudable service BACKED BY IMPERIAL OIL Because Esso Heating Equipment is engineered to meet your home's special regtiiremehts, you get maximum heating efficiency withotlt any waste. And, for the last word in dependable heat, use Esso Furnace Oil too. It burns super clean, greatly red'uces deposits on furnace 'parts—you get uniform higher auality in every gallon. A Consult the Yellow Pages of your phond directory for your nearest Esso _Burner Dealer. A Bills and Incone don't add up? Whetiever.a loan will solve a money problem, Trans Canada , Credit's All -Canadian loan servile stands ready to help you. Borrow from $150. o $2,500. or even..more. Repayment.plans or seasonal sums to fit your budget —ver 12, 18, 24 or 30 months, • ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST ••• tsmomrst MacDONAULEIECIR CO. LIMITED Britannia Road • —, • •.. Godetie4) • • 18. 84 •