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The Exeter Times, 1890-12-11, Page 8
INSURANCE 1t 41;,ap n.LLj j ENT FOlt l 1NT of Toronto Irmo f, t tsar Pittk."iK VIRE, CNSUI?d SCE COMPANY , of London; i ngiaud, the 1tuTAi a,q : ADl a.N, of Molt- . • A „ t,a+;c, ntg9 2:R.), Mt.! (..A.E I.II''1: ASat I:A ALF CU'Xof Watert000stabhsiaed io,v. Assatautesiutnrce,413,1 7 300, F onuses every year after 3rd year. THE EXETER, otlta"ug gvnnr.nie bain All arrangements, have been completed " ee __-__---, fan the taking of the next census, and the o a .,-wank will `:-,n commenced on April 6th, eta c so c next. rn c P �,, '4›...a. a Richard Plea .rd carries the largest and -• w „,'e ,,.•g . -' ;: ee best stock of groceries, in town and will ee 5 ta cax ;^ea es T a ',,g g a ' offer great indu.emeuts during Christmas e, le •^ ea � trade, Try l:s'?5e tea. c `c' ^ :+,a1.' $tutday bei'g a fine day and sleighing -ec, M 1 fairty good, every available horse anti , cutter was Ire' at into requisition. The to make streets wet a heel. its name No less than theca of our entc;prfsiug .4tt tendered o fh q con vac ors heve enc exec or the erection l3revities, Fox boating is just new a popular pee, time with the .'tical sports. :• Furs area gag the big bargains at the } Utk: Iniukrt p t Store, The richest Xmas. presents will thie ,,¢pmol¢ feeed, at the Big Bankrupt Stole. 1 Read Ca Eros. change of advertise meat. It &al well repay you. They are tnfeel ita? pleasure TO SPEND ~• time r"t' >c a,:aal � a- � of Mr. c.: 1a3.v;,s new hotel at. liirE+,ton zior1'1' b one' the :et t. hick appears elseu here, value . !teed ,i, l . Sp.tt,tiaau advt. Pett : r E. tHe has moved x .s large stock of clothing, hoots and 1_s, etc, next donor, and has etipl'ee eclat . the greeery and glassware stoke; pnrkha, .:s1 of Mr Ed. Roberts. � ^ T to `nn erT dry of the ,lames St lfetll, ekirireli will [.t:,tel•lnext Smithy. Sermons 5 An ..ttr°active Stook of New Winter Tweeds Worsteds and II'rous- ings. now bean g' shown by WM.. Exeter ecitteettereerimssergemas RUPT STORE ETER• Furs for less than regular wllo.esale prices at the Big.tae- Bankrupt Store. Mcn's Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Coatt.% Men's Fur Caps, Ladies' F u r Caps, Fur Storm Co11ars Fur Boas, Fur Muffs, win l.:' p+ca,l.e,l by Mr Treler,• .,n, of St Thomas. OaAinndsy the usual tea will he held, a• 1 Fd'Jreeses ft'llowfng. fl,ariag:neerel days of lent week and the forepart ef this week. the weather was very shtop—the keenest of the seasee - and resembled very much some of the old- time winter¢. The tax enalcetor now spends 0. portion of his time at the town hall to receive taxes. He ::aa gone his rounds and waited on the peop°e --row those who have not yet paid tht it taxes will have ••" want on i brut. In Lomita: those who eel; assintaanee from the eine` en account of not being algae to procure work, are given wood *awing to t'O. aud es a const,quettee the eity is bee tall given a wide berth by 'undeserving r3i arity hunters. Derieg ECt 41 31 daye .of last • week, busi- ness was t a °: fly baaai, in consequence of the esvor,ak•'e eke:4411e, end now the invielian is ere in hopes of a good ( was ist::r as tsa We trust their expect - maims will in felly realized. A large ". .af billhea.de acid slate. ms•iit•I al -. ..'cl: :vt the ' tvtr-s, anal ,. . i . iA i= - 1 t �.: +tl ' d i t tI slap 1 7 1 0:k,t awl loave n a three print .i .tud pedaled to suit their it prices are rtwaenable, Five i:.;t at eines to ¢elect from, at. the hte.+a : ¢eating hon e. lbs houra c; eerviee in. the slain St lit-:latn.list Ciie '-h have been changed. In the ale ., ee inetea.d of 10.30 the ser - vire aril.. :Rate¢ at 11 a'c144ek ; ;and in the ermine; at 7 instead of 6.30 o'clock. By cone tl a:]range is appreciated, while others do : take f.inelly to it. 1110114 v ie'ains, . r : ee Jnu .T. Daly ,K Co, of Guelph, pe:;—o,. dly to learn their . rine r star.• a t a t.n star bawl.« :Honey, ear -ee for advert .ink tarme, aud, terms for :lel. Collie and see the great bargains atins in Maas for XlilatS. 3. A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter, entU MUM THURSDAY, DEC];1111ER ]ltle. 1890 1:0t�At HAPPENINGS. Memorial Service. There was a laage congregation in the James St. Methodist Church, on Sunday evening Dee 7th, when a memorial service was conducted by the pastor, the Rev A. L.Russell, in connection with the decease of Mrs. John Welsh. The preacher made some fitting remark% ennrerning the 'hristian character et this esti.nobla woman. The text was taken from Luke 23-43 :—"To -day shalt thou be with me in Paradise." The sermon was highly appropriate and carried with it many lessons of deep import to the hearers. The Music by the choir was appropriate and well rendered. They Have A Right to i(now. Business men have as much right to -know the circulation of a paper in which they advertise as a purchaser has to ex- -amine the quality of the cloth he buys. Scores of newspapers get money under false pretences Their statements of cir- culation are gross misrepresentations made to get money they could not obtain by honest means ; and such publishers are usually found to deliberately misrepresent ret only their own but the circulation of others- If business men would insist upon knowing the facts about the papers they advertise in they would often spend their money to better effect than now. Royal Orange Lodge. Last Friday night being the annual ;meeting of L. O. L No 954, as well as the ,monthly meeting, the following officers 'I were elected for the current year:— them in /leer, =r at tree eCentn u hots.., s at 1'liur.sal ty , 1? a pith, or at llensall at h Ii«,algita, liege 1, on Friday, 'Dee I011i, ° Stanleyva. Stanleyton. els in Africa eau oulyr be hatbi flow Capt. Geo. Kemp, su'a emelt for Bettor. One could not purchase a finer Xmas present for a friend than the two volumes of Stanley's travels. They are 14autifully hound, and On ap. Call 1 ani ex:uniue the book. C*rpt (leo Kemp town ticket agent, G. 1. D. The reduced number of sparrows during the past few months has been quite notii e al,le• Their absence from the back doors would, indicate that rue climatic condit- ions are adverse to their propagation in this latiturle. The few sow observed seem t -a 1. in a very enfeebled. state. Slane the avow fell the sidewalks have been in a slippery state, and dangerous to the safety of pedestrians One day last week, wi.l'e a young lady was walking alma; Main Street, she slipped and tell head and shoulders through a large pane of glass in the drug store window. Luck. ily she sustained no injuries. Another circular has been issued by the Inland Revenue Department in reference to the destruction of cigar boxes. It states that dealers who desire to keep empty cigar boxes in their shops as "dummied" " nv do so if they will cut diagonally one cover ot eaez:eaar..v hnx, the portion re- moved to bo at least three inch., side from the corner. On Friday evening last Mr, and Mrs, David Spicer celebrated the 20th Anni- versary of their marriage by a China Wedding. There was a large circle of friends present, and an eujoyable evening was spent. The presents were numerous, appropriate and valuable. We wish Mr and Mrs. Spicer continued happiness and hope they may long live to enjoy each other friendship. Mr. Rich Greenwood, who atone time carried on the pump making business in this place. but now resides on Bruce street in London South, met with a very painful accident recently. Whilst working a tenon saw for the London Furniture Com - piny, he had the misfortune to have a sliver fly from the saw, penetrating his left eye about a quarter of an inch. He will probably lose the eye. Referring to the recent shootingaccident in Exeter the Clinton News Record says : "The Clinton Gun Club have made it a rule and advocated for years the prohibit- ing of outside shooting. Outsiders have n aright to shoot escaping birds, the pro- perty of the club. The accident at Exeter W 1, Fero }:I, Lambrooke. is a severe lesson, and should nerve all D. W. M. Bro Edward Gill. clubs to strictly prohibit outside shooting Chaplain Bro J• Spackman. as well as to warn outsiders ot the great Rec. Secy Bro L. H. Dickson. danger in which they wilfully place thein - Fin. Secy. Bro J. Ferguson. selves." Treas. Bro J. White. There has been a very respectable look D. of C. Bro R. Smale. ing gentleman going throughthe townships Lecturer Bro R. Dawe. of McGillivray and Stephen taking orders lijommittee :—Bro J Willis, Bro E. San- for tea, making a promise to every, one dere, Bro J Priscator, Bro W Snell, Bro J that gives an order for five pounds, that Gillespie. The annual report of the lodge they would receive a prize or a present of .vas pfesented which showed steady and some kind from an organ down to half a dozen knives. The tea came,e• but thee prizes satisfactory progress, as well as the finan- cial standing in flourishing condition. never came, but still making a promise Several brethren from neighboring lodges that the parties would receive them in two wereresent paying the lodge a ' fraternal weeks. Now let all parties be on the visit, among them being County Master, look out in other places for the fraud. A. M. Todd, of Clinton; J Hanley, C C The young man Graham. who was on• of Clinton; J Neil, District Master, of fortunate recently as to lose one of his eyes Biddulph district, and R Huxtable, Mas- on the occasion of the recentahootingmatch, ter of Hicks' lodge, 13iddulph. Bro Todd and whose recovery from the effects was resided over the meeting and installed at time doubtful, is now improving, the office s, after which speeches were although the shot which caused the losing deliver¢ v Bros Tood, Neil and Hanley, of theeye cannot be found or located. His on the •'' aa.aand obligations of Orangemen. medical attendant has hopes of his recovery A very e ut9ahie evening was spent, and since no disturbance in consequence of the ere. `,in �� several new members'the shot lodging in his head, has occurred at afder g lodge wa' iClosed izt:.the regular form by that date. dVo trust the young man, who Brod TO, and Iianley, intik full. pi hop- may ►mForer. The Results of :_ Wide Circulation. 1 $25,000 00 worth to be solid. Aust rtisenaeut in the Teaks never fails. Almost weekly we get proof of this. For at least IS mires around, the Tines is read, generally. Last vreek Mr. H. k lher, of Crediton, fomad two ladies' hat plumes and by au advertisement lathe Times an owner iu the person of Airs 0 Leary, of Mt, Carmel, Who Teed the, advertisement, was found, Advertisers wili,io Well to shake a. note Of this, haat Challenge, Last week we received a connnuniea- tiou from Charas Watts, of Toronto, ed- itor ef Free Thought. an anti•ehristiaaity journal, concerning some alleged state- ments made by Rev James Graham, of Ridgetow•u, while addressing an Exeter audience, on the ocasion of the recent anniversary of the :,lain St Methodist church The communication was in the shape of a ehal.emige to Mr Graham to discuss tile folIowin : );s Christianity of Divine origin and subitet to the needs of Mankind ' and "that laecularistn is sup- e rior to Christi deity fur either this or any Miler life." :the w^iter intimated that he had written Mr Graham challenging him, and wished us to publish the chell'rnge, of whieh the above is the purport Thinking that Watts w e, seeking a little cheap notoriety, we too4 the trouble of writing to xi (:rah:nn to a vertain as to whether be bail been chalituged, Mr Graham re- plied that he had not, and furthermore knew nothing of the man, We bad in- tended not mentioning the affair, but since the same challenge has appeared in other local papers, we merely* wish to inform the citizens of Exeter that they need not expect the diseneeion, ersonele, Mr. and Mrs IDI, Treble have returned from their honey moon trig, to ilicliigan, Mrs C. Eacrvtt, of Sarnia, spent sev- eral days of last week in torn ,---Mr, t,.. A. C. Denovan, of Toronto, visited Ex- eter on Saturday, to bear the new chanes of the Trivitt Memorial church.,. —Mr A. 'Walter, left Exeter on \Wanes- tlay for England, where he will join his wife and family and permanently lecate.—tfiss Ella. I'ttnson,who has been spending a ft s dal: visiting friends in Lutxtley, returned home this weep --Mr Chas. Senior, of Blcnhefnt, spent Sun- day with • his son, ,lt•weldi, here.— A number of our citi wns have been at. tacked by the grit lately, -,-.11l. Wilbur Alanning, of Clinton, spent Sunday with his parents in tow.t.-'-Mr. Rich. Doris whoshct f for sne: time is now able to be ,about the streets, although ho bus unit regained Itis usual hearth. --Wo are sorry to announce that 1Ir, Thos Shute is very ill ; also that Mr. 't'rrm, father of Mr. Chas Tont is confined to his bed. ---Mr. (leo, Knight, of Iidart( n, spent Sunday with his par. eats in town.—Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wren, of IIeneadl, ,spent Sunday with friends in town —Sunday last the town was thronged with visitors to hear the chimes ofthe Trivitt Memorial church. --Mr Frank Knight, 'wife and family, of Redondo Beach, California, formerly of Exeter, have returned to town to re- side. Mr. Knight is o ton of our worthy and esteemed station agent hero, and wont to California some years ago to seek his fortune, but Millie; to tind it has returned more fully impressed than ever that there is no place like Canada, —Mr R. O'Neil,. of Lucan, spent a few days of this week in town, tate quest of ids son, 1!Ir B. S. O'Neil, --Mr It, Sob don, of Ingersoll, spent a few days of last week in town,—Mr. J. W. Green, of the Parkhill (gazette, was in town on Saturday and gave the TmtEs a eall.— I Ir E. Jt, Emery, and bride, of Eden - grove, spent a few days of their honey- moon with Mr and Mrs G. Emery of this place, last week.—Mr David Bis- sett, of Windsor, 'vas home attending his mother's funeral this week.—The General Sessions opened at Goderieh on Tuesday, and at which the local mem- bers of the bar are present,—Mrs Xohu Shute, of Usborne, who has beenser- iously ill,we are pleased to announet, is recovering.—Miss Shannon, ot Goier- ich, is the guest of Mies E. Dyer.—Mr James Jewel left on Monday for Ena- ]and.—Miss Freid, of Stratford, who has been visiting the Misses Gould, re- turned home this week Additional Locals on 4th and 5th pages Overcoats rot half 'rcb tar prices at the Big Bankrupt Store. The roller rink will be converted into an ice rink for this season. A few ends of good sealette suitable for mens vests, "cheap" at the Big Bankrupt store. $25,00Q 00 worth to be sold. GB IHA'F SA RICHARD PICKARD'S We shall on Saturday (13th, inst) conulerice the greatest sale of general goods ever held in Exeter, The whole of our large stock will be offered at startling. ,re-- lct'lonsWe have ' dl llo space to enumerate; but we have put the knife into paces, and for the next v ii i ?i IDA:7"-S we `411l1 sell you good reliable goods, cheaper that cTer houses can sell you trashy, shoddy goods. - 3' �� yg >*le i>.lenaber this is not mere blow, and to test the truthfulness of our statements come and see our prices. V*4:43$474t) a AA —Special ind tcemeuts to rarties buying large parcels. DIAMONDS !TALK IS CHEAP We make a specialty of =e,zzol1$ and to Brest class of Jewelery, The rapidly rising value of dia- monds make then a .most desirable investment. With every diamond sold we give a guarantee to re -pur- chase same at any tune—les. five per cent. off price paid. We carry the largEst stock w st of Montreal, as our diamond business extends to all parts of the United States 1 at d Oanadv. Goods sent on approbation by p express or mail to responsible parties. A. MORD 1Y & 00., Cor. Richmond and Dundas Sts., , London, Ont. 1w bn se business is to Sell and not to satisfy. tJ,stnl,l elreti 1855)._.. __,.-- These are not our meth© .�-- �7'1�-�3 4EY'S ds, We call ten dollars ten dollars and not cline dollars and ninety-nine AFRICAN TRAVELS cents. This reckless reduction of price --thus dressing up a ten dollar bill to look like a nine—is a fake busia,ess. MR.'WM:. MINERS, of Elitnvillo, __ __. has ba.en appointed by the Presbyterian News Co., of Toronto, who control `tan- Talk is cheap when all its blowing ends 131 ley's works for Canada, as travelling ra agent for.the A man can dod pump business on a very airy capital. BLOW, BRAG anBLUSTER May eaten the ear of the buyer for at time, but it won't keep his trade. Talk is dear to the man who has his caution talked away, his scruples talked aside. To the vrcauan who is talked into over buying or buying . a style el goods that 'will not stand the test of un prejudiced judgment; such methods are only worthy OF A FAKIR AT A FAIR TERRITORY OF USBORNE and eastern half of the VILLAGE ul. EXETER, and through no other person can Stanley's works be bad. Mr. Miners has also anumber of other works on hand such as Dr. Talma;e's "From Manger to Throne" Ete. If Mr. Miners does not cull on you, any of the books will be sent on receipt of postal card. Wiyi. 1�I1NERS, Ellmville P.0, Ont. 1 Masonic Gathering. On Friday evening a fu , Toronto, visited No 133 A. F. dp A. his lecturing tour Robertson is one of Masons in Canada, entering the lodge the very large arta were many brethren lodges. After the Was �,,�, fug into an atldresg that he wished no What might be spent be better applied w widows and toac,tre on 'masonry Scotland, Ireland an hour and a h reference to Cana first lodges were 5 in 1791 and in collecting of go tau when your work on h th world's 1 ft Richard Pickard is selling gents suits and overcoats ready made or to order cheaper than any other house in the trade. Messrs W. H Verity & Sona have shipped two of their celebrated plows to the Jamaica (W. 1.) exhibition. Mr. Wm. Davidson has been appointed leaner of the James-st chinch choir, in the room and stead of Mr. Ed Roberts remov- ed to Toronto. Ladies you can save from 25 per cent to 50 per cent by purchasing your mantles, mantle cloths and dress goods from us during our great sale. Richard Pickard. Its a remarkable fact that the Big Bank- rupt Store appears to be doing more business this fall than all the other stores combined "Hurrah for the Big Store. At a .meeting of the Y. P. C. E. society of the James -at Methodist church, on Tuesday Mr. Geo. Russell was elected »resident, vice Mr, Ed Roberts, removed, 1 tehard Pickard is offering $25,000 worth of goods for sale at startling re- ductions, now is the time to buy your goods and save money. The text book on agriculture just issued by the Ontario Educational Department, for use in our public schools, will meet with popular approval. It is a step in the right direction. Boots and Shoes at prices that defy competition at the Big Bankrupt Store. Ladies ! do you need any Sealettes or Satin Mervs? if you do, lust see what they are offering at the Big Bankrupt Store. Everything in the far line will be clear- ed regardless of cost during Richard Pickard's great sale. horses was shipped from s of A carload PP Exeter station on Tuesday for the U. 5. The cargo comprised a fine looking lot of animals. Mciiinley has not stopped the: horse trade altogether. The Yankees Mlle; hal': u 11=1=s. ascan a tirglast Right Worship- the town.—C.B. 1 Grand ;4lasier, J Rosa Robertson, One Cent off Ten Dollars We can show you something cheapexs than talk ---we mean our yroods—'for talk is dear at any price. Goods with an honest X on them and not ten worked over to look as it it Vele a nine. Its a fake lit to go along with Barnuln's circus and show hill exaggeration which describes the goods. Plain. nealiz.g hem no Squealing! r you hear.r. CARLING BROS. P,. ---We still have our celebrated 25c Tea the talk of on, of Lebanon Forest Lodge, lf;, on the occasion of through Canada. Mr the most distinguished and was received on with grand honors, by .dance, among whom from neighboring routine, Mr Robertson c d but before enter '�'�^'�rnen ca,o brethren money epen>r , . in his honor wotiTu were it donated to the orphans of the town. His y took in England, and Canada, and was of airs duration. With Canada he stated thatthe instituted in Halifax.. N. Clntarle in 1797 and 1803. Bro Robertson gave a very inter eating resume of the advance of 'Free masonry in this Dominion from those early dates down to the present time. The ch information, which required visits to the grand lodges of Europe, the United States and Canada, was a task that none but the most enthus iastic mason would face, and could anly have obtained after most iiligent research and heavy expense. The Craft are ander deep obligations to the distinguished brother for unearthing so much valuable information, and his lecture cannot fail in doing a vast amount of good. At the close of the lecture Bro ]i1. Spackman, Worship ful Master of Lebanon Forest Lodge read the following address, which was beauti fully illuminated. It was , the. work of Bro W. D. Weekes,who came in for a good share of praise from the Grand Master, for his superior penmanship: ;t To the Most Worshipful John .Rosa Robertson, Grand afaeter of the Grand Lodge of Canada, A.F.&A,AI Mos, WORSHIPFUL. Stn & Sso..--We, the Worshiptul Master, Wardens. Officers and Members of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & A. M.. G. R.'C. Exeter„ embrace this (to us) most gratifying opportunity of extending to you a unoere, unanimous and hearty wel- come to ear lodge. We are deeply sensible of the boner by this vials noufnrred upon us, and sincerely trust that the benefits tone, asMasona, resulting therefrom may be great ar,d parting. We eongratulato you most W orahtpfi,lSirupoa honored positi your elevation to the on in the council of the Masonic body in Canada, your deserved popularity with its members,, and par- tioulsrly your splendid exeoutire and adminis- trative dminis- trativeability. We likewise congrateiate you upon:the manifest enthusiasm and tile great success that has attended, your preshnt tour among Mason Lodges of Western (interne We express our sincere thanks for the honor you have conferred on our lodge by apPointin$ one of our members an officer of the Grand Lodge of Canada And lastly, most Worshipf�,l Sir. we sincerely Pray that the Grand Are t"'ect of the Universe maybeetow on you leap ttyeara and oontinue in you that olearness , or of nowpossess, and ••^ v 'ntelleotyou i She a i, 5 earth is cam and welcome you into the Grand were a .woe s Great Arch: re gni o ever andever, /Lit uai Munn 1e seermiully pr EOM ONE IORTO Having bought the Grocery and Crockery Stock of 'Roberts', have moved our ■ ig Stock()Monts CLOTHING, ETC., The Biggest in the County—one door north of my old stand, FAN SON'S BLOCK, EXETER, Christmas Goods at Spackman's BIG BARGAIN S in Crockery and Glassware for Xmas. BIG BARGAINS in Overcoats and Clothing for Xmas. BIG Br's.RGA1NS in Boots and Shoes for Xmas. Air Remember this is the Largest Stock of BOOTS&SHOES and CLOTHING in the county. J. SPACK1Y1AN Fanson's Block, Exeter. G -o TO - Goldsmith + Hall! >► nanoner WATCHES,— CLOCKS,— JE WELRY, ATCHES,—CLOCKS,—JEWELRY, SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. •'ersonalattentioagiven to repairing of tn watohea,olookea d ewelry- v 7,ICHENBACH, �tilef PARKHILL CENTRAL barber Shop, FANSON'S BLOCK, A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Hair outing in the 1a3e4 ay t le-ai she art. Every attention paid to entting Lrties' etioChi/ re s;'aarr. 1 1